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Spermatic characteristics were studied in representatives of the families Rhamphichthyidae, Sternopygidae and Apteronotidae, and compared with pre‐existent data from Gymnotidae and Hypopomidae. The spermatic characteristics found in Gymnotiformes were also compared with data from other Ostariophysi spermatic cells. The spermatic characteristics as the type of spermiogenesis and the structural pattern of the sperm, considering nuclear form, pattern of chromatin condensation, nuclear fossa and its relation with the centriolar complex, form and localization of mitochondria, form of midpiece, presence or absence of cytoplasmic canal and cytoplasmic sleeve, and flagellar fins were utilized. The comparative analysis of the spermatic cell of Gymnotiformes better support the previous proposals for the order considering Gymnotidae as a derived group, than the more recent ones that located Gymnotidae in a basal position as the sister group of the remaining Gymnotiformes. Regarding the Ostariophysi, the comparative analyses based on the spermatic cell characteristics is consistent with a recent systematic proposal that consider Gymnotiformes as a sister group of Characiformes.  相似文献   

Analysis of 88 characters of external and internal body systems yielded a phylogenetic reconstruction of the Neotropical electric knifefish genus Sternarchorhynchus (Apteronotidae; Gymnotiformes). The results support a hypothesis of Sternarchorhynchus as the sister group to Platyurosternarchus. A series of synapomorphies, many involving major innovations of the neurocranium, jaws, suspensorium, and associated systems that permit an unusual mode of grasp‐suction feeding, support the monophyly of both genera. Synapomorphies largely resolve relationships within Sternarchorhynchus with basal nodes strongly supported by characters pertinent to prey capture and initial processing of food items. These possible key innovations may provide Sternarchorhynchus with a competitive advantage over other clades of the Apteronotidae and account for the species diversity of the genus in Neotropical rivers. Adaptive radiation in Sternarchorhynchus was analysed. Habitat preference transitions repeatedly occurred in the genus between deep‐river channel dwelling species and rheophilic species with preferences for higher energy setting including rapids and swift‐flowing fluviatile settings. Twenty‐two species of Sternarchorhynchus are described as new based on samples that originated in the smaller rivers draining into the Golfo de Paria, the Marowijne and Essequibo River basins, the Río Orinoco and in particular the Amazon River basin. The 32 species in Sternarchorhynchus make it the most speciose genus in the Apteronotidae. No claim to original US government works. Journal compilation © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 159 , 223–371.  相似文献   

Neotropical electric knifefishes of the family Sternopygidae previously considered to represent a single relatively geographically widespread and morphologically variable species, Archolaemus blax, were analysed and found to represent a complex of five species, four of which are new to science. A fifth undescribed species from the Rio São Francisco basin outside the previous known range of the genus was identified. Recognized species of Archolaemus are: A. blax, previously thought to occur in the Rio Araguari, Rio Branco, Rio Tapajós, Rio Tocantins, and Rio Xingu, but which instead proved to be endemic to the Rio Tocantins; Archolaemus ferreirai sp. nov. from the Rio Mucajaí and Rio Uraricoera in the north‐eastern portions of the Amazon basin; Archolaemus janeae sp. nov. of the Rio Xingu and the upper Rio Tapajós, both southern tributaries of the mainstream Amazon; Archolaemus luciae sp. nov. of the Rio Trombetas, Rio Jari, and Rio Tapajós basins of the eastern Amazon, and the independent Rio Araguari draining into the Atlantic Ocean north of the mouth of the Amazon; Archolaemus orientalis sp. nov. of the São Francisco basin in eastern Brazil; and Archolaemus santosi sp. nov. of the Rio Jamari in the south‐western portion of the Amazon basin. The phylogenetic placements of Archolaemus and the recently described genus Japigny relative to the other members of the Eigenmanninae are discussed. A series of synapomorphies for Archolaemus are proposed and a hypothesis of the relationships within that genus is advanced. Rheophily of all members of Archolaemus is discussed, with the genus found to be the most specious clade within the Gymnotiformes living primarily in high‐energy settings. The reported anterior projection of the dentary teeth in A. blax was found to be a consequence of postmortem displacement.  相似文献   

