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Free-flying honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) reactions were observed when presented with varying schedules of post-reinforcement delays of 0 s, 300 s, or 600 s. We measured inter-visit-interval, response length, inter-response-time, and response rate. Honey bees exposed to these post-reinforcement delay intervals exhibit one of several patterns compared to groups not encountering delays, and had longer inter-visit-intervals. We observed no group differences in inter-response time. Honey bees with higher response rates tended to not finish the experiment. The removal of the delay intervals increased response rates for those subjects that completed the trials.  相似文献   

Our grasp of biodiversity is fine-tuned through the process of revisionary taxonomy. If species do exist in nature and can be discovered with available techniques, then we expect these revisions to converge on broadly shared interpretations of species. But for the primarily arctic bumblebees of the subgenus Alpinobombus of the genus Bombus, revisions by some of the most experienced specialists are unusual for bumblebees in that they have all reached different conclusions on the number of species present. Recent revisions based on skeletal morphology have concluded that there are from four to six species, while variation in colour pattern of the hair raised questions as to whether at least seven species might be present. Even more species are supported if we accept the recent move away from viewing species as morphotypes to viewing them instead as evolutionarily independent lineages (EILs) using data from genes. EILs are recognised here in practice from the gene coalescents that provide direct evidence for their evolutionary independence. We show from fitting both general mixed Yule/coalescent (GMYC) models and Poisson-tree-process (PTP) models to data for the mitochondrial COI gene that there is support for nine species in the subgenus Alpinobombus. Examination of the more slowly evolving nuclear PEPCK gene shows further support for a previously unrecognised taxon as a new species in northwestern North America. The three pairs of the most morphologically similar sister species are separated allopatrically and prevented from interbreeding by oceans. We also find that most of the species show multiple shared colour patterns, giving the appearance of mimicry among parts of the different species. However, reconstructing ancestral colour-pattern states shows that speciation is likely to have cut across widespread ancestral polymorphisms, without or largely without convergence. In the particular case of Alpinobombus, morphological, colour-pattern, and genetic groups show little agreement, which may help to explain the lack of agreement among previous taxonomic revisions.  相似文献   

Bees collect food from flowers that differ in morphology, color, and scent. Nectar‐seeking foragers can rapidly associate a flower's cues with its profitability, measured as caloric value or ‘net energy gain,’ and generally develop preferences for more profitable species. If two flower types are equally easy to discover and feed from, differences in profitability will arise from differences in the volume or the sugar concentration of their nectar crops. Although there has been much study of how bees respond to one or the other of these two kinds of nectar variation, few studies have considered both at once. We presented free‐foraging bumblebees with two different types of equally rewarding artificial flowers. After a period of familiarization, we made one type more rewarding than the other by increasing its nectar concentration, volume, or both. Bees responded more rapidly to a change in the reward's sugar concentration than to a change in its volume, even if the profitability differences were approximately equal. Sucrose concentration differences (40% vs. 13%) caused bees to virtually abandon the more dilute flower type, whether both types offered the same volume (2 μl) or the less concentrated reward offered higher volume (7 μl vs. 0.85 μl). When the two types of flower differed only in nectar volume (7 μl vs. 0.85 μl), the less rewarding type continued to receive 22% of the visits. We propose three different hypotheses to explain the stronger response of the bees to changes in sugar concentration: (i) their response threshold to sucrose concentration might change; (ii) less time is needed to assess the concentration of a reward than its volume; and (iii) a smaller sample size may be needed for reliable estimation of profitability when flowers differ in concentration.  相似文献   

Viruses are integral members of the human microbiome. Many of the viruses comprising the human virome have been identified as bacteriophage, and little is known about how they respond to perturbations within the human ecosystem. The intimate association of phage with their cellular hosts suggests their communities may change in response to shifts in bacterial community membership. Alterations to human bacterial biota can result in human disease including a reduction in the host''s resilience to pathogens. Here we report the ecology of oral and fecal viral communities and their responses to long-term antibiotic therapy in a cohort of human subjects. We found significant differences between the viral communities of each body site with a more heterogeneous fecal virus community compared with viruses in saliva. We measured the relative diversity of viruses, and found that the oral viromes were significantly more diverse than fecal viromes. There were characteristic changes in the membership of oral and fecal bacterial communities in response to antibiotics, but changes in fecal viral communities were less distinguishing. In the oral cavity, an abundance of papillomaviruses found in subjects on antibiotics suggests an association between antibiotics and papillomavirus production. Despite the abundance of papillomaviruses identified, in neither the oral nor the fecal viromes did antibiotic therapy have any significant impact upon overall viral diversity. There was, however, an apparent expansion of the reservoir of genes putatively involved in resistance to numerous classes of antibiotics in fecal viromes that was not paralleled in oral viromes. The emergence of antibiotic resistance in fecal viromes in response to long-term antibiotic therapy in humans suggests that viruses play an important role in the resilience of human microbial communities to antibiotic disturbances.  相似文献   

