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Genetic diversity among Sodalis glossinidius populations was investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. Strains collected from Glossina palpalis gambiensis and Glossina morsitans morsitans flies group into separate clusters, being differentially structured. This differential structuring may reflect different host-related selection pressures and may be related to the different vector competences of Glossina spp.  相似文献   

Gynogenetic species rely on sperm from heterospecifics for reproduction but do not receive genetic benefits from mating because none of the paternal genome is incorporated into offspring. The gynogenetic Amazon molly (Poecilia formosa) is a species of hybrid origins that are sympatric with one of the two parent species that provide sperm for reproduction, P. latipinna or P. mexicana. Amazons should not prefer to mate with one species over the other because sperm from both species will trigger embryogenesis, but mating preferences may be present in Amazons through other mechanisms. Amazons may prefer the more familiar species (males found in sympatry), or Amazons may prefer males with the greatest lateral projection area (LPA), a preference that is present in the parent species and may be retained within the Amazon hybrid genome. We tested association preferences of two populations of Amazons sympatric with either P. mexicana or P. latipinna. We first performed live trials to test whether Amazons preferred one host species over the other and found that neither population of Amazons showed a preference. We then tested whether Amazons preferred sympatric male (familiar) host or the male with the greatest lateral projection area (LPA) using four animated male models that varied in host species and manipulation of LPA. We found Amazons from a population sympatric with P. latipinna showed no variation in their association preference across the different models. In contrast, Amazons from a population sympatric with P. mexicana (naturally small LPA) spent more time associating with the male models that had smaller LPA, which is more familiar to this population of Amazons. We suggest that Amazons may have population differences in mating preferences, where Amazons sympatric with P. latipinna may not show mating preference for host species, but Amazons sympatric with P. mexicana may show preferences for more familiar‐shaped males.  相似文献   

Phenotypes of distantly related species may converge through adaptation to similar habitats and/or because they share biological constraints that limit the phenotypic variants produced. A common theme in bats is the sympatric occurrence of cryptic species that are convergent in morphology but divergent in echolocation frequency, suggesting that echolocation may facilitate niche partitioning, reducing competition. If so, allopatric populations freed from competition, could converge in both morphology and echolocation provided they occupy similar niches or share biological constraints. We investigated the evolutionary history of a widely distributed African horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus darlingi, in the context of phenotypic convergence. We used phylogenetic inference to identify and date lineage divergence together with phenotypic comparisons and ecological niche modelling to identify morphological and geographical correlates of those lineages. Our results indicate that R. darlingi is paraphyletic, the eastern and western parts of its distribution forming two distinct non-sister lineages that diverged ~9.7 Mya. We retain R. darlingi for the eastern lineage and argue that the western lineage, currently the sub-species R. d. damarensis, should be elevated to full species status. R. damarensis comprises two lineages that diverged ~5 Mya. Our findings concur with patterns of divergence of other co-distributed taxa which are associated with increased regional aridification between 7-5 Mya suggesting possible vicariant evolution. The morphology and echolocation calls of R. darlingi and R. damarensis are convergent despite occupying different biomes. This suggests that adaptation to similar habitats is not responsible for the convergence. Furthermore, R. darlingi forms part of a clade comprising species that are bigger and echolocate at lower frequencies than R. darlingi, suggesting that biological constraints are unlikely to have influenced the convergence. Instead, the striking similarity in morphology and sensory biology are probably the result of neutral evolutionary processes, resulting in the independent evolution of similar phenotypes.  相似文献   

Microdissection is a novel technique that can isolate specific regions of a tissue and eliminate contamination from cellular sources in adjacent areas. This method was first utilized in the study of Nestin-expressing progenitors (NEPs), a newly identified population of cells in the cerebellar external germinal layer (EGL). Using microdissection in combination with fluorescent-activated cell sorting (FACS), a pure population of NEPs was collected separately from conventional granule neuron precursors in the EGL and from other contaminating Nestin-expressing cells in the cerebellum. Without microdissection, functional analyses of NEPs would not have been possible with the current methods available, such as Percoll gradient centrifugation and laser capture microdissection. This technique can also be applied for use with various tissues that contain either recognizable regions or fluorescently-labeled cells. Most importantly, a major advantage of this microdissection technique is that isolated cells are living and can be cultured for further experimentation, which is currently not possible with other described methods.  相似文献   

