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Poultry necrotic enteritis (NE) is caused by specific strains of Clostridium perfringens, most of which are type A. The role of alpha toxin (CPA) in NE has been called into question by the finding that an engineered cpa mutant retains full virulence in vivo[9]. This is in contrast to the finding that immunization with CPA toxoids protects against NE. We confirmed the earlier findings, in that 14-day-old Cornish × Rock broiler chicks challenged with a cpa mutant developed lesions compatible with NE in >90% of birds inoculated with the mutant. However, CPA was detected in amounts ranging from 10 to >100 ng per g of gut contents and mucosa in birds inoculated with the cpa mutant, the wildtype strain from which the mutant was constructed, and our positive control strain. There was a direct relationship between lesion severity and amount of CPA detected (R = 0.89-0.99). These findings suggest that the role of CPA in pathogenesis of NE requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Claudins (Cld) are essential constituents of tight junctions. Domain I of Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (cCPE) binds to the second extracellular loop (ECL2) of a subset of claudins, e.g. Cld3/4 and influences tight junction formation. We aimed to identify interacting interfaces and to alter claudin specificity of cCPE. Mutagenesis, binding assays, and molecular modeling were performed. Mutation-guided ECL2 docking of Cld3/4 onto the crystal structure of cCPE revealed a common orientation of the proposed ECL2 helix-turn-helix motif in the binding cavity of cCPE: residues Leu(150)/Leu(151) of Cld3/4 bind similarly to a hydrophobic pit formed by Tyr(306), Tyr(310), and Tyr(312) of cCPE, and Pro(152)/Ala(153) of Cld3/4 is proposed to bind to a second pit close to Leu(223), Leu(254), and Leu(315). However, sequence variation in ECL2 of these claudins is likely responsible for slightly different conformation in the turn region, which is in line with different cCPE interaction modes of Cld3 and Cld4. Substitutions of other so far not characterized cCPE residues lining the pocket revealed two spatially separated groups of residues (Leu(223), Asp(225), and Arg(227) and Leu(254), lle(258), and Asp(284)), which are involved in binding to Cld3 and Cld4, albeit differently. Involvement of Asn(148) of Cld3 in cCPE binding was confirmed, whereas no evidence for involvement of Lys(156) or Arg(157) was found. We show structure-based alteration of cCPE generating claudin binders, which interact subtype-specific preferentially either with Cld3 or with Cld4. The obtained mutants and mechanistic insights will advance the design of cCPE-based modulators to target specific claudin subtypes related either to paracellular barriers that impede drug delivery or to tumors.  相似文献   

In the present study, comparative genome analysis between Clostridium perfringens and the human genome was carried out to identify genes that are essential for the pathogen's survival, and non-homologous to the genes of human host, that can be used as potential drug targets. The study resulted in the identification of 426 such genes. The number of these potential drug targets thus identified is significantly lower than the genome's protein coding capacity (2558 protein coding genes). The 426 genes of C. perfringens were further analyzed for overall similarities with the essential genes of 14 different bacterial species present in Database of Essential Genes (DEG). Our results show that there are only 5 essential genes of C. perfringens that exhibit similarity with 12 species of the 14 different bacterial species present in DEG database. Of these, 1 gene was similar in 12 species and 4 genes were similar in 11 species. Thus, the study opens a new avenue for the development of potential drugs against the highly pathogenic bacterium. Further, by selecting these essential genes of C. perfringens, which are common and essential for other pathogenic microbial species, a broad spectrum anti-microbial drug can be developed. As a case study, we have built a homology model of one of the potential drug targets, ABC transporter-ATP binding protein, which can be employed for in silico docking studies by suitable inhibitors.  相似文献   

