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In the past decade light-induced electron transfer reactions in photosystem Ⅰ have been the subject of intensive investigations that have led to the elucidation of some unique characteristics,the most striking of which is the existence of two parallel,functional,redox active cofactors chains.This process is generally referred to as bidirectional electron transfer.Here we present a review of the principal evidences that have led to the uncovering of bidirectionality in the reaction centre of photosystem Ⅰ.A special focus is dedicated to the results obtained combining time-resolved spectroscopic techniques,either difference absorption or electron paramagnetic resonance,with molecular genetics,which allows,through modification of the binding of redox active cofactors with the reaction centre subunits,an effect on their physical-chemical properties.  相似文献   

The Japan Monkey Centre issued the following official statement concerning the aerial spraying of herbicide which was carried out at the end of June on the Shimokita Peninsula. It invites all who are interested in the research of nature to understand and support its aim for the conservation of wild Japanese monkeys and the protection of nature from artificial destruction. Copies of the statement (in Japanese) have been sent to a number of inland individuals and organizations concerned.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the optimal transformation conditions during early gene transfer steps necessary to improve the efficiency of transformation mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens in Fuji apple plants. The use of 200 μM acetosyringone in the co-culture medium resulted in 4.7% transformation efficiency, compared with different concentrations of 0–400 μM. A 4-day co-culture period gave 1.9% transformation efficiency, compared with different co-culture periods of 1–5 days. There was no significant difference in transformation efficiency with different explant placement orientations on co-culture medium. A comparison of young leaves from plants cultured in rooting medium for 4 weeks with those cultured for 8 weeks showed that an 8-week culture period resulted in higher transformation efficiency. We therefore concluded that the efficiency of Fuji apple transformation depends on improving factors related to the gene transfer step.  相似文献   

Tang S  Dai W  Li M  Zhang Y  Geng Y  Wang L  Zhong Y 《Genetica》2008,134(1):21-30
Abies ziyuanensis is a highly endangered fir species endemic to South China. Unlike other Abies species that are distributed in areas with cold climates, A. ziyuanensis is restricted to several isolated island-like localities at subtropical mountains. In this study, we used dominant amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and co-dominant simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers to infer the genetic structure of A. ziyuanensis. Seven populations consisting of 139 individuals were sampled across their whole distribution. A. ziyuanenesis has a relatively low level of genetic variation, with a mean genetic diversity per population (He) of 0.136 (AFLP) and 0.337 (SSR), which is lower than that of other reported endemic species based on the same kind of marker. We observed high population differentiation, with Gst = 0.482 (AFLP) and Fst = 0.250 (SSR), among the seven populations. AMOVA also detected significant differentiation among populations (Φst (AFLP) = 0.550 and Φst (SSR) = 0.289) and among regions (Φct (AFLP) = 0.139 and Φct (SSR) = 0.135) in both marker types. Both ongoing evolutionary forces (e.g., genetic drift resulting from small population size) and historical events (e.g., population contraction and fragmentation during and after the Quaternary glacial cycles) may have contributed to the genetic structure in A. ziyuanensis.  相似文献   

Wedekind C  Evanno G  Urbach D  Jacob A  Müller R 《Genetica》2008,132(2):199-208
Some models of sexual selection predict that individuals vary in their genetic quality and reveal some of this variation in their secondary sexual characteristics. Alpine whitefish (Coregonus sp.) develop breeding tubercles shortly before their spawning season. These tubercles are epidermal structures that are distributed regularly along the body sides of both males and females. There is still much unexplained variation in the size of breeding tubercles within both sexes and with much overlap between the sexes. It has been suggested that breeding tubercles function to maintain body contact between the mating partners during spawning, act as weapons for defence of spawning territories, or are sexual signals that reveal aspects of genetic quality. We took two samples of whitefish from their spawning place, one at the beginning and one around the peak of spawning season. We found that females have on average smaller breeding tubercles than males, and that tubercle size partly reveals the stage of gonad maturation. Two independent full-factorial breeding experiments revealed that embryo mortality was significantly influenced by male and female effects. This finding demonstrates that the males differed in their genetic quality (because offspring get nothing but genes from their fathers). Tubercle size was negatively linked to some aspects of embryo mortality in the first breeding experiment but not significantly so in the second. This lack of consistency adds to inconsistent results that were reported before and suggests that (i) some aspects of genetic quality are not revealed in breeding tubercles while others are, or (ii) individuals vary in their signaling strategies and the information content of breeding tubercles is not always reliable. Moreover, the fact that female whitefish have breeding tubercles of significant size while males seem to have few reasons to be choosy suggests that the tubercles might also serve some functions that are not linked to sexual signaling.  相似文献   