In Pavlovian conditioning, animals learn to associate initially neutral stimuli with positive or negative outcomes, leading to appetitive and aversive learning respectively. The honeybee (Apis mellifera) is a prominent invertebrate model for studying both versions of olfactory learning and for unraveling the influence of genotype. As a queen bee mates with about 15 males, her worker offspring belong to as many, genetically-different patrilines. While the genetic dependency of appetitive learning is well established in bees, it is not the case for aversive learning, as a robust protocol was only developed recently. In the original conditioning of the sting extension response (SER), bees learn to associate an odor (conditioned stimulus - CS) with an electric shock (unconditioned stimulus - US). This US is however not a natural stimulus for bees, which may represent a potential caveat for dissecting the genetics underlying aversive learning. We thus first tested heat as a potential new US for SER conditioning. We show that thermal stimulation of several sensory structures on the bee’s body triggers the SER, in a temperature-dependent manner. Moreover, heat applied to the antennae, mouthparts or legs is an efficient US for SER conditioning. Then, using microsatellite analysis, we analyzed heat sensitivity and aversive learning performances in ten worker patrilines issued from a naturally inseminated queen. We demonstrate a strong influence of genotype on aversive learning, possibly indicating the existence of a genetic determinism of this capacity. Such determinism could be instrumental for efficient task partitioning within the hive.  相似文献   

The effects of long-term (over several years) anabolic androgen steroids (AAS) administration on human skeletal muscle are still unclear. In this study, seventeen strength training athletes were recruited and individually interviewed regarding self-administration of banned substances. Ten subjects admitted having taken AAS or AAS derivatives for the past 5 to 15 years (Doped) and the dosage and type of banned substances were recorded. The remaining seven subjects testified to having never used any banned substances (Clean). For all subjects, maximal muscle strength and body composition were tested, and biopsies from the vastus lateralis muscle were obtained. Using histochemistry and immunohistochemistry (IHC), muscle biopsies were evaluated for morphology including fiber type composition, fiber size, capillary variables and myonuclei. Compared with the Clean athletes, the Doped athletes had significantly higher lean leg mass, capillary per fibre and myonuclei per fiber. In contrast, the Doped athletes had significantly lower absolute value in maximal squat force and relative values in maximal squat force (relative to lean body mass, to lean leg mass and to muscle fiber area). Using multivariate statistics, an orthogonal projection of latent structure discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) model was established, in which the maximal squat force relative to muscle mass and the maximal squat force relative to fiber area, together with capillary density and nuclei density were the most important variables for separating Doped from the Clean athletes (regression  =  0.93 and prediction  =  0.92, p<0.0001). In Doped athletes, AAS dose-dependent increases were observed in lean body mass, muscle fiber area, capillary density and myonuclei density. In conclusion, long term AAS supplementation led to increases in lean leg mass, muscle fiber size and a parallel improvement in muscle strength, and all were dose-dependent. Administration of AAS may induce sustained morphological changes in human skeletal muscle, leading to physical performance enhancement.  相似文献   

Bees use spatial and visual cues that characterize flowers to make dietary choices. If two such cues always appear together nonambiguously, they provide identical information. In such cases, do bees base dietary choices on one cue and ignore the other, or do they consider both cues? We allowed bumblebees to forage on two patches of artificial flowers that differed in location, color, and reward presence in a two-phase experiment. We switched either the display color, the location, or both the color and the location associated with the rewarding patch between phases. We tested for the effects of the switch on the bees' choices. Immediately following a switch in the location or both the location and the color of the rewarding patch, the bees' performance decreased, as they continued to visit the patch that was previously rewarding. This decrease did not occur when only the color of the rewarding patch was changed or in no-change controls. We suggest that the bees' foraging choices were guided mostly by a location cue when both the location and the color conveyed the same information.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(1):31-41.e3
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Two moorland sites were examined approximately seven years after heavy pollution by a kerosine containing acid sludge. The vegetation at both sites showed no real sign of recovery, although the soil microflora at the wetter site (B) was not inhibited to the same degree as that at Site A. The general effect of the pollution was to reduce the microbial standing crop although respirometric analyses showed that the organisms which were present were at least as active as those in the control areas. The slow recovery of the sites may be due to reduced permeability and gas-exchange at the soil-air interface.  相似文献   

THE retina of the pigeon has at least four kinds of cones, which can be distinguished by the oil droplets which they contain. The colours of three of these are in the visible part of the spectrum; the fourth appears colourless or slightly green1,2. These oil droplets are found in the paraboloid of the cones and can act as sharp cut-off filters that absorb practically all visible light below 600 (red), 550 (orange), 480 (yellow) and 430 (greenish) nm respectively. The four kinds of cones are not uniformly distributed across the retina and appear in different proportions in the four retinal zones (Table 1). Different pigeons have different proportions in the different quadrants, but their relative distribution is similar to the one shown here.  相似文献   

