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Interspecific hybridization is a route for transgenes from genetically modified (GM) animals to invade wild populations, yet the ecological effects and potential risks that may emerge from such hybridization are unknown. Through experimental crosses, we demonstrate transmission of a growth hormone transgene via hybridization between a candidate for commercial aquaculture production, GM Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and closely related wild brown trout (Salmo trutta). Transgenic hybrids were viable and grew more rapidly than transgenic salmon and other non-transgenic crosses in hatchery-like conditions. In stream mesocosms designed to more closely emulate natural conditions, transgenic hybrids appeared to express competitive dominance and suppressed the growth of transgenic and non-transgenic (wild-type) salmon by 82 and 54 per cent, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of environmental impacts of hybridization between a GM animal and a closely related species. These results provide empirical evidence of the first steps towards introgression of foreign transgenes into the genomes of new species and contribute to the growing evidence that transgenic animals have complex and context-specific interactions with wild populations. We suggest that interspecific hybridization be explicitly considered when assessing the environmental consequences should transgenic animals escape to nature.  相似文献   

Recombination is thought to occur only rarely in animal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). However, detection of mtDNA recombination requires that cells become heteroplasmic through mutation, intramolecular recombination or 'leakage' of paternal mtDNA. Interspecific hybridization increases the probability of detecting mtDNA recombinants due to higher levels of sequence divergence and potentially higher levels of paternal leakage. During a study of historical variation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) mtDNA, an individual with a recombinant haplotype containing sequence from both Atlantic salmon and brown trout (Salmo trutta) was detected. The individual was not an F1 hybrid but it did have an unusual nuclear genotype which suggested that it was a later-generation backcross. No other similar recombinant haplotype was found from the same population or three neighbouring Atlantic salmon populations in 717 individuals collected during 1948-2002. Interspecific recombination may increase mtDNA variability within species and can have implications for phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Sexually dimorphic populations are often located in drier habitats than cosexual populations. Gender plasticity (GP), whereby hermaphrodites alter female and male functions depending on resources, and sex-differential plasticity (SDP) between hermaphrodites and unisexuals are predicted to affect sexual system stability. Here, GP and SDP are evaluated in cosexual and gynodioecious Wurmbea biglandulosa and sub-dioecious and dioecious W. dioica.


GP was evaluated under two resource conditions, compared among sexual systems and assessed as to whether (1) males produced perfect flowers and (2) hermaphrodites altered investment in perfect (female function) and total (male function) flowers. SDP was assessed within sexual systems as differences between sex functions of hermaphrodites vs. unisexuals. Males and hermaphrodites were compared to assess whether size thresholds for female function differed among sexual systems. Plasticity costs were evaluated using correlations between female function and male traits in hermaphrodites, and in W. dioica by comparing hermaphrodite and male regressions between plant size and pollen production.

Key Results

In dioecious W. dioica no males exhibited GP, whereas 100 % did in gynodioecious and cosexual W. biglandulosa. In sub-dioecious W. dioica, resources affected GP (high, 66 %; low, 42 %). Hermaphrodites in all sexual systems reduced perfect but not total flowers under low resources. Unisexuals were unaffected, demonstrating SDP for female function only. Thresholds for female function were greater in sub-dioecious W. dioica than in W. biglandulosa. Plasticity costs were detected only in sub-dioecious W. dioica.


SDP for female function could assist female establishment in cosexual populations and maintain females in gynodioecious and sub-dioecious populations. Although the absence of male SDP should stabilize sub-dioecy, plasticity costs would render sub-dioecy unstable, favouring canalized males over hermaphrodites. This study highlights the importance of interactions between environmental conditions and hermaphrodite sex expression for the stability of dimorphic sexual systems.  相似文献   