Soil fungi accumulate radiocaesium from contaminated soil and it has been hypothesised that this may alter the plant availability and movement of the radionuclide in soil. The effect of twice-monthly addition of an aqueous suspension of the fungicide ‘Captan’ on the changes in a peaty podzol soil at 2 sites, contaminated 2 or 3 years earlier by the injection of 134Cs, has been quantified. The sites had different soil acidity and vegetation cover. The less acid soil (pHwater 5.0) had been improved by the addition of lime and fertilizer and was reseeded with grass and clover. The more acid soil (pHwater 3.8) was under hill grasses, herbs and heather. On both sites the addition of fungicide did not alter the amount or concentration of radiocaesium in plant material sampled monthly or the depth distribution of radiocaesium in the soil profile. The concentration of the fungal constituent, ergosterol, in the soil, measured monthly, was unaffected by the fungicide treatment but evidence was obtained from a pot experiment to show that ergosterol decomposes slowly in cold, wet soils. On the more acid soil, two weeks after the last application of fungicide, there was a decline in active fungi as measured by fluorescein diacetate staining. Chloroform fumigation of the more acid soil resulted in a small increase in the amount of 134Cs exchangeable with 1 M ammonium acetate. Radiocaesium in seven different fungi grown in pure culture was found to be almost entirely extractable (> 95%) with 1 M ammonium acetate. Another, Amanita rubescens, showed some retention and 88% was extractable. These findings do not preclude the fungal biomass as an important soil component controlling plant availability of radiocaesium from acid, organic soils by maintaining radiocaesium in a biological cycle, but make it unlikely that any fixation by fungi in a chemical sense is involved.  相似文献   

The glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) potential as a therapeutic agent for the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) has been extensively explored. However, the mechanism of the GDNF neuroprotective effects is still unclear. In this study, the neuroprotective mechanism of the GDNF in the PD cellular models, which was obtained by the 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced dopaminergic (DA) cell line MN9D damage was investigated by microarray. Interestingly, 54 constitutively increased or decreased genes were detected, 17 of which have not been reported previously. The expression of 5 up-regulated and 5 down-regulated genes which displayed the most obvious changes compared to the no GDNF treatment cells and was previously proven to be related to cell survival was validated by real-time PCR and western blot. Moreover, the up-regulated gene Ager and down-regulated gene Ccnl2 which were related to the PI-3K/Akt signaling pathway, but not researched in the neuron-cells, were investigated by overexpression and RNA interference. Overexpression of Ager or knockdown the expression of Ccnl2 decreased the damage to MN9D cells caused by 6-OHDA and reduced their apoptosis. All these results suggested that the protective effects of the GDNF on the 6-OHDA damaged MN9D cells could be understood by enhancing the expression of the apoptosis inhibiting genes and decreasing the expression of the apoptosis promoting genes. Thus, this study might provide a number of specific candidates and potential targets to investigate the protective mechanism of GDNF in DA neurons.  相似文献   

An earlier article described the mid-twentieth century origins of the method of “paradigms” in paleobiology, as a way of making testable hypotheses about the functional morphology of extinct organisms. The present article describes the use of “paradigms” through the 1970s and, briefly, to the end of the century. After I had proposed the paradigm method to help interpret the ecological history of brachiopods, my students developed it in relation to that and other invertebrate phyla, notably in Euan Clarkson’s analysis of vision in trilobites. David Raup’s computer-aided “theoretical morphology” was then combined with my functional or adaptive emphasis, in Adolf Seilacher’s tripartite “constructional morphology.” Stephen Jay Gould, who had strongly endorsed the method, later switched to criticizing the “adaptationist program” he claimed it embodied. Although the explicit use of paradigms in paleobiology had declined by the end of the century, the method was tacitly subsumed into functional morphology as “biomechanics.”  相似文献   

