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In Parkinson’s disease, depletion of dopamine in the striatum leads to various symptoms such as tremor, rigidity and akinesia. Methamphetamine use has significantly increased in USA and around the world and there are several reports showing that its long-term use increases the risk for dopamine depletion. However, the toxic mechanisms of methamphetamine are not well understood. This study was undertaken to gain greater mechanistic understanding of the toxicity induced by methamphetamine. We evaluated the effect of methamphetamine on the generation of reactive oxygen species, mitochondrial monoamine oxidase, complex I & IV activities. Behavioral analysis evaluated the effect on catalepsy, akinesia and swim score. Neurotransmitter levels were evaluated using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) electrochemical detection (ECD). Results showed that methamphetamine caused significant generation of reactive oxygen species and decreased complex I activity in the mitochondria leading to dopamine depletion in the striatum.  相似文献   

Methamphetamine (MAP) is known to alter behavior and cause deficits in learning and memory. While the major site of action of MAP is on mesolimbic dopaminergic pathways, the effects on learning and memory raise the possibility of important actions in the hippocampus. We have studied electrophysiologic and morphologic effects of MAP in the CA1 region of hippocampus from young male rats chronically exposed to MAP, male rats exposed during gestation only and the effects of bath perfusion of MAP onto brain slices from control rats. Pyramidal neurons in brain slices from chronically exposed rats had reduced membrane potential and membrane resistance. Long-term potentiation (LTP) was reduced as compared to control, but when MAP was acutely perfused over control slices the amplitude of LTP was increased. LTP in young adult animals that had been gestationally exposed to MAP showed reduced LTP as compared to controls. Morphologically CA1 pyramidal neurons in chronically exposed animals showed a high prevalence of extensive blebbing of dendrites. We conclude that the NMDA receptor and the process of LTP are also targets of MAP dysfunction, at least in the hippocampus.  相似文献   


Methamphetamine (meth) use is often comorbid with anxiety disorders, with both conditions predominant during adolescence. Conditioned fear extinction is the most widely used model to study the fear learning and regulation that are relevant for anxiety disorders. The present study investigates how meth binge injections or meth self-administration affect subsequent fear conditioning, extinction and retrieval in adult and adolescent rats. In experiment 1, postnatal day 35 (P35—adolescent) and P70 (adult) rats were intraperitoneally injected with increasing doses of meth across 9 days. At P50 or P85, they underwent fear conditioning followed by extinction and test. In experiments 2a–c, P35 or P70 rats self-administered meth for 11 days then received fear conditioning at P50 or P85, followed by extinction and test. We observed that meth binge exposure caused a significant disruption of extinction retrieval in adult but not adolescent rats. Interestingly, meth self-administration in adolescence or adulthood disrupted acquisition of conditioned freezing in adulthood. Meth self-administration in adolescence did not affect conditioned freezing in adolescence. These results suggest that intraperitoneal injections of high doses of meth and meth self-administration have dissociated effects on fear conditioning and extinction during adulthood, while adolescent fear conditioning and extinction are unaffected.


甲基苯胺(Methamphetamine,MA)不但影响神经系统,而且对心血管系统也会产生影响.急性MA中毒可以引起心动过速、心律不齐、心肌缺血及高血压,最终导致心脏的损伤;慢性MA中毒可以引起心肌炎性细胞浸润、心肌肥厚、心肌纤维化甚至心脏破裂.本文就MA滥用对心血管系统的影响及其机制的研究进展进行综述.  相似文献   

