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As time- and ensemble-averaged measures, NMR observables contain information about both protein structure and dynamics. This work represents a computational study to extract such information for membrane proteins from orientation-dependent NMR observables: solid-state NMR chemical shift anisotropy and dipolar coupling, and solution NMR residual dipolar coupling. We have performed NMR-restrained molecular dynamics simulations to refine the structure of the membrane-bound form of Pf1 coat protein in explicit lipid bilayers using the recently measured chemical shift anisotropy, dipolar coupling, and residual dipolar coupling data. From the simulations, we have characterized detailed protein-lipid interactions and explored the dynamics. All simulations are stable and the NMR restraints are well satisfied. The C-terminal transmembrane (TM) domain of Pf1 finds its optimal position in the membrane quickly (within 6 ns), illustrating efficient solvation of TM domains in explicit bilayer environments. Such rapid convergence also leads to well-converged interaction patterns between the TM helix and the membrane, which clearly show the interactions of interfacial membrane-anchoring residues with the lipids. For the N-terminal periplasmic helix of Pf1, we identify a stable, albeit dynamic, helix orientation parallel to the membrane surface that satisfies the amphiphatic nature of the helix in an explicit lipid bilayer. Such detailed information cannot be obtained solely from NMR observables. Therefore, the present simulations illustrate the usefulness of NMR-restrained MD refinement of membrane protein structure in explicit membranes.  相似文献   

Dim-light vision is mediated by retinal rod cells. Rhodopsin (R), a G-protein-coupled receptor, switches to its active form (R?) in response to absorbing a single photon and activates multiple copies of the G-protein transducin (G) that trigger further downstream reactions of the phototransduction cascade. The classical assumption is that R and G are uniformly distributed and freely diffusing on disk membranes. Recent experimental findings have challenged this view by showing specific R architectures, including RG precomplexes, nonuniform R density, specific R arrangements, and immobile fractions of R. Here, we derive a physical model that describes the first steps of the photoactivation cascade in spatiotemporal detail and single-molecule resolution. The model was implemented in the ReaDDy software for particle-based reaction-diffusion simulations. Detailed kinetic in vitro experiments are used to parametrize the reaction rates and diffusion constants of R and G. Particle diffusion and G activation are then studied under different conditions of R-R interaction. It is found that the classical free-diffusion model is consistent with the available kinetic data. The existence of precomplexes between inactive R and G is only consistent with the data if these precomplexes are weak, with much larger dissociation rates than suggested elsewhere. Microarchitectures of R, such as dimer racks, would effectively immobilize R but have little impact on the diffusivity of G and on the overall amplification of the cascade at the level of the G protein.  相似文献   

Dim-light vision is mediated by retinal rod cells. Rhodopsin (R), a G-protein-coupled receptor, switches to its active form (RR) in response to absorbing a single photon and activates multiple copies of the G-protein transducin (G) that trigger further downstream reactions of the phototransduction cascade. The classical assumption is that R and G are uniformly distributed and freely diffusing on disk membranes. Recent experimental findings have challenged this view by showing specific R architectures, including RG precomplexes, nonuniform R density, specific R arrangements, and immobile fractions of R. Here, we derive a physical model that describes the first steps of the photoactivation cascade in spatiotemporal detail and single-molecule resolution. The model was implemented in the ReaDDy software for particle-based reaction-diffusion simulations. Detailed kinetic in vitro experiments are used to parametrize the reaction rates and diffusion constants of R and G. Particle diffusion and G activation are then studied under different conditions of R-R interaction. It is found that the classical free-diffusion model is consistent with the available kinetic data. The existence of precomplexes between inactive R and G is only consistent with the data if these precomplexes are weak, with much larger dissociation rates than suggested elsewhere. Microarchitectures of R, such as dimer racks, would effectively immobilize R but have little impact on the diffusivity of G and on the overall amplification of the cascade at the level of the G protein.  相似文献   

