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Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) is an endogenous fluorescent molecule commonly used as a metabolic biomarker. Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) is a method in which the fluorescence decay is measured at each pixel of an image. While the fluorescence spectrum of free and protein-bound NADH is very similar, free and protein-bound NADH display very different decay profiles. Therefore, FLIM can provide a way to distinguish free/bound NADH at the level of single bacteria within biological samples. The phasor technique is a graphical method to analyse the entire image and to produce a histogram of pixels with different decay profile. In this study, NADH fluorescence decay profiles within Lactobacillus acidophilus samples treated using different protocols indicated discernible variations. Clear distinctions between fluorescence decay profiles of NADH in samples of artificially heightened metabolic activity in comparison to those of samples lacking an accessible carbon source were obtained.  相似文献   

荧光寿命成像技术(fhlorescence lifetime imaging,FLIM)是一种新颖且功能强大的、能用于复杂生物组织和细胞结构与功能分析的生物组织成像技术。传统的时域荧光寿命成像数据分析方法,由于没有考虑荧光分子团之间以及他们与周围环境的相互作用,可能导致复杂的连续分布荧光寿命这一实际情况,因此对生物组织中自发荧光发光强度衰减过程的实验数据拟合效果欠佳。文章提出利用人工神经网络(artificial neural network,ANN)原理拟合算法来计算生物荧光分子团衰减动力过程,该方法能有效地建立生物荧光分子团衰减动力过程的非线性模型,并且具有处理非线性模型能力强、鲁棒性好、拟合精度高和所需计算时间少等优点。通过计算证明,相对于单参量指数与多参量指数衰减函数,这种数据拟合方法对于某些荧光分子团的多槽基面效价测定样品(multi-well plate assays)的数据有更好的一致性和更小的计算量。同时在文章中讨论了将该拟合算法应用于荧光寿命成像的前景。  相似文献   

Despite rapid advances in high-throughput microscopy, quantitative image-based assays still pose significant challenges. While a variety of specialized image analysis tools are available, most traditional image-analysis-based workflows have steep learning curves (for fine tuning of analysis parameters) and result in long turnaround times between imaging and analysis. In particular, cell segmentation, the process of identifying individual cells in an image, is a major bottleneck in this regard.Here we present an alternate, cell-segmentation-free workflow based on PhenoRipper, an open-source software platform designed for the rapid analysis and exploration of microscopy images. The pipeline presented here is optimized for immunofluorescence microscopy images of cell cultures and requires minimal user intervention. Within half an hour, PhenoRipper can analyze data from a typical 96-well experiment and generate image profiles. Users can then visually explore their data, perform quality control on their experiment, ensure response to perturbations and check reproducibility of replicates. This facilitates a rapid feedback cycle between analysis and experiment, which is crucial during assay optimization. This protocol is useful not just as a first pass analysis for quality control, but also may be used as an end-to-end solution, especially for screening. The workflow described here scales to large data sets such as those generated by high-throughput screens, and has been shown to group experimental conditions by phenotype accurately over a wide range of biological systems. The PhenoBrowser interface provides an intuitive framework to explore the phenotypic space and relate image properties to biological annotations. Taken together, the protocol described here will lower the barriers to adopting quantitative analysis of image based screens.  相似文献   

