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In the life sciences, many measurement methods yield only the relative abundances of different components in a sample. With such relative—or compositional—data, differential expression needs careful interpretation, and correlation—a statistical workhorse for analyzing pairwise relationships—is an inappropriate measure of association. Using yeast gene expression data we show how correlation can be misleading and present proportionality as a valid alternative for relative data. We show how the strength of proportionality between two variables can be meaningfully and interpretably described by a new statistic ϕ which can be used instead of correlation as the basis of familiar analyses and visualisation methods, including co-expression networks and clustered heatmaps. While the main aim of this study is to present proportionality as a means to analyse relative data, it also raises intriguing questions about the molecular mechanisms underlying the proportional regulation of a range of yeast genes.  相似文献   

Understanding evolutionary dynamics within microbial populations requires the ability to accurately follow allele frequencies through time. Here we present a rapid, cost-effective method (FREQ-Seq) that leverages Illumina next-generation sequencing for localized, quantitative allele frequency detection. Analogous to RNA-Seq, FREQ-Seq relies upon counts from the >105 reads generated per locus per time-point to determine allele frequencies. Loci of interest are directly amplified from a mixed population via two rounds of PCR using inexpensive, user-designed oligonucleotides and a bar-coded bridging primer system that can be regenerated in-house. The resulting bar-coded PCR products contain the adapters needed for Illumina sequencing, eliminating further library preparation. We demonstrate the utility of FREQ-Seq by determining the order and dynamics of beneficial alleles that arose as a microbial population, founded with an engineered strain of Methylobacterium, evolved to grow on methanol. Quantifying allele frequencies with minimal bias down to 1% abundance allowed effective analysis of SNPs, small in-dels and insertions of transposable elements. Our data reveal large-scale clonal interference during the early stages of adaptation and illustrate the utility of FREQ-Seq as a cost-effective tool for tracking allele frequencies in populations.  相似文献   

As part of the International Society for Computational Biology Student Council (ISCB-SC), Regional Student Groups (RSGs) have helped organise workshops in the emerging fields of bioinformatics and computational biology. Workshops are a great way for students to gain hands-on experience and rapidly acquire knowledge in advanced research topics where curriculum-based education is yet to be developed. RSG workshops have improved dissemination of knowledge of the latest bioinformatics techniques and resources among student communities and young scientists, especially in developing nations. This article highlights some of the benefits and challenges encountered while running RSG workshops. Examples cover a variety of subjects, including introductory bioinformatics and advanced bioinformatics, as well as soft skills such as networking, career development, and socializing. The collective experience condensed in this article is a useful starting point for students wishing to organise their own tailor-made workshops.  相似文献   



Despite their functional and biotechnological importance, the study of membrane proteins remains difficult due to their hydrophobicity and their low natural abundance in cells. Furthermore, into established heterologous systems, these proteins are frequently only produced at very low levels, toxic and mis- or unfolded. Lactococcus lactis, a Gram-positive lactic bacterium, has been traditionally used in food fermentations. This expression system is also widely used in biotechnology for large-scale production of heterologous proteins. Various expression vectors, based either on constitutive or inducible promoters, are available for this system. While previously used to produce bacterial and eukaryotic membrane proteins, the ability of this system to produce plant membrane proteins was until now not tested.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The aim of this work was to test the expression, in Lactococcus lactis, of either peripheral or intrinsic Arabidopsis membrane proteins that could not be produced, or in too low amount, using more classical heterologous expression systems. In an effort to easily transfer genes from Gateway-based Arabidopsis cDNA libraries to the L. lactis expression vector pNZ8148, we first established a cloning strategy compatible with Gateway entry vectors. Interestingly, the six tested Arabidopsis membrane proteins could be produced, in Lactococcus lactis, at levels compatible with further biochemical analyses. We then successfully developed solubilization and purification processes for three of these proteins. Finally, we questioned the functionality of a peripheral and an intrinsic membrane protein, and demonstrated that both proteins were active when produced in this system.