Abstract : Administration of high doses of methamphetamine (METH) produces both short- and long-term enzymatic deficits in central monoaminergic systems. To determine whether a correlative relationship exists between these acute and long-term consequences of METH treatment, in the present study we examined the regional effects of METH on tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activities in various regions of the caudate nucleus, nucleus accumbens, and globus pallidus. A single METH administration decreased TPH activity 1 h after treatment in the globus pallidus, in the nucleus accumbens, and throughout the caudate ; in the anterior caudate, the ventral-medial was more affected than the dorsal-lateral region. In contrast, TH activity was not decreased in either the caudate or the globus pallidus after a single METH administration ; however, it was altered in the nucleus accumbens. Seven days after multiple METH administrations, TH and TPH activities were decreased in most caudate regions but not in the nucleus accumbens or globus pallidus. These data demonstrate that (1) the effects of METH on TPH and TH vary regionally ; and (2) the short-term and long-term regional responses of TPH to METH in the caudate and globus pallidus correlated. In contrast, METH-induced acute TH responses did not predict the long-term changes in TH activity.  相似文献   

Jumping to conclusions (JTC) during probabilistic reasoning is a cognitive bias repeatedly demonstrated in people with schizophrenia and shown to be associated with delusions. Little is known about the neurochemical basis of probabilistic reasoning. We tested the hypothesis that catecholamines influence data gathering and probabilistic reasoning by administering intravenous methamphetamine, which is known to cause synaptic release of the catecholamines noradrenaline and dopamine, to healthy humans whilst they undertook a probabilistic inference task. Our study used a randomised, double-blind, cross-over design. Seventeen healthy volunteers on three visits were administered either placebo or methamphetamine or methamphetamine preceded by amisulpride. In all three conditions participants performed the “beads” task in which participants decide how much information to gather before making a probabilistic inference, and which measures the cognitive bias towards jumping to conclusions. Psychotic symptoms triggered by methamphetamine were assessed using Comprehensive Assessment of At-Risk Mental States (CAARMS). Methamphetamine induced mild psychotic symptoms, but there was no effect of drug administration on the number of draws to decision (DTD) on the beads task. DTD was a stable trait that was highly correlated within subjects across visits (intra-class correlation coefficients of 0.86 and 0.91 on two versions of the task). The less information was sampled in the placebo condition, the more psychotic-like symptoms the person had after the methamphetamine plus amisulpride condition (p = 0.028). Our results suggest that information gathering during probabilistic reasoning is a stable trait, not easily modified by dopaminergic or noradrenergic modulation.  相似文献   

Decision making in risky situations is frequently required in our everyday lives and has been shown to be influenced by various factors, some of which are independent of the risk context. Based on previous findings and theories about the central role of perceptions of control and their impact on subsequent settings, spillover effects of subjective loss of control on risky decision-making are assumed. After developing an innovative experimental paradigm for inducing loss of control, its hypothesized effects on risky decision-making are investigated. Partially supporting the hypotheses, results demonstrated no increased levels of risk perceptions but decreased risk-taking behavior following experiences of loss of control. Thus, this study makes a methodological contribution by proposing a newly developed experimental paradigm facilitating further research on the effects of subjective loss of control, and additionally provides partial evidence for the spillover effects of loss of control experiences on risky decision-making.  相似文献   

