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Nematode secreted haemoglobins have unusually high affinity for oxygen and possess nitric oxide deoxygenase, and catalase activity thought to be important in protection against host immune responses to infection. In this study, we generated a monoclonal antibody (48Eg) against haemoglobin of the nematode Anisakis pegreffii, and aimed to characterize cross-reactivity of 4E8g against haemoglobins of different nematodes and its potential to mediate protective immunity against a murine hookworm infection.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Immunoprecipitation was used to isolate the 4E8g-binding antigen in Anisakis and Ascaris extracts, which were identified as haemoglobins by peptide mass fingerprinting and MS/MS. Immunological cross-reactivity was also demonstrated with haemoglobin of the rodent hookworm N. brasiliensis. Immunogenicity of nematode haemoglobin in mice and humans was tested by immunoblotting. Anisakis haemoglobin was recognized by IgG and IgE antibodies of Anisakis-infected mice, while Ascaris haemoglobin was recognized by IgG but not IgE antibodies in mouse and human sera. Sequencing of Anisakis haemoglobin revealed high similarity to haemoglobin of a related marine nematode, Psuedoterranova decipiens, which lacks the four –HKEE repeats of Ascaris haemoglobin important in octamer assembly. The localization of haemoglobin in the different parasites was examined by immunohistochemistry and associated with the excretory-secretary ducts in Anisakis, Ascaris and N. brasiliensis. Anisakis haemoglobin was strongly expressed in the L3 stage, unlike Ascaris haemoglobin, which is reportedly mainly expressed in adult worms. Passive immunization of mice with 4E8g prior to infection with N. brasiliensis enhanced protective Th2 immunity and led to a significant decrease in worm burdens.


The monoclonal antibody 4E8g targets haemoglobin in broadly equivalent anatomical locations in parasitic nematodes and enhances host immunity to a hookworm infection.  相似文献   

White shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei which had been immersed in seawater containing the hot-water extract of Gracilaria tenuistipitata at 0 (control), 200, 400, and 600 mg L?1 for 3 h, were challenged with Vibrio alginolyticus at 4.6 × 106 colony-forming units (CFU) shrimp?1 and then placed in normal seawater (34‰). The survival rates of shrimp immersed in 200, 400, and 600 mg L?1 of the hot-water extract were significantly higher than those of control shrimp over 48–120 h. In another experiment, L. vannamei which had been immersed in the hot-water extract at 0, 200, 400, and 600 mg L?1 for 3 h, were challenged with V. alginolyticus at 4.0 × 106 CFU shrimp?1, and the immune parameters examined included the haemocyte count, phenoloxidase (PO) activity, respiratory burst (RB), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity at 12–120 h post-challenge after shrimp had been released into normal seawater. Shrimp not exposed to the hot-water extract or V. alginolyticus served as the background control. Results indicated that the haemocyte count, PO activity, RB, and SOD activity of shrimp immersed in 600 mg L?1 were significantly higher than those of control shrimp at 12–72 h post-challenge. Results also indicated that total haemocyte count (THC), PO activity, RB and SOD activity of shrimp immersed in 400 and 600 mg L?1 of the hot-water extract returned to the background values at 96, 48, 48, and 72 h, whereas these parameters of control shrimp returned to the original values at >120, >120, 96, and 96 h post-challenge, respectively. It was therefore concluded that L. vannamei that had been immersed in seawater containing the hot-water extract of G. tenuistipitata exhibited protection against V. alginolyticus as evidenced by the earlier recovery of immune parameters.  相似文献   