IPNV is the agent of a well-characterized acute disease that produces a systemic infection and high mortality in farmed fish species and persistent infection in surviving fish after outbreaks. Because modulation of the host expression of pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines can help establish persistence, in this study, we examined the expression of IL-1β, IL-8, IFNα1 and IL-10 during acute and persistent IPNV infection of Atlantic salmon. Results showed that IPNV infection induces an increase of the IFNα1 and IL-10 mRNA levels in the spleen and head kidney (HK) of fish after acute experimental infection. Levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-8 did not rise in the spleen although an increase of IL-1β, but not of IL-8, was observed in head kidney. In carrier asymptomatic salmon, cytokine gene expression of IFNα1 in the spleen and IL-10 in head kidney were also significantly higher than expression in non-carrier fish. Interestingly, a decrease of IL-8 expression was also observed. IPNV infection of SHK-1, which is a macrophage-like cell line of salmon, also induced an increase of expression of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 with no effects on the expression of IL-1β and IL-8. The effects are induced by an unknown mechanism during viral infection because poly I:C and the viral genomic dsRNA showed the opposite effects on cytokine expression in SHK-1 cells. In summary, IPNV always induces up-regulation of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 in Atlantic salmon. As this is accompanied by a lack of induction of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-8, the anti-inflammatory milieu may explain the high frequency, prevalence and persistence of IPNV in salmon. Effects might be part of the viral mechanisms of immune evasion.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Since the early 1990s, research on genetic variation of phenotypic plasticity has expanded and empirical research has emphasized the role of the environment on the expression of inbreeding depression. An emerging question is how these two evolutionary ecology mechanisms interact in novel environments. Interest in this area has grown with the need to understand the establishment of populations in response to climate change, and to human-assisted transport to novel environments.


We compare performance in the field of outcrossed (O) and inbred lines (S1, S2) from 20 maternal families from each of two native populations of Mimulus guttatus. The experiment was planted in California in each population''s home site, in the other populations''s home site, in a novel site within the native range of M. guttatus, and in a novel site within the non-native range in North America. The experiment included nearly 6500 individuals. Survival, sexual reproduction and above-ground biomass were examined in order to evaluate inbreeding depression, and stem diameter and plant height were examined in order to evaluate phenotypic plasticity.

Key Results

Across all field sites, approx. 36 % of plants survived to flowering. Inbreeding depression differed among sites and outcrossed offspring generally outperformed selfed offspring. However, in the native-novel site, self-progeny performed better or equally well as outcross progeny. Significant phenotypic plasticity and genetic variation in plasticity was detected in the two architectural traits measured. The absolute value of plasticity showed the most marked difference between home and non-native novel site or non-native-novel site. Evidence was detected for an interaction between inbreeding and plasticity for stem diameter.


The results demonstrate that during initial population establishment, both inbreeding depression and phenotypic plasticity vary among field sites, and may be an important response to environments outside a species'' currently occupied range. However, the interaction between inbreeding and plasticity may be limited and environment-dependent.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-dependent mating preferences have been observed across vertebrate taxa and these preferences are expected to promote offspring disease resistance and ultimately, viability. However, little empirical evidence linking MHC-dependent mate choice and fitness is available, particularly in wild populations. Here, we explore the adaptive potential of previously observed patterns of MHC-dependent mate choice in a wild population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Québec, Canada, by examining the relationship between MHC genetic variation and adult reproductive success and offspring survival over 3 years of study. While Atlantic salmon choose their mates in order to increase MHC diversity in offspring, adult reproductive success was in fact maximized between pairs exhibiting an intermediate level of MHC dissimilarity. Moreover, patterns of offspring survival between years 0+ and 1+, and 1+ and 2+ and population genetic structure at the MHC locus relative to microsatellite loci indicate that strong temporal variation in selection is likely to be operating on the MHC. We interpret MHC-dependent mate choice for diversity as a likely bet-hedging strategy that maximizes parental fitness in the face of temporally variable and unpredictable natural selection pressures.  相似文献   

