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In groups of type 1 diabetes mellitus patients with and without clinical signs of diabetic nephropathy (n = 62 and 68, respectively), a search was made for associations between diabetic nephropathy and the polymorphic marker ε2/ε3/ε4 of apolipoprotein E gene (APOE), I/D marker of apolipoprotein B gene (APOB), and Ser447Ter marker of lipoprotein lipase-encoding gene (LPL). The risk of diabetic nephropathy was higher in the carriers of allele ε3 and genotype ε3/ε3 of the polymorphic marker ε2/ε 3/ε4 of APOE gene as well as in the carriers of allele I and APOB genotype I/I gene (OR = 2.08 and 2.16; 1.91 and 2.11, respectively). Conversely, the carriers of allele D showed a reduced risk of this complication (OR = 0.52). No significant differences in distribution of alleles and genotypes of the polymorphic marker Ser447Ter of LPL gene were found between the groups. Our results indicate that the genes encoding two major components of lipid metabolism are involved in the development of diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus.__________Translated from Genetika, Vol. 41, No. 7, 2005, pp. 931–937.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Yakunina, Shestakova, Voron’ko, Vikulova, Savost’yanov, Chugunova, Shamkhalova, Dedov, Nosikov.  相似文献   

Highlights? GRSF1 (G-rich sequence binding factor 1) is a mitochondrial RNA-binding protein ? GRSF1 localizes to granules containing newly synthesized RNA in close proximity to mitochondrial nucleoids ? GRSF1 specifically binds one mRNA and two long noncoding RNAs transcribed from contiguous genes on the light strand of mtDNA ? Loss of GRSF1 leads to misloading of RNAs onto the mitochondrial ribosome and a specific translation defect  相似文献   

Multiple quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for blood pressure (BP) have been detected in rat models of human polygenic hypertension. Great challenges confronting us include molecular identifications of individual QTLs. We first defined the chromosome region harboring C1QTL1 to a segment of 1.9 megabases that carries 9 genes. Among them, we identified the gene encoding the fibronectin type III domain containing 1 protein (Fndc1)/activator of G protein signaling 8 (Ags8) to be the strongest candidate for C1QTL1, since numerous non-synonymous mutations are found. Moreover, the 5’ Fndc1/Ags8 putative promoter contains numerous mutations that can account for its differential expression in kidneys and the heart, prominent organs in modulating BP, although the Fndc1/Ags8 protein was not detectable in these organs under our experimental conditions. This work has provided the premier evidence that Fndc1/Ags8 is a novel and strongest candidate gene for C1QTL1 without completely excluding other 8 genes in the C1QTL1-residing interval. If proven true by future in vivo function studies such as single-gene Fndc1/Ags8 congenics, transgenesis or targeted-gene modifications, it might represent a part of the BP genetic architecture that operates in the upstream position distant from the end-phase physiology of BP control, since it activates a Gbetagamma component in a signaling pathway. Its functional role could validate the concept that a QTL in itself can influence BP ‘indirectly’ by regulating other genes downstream in a pathway. The elucidation of the mechanisms initiated by Fndc/Ags8 variations will reveal novel insights into the BP modulation via a regulatory hierarchy.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial phenotype of [poky] and other extranuclear Neurospora mutants is known to predominate over that of wild type in heteroplasmons. In the present work, we have investigated the interaction between wild-type and [poky] mtDNAs using as many as four physical markers to distinguish the two types of mtDNAs. Two insertions, one of 1200 bp in Eco RI-5 and the other 50 bp in Eco RI-9, are identified as sites of high frequency, unidirectional gene conversion leading to their spread through mtDNA populations in heteroplasmons. However, the transmission of the [poky] mutation does not appear to be correlated with the transmission of either of these insertions or of other physical markers. The possibility that other loci of nonreciprocal recombination might be responsible for the "dominance" of Neurospora extranuclear mutants is discussed.  相似文献   



Alternative macrophages (M2) express the cluster differentiation (CD) 206 (MCR1) at high levels. Decreased M2 in adipose tissue is known to be associated with obesity and inflammation-related metabolic disturbances. Here we aimed to investigate MCR1 relative to CD68 (total macrophages) gene expression in association with adipogenic and mitochondrial genes, which were measured in human visceral [VWAT, n = 147] and subcutaneous adipose tissue [SWAT, n = 76] and in rectus abdominis muscle (n = 23). The effects of surgery-induced weight loss were also longitudinally evaluated (n = 6).