Altogether, these data suggest that Lactococcus lactis might be an attractive system for the efficient and functional production of difficult plant membrane proteins.  相似文献   

In this investigation, pairs of upper elementary students test germination percentage using seeds of Indian corn (Zea mays), scarlet runner beans (Phaseolus coccineus), and the prairie cup-plant (Silphium perfoliatum) grown on rolled, damp paper towels. The pairs compare seeds that have been stratified, a simulation of overwintering and spring thaw, to seeds of the same type that have not. Then, the full class compares the results across all seed types to determine when each type should be planted to maximize germination percentage. Expected results are that the native cup-plant will require stratification, whereas the domesticated corn and beans—bred over centuries for easy growing—will not. Suggestions for helping students simulate more environmental conditions which could affect seed germination, as well as connections with other academic subjects, are included in the article.  相似文献   

Reference scanners are used in dental medicine to verify a lot of procedures. The main interest is to verify impression methods as they serve as a base for dental restorations. The current limitation of many reference scanners is the lack of accuracy scanning large objects like full dental arches, or the limited possibility to assess detailed tooth surfaces. A new reference scanner, based on focus variation scanning technique, was evaluated with regards to highest local and general accuracy. A specific scanning protocol was tested to scan original tooth surface from dental impressions. Also, different model materials were verified. The results showed a high scanning accuracy of the reference scanner with a mean deviation of 5.3 ± 1.1 µm for trueness and 1.6 ± 0.6 µm for precision in case of full arch scans. Current dental impression methods showed much higher deviations (trueness: 20.4 ± 2.2 µm, precision: 12.5 ± 2.5 µm) than the internal scanning accuracy of the reference scanner. Smaller objects like single tooth surface can be scanned with an even higher accuracy, enabling the system to assess erosive and abrasive tooth surface loss. The reference scanner can be used to measure differences for a lot of dental research fields. The different magnification levels combined with a high local and general accuracy can be used to assess changes of single teeth or restorations up to full arch changes.  相似文献   

Ferraz et al . (2008) indicated the need for planning in biological monitoring in the Amazon, and reviewed what they considered recent progress. The problems and solutions they discuss are well known, and it is unlikely that many biologists would disagree with most of them. However, the authors do not indicate that most of these issues are already being addressed in practice in the Amazon, especially by the Programa de Pesquisas em Biodiversidade (PPBio) of the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology. The only major issue about which we do not agree with Ferraz et al . (2008) relates to the design of monitoring programs. The authors recommended tailoring experimental designs to specific threats, which will result in a multitude of idiosyncratic designs and incompatible data sets. We suggest that generic broad-scale designs will allow us to answer more questions with greater confidence, because the investment in each location provides information about regional and global questions. Although specific designs may be more effective in some cases, there are insufficient resources available to install different research infrastructure for every possible threat.  相似文献   



Hubbell''s 2001 neutral theory unifies biodiversity and biogeography by modelling steady-state distributions of species richness and abundances across spatio-temporal scales. Accurate predictions have issued from its core premise that all species have identical vital rates. Yet no ecologist believes that species are identical in reality. Here I explain this paradox in terms of the ecological equivalence that species must achieve at their coexistence equilibrium, defined by zero net fitness for all regardless of intrinsic differences between them. I show that the distinction of realised from intrinsic vital rates is crucial to evaluating community resilience.

Principal Findings

An analysis of competitive interactions reveals how zero-sum patterns of abundance emerge for species with contrasting life-history traits as for identical species. I develop a stochastic model to simulate community assembly from a random drift of invasions sustaining the dynamics of recruitment following deaths and extinctions. Species are allocated identical intrinsic vital rates for neutral dynamics, or random intrinsic vital rates and competitive abilities for niche dynamics either on a continuous scale or between dominant-fugitive extremes. Resulting communities have steady-state distributions of the same type for more or less extremely differentiated species as for identical species. All produce negatively skewed log-normal distributions of species abundance, zero-sum relationships of total abundance to area, and Arrhenius relationships of species to area. Intrinsically identical species nevertheless support fewer total individuals, because their densities impact as strongly on each other as on themselves. Truly neutral communities have measurably lower abundance/area and higher species/abundance ratios.