In this study, we trialed 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP) chemical shocks to induce meiosis I or meiosis II Pacific White shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, triploids for the first time, and cold temperature shocks to induce meiosis II L. vannamei triploids as done previously. Inductions were performed on 37 spawnings in total with experiments being progressively designed in a factorial manner to allow optimization of induction parameters. Treatment with a 200-μm 6-DMAP final concentration at 1?min post-spawning detection for a 6 to 8?min duration resulted in the most consistent induction of chemically induced meiosis I triploids while treatment at 7?min 30?s post-spawning detection for a 10-min duration resulted in the most consistent induction of chemically induced meiosis II triploids. A cold temperature shock of 11.7°C to 13.25°C (final treatment temperature; spawning water temperature 28.5°C) applied at 8?min post-spawning detection for a 4 to 10?min duration resulted in the most consistent induction of cold-temperature-induced meiosis II triploids. 6-DMAP shocks resulted in meiosis I induction rates from 29% to 100% in unhatched embryos and 50% in nauplii, and meiosis II induction rates from 65% to 100% in unhatched embryos and 52% to 100% in nauplii. Cold shocks resulted in induction rates from 5% to 100% in unhatched embryos and nauplii. Confocal microscopy analysis of embryos revealed that there are major developmental abnormalities in a large proportion of later stage triploid L. vannamei embryos compared to their diploid sibling controls. Despite this, however, some triploid embryos did appear normal and both shock agents induced small numbers of viable triploid L. vannamei nauplii which were successfully reared to protozoeal stage 3 as confirmed by flow cytometry. Triploids beyond this life-history stage were not observed in the present study as confirmed by flow cytometry at mysis stages. This study adds to our knowledge base of triploid induction in L. vannamei and further highlights the inherent difficulties with triploid embryonic and larval viability in this species.  相似文献   

Chronic stress has deleterious effects on immune function, which can lead to adverse health outcomes. However, studies investigating the impact of stress reduction interventions on immunity in clinical research have yielded divergent results, potentially stemming from differences in study design and genetic heterogeneity, among other clinical research challenges. To test the hypothesis that reducing glucocorticoid levels enhances certain immune functions, we administered influenza vaccine once (prime) or twice (boost) to mice housed in either standard control caging or environmental enrichment (EE) caging. We have shown that this approach reduces mouse corticosterone production. Compared with controls, EE mice had significantly lower levels of fecal corticosterone metabolites (FCMs) and increased splenic B and T lymphocyte numbers. Corticosterone levels were negatively associated with the numbers of CD19+ (r2 = 0.43, p = 0.0017), CD4+ (r2 = 0.28, p = 0.0154) and CD8+ cells (r2 = 0.20, p = 0.0503). Vaccinated mice showed nonsignificant differences in immunoglobulin G (IgG) titer between caging groups, although EE mice tended to exhibit larger increases in titer from prime to boost than controls; the interaction between the caging group (control versus EE) and vaccine group (prime versus boost) showed a strong statistical trend (cage-group*vaccine-group, F = 4.27, p = 0.0555), suggesting that there may be distinct effects of EE caging on primary versus secondary IgG vaccine responses. Vaccine-stimulated splenocytes from boosted EE mice had a significantly greater frequency of interleukin 5 (IL-5)-secreting cells than boosted controls (mean difference 7.7, IL-5 spot-forming units/106 splenocytes, 95% confidence interval 0.24–135.1, p = 0.0493) and showed a greater increase in the frequency of IL-5–secreting cells from prime to boost. Our results suggest that corticosterone reduction via EE caging was associated with enhanced secondary vaccine responses, but had little effect on primary responses in mice. These findings help identify differences in primary and secondary vaccine responses in relationship to stress mediators that may be relevant in clinical studies.  相似文献   

The recruitment of dendritic cells to sites of infections and their migration to lymph nodes is fundamental for antigen processing and presentation to T cells. In the present study, we showed that antibody blockade of junctional adhesion molecule C (JAM-C) on endothelial cells removed JAM-C away from junctions and increased vascular permeability after L. major infection. This has multiple consequences on the output of the immune response. In resistant C57BL/6 and susceptible BALB/c mice, we found higher numbers of innate immune cells migrating from blood to the site of infection. The subsequent migration of dendritic cells (DCs) from the skin to the draining lymph node was also improved, thereby boosting the induction of the adaptive immune response. In C57BL/6 mice, JAM-C blockade after L. major injection led to an enhanced IFN-γ dominated T helper 1 (Th1) response with reduced skin lesions and parasite burden. Conversely, anti JAM-C treatment increased the IL-4-driven T helper 2 (Th2) response in BALB/c mice with disease exacerbation. Overall, our results show that JAM-C blockade can finely-tune the innate cell migration and accelerate the consequent immune response to L. major without changing the type of the T helper cell response.  相似文献   