Social environments experienced at different developmental stages profoundly shape adult behavioural and neural phenotypes, and may have important interactive effects. We asked if social experience before and after weaning influenced adult social cognition in male prairie voles. Animals were raised either with or without fathers and then either housed singly or in sibling pairs. Males that were socially deprived before (fatherless) and after (singly housed) weaning did not demonstrate social recognition or dissociate spatial from social information. We also examined oxytocin and vasopressin receptors (OTR and V1aR) in areas of the forebrain associated with social behaviour and memory. Pre- and post-wean experience differentially altered receptor expression in several structures. Of note, OTR in the lateral septum—an area in which oxytocin inhibits social recognition—was greatest in animals that did not clearly demonstrate social recognition. The combination of absentee fathers on V1aR in the retrosplenial cortex and single housing on OTR in the septohippocampal nucleus produced a unique phenotype previously found to be associated with poor reproductive success in nature. We demonstrate that interactive effects of early life experiences throughout development have tremendous influence over brain–behaviour phenotype and can buffer potentially negative outcomes due to social deprivation.  相似文献   

The relationship between aquaculture and infestations of sea lice on wild sea trout (Salmo trutta) populations is controversial. Although some authors have concluded that there is a link between aquaculture and lice burdens on wild fish, others have questioned this interpretation. Lice levels have been shown to be generally higher on Atlantic salmon farms during the second years of two-year production cycles. Here we investigate whether this pattern relates to lice burdens on wild fish across broad temporal and spatial axes. Within Loch Shieldaig across five successive farm cycles from 2000 to 2009, the percentage of sea trout with lice, and those above a critical level, were significantly higher in the second year of a two-year production cycle. These patterns were mirrored in 2002–2003 across the Scottish west coast. The results suggest a link between Atlantic salmon farms and sea lice burdens on sea trout in the west of Scotland.  相似文献   

While introductions and supplementations using non-native and potentially domesticated individuals may have dramatic evolutionary effects on wild populations, few studies documented the evolution of genetic diversity and life-history traits in supplemented populations. Here, we investigated year-to-year changes from 1989 to 2009 in genetic admixture at 15 microsatellite loci and in phenotypic traits in an Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) population stocked during the first decade of this period with two genetically and phenotypically distinct source populations. We detected a pattern of temporally increasing introgressive hybridization between the stocked population and both source populations. The proportion of fish returning to the river after a single winter at sea (versus several ones) was higher in fish assigned to the main source population than in local individuals. Moreover, during the first decade of the study, both single-sea-winter and multi-sea-winter (MSW) fish assigned to the main source population were smaller than local fish. During the second decade of the study, MSW fish defined as hybrids were lighter and smaller than fish from parental populations, suggesting outbreeding depression. Overall, this study suggests that supplementation with non-local individuals may alter not only the genetic diversity of wild populations but also life-history traits of adaptive significance.  相似文献   

It is well established that the average metabolism of many species of fish varies with group size. However, it is not clear whether all individuals respond in the same way. Here, we use a newly calibrated method of measuring the metabolic rate of fish from opercular (ventilatory) movements that allows for the first-time estimation of changes in resting metabolic rate (RMR) of each individual within different social groups and when alone. The presence of a conspecific had divergent effects on the RMR of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, depending on its relative body size: the presence of a smaller fish caused a 40 per cent reduction, whereas the presence of a slightly larger fish approximately doubled RMR. These effects occurred in the absence of activity and were sustained at lower magnitude in the case of the relatively smaller conspecific even if a transparent barrier prevented any physical interactions between fish. Changes in RMR were mirrored by changes in eye colour that indicate they were linked to stress levels. These contrasting and strong responses show that even the nearby presence of a conspecific can have profound and variable effects on an individual''s energy budget; they also highlight the complex trade-offs involved in social interactions.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of a single genotype to yield distinct phenotypes in different environments. The molecular mechanisms linking phenotypic plasticity to the evolution of heritable diversification, however, are largely unknown. Here, we show that insulin/insulin-like growth factor signalling (IIS) underlies both phenotypic plasticity and evolutionary diversification of ovariole number, a quantitative reproductive trait, in Drosophila. IIS activity levels and sensitivity have diverged between species, leading to both species-specific ovariole number and species-specific nutritional plasticity in ovariole number. Plastic range of ovariole number correlates with ecological niche, suggesting that the degree of nutritional plasticity may be an adaptive trait. This demonstrates that a plastic response conserved across animals can underlie the evolution of morphological diversity, underscoring the potential pervasiveness of plasticity as an evolutionary mechanism.  相似文献   