The effects of co-cultivation conditions on transformation efficiency and direct shoot regeneration from seedling explants of safflower cv. Centennial were examined. Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105/p35SGUSInt was more infective than LBA4404/pBI121 as determined by numbers of sectors expressing -glucuronidase activity. Compared to nontransformed controls, efficiency of direct shoot regeneration was markedly decreased by co-cultivation with EHA105 and the decrease exacerbated by addition of acetosyringone, indicating that a hypersensitive response to bacterial infection may reduce organogenetic potential. Likewise exposure of co-cultivated explants to kanamycin or geneticin in selective media reduced regeneration efficiency. Addition of 500 mg l-1 carbenicillin slightly increased numbers of regenerating shoots. Tranfformed shoots were obtained only when kanamycin selection was initiated 1 or 2 days after co-cultivation. Presence of transgenes in geneticin-resistant shoots was confirmed using polymerase chain reaction and Southern hybridization assays.Abbreviations AS acetosyringone - GUS -glucuronidase - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid - NPTII neomycin phosphotransferase II - PCR polymerase chain reaction - TDZ thidiazuron  相似文献   

Lipid extraction of biomass prior to stable isotope analysis is known to cause variable changes in the stable nitrogen isotopic composition (δ15N) of residual biomass. However, the underlying factors causing these changes are not yet clear. Here we address this issue by comparing the δ15N of bulk and residual biomass of several marine animal tissues (fish, crab, cockle, oyster, and polychaete), as well as the δ15N of the extracted lipids. As observed previously, lipid extraction led to a variable offset in δ15N of biomass (differences ranging from -2.3 to +1.8 ‰). Importantly, the total lipid extract (TLE) was highly depleted in 15N compared to bulk biomass, and also highly variable (differences ranging from -14 to +0.7 ‰). The TLE consisted mainly of phosphatidylcholines, a group of lipids with one nitrogen atom in the headgroup. To elucidate the cause for the 15N-depletion in the TLE, the δ15N of amino acids was determined, including serine because it is one of the main sources of nitrogen to N-containing lipids. Serine δ15N values differed by -7 to +2 ‰ from bulk biomass δ15N, and correlated well with the 15N depletion in TLEs. On average, serine was less depleted (-3‰) than the TLE (-7 ‰), possibly due to fractionation during biosynthesis of N-containing headgroups, or that other nitrogen-containing compounds, such as urea and choline, or recycled nitrogen contribute to the nitrogen isotopic composition of the TLE. The depletion in 15N of the TLE relative to biomass increased with the trophic level of the organisms.  相似文献   

Uncultivated microbial clades (‘microbial dark matter’) are inferred to play important but uncharacterized roles in nutrient cycling. Using Antarctic lake (Ace Lake, Vestfold Hills) metagenomes, 12 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs; 88%–100% complete) were generated for four ‘dark matter’ phyla: six MAGs from Candidatus Auribacterota (=Aureabacteria, SURF-CP-2), inferred to be hydrogen- and sulfide-producing fermentative heterotrophs, with individual MAGs encoding bacterial microcompartments (BMCs), gas vesicles, and type IV pili; one MAG (100% complete) from Candidatus Hinthialibacterota (=OLB16), inferred to be a facultative anaerobe capable of dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia, specialized for mineralization of complex organic matter (e.g. sulfated polysaccharides), and encoding BMCs, flagella, and Tad pili; three MAGs from Candidatus Electryoneota (=AABM5-125-24), previously reported to include facultative anaerobes capable of dissimilatory sulfate reduction, and here inferred to perform sulfite oxidation, reverse tricarboxylic acid cycle for autotrophy, and possess numerous proteolytic enzymes; two MAGs from Candidatus Lernaellota (=FEN-1099), inferred to be capable of formate oxidation, amino acid fermentation, and possess numerous enzymes for protein and polysaccharide degradation. The presence of 16S rRNA gene sequences in public metagenome datasets (88%–100% identity) suggests these ‘dark matter’ phyla contribute to sulfur cycling, degradation of complex organic matter, ammonification and/or chemolithoautotrophic CO2 fixation in diverse global environments.  相似文献   