Abstract: Several amphetamine analogues are reported to increase striatal glutamate efflux in vivo, whereas other data indicate that glutamate is capable of stimulating the efflux of dopamine (DA) in the striatum via a glutamate receptor-dependent mechanism. Based on these findings, it has been proposed that the ability of glutamate receptor-blocking drugs to antagonize the effects of amphetamine may be explained by their capacity to inhibit DA release induced by glutamate. To examine this possibility further, we investigated in vivo the ability of glutamate antagonists to inhibit DA release induced by either methamphetamine (METH) or 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). Both METH and MDMA increased DA efflux in the rat striatum and, in animals killed 1 week later, induced persistent depletions of DA and serotonin in tissue. Pretreatment with MK-801 or CGS 19755 blocked the neurotoxic effects of METH and MDMA but, did not significantly alter striatal DA efflux induced by either stimulant. Infusion of 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione into the striatum likewise did not alter METH-induced DA overflow, and none of the glutamatergic antagonists affected the basal release of DA when given alone. The findings suggest that the neuroprotective effects of NMDA antagonists do not involve an inhibition of DA release, nor do the data support the proposal that glutamate tonically stimulates striatal DA efflux in vivo. Whether phasic increases in glutamate content might stimulate DA release, however, remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Understanding how stimulant drugs affect memory is important for understanding their addictive potential. Here we examined the effects of acute d-methamphetamine (METH), administered either before (encoding phase) or immediately after (consolidation phase) study on memory for emotional and neutral images in healthy humans. Young adult volunteers (N = 60) were randomly assigned to either an encoding group (N = 29) or a consolidation group (N = 31). Across three experimental sessions, they received placebo and two doses of METH (10, 20 mg) either 45 min before (encoding) or immediately after (consolidation) viewing pictures of emotionally positive, neutral, and negative scenes. Memory for the pictures was tested two days later, under drug-free conditions. Half of the sample reported sleep disturbances following the high dose of METH, which affected their memory performance. Therefore, participants were classified as poor sleepers (less than 6 hours; n = 29) or adequate sleepers (6 or more hours; n = 31) prior to analyses. For adequate sleepers, METH (20 mg) administered before encoding significantly improved memory accuracy relative to placebo, especially for emotional (positive and negative), compared to neutral, stimuli. For poor sleepers in the encoding group, METH impaired memory. METH did not affect memory in the consolidation group regardless of sleep quality. These results extend previous findings showing that METH can enhance memory for salient emotional stimuli but only if it is present at the time of study, where it can affect both encoding and consolidation. METH does not appear to facilitate consolidation if administered after encoding. The study also demonstrates the important role of sleep in memory studies.  相似文献   

In humans, more difficult decisions result in behavioural and physiological changes suggestive of increased arousal, but little is known about the effect of decision difficulty in other species. A difficult decision can have a number of characteristics; we aimed to monitor how finely balanced decisions, compared to unbalanced ones, affected the behaviour and physiology of chickens. An unbalanced decision was one in which the two options were of unequal net value (1 (Q1) vs. 6 (Q6) pieces of sweetcorn with no cost associated with either option); a finely balanced decision was one in which the options were of equal net value (i.e. hens were "indifferent" to both options). To identify hens'' indifference, a titration procedure was used in which a cost (electromagnetic weight on an access door) was applied to the Q6 option, to find the individual point at which hens chose this option approximately equally to Q1 via a non-weighted door. We then compared behavioural and physiological indicators of arousal (head movements, latency to choose, heart-rate variability and surface body temperature) when chickens made decisions that were unbalanced or finely balanced. Significant physiological (heart-rate variability) and behavioural (latency to pen) differences were found between the finely balanced and balanced conditions, but these were likely to be artefacts of the greater time and effort required to push through the weighted doors. No other behavioural and physiological measures were significantly different between the decision categories. We suggest that more information is needed on when best to monitor likely changes in arousal during decision-making and that future studies should consider decisions defined as difficult in other ways.  相似文献   

亚硒酸钠对肝细胞L-02端粒酶活性和端粒长度的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过研究硒对端粒酶活性和端粒长度的作用 ,探讨硒抗衰老的生物学机制。实验以人肝细胞株L 0 2为研究对象 ,分别补充 0 .5和 2 .5 μmol L亚硒酸钠 ,采用端粒重复序列扩增 焦磷酸根酶联发光法、逆转录聚合酶链式反应法及流式荧光原位杂交法 ,分别检测细胞的端粒酶活性、人端粒酶逆转录酶催化亚基基因 (hTERT)的表达及端粒长度的变化。结果表明 :常规培养的肝细胞株L 0 2的端粒酶活性和hTERT基因表达水平均较低。补充 0 .5和2 .5 μmol L亚硒酸钠三周后细胞生长状况良好、端粒酶活性和hTERT基因表达水平显著性增高 ,且呈一定的剂量 效应关系。细胞补充亚硒酸钠四周后端粒长度显著增长。说明营养浓度的亚硒酸钠可通过提高端粒酶活性和增长端粒长度来减缓L 0 2肝细胞衰老、延长细胞寿命。  相似文献   