A major goal of modern evolutionary biology is to understand the causes and consequences of phenotypic plasticity, the ability of a single genotype to produce multiple phenotypes in response to variable environments. While ecological and quantitative genetic studies have evaluated models of the evolution of adaptive plasticity, some long-standing questions about plasticity require more mechanistic approaches. Here, we address two of those questions: does plasticity facilitate adaptive evolution? And do physiological costs place limits on plasticity? We examine these questions by comparing genetically and plastically regulated behavioural variation in sailfin mollies (Poecilia latipinna), which exhibit striking variation in plasticity for male mating behaviour. In this species, some genotypes respond plastically to a change in the social environment by switching between primarily courting and primarily sneaking behaviour. In contrast, other genotypes have fixed mating strategies (either courting or sneaking) and do not display plasticity. We found that genetic and plastic variation in behaviour were accompanied by partially, but not completely overlapping changes in brain gene expression, in partial support of models that predict that plasticity can facilitate adaptive evolution. We also found that behavioural plasticity was accompanied by broader and more robust changes in brain gene expression, suggesting a substantial physiological cost to plasticity. We also observed that sneaking behaviour, but not courting, was associated with upregulation of genes involved in learning and memory, suggesting that sneaking is more cognitively demanding than courtship.  相似文献   

Comparison of levels and patterns of genetic variation in natural populations either across loci or against neutral expectation can yield insight into locus-specific differences in the strength and direction of evolutionary forces. We used both approaches to test the hypotheses on patterns of selection on major histocompatibility (MH)-linked markers. We performed temporal analyses of class I and class IIα MH-linked markers and eight microsatellite loci in two Atlantic salmon populations in Ireland on two temporal scales: over six decades and 9 years in the rivers Burrishoole and Delphi, respectively. We also compared contemporary Burrishoole and Delphi samples with nearby populations for the same loci. On comparing patterns of temporal and spatial differentiation among classes of loci, the class IIα MH-linked marker was consistently identified as an outlier compared with patterns at the other microsatellite loci or neutral expectation. We found higher levels of temporal and spatial heterogeneity in heterozygosity (but not in allelic richness) for the class IIα MH-linked marker compared with microsatellites. Tests on both within- and among-population differentiation are consistent with directional selection acting on the class IIα-linked marker in both temporal and spatial comparisons, but only in temporal comparisons for the class I-linked marker. Our results indicate a complex pattern of selection on MH-linked markers in natural populations of Atlantic salmon. These findings highlight the importance of considering selection on MH-linked markers when using these markers for management and conservation purposes.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the role of different lipotropes in modulating immunity and biochemical plasticity under conditions of sublethal low-dose pesticide-induced stress in fish. Labeo rohita fish fingerlings were divided in two sets with one set of fish continuously exposed to low-dose endosulfan (1/10th of 96-h LC50) for 21 days, the other was unexposed, and both sets of fish were fed with practical diets supplemented with either 2 % lecithin, 0.5 % betaine, or 0.1 % choline and compared against unsupplemented diet. Low-dose endosulfan exposure had adverse effects (P < 0.05/P < 0.01) on hematological profile (erythrocyte count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit), serum protein (total protein, albumin, and globulin) and lipid profile (cholesterol and triglyceride), anti-oxidative status (ascorbic acid content of muscle, liver, brain, and kidney and activity of anti-oxidative enzymes: catalase and superoxide dismutase), neurotransmission (acetylcholinesterase activity in muscle and brain), immunological attributes (WBC count, albumin to globulin ratio, phagocytic activity, and serum cortisol), and metabolic plasticity as revealed from enzyme activities (muscle lactate dehydrogenase, liver and kidney glucose-6-phosphatase dehydrogenase-G6PDH activity). Dietary lipotropes prevented these effects completely or partially and the effects were lipotrope dependent. Kinetics (maximum velocity value Vmax, catalytic efficiency and Michaelis constant Km) of G6PDH enzyme from crude extracts of liver and kidney indicated inhibition due to endosulfan but lipotropes could protect enzyme and showed a stabilizing effect. The supplements also helped maintain integrity of histoarchitecture of the hepatocytes in endosulfan-exposed fish to a great extent. Feeding lipotropes to fish reared in endosulfan-free water also improved hematological and serum protein and lipid profiles and were immunostimulatory. In conclusion, dietary lipotropes, especially betaine and lecithin at the levels used, improve erythropoiesis, serum protein and lipid profile, anti-oxidant status, immunocompetence, neurotransmission, and protect the livers of L. rohita fingerlings even when continuously exposed to low-dose endosulfan.  相似文献   