The pseudotympanum, a reduction of the hypaxialis muscle in the body wall lateral to the anterior portion of the swim bladder, is unique to some members of the Otophysi, the largest clade of primarily freshwater fishes. Prior studies documented the presence of the pseudotympanum in a number of groups within the Characiformes, to a lesser extent in subunits of the Siluriformes, and in a few taxa of the Cypriniformes, but with only one record of the aperture in the Gymnotiformes – the Neotropical electric fishes. Surveys across the five families and c. two‐thirds of the genera in the Gymnotiformes revealed the occurrence of a pseudotympanum in all examined taxa. Pronounced variation in the expanse and details of the morphology of the opening and its relationship to the anterior elements of the axial skeleton was documented amongst Neotropical electric fish. Details of pseudotympanal morphology in the different families of the Gymnotiformes are described and the variation evaluated within the context of the two alternative hypotheses of higher‐level phylogenetic relationships within the order. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

A phylogenetic reconstruction of the Neotropical electric fish genus Hypopygus based on 47 parsimony‐informative morphological characters is presented. A series of synapomorphies support the hypothesis of monophyly of Hypopygus, and partially resolve species‐level relationships within the genus. Hypopygus species are recognized here as miniaturized fishes based on two criteria; first, a derived condition of diminutive body size, and; second, the presence of a suite of reductive morphological characters, including partial or total losses, simplifications, and reductions of the anal‐fin rays, scales, cranial bones, and laterosensory canal system. Reductive characters associated with miniaturization comprise 45% of the total number of characters in the phylogenetic reconstruction of the genus. Miniaturization and reductive morphological evolution in Hypopygus are discussed here in the phylogenetic context. A taxonomic revision of Hypopygus is presented, in which five new species are described, two species previously assigned to the genus are redescribed, and a single known species of Stegostenopos is redescribed and included in Hypopygus as a junior synonym. Distribution maps and a key for all eight valid species of Hypopygus are provided, based on the examination of 5014 catalogued museum specimens. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 1096–1156.  相似文献   

The caudal skeleton of Apteronotus leptorhynchus was studied at various stages from hatching to the adult stage using anatomical and histological techniques. The caudal skeleton that supports the lepidotrichia is reduced to a rhomboid caudal plate (caudal cartilage) that extends the vertebral axis. This cartilage appears for the first time in 8 day old fish, postero-ventral to the notochord. During its growth, perichondral and endochondral ossification occurs, beginning at the anterior end of the cartilage. Comparison with the anatomy and ontogeny of the typical caudal skeleton of teleosts allows us to interpret the caudal cartilage of A. leptorhynchus as an hypuro-opisthural component that is homologous to the cartilage that occurs at the tip of the axial skeleton in Eigenmannia virescens.  相似文献   

The veratridine/tetrodotoxin-sensitive sodium influx was measured in membrane fractions isolated from the electric organ of Electrophorus electricus. The fractions were characterized, and the main biochemical markers and their acetylcholine receptor content were determined. The innervated and noninnervated faces of the electroplax were separated. The different biochemical criteria used indicate that the pre- and postsynaptic membranes of the innervated face were isolated. Sodium influx increased by veratridine and blocked by tetrodotoxin was found in fractions from the presynaptic membrane. Because some of the vesicles in this fraction are in the inside-out conformation, tetrodotoxin had to be applied to both faces of the vesicles so that sodium influx was blocked completely. The fractions from the innervated face of the electroplax contained sodium channels with sensitivities to tetrodotoxin and veratridine similar to those of fractions from other nerve membrane preparations.  相似文献   

Gymnotus cylindricus LaMonte, a poorly studied Central American electric fish primarily observed in the Rio Motagua basin (Guatemala) and north-western Honduras, is redescribed in detail. A clear diagnosis of this species is provided, with new information on overall morphology, osteology, and colour pattern. In a separate section, comments on character ambiguity within the Ostariophysi are made, which led to a reinterpretation of seven homoplastic characters proposed by Fink & Fink (1981) in their work on interrelationships among five major lineages of the superorder. Although the topology of their cladogram remains unchanged, the present view is that alternative explanations regarding evolution of those characters are possible, and the new ones here offered agree with initial hypotheses of primary homologies.  相似文献   