The level and pattern of genetic variation was analyzed in four species of the fern genus Adiantum L., A. hispidulum Sw., A. incisum Forrsk., A. raddianum C.Presl, and A. zollingeri Mett. ex Kuhn, originating from South India, using the ISSR fingerprinting method. The populations of Adiantum possessed a considerable level of genetic variation, the diversity indices ranging from 0.284 to 0.464. Only 12% of the ISSR markers found were restricted to one species only, and 54% were detected in all four species. The analysis of molecular variance revealed that 71.1% of variation was present within populations. The proportion of variation detected among species was only 18.5% while the proportion of variation among populations within species equalled 10.4%. Despite the low level of intrageneric differentiation, the discriminant analysis and clustering of genetic distances indicated that the four Adiantum species are genetically distinct. The FST values calculated for the species were low, varying from 0.089 to 0.179. No linkage disequilibrium was detected between the loci. Such low level of differentiation among populations and the presence of linkage equilibrium reflect that the life history of Adiantum ferns apparently involves common or relatively common sexuality, effective wind-dispersal of spores and outcrossing.  相似文献   

P. G. Wolf  P. S. Soltis 《Genetics》1992,130(3):639-647
Interpopulational gene flow within a species can reduce population differentiation due to genetic drift, whereas genetic exchange among taxa can impede speciation. We used allozyme data to estimate gene flow within and among geographic races and species of perennial herbs in the Ipomopsis aggregata complex (Polemoniaceae). Estimates of interpopulational gene flow within taxa from two methods (F statistics and private alleles) were correlated with one another. Gene flow among populations within each geographic race (subspecies) of I. aggregata was relatively high (Nm greater than approximately 1.0). Gene flow was also high among populations of I. arizonica and among four northern populations of I. tenuituba. However, gene flow was low (Nm less than 1.0) for I. tenuituba when a population representing subsp. macrosiphon was included. This is consistent with previous findings that subsp. macrosiphon has had an independent origin and is reproductively, as well as geographically, isolated. A recently developed model, based on hierarchical F statistics, was employed to estimate genetic exchange among taxa. Gene flow estimates were generally high among races of I. aggregata (dNmrace greater than 1.0) but were low among subspecies of I. tenuituba (dNmrace less than 1.0). Consistent with morphological evidence, estimates of interspecific gene flow were moderate between I. aggregata and I. tenuituba, which hybridize in several areas. However, contrary to morphological evidence, we estimated relatively high levels of interspecific gene flow involving I. arizonica. Our results suggest that I. arizonica has hybridized with other species without the transfer of morphological traits.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fusarium species belonging to the Fusarium fujikuroi species complex (FFSC) are associated with maize in northern Mexico and cause Fusarium ear and root rot. In order to assess the diversity of FFSC fungal species involved in this destructive disease in Sinaloa, Mexico, a collection of 108 fungal isolates was obtained from maize plants in 2007–2011. DNA sequence analysis of the calmodulin and elongation factor 1α genes identified four species: Fusarium verticillioides, F. nygamai, F. andiyazi and F. thapsinum (comprising 79, 23, 4 and 2 isolates, respectively). Differential distribution of Fusarium species in maize organs was observed, that is F. verticillioides was the most frequently isolated species from maize seeds, while F. nygamai predominated on maize roots. Mixed infections with F. verticillioides/F. thapsinum and F. verticillioides/F. nygamai were detected in maize seeds and roots, respectively. Pathogenicity assay demonstrated the ability of the four species to infect maize seedlings and induce different levels of disease severity, reflecting variation in aggressiveness, plant height and root biomass. Isolates of F. verticillioides and F. nygamai were the most aggressive. These species were able to colonize all root tissues, from the epidermis to the vascular vessels, while infection by F. andiyazi and F. thapsinum was restricted to the epidermis and adjacent cortical cells. This is the first report of F. nygamai, F. andiyazi and F. thapsinum infecting maize in Mexico and co‐infecting with F. verticillioides. Mixed infections should be taken into consideration due to the production and/or accumulation of diverse mycotoxins in maize grain.  相似文献   

Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST) of Streptococcus pneumoniae is based on the sequence of seven housekeeping gene fragments. The analysis of MLST allelic profiles by eBURST allows the grouping of genetically related strains into Clonal Complexes (CCs) including those genotypes with a common descent from a predicted ancestor. However, the increasing use of MLST to characterize S. pneumoniae strains has led to the identification of a large number of new Sequence Types (STs) causing the merger of formerly distinct lineages into larger CCs. An example of this is the CC156, displaying a high level of complexity and including strains with allelic profiles differing in all seven of the MLST loci, capsular type and the presence of the Pilus Islet-1 (PI-1). Detailed analysis of the CC156 indicates that the identification of new STs, such as ST4945, induced the merging of formerly distinct clonal complexes. In order to discriminate the strain diversity within CC156, a recently developed typing schema, 96-MLST, was used to analyse 66 strains representative of 41 different STs. Analysis of allelic profiles by hierarchical clustering and a minimum spanning tree identified ten genetically distinct evolutionary lineages. Similar results were obtained by phylogenetic analysis on the concatenated sequences with different methods. The identified lineages are homogenous in capsular type and PI-1 presence. ST4945 strains were unequivocally assigned to one of the lineages. In conclusion, the identification of new STs through an exhaustive analysis of pneumococcal strains from various laboratories has highlighted that potentially unrelated subgroups can be grouped into a single CC by eBURST. The analysis of additional loci, such as those included in the 96-MLST schema, will be necessary to accurately discriminate the clonal evolution of the pneumococcal population.  相似文献   

