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Streptococcus pneumoniae is a major causative agent of mortality throughout the world. The initial event in invasive pneumococcal disease is the attachment of pneumococci to epithelial cells in the upper respiratory tract. Several bacterial proteins can bind to host extracellular matrix proteins and function as adhesins and invasins. To identify adhesins or invasins on the pneumococcal cell surface, we searched for several proteins with an LPXTG anchoring motif in the whole-genome sequence of Streptococcus pneumoniae and identified one, which we called PfbA (plasmin- and fibronectin-binding protein A), that bound to human serum proteins. Immunofluorescence microscopy and fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis revealed that PfbA was expressed on the pneumococcal cell surface. A DeltapfbA mutant strain was only half as competent as the wild-type strain at adhering to and invading lung and laryngeal epithelial cells. In addition, epithelial cells infected with DeltapfbA showed morphological changes, including cell flattening and a loss of microvilli, that did not occur in cells infected with the wild-type strain. The mutant strain also exhibited a weaker antiphagocytotic activity than wild type in human peripheral blood. Moreover, the growth of wild-type bacteria in human whole blood containing anti-PfbA antibodies was reduced by approximately 50% after 3 h compared with its growth without the antibody. These results suggest that PfbA is an important factor in the development of pneumococcal infections.  相似文献   

The initial event in disease caused by S. pneumoniae is adhesion of the bacterium to respiratory epithelial cells, mediated by surface expressed molecules including cell-wall proteins. NADH oxidase (NOX), which reduces free oxygen to water in the cytoplasm, was identified in a non-lectin enriched pneumococcal cell-wall fraction. Recombinant NOX (rNOX) was screened with sera obtained longitudinally from children and demonstrated age-dependent immunogenicity. NOX ablation in S. pneumoniae significantly reduced bacterial adhesion to A549 epithelial cells in vitro and their virulence in the intranasal or intraperitoneal challenge models in mice, compared to the parental strain. Supplementation of Δnox WU2 with the nox gene restored its virulence. Saturation of A549 target cells with rNOX or neutralization of cell-wall residing NOX using anti-rNOX antiserum decreased adhesion to A549 cells. rNOX-binding phages inhibited bacterial adhesion. Moreover, peptides derived from the human proteins contactin 4, chondroitin 4 sulfotraferase and laminin5, homologous to the insert peptides in the neutralizing phages, inhibited bacterial adhesion to the A549 cells. Furthermore, rNOX immunization of mice elicited a protective immune response to intranasal or intraperitoneal S. pneumoniae challenge, whereas pneumococcal virulence was neutralized by anti-rNOX antiserum prior to intraperitoneal challenge. Our results suggest that in addition to its enzymatic activity, NOX contributes to S. pneumoniae virulence as a putative adhesin and thus peptides derived from its target molecules may be considered for the treatment of pneumococcal infections. Finally, rNOX elicited a protective immune response in both aerobic and anaerobic environments, which renders NOX a candidate for future pneumococcal vaccine.  相似文献   

In Streptococcus pneumonia, phosphoenolpyruvate protein phosphotransferase (PtsA) is an intracellular protein of the monosaccharide phosphotransferase systems. Biochemical and immunostaining methods were applied to show that PtsA also localizes to the bacterial cell-wall. Thus, it was suspected that PtsA has functions other than its main cytoplasmic enzymatic role. Indeed, recombinant PtsA and anti-rPtsA antiserum were shown to inhibit adhesion of S. pneumoniae to cultured human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells. Screening of a combinatorial peptide library expressed in a filamentous phage with rPtsA identified epitopes that were capable of inhibiting S. pneumoniae adhesion to A549 cells. The insert peptides in the phages were sequenced, and homologous sequences were found in human BMPER, multimerin1, protocadherin19, integrinβ4, epsin1 and collagen type VIIα1 proteins, all of which can be found in A549 cells except the latter. Six peptides, synthesized according to the homologous sequences in the human proteins, specifically bound rPtsA in the micromolar range and significantly inhibited pneumococcal adhesion in vitro to lung- and tracheal-derived cell lines. In addition, the tested peptides inhibited lung colonization after intranasal inoculation of mice with S. pneumoniae. Immunization with rPtsA protected the mice against a sublethal intranasal and a lethal intravenous pneumococcal challenge. In addition, mouse anti rPtsA antiserum reduced bacterial virulence in the intravenous inoculation mouse model. These findings showed that the surface-localized PtsA functions as an adhesin, PtsA binding peptides derived from its putative target molecules can be considered for future development of therapeutics, and rPtsA should be regarded as a candidate for vaccine development.  相似文献   