Eigenmannia trilineata López and Castello, 1966 (Sternopygidae) was described from the Río de La Plata basin and subsequently cited from most South American river basins. Questions about the limits of this species raise the possibility of the occurrence of undescribed species misidentified as E. trilineata. Herein we propose the Eigenmannia trilineata species group for species that share the presence of the superior medial stripe on the flank. This group comprises: E igenmannia antonioi sp. nov. , from the Rio Anapu, Rio Amazonas basin; E igenmannia desantanai sp. nov. , from the Rio Cuiabá, Rio Paraguay basin; E igenmannia guairaca sp. nov. , from the Riacho Água do Ó, upper Rio Paraná basin; E igenmannia matintapereira sp. nov. , from the Rio Uneiuxi and Rio Urubaxi, Rio Negro basin; Eigenmannia microstoma (Reinhardt, 1852), from the Rio São Francisco basin; E igenmannia muirapinima sp. nov. , from small tributaries of the Rio Amazonas; E igenmannia pavulagem sp. nov. , from the tributaries of Rio Capim, Rio Guamá basin; E. trilineata, from the lower Rio Paraná basin and Río de La Plata basin; Eigenmannia vicentespelaea Triques, 1996, from São Vicente I and II caves, Rio Tocantins basin; and E igenmannia waiwai sp. nov. , from the Rio Trombetas basin. These species can be distinguished from each other by unique sets of meristics, morphometrics, osteological and colour pattern features. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Aim To present a new hypothetical history of the otophysan fishes. Location World‐wide. Methods Utilization of recent information about otophysan phylogeny, palaeontology, biogeography and external relations. Results Anatomical, mitochondrial DNA and karological research has indicated that the Cypriniformes is the most primitive of the four orders that comprise the Otophysi. The Siluriformes is next in the phylogenetic progression followed by the Characiformes and the Gymnotiformes. A molecular clock estimate indicated that the divergence time between the cypriniforms and the remaining otophysans took place about 250 Ma. But, otophysans have apparently never occurred on Madagascar‐India and that land mass did not separate from Africa until 158–160 Ma. As we know that some otophysans existed in Africa–South America prior to 115 Ma, they must have originated between 115 and 160 Ma. Main conclusions Comparison of phylogeny and biogeography appears to indicate that the Otophysi originated in South America, the location of the apomorphic Gymnotiformes. It seems that the gymnotiforms did not radiate in time to get across to Africa and the characiforms did not expand in time to catch the connection to Asia. Apparently, it was only the ancestors to the cypriniform and siluriform lines that expanded early enough to reach Asia in the late Jurassic. There remains a gap of about 80 Myr between the oldest known otophysan fossil and the approximate time of dispersal to Asia. Further progress awaits more phylogenetic or fossil discoveries.  相似文献   

In this study we examined electrocommunication behavior in Sternarchogiton nattereri (Apteronotidae), a weakly electric fish from South America. We focused on variation between females and males lacking external dentition and used playbacks of simulated conspecifics to elicit chirps (modulations of their electric organ discharge, EOD). Chirp responses were not affected by the frequency of the playback stimulus. EOD frequency, chirp rate, and chirp duration were not sexually dimorphic; however, the amount of chirp frequency modulation was significantly greater in toothless males than in females. These results reinforce that sex differences in chirp structure are highly diverse and widespread in the Apteronotidae.  相似文献   

