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The alpha-Proteobacterium Bartonella is a common parasite of voles and mice, giving rise to short-lived (4 weeks to 2 months) infections. Here, we report high sequence diversity in genes of the VirB/VirD type IV secretion system (T4SS), amongst Bartonella from natural rodent populations in NE Poland. The VirB5 protein is predicted to consist of three conserved alpha helices separated by loops of variable length which include numerous indels. The C-terminal domain includes repeat stretches of KEK residues, reflecting underlying homopolymeric stretches of adenine residues. A total of 16 variants of VirB5, associated with host identity, but not bacterial taxon, were identified from 22 Bartonella isolates. One was clearly a recombinant from two others, another included an insertion of two KEK repeats. The virB5 gene appears to evolve via both mutation and recombination, as well as slippage mediated insertion/deletion events. The recombinational units are thought to be relatively short, as there was no evidence of linkage disequilibrium between virB5 and the bepA locus only 5.5 kb distant. The diversity of virB5 is assumed to be related to immunological role of this protein in Bartonella infections; diversity of virB5 may assist persistence of Bartonella in the rodent population, despite the relatively short (3-4 weeks) duration of individual infections. It is clear from the distribution of virB5 and bepA alleles that recombination within and between clades is widespread, and frequently crosses the boundaries of conventionally recognised Bartonella species.  相似文献   

莫索湾垦区啮齿动物群落结构与物种多样性分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
2004年6~8月对莫索湾垦区啮齿动物调查,按不同生境共抽取18个样地,采用铗日法进行鼠类密度调查,共置10400个铗日,捕获啮齿动物446只,分属3科9属11种。经聚类分析,该垦区鼠类群落可划分为6种群落类型:(1)以大沙鼠(Rhombomys opimus)+子午沙鼠(Meriones meridianus)为主的荒漠型;(2)以红尾沙鼠(Meriones erythrourus)+小五趾跳鼠(Allactaga elater)为主的半荒漠灌丛型;(3)以柽柳沙鼠(Meriones tamariscinus)+小林姬鼠(Apodemus sylvaticus)为主的林地型;(4)以小家鼠(Mus musculus)+小林姬鼠为主的农田型;(5)以灰仓鼠(Cricetulus migratorius)+子午沙鼠为主的弃耕地型;(6)以褐家鼠(Rattus norvegicus)为主的城镇型。从原始荒漠到城镇居民区的环境梯度变化中,鼠类群落多样性指数呈上升趋势(1.1053~1.2744),到农田达到最大,农田到居民区则略有下降;均匀性随各群落生境类型不同,变化无规律性(0.6423≤J≤0.9207);优势度则呈下降趋势(0.4176~0.3368)。生境差异、植被盖度和人为干扰强度对鼠类群落多样性均有一定影响。  相似文献   

Thirty‐seven isolates of Didymella bryoniae from three Cucurbitaceae species were collected in Brazil and tested for pathogenicity to watermelon. All isolates were pathogenic but differed in aggressiveness levels. Seven representative isolates were used in cross‐pathogenicity tests against 10 cucurbitaceous hosts. Most isolates were pathogenic to most host species tested, except to Sechium edule. Among the susceptible species, Citrullus and Cucumis species were the most susceptible hosts, while pumpkin and Luffa purgans were the most resistant. Host of origin affected the pattern of aggressiveness on each host. Isolates from watermelon were very aggressive to their original host, but much less aggressive or not pathogenic at all to some Cucurbita. Two previously described random‐amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)‐specific primers indicated that 81% of the isolates could be classified into the so‐called RG I group, while the remaining isolates could not be classified into any of the described RG groups. All 37 isolates were further characterized by RAPD fingerprinting and compared with three US isolates representative of RG I and RG II groups. The Brazilian D. bryoniae isolates could be separated into genetically similar clusters. The majority of the isolates were grouped in cluster DB Ia, which contained only isolates of Citrullus lanatus and Cucumis melo. Two of the American isolates used as controls clustered with this group at 68% similarity level. The DB Ib cluster included three Brazilian isolates obtained from melon and watermelon and the American representative for RG II, at a lower similarity level (43%). Two isolates from watermelon clustered with one isolate from melon in a separate group (DB II), while one single isolate from pumpkin (DB III) showed the lowest genetic similarity to all other isolates. Didymella bryoniae isolates from Brazil showed, therefore, a level of genetic diversity higher than previously reported for the species. RAPD fingerprinting allowed for geographical distinction of D. bryoniae isolates but no correlation between genetic distance, aggressiveness or origin of the isolate was found.  相似文献   