Unlike most animals studied so far in which the activity with no circadian rhythms is pathological or linked to deteriorating performance, worker bees and ants naturally care for their sibling brood around the clock with no apparent ill effects. Here, we tested whether bumble-bee queens that care alone for their first batch of offspring are also capable of a similar chronobiological plasticity. We monitored locomotor activity of Bombus terrestris queens at various life cycle stages, and queens for which we manipulated the presence of brood or removed the ovaries. We found that gynes typically emerged from the pupae with no circadian rhythms, but after several days showed robust rhythms that were not affected by mating or diapauses. Colony-founding queens with brood showed attenuated circadian rhythms, irrespective of the presence of ovaries. By contrast, queens that lost their brood switched again to activity with strong circadian rhythms. The discovery that circadian rhythms in bumble-bee queens are regulated by the life cycle and the presence of brood suggests that plasticity in the circadian clock of bees is ancient and related to maternal behaviour or physiology, and is not a derived trait that evolved with the evolution of the worker caste.  相似文献   

The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) serum lectin (SSL) is a soluble C-type lectin that binds bacteria, including salmon pathogens. This lectin is a cysteine-rich oligomeric protein. Consequently, a Drosophila melanogaster expression system was evaluated for use in expressing SSL. A cDNA encoding SSL was cloned into a vector designed to express it as a fusion protein with a hexahistidine tag, under the control of the Drosophila methallothionein promoter. The resulting construct was stably transfected into Drosophila S2 cells. After CdCl2 induction, transfected S2 cells secreted recombinant SSL into the cell culture medium. A cell line derived from stably transformed polyclonal cell populations expressing SSL was used for large-scale expression of SSL. Recombinant SSL was purified from the culture medium using a two-step purification scheme involving affinity binding to yeast cells and metal-affinity chromatography. Although yields of SSL were very low, correct folding and functionality of the recombinant SSL purified in this manner was demonstrated by its ability to bind to Aeromonas salmonicida. Therefore, Drosophila S2 cells may be an ideal system for the production of SSL if yields can be increased.  相似文献   

Many organisms have geographical distributions extending from the tropics to near polar regions or can experience up to 30°C temperature variation within the lifespan of an individual. Two forms of evolutionary adaptation to such wide ranges in ambient temperatures are frequently discussed: local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity. The freshwater planktonic crustacean Daphnia magna, whose range extends from South Africa to near arctic sites, shows strong phenotypic and genotypic variation in response to temperature. In this study, we use D. magna clones from 22 populations (one clone per population) ranging from latitude 0° (Kenya) to 66° North (White Sea) to explore the contributions of phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation to high temperature tolerance. Temperature tolerance was studied as knockout time (time until immobilization, Timm) at 37°C in clones acclimatized to either 20°C or 28°C. Acclimatization to 28°C strongly increased Timm, testifying to adaptive phenotypic plasticity. At the same time, Timm significantly correlated with average high temperature at the clones’ sites of origin, suggesting local adaptation. As earlier studies have found that haemoglobin expression contributes to temperature tolerance, we also quantified haemoglobin concentration in experimental animals and found that both acclimatization temperature (AccT) and temperature at the site of origin are positively correlated with haemoglobin concentration. Furthermore, Daphnia from warmer climates upregulate haemoglobin much more strongly in response to AccT, suggesting local adaptation for plasticity in haemoglobin expression. Our results show that both local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity contribute to temperature tolerance, and elucidate a possible role of haemoglobin in mediating these effects that differs along a cold–warm gradient.  相似文献   

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