Several filamentous and unicellular cyanobacteria were grown photoautotrophically with nitrate or dinitrogen as N-sources, and some respiratory properties of the cells or isolated plasma (CM) and thylakoid (ICM) membranes were compared. Specific cytochrome c oxidase activities in membranes from dinitrogen-fixing cells were between 10- and 50-times higher than those in membranes from nitrate-grown cells, ICM of heterocysts but CM of unicells being mainly responsible for the stimulation. Whole cell respiration (oxygen uptake) of diazotrophic unicells paralleled increased cytochrome oxidase activities of the isolated membranes. Mass spectrometric measurements of the uptake of isotopically labeled oxygen revealed that (low) light inhibited respiration of diazotrophic unicells to a much lesser degree than that of nitrate-grown cells which indicates the prevailing (respiratory) role of CM in the former. Normalized growth yields of diazotrophic unicells grown in continuous light were significantly higher than those of cells grown in a 12/12 hrs light/dark cycle. Mass spectrometry showed that overall nitrogen uptake by the former was higher than by the latter; in particular, and in marked contrast to the time course of nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) there was no appreciable nitrogen uptake or protein synthesis during dark periods; likewise, there was no 14-CO2 fixation, nor chloropholl synthesis, nor cell division in the dark. By contrast, growth in continuous light gave sustained rates of nitrogen and carbon dioxide incorporation over the whole time range. Our results will be discussed in terms of respiratory protection as an essential strategy of keeping apart nitrogenase and oxygen, either atmospheric or photosynthetically produced within the same cell.  相似文献   

Summary In freely moving grasshoppers of the speciesChorthippus biguttulus compound potentials were recorded from the neck connectives with chronically implanted hook electrodes. The spikes of one large auditory interneuron, known as the G-neuron (Kalmring 1975a, b) were clearly distinguishable in the recordings and the neuron was identified by its physiology and morphology. In quiescent grasshoppers the G-neuron responds to auditory and vibratory stimuli, but responses to both stimuli are suppressed during stridulation in males (Fig. 1, top, Fig. 7). When a male's wings were removed so that the stridulatory movements of its hindlegs produced no sound, the suppression of the G-neuron response still occurred (Fig. 1, bottom). When proprioceptive feedback from the hindlegs was reduced, by forced autotomy of the legs, the switching-off remained incomplete (Fig. 3) (production of stridulatory patterns was inferred on the basis of electromyograms from the relevant thoracic musculature). Imposed movement of the hindlegs, on the other hand, suppressed the G-neuron response in a graded fashion, depending on the frequency of the movement (Figs. 4 and 5). These experiments suggest that the switching-off is brought about by a combination of proprioceptive feedback and central efferences. The switching-off phenomenon could either protect the grasshopper's auditory pathway from undesired effects of overloading by its own intense song (e.g. self-induced habituation as described by Krasne and Wine 1977) and should therefore apply for most auditory neurons. Alternatively it could prevent escape reflexes from being triggered by stridulatory self-stimulation and consequently might apply only for neurons involved in such networks (as the G-neuron might be).  相似文献   

‘Predator-foolhardiness’ (Lloyd andDybas , 1966b) in an epidemic population of the sugarcane cicada, Mogannia minuta was tested by counting the number of successful and failed trials of hand-capturing of adults in the centre and periphery of a heavily infested area. Males frequently failed to escape from capture in the outbreak area but they did not in the peripheral zone. Females could escape well irrespective of the density. It was considered that the ‘predator-foolhardiness’ of males is not due to genetic differentiation through the process of outbreak but to the effect of massive chorus on the escape behaviour.  相似文献   