Diffusion is often an important rate-determining step in chemical reactions or biological processes and plays a role in a wide range of intracellular events. Viscosity is one of the key parameters affecting the diffusion of molecules and proteins, and changes in viscosity have been linked to disease and malfunction at the cellular level.1-3 While methods to measure the bulk viscosity are well developed, imaging microviscosity remains a challenge. Viscosity maps of microscopic objects, such as single cells, have until recently been hard to obtain. Mapping viscosity with fluorescence techniques is advantageous because, similar to other optical techniques, it is minimally invasive, non-destructive and can be applied to living cells and tissues.Fluorescent molecular rotors exhibit fluorescence lifetimes and quantum yields which are a function of the viscosity of their microenvironment.4,5 Intramolecular twisting or rotation leads to non-radiative decay from the excited state back to the ground state. A viscous environment slows this rotation or twisting, restricting access to this non-radiative decay pathway. This leads to an increase in the fluorescence quantum yield and the fluorescence lifetime. Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) of modified hydrophobic BODIPY dyes that act as fluorescent molecular rotors show that the fluorescence lifetime of these probes is a function of the microviscosity of their environment.6-8 A logarithmic plot of the fluorescence lifetime versus the solvent viscosity yields a straight line that obeys the Förster Hoffman equation.9 This plot also serves as a calibration graph to convert fluorescence lifetime into viscosity.Following incubation of living cells with the modified BODIPY fluorescent molecular rotor, a punctate dye distribution is observed in the fluorescence images. The viscosity value obtained in the puncta in live cells is around 100 times higher than that of water and of cellular cytoplasm.6,7 Time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy measurements yield rotational correlation times in agreement with these large microviscosity values. Mapping the fluorescence lifetime is independent of the fluorescence intensity, and thus allows the separation of probe concentration and viscosity effects. In summary, we have developed a practical and versatile approach to map the microviscosity in cells based on FLIM of fluorescent molecular rotors.  相似文献   

Qifeng Li 《Biophysical journal》2009,97(12):3224-3228
We report applications of two-photon excitation fluorescence (2PEF) microscopy with subdiffraction-limit resolution for green-fluorescent-protein-tagged cell imaging. The microscope integrates 2PEF microscopy and stimulated emission depletion microscopy in one microscope that has the benefits of both techniques: intrinsic three-dimensional resolution, confined photobleaching, and subdiffraction-limit resolution. The subdiffraction-limit resolution was demonstrated by resolving green-fluorescent-protein-tagged caveolar vesicles located within a distance shorter than the diffraction limit of a regular 2PEF microscope, which is ∼250 nm even with the best optics. The full width at half-maximum of the effective point-spread function for the 2PEF microscope was estimated to be ∼54 nm.  相似文献   

Doxorubicin is a potent anthracycline antibiotic, commonly used to treat a wide range of cancers. Although postulated to intercalate between DNA bases, many of the details of doxorubicin’s mechanism of action remain unclear. In this work, we demonstrate the ability of fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) to dynamically monitor doxorubicin-DNA intercalation during the earliest stages of apoptosis. The fluorescence lifetime of doxorubicin in nuclei is found to decrease rapidly during the first 2 hours following drug administration, suggesting significant changes in the doxorubicin-DNA binding site’s microenvironment upon apoptosis initiation. Decreases in doxorubicin fluorescence lifetimes were found to be concurrent with increases in phosphorylation of H2AX (an immediate signal of DNA double-strand breakage), but preceded activation of caspase-3 (a late signature of apoptosis) by more than 150 minutes. Time-dependent doxorubicin FLIM analyses of the effects of pretreating cells with either Cyclopentylidene-[4-(4-chlorophenyl)thiazol-2-yl)-hydrazine (a histone acetyltransferase inhibitor) or Trichostatin A (a histone deacetylase inhibitor) revealed significant correlation of fluorescence lifetime with the stage of chromatin decondensation. Taken together, our findings suggest that monitoring the dynamics of doxorubicin fluorescence lifetimes can provide valuable information during the earliest phases of doxorubicin-induced apoptosis; and implicate that FLIM can serve as a sensitive, high-resolution tool for the elucidation of intercellular mechanisms and kinetics of anti-cancer drugs that bear fluorescent moieties.  相似文献   

Deconvolution enhances contrast in fluorescence microscopy images, especially in low-contrast, high-background wide-field microscope images, improving characterization of features within the sample. Deconvolution can also be combined with other imaging modalities, such as confocal microscopy, and most software programs seek to improve resolution as well as contrast. Quantitative image analyses require instrument calibration and with deconvolution, necessitate that this process itself preserves the relative quantitative relationships between fluorescence intensities. To ensure that the quantitative nature of the data remains unaltered, deconvolution algorithms need to be tested thoroughly. This study investigated whether the deconvolution algorithms in AutoQuant X3 preserve relative quantitative intensity data. InSpeck Green calibration microspheres were prepared for imaging, z-stacks were collected using a wide-field microscope, and the images were deconvolved using the iterative deconvolution algorithms with default settings. Afterwards, the mean intensities and volumes of microspheres in the original and the deconvolved images were measured. Deconvolved data sets showed higher average microsphere intensities and smaller volumes than the original wide-field data sets. In original and deconvolved data sets, intensity means showed linear relationships with the relative microsphere intensities given by the manufacturer. Importantly, upon normalization, the trend lines were found to have similar slopes. In original and deconvolved images, the volumes of the microspheres were quite uniform for all relative microsphere intensities. We were able to show that AutoQuant X3 deconvolution software data are quantitative. In general, the protocol presented can be used to calibrate any fluorescence microscope or image processing and analysis procedure.  相似文献   