Relationships between host and microbial diversity have important ecological and applied implications. Theory predicts that these relationships will depend on the spatio-temporal scale of the analysis and the niche breadth of the organisms in question, but representative data on host-microbial community assemblage in nature is lacking. We employed a natural gradient of rodent species richness and quantified bacterial communities in rodent blood at several hierarchical spatial scales to test the hypothesis that associations between host and microbial species diversity will be positive in communities dominated by organisms with broad niches sampled at large scales. Following pyrosequencing of rodent blood samples, bacterial communities were found to be comprised primarily of broad niche lineages. These communities exhibited positive correlations between host diversity, microbial diversity and the likelihood for rare pathogens at the regional scale but not at finer scales. These findings demonstrate how microbial diversity is affected by host diversity at different spatial scales and suggest that the relationships between host diversity and overall disease risk are not always negative, as the dilution hypothesis predicts.  相似文献   

The genus Laccaria (Hydnangiaceae, Agaricales) plays an important role in forest ecosystems as an ectomycorrhizal fungus, contributing to nutrient cycles through symbiosis with many types of trees. Though understanding Laccaria diversity and distribution patterns, as well as its association with host plants, is fundamental to constructing a balanced plant diversity and conducting effective forest management, previous studies have not been effective in accurately investigating, as they relied heavily on specimen collection alone. To investigate the true diversity and distribution pattern of Laccaria species and determine their host types, we used four different approaches: specimen-based analysis, open database search (ODS), NGS analysis, and species-specific PCR (SSP). As a result, 14 Laccaria species have been confirmed in Korea. Results regarding the species distribution pattern were different between specimen-based analysis and SSP. However, when both were integrated, the exact distribution pattern of each Laccaria species was determined. In addition, the SSP revealed that many Laccaria species have a wide range of host types. This study shows that using these four different approaches is useful in determining the diversity, distribution, and host of ECM fungi. Furthermore, results obtained for Laccaria will serve as a baseline to help understand the role of ECM fungi in forest management in response to climate change.  相似文献   

We investigated the empirical relationship between mean abundance and its variance, known as Taylor’s power law, in fleas parasitic on small mammals. It has been suggested that the exponent of this function, b, represents a true biological character of a species and, dependent on the level of host specificity, varies among species. Other empirical and theoretical studies suggest that exponent b depends on interspecific competition and varies intraspecifically. We tested these hypotheses using data from central and eastern Slovakia. We demonstrate that the slope of Taylor’s relationship (a) is repeatable within a flea species, i.e. the slope represents a true species character; (b) increases with an increase of the degree of flea host specificity; and (c) decreases with an increase in flea community size. We discuss our results with the idea that the host can mediate interactions among and within flea species. Co-ordinating editor: A. Biere  相似文献   

The rhizobial community indigenous to the Okavango region has not yet been characterized. The isolation of indigenous rhizobia can provide a basis for the formulation of a rhizobial inoculant. Moreover, their identification and characterization contribute to the general understanding of species distribution and ecology. Isolates were obtained from nodules of local varieties of the pulses cowpea, Bambara groundnut, peanut, hyacinth bean, and common bean. Ninety-one of them were identified by BOX repetitive element PCR (BOX-PCR) and sequence analyses of the 16S-23S rRNA internally transcribed spacer (ITS) and the recA, glnII, rpoB, and nifH genes. A striking geographical distribution was observed. Bradyrhizobium pachyrhizi dominated at sampling sites in Angola which were characterized by acid soils and a semihumid climate. Isolates from the semiarid sampling sites in Namibia were more diverse, with most of them being related to Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense and Bradyrhizobium daqingense. Host plant specificity was observed only for hyacinth bean, which was nodulated by rhizobia presumably representing yet-undescribed species. Furthermore, the isolates were characterized with respect to their adaptation to high temperatures, drought, and local host plants. The adaptation experiments revealed that the Namibian isolates shared an exceptionally high temperature tolerance, but none of the isolates showed considerable adaptation to drought. Moreover, the isolates'' performance on different local hosts showed variable results, with most Namibian isolates inducing better nodulation on peanut and hyacinth bean than the Angolan strains. The local predominance of distinct genotypes implies that indigenous strains may exhibit a better performance in inoculant formulations.  相似文献   