P1 (antigen I/II) is a sucrose-independent adhesin of Streptococcus mutans whose functional architecture on the cell surface is not fully understood. S. mutans cells subjected to mechanical extraction were significantly diminished in adherence to immobilized salivary agglutinin but remained immunoreactive and were readily aggregated by fluid-phase salivary agglutinin. Bacterial adherence was restored by incubation of postextracted cells with P1 fragments that contain each of the two known adhesive domains. In contrast to untreated cells, glutaraldehyde-treated bacteria gained reactivity with anti-C-terminal monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), whereas epitopes recognized by mAbs against other portions of the molecule were masked. Surface plasmon resonance experiments demonstrated the ability of apical and C-terminal fragments of P1 to interact. Binding of several different anti-P1 mAbs to unfixed cells triggered release of a C-terminal fragment from the bacterial surface, suggesting a novel mechanism of action of certain adherence-inhibiting antibodies. We also used atomic force microscopy-based single molecule force spectroscopy with tips bearing various mAbs to elucidate the spatial organization and orientation of P1 on living bacteria. The similar rupture lengths detected using mAbs against the head and C-terminal regions, which are widely separated in the tertiary structure, suggest a higher order architecture in which these domains are in close proximity on the cell surface. Taken together, our results suggest a supramolecular organization in which additional P1 polypeptides, including the C-terminal segment originally identified as antigen II, associate with covalently attached P1 to form the functional adhesive layer.  相似文献   

Competence for genetic transformation of Streptococcus pneumoniae is a transient physiological property inducible by a competence-stimulating peptide (CSP). A 68-kDa CSP-inactivating protein was previously obtained following lithium chloride (LiCl) extraction. By the same protocol, a CSP-inactivating protein was purified and identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry as an endopeptidase, PepO. Analysis of a pepO mutant provided no support for the hypothesis that PepO participates in competence regulation. To reconcile in vitro and in vivo data, we suggest that LiCl treatment results in the release of intracellular molecules, including PepO.  相似文献   

Structure of a conjugative element in Streptococcus pneumoniae.   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We have cloned and mapped a 69-kilobase (kb) region of the chromosome of Streptococcus pneumoniae DP1322, which carries the conjugative omega (cat-tet) insertion from S. pneumoniae BM6001. This element proved to be 65.5 kb in size. Location of the junctions was facilitated by cloning a preferred target region from the wild-type strain Rx1 recipient genome. This target site was preferred by both the BM6001 element and the cat-erm-tet element from Streptococcus agalactiae B109. Within the BM6001 element cat and tet were separated by 30 kb, and cat was flanked by two copies of a sequence that was also present in the recipient strain Rx1 DNA. Another sequence at least 2.4 kb in size was found inside the BM6001 element and at two places in the Rx1 genome. Its role is unknown. The ends of the BM6001 element appear to be the same as those of the B109 element, both as seen after transfer to S. pneumoniae and as mapped by others in pDP5 after transposition in Streptococcus faecalis. We see no homology between the ends of the BM6001 element and find no evidence suggesting that it ever circularizes.  相似文献   



Streptococcus pneumoniae is one of the most important causes of microbial diseases in humans. The genomes of 44 diverse strains of S. pneumoniae were analyzed and compared with strains of non-pathogenic streptococci of the Mitis group.


Despite evidence of extensive recombination, the S. pneumoniae phylogenetic tree revealed six major lineages. With the exception of serotype 1, the tree correlated poorly with capsular serotype, geographical site of isolation and disease outcome. The distribution of dispensable genes - genes present in more than one strain but not in all strains - was consistent with phylogeny, although horizontal gene transfer events attenuated this correlation in the case of ancient lineages. Homologous recombination, involving short stretches of DNA, was the dominant evolutionary process of the core genome of S. pneumoniae. Genetic exchange occurred both within and across the borders of the species, and S. mitis was the main reservoir of genetic diversity of S. pneumoniae. The pan-genome size of S. pneumoniae increased logarithmically with the number of strains and linearly with the number of polymorphic sites of the sampled genomes, suggesting that acquired genes accumulate proportionately to the age of clones. Most genes associated with pathogenicity were shared by all S. pneumoniae strains, but were also present in S. mitis, S. oralis and S. infantis, indicating that these genes are not sufficient to determine virulence.