Substance use disorders, particularly to methamphetamine, are devastating, relapsing diseases that disproportionally affect young people. There is a need for novel, effective and practical treatment strategies that are validated in animal models. Neuromodulation, including deep brain stimulation (DBS) therapy, refers to the use of electricity to influence pathological neuronal activity and has shown promise for psychiatric disorders, including drug dependence. DBS in clinical practice involves the continuous delivery of stimulation into brain structures using an implantable pacemaker-like system that is programmed externally by a physician to alleviate symptoms. This treatment will be limited in methamphetamine users due to challenging psychosocial situations. Electrical treatments that can be delivered intermittently, non-invasively and remotely from the drug-use setting will be more realistic. This article describes the delivery of intracranial electrical stimulation that is temporally and spatially separate from the drug-use environment for the treatment of IV methamphetamine dependence. Methamphetamine dependence is rapidly developed in rodents using an operant paradigm of intravenous (IV) self-administration that incorporates a period of extended access to drug and demonstrates both escalation of use and high motivation to obtain drug.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of exam length on student performance and cognitive fatigue in an undergraduate biology classroom. Exams tested higher order thinking skills. To test our hypothesis, we administered standard- and extended-length high-level exams to two populations of non-majors biology students. We gathered exam performance data between conditions as well as performance on the first and second half of exams within conditions. We showed that lengthier exams led to better performance on assessment items shared between conditions, possibly lending support to the spreading activation theory. It also led to greater performance on the final exam, lending support to the testing effect in creative problem solving. Lengthier exams did not result in lower performance due to fatiguing conditions, although students perceived subjective fatigue. Implications of these findings are discussed with respect to assessment practices.  相似文献   

Foraging behavior under the risk of predation has interested biologists for decades. Here, we examine paternal genetic effects on foraging decisions of bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) larvae sired by males adopting alternative life histories. We use split in vitro fertilization to generate maternal half‐siblings sired by either a ‘parental’ male or a ‘cuckolder’ male. Immediately, upon the switch to exogenous feeding, we fed the larvae ad libitum for 2 d. We then starved the larvae for between 12 and 17 h, following which we subjected them to a dichotomous choice foraging trial, where one side of a test tank posed a risky foraging habitat and the other posed a safe foraging habitat. Equal amounts of food were simultaneously introduced to both sides of the tank and the proportion of individuals on either side was recorded. There were significantly fewer cuckolder offspring foraging on the risky side of the tank when compared with their parental half‐siblings indicating that cuckolder offspring took fewer risks than parental offspring. These results demonstrate a paternal genetic effect (sire life history) on foraging behavior. We ruled out energetic state as a possible explanation for this difference because the half‐siblings did not differ in body length or mass. Instead, previous research suggests that cuckolder offspring have higher conversion efficiency (efficiency of converting food into soma) than parental offspring and therefore the differences in foraging behavior observed here may, in part, be attributed to genetic differences in conversion efficiency.  相似文献   