Aims: The objective of the work was to determine whether known strains of nonpathogenic vibrios can act as probiotics for the control of Vibrio infections in the Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. Methods and Results: Of the ten species tested, only Vibrio alginolyticus (NCIMB 1339) and Vibrio gazogenes (NCIMB 2250) showed antagonistic activity towards a panel of shrimp pathogenic vibrios. In the case of V. alginolyticus, this activity depended on the presence of live bacteria while in V. gazogenes both live and dead bacteria showed anti‐Vibrio activity. Injection of shrimp with either V. alginolyticus or V. gazogenes at 3 × 107 or 3 × 105 total bacteria per shrimp resulted in mortality with higher levels in the case of V. alginolyticus (100% mortality 18 h postinjection of 3 × 107 bacteria). Juvenile shrimp were fed commercial diets top‐coated with either chitin (an immune stimulant) or chitin + V. gazogenes. Both chitin and V. gazogenes caused a significant decline in the number of Vibrio‐like bacteria in the fore and hind gut, and changes were also seen in the hepatosomatic index (a measure of digestive health) and the total number of blood cells in circulation. Analysis of mid/hindgut and faecal samples obtained using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism showed that the gut microbiota of shrimp has limited bacterial diversity and that after 8 weeks exposure to the experimental diets there were significant changes in the microbial flora of the GI tract of shrimp as a result of the presence of V. gazogenes. Conclusions: Of the vibrios tested, V. gazogenes has potential as a probiotic for the control of bacterial diseases in shrimp. Significance and Impact of the Study: Overall, this study shows the promise of V. gazogenes together with chitin to improve the health and welfare of shrimp under aquaculture conditions.  相似文献   

Cross-presentation is now recognized as a major mechanism for initiating CD8 T cell responses to virus and tumor antigens in vivo. It provides an elegant mechanism that allows relatively few Dendritic cells (DCs) to initiate primary immune responses while avoiding the consumptive nature of pathogenic infection. CD8 T cells play a major role in anti-bacterial immune responses; however, the contribution of cross-presentation for priming CD8 T cell responses to bacteria, in vivo, is not well established. Listeria monocytogenes (Listeria) is the causative agent of Listeriosis, an opportunistic food-borne bacterial infection that poses a significant public health risk. Here, we employ a transgenic mouse model in which cross-presentation is uniquely inactivated, to investigate cross-priming during primary Listeria infection. We show that cross-priming deficient mice are severely compromised in their ability to generate antigen-specific T cells to stimulate MHC I-restricted CTL responses following Listeria infection. The defect in generation of Listeria-elicited CD8 T cell responses is also apparent in vitro. However, in this setting, the endogenous route of processing Listeria-derived antigens is predominant. This reveals a new experimental dichotomy whereby functional sampling of Listeria-derived antigens in vivo but not in vitro is dependent on cross-presentation of exogenously derived antigen. Thus, under normal physiological circumstances, cross-presentation is demonstrated to play an essential role in priming CD8 T cell responses to bacteria.  相似文献   

White shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone) held in 35 per thousand seawater were challenged with Vibrio alginolyticus at a dose of 3 x 10(5) colony-forming units (cfu) shrimp(-1), and then placed in water containing concentrations of Cu2+ at 0 (control), 1, 5, 10 and 20 mg l(-1). Mortality of shrimp in 5, 10 and 20 mg l(-1) Cu2+ was significantly higher than those in 1 mg l(-1) Cu2+ and the control solution after 24-96 h. In another experiment, L. vannamei which had been exposed to control, 1, 5, 10 and 20 mg l(-1) Cu2+ for 24, 48 and 96 h were examined for THC (total haemocyte count), phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst (release of superoxide anion), phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency to V. alginolyticus. Copper concentrations at 1 mg l(-1) or greater for 24h resulted in decreased THC, phenoloxidase activity, phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency, whereas copper concentration at 20 mg l(-1) caused significant increase in respiratory burst of L. vannamei. In conclusion, concentration of Cu2+ at 1 mg l(-1) or greater increased the susceptibility of L. vannamei to V. alginolyticus infection by a depression in immune ability. The release of superoxide anion by L. vannamei exposed to 20 mg l(-1) Cu2+ was considered to be cytotoxic to the host.  相似文献   