Laser-scanning fluorescence microscopy for efficient acquisition of time-gated and spectrally resolved fluorescence images was developed based on line illumination of the laser beam and detection of the fluorescence image through a slit. In this optical arrangement, the fluorescence image was obtained by scanning only one axis perpendicular to the excitation line, and the acquisition time was significantly reduced compared with conventional laser-scanning confocal microscopy. A multidimensional fluorescence dataset consisting of fluorescence intensities as a function of x-position, y-position, fluorescence wavelength, and delay time after photoexcitation was analyzed and decomposed based on the parallel factor analysis model. The performance of the line-scanning microscopy was examined by applying it to the analysis of one of the plant defense responses, accumulation of antimicrobial compounds of phytoalexin in oat (Avena sativa), induced by the elicitor treatment.  相似文献   

Deep imaging within tissue (over 300 μm) at micrometer resolution has become possible with the advent of two-photon fluorescence microscopy (2PFM). The advantages of 2PFM have been used to interrogate endogenous and exogenous fluorophores in the skin. Herein, we employed the integrin (cell-adhesion proteins expressed by invading angiogenic blood vessels) targeting characteristics of a two-photon absorbing fluorescent probe to image new vasculature and fibroblasts up to ≈ 1600 μm within wound (neodermis)/granulation tissue in lesions made on the skin of mice. Reconstruction revealed three dimensional (3D) architecture of the vascular plexus forming at the regenerating wound tissue and the presence of a fibroblast bed surrounding the capillaries. Biologically crucial events, such as angiogenesis for wound healing, may be illustrated and analyzed in 3D on the whole organ level, providing novel tools for biomedical applications.  相似文献   

We present a fast, accurate and robust parallel Levenberg-Marquardt minimization optimizer, GPU-LMFit, which is implemented on graphics processing unit for high performance scalable parallel model fitting processing. GPU-LMFit can provide a dramatic speed-up in massive model fitting analyses to enable real-time automated pixel-wise parametric imaging microscopy. We demonstrate the performance of GPU-LMFit for the applications in superresolution localization microscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy.  相似文献   

目的 基于荧光寿命成像技术,提出一种黏度检测的新方法,并评估不同权重荧光寿命在区分甘油-水混合物黏度的能力,从而提供对黏度区分的准确度和可靠性。方法 采用电子学中的权重依赖原理,分别引入了振幅加权平均荧光寿命(τm)和强度加权平均荧光寿命(τi)。通过τm和τi检测甘油-水混合物黏度变化。振幅加权平均荧光寿命反映了荧光信号振幅与时间的关系,而强度加权平均荧光寿命则关注荧光信号强度的时变特性。结果 τm和τi两种结果相互佐证,这不仅提高了对甘油-水混合物黏度变化的可靠性,同时也揭示了τm和τi在检测过程中的独特作用。尽管τm在捕捉荧光信号振幅变化方面发挥了关键作用,然而,τi在考虑荧光信号强度的时变特性时表现出更高的黏度检测准确度。特别值得注意的是,由于τi更为敏感,微环境黏度检测可以直接利用τi进行分析。这为实时、高灵敏...  相似文献   

