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硫代葡萄糖苷及其降解产物异硫代氰酸盐   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
硫代葡萄糖苷是一种含硫的次级代谢产物,广泛分布于十字花科植物中。不同的栽培种、不同的生理阶段、不同的组织部位以及不同的栽培条件,都会使植物中含有的硫代葡萄糖苷的含量和成分有所变化。当硫代葡萄糖苷经葡萄糖硫苷酶作用时会发生降解,生成异硫代氰酸盐等产物。采后的一系列处理会影响植物中硫代葡萄糖苷的含量。硫代葡萄糖苷的降解产物异硫代氰酸盐作为一种化学预防剂,能抑制阶段Ⅰ酶(phase Ⅰ enzyme),诱导阶段Ⅱ酶(phaseⅡenzyme),从而防止癌症的发生。目前对硫代葡萄糖苷的鉴定方法主要是高效液相色谱法,气相色谱法等。  相似文献   

Glucosinolates (GSLs) are secondary metabolites found in Brassica vegetables that confer on them resistance against pests and diseases. Both GSLs and glucosinolate hydrolysis products (GHPs) have shown positive effects in reducing soil pathogens. Information about their in vitro biocide effects is scarce, but previous studies have shown sinigrin GSLs and their associated allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) to be soil biocides. The objective of this work was to evaluate the biocide effects of 17 GSLs and GHPs and of leaf methanolic extracts of different GSL-enriched Brassica crops on suppressing in vitro growth of two bacterial (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris and Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola) and two fungal (Alternaria brassicae and Sclerotinia scletoriorum) Brassica pathogens. GSLs, GHPs, and methanolic leaf extracts inhibited the development of the pathogens tested compared to the control, and the effect was dose dependent. Furthermore, the biocide effects of the different compounds studied were dependent on the species and race of the pathogen. These results indicate that GSLs and their GHPs, as well as extracts of different Brassica species, have potential to inhibit pathogen growth and offer new opportunities to study the use of Brassica crops in biofumigation for the control of multiple diseases.  相似文献   

An aquatic 24-hour lethality test using Caenorhabditis elegans was used to assess toxicity of glucosinolates and their enzymatic breakdown products. In the absence of the enzyme thioglucosidase (myrosinase), allyl glucosinolate (sinigrin) was found to be nontoxic at all concentrations tested, while a freeze-dried, dialyzed water extract of Crambe abyssinica containing 26% 2-hydroxyl 3-butenyl glucosinolate (epi-progoitrin) had a 50% lethal concentration (LC₅₀) of 18.5 g/liter. Addition of the enzyme increased the toxicity (LC₅₀ value) of sinigrin to 0.5 g/liter, but the enzyme had no effect on the toxicity of the C. abyssinica extract. Allyl isothiocyanate and allyl cyanide, two possible breakdown products of sinigrin, had an LC₅₀ value of 0.04 g/liter and approximately 3 g/liter, respectively. Liquid chromatographic studies showed that a portion of the sinigrin decomposed into allyl isothiocyanate. The results indicated that allyl isothiocyanate is nearly three orders of magnitude more toxic to C. elegans than the corresponding glncosinolate, suggesting isothiocyanate formation would improve nematode control from application of glucosinolates.  相似文献   

硫代葡萄糖苷的降解途径及其产物的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
硫代葡萄糖苷(GS)是一类广泛存在于植物界的次生代谢产物,其降解产物具有多种活跃的化学和生物活性.GS种类繁多,根据其侧链R基团来源不同可以分为脂肪族、芳香族和吲哚族3大类.GS降解过程受多种因素影响而难以控制:不同种类的GS在硫苷酶作用下产生异硫氰酸酯类、腈类、硫氰酸酯类、环腈类、恶唑烷酮类化合物等,在较高温度下能发生自降解,在强酸、强碱以及某些化学物质的作用下也不稳定,也能在微生物作用下有效降解.该文从影响GS降解的内源和外源因素入手,系统阐述了GS的酶降解、热降解、化学降解、微生物降解等途径及其产物,为理论研究和生产实践中GS降解的控制提供信息.  相似文献   

