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The preferred source of DNA in human genetics research is blood, or cell lines derived from blood, as these sources yield large quantities of high quality DNA. However, DNA extraction from saliva can yield high quality DNA with little to no degradation/fragmentation that is suitable for a variety of DNA assays without the expense of a phlebotomist and can even be acquired through the mail. However, at present, no saliva DNA collection/extraction protocols for next generation sequencing have been presented in the literature. This protocol optimizes parameters of saliva collection/storage and DNA extraction to be of sufficient quality and quantity for DNA assays with the highest standards, including microarray genotyping and next generation sequencing.  相似文献   

The identification of the species of origin of meat and meat products is an important issue to prevent and detect frauds that might have economic, ethical and health implications. In this paper we evaluated the potential of the next generation semiconductor based sequencing technology (Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine) for the identification of DNA from meat species (pig, horse, cattle, sheep, rabbit, chicken, turkey, pheasant, duck, goose and pigeon) as well as from human and rat in DNA mixtures through the sequencing of PCR products obtained from different couples of universal primers that amplify 12S and 16S rRNA mitochondrial DNA genes. Six libraries were produced including PCR products obtained separately from 13 species or from DNA mixtures containing DNA from all species or only avian or only mammalian species at equimolar concentration or at 1:10 or 1:50 ratios for pig and horse DNA. Sequencing obtained a total of 33,294,511 called nucleotides of which 29,109,688 with Q20 (87.43%) in a total of 215,944 reads. Different alignment algorithms were used to assign the species based on sequence data. Error rate calculated after confirmation of the obtained sequences by Sanger sequencing ranged from 0.0003 to 0.02 for the different species. Correlation about the number of reads per species between different libraries was high for mammalian species (0.97) and lower for avian species (0.70). PCR competition limited the efficiency of amplification and sequencing for avian species for some primer pairs. Detection of low level of pig and horse DNA was possible with reads obtained from different primer pairs. The sequencing of the products obtained from different universal PCR primers could be a useful strategy to overcome potential problems of amplification. Based on these results, the Ion Torrent technology can be applied for the identification of meat species in DNA mixtures.  相似文献   

目的:大量研究证实线粒体DNA(mtDNA)突变与肿瘤发生及进展密切相关,但使用传统测序方法难以高通量、高精确度的检测mtDNA突变,为此本研究建立了基于新一代测序技术的mtDNA突变检测方法.方法:提取肝癌患者癌、癌旁组织以及外周血细胞总DNA,利用PCR技术对线粒体基因组进行富集并对PCR产物进行平末端、粘性末端连接或对PCR引物进行氨基修饰,构建mtDNA测序文库.经Illumina HiSeq 2000平台测序后利用生物信息学方法与人类mtDNA参考序列进行比对,并进行测序数据分析.结果:通过对不同质量基因组DNA进行评估后,发现三对引物法适用于大部分DNA样本的mtDNA富集.进一步我们发现PCR引物的氨基修饰可显著提高测序数据覆盖均一性,降低测序成本.结论:本研究利用新一代测序技术通过对线粒体DNA富集方法以及测序覆盖度均一性进行优化,建立了一套灵敏、特异、高通量的mtDNA突变检测策略,为mtDNA突变与疾病研究提供了新方法.  相似文献   

Species identification can be interesting in a wide range of areas, for example, in forensic applications, food monitoring and in archeology. The vast majority of existing DNA typing methods developed for species determination, mainly focuses on a single species source. There are, however, many instances where all species from mixed sources need to be determined, even when the species in minority constitutes less than 1 % of the sample. The introduction of next generation sequencing opens new possibilities for such challenging samples. In this study we present a universal deep sequencing method using 454 GS Junior sequencing of a target on the mitochondrial gene 16S rRNA. The method was designed through phylogenetic analyses of DNA reference sequences from more than 300 mammal species. Experiments were performed on artificial species-species mixture samples in order to verify the method’s robustness and its ability to detect all species within a mixture. The method was also tested on samples from authentic forensic casework. The results showed to be promising, discriminating over 99.9 % of mammal species and the ability to detect multiple donors within a mixture and also to detect minor components as low as 1 % of a mixed sample.  相似文献   

We have generated a Brassica napus (canola) population of 3,158 EMS-mutagenised lines and used TILLING to demonstrate that the population has a high enough mutation density that it will be useful for identification of mutations in genes of interest in this important crop species. TILLING is a reverse genetics technique that has been successfully used in many plant and animal species. Classical TILLING involves the generation of a mutagenised population, followed by screening of DNA samples using a mismatch-specific endonuclease that cleaves only those PCR products that carry a mutation. Polyacrylamide gel detection is then used to visualise the mutations in any gene of interest. We have used this TILLING technique to identify 432 unique mutations in 26 different genes in B. napus (canola cv. DH12075). This reflects a mutation density ranging from 1/56 kb to 1/308 kb (depending on the locus) with an average of 1/109 kb. We have also successfully verified the utility of next generation sequencing technology as a powerful approach for the identification of rare mutations in a population of plants, even in polyploid species such as B. napus. Most of the mutants we have identified are publically available.  相似文献   

二代测序技术的涌现推动了基因组学研究,特别是在疾病相关的遗传变异研究中发挥了重要作用.虽然大多数遗传变异类型都可以借助于各种二代测序分析工具进行检测,但是仍然存在局限性,比如短串联重复序列的长度变异.许多遗传疾病是由短串联重复序列的长度扩张导致的,尤其是亨廷顿病等多种神经系统疾病.然而,现在几乎没有工具能够利用二代测序检测长度大于测序读长的短串联重复序列变异.为了突破这一限制,我们开发了一个全新的方法,该方法基于双末端二代测序辨识短串联重复序列长度变异,并可估计其扩张长度,将其应用于一项基于全外显子组测序的运动神经元疾病临床研究中,成功地鉴定出致病的短串联重复序列长度扩张.该方法首次原创性地利用测序读长覆盖深度特征来解决短串联重复序列变异检测问题,在人类遗传疾病研究中具有广泛的应用价值,并且对于其他二代测序分析方法的开发具有启发性意义.  相似文献   

The 3231-nucleotide-pair (ntp) sequence of one end of one of the two linear mitochondrial (mt) DNA molecules of Hydra attenuata (phylum Cnidaria, class Hydrozoa, order Anthomedusae) has been determined. This segment contains complete genes for tRNAf-Met, l-rRNA, tRNATrp, subunit 2 of cytochrome c oxidase (COII), subunit 8 of ATP synthetase (ATPase8), and the 5′ 136 ntp of ATPase6. These genes are arranged in the order given and are transcribed from the same strand of the molecule. As in two other cnidarians, the hexacorallian anthozoan Metridium senile and the octocorallian anthozoan Sarcophyton glaucum, the mt-genetic code of H. attenuata is near standard. The only modification appears to be that TGA specifies tryptophan rather than termination. Also as in M. senile and S. glaucum, the encoded H. attenuata mt-tRNAf-Met has primary and secondary structural features resembling those of Escherichia coli initiator tRNAt-Met. As the encoded mt-tRNATrp cannot be folded into a totally orthodox secondary structure, two alternative forms are suggested. The encoded H. attenuata mt-l-rRNA is 1738 nt, which is 451 nt shorter than the M. senile mt-l-rRNA. Comparisons of secondary structure models of these two mt-l-rRNAs indicate that most of the size difference results from loss of nucleotides in the H. attenuata molecule at a minimum of 46 locations, which includes elimination of six distinct helical elements. Received: 9 March 2000 / Accepted: 24 July 2000  相似文献   

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