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微卫星标记与奶牛数量性状QTL定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
储明星  叶素成  陈国宏 《遗传》2003,25(3):337-340
本文对奶牛产奶性能(产奶量、乳脂率、乳脂量、蛋白率、蛋白量)、乳房炎及体细胞数、繁殖性能、生产寿命等数量性状QTL定位研究进展进行了综述。 Abstract:Mapping of quantitative trait loci for some important traits (milk yield,fat percentage,fat yield,protein percentage,protein yield,clinical mastitis and somatic cell count,reproductive performance,productive life,etc.) in dairy cattle was introduced in this review.  相似文献   

大麦基因组中的微卫星标记及其应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
冯宗云  张义正  凌宏清 《遗传》2002,24(6):727-733
微卫星是以少数几个核苷酸为单位多次串联重复的DNA序列,是一种简单序列重复(simple sequence repeats,SSR),两侧一般是保守序列。由于它具有多态性高、共显性、容易用PCR检测和结果稳定可靠等特点,因此是一种十分理想的分子标记。大麦的微卫星DNA随机分布于基因组中,平均每一个微卫星基因座有3~18个等位基因,最高可达37个。SSR标记已广泛用于分子遗传图谱的构建、遗传多样性研究、种质鉴定、主要性状基因的定位及分子标记辅助选择育种等。大多数SSR标记集中在着丝粒附近区域,1HL、5HL和6HS明显缺乏SSR标记。大麦的SSR标记还有待进一步的开发。 Microsatellite Markers and Applications in the Barley Genome FENG Zong-yun1,2,3,ZHANG Yi-zheng1,LING Hong-qing3 1.College of Life Sciences,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065,China; 2.College of Agronomy,Sichuan Agricultural University,Ya'an 625014,China; 3.The State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell & Chromosome Engineering,Institute of Genetics & Developmental Biology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China Abstract:Microsatellites,also called simple sequence repeats (SSR),are simple,tandemly repeated DNA sequences with a repeat length of a few base pairs,and are very ideally used as molecular markers because of their abundance,high level of polymorphism,co-dominance and ease of assay with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) by selecting primers as the conserved DNA sequences flanking the SSRs,as well as better stability.The experiments showed that SSRs are randomly distributed throughout the barley genome,and there are 3~18 alleles at a single SSR locus,up to 37 alleles/locus.SSR markers have being widely applied in the construction of molecular genetic map,the study of genetic diversity,the identification of germplasm,gene mapping for important traits and molecular marker-assisted selection.Meanwhile,most of markers are strongly clustered around the centromeric regions of all seven linkage groups.As a result of the clustering,genome coverage with SSRs remains incomplete with an obvious lack of markers on the long arms of chromosomes 1H and 5H and short arm of chromosome 6H.Therefore,it is very potential and necessary to further develop SSR markers in barley. Key words:barley;microsatellite marker;simple sequence repeats;genetic diversity;molecular mapping  相似文献   

The present study reports the large-scale discovery of genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in chickpea, identified mainly through the next generation sequencing of two genotypes, i.e. Cicer arietinum ICC4958 and its wild progenitor C. reticulatum PI489777, parents of an inter-specific reference mapping population of chickpea. Development and validation of a high-throughput SNP genotyping assay based on Illumina''s GoldenGate Genotyping Technology and its application in building a high-resolution genetic linkage map of chickpea is described for the first time. In this study, 1022 SNPs were identified, of which 768 high-confidence SNPs were selected for designing the custom Oligo Pool All (CpOPA-I) for genotyping. Of these, 697 SNPs could be successfully used for genotyping, demonstrating a high success rate of 90.75%. Genotyping data of the 697 SNPs were compiled along with those of 368 co-dominant markers mapped in an earlier study, and a saturated genetic linkage map of chickpea was constructed. One thousand and sixty-three markers were mapped onto eight linkage groups spanning 1808.7 cM (centiMorgans) with an average inter-marker distance of 1.70 cM, thereby representing one of the most advanced maps of chickpea. The map was used for the synteny analysis of chickpea, which revealed a higher degree of synteny with the phylogenetically close Medicago than with soybean. The first set of validated SNPs and map resources developed in this study will not only facilitate QTL mapping, genome-wide association analysis and comparative mapping in legumes but also help anchor scaffolds arising out of the whole-genome sequencing of chickpea.  相似文献   

植物数量性状基因的定位与克隆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张磊  张宝石 《植物学通报》2007,24(4):553-560
作物的许多重要农艺性状属于数量性状,鉴定和发掘控制数量性状的基因及其优异的等位变异,并使之快速应用于育种实践是新时期作物科学家和育种学家所面临的重大课题。本文从QTL作图、QTL的精细定位与图位克隆、QTL近等基因系和染色体片断代换系的建立以及基于LD的关联分析等方面对植物数量性状的研究进展进行了讨论,提出了以植物基因组学技术为平台,将QTL作图与关联分析方法相结合,是进行数量性状遗传机理研究同时服务于作物育种实践的有效途径。  相似文献   