Genetic exchange with related species sharing the same ecological niche is the main mechanism of evolution of S. pneumoniae. The open pan-genome guarantees the species a quick and economical response to diverse environments.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae 5'-methylthioadenosine/S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (MTAN) catalyzes the hydrolytic deadenylation of its substrates to form adenine and 5-methylthioribose or S-ribosylhomocysteine (SRH). MTAN is not found in mammals but is involved in bacterial quorum sensing. MTAN gene disruption affects the growth and pathogenicity of bacteria, making it a target for antibiotic design. Kinetic isotope effects and computational studies have established a dissociative S(N)1 transition state for Escherichia coli MTAN, and transition state analogues resembling the transition state are powerful inhibitors of the enzyme [Singh, V., Lee, J. L., Nú?ez, S., Howell, P. L., and Schramm, V. L. (2005) Biochemistry 44, 11647-11659]. The sequence of MTAN from S. pneumoniae is 40% identical to that of E. coli MTAN, but S. pneumoniae MTAN exhibits remarkably distinct kinetic and inhibitory properties. 5'-Methylthio-Immucillin-A (MT-ImmA) is a transition state analogue resembling an early S(N)1 transition state. It is a weak inhibitor of S. pneumoniae MTAN with a K(i) of 1.0 microM. The X-ray structure of S. pneumoniae MTAN with MT-ImmA indicates a dimer with the methylthio group in a flexible hydrophobic pocket. Replacing the methyl group with phenyl (PhT-ImmA), tolyl (p-TolT-ImmA), or ethyl (EtT-ImmA) groups increases the affinity to give K(i) values of 335, 60, and 40 nM, respectively. DADMe-Immucillins are geometric and electrostatic mimics of a fully dissociated transition state and bind more tightly than Immucillins. MT-DADMe-Immucillin-A inhibits with a K(i) value of 24 nM, and replacing the 5'-methyl group with p-Cl-phenyl (p-Cl-PhT-DADMe-ImmA) gave a K(i) value of 0.36 nM. The inhibitory potential of DADMe-Immucillins relative to the Immucillins supports a fully dissociated transition state structure for S. pneumoniae MTAN. Comparison of active site contacts in the X-ray crystal structures of E. coli and S. pneumoniae MTAN with MT-ImmA would predict equal binding, yet most analogues bind 10(3)-10(4)-fold more tightly to the E. coli enzyme. Catalytic site efficiency is primarily responsible for this difference since k(cat)/K(m) for S. pneumoniae MTAN is decreased 845-fold relative to that of E. coli MTAN.  相似文献   