TpeL is a member of the family of clostridial glucosylating toxins produced by Clostridium perfringens type A, B, and C strains. In contrast to other members of this toxin family, it lacks a C-terminal polypeptide repeat domain, which is suggested to be involved in target cell binding. It was shown that the glucosyltransferase domain of TpeL modifies Ras in vitro by mono-O-glucosylation or mono-O-GlcNAcylation (Nagahama, M., Ohkubo, A., Oda, M., Kobayashi, K., Amimoto, K., Miyamoto, K., and Sakurai, J. (2011) Infect. Immun. 79, 905-910). Here we show that TpeL preferably utilizes UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc) as a sugar donor. Change of alanine 383 of TpeL to isoleucine turns the sugar donor preference from UDP-GlcNAc to UDP-glucose. In contrast to previous studies, we show that Rac is a poor substrate in vitro and in vivo and requires 1-2 magnitudes higher toxin concentrations for modification by TpeL. The toxin is autoproteolytically processed in the presence of inositol hexakisphosphate (InsP(6)) by an intrinsic cysteine protease domain, located next to the glucosyltransferase domain. A C-terminally extended TpeL full-length variant (TpeL1-1779) induces apoptosis in HeLa cells (most likely by mono-O-GlcNAcylation of Ras), and inhibits Ras signaling including Ras-Raf interaction and ERK activation. In addition, TpeL blocks Ras signaling in rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells. TpeL is a glucosylating toxin, which modifies Ras and induces apoptosis in target cells without having a typical C-terminal polypeptide repeat domain.  相似文献   

Clostridium perfringens is an anaerobic pathogen known to cause vast number of diseases in mammals and birds. Various toxins and hydrolysing enzymes released by the organism are responsible for the necrosis of soft tissues. Due to serious safety issues associated with current vaccines against C. perfringens, there is a need for new drug or vaccine targets. C. perfringens is extremely dependent on its host for nutrition which can be targeted for vaccine development or drug design. Therefore, it is of interest to identify the unique transport systems used by C. perfringens involved in uptake of essential amino acids that are synthesized by the host, so that therapeutic agents can be designed to target the specific transport systems. Use of bioinformatics tools resulted in the identification of a protein component of the glutamate transport system that is not present in the host. Analysis of the conservation profile of the protein domain indicated it to be a glutamate binding protein which also stimulates the ATPase activity of ATP Binding Cassettes (ABC) transporters. Homology modelling of the protein showed two distinct lobes, which is a characteristic of substrate binding proteins. This suggests that the carboxylates of glutamate might be stabilized by electrostatic interactions with basic residues as is observed with other binding proteins. Hence, the homology model of this potential drug target can be employed for in silico docking studies by suitable inhibitors.  相似文献   

Claudins, comprising a multigene family, constitute tight junction (TJ) strands. Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (CPE), a single approximately 35-kD polypeptide, was reported to specifically bind to claudin-3/RVP1 and claudin-4/CPE-R at its COOH-terminal half. We examined the effects of the COOH-terminal half fragment of CPE (C-CPE) on TJs in L transfectants expressing claudin-1 to -4 (C1L to C4L, respectively), and in MDCK I cells expressing claudin-1 and -4. C-CPE bound to claudin-3 and -4 with high affinity, but not to claudin-1 or -2. In the presence of C-CPE, reconstituted TJ strands in C3L cells gradually disintegrated and disappeared from their cell surface. In MDCK I cells incubated with C-CPE, claudin-4 was selectively removed from TJs with its concomitant degradation. At 4 h after incubation with C-CPE, TJ strands were disintegrated, and the number of TJ strands and the complexity of their network were markedly decreased. In good agreement with the time course of these morphological changes, the TJ barrier (TER and paracellular flux) of MDCK I cells was downregulated by C-CPE in a dose-dependent manner. These findings provided evidence for the direct involvement of claudins in the barrier functions of TJs.  相似文献   

Sequences potentially associated with coffee resistance to diseases were identified by in silico analyses using the database of the Brazilian Coffee Genome Project (BCGP). Keywords corresponding to plant resistance mechanisms to pathogens identified in the literature were used as baits for data mining. Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) related to each of these keywords were identified with tools available in the BCGP bioinformatics platform. A total of 11,300 ESTs were mined. These ESTs were clustered and formed 979 EST-contigs with similarities to chitinases, kinases, cytochrome P450 and nucleotide binding site-leucine rich repeat (NBS-LRR) proteins, as well as with proteins related to disease resistance, pathogenesis, hypersensitivity response (HR) and plant defense responses to diseases. The 140 EST-contigs identified through the keyword NBS-LRR were classified according to function. This classification allowed association of the predicted products of EST-contigs with biological processes, including host defense and apoptosis, and with molecular functions such as nucleotide binding and signal transducer activity. Fisher's exact test was used to examine the significance of differences in contig expression between libraries representing the responses to biotic stress challenges and other libraries from the BCGP. This analysis revealed seven contigs highly similar to catalase, chitinase, protein with a BURP domain and unknown proteins. The involvement of these coffee proteins in plant responses to disease is discussed.  相似文献   

