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How many antibiotics are produced by the genus Streptomyces?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Streptomyces is the largest antibiotic-producing genus in the microbial world discovered so far. The number of antimicrobial compounds reported from the species of this genus per year increased almost exponentially for about two decades, followed by a steady rise to reach a peak in the 1970s, and with a substantial decline in the late 1980s and 1990s. The cumulative number shows a sigmoid curve that is much flatter than what a logistic equation would predict. We attempted to fit a mathematical model to this curve in order to estimate the number of undiscovered antimicrobials from this genus as well as to predict the trends in the near future. A model assuming that the screening efforts are encouraged by a previous year's success and that the probability of finding a new antibiotic is a function of the fraction of antibiotics undiscovered so far offered a good fit after optimizing parameters. The model estimated the total number of antimicrobial compounds that this genus is capable of producing to be of the order of a 100,000 - a tiny fraction of which has been unearthed so far. The decline in the slope appeared to be due to a decline in screening efforts rather than an exhaustion of compounds. Left to itself, the slope will become zero in the next one or two decades, but if the screening efforts are maintained constant, the rate of discovery of new compounds will not decline for several decades to come.  相似文献   

Estimation of divergence times is usually done using either the fossil record or sequence data from modern species. We provide an integrated analysis of palaeontological and molecular data to give estimates of primate divergence times that utilize both sources of information. The number of preserved primate species discovered in the fossil record, along with their geological age distribution, is combined with the number of extant primate species to provide initial estimates of the primate and anthropoid divergence times. This is done by using a stochastic forwards-modeling approach where speciation and fossil preservation and discovery are simulated forward in time. We use the posterior distribution from the fossil analysis as a prior distribution on node ages in a molecular analysis. Sequence data from two genomic regions (CFTR on human chromosome 7 and the CYP7A1 region on chromosome 8) from 15 primate species are used with the birth-death model implemented in mcmctree in PAML to infer the posterior distribution of the ages of 14 nodes in the primate tree. We find that these age estimates are older than previously reported dates for all but one of these nodes. To perform the inference, a new approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) algorithm is introduced, where the structure of the model can be exploited in an ABC-within-Gibbs algorithm to provide a more efficient analysis.  相似文献   

There are 219 virus species that are known to be able to infect humans. The first of these to be discovered was yellow fever virus in 1901, and three to four new species are still being found every year. Extrapolation of the discovery curve suggests that there is still a substantial pool of undiscovered human virus species, although an apparent slow-down in the rate of discovery of species from different families may indicate bounds to the potential range of diversity. More than two-thirds of human viruses can also infect non-human hosts, mainly mammals, and sometimes birds. Many specialist human viruses also have mammalian or avian origins. Indeed, a substantial proportion of mammalian viruses may be capable of crossing the species barrier into humans, although only around half of these are capable of being transmitted by humans and around half again of transmitting well enough to cause major outbreaks. A few possible predictors of species jumps can be identified, including the use of phylogenetically conserved cell receptors. It seems almost inevitable that new human viruses will continue to emerge, mainly from other mammals and birds, for the foreseeable future. For this reason, an effective global surveillance system for novel viruses is needed.  相似文献   



The primary objective of this study is to reconstruct the phylogeny of the hentzi species group and sister species in the North American tarantula genus, Aphonopelma, using a set of mitochondrial DNA markers that include the animal “barcoding gene”. An mtDNA genealogy is used to consider questions regarding species boundary delimitation and to evaluate timing of divergence to infer historical biogeographic events that played a role in shaping the present-day diversity and distribution. We aimed to identify potential refugial locations, directionality of range expansion, and test whether A. hentzi post-glacial expansion fit a predicted time frame.

Methods and Findings

A Bayesian phylogenetic approach was used to analyze a 2051 base pair (bp) mtDNA data matrix comprising aligned fragments of the gene regions CO1 (1165 bp) and ND1-16S (886 bp). Multiple species delimitation techniques (DNA tree-based methods, a “barcode gap” using percent of pairwise sequence divergence (uncorrected p-distances), and the GMYC method) consistently recognized a number of divergent and genealogically exclusive groups.


The use of numerous species delimitation methods, in concert, provide an effective approach to dissecting species boundaries in this spider group; as well they seem to provide strong evidence for a number of nominal, previously undiscovered, and cryptic species. Our data also indicate that Pleistocene habitat fragmentation and subsequent range expansion events may have shaped contemporary phylogeographic patterns of Aphonopelma diversity in the southwestern United States, particularly for the A. hentzi species group. These findings indicate that future species delimitation approaches need to be analyzed in context of a number of factors, such as the sampling distribution, loci used, biogeographic history, breadth of morphological variation, ecological factors, and behavioral data, to make truly integrative decisions about what constitutes an evolutionary lineage recognized as a “species”.  相似文献   

Abstract Although pterosaurs are a well‐known lineage of Mesozoic flying reptiles, their fossil record and evolutionary dynamics have never been adequately quantified. On the basis of a comprehensive data set of fossil occurrences correlated with taxon‐specific limb measurements, we show that the geological ages of pterosaur specimens closely approximate hypothesized patterns of phylogenetic divergence. Although the fossil record has expanded greatly in recent years, collectorship still approximates a sigmoid curve over time as many more specimens (and thus taxa) still remain undiscovered, yet our data suggest that the pterosaur fossil record is unbiased by sites of exceptional preservation (lagerstätte). This is because as new species are discovered the number of known formations and sites yielding pterosaur fossils has also increased – this would not be expected if the bulk of the record came from just a few exceptional faunas. Pterosaur morphological diversification is, however, strongly age biased: rarefaction analysis shows that peaks of diversity occur in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous correlated with periods of increased limb disparity. In this respect, pterosaurs appear unique amongst flying vertebrates in that their disparity seems to have peaked relatively late in clade history. Comparative analyses also show that there is little evidence that the evolutionary diversification of pterosaurs was in any way constrained by the appearance and radiation of birds.  相似文献   

‘Classical’ biological control for an exotic weed requires time‐consuming and expensive surveys for natural enemies in the weed's native range. We advocate the use of rarefaction curves to improve survey efficiency, i.e. to determine the minimum sampling effort for discovering most of the potential control agents actually occurring in the weed's native range. Rarefaction (dilution) curves can be used to estimate the number of herbivore species expected on a given number of plants, at sampling sites or regions, using presence/absence data and species frequencies. An analysis of the shape of the rarefaction curves will therefore indicate (a) which sites possibly contain more undiscovered herbivore species and (b) whether sampling new sites is more likely to reveal further herbivores. This approach is illustrated with two case studies of insect surveys, of root and flower head feeders on Centaurea maculosa (Asteraceae) in Europe and for flower head feeders of various Asteraceae in Brazil. Finally, we consider consequences of combining this approach with focussed searches in the centre of endemism and propose a general survey protocol for natural enemies associated with a host plant in its native range.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The fidelity of the fossil record reflects how accurately it preserves the history of life. Since Darwin's time any mismatch between our theories and the fossil record has been attributed to the imperfections of the record. For over a century scarcity of gradual evolutionary trends was explained