内生真菌及其对宿主植物生态适应性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从植物-真菌的相互作用和植物体内微生态学的角度,综述近年来植物-内生真菌互作关系的研究进展,分析在生物和非生物环境因子胁迫下,植物内生真菌对宿主生态适应能力的影响及其可能的机制,特别强调将植物及其内生微生物作为一个整体研究的重要性,表明植物内生真菌作为一类重要的微生物资源,可以在增强植物的生态适应性,缓解全球气候变化对植物和人类的压力方面发挥其重要的作用,因而具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of heavy metals on leaf litter decomposition in streams. Leaves were immersed (10 days) at a reference (R) and a metal‐impacted (I) site and exposed in microcosms with increased Zn, Mn or Fe content, and to stream water from site R or I. Fungal biomass was higher in microcosms with leaves colonized at I and water from R. Fungal sporulation was higher in microcosms with leaves and water from R. Concentrations of 4.9, 9.6 and 5 ppm of Zn, Mn and Fe decrease fungal sporulation. The number of fungal species (spore counts and DGGE fingerprints) was lower in leaves colonized at site I. Cluster analyses of DGGE showed that Fe was the metal that most altered the structure of fungal community. Our results suggest that metal pollution affect leaf‐associated fungi depending on metal identity and concentration, and effects appear to be less pronounced in metal‐adapted communities. (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

AYTOUN  R. S. C. 《Annals of botany》1956,20(2):297-305
In vitro and in vivo investigations have been carried out intothe reaction of actively growing hyphae of Botrytis spp. onencountering an environment containing griseofulvin. In vitro, the reactions noted were slowing of the growth rate,stimulation to branching, abnormal appearance of hyphal protoplasm,and loss of rigidity of the hyphal membrane in the region ofthe tip. The antibiotic is not translocated within the mycelium. In vivo, Botrytis tulipae was incapable of penetrating cellmembranes in the stem of tulips watered with griseofulvin. Theantibiotic was shown to delay or to prohibit the penetrationof onion epithelium by B. allii, depending on concentration.The characteristic curling and stunting of hyphae caused bygriseofulvin have both been observed to occur in plant cells.  相似文献   

海洋真菌及其活性代谢产物研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
微生物生理活性物质对人类健康极其重要。近年来,海洋微生物研究逐步成为热点,而海洋真菌是海洋微生物的重要组成部分。当前,具有生物活性的海洋真菌代谢产物被广泛应用于食品和医药产业中,研究和开发海洋真菌的生物活性代谢产物具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

柑橘对丛枝菌根(AM)真菌具有较高的依赖性,从柑橘园土壤中分离筛选的高效促生AM真菌菌株具有重要的应用价值。本研究从广东增城柑橘园(酸橘砧‘红江橙’)土壤中分离的4个AM真菌土著菌株对‘红江橙’幼苗的促生效应。结果表明,4个土著菌株分别是Scutellospora属和Glomus属菌株,根系侵染率为12.7%~29.3%;与不接种对照相比,4个土著菌株不同程度地促进‘红江橙’幼苗的株高、生物量和N、P、K养分含量,菌根依赖性达9.4%~37.1%;主成分分析表明,土著菌株ZCSP-D的促生效应达到常用优良菌株Rhizophagus irregularis的水平。  相似文献   

Rhizoctonia solani is a nectrotrophic fungal pathogen that causes billions of dollars of damage to agriculture worldwide and infects a broad host range including wheat, rice, potato and legumes. In this study we identify wheat genes that are differentially expressed in response to the R. solani isolate, AG8, using microarray technology. A significant number of wheat genes identified in this screen were involved in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and redox regulation. Levels of ROS species were increased in wheat root tissue following R. solani infection as determined by Nitro Blue Tetrazolium (NBT), 3,3''-diaminobenzidine (DAB) and titanium sulphate measurements. Pathogen/ROS related genes from R. solani were also tested for expression patterns upon wheat infection. TmpL, a R. solani gene homologous to a gene associated with ROS regulation in Alternaria brassicicola, and OAH, a R. solani gene homologous to oxaloacetate acetylhydrolase which has been shown to produce oxalic acid in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, were highly induced in R. solani when infecting wheat. We speculate that the interplay between the wheat and R. solani ROS generating proteins may be important for determining the outcome of the wheat/R. solani interaction.  相似文献   