Solid-state NMR has been used to determine the structures of membrane proteins in native-like lipid bilayer environments. Most structure calculations based on solid-state NMR observables are performed using simulated annealing with restrained molecular dynamics and an energy function, where all nonbonded interactions are represented by a single, purely repulsive term with no contributions from van der Waals attractive, electrostatic, or solvation energy. To our knowledge, this is the first application of an ensemble dynamics technique performed in explicit membranes that uses experimental solid-state NMR observables to obtain the refined structure of a membrane protein together with information about its dynamics and its interactions with lipids. Using the membrane-bound form of the fd coat protein as a model membrane protein and its experimental solid-state NMR data, we performed restrained ensemble dynamics simulations with different ensemble sizes in explicit membranes. For comparison, a molecular dynamics simulation of fd coat protein was also performed without any restraints. The average orientation of each protein helix is similar to a structure determined by traditional single-conformer approaches. However, their variations are limited in the resulting ensemble of structures with one or two replicas, as they are under the strong influence of solid-state NMR restraints. Although highly consistent with all solid-state NMR observables, the ensembles of more than two replicas show larger orientational variations similar to those observed in the molecular dynamics simulation without restraints. In particular, in these explicit membrane simulations, Lys40, residing at the C-terminal side of the transmembrane helix, is observed to cause local membrane curvature. Therefore, compared to traditional single-conformer approaches in implicit environments, solid-state NMR restrained ensemble simulations in explicit membranes readily characterize not only protein dynamics but also protein-lipid interactions in detail.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the membrane-bound form of the major coat protein of Pf1 bacteriophage was determined in phospholipid bilayers using orientation restraints derived from both solid-state and solution NMR experiments. In contrast to previous structures determined solely in detergent micelles, the structure in bilayers contains information about the spatial arrangement of the protein within the membrane, and thus provides insights to the bacteriophage assembly process from membrane-inserted to bacteriophage-associated protein. Comparisons between the membrane-bound form of the coat protein and the previously determined structural form found in filamentous bacteriophage particles demonstrate that it undergoes a significant structural rearrangement during the membrane-mediated virus assembly process. The rotation of the transmembrane helix (Q16-A46) around its long axis changes dramatically (by 160°) to obtain the proper alignment for packing in the virus particles. Furthermore, the N-terminal amphipathic helix (V2-G17) tilts away from the membrane surface and becomes parallel with the transmembrane helix to form one nearly continuous long helix. The spectra obtained in glass-aligned planar lipid bilayers, magnetically aligned lipid bilayers (bicelles), and isotropic lipid bicelles reflect the effects of backbone motions and enable the backbone dynamics of the N-terminal helix to be characterized. Only resonances from the mobile N-terminal helix and the C-terminus (A46) are observed in the solution NMR spectra of the protein in isotropic q > 1 bicelles, whereas only resonances from the immobile transmembrane helix are observed in the solid-state 1H/15N-separated local field spectra in magnetically aligned bicelles. The N-terminal helix and the hinge that connects it to the transmembrane helix are significantly more dynamic than the rest of the protein, thus facilitating structural rearrangement during bacteriophage assembly.  相似文献   

A method which allows one to follow the synthesis of the major f1 coat protein in normal, unirradiated f1-infected cells is reported. The N-terminal tryptic peptide of this protein, labeled with (14)C-lysine, has a negative charge at pH 4.5 and is readily separated from the contaminating peptides of host cell proteins. This technique was used to study several aspects of the synthesis of the major f1 coat protein in infected cells.  相似文献   

The spore coat protein of Clostridium perfringens type A was solubilized from intact spores by treatment with a mixture of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and dithiothreitol (DTT) at alkaline pH. About 35% of the total dry weight of spores was extracted with this treatment. The extracted protein was partially purified by gel filtration. The major component (Fr-Bl) is rich in glutamic acid and aspartic acid, as well as half-cystine. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of the Fr-Bl showed a major polypeptide band of a molecular weight of 17,000.  相似文献   

Amino acid substitutions in a majority of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) coat protein (CP) ts-mutants have previously been mapped to the same region of the CP molecule tertiary structure, located at a distance of about 70 Å from TMV virion axis. In the present work some properties of a new TMV CP ts-mutant ts21-66 (two substitutions I21 T and D66 G, both in the 70-Å region) were studied. Thermal inactivation characteristics, sedimentation properties, circular dichroism spectra, and modification by a lysine-specific reagent, trinitrobenzensulfonic acid, of ts21–66 CP were compared with those of wild-type (U1) TMV CP. It is concluded that the 70-Å region represents the most labile portion of the TMV CP molecule. Partial disordering of this region in the mutant CP at permissive temperatures leads to loss of the capacity to form two-layer aggregates of the cylindrical type, while further disordering induced by mild heating results also in the loss of the ability to form ordered helical aggregates.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage f1 Infection: Fate of the Parental Major Coat Protein   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The major coat protein of infecting f1 phage is incorporated into the inner membrane of the host cell, even in the absence of phage f1DNA penetration and replication. The major coat protein monomers are reutilized in the assembly of new phage. They are not conserved as a single unit but behave as independent units which are slowly incorporated into newly manufactured phage.  相似文献   