In Gram-positive bacteria, tyrosine kinases are split into two proteins, the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase and a transmembrane adaptor protein. In Streptococcus pneumoniae, this transmembrane adaptor is CpsC, with the C terminus of CpsC critical for interaction and subsequent tyrosine kinase activity of CpsD. Topology predictions suggest that CpsC has two transmembrane domains, with the N and C termini present in the cytoplasm. In order to investigate CpsC topology, we used a chromosomal hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged Cps2C protein in S. pneumoniae strain D39. Incubation of both protoplasts and membranes with carboxypeptidase B (CP-B) resulted in complete degradation of HA-Cps2C in all cases, indicating that the C terminus of Cps2C was likely extracytoplasmic and hence that the protein''s topology was not as predicted. Similar results were seen with membranes from S. pneumoniae strain TIGR4, indicating that Cps4C also showed similar topology. A chromosomally encoded fusion of HA-Cps2C and Cps2D was not degraded by CP-B, suggesting that the fusion fixed the C terminus within the cytoplasm. However, capsule synthesis was unaltered by this fusion. Detection of the CpsC C terminus by flow cytometry indicated that it was extracytoplasmic in approximately 30% of cells. Interestingly, a mutant in the protein tyrosine phosphatase CpsB had a significantly greater proportion of positive cells, although this effect was independent of its phosphatase activity. Our data indicate that CpsC possesses a varied topology, with the C terminus flipping across the cytoplasmic membrane, where it interacts with CpsD in order to regulate tyrosine kinase activity.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pyogenes is an exclusively human pathogen. Streptococcal attachment to and entry into epithelial cells is a prerequisite for a successful infection of the human host and requires adhesins. Here, we demonstrate that the multidomain protein Epf from S. pyogenes serotype M49 is a streptococcal adhesin. An epf-deficient mutant showed significantly decreased adhesion to and internalization into human keratinocytes. Cell adhesion is mediated by the N-terminal domain of Epf (EpfN) and increased by the human plasma protein plasminogen. The crystal structure of EpfN, solved at 1.6 Å resolution, shows that it consists of two subdomains: a carbohydrate-binding module and a fibronectin type III domain. Both fold types commonly participate in ligand receptor and protein-protein interactions. EpfN is followed by 18 repeats of a domain classified as DUF1542 (domain of unknown function 1542) and a C-terminal cell wall sorting signal. The DUF1542 repeats are not involved in adhesion, but biophysical studies show they are predominantly α-helical and form a fiber-like stalk of tandem DUF1542 domains. Epf thus conforms with the widespread family of adhesins known as MSCRAMMs (microbial surface components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules), in which a cell wall-attached stalk enables long range interactions via its adhesive N-terminal domain.  相似文献   

Pneumolysin is a thiol-activated, membrane-damaging, multifunctional toxin and a known virulence factor of Streptococcus pneumoniae. The toxin can interfere with the functioning of both cellular and soluble components of the human immune system which protects against pneumococcal infection. Different amino acids within the toxin which are important in promoting oligomerization of the toxin in membranes and for the generation of functional lesions have been identified by site-directed mutagenesis. Pneumolysin can also activate the classical pathway of complement, and this appears to involve antibody binding (via Fc) by a region of the toxin homologous to C-reactive protein, a human acute-phase protein also capable of classical pathway activation and implicated in host defence against pneumococcal infection.  相似文献   

SPD1587蛋白是肺炎链球菌D39菌株中的一种转录因子,其在鼻咽部定植和肺部感染过程中发挥着重要作用。生物信息学分析提示其具有与A群链球菌的转录因子Mga蛋白相似的结构,目前其三维结构尚未被解析。成功构建了SPD1587蛋白的全长表达载体PET28a-spd1587,利用大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)菌株进行原核表达,获得了以可溶形式表达的目的蛋白。经Ni-NTA柱亲和层析及DEAE阴离子交换层析纯化后,获得了高纯度的目的蛋白。采用悬滴气相扩散法获得了SPD1587蛋白晶体。  相似文献   

Polyhistidine triad protein D (PhtD) has been described as a promising vaccine candidate for use against Streptococcus pneumoniae, but there has been a lack of examination of its structure and of which region(s) of the protein are targeted by protective immune responses. In this study, we purified recombinant truncated derivatives of PhtD and examined their secondary structural composition, as well as their capacity to bind antibodies from polyclonal murine serum generated against the full length protein. This allowed the identification of a particularly immunogenic fragment of PhtD, which was also purified and characterised. The truncated derivatives were tested as vaccine antigens in mouse models of pneumococcal sepsis and colonisation, using alum and E. coli heat labile toxin B subunit respectively as adjuvants. These experiments revealed that whilst the immunogenic region identified may be a promising candidate to protect against sepsis, the full length PhtD was ineffective at conferring significant protective immunity. These results are significant for the potential for PhtD to be used in novel vaccines, which are currently being tested in clinical trials.  相似文献   

SP0306蛋白是肺炎链球菌TIGR4菌株中的一种假想的转录因子,但其蛋白三维结构及生物学功能尚未明了,生物信息学分析提示其可能调控碳水化合物代谢相关基因的表达。成功构建了SP0306蛋白的全长表达载体PET28a-sp0306,利用大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)菌株进行原核表达,获得了以可溶形式表达的目的蛋白。经Ni-NTA柱亲和层析及DEAE阴性离子交换层析纯化后,获得了高纯度的目的蛋白。采用悬滴气相扩散法获得了质量较好的SP0306蛋白晶体,并初步进行了晶体X射线衍射,为其最终的三维结构解析及生物学功能研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