Thermophilic Fungi: Their Physiology and Enzymes   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
Thermophilic fungi are a small assemblage in mycota that have a minimum temperature of growth at or above 20°C and a maximum temperature of growth extending up to 60 to 62°C. As the only representatives of eukaryotic organisms that can grow at temperatures above 45°C, the thermophilic fungi are valuable experimental systems for investigations of mechanisms that allow growth at moderately high temperature yet limit their growth beyond 60 to 62°C. Although widespread in terrestrial habitats, they have remained underexplored compared to thermophilic species of eubacteria and archaea. However, thermophilic fungi are potential sources of enzymes with scientific and commercial interests. This review, for the first time, compiles information on the physiology and enzymes of thermophilic fungi. Thermophilic fungi can be grown in minimal media with metabolic rates and growth yields comparable to those of mesophilic fungi. Studies of their growth kinetics, respiration, mixed-substrate utilization, nutrient uptake, and protein breakdown rate have provided some basic information not only on thermophilic fungi but also on filamentous fungi in general. Some species have the ability to grow at ambient temperatures if cultures are initiated with germinated spores or mycelial inoculum or if a nutritionally rich medium is used. Thermophilic fungi have a powerful ability to degrade polysaccharide constituents of biomass. The properties of their enzymes show differences not only among species but also among strains of the same species. Their extracellular enzymes display temperature optima for activity that are close to or above the optimum temperature for the growth of organism and, in general, are more heat stable than those of the mesophilic fungi. Some extracellular enzymes from thermophilic fungi are being produced commercially, and a few others have commercial prospects. Genes of thermophilic fungi encoding lipase, protease, xylanase, and cellulase have been cloned and overexpressed in heterologous fungi, and pure crystalline proteins have been obtained for elucidation of the mechanisms of their intrinsic thermostability and catalysis. By contrast, the thermal stability of the few intracellular enzymes that have been purified is comparable to or, in some cases, lower than that of enzymes from the mesophilic fungi. Although rigorous data are lacking, it appears that eukaryotic thermophily involves several mechanisms of stabilization of enzymes or optimization of their activity, with different mechanisms operating for different enzymes.  相似文献   

The mold flora of certain frozen pastries and chicken pies was investigated. Molds were determined qualitatively or quantitatively, or both, by preparing pour plates of the blended product and incubating the plates at various temperatures. The mesophilic fungal flora developed on plates incubated at 10 and 20 C, whereas psychrophilic fungi were obtained on plates incubated at 0 and 5 C. About 2,000 cultures of fungi, representing about 100 different species, were isolated from various products. Four different brands of blueberry, two brands of cherry pastries, two brands of apple, and one brand of raspberry pastries were examined. In addition, two brands of chicken pies were studied. Blueberry pastries had a much higher total fungal population than the other products, although different brands of blueberry pastries varied considerably. Blueberry pastries had from 347 to 1,586 psychrophilic fungi per g. Cherry pastries had about 70 to 110 psychrophiles per g, and apple pastries had 19 to 92 psychrophiles per g. Chicken pies contained very few psychrophilic fungi, about 15 per g. Aureobasidium pullulans was recovered most frequently. About 90% of the psychrophilic fungi found in blueberry products was A. pullulans. Depending upon the brand of cherry pastry, either Phoma spp. or A. pullulans was the most common fungus present. Apple pastries also displayed brand variation, but were unique in having many mesophilic aspergilli. This genus was generally absent from other products. The Penicillium content of apple pastries was also rather high; 50% of the psychrophilic flora was represented by this genus. The psychrophilic fungal flora of chicken pies was composed primarily of penicillia (50%) and Chrysosporium pannorum (46%).  相似文献   

转基因生物及其产品的风险与管理   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
转基因生物及其新产品已经进入国际贸易,关于其风险性的争论甚为激烈。上前所知的风险主要是基于理论上的推测。本文介绍了世界各国对转基因生物及其产品的管理模式和一些国际组织的有关活动和规则,并对当前形势下我国应采取的对策提出了建议。  相似文献   

Filamentous fungi, especially Aspergillus flavus-oryzae, and bacteria were present in all samples of macaroni and spaghetti products tested. No aflatoxin was detected in the three samples, all relatively high in A. flavus-oryzae, that were tested for it. Five of the nine isolates of A. flavus-oryzae from macaroni and sphaghetti grown in corn, incorporated into an otherwise balanced ration, and given to ducklings resulted in death of one to five ducklings within six days.  相似文献   