MCR1 and CD68 gene expression levels were similar in VWAT and SWAT. A higher proportion of CD206 relative to total CD68 was present in subjects with less body fat and lower fasting glucose concentrations. The ratio MCR1/CD68was positively associated with IRS1gene expression and with the expression of lipogenic genes such as ACACA, FASN and THRSP, even after adjusting for BMI. The ratio MCR1/CD68 in SWAT increased significantly after the surgery-induced weight loss (+44.7%; p = 0.005) in parallel to the expression of adipogenic genes. In addition, SWAT MCR1/CD68ratio was significantly associated with muscle mitochondrial gene expression (PPARGC1A, TFAM and MT-CO3). AT CD206 was confirmed by immunohistochemistry to be specific of macrophages, especially abundant in crown-like structures.


A decreased ratio MCR1/CD68 is linked to adipose tissue and muscle mitochondrial dysfunction at least at the level of expression of adipogenic and mitochondrial genes.  相似文献   

Decreased mitochondrial function plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Recently, it was reported that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups confer genetic susceptibility to T2DM in Koreans and Japanese. Particularly, mtDNA haplogroup N9a is associated with a decreased risk of T2DM, whereas haplogroups D5 and F are associated with an increased risk. To examine functional consequences of these haplogroups without being confounded by the heterogeneous nuclear genomic backgrounds of different subjects, we constructed transmitochondrial cytoplasmic hybrid (cybrid) cells harboring each of the three haplogroups (N9a, D5, and F) in a background of a shared nuclear genome. We compared the functional consequences of the three haplogroups using cell-based assays and gene expression microarrays. Cell-based assays did not detect differences in mitochondrial functions among the haplogroups in terms of ATP generation, reactive oxygen species production, mitochondrial membrane potential, and cellular dehydrogenase activity. However, differential expression and clustering analyses of microarray data revealed that the three haplogroups exhibit a distinctive nuclear gene expression pattern that correlates with their susceptibility to T2DM. Pathway analysis of microarray data identified several differentially regulated metabolic pathways. Notably, compared to the T2DM-resistant haplogroup N9a, the T2DM-susceptible haplogroup F showed down-regulation of oxidative phosphorylation and up-regulation of glycolysis. These results suggest that variations in mtDNA can affect the expression of nuclear genes regulating mitochondrial functions or cellular energetics. Given that impaired mitochondrial function caused by T2DM-associated mtDNA haplogroups is compensated by the nuclear genome, we speculate that defective nuclear compensation, under certain circumstances, might lead to the development of T2DM.  相似文献   



Gene-environment interactions mediate through the placenta and shape the fetal brain development. Between the environmental determinants of the fetal brain, maternal psychosocial stress in pregnancy has been shown to negatively influence the infant temperament development. This in turn may have adverse consequences on the infant neurodevelopment extending throughout the entire life-span. However little is known about the underlying biological mechanisms of the effects of maternal psychosocial stress in pregnancy on infant temperament. Environmental stressors such as maternal psychosocial stress in pregnancy activate the stress response cascade that in turn drives the increase in the cellular energy demand of vital organs with high metabolic rates such as, in pregnancy, the placenta. Key players of the stress response cascade are the mitochondria.