Adult male Wistar rats were given either a single training trial or one training trial per day during 3 days followed by a retention test trial in an inhibitory avoidance (IA) task. In animals given a single training trial, pretraining, but not pretest bilateral infusion of the NMDA glutamate receptor antagonist d,l-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP5) (5.0 μg) into the CA1 hippocampal area blocked IA retention. In animals given three training trials, infusions of AP5 given prior to each of the three training trials severely impaired, but did not block retention. The results indicate that NMDA receptors in the hippocampus are involved in the formation, but not in expression, of aversive memory. In addition, rats given repeated training were able to show a mild improvement of performance across training trials, possibly through mechanisms that do not depend on NMDA receptor activation in the dorsal hippocampus.  相似文献   

Megabombus bumblebees have unusually long tongues and are generally more specialised than other bumblebees in their choice of food plants. The phylogeny of Megabombus bumblebees shows that speciation was concentrated in two periods. Speciation in the first period (ca 4.25–1.5 Ma) is associated with the late rise of the Hengduan Mountains at the eastern end of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Speciation in the second period (1.2–0.3 Ma) is associated with climatic cooling in the northern forests. The most extreme food-specialist species belong to the second period, which may point to climate as a factor in specialisation. These extreme specialist species occur either in the far north (Bombus consobrinus), or at high elevations (Bombus gerstaeckeri), in situations where long tongues coincide with the shortest nesting seasons. Species with the longest tongues but occurring further south (even at high elevations) use a broader range of food plants.  相似文献   

Abnormalities in Chrysanthemum Regenerated from Long Term Cultures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plants regenerated from leafy callus of Chrysanthemum morifoliumRamat. maintained for 9 years (LC plants) were compared to thoseregenerated from leafy callus maintained for 1 month (SC plants)in order to assess the effects of long-term culture. LC plantsdiffered morphologically from those derived from the 1-monthculture. Aberrant forms, proliferation of apical buds, variableleaf shapes and stunted growth were observed in 15 per centof the LC plants. The remaining 85 per cent were characterizedby excessive growth of lateral shoots. Flowers were smallerand irregularly formed in most LC plants. Although the growthrates of plants in both LC and SC groups were similar, floweringwas delayed considerably in the LC plants. Application of GA3or IAA had no effect in restoring normal form. Genetic instability,chimeral rearrangement and residual hormone effects are offeredas possible explanations for the abnormalities observed. Tissue culture, Chrysanthemum morifolium, phenotypic variability  相似文献   

Adaptive behavior depends less on the details of the negotiation process and makes more robust predictions in the long term as compared to in the short term. However, the extant literature on population dynamics for behavior adjustment has only examined the current situation. To offset this limitation, we propose a synergy of evolutionary algorithm and reinforcement learning to investigate long-term collective performance and strategy evolution. The model adopts reinforcement learning with a tradeoff between historical and current information to make decisions when the strategies of agents evolve through repeated interactions. The results demonstrate that the strategies in populations converge to stable states, and the agents gradually form steady negotiation habits. Agents that adopt reinforcement learning perform better in payoff, fairness, and stableness than their counterparts using classic evolutionary algorithm.  相似文献   

Potential trade-offs between learning speed and memory-related performance could be important factors in the evolution of learning. Here, we test whether rapid learning interferes with the acquisition of new information using a reversal learning paradigm. Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) were trained to associate yellow with a floral reward. Subsequently the association between colour and reward was reversed, meaning bees then had to learn to visit blue flowers. We demonstrate that individuals that were fast to learn yellow as a predictor of reward were also quick to reverse this association. Furthermore, overnight memory retention tests suggest that faster learning individuals are also better at retaining previously learned information. There is also an effect of relatedness: colonies whose workers were fast to learn the association between yellow and reward also reversed this association rapidly. These results are inconsistent with a trade-off between learning speed and the reversal of a previously made association. On the contrary, they suggest that differences in learning performance and cognitive (behavioural) flexibility could reflect more general differences in colony learning ability. Hence, this study provides additional evidence to support the idea that rapid learning and behavioural flexibility have adaptive value.  相似文献   

Bacopa monnieri (L.) is a revered medicinal plant of traditional Indian system of medicine effective against cognitive impairment in ageing and SDAT. In our previous study, long term administration of bacosides was found to exhibit remarkable anti ageing effect, ameliorate age associated neurochemical and neurobehavioral deficits and prevent hippocampal neuronal degeneration in middle aged and aged rat brain cortex. In continuation to the previous study, the present study aims to investigate the neuroprotective effect of bacosides against age related chronic neuroinflammation in Wistar rat brain on 3 months treatment. Recently, neuroinflammation has gained considerable interest in age associated neurodegeneration and pathologies like SDAT due to its slow onset and chronic nature. The results of the present study demonstrated the significant attenuation of age dependant elevation of pro inflammatory cytokines, iNOS protein expression, total nitrite and lipofuscin content in middle aged and aged rat brain cortex on long term oral administration of bacosides. Thus, the present results suggest that bacosides possess immense potential to act as a neuroprotective agent due to its pleiotropic action for the prevention of ageing complications and SDAT progression.  相似文献   

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