东灵山辽东栎林啮齿动物群落组成及多样性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
1999~ 2 0 0 1年采用标记重捕法对东灵山小龙门林场辽东栎林啮齿动物群落进行了 1 2次调查。共布 2 93 6笼日 ,捕得啮齿动物 2 68只 ,平均捕获率为 9%。啮齿动物群落包括三科四属 ,由朝鲜姬鼠(Apodemuspeninsulae)、社鼠 (Niviventerconfucianus)、棕背 (Clethrionomysrufocanus)和花鼠 (Eotamiassibiricus)组成 ,分别占群落的 85 5 %、8 6%、3 0 %和 2 6%;朝鲜姬鼠为优势鼠种。标记重捕调查表明朝鲜姬鼠重捕率无性别差异 (t =0 91 3 ,P >0 0 5 )。啮齿动物物种多样性指数和均匀度指数均呈“低 高 低”年间波动趋势 ,差异不显著 (t=0 1 65 ,P >0 0 5 ) ;生态优势度指数变化趋势反之 ,样地间无显著差异(t=0 0 64,P >0 0 5 )。可以认为该地区辽东栎林中啮齿动物群落结构较稳定。  相似文献   

The abundance of cyanophages infecting marine Synechococcus spp. increased with increasing salinity in three Georgia coastal rivers. About 80% of the cyanophage isolates were cyanomyoviruses. High cross-infectivity was found among the cyanophages infecting phycoerythrin-containing Synechococcus strains. Cyanophages in the river estuaries were diverse in terms of their morphotypes and genotypes.  相似文献   

Virophages, which are potentially important ecological regulators, have been discovered in association with members of the order Megavirales. Sputnik virophages target the Mimiviridae, Mavirus was identified with the Cafeteria roenbergensis virus, and virophage genomes reconstructed by metagenomic analyses may be associated with the Phycodnaviridae. Despite the fact that the Sputnik virophages were isolated with viruses belonging to group A of the Mimiviridae, they can grow in amoebae infected by Mimiviridae from groups A, B or C. In this study we describe Zamilon, the first virophage isolated with a member of group C of the Mimiviridae family. By co-culturing amoebae with purified Zamilon, we found that the virophage is able to multiply with members of groups B and C of the Mimiviridae family but not with viruses from group A. Zamilon has a 17,276 bp DNA genome that potentially encodes 20 genes. Most of these genes are closely related to genes from the Sputnik virophage, yet two are more related to Megavirus chiliensis genes, a group B Mimiviridae, and one to Moumouvirus monve transpoviron.  相似文献   

In the Janzen–Connell hypothesis, host-specific natural enemies enhance species diversity and influence the structure of plant communities. This study tests the explicit assumption of host specificity for soil pathogens of the genus Pythium that cause damping-off disease of germinating seeds and seedlings. We isolated Pythium spp. from soil of a tropical forest in Panama. Then, in an inoculation experiment, we determined the pathogenicity of 75 tropical isolates of unknown pathogenicity and seven pathogenic temperate isolates of Pythium on seeds and/or seedlings of eight tropical tree species. Only three tropical isolates, one identified as P. ultimum and two as P. aphanidermatum , were pathogenic. Tropical pathogenic isolates were pathogenic on 4–6 of eight tree species. Temperate isolates were pathogenic on 0–4 of eight species, indicating that some tropical tree species are susceptible to novel isolates of Pythium . No tree species was susceptible to all isolates and two species were not susceptible to any isolate. Collectively, these results indicate that these Pythium isolates vary widely in their pathogenicity, causing differential mortality of potential host species; likewise, the tree species vary in their susceptibility to a given Pythium isolate. These differences in pathogenicity and susceptibility indicate some support for the Janzen–Connell assumption of host specificity. While they are not restricted to a single species, their intermediate level of specificity suggests that Pythium spp. have the potential to have some effect on forest community structure and diversity.  相似文献   