利用茶树转录组数据库,检索得到2个NAC家族转录因子基因CsNAC1和CsNAC2。通过RT-PCR方法,将其从茶树‘迎霜’中分离克隆,利用荧光定量PCR方法,对CsNAC1和CsNAC2基因在‘迎霜’和‘安吉白茶’2个茶树品种不同组织以及温度胁迫处理下的表达进行分析,以探讨NAC家族转录因子在温度胁迫下的响应特征。结果表明:(1)CsNAC1和CsNAC2基因开放阅读框长度分别为1 044和1 047bp,分别编码347个和348个氨基酸;蛋白功能域预测和多重对比显示,CsNAC1和CsNAC2蛋白N端均含有典型NAC家族成员所具有的NAM保守结构域。(2)进化分析表明,CsNAC1和CsNAC2分别属于NAC家族的NAP和AtNAC3亚家族。(3)三维分子模型建模显示,CsNAC1和CsNAC2蛋白分别含有3个和2个α-螺旋,6个和7个β-折叠。(4)荧光定量PCR结果显示,CsNAC1在2个茶树品种中具有较相似的组织特异性,均在茶树成熟叶中表达量最高;CsNAC2则分别在‘安吉白茶’的幼叶中,‘迎霜’的根中表达量最高;高温(38℃)和低温(4℃)处理下,CsNAC1和CsNAC2基因的表达均受不同温度胁迫影响,不同茶树品种、不同时间段的表达存在差异。  相似文献   

利用杂种优势提高作物产量时,生产杂交种的主要授粉控制系统是细胞质雄性不育及其恢复系统。在杂交品种的选育过程中,优良恢复系选育至关重要。为了高效并准确地鉴定选择恢复材料,同时更深入地研究恢复基因的作用机理,近年来植物细胞质雄性不育恢复基因分子标记研究受到了广泛重视。本文综述了主要农作物水稻、油菜、小麦、棉花和玉米等细胞质雄性不育类型恢复基因的定位和分子标记研究进展,并讨论了恢复基因的精确定位和分子标记鉴定在基因克隆和分子标记辅助选择育种中的意义和应用前景。  相似文献   

Using 219 F2 Individuals developed by crossing the genetic standard line TM-1 and the multiple dominant marker line T586 In Gossyplum hirsutum L., a genetic linkage map with 19 linkage groups was constructed based on simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Compared with our tetraploid backboned molecular genetic map from a (TM-1xHal 7124)xTM-1 BC1 population, 17 of the 19 I|nkage groups were combined and anchored to 12 chromosomes (sub-genomes). Of these groups, four morphological marker genes In T586 had been mapped Into the molecular linkage map. Meanwhile, three quantitative trait loci for lint percentage were tagged and mapped separately on the A03 linkage group and chromosome 6.  相似文献   

AP2/ERF是植物中普遍存在的一类重要转录因子,参与植物整个生命周期的生长发育和逆境信号转导。本研究以胡萝卜(Daucus carota)‘黑田五寸’为试验材料,基于其转录组和基因组数据,检索和拼接获得胡萝卜AP2/ERF家族2个转录因子基因序列g39811和g47170。采用RT-PCR方法,分别从‘黑田五寸’中克隆DcERF-B1-1(g39811)和DcERF-B1—2(g4717D)转录因子基因。序列分析显示,胡萝卜DcERF-B1-1和DcERF-B1-2转录因子基因分别含有630个和594个开放阅读框,分别编码209和197个氨基酸;均含有相对保守的AP2结合域,具有典型的植物AP2/ERF类转录因子特征。从氨基酸组成成分、理化性质、亲水性/疏水性和三级结构上分析显示,胡萝卜DcERF—B1-1和DcERF-B1-2转录因子亲水性大于疏水性,其氨基酸序列可能属于亲水性蛋白。空间结构分析显示,它们都具有1个α螺旋和3个β折叠。进化树分析显示,二者均属于AP2/ERF家族转录因子中ERF亚族的B1组。实时定量荧光PCR显示,在低温、干旱、盐胁迫的条件下,DcERF-B1-2转录因子比DcERF-B1-1转录因子对逆境的响应更大;在高温的条件下,DcERF-B1-1转录因子比DcERF-B1-2转录因子对逆境的响应更大。  相似文献   

Summary Several statistical methods for detecting associations between quantitative traits and candidate genes in structured populations have been developed for fully observed phenotypes. However, many experiments are concerned with failure‐time phenotypes, which are usually subject to censoring. In this article, we propose statistical methods for detecting associations between a censored quantitative trait and candidate genes in structured populations with complex multiple levels of genetic relatedness among sampled individuals. The proposed methods correct for continuous population stratification using both population structure variables as covariates and the frailty terms attributable to kinship. The relationship between the time‐at‐onset data and genotypic scores at a candidate marker is modeled via a parametric Weibull frailty accelerated failure time (AFT) model as well as a semiparametric frailty AFT model, where the baseline survival function is flexibly modeled as a mixture of Polya trees centered around a family of Weibull distributions. For both parametric and semiparametric models, the frailties are modeled via an intrinsic Gaussian conditional autoregressive prior distribution with the kinship matrix being the adjacency matrix connecting subjects. Simulation studies and applications to the Arabidopsis thaliana line flowering time data sets demonstrated the advantage of the new proposals over existing approaches.  相似文献   

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