Here, we tested the expression of all 13 protein-coding genes encoded by the mitochondria in 108 placenta samples from the Stress in Pregnancy birth cohort, a study that aims at determining the influence of in utero exposure to maternal psychosocial stress in pregnancy on infant temperament. We showed that the expression of the protein-coding mitochondrial-encoded gene MT-ND2 was positively associated with indices of maternal psychosocial stress in pregnancy including Prenatal Perceived Stress (β = 0.259; p-regression = 0.004; r2-regression = 0.120), State Anxiety (β = 0.218; p-regression = 0.003; r2-regression = 0.153), Trait Anxiety (β = 0.262; p-regression = 0.003; r2-regression = 0.129) and Pregnancy Anxiety Total (β = 0.208; p-regression = 0.010; r2-regression = 0.103). In the meantime MT-ND2 was negatively associated with the infant temperament indices of Activity Level (β = -0.257; p-regression = 0.008; r2-regression = 0.165) and Smile and Laughter (β = -0.286; p-regression = 0.036; r2-regression = 0.082). Additionally, MT-ND6 was associated with the maternal psychosocial stress in pregnancy index of Prenatal Perceived Stress (β = -0.231; p-regression = 0.004; r2-regression = 0.120), while MT-CO2 was associated with the maternal psychosocial stress in pregnancy indices of State Anxiety (β = 0.206; p-regression = 0.003; r2-regression = 0.153) and Trait Anxiety (β = 0.205; p-regression = 0.003; r2-regression = 0.129).


Our data support the role of mitochondria in responding to maternal psychosocial stress in pregnancy, as assessed in placenta, while also suggesting an important role for the mitochondria in the infant temperament development.  相似文献   

Rates of DNA Duplication and Mitochondrial DNA Insertion in the Human Genome   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The hundreds of mitochondrial pseudogenes in the human nuclear genome sequence (numts) constitute an excellent system for studying and dating DNA duplications and insertions. These pseudogenes are associated with many complete mitochondrial genome sequences and through those with a good fossil record. By comparing individual numts with primate and other mammalian mitochondrial genome sequences, we estimate that these numts arose continuously over the last 58 million years. Our pairwise comparisons between numts suggest that most human numts arose from different mitochondrial insertion events and not by DNA duplication within the nuclear genome. The nuclear genome appears to accumulate mtDNA insertions at a rate high enough to predict within-population polymorphism for the presence/absence of many recent mtDNA insertions. Pairwise analysis of numts and their flanking DNA produces an estimate for the DNA duplication rate in humans of 2.2 × 10–9 per numt per year. Thus, a nucleotide site is about as likely to be involved in a duplication event as it is to change by point substitution. This estimate of the rate of DNA duplication of noncoding DNA is based on sequences that are not in duplication hotspots, and is close to the rate reported for functional genes in other species.  相似文献   

In Tunisia, the Hessian fly Mayetiola destructor Say is a major pest of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) and bread wheat (T. aestivum L.). Genetic resistance is the most efficient and economical method of control of this pest. To date, 31 resistance genes, designated H1-H31, have been identified in wheat. These genes condition resistance to the insect genes responsible for virulence. Using wheat cultivars differing for the presence of an individual Hessian fly resistance gene and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, we have identified a polymorphic 386-bp DNA marker (Xgmib1-1A.1) associated with the H11 Hessian fly resistance gene. Blast analysis showed a high identity with a short region in the wild wheat (T. monococcum) genome, adjacent to the leaf rust resistance Lr10 gene. A genetic linkage was reported between this gene (Lr10) and Hessian fly response in wheat. These data were used for screening Hessian fly resistance in Tunisian wheat germplasm. Xgmib1-1A.1-like fragments were detected in four Tunisian durum and bread wheat varieties. Using these varieties in Hessian fly breeding programs in Tunisia would be of benefit in reducing the damage caused by this fly.  相似文献   