Several regions of the human mitochondrial genome are refractory to cloning in plasmid and bacteriophage DNA vectors. For example, recovery of recombinant M13 clones containing a 462 basepair MboI-Kpn I restriction fragment that spans nucleotide positions 15591 to 16053 of HeLa cell mitochondrial DNA was as much as 100-fold lower than the recovery of M13 clones containing other regions of the human mitochondrial genome. All of 50 recombinant M13 clones containing this ‘uncloneable’ fragment had one or more changes in nucleotide sequence. Each clone contained at least one alteration in two nucleotide positions within the tRNAThr gene that encode portions of the anticodon loop and D-stem of the HeLa mitochondrial tRNAThr. These results imply that the HeLa mitochondrial tRNAThr gene is responsible for the ‘uncloneable’ phenotype of this region of human mitochondrial (mt) DNA.A total of 61 nucleotide sequence alterations were identified in 50 independent clones containing the HeLa mt tRNAThr gene. 56 mutations were single-base substitutions; 5 were deletions. Approximately 80% of the base substitution mutations were A:T → G:C transitions. A preference for A:T → G:C transition mutations also characterizes polymorphic base substitution variants in the mitochondrial DNA of unrelated individuals. This similarity suggests that human mitochondrial DNA sequence variation within and between individuals may have a common origin.  相似文献   

Essential hypertension (EH) is a major public health problem world over and in India. Recent data on EH in the population of Chandigarh (Union Territory and capital of Punjab and Haryana States of India) revealed that the prevalence of EH has become double in the last 30 years in the residents of Chandigarh (26.9 to 45.80% in the year 1968 and 2002). Zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), magnesium (Mg), and manganese (Mn) in the serum are considered important in maintaining the human hypertension. The high Zn intake was considered to increase the blood pressure (BP) and to affect the other mineral status in the body. Recent survey on the trace metal status of different vegetables in the State of Punjab around Chandigarh (India) revealed that Zn level is significantly higher (40 mg/kg or more in above ground vegetables and 120 mg/kg or above in underground vegetables) in underground water-irrigated vegetables, but the levels of Cu and Mg are within prescribed limit. The present study was conducted on Chandigarh population to evaluate the levels of Zn, Cu, Mg, and Mn in the blood and urine of normotensive (NT) control and hypertensive (HT) subjects matched with number, age and sex. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer studies revaluated that the levels of serum Zn, Mg, and Mn were significantly higher (p < 0.001), but the level of Cu was low in the HT subjects (BP = 160/93) compared to NT control (BP = 140/83). Higher levels of urinary Zn, Cu, Mg, and Mn were observed in the HT subject vs NT control (p < 0.001). Positive correlations were evaluated between the levels of serum Zn, Mg, and Mn vs systolic and diastolic pressures (DP and SP), respectively (r = 0.928, 0.863, 0.876, 0.808, 0.404, 0.326, p < 0.01), but negative and positive nonsignificant correlations between the serum Cu with SP and DP were recorded (r = −0.032, r = 0.024). Positive correlations were also evaluated between urinary levels of Zn, Cu, Mg, and Mn vs SP and DP (r = 0.718, 0.657, 0.750, 0.681, 0.630, 0.578, 0.516, 0.461, p < 0.01). Prevalence of essential hypertension may be due to higher Zn level in the food chain that makes the individuals vulnerable to other diseases over the time related to essential hypertension.  相似文献   

Lynne Sigler 《Mycopathologia》1989,108(3):155-161
A woman suffering from acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis was admitted to the hospital ten days after deliberate intoxication by ingestion of Cortinarius orellanus. Orellanine, the main toxin responsible for orellanine poisoning, was detected in biological fluids and renal biopsies. It was assayed by direct spectrofluorimetry on two-dimensional thin-layer chromatograms after specific photodecomposition into orelline. The orellanine concentration was 6.12 mg/l in the plasma (10 days after ingestion). Orellanine levels in renal biopsies were 7 g per 25 mm3 of the first biopsy (13 days after ingestion) and 24 g per 8 mm3 of the second biopsy (6 months later).Taken in part from the doctorate thesis of S. Rapior.  相似文献   

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