Replicating poxviruses catalyze high-frequency recombination reactions by a process that is not well understood. Using transfected DNA substrates we show that these viruses probably use a single-strand annealing recombination mechanism. Plasmids carrying overlapping portions of a luciferase gene expression cassette and luciferase assays were first shown to provide an accurate method of assaying recombinant frequencies. We then transfected pairs of DNAs into virus-infected cells and monitored the efficiencies of linear-by-linear, linear-by-circle, and circle-by-circle recombination. These experiments showed that vaccinia virus recombination systems preferentially catalyze linear-by-linear reactions much more efficiently than circle-by-circle reactions and catalyze circle-by-circle reactions more efficiently than linear-by-circle reactions. Reactions involving linear substrates required surprisingly little sequence identity, with only 16-bp overlaps still permitting approximately 4% recombinant production. Masking the homologies by adding unrelated DNA sequences to the ends of linear substrates inhibited recombination in a manner dependent upon the number of added sequences. Circular molecules were also recombined by replicating viruses but at frequencies 15- to 50-fold lower than are linear substrates. These results are consistent with mechanisms in which exonuclease or helicase processing of DNA ends permits the forming of recombinants through annealing of complementary single strands. Our data are not consistent with a model involving strand invasion reactions, because such reactions should favor mixtures of linear and circular substrates. We also noted that many of the reaction features seen in vivo were reproduced in a simple in vitro reaction requiring only purified vaccinia virus DNA polymerase, single-strand DNA binding protein, and pairs of linear substrates. The 3'-to-5' exonuclease activity of poxviral DNA polymerases potentially catalyzes recombination in vivo.  相似文献   

Effects of DNA Polymer Length on Its Adsorption to Soils   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Three different DNA fragments ranging size from 2.69 kbp (1.75 MDa) to 23 kbp (14.95 MDa) were used as tracers to study the adsorption of polydisperse solutions of calf thymus DNA to eight model soils. The adsorption of the three tracers to all soils was described by the Freundlich adsorption model, with adsorption coefficients (K) ranging from 1.1 for acid-washed sand to over 300 for one soil. An inverse relationship between tracer size and K was observed with six of the eight soils, indicating that smaller fragments are sorbed preferentially versus larger fragments in these soils. No significant correlation between K and the organic carbon contents, clay contents, pHs, or cation exchange capacities of the model soils was observed.  相似文献   

As a model for studying methamphetamine (MAP) abuse, which has become a social problem in Japan, we investigated the changes in serum cortisone, NK cell activity and mitogenic response of T-lymphocytes after a single injection of MAP (3.0 mg/kg) in female cynomolgus monkeys. Serum cortisol concentration was significantly elevated to 2.66 times pre-injection levels at 6 h post-injection, and the effect was still observed 24 h later. NK cell activity was significantly elevated at 6 h after MAP injection, but at 24 h after injection had dropped markedly to 49.5% of baseline. Mitogen (PHA) response of lymphocytes was elevated when MAP was injected, and this increased level continued up to 24 h. We speculate that the transient increase in NK cell activity followed by a distinct drop, as well as the changes in T-lymphocytes, may be strongly related to the cortisone concentration.  相似文献   



Drug users and HIV-seropositive individuals often show deficits in decision-making; however the nature of these deficits is not well understood. Recent studies have employed computational modeling approaches to disentangle the psychological processes involved in decision-making. Although such approaches have been used successfully with a number of clinical groups including drug users, no study to date has used computational modeling to examine the effects of HIV on decision-making. In this study, we use this approach to investigate the effects of HIV and drug use on decision-making processes in women, who remain a relatively understudied population.


Fifty-seven women enrolled in the Women''s Interagency HIV Study (WIHS) were classified into one of four groups based on their HIV status and history of crack cocaine and/or heroin drug use (DU): HIV+/DU+ (n = 14); HIV+/DU− (n = 17); HIV−/DU+ (n = 14); and HIV−/DU− (n = 12). We measured decision-making with the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) and examined behavioral performance and model parameters derived from the best-fitting computational model of the IGT.


Although groups showed similar behavioral performance, HIV and DU exhibited differential relationship to model parameters. Specifically, DU was associated with compromised learning/memory and reduced loss aversion, whereas HIV was associated with reduced loss aversion, but was not related to other model parameters.


Results reveal that HIV and DU have differential associations with distinct decision-making processes in women. This study contributes to a growing line of literature which shows that different psychological processes may underlie similar behavioral performance in various clinical groups and may be associated with distinct functional outcomes.  相似文献   

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