Twelve restriction enzymes were used to screen for the presence or absence of cleavage sites at 441 locations in the mitochondrial DNA of 112 humans from four continents. Cleavage maps were constructed by comparison of DNA fragment sizes with those expected from the published sequence for one human mtDNA. One hundred and sixty-three of the sites were polymorphic, i.e., present in some individuals but absent from others, 278 sites being invariant. These polymorphisms probably result from single base substitutions and occur in all functional regions of the genome.--In 77 cases, it was possible to specify the exact nature and location (within a restriction site) of the mutation responsible for the absence of a restriction site in a known human mtDNA sequence and its presence in another human mtDNA. Fifty-two of these 77 gain mutations occur in genes coding for proteins, 34 being silent and 18 causing amino acid replacements; moreover, nine of the replacements are radical.--Notable also is the anomalous ratio of transitions to transversions required to account for these 77 restriction site differences between the known human mtDNA sequences and other human mtDNAs. This ratio is lower for most groups of restriction sites than has been reported from sequence comparisons of limited parts of the mtDNA genome in closely related mammals, perhaps indicating a special functional role or sensitivity to mutagenesis for palindromic regions containing high levels of guanine and cytosine.--From the genomic distribution of the 163 polymorphic sites, it is inferred that the level of point mutational variability in tRNA and rRNA genes is nearly as high as in protein-coding genes but lower than in noncoding mtDNA. Thus, the functional constraints operating on components of the protein-synthetic apparatus may be lower for mitochondria than for other systems. Furthermore, the mitochondrial genes for tRNAs that recognize four codons are more variable than those recognizing only two codons.--Among the more variable of the human mitochondrial genes coding for proteins is that for subunit 2 of cytochrome oxidase; this polypeptide appears to have been evolving about five times faster in primates than in other mammals. Cytochrome c, a nuclearly encoded protein that interacts directly with the oxidase 2 subunit in electron transport, has also evolved faster in primates than in rodents or ungulates. This example, along with that for the mitochondrial rRNA genes and the nuclear genes coding for mitochondrial ribosomal proteins, provides evidence for coevolution between specific nuclear and mitochondrial genes.  相似文献   

The dNTP triphosphohydrolase SAMHD1 is a nuclear antiviral host restriction factor limiting HIV-1 infection in macrophages and a major regulator of dNTP concentrations in human cells. In normal human fibroblasts its expression increases during quiescence, contributing to the small dNTP pool sizes of these cells. Down-regulation of SAMHD1 by siRNA expands all four dNTP pools, with dGTP undergoing the largest relative increase. The deoxyguanosine released by SAMHD1 from dGTP can be phosphorylated inside mitochondria by deoxyguanosine kinase (dGK) or degraded in the cytosol by purine nucleoside phosphorylase. Genetic mutations of dGK cause mitochondrial (mt) DNA depletion in noncycling cells and hepato-cerebral mtDNA depletion syndrome in humans. We studied if SAMHD1 and dGK interact in the regulation of the dGTP pool during quiescence employing dGK-mutated skin fibroblasts derived from three unrelated patients. In the presence of SAMHD1 quiescent mutant fibroblasts manifested mt dNTP pool imbalance and mtDNA depletion. When SAMHD1 was silenced by siRNA transfection the composition of the mt dNTP pool approached that of the controls, and mtDNA copy number increased, compensating the depletion to various degrees in the different mutant fibroblasts. Chemical inhibition of purine nucleoside phosphorylase did not improve deoxyguanosine recycling by dGK in WT cells. We conclude that the activity of SAMHD1 contributes to the pathological phenotype of dGK deficiency. Our results prove the importance of SAMHD1 in the regulation of all dNTP pools and suggest that dGK inside mitochondria has the function of recycling the deoxyguanosine derived from endogenous dGTP degraded by SAMHD1 in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA/protein complexes (nucleoids) appear as discrete entities inside the mitochondrial network when observed by live-cell imaging and immunofluorescence. This somewhat trivial observation in recent years has spurred research towards isolation of these complexes and the identification of nucleoid-associated proteins. Here we show that whole cell formaldehyde crosslinking combined with affinity purification and tandem mass-spectrometry provides a simple and reproducible method to identify potential nucleoid associated proteins. The method avoids spurious mitochondrial isolation and subsequent multifarious nucleoid enrichment protocols and can be implemented to allow for label-free quantification (LFQ) by mass-spectrometry. Using expression of a Flag-tagged Twinkle helicase and appropriate controls we show that this method identifies many previously identified nucleoid associated proteins. Using LFQ to compare HEK293 cells with and without mtDNA, but both expressing Twinkle-FLAG, identifies many proteins that are reduced or absent in the absence of mtDNA. This set not only includes established mtDNA maintenance proteins but also many proteins involved in mitochondrial RNA metabolism and translation and therefore represents what can be considered an mtDNA gene expression proteome. Our data provides a very valuable resource for both basic mitochondrial researchers as well as clinical geneticists working to identify novel disease genes on the basis of exome sequence data.  相似文献   