The interacting effects within growth cabinets of the natureof the light source and the temperature of the ambient air on14 parameters of vegetative growth have been examined for Gotsypiumhirsutum, Helianthus annuus, Phaseolus vulgaris, and Zea mays.The comparisons were between fluorescent lighting and mixtureswith tungsten lamps (17 and 26 per cent of the total wattage),adjusted to give 32 400 lx and covering six equally spaced andconstant air temperatures from 10 to 35 °C. The relationships are highly complex. Species differ in theirresponses to the three light sources. Moreover, for some parameters,but only for some species, there are highly significant interactionsbetween the nature of the light source and the temperature level.Part of this complexity is due to the varying growth potentialof species at low and high temperatures but important contributingfactors are the differences between the temperatures of theambient air and the plant parts. Such disparities may be positiveor negative and are greater for leaf as against root temperature.The divergencies are larger during the day and largest for leaftemperature. With the higher proportion of tungsten lamps theleaf day temperature ranges from 7.1 °C above an ambienttemperature of 10 °C to 2.5 °C above 35 °C ambient.For fluorescent lighting the leaves are 2.8 °C above ambientat 10 °C and 2.5 °C below at 35 °C. When variations in the response are examined against the meaninternal day temperature of the plant, for some parameters,but not others, differences between light sources are no longerevident. Here again the reactions of species differ. It is concluded firstly that if only ambient air temperaturesare recorded errors will arise in the interpretation of theinduced biological responses, and secondly that departures fromthe ambient air temperatures will be dependent on the designof the cabinet and the lighting system.  相似文献   

Tolerance to extreme temperatures, thermal limits, and the mechanisms of thermoregulation are related to internal functions of insects and partly define their ecological niche. We study the association between daily activity of dung beetles from the Monte Desert in Argentina and their tolerance to high temperatures. Results indicate that for all three sympatric species studied, Eucranium belenae Ocampo, Anomiopsoides cavifrons (Burmeister), and Anomiopsoides fedemariai Ocampo, daily activity is associated to ground temperature. Eucranium belenae is active when ground temperature is relatively low and it is less tolerant to long periods of activity at high temperatures in the lab, while A. cavifrons and A. fedemariai are active when ground temperatures are higher, and they tolerate high temperatures for longer periods of time than E. belenae in the lab. These species coexist and use similar food sources, and this eco-physiological study may help to explain how they differentiate under the same environmental conditions. The Monte Desert is considered an extreme environment, and studies on thermal tolerance offer testable predictions to understand how species would respond to climate change.  相似文献   

Negrobov  O. P.  Selivanova  O. V.  Maslova  O. O. 《Entomological Review》2020,100(7):1033-1037
Entomological Review - A new species, Dolichopus korobovi sp. n., is described from Mongolia and Kazakhstan. The new species is closely related to D. martynovi Stackelberg, 1930 and differs in the...  相似文献   



Yellow fever continues to be a problem in sub-Saharan Africa with repeated epidemics occurring. The mosquito Aedes bromeliae is a major vector of yellow fever, but it cannot be readily differentiated from its non-vector zoophilic sister species Ae. lilii using morphological characters. Genetic differences have been reported between anthropophilic Ae. bromeliae and zoophilic Ae. lilii and between forest and domestic populations. However, due to the application of different molecular markers and non-overlapping populations employed in previous studies, interpretation of species delimitation is unclear.

Methodology/Principle Findings

DNA sequences were generated from specimens of Ae. simpsoni s.l. from the Republic of Benin, Tanzania and Uganda for two nuclear genes apolipophorin 2 (apoLp2) and cytochrome p450 (CYPJ92), the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) and the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (COI) barcoding region. Nuclear genes apoLp2 and CYPJ92 were unable to differentiate between species Ae. bromeliae and Ae. lilii due to ancestral lineage sorting, while ITS sequence data provided clear topological separation on a phylogeny. The standard COI barcoding region was shown to be subject to species introgression and unable to clearly distinguish the two taxa. Here we present a reliable direct PCR-based method for differentiation of the vector species Ae. bromeliae from its isomorphic, sympatric and non-biomedically important sister taxon, Ae. lilii, based on the ITS region. Using molecular species verification, we describe novel immature habitats for Ae. lilii and report both sympatric and allopatric populations. Whereas only Ae. lilii is found in the Republic of Benin and only Ae. bromeliae in Tanzania, both species are sympatric in Uganda.