FimH is an adhesive subunit of type 1 fimbriae expressed by different enterobacterial species. The enteric bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae is an environmental organism that is also a frequent cause of sepsis, urinary tract infection (UTI), and liver abscess. Type 1 fimbriae have been shown to be critical for the ability of K. pneumoniae to cause UTI in a murine model. We show here that the K. pneumoniae fimH gene is found in 90% of strains from various environmental and clinical sources. The fimH alleles exhibit relatively low nucleotide and structural diversity but are prone to frequent horizontal-transfer events between different bacterial clones. Addition of the fimH locus to multiple-locus sequence typing significantly improved the resolution of the clonal structure of pathogenic strains, including the K1 encapsulated liver isolates. In addition, the K. pneumoniae FimH protein is targeted by adaptive point mutations, though not to the same extent as FimH from uropathogenic Escherichia coli or TonB from the same K. pneumoniae strains. Such adaptive mutations include a single amino acid deletion from the signal peptide that might affect the length of the fimbrial rod by affecting FimH translocation into the periplasm. Another FimH mutation (S62A) occurred in the course of endemic circulation of a nosocomial uropathogenic clone of K. pneumoniae. This mutation is identical to one found in a highly virulent uropathogenic strain of E. coli, suggesting that the FimH mutations are pathoadaptive in nature. Considering the abundance of type 1 fimbriae in Enterobacteriaceae, our present finding that fimH genes are subject to adaptive microevolution substantiates the importance of type 1 fimbria-mediated adhesion in K. pneumoniae.Klebsiella pneumoniae is recognized as an important opportunistic pathogen that frequently causes urinary tract infections (UTI), septicemia, or pneumonia, particularly in immunocompromised individuals (25). K. pneumoniae is responsible for up to 10% of all nosocomial bacterial infections (12, 35). In recent years, a high incidence of community-acquired K. pneumoniae pyogenic liver abscess with a high mortality rate has been reported, especially from Taiwan, but also from other Asian countries, Europe, and North America (6, 8, 19, 27, 44). Furthermore, 15% to 30% of K. pneumoniae isolates are resistant to broad-spectrum cephalosporins via plasmid-encoded extended-spectrum β-lactamases (5).In contrast to many other bacterial pathogens, K. pneumoniae is ubiquitous in nature. Its nonclinical habitats include environmental locations, such as vegetation, soil, and surface waters, as well as transient commensal colonization of mucosal surfaces in humans and other animals (1). Several studies have reported K. pneumoniae isolates of environmental origin to be nearly identical to clinical isolates with respect to several phenotypic properties (16, 22, 23, 25, 30). It has been suggested that environmental isolates of K. pneumoniae may be as virulent as clinical isolates (24, 39).Several virulence factors have been identified in K. pneumoniae (25, 38). The prominent polysaccharide capsule expressed by most isolates, together with the lipopolysaccharide layer, protects the bacteria against phagocytosis and the bactericidal activity of serum. Fimbrial adhesins expressed by the bacteria are protein structures able to recognize molecular receptors and to facilitate adherence to specific tissue surfaces in the host. K. pneumoniae produces two major fimbrial adhesion organelles, type 1 and type 3 fimbriae (9). Type 1 fimbriae have mannose-sensitive hemagglutinins, while type 3 fimbriae have mannose-resistant hemagglutinins (21).Type 1 fimbriae are the most common adhesive organelle in Enterobacteriaceae and have been most extensively studied in Escherichia coli. The type 1 fimbrial structures of K. pneumoniae are homologous to those of E. coli with regard to genetic composition and regulation (37). Type 1 fimbriae and the adhesive subunit FimH, in particular, play an important role in UTI caused by both K. pneumoniae and E. coli (3, 15, 17, 30, 37). Analysis of E. coli fimH variation at the population level has revealed that the FimH adhesin in urinary E. coli isolates accumulates amino acid replacements that increase its tropism toward the uroepithelium and various components of basement membranes (14, 26, 31, 33, 46). Most of the replacements increase the monomannose binding capability of FimH under low shear by altering allosteric catch bond properties of the protein (40). The natural FimH mutants were shown to provide an advantage in colonization of the urinary tract in a mouse model (32) and correlate with the overall extraintestinal virulence of E. coli (11). Thus, FimH mutations are pathoadaptive in nature. No such population-wide analysis has been performed for K. pneumoniae fimH.Population genetic analysis involves comparison of the nucleotide and structural variability of the locus of interest across multiple bacterial strains of different clonalities and geographic origins. The clonal structure of the strains can be determined by multiple-locus sequence typing (MLST), in which 400- to 500-bp sequences of multiple genetically unlinked loci are determined in order to define the phylogenetic relationship of the strains and the extent of interclonal gene recombination (horizontal gene transfer). MLST has been used to reveal the epidemiological relationship of ceftazidime- and ciprofloxacin-resistant K. pneumoniae isolates of nosocomial origin (4). In addition, the analysis of gene variability enables the determination of the type of selection processes acting on loci of interest, with possible identification of mutational changes of functional significance that could enhance the organism''s ability to cause disease, i.e., that could be of a pathoadaptive nature.In this study, the population dynamics of the K. pneumoniae FimH adhesin were determined by analysis of fimH allelic diversity in strains of environmental and various clinical origins in the context of K. pneumoniae clonal structure based on the allelic diversity of three loci—tonB, mdh and fumC—commonly used for MLST.  相似文献   