Neutral scenarios can be parameterized as null hypotheses for testing competitive release, which is a sure signal of niche dynamics. Ignoring the true strength of interactions between and within species risks a substantial misrepresentation of community resilience to habitat loss.  相似文献   

Astroblepidae or “climbing catfishes” encompass a single genus of species living in high altitude rivers in the Andes of South America. They are characterized by a specialized head morphology closely resembling their better known, widely radiated sister family Loricariidae, or armored suckermouth catfishes. Existent data show that even though both families share important traits, there are some striking differences as well. Albeit poorly known, Astroblepus species possess a duplicated gill opening, and have the ability to climb vertical rocks or waterfalls. In this study, morphological and kinematic data are combined to yield insights into the functions of the mobile elements of the astroblepid head, and to compare head morphology and biomechanics with those of Loricariidae. We found that, even though there is substantial similarity in head structure of both families, there are major differences in functionally important structures. These include a different lower lip muscle configuration, an alternative oral valve system, and an incurrent gill opening only found in astroblepids. Kinematic analyses confirm that the astroblepid suckermouth, freed from its inhalatory function, offers advantages for climbing in the high‐altitude environment, and is used alternately with the extremely mobile pelvic girdle, in a crawling, nonundulatory motion. J. Morphol. 274:1164–1179, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Signal transduction cascades in living systems are often controlled via post-translational phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of proteins. These processes are catalyzed in vivo by kinase and phosphatase enzymes, which consequently play an important role in many disease states, including cancer and immune system disorders. Current techniques for studying the phosphoproteome (isotopic labeling, chromatographic techniques, and phosphospecific antibodies), although undoubtedly very powerful, have yet to provide a generic tool for phosphoproteomic analysis despite the widespread utility such a technique would have. The use of small molecule organic catalysts that can promote selective phosphate esterification could provide a useful alternative to current state-of-the-art techniques for use in, e.g., the labeling and pull-down of phosphorylated proteins. This report reviews current techniques used for phosphoproteomic analysis and the recent use of small molecule peptide-based catalysts in phosphorylation reactions, indicating possible future applications for this type of catalyst as synthetic alternatives to phosphospecific antibodies for phosphoproteome analysis.  相似文献   

Embryoid bodies (EB) are aggregates of embryonic stem cells. The most common way of creating these aggregates is the hanging drop method, a laborious approach of pipetting an arbitrary number of cells into well plates. The interactions between the stem cells forced into close proximity of one another promotes the generation of the EBs. Because the media in each of the wells has to be manually exchanged every day, this approach is manually intensive.Moreover, because environmental parameters including cell-cell, cell-soluble factor interactions, pH, and oxygen availability can be functions of EB size, cell populations obtained from traditional hanging drops can vary dramatically even when cultured under identical conditions. Recent studies have indeed shown that the initial number of cells forming the aggregate can have significant effects on stem cell differentiation. We have developed a simple, rapid, and scalable culture method to load pre-defined numbers of cells into microfabricated wells and maintain them for embryoid body development. Finally, these cells are easily accessible for further analysis and experimentation. This method is amenable to any lab and requires no dedicated equipment. We demonstrate this method by creating embryoid bodies using a red fluorescent mouse cell line (129S6B6-F1).Download video file.(42M, mov)  相似文献   

Statistical models are simple mathematical rules derived from empirical data describing the association between an outcome and several explanatory variables. In a typical modeling situation statistical analysis often involves a large number of potential explanatory variables and frequently only partial subject-matter knowledge is available. Therefore, selecting the most suitable variables for a model in an objective and practical manner is usually a non-trivial task. We briefly revisit the purposeful variable selection procedure suggested by Hosmer and Lemeshow which combines significance and change-in-estimate criteria for variable selection and critically discuss the change-in-estimate criterion. We show that using a significance-based threshold for the change-in-estimate criterion reduces to a simple significance-based selection of variables, as if the change-in-estimate criterion is not considered at all. Various extensions to the purposeful variable selection procedure are suggested. We propose to use backward elimination augmented with a standardized change-in-estimate criterion on the quantity of interest usually reported and interpreted in a model for variable selection. Augmented backward elimination has been implemented in a SAS macro for linear, logistic and Cox proportional hazards regression. The algorithm and its implementation were evaluated by means of a simulation study. Augmented backward elimination tends to select larger models than backward elimination and approximates the unselected model up to negligible differences in point estimates of the regression coefficients. On average, regression coefficients obtained after applying augmented backward elimination were less biased relative to the coefficients of correctly specified models than after backward elimination. In summary, we propose augmented backward elimination as a reproducible variable selection algorithm that gives the analyst more flexibility in adopting model selection to a specific statistical modeling situation.  相似文献   

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