The genome of the opportunistic pathogen Clostridium perfringens encodes a large number of secreted glycoside hydrolases. Their predicted activities indicate that they are involved in the breakdown of complex carbohydrates and other glycans found in the mucosal layer of the human gastrointestinal tract, within the extracellular matrix, and on the surface of host cells. One such group of these enzymes is the family 84 glycoside hydrolases, which has predicted hyaluronidase activity and comprises five members [C. perfringens glycoside hydrolase family 84 (CpGH84) A-E]. The first identified member, CpGH84A, corresponds to the μ-toxin whose modular architecture includes an N-terminal catalytic domain, four family 32 carbohydrate-binding modules, three FIVAR modules of unknown function, and a C-terminal putative calcium-binding module. Here, we report the solution NMR structure of the C-terminal modular pair from the μ-toxin. The three-helix bundle FIVAR module displays structural homology to a heparin-binding module within the N-terminal of the a C protein from group B Streptoccocus. The C-terminal module has a typical calcium-binding dockerin fold comprising two anti-parallel helices that form a planar face with EF-hand calcium-binding loops at opposite ends of the module. The size of the helical face of the μ-toxin dockerin module is approximately equal to the planar region recently identified on the surface of a cohesin-like X82 module of CpGH84C. Size-exclusion chromatography and heteronuclear NMR-based chemical shift mapping studies indicate that the helical face of the dockerin module recognizes the CpGH84C X82 module. These studies represent the structural characterization of a noncellulolytic dockerin module and its interaction with a cohesin-like X82 module. Dockerin/X82-mediated enzyme complexes may have important implications in the pathogenic properties of C. perfringens.  相似文献   

Genome annotation, assisted by computer programs, is one of the great advances in modern biology. Nevertheless, the in silico identification of small and complex coding sequences is still challenging. We observed that amino acid sequences inferred from coding—but rarely from non-coding—DNA sequences accumulated alignments in low-stringency BLAST searches, suggesting that this alignments accumulation could be used to highlight coding regions in sequenced DNA. To investigate this possibility, we developed a computer program (AnABlast) that generates profiles of accumulated alignments in query amino acid sequences using a low-stringency BLAST strategy. To validate this approach, all six-frame translations of DNA sequences between every two annotated exons of the fission yeast genome were analysed with AnABlast. AnABlast-generated profiles identified three new copies of known genes, and four new genes supported by experimental evidence. New pseudogenes, ancestral carboxyl- and amino-terminal subtractions, complex gene rearrangements, and ancient fragments of mitDNA and of bacterial origin, were also inferred. Thus, this novel in silico approach provides a powerful tool to uncover new genes, as well as fossil-coding sequences, thus providing insight into the evolutionary history of annotated genomes.  相似文献   

The genomes of myonecrotic strains of Clostridium perfringens encode a large number of secreted glycoside hydrolases. The activities of these enzymes are consistent with degradation of the mucosal layer of the human gastrointestinal tract, glycosaminoglycans and other cellular glycans found throughout the body. In many cases this is thought to aid in the propagation of the major toxins produced by C. perfringens. One such example is the family 84 glycoside hydrolases, which contains five C. perfringens members (CpGH84A-E), each displaying a unique modular architecture. The smallest and most extensively studied member, CpGH84C, comprises an N-terminal catalytic domain with β-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity, a family 32 carbohydrate-binding module, a family 82 X-module (X82) of unknown function, and a fibronectin type-III-like module. Here we present the structure of the X82 module from CpGH84C, determined by both NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. CpGH84C X82 adopts a jell-roll fold comprising two β-sheets formed by nine β-strands. CpGH84C X82 displays distant amino acid sequence identity yet close structural similarity to the cohesin modules of cellulolytic anaerobic bacteria. Cohesin modules are responsible for the assembly of numerous hydrolytic enzymes in a cellulose-degrading multi-enzyme complex, termed the cellulosome, through a high-affinity interaction with the calcium-binding dockerin module. A planar surface is located on the face of the CpGH84 X82 structure that corresponds to the dockerin-binding region of cellulolytic cohesin modules and has the approximate dimensions to accommodate a dockerin module. The presence of cohesin-like X82 modules in glycoside hydrolases of C. perfringens is an indication that the formation of novel X82-dockerin mediated multi-enzyme complexes, with potential roles in pathogenesis, is possible.  相似文献   