Severely obese subjects with the metabolic syndrome (MS) have higher dipeptidyl peptidase‐4 (DPP4) expression in their visceral adipose tissue (VAT) compared to obese individuals without MS. We tested the hypothesis that methylation level of CpG sites in the DPP4 promoter CpG island in VAT was genotype‐dependent and associated with DPP4 mRNA abundance and MS‐related phenotypes. The VAT DNA was extracted in 92 severely obese premenopausal women undergoing biliopancreatic derivation for the treatment of obesity. Women were nondiabetic and none of them used medication to treat MS features. Cytosine methylation rates (%) of 102 CpG sites in the DPP4 CpG island were assessed by pyrosequencing of sodium bisulfite‐treated DNA. Methylation rates were >10% for CpG sites 94–102. Their mean methylation rate (%Meth94–102) was different between genotypes for DPP4 polymorphisms rs13015258 (P = 0.001), rs17848915 (P = 0.0004), and c.1926 G>A (P = 0.001). The %Meth94–102 correlated negatively with DPP4 mRNA abundance (r = ?0.25, P < 0.05) and positively with plasma high‐density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentrations (r = 0.22, P < 0.05), whereas DPP4 mRNA abundance correlated positively with plasma total‐/HDL‐cholesterol ratio (r = 0.25; P < 0.05). In the VAT of nondiabetic severely obese women, genotype‐dependent methylation levels of specific CpG sites in the DPP4 promoter CpG island were associated with DPP4 gene expression and variability in the plasma lipid profile. Higher DPP4 gene expression in VAT and its relationship with the plasma lipid profile may be explained by actually unknown DPP4 biological effect or, to another extent, may also be a marker of VAT inflammation known to be associated with metabolic disturbances.  相似文献   


Increased levels of circulating fatty acids, such as palmitic acid (PA), are associated with the development of obesity, insulin resistance, type-2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Furthermore, these diseases are linked to an increased risk of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, mild cognitive impairment and even Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, the precise actions of elevated PA levels on neurons and their association with neuronal metabolic disruption that leads to the expression of pathological markers of AD, such as the overproduction and accumulation of the amyloid-β peptide, represent an area of intense investigation. A possible molecular mechanism involved in the effects of PA may be through dysfunction of the NAD+ sensor enzyme, SIRT1. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship between the effects of PA metabolism on the function of SIRT1 and the upregulation of BACE1 in cultured hippocampal neurons. PA reduced the total amount of NAD+ in neurons that caused an increase in p65 K310 acetylation due to inhibition of SIRT1 activity and low protein content. Furthermore, BACE1 protein and its activity were increased, and BACE1 was relocated in neurites after PA exposure.


Endothelial dysfunction, insulin resistance (IR) and genetic predispositions are important risk factors of hypertension. Aim of our study was to test the hypothesis, whether insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism on the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene and M235T polymorphism on angiotesinogen gene (AGT) correlates with parameters of insulin sensitivity and plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1) levels in newly diagnosed hypertensive patients as compared with normotensive controls. Blood pressure (BP), fasting plasma glucose, insulin, epinephrine, norepinephrine and PAI-1 concentrations were determined in 30 male patients with hypertension grade 1 (HT) and in 31 matched healthy subjects (NT). Insulin resistance was estimated using IR HOMA formula. Patients with HT had increased levels of PAI-1, norepinephrine, fasting plasma insulin levels, IR HOMA (p<0.001) compared to controls. Subjects (HT and NT) with DD and ID genotype had a significantly higher systolic BP (p<0.05) and PAI-1 compared to those with II genotype. Homozygous subjects 235T had a higher systolic BP and higher levels of epinephrine and norepinephrine than heterozygous or homozygous M235 (p<0.05). In conclusion, no association was found between M235T polymorphism and insulin resistance or PAI-1 levels, but results indicate relationship between I/D polymorphism of the ACE gene and plasma PAI-1 levels in the early stage of hypertension.  相似文献   

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