开垦会导致荒漠化的加剧,并对动物群落产生严重的影响。而功能多样性恰恰能体现环境或干扰胁迫导致的群落结构差异。但有关啮齿动物群落功能多样性的研究并不多见,为此,我们在2018至2020年的4月、7月和10月利用铗日法对开垦区和未开垦区的啮齿动物群落进行调查,选择并量化了与其营养、生活史、生理、形态及活动节律等相关的5个功能性状,以探讨开垦对啮齿动物群落组成的影响,以及性状组成和功能多样性变化。研究结果表明:(1)开垦区群落的丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数均低于未开垦区,开垦改变了啮齿动物群落性状组成;(2)阿拉善荒漠啮齿动物群落组成与蛰眠、繁殖周期和食性等功能性状显著相关;(3)开垦区春、秋季群落功能丰富度和功能均匀度高于未开垦区,各季节群落功能离散度显著高于未开垦区;而未开垦区夏季群落功能丰富度高于开垦区,秋季群落功能均匀度高于开垦区;(4)开垦区和未开垦区群落功能丰富度最高值均出现在夏季,二者在不同季节间差异较大;开垦区群落功能均匀度最高值出现在春季、功能离散度最高值出现在秋季,二者在季节间差异均较小;未开垦群落功能均匀度最高值出现在秋季、功能离散度最高值出现在夏季,二者在季节间差异均较大。上述结果说明,阿拉善荒漠区啮齿动物群落功能多样性变化与土地开垦和季节相关联,开垦会从啮齿动物群落的生态空间利用程度、资源利用、种间竞争及生态位等方面影响群落功能多样性。  相似文献   

The degree of host specificity, its phylogenetic conservativeness and origin are virtually unknown in Eimeria. This situation is largely due to the inadequate sample of eimerian molecular data available for reliable phylogenetic analyses. In this study, we extend the data set by adding 71 new sequences of coccidia infecting 16 small-mammal genera, mostly rodents. According to the respective feasibility of PCR gene amplification, the new samples are represented by one or more of the following genes: nuclear 18S rRNA, plastid ORF 470, and mitochondrial COI. Phylogenetic analyses of these sequences confirm the previous hypothesis that Eimeria, in its current morphology-based delimitation, is not a monophyletic group. Several samples of coccidia corresponding morphologically to other genera are scattered among the Eimeria lineages. More importantly, the distribution of eimerians from different hosts indicates that the clustering of eimerian species is influenced by their host specificity, but does not arise from a cophylogenetic/cospeciation process; while several clusters are specific to a particular host group, inner topologies within these clusters do not reflect host phylogeny. This observation suggests that the host specificity of Eimeria is caused by adaptive rather than cophylogenetic processes.  相似文献   

We analyzed the abundance and diversity of Heteromyid and Murid rodents in the Lagos de Montebello National Park and adjacent areas, Chiapas, Mexico. We sampled three habitat types with different degrees of disturbance: pine-oak-liquidambar forest, ecotone and crop farming lands. Habitat types were defined considering characteristics such as heterogeneity, structural complexity and arboreal cover. We obtained ancillary habitat data considered important for small mammal requirements. Data on rodent communities were obtained by capture-mark-recapture between February and October 1996. We made 410 captures in 3820 trap-nights effort. Ten species were recorded, including one endemic with restricted distribution in Chiapas. Mouse diversity in the forest was significantly higher than within the farm lands. A Kendall correlation analysis showed positive relationship between rodent community species richness and habitat heterogeneity. Diversity of rodents was associated with the habitat complexity and structural elements, and negatively correlated with farming intensity. We found a high beta diversity and low similarity of the rodent communities in the three different habitats. Community composition strongly changed from the forest through the ecotone into the farm lands, with five species gained and seven species lost. The highest species richness was found in the ecotone; however, it showed a strong dominance of a single species that can convert into a plague of crops, and relatively low abundance of the other species. The pine-oak-liquidambar forest had the highest diversity indices, sheltering a particular rodent community within the study area, it therefore probably has the most important role in the conservation of the local biodiversity.  相似文献   