A gene encoding the outer capsid glycoprotein (VP7) of simian rotavirus SA11, was genetically linked to the amino terminus of the ricin toxin B subunit (RTB) isolated from castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis) seeds. To assess fusion protein expression in plant cells, the VP7::RTB fussion gene was transferred into potato (Solanum tuberosum) cells by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation methods and transformed plants regenerated. The fusion gene was detected in transformed potato genomic DNA by polymerase chain reaction DNA amplification methods. Immunoblot analysis with anti-SA11 antiserum as the primary antibody verified the presence of VP7::RTB fusion protein in transformed potato tuber tissues. The plant-synthesized fusion protein bound RTB membrane receptors as measured by asialofetuin-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The ELISA results indicated that the VP7::RTB fusion protein was biologically active and made up approx 0.03% of total soluble transformed tuber protein. The biosynthesis of receptor binding VP7::RTB fusion protein in potato tissues demonstrates the feasibility of producing monomeric ricin toxin B subunit adjuvant-virus antigen fusion proteins in crop plants for enhanced immunity.  相似文献   

To understand protozoan, viral, and bacterial infections in diarrheal patients, we analyzed positivity and mixed-infection status with 3 protozoans, 4 viruses, and 10 bacteria in hospitalized diarrheal patients during 2004-2006 in the Republic of Korea. A total of 76,652 stool samples were collected from 96 hospitals across the nation. The positivity for protozoa, viruses, and bacteria was 129, 1,759, and 1,797 per 10,000 persons, respectively. Especially, Cryptosporidium parvum was highly mixed-infected with rotavirus among pediatric diarrheal patients (29.5 per 100 C. parvum positive cases), and Entamoeba histolytica was mixed-infected with Clostridium perfringens (10.3 per 100 E. histolytica positive cases) in protozoan-diarrheal patients. Those infected with rotavirus and C. perfringens constituted relatively high proportions among mixed infection cases from January to April. The positivity for rotavirus among viral infection for those aged ≤ 5 years was significantly higher, while C. perfringens among bacterial infection was higher for ≥ 50 years. The information for association of viral and bacterial infections with enteropathogenic protozoa in diarrheal patients may contribute to improvement of care for diarrhea as well as development of control strategies for diarrheal diseases in Korea.  相似文献   

Alpha(1)-antitrypsin, a protein belonging to the serine protease inhibitor (serpin) superfamily, is characterized by the ability to undergo dramatic conformational changes leading to inactive polymers. Serpin polymerization, which causes a range of diseases such as emphysema, thrombosis and dementia, occurs through a process in which the reactive center loop residues of one serpin molecule insert into the A beta-sheet of another. PoPMuSiC, a program that uses database-derived mean force potentials to predict changes in folding free energy resulting from single-site mutations, was used to modulate rationally the polymerization propensity of alpha(1)-antitrypsin. This was accomplished by generating mutants with a stabilized active form and destabilized polymerized form, or the converse. Of these mutants, five were expressed and characterized experimentally. In agreement with the predictions, three of them, K331F, K331I and K331V, were shown to stabilize the active form and decrease the polymerization rate, and one of them, S330R, to destabilize the active form and to increase polymerization. Only one mutant (K331T) did not display the expected behavior. Thus, strikingly, the adjacent positions 330 and 331, which are located at the beginning of the beta-strand next to the additionally inserted beta-strand in the polymerized form, have opposite effects on the conformational change. These residues therefore appear to play a key role in inducing or preventing such conformational change.  相似文献   