黄瓜花叶病毒衣壳蛋白基因转化辣椒研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The plant expression vector of the coat protein(CP) gene of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) BS strain was used to transform three kinds of pepper (Capsicum annuum) tissues (cotyledon, stem and root) by agrobacterium-mediated co-cultivation. 53%-68.4% of the total tissues (639) can be induced to be calli, but only cotyledon calli can be further regenerated to form shoots (regenerated efficiency 39.7%). 70%(42/60) of the putative transformed plants were confirmed to have CP gene in their genomes by Southern blot. The mRNAs and the CP were respectively found in 80% of transgenic plants by Northern blot and DAS-ELISA. 24 of the transgenic plants expressing CP gene of BS strain showed three kinds of resistant level (severe symptom, delay of symptomatic development, no symptom) to infection of CMV-BS and of CMV-P. However, there was distinctly higher resistance to inoculation of CMV-BS than that with CMV-P in these transgenic plants.  相似文献   

The coat protein complex II (COPII) generates transport carriers from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) under the control of the small GTPase Sar1. Sec23 is well known as a structural component of the COPII coat and as a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for Sar1. Here, we showed that Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a novel Sec23 paralog, Nel1, which appears not to function as a subunit of the COPII coat. Nel1 does not associate with any of the COPII components, but it exhibits strong Sar1 GAP activity. We also demonstrated that the chromosomal deletion of NEL1 leads to a significant growth defect in the temperature-sensitive sar1D32G background, suggesting a possible functional link between these proteins. In contrast to Sec23, which is predominantly localized at ER exit sites on the ER membrane, a major proportion of Nel1 is localized throughout the cytosol. Our findings highlight a possible role of Nel1 as a novel GAP for Sar1.  相似文献   

Magic angle spinning solid-state NMR has been used to study the structural changes in the Pf1 filamentous bacteriophage, which occur near 10 °C. Comparisons of NMR spectra recorded above and below 10 °C reveal reversible perturbations in many NMR chemical shifts, most of which are assigned to atoms of hydrophobic side chains of the 46-residue subunit. The changes mainly involve groups located in patches on the interfaces between neighboring capsid subunits. The observations show that the transition adjusts the hydrophobic interfaces between fairly rigid subunits. The low temperature form has been generally more amenable to structure determination; spin diffusion experiments on this form revealed unambiguous contacts between side chains of neighboring subunits. These contacts are important constraints for structure modeling.  相似文献   

DNA packing in the filamentous viruses fd, Xf, Pf1 and Pf3.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Spectral data for filamentous viruses in the presence and absence of Ag+, together with other parameters, indicate that the DNA structures in two of the viruses, fd and Xf, are similar to each other but that these differ from two quite unusual and different DNA structures in Pf1 and Pf3.  相似文献   

目的:用原核表达的方法获取大量带6个His标记的甘蔗花叶病毒E株系(ScMV-E)外壳蛋白(CP)。方法:用带有BamHⅠ和SalⅠ酶切位点的特异引物,以带有多个基因的重组质粒pNUSCP为模板,扩增出片段长度为942bp的ScMV-E外壳蛋白基因,亚克隆到pMD18-T载体上,转化E.coliDH5α,经双酶切检测获得阳性克隆。BamHⅠ和SalⅠ双酶切阳性克隆质粒,回收目的片段ScMV-E的CP基因。把目的片段插入表达载体pET29a( ),转化E.coliBL21(DE3),测序。结果:阳性质粒pET29a-CP在E.coliBL21(DE3)中得到大量特异表达。SDS-PAGE分析表明,该蛋白的相对分子质量约36000,与预测一致。结论:以上方法可以得到带6个His标记的目的蛋白,有利于纯化并获取高纯度的ScMV-E的外壳蛋白。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Polyclonal antibodies were raised against a recombinant fragment of the coat protein of LRV1-1 to determine the epitope conservation of the coat protein among LRV1 isolates, and the intracellular localization of LRV1 particles in promastigote cells of Leishmania braziliensis . Western blot analysis showed that specific epitopes of the coat protein are highly conserved among isolates from different geographic areas. Using indirect immunofluorescence assays LRV1 viral particles were observed as fluorescent granules, limited to the cytoplasm and with no apparent association to the host organelles or the cell membrane, characteristic of a persistent, non-infectious virus.  相似文献   

The relationship between processes of thermal denaturation and heat-induced aggregation of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) coat protein (CP) was studied. Judging from differential scanning calorimetry melting curves, TMV CP in the form of a trimer–pentamer mixture (4S-protein) has very low thermal stability, with a transition temperature at about 40°C. Thermally denatured TMV CP displayed high propensity for large (macroscopic) aggregate formation. TMV CP macroscopic aggregation was strongly dependent on the protein concentration and solution ionic strength. By varying phosphate buffer molarity, it was possible to merge or to separate the denaturation and aggregation processes. Using far-UV CD spectroscopy, it was found that on thermal denaturation TMV CP subunits are converted into an intermediate that retains about half of its initial -helix content and possesses high heat stability. We suppose that this stable thermal denaturation intermediate is directly responsible for the formation of TMV CP macroscopic aggregates.  相似文献   

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