There is no confocal microscope optimized for single-molecule imaging in live cells and superresolution fluorescence imaging. By combining the swiftness of the line-scanning method and the high sensitivity of wide-field detection, we have developed a, to our knowledge, novel confocal fluorescence microscope with a good optical-sectioning capability (1.0 μm), fast frame rates (<33 fps), and superior fluorescence detection efficiency. Full compatibility of the microscope with conventional cell-imaging techniques allowed us to do single-molecule imaging with a great ease at arbitrary depths of live cells. With the new microscope, we monitored diffusion motion of fluorescently labeled cAMP receptors of Dictyostelium discoideum at both the basal and apical surfaces and obtained superresolution fluorescence images of microtubules of COS-7 cells at depths in the range 085 μm from the surface of a coverglass.  相似文献   

Localization-based super resolution microscopy can be applied to obtain a spatial map (image) of the distribution of individual fluorescently labeled single molecules within a sample with a spatial resolution of tens of nanometers. Using either photoactivatable (PAFP) or photoswitchable (PSFP) fluorescent proteins fused to proteins of interest, or organic dyes conjugated to antibodies or other molecules of interest, fluorescence photoactivation localization microscopy (FPALM) can simultaneously image multiple species of molecules within single cells. By using the following approach, populations of large numbers (thousands to hundreds of thousands) of individual molecules are imaged in single cells and localized with a precision of ~10-30 nm. Data obtained can be applied to understanding the nanoscale spatial distributions of multiple protein types within a cell. One primary advantage of this technique is the dramatic increase in spatial resolution: while diffraction limits resolution to ~200-250 nm in conventional light microscopy, FPALM can image length scales more than an order of magnitude smaller. As many biological hypotheses concern the spatial relationships among different biomolecules, the improved resolution of FPALM can provide insight into questions of cellular organization which have previously been inaccessible to conventional fluorescence microscopy. In addition to detailing the methods for sample preparation and data acquisition, we here describe the optical setup for FPALM. One additional consideration for researchers wishing to do super-resolution microscopy is cost: in-house setups are significantly cheaper than most commercially available imaging machines. Limitations of this technique include the need for optimizing the labeling of molecules of interest within cell samples, and the need for post-processing software to visualize results. We here describe the use of PAFP and PSFP expression to image two protein species in fixed cells. Extension of the technique to living cells is also described.  相似文献   

To monitor the lateral segregation of lipids into liquid-ordered (Lo) and -disordered (Ld) phases in lipid membranes, environment-sensitive dyes that partition in both phases but stain them differently have been developed. Of particular interest is the dual-color F2N12S probe, which can discriminate the two phases through the ratio of its two emission bands. These bands are associated with the normal (N) and tautomer (T) excited-state species that result from an excited-state intramolecular proton transfer. In this work, we investigated the potency of the time-resolved fluorescence parameters of F2N12S to discriminate lipid phases in model and cell membranes. Both the long and mean lifetime values of the T form of F2N12S were found to differ by twofold between Ld and Lo phases as a result of the restriction in the relative motions of the two aromatic moieties of F2N12S imposed by the highly packed Lo phase. This differed from the changes in the ratio of the two emission bands between the two phases, which mainly resulted from the decreased hydration of the N form in the Lo phase. Importantly, the strong difference in lifetimes between the two phases was preserved when cholesterol was added to the Ld phase. The two phases could be imaged with high contrast by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) on giant unilamellar vesicles. FLIM images of F2N12S-labeled live HeLa cells confirmed that the plasma membrane was mainly in the Lo-like phase. Furthermore, the two phases were found to be homogeneously distributed all over the plasma membrane, indicating that they are highly mixed at the spatiotemporal resolution of the FLIM setup. Finally, FLIM could also be used to sensitively monitor the change in lipid phase upon cholesterol depletion and apoptosis.  相似文献   

In the stem cell field there is a lack of non invasive and fast methods to identify stem cell’s metabolic state, differentiation state and cell-lineage commitment. Here we describe a label-free method that uses NADH as an intrinsic biomarker and the Phasor approach to Fluorescence Lifetime microscopy to measure the metabolic fingerprint of cells. We show that different metabolic states are related to different cell differentiation stages and to stem cell bias to neuronal and glial fate, prior the expression of lineage markers. Our data demonstrate that the NADH FLIM signature distinguishes non-invasively neurons from undifferentiated neural progenitor and stem cells (NPSCs) at two different developmental stages (E12 and E16). NPSCs follow a metabolic trajectory from a glycolytic phenotype to an oxidative phosphorylation phenotype through different stages of differentiation. NSPCs are characterized by high free/bound NADH ratio, while differentiated neurons are characterized by low free/bound NADH ratio. We demonstrate that the metabolic signature of NPSCs correlates with their differentiation potential, showing that neuronal progenitors and glial progenitors have a different free/bound NADH ratio. Reducing conditions in NPSCs correlates with their neurogenic potential, while oxidative conditions correlate with glial potential. For the first time we show that FLIM NADH metabolic fingerprint provides a novel, and quantitative measure of stem cell potential and a label-free and non-invasive means to identify neuron- or glial- biased progenitors.  相似文献   