Although closely related at the molecular level, the capsular polysaccharide (CPS) of serotype 10F Streptococcus pneumoniae and coaggregation receptor polysaccharide (RPS) of Streptococcus oralis C104 have distinct ecological roles. CPS prevents phagocytosis of pathogenic S. pneumoniae, whereas RPS of commensal S. oralis functions as a receptor for lectin-like adhesins on other members of the dental plaque biofilm community. Results from high resolution NMR identified the recognition region of S. oralis RPS (i.e. Galfβ1–6GalNAcβ1–3Galα) in the hexasaccharide repeat of S. pneumoniae CPS10F. The failure of this polysaccharide to support fimbriae-mediated adhesion of Actinomyces naeslundii was explained by the position of Galf, which occurred as a branch in CPS10F rather than within the linear polysaccharide chain, as in RPS. Carbohydrate engineering of S. oralis RPS with wzy from S. pneumoniae attributed formation of the Galf branch in CPS10F to the linkage of adjacent repeating units through sub terminal GalNAc in Galfβ1–6GalNAcβ1–3Galα rather than through terminal Galf, as in RPS. A gene (wcrD) from serotype 10A S. pneumoniae was then used to engineer a linear surface polysaccharide in S. oralis that was identical to RPS except for the presence of a β1–3 linkage between Galf and GalNAcβ1–3Galα. This polysaccharide also failed to support adhesion of A. naeslundii, thereby establishing the essential role of β1–6-linked Galf in recognition of adjacent GalNAcβ1–3Galα in wild-type RPS. These findings, which illustrate a molecular approach for relating bacterial polysaccharide structure to function, provide insight into the possible evolution of S. oralis RPS from S. pneumoniae CPS.  相似文献   

Conditions of electroporation to transform encapsulated strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae with plasmid DNA have been defined. For a heavily encapsulated strain, an electroporation solution of 10–20% (v/v) glycerol and 3.2 kV cm-1 field strength, 1000 Ω resistance and 25 μF capacitance were optimal. For lightly encapsulated or non-encapsulated strains, optimal conditions were a sucrose-based electroporation solution and 12.5 kV cm-1 field strength, 200 Ω resistance and 25 μF capacitance.  相似文献   

The first four genes of the capsule locus (cps) of Streptococcus pneumoniae (cpsA to cpsD) are common to most serotypes. We have previously determined that CpsD is an autophosphorylating protein-tyrosine kinase, demonstrated that CpsC is required for CpsD tyrosine-phosphorylation, and shown that CpsB is required for dephosphorylation of CpsD. In the present study we show that CpsB is a novel manganese-dependent phosphotyrosine-protein phosphatase that belongs to the PHP (polymerase and histidinol phosphatase) family of phosphoesterases. We also show that an S. pneumoniae strain with point mutations in cpsB, affecting one of the conserved motifs of CpsB, is unencapsulated and appears to be morphologically identical to a strain in which the cpsB gene had been deleted.  相似文献   

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