A gene encoding VP7, the outer capsid protein of simian rotavirus SA11, was fused to the carboxyl terminus of the cholera toxin B subunit gene. A plant expression vector containing the fusion gene under control of the mannopine synthase P2 promoter was introduced into Solanum tuberosum cells by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. The CTB::VP7 fusion gene was detected in the genomic DNA of transformed potato leaf cells by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification methods. Immunoblot analysis of transformed potato tuber tissue extracts showed that synthesis and assembly of the CTB::VP7 fusion protein into oligomers of pentameric size occurred in the transformed plant cells. The binding of CTB::VP7 fusion protein pentamers to sialo-sugar containing GM1 ganglioside receptors on the intestinal epithelial cell membrane was quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The ELISA results showed that the CTB::VP7 fusion protein made up approx 0.01% of the total soluble tuber protein. Synthesis and assembly of CTB::VP7 monomers into biologically active pentamers in transformed potato tubers demonstrates the feasibility of using edible plants as a mucosal vaccine for the production and delivery system for rotavirus capsid protein antigens.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile (C.difficile) is a nosocomially acquired intestinal bacillus which can cause chronic diarrhea and life-threatening colitis. The pathogenic effects of the bacillus are mediated by the release of two toxins, A and B. The C-terminal portions of both toxins are composed of 20 and 30 residue repeats known as cell wall binding (CWB) domains. We have cloned and expressed the CWB-domains of toxins A and B and several truncated CWB-domain constructs to investigate their structure and function. The smallest CWB-domain that folded in a cooperative manner was an 11 repeat construct of toxin A. This differentiates the C-terminal domains of toxins A and B from the CWB-domain of Streptococcus pneumoniae LytA, which only requires six repeats to fold. The 11 repeat toxin A construct bound Ca2+ directly with millimolar affinity and interacted with mammalian cell surfaces in a concentration and Ca2+-dependent fashion. Millimolar Ca2+ levels also accelerated toxin mediated CHO cell killing in an in vitro cell assay. Together, the data suggest a role for extracellular Ca2+ in the sensitization of toxin A/cell-surface interactions.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding the simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV 89.6p) Tat regulatory element protein was fused to the c-terminus of the cholera toxin B subunit gene (ctxB-tat) and introduced into Solanum tuberosum cells by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation methods. The fusion gene was detected in the genomic DNA of transformed potato leaf cells by PCR DNA amplification. Synthesis and assembly of the CTB-Tat fusion protein into oligomeric structures of pentamer size was detected in transformed tuber extracts by immunoblot analysis. The binding of CTB-Tat fusion protein pentamers to intestinal epithelial cell membrane glycolipid receptors was quantified by G(M1)-ganglioside enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (G(M1)-ELISA). Based on the ELISA results, CTB-Tat fusion protein made up about 0.005-0.007% of total soluble tuber protein or approximately 4.6mg per 100g potato tuber tissue. The synthesis and assembly of CTB-Tat monomers into biologically active oligomers in transformed potato tuber tissues demonstrates the feasibility of using viral pathogen antigens synthesized in edible plants for mucosal immunization against HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

Sperm-egg interaction was investigated in mouse eggs freed from the zona pellucida and injected with Clostridium difficile toxin B, the inhibitor of Rho family small G proteins. Toxin B reduced in a dose-dependent manner the percentage of eggs associated with sperm fusion on the surface or sperm nucleus decondensation in the ooplasm, examined by injection of a DNA-staining dye into the egg and transfer of the dye to the fused sperm head after recording intracellular Ca(2+) responses for 100 min postinsemination. The mean number of decondensed sperm nuclei per egg was remarkably decreased by approximately 1 microg/ml toxin B in the ooplasm. This was because spermatozoa were arrested at the fusion state without developing to sperm incorporation and tended to lose cytoplasmic continuity to the egg. The fusion-arrested spermatozoa caused transient small Ca(2+) oscillations in most of eggs, while an injected spermatozoon produced repetitive large Ca(2+) spikes unaffected by toxin B. A decrease in the rate of fused spermatozoa and decondensed sperm nuclei was also caused by 20-40 microM cytochalasin D, the inhibitor of actin polymerization. Immunostaining of Rho proteins showed that Rac1 and RhoB are present in the cortical ooplasm, but Cdc42 is absent. Actin filaments in the cortex appeared to be reduced in toxin B-injected eggs. This study suggests that Rho protein(s) regulating actin-based cytoskeletal reorganization is involved in the process leading to sperm incorporation.  相似文献   

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