Hershey AD  Davidson H 《Genetics》1951,36(6):667-675

This study was undertaken in order to characterize Cryptosporidium meleagridis isolated from a turkey in Hungary and to compare the morphologies, host specificities, organ locations, and small-subunit RNA (SSU rRNA) gene sequences of this organism and other Cryptosporidium species. The phenotypic differences between C. meleagridis and Cryptosporidium parvum Hungarian calf isolate (zoonotic genotype) oocysts were small, although they were statistically significant. Oocysts of C. meleagridis were successfully passaged in turkeys and were transmitted from turkeys to immunosuppressed mice and from mice to chickens. The location of C. meleagridis was the small intestine, like the location of C. parvum. A comparison of sequence data for the variable region of the SSU rRNA gene of C. meleagridis isolated from turkeys with other Cryptosporidium sequence data in the GenBank database revealed that the Hungarian C. meleagridis sequence is identical to a C. meleagridis sequence recently described for a North Carolina isolate. Thus, C. meleagridis is a distinct species that occurs worldwide and has a broad host range, like the C. parvum zoonotic strain (also called the calf or bovine strain) and Cryptosporidium felis. Because birds are susceptible to C. meleagridis and to some zoonotic strains of C. parvum, these animals may play an active role in contamination of surface waters not only with Cryptosporidium baileyi but also with C. parvum-like parasites.  相似文献   

I conducted small-mammal trapping surveys on a desert scrub restoration site in Palm Springs, California, to document concomitant recovery of the rodent community. These surveys were conducted following quantitative vegetation sampling efforts that indicated that a predefined successful restoration criterion of 15% total shrub cover had been met throughout most of the area. But shrub cover, native shrub cover, herb cover, native herb cover, total cover, and total native cover remained significantly lower in the restoration area than in undeveloped desert scrub immediately surrounding the site. Native herb species richness was also generally lower in the restoration area. Despite these vegetation differences, rodent diversity, evenness, and abundance were very similar between the restoration and natural areas (they were consistently slightly higher in the restoration area). More diverse microhabitats, proximity to water, and reduced competition with harvester ants may have contributed to this outcome. If ecosystem restoration is the goal, reestablishment of a faunal community in restored habitat, rather than surpassing a predefined percent cover of vegetation, may be a better indicator of success, because plant cover proved to be a poor predictor of mammal success.  相似文献   

EcoHealth - Certain bat species serve as natural reservoirs for pathogens in several key viral families including henipa-, lyssa-, corona-, and filoviruses, which may pose serious threats to human...  相似文献   

Some generalizations of a decade ago are reexamined in light of modern advances in coccidiology. Perhaps surprisingly, not many modifications need or can yet be made. Future successes of significance will be in areas of immunology and chemical genetics.  相似文献   

The diverse ecological roles played by different rodent species mean that the loss of some species and superabundance of others could potentially influence a wide range of ecological processes. Hong Kong (22° N, 114° E), with seven million people in a land area of 1100 km2, could be considered a `worst case scenario' for the survival of mammalian diversity. Existing information on rodents in Hong Kong was compiled from previous published and unpublished studies, and additional trapping was conducted at 17 non-urban sites. The rodent fauna of modern Hong Kong consists of eight species of rats and mice (Bandicota indica, Mus caroli, M. musculus, Niviventer fulvescens, Rattus norvegicus, R. rattus, R. tanezumi, R. sikkimensis: Muridae), one porcupine (Hystrix brachyura: Hystricidae), and one recently introduced tree squirrel (Callosciurus erythraeus: Sciuridae). Six of the murids are urban or agricultural commensals, so only the porcupine and two murids, N. fulvescens and R. sikkimensis, are likely survivors of Hong Kong's pre-deforestation native rodent fauna. The two murids co-dominate in forest and shrubland, but can also move through grassland, which has probably enabled their survival through repeated cycles of fragmentation and regrowth. Additional forest rodents that may have inhabited Hong Kong in the past are tentatively identified from information on their recent distributions in the region. One possible ecological consequence of Hong Kong's depleted rodent fauna is a shift in the balance between seed predation and seed dispersal, in favor of the former.  相似文献   

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