Our accurate identification method will allow informed distribution and detailed ecological studies that will facilitate assessment of arboviral disease risk and development of future targeted vector control.  相似文献   

Three features of the heat shock response, reorganization of protein expression, intracellular accumulation of trehalose, and alteration in unsaturation degree of fatty acids were investigated in the thermophilic fungus Chaetomium thermophile and compared to the response displayed by a closely related mesophilic species, C. brasiliense. Thermophilic heat shock response paralleled the mesophilic response in many respects like (i) the temperature difference observed between normothermia and the upper limit of translational activity, (ii) the transient nature of the heat shock response at the level of protein expression including both the induction of heat shock proteins (HSPs) as well as the repression of housekeeping proteins, (iii) the presence of representatives of high-molecular-weight HSPs families, (iv) intracellular accumulation of trehalose, and finally (v) modifications in fatty acid composition. On the other hand, a great variability between the two organisms was observed for the proteins expressed during stress, in particular a protein of the HSP60 family that was only observed in C. thermophile. This peptide was also present constitutively at normal temperature and may thus fulfil thermophilic functions. It is shown that accumulation of trehalose does not play a part in thermophily but is only a stress response. C. thermophile contains less polyunsaturated fatty acids at normal temperature than C. brasiliense, a fact that can be directly related to thermophily. When subjected to heat stress, both organisms tended to accumulate shorter and less unsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

The binding of [3H]-paroxetine to membrane serotonin transporter (SERT) has been studied in membranes from different sources and subcellular fractions. From rat were membranes from venous blood platelets, brain total cortex, brain microsomes, brain crude and purified synaptosomes. Membranes were obtained from venous blood platelets from human volunteers and from brain cortex tissue from neurosurgery (cerebral lobectomies following craniocerebral injuries). The main finding was that the K D of paroxetine binding to the SERT was the same for platelet and nerve ending (synaptosomal) membranes. That parameter was significantly lower in membranes from brain microsomes and cortex total tissue. No species related difference was found, where comparison was possible, between human and rat tissue. The equality of K D of paroxetine binding to blood platelet membranes and to membranes from nerve endings appears to encourage the use of such membranes as a model for brain SERT. Binding at two different temperatures for several of the fractions suggests that paroxetine–SERT interaction is entropy-driven.  相似文献   

Leishmania is an intracellular parasite in vertebrate hosts, including man. During infection, amastigotes replicate inside macrophages and are transmitted to healthy cells, leading to amplification of the infection. Although transfer of amastigotes from infected to healthy cells is a crucial step that may shape the outcome of the infection, it is not fully understood. Here we compare L. amazonensis and L. guyanensis infection in C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice and investigate the fate of macrophages when infected with these species of Leishmania in vitro. As previously shown, infection of mice results in distinct outcomes: L. amazonensis causes a chronic infection in both strains of mice (although milder in C57BL/6), whereas L. guyanensis does not cause them disease. In vitro, infection is persistent in L. amazonensis-infected macrophages whereas L. guyanensis growth is controlled by host cells from both strains of mice. We demonstrate that, in vitro, L. amazonensis induces apoptosis of both C57BL/6 and BALB/c macrophages, characterized by PS exposure, DNA cleavage into nucleosomal size fragments, and consequent hypodiploidy. None of these signs were seen in macrophages infected with L. guyanensis, which seem to die through necrosis, as indicated by increased PI-, but not Annexin V-, positive cells. L. amazonensis-induced macrophage apoptosis was associated to activation of caspases-3, -8 and -9 in both strains of mice. Considering these two species of Leishmania and strains of mice, macrophage apoptosis, induced at the initial moments of infection, correlates with chronic infection, regardless of its severity. We present evidence suggestive that macrophages phagocytize L. amazonensis-infected cells, which has not been verified so far. The ingestion of apoptotic infected macrophages by healthy macrophages could be a way of amastigote spreading, leading to the establishment of infection.  相似文献   

Küyük  F.  Aslan  M.  Özbek  Ö. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(6):693-704
Biology Bulletin - The aims of this study are to investigate the genetic diversity, the population structure, and the genetic differentiation within and among the populations in the species and...  相似文献   

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