从盾叶薯蓣根状茎中分离并鉴定了9株内生真菌,经悬浮培养14d,分别制备灭活菌丝和菌液浓缩物。其中,内生尖孢镰刀菌Dzf17能有效地提高盾叶薯蓣无菌苗和培养细胞薯蓣皂苷元的含量和产率,且灭活菌丝的诱导效果要强于菌液浓缩物。Dzf17灭活菌丝处理无菌苗,薯蓣皂苷元的产率为78.697mg/L,是对照(27.471mg/L)的2.865倍;用Dzf17菌液浓缩物处理无菌苗,皂苷元产率为41.822mg/L,是对照的1.522倍。Dzf17灭活菌丝处理培养细胞,薯蓣皂苷元的产率为1.391mg/L,是对照(0.691mg/L)的2.013倍;用Dzf17菌液浓缩物处理培养细胞,皂苷元产率为1.214mg/L,是对照的1.757倍。结果表明,在盾叶薯蓣无菌苗或细胞培养中添加一定量的内生真菌灭活菌丝或菌液浓缩物对于提高薯蓣皂苷元含量和产量将是一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

Effective plant defense strategies rely in part on the perception of non-self determinants, so-called microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs), by transmembrane pattern recognition receptors leading to MAMP-triggered immunity. Plant resistance against necrotrophic pathogens with a broad host range is complex and yet not well understood. Particularly, it is unclear if resistance to necrotrophs involves pattern recognition receptors. Here, we partially purified a novel proteinaceous elicitor called SCLEROTINIA CULTURE FILTRATE ELICITOR1 (SCFE1) from the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum that induces typical MAMP-triggered immune responses in Arabidopsis thaliana. Analysis of natural genetic variation revealed five Arabidopsis accessions (Mt-0, Lov-1, Lov-5, Br-0, and Sq-1) that are fully insensitive to the SCFE1-containing fraction. We used a forward genetics approach and mapped the locus determining SCFE1 sensitivity to RECEPTOR-LIKE PROTEIN30 (RLP30). We also show that SCFE1-triggered immune responses engage a signaling pathway dependent on the regulatory receptor-like kinases BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE1-ASSOCIATED RECEPTOR KINASE1 (BAK1) and SUPPRESSOR OF BIR1-1/EVERSHED (SOBIR1/EVR). Mutants of RLP30, BAK1, and SOBIR1 are more susceptible to S. sclerotiorum and the related fungus Botrytis cinerea. The presence of an elicitor in S. sclerotiorum evoking MAMP-triggered immune responses and sensed by RLP30/SOBIR1/BAK1 demonstrates the relevance of MAMP-triggered immunity in resistance to necrotrophic fungi.  相似文献   

植物内生菌及其次级代谢产物的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物内生菌经过与寄主植物长期的协同进化,成为植物内生态系统的重要组成部分,在植物的生长发育、营养吸收、胁迫应激以及产生次级代谢产物等生理生化行为方面具有显著的作用。利用植物内生菌及其次级代谢产物,可以促进农作物的生长发育、提高抗逆性,对于农业生产具有重大的研究意义和应用价值。综述了植物内生菌及其次级代谢产物生理功能及在农业生产中应用的研究进展。对植物内生菌及其次级代谢产物未来的研究重点和应用前景做出展望。  相似文献   

Heat-resistant strains of Byssochlamys fulva, B. nivea, and other heat-resistant fungi were isolated from vineyard soil, grapes, grape-processing lines, and waste pomace. They are known to remain in grape juice occasionally and to grow in grape juice products. Ascospores of these fungi have a D value (decimal reduction time) of about 10 min at 190 F (88 C), but in the presence of 90 μliters of SO2 per liter (normally added to the juice) the D value was cut in half. Filtration through a commercial diatomaceous filter aid (also a common processing step) entrapped all but about 0.001% of experimentally added spores. Thus, heat in the presence of SO2 and filtration together can reduce the population of these spores by several orders of magnitude. Growth was also prevented by benzoate or sorbate in low concentrations. Oxygen must be reduced to extremely low levels before lack of oxygen limits growth.  相似文献   

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