The backwards swimming behavior exhibited by American weakly electric fishes (Gymnotiformes) is thought to be an important component of foraging, particularly in the electrolocation of prey items. Previous studies of Eigenmannia virescens and Apteronotus albifrons have shown that backwards swimming appears to allow a fish to scan a potential prey item across its cutaneous electroreceptor array, then put itself in position for a short, forward lunge preceding ingestion. Adult gymnotiforms exhibit considerable variation in size, shape, and electric organ characteristics. For example, gymnotiforms produce either a wave or a pulse electric organ discharge (EOD). Given this variation, we ask whether the results reported previously can be completely generalized to all gymnotiforms. To address this question we observed the foraging patterns of phylogenetically and ecologically distinct gymnotiforms: three wave species, E. virescens, A. albifrons and Sternopygus macrurus; and three pulse species, Gymnotus carapo, Brachyhypopomus cf. brevirostris, and Rhamphichthys rostratus. Electric organ placement and body shape were also noted in these species to determine if morphological differences correlate with variations in foraging behaviors. Results demonstrate that following prey detection the wave species examined primarily swim backwards during prey approach, prior to lunging forward and ingesting prey. This result is similar to previous findings. In contrast, the pulse species examined detect, approach, and ingest prey primarily in the forward direction, swimming backwards only to reposition themselves.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the Weberian apparatus was examined in the zebrafish, Danio rerio , using both cleared and stained specimens and histology. Over 300 individuals from four independent zebrafish lineages, ranging in size from 3 to 28 mm TL, were examined for this study. Results provide a basic understanding of the development of the Weberian apparatus in the wild-type zebrafish. Our results, in conjunction with those already published, point to substantial variation in the development of the Weberian apparatus among otophysans and new interpretations of the homology of certain ossicles (e.g. tripus and claustrum). Hypotheses of homology among various Weberian ossicles are considered and represent an important step in understanding the evolution of sound transmission in ostariophysan fishes.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 241–254.  相似文献   

A study of nine cyprinid and six catostomid species focused on the early ontogeny of supraneurals and neural arches of the Wehcrian apparatus. These elements chondrify during the mesolarval stage, and there is strong temporal correlation with chondrification of the dorsal-fin pterygiophores. Supraneurals 2 and 3 form from separate chondrification centers that subsequently coalesce. In some cyprinids and catostomids, Sn 2 is at first bilaterally paired. This observation demonstrates that supraneurals are not always unpaired, and provides circumstantial evidence that the paired claustra are homologous to Sn l. Claustra in 14 of 15 species examined possessed at least a cartilage rudiment. No evidence was found to support the currently prevalent hypothesis that the claustra form from dissociated parts of the first neural arch.  相似文献   

The Neotropical genus Eigenmannia is a fish group with unknown species diversity where representatives possess a broad range of chromosomal sex determining systems namely XY/XX, X(1)X(2)Y/X(1)X(1)X(2)X(2), ZZ/ZW as well as homomorphic sex chromosomes. To test the homology of two heteromorphic XY sex chromosome systems present in two sympatric populations, reciprocal cross-species FISH experiments were performed using probes derived by microdissection of X and Y chromosomes present in analyzed specimens of Eigenmannia virescens and Eigenmannia sp.2, respectively. While X and Y paint probes hybridized to species-specific sex chromosomes, in reciprocal cross-FISH both probes hybridized exclusively to autosomes. The result suggests multiple independent origins of the XY systems in the analyzed populations.  相似文献   



To estimate the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among female sex workers (FSWs) in the Jiangsu Province, China and measure the association of Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) infections with their potential correlates.


A cross-sectional study on a representative sample of FSWs in Yangzhou and Changzhou cities of Jiangsu was conducted.


185 sex-work venues in Yangzhou and 174 in Changzhou were selected by stratified random sampling. 2972 FSWs (1108 in Yangzhou and 1864 in Changzhou), aged 15 years or more, who agreed to participate and provided blood sample for HIV and syphilis testing were interviewed in these venues. Cervical specimens from 849 randomly chosen participants were then tested for CT and NG.


Proportions of young, school-educated, currently married FSWs who were living alone, migrated from other provinces and engaged in unprotected vaginal intercourse in past 3 months (UVI) were relatively high. Prevalence of HIV, syphilis, CT and NG were 0.20%, 4.88%, 14.61% and 5.42% respectively. Younger age, living alone or with persons other than partners/family members, engaging in UVI and having other STIs seemed to be associated with higher risk of CT or NG infection. Being divorced/widowed and working in middle/low-level venues were identified as additional risk factors for NG.


Based on a representative sample, this initial effort to identify the correlates of CT/NG infections among FSWs of Jiangsu revealed that focused interventions targeting high-risk FSWs are urgently required for controlling STI epidemics in Yangzhou and Changzhou where substantial number of STI cases were identified.  相似文献   

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