We have previously shown a reduction in anaemia and wasting malnutrition in infants <3 years old in Pemba Island, Zanzibar, following repeated anthelminthic treatment for the endemic gastrointestinal (GI) nematodes Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm and Trichuris trichiura. In view of the low intensity of worm infections in this age group, this was unexpected, and it was proposed that immune responses to the worms rather than their direct effects may play a significant role in morbidity in infants and that anthelminthic treatment may alleviate such effects. Therefore, the primary aims of this study were to characterise the immune response to initial/early GI nematode infections in infants and the effects of anthelminthic treatment on such immune responses. The frequency and levels of Th1/Th2 cytokines (IL-5, IL-13, IFN-γ and IL-10) induced by the worms were evaluated in 666 infants aged 6–24 months using the Whole Blood Assay. Ascaris and hookworm antigens induced predominantly Th2 cytokine responses, and levels of IL-5 and IL-13 were significantly correlated. The frequencies and levels of responses were higher for both Ascaris positive and hookworm positive infants compared with worm negative individuals, but very few infants made Trichuris-specific cytokine responses. Infants treated every 3 months with mebendazole showed a significantly lower prevalence of infection compared with placebo-treated controls at one year following baseline. At follow-up, cytokine responses to Ascaris and hookworm antigens, which remained Th2 biased, were increased compared with baseline but were not significantly affected by treatment. However, blood eosinophil levels, which were elevated in worm-infected children, were significantly lower in treated children. Thus the effect of deworming in this age group on anaemia and wasting malnutrition, which were replicated in this study, could not be explained by modification of cytokine responses but may be related to eosinophil function.  相似文献   

Cricket Paralysis virus (CrPV) is a member of the Dicistroviridae family of RNA viruses, which infect a broad range of insect hosts, including the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Drosophila has emerged as an effective system for studying innate immunity because of its powerful genetic techniques and the high degree of gene and pathway conservation. Intra-abdominal injection of CrPV into adult flies causes a lethal infection that provides a robust assay for the identification of mutants with altered sensitivity to viral infection. To gain insight into the interactions between viruses and the innate immune system, we injected wild type flies with CrPV and observed that antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) were not induced and hemocytes were depleted in the course of infection. To investigate the contribution of conserved immune signaling pathways to antiviral innate immune responses, CrPV was injected into isogenic mutants of the Immune Deficiency (Imd) pathway, which resembles the mammalian Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor (TNFR) pathway. Loss-of-function mutations in several Imd pathway genes displayed increased sensitivity to CrPV infection and higher CrPV loads. Our data show that antiviral innate immune responses in flies infected with CrPV depend upon hemocytes and signaling through the Imd pathway.  相似文献   

The effects of hypothermal (22–16?°C) and hyperthermal (22–28?°C) stress on the immune system responses of the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei cultured in either freshwater or seawater were measured and compared. The following immune system indicators were measured for comparison: total hemocyte count (THC), activity of phenoloxidase (PO), nitric oxide synthase (NOS), superoxidase (SOD), and malondialdehyde (MDA) content. Thermal stress significantly decreased THC in both freshwater and seawater shrimp within 6–12?h (P?0.05). After hypothermal stress, all shrimp had a significantly lower THC level than their prechallenge levels (P?0.05). Under both types of thermal stress, the activity of PO, NOS, and SOD first increased and then decreased. After 48?h of thermal stress, shrimp PO and NOS activity decreased in both freshwater and seawater. After 48?h of thermal stress, the reduction in the SOD activity in the hemolymph of freshwater shrimp was greater than that in seawater shrimp. During exposure to stress, the MDA content in freshwater shrimp was significantly higher than in seawater shrimp, which demonstrated that lipids in freshwater shrimp were more susceptible to peroxidation than those in seawater shrimp, particularly at low temperatures. Large temperature fluctuations, particularly sudden cooling, should be avoided when rearing L. vannamei because of high rates of lipid peroxidation and decreased immunity. These effects are more marked in freshwater than in seawater.  相似文献   

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