The viability of conidia from two species of deuteromycetes fungi pathogenic to insects was determined using two fluorochrome stains, fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and propidium iodide (PI). These stains were used either alone or in combination, and results were compared with standard conidial germination tests. FDA fluoresces bright green in viable conidia and PI fluoresces red in non-viable conidia, when viewed using specific fluorescence microscopic techniques. Conidia from two isolates of Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (Wize) Brown and Smith and two isolates of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin were evaluated. Conidia were suspended in deionized water and half of each suspension was treated with microwave radiation to kill all the conidia. Conidia were tested for viability in non-microwaved suspensions in a mixture (ca. 1:1) of viable and non-viable conidial suspensions, and in the microwaved suspensions that contained all non-viable conidia. No significant differences were observed for the four isolates tested between germination tests on water and agar and viability tests conducted with FDA alone or FDA in combination with PI. One isolate of B. bassiana that had been damaged in storage was also tested. Differences were observed between the actual germination and the percentage of viability determined using FDA or FDA plus PI. Damaged conidia maintained a measure of viability and fluoresced green, but did not fully germinate.  相似文献   

Immobilization of virions to glass surfaces is a critical step in single virion imaging. Here we present a technique adopted from single molecule imaging assays which allows adhesion of single virions to glass surfaces with specificity. This preparation is based on grafting the surface of the glass with a mixture of PLL-g-PEG and PLL-g-PEG-Biotin, adding a layer of avidin, and finally creating virion anchors through attachment of biotinylated virus specific antibodies. We have applied this technique across a range of experiments including atomic force microscopy (AFM) and super-resolution fluorescence imaging. This sample preparation method results in a control adhesion of the virions to the surface.  相似文献   

Peripheral tethering factors bind to small GTPases in order to obtain their correct location within the Golgi apparatus. Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) we visualized interactions between Arabidopsis homologues of tethering factors and small GTPases at the Golgi stacks in planta . Co-expression of the coiled-coil proteins AtGRIP and golgin candidate 5 (GC5) [TATA element modulatory factor (TMF)] and the putative post-Golgi tethering factor AtVPS52 fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) with mRFP (monomeric red fluorescent protein) fusions to the small GTPases AtRab-H1b, AtRab-H1c and AtARL1 resulted in reduced GFP lifetimes compared to the control proteins. Interestingly, we observed differences in GFP quenching between the different protein combinations as well as selective quenching of GFP-AtVPS52-labelled structures. The data presented here indicate that the FRET-FLIM technique should prove invaluable in assessing protein interactions in living plant cells at the organelle level.  相似文献   

Modern fluorescence microscopy modalities, such as light-sheet microscopy, are capable of acquiring large three-dimensional images at high data rate. This creates a bottleneck in computational processing and analysis of the acquired images, as the rate of acquisition outpaces the speed of processing. Moreover, images can be so large that they do not fit the main memory of a single computer. We address both issues by developing a distributed parallel algorithm for segmentation of large fluorescence microscopy images. The method is based on the versatile Discrete Region Competition algorithm, which has previously proven useful in microscopy image segmentation. The present distributed implementation decomposes the input image into smaller sub-images that are distributed across multiple computers. Using network communication, the computers orchestrate the collectively solving of the global segmentation problem. This not only enables segmentation of large images (we test images of up to 1010 pixels), but also accelerates segmentation to match the time scale of image acquisition. Such acquisition-rate image segmentation is a prerequisite for the smart microscopes of the future and enables online data compression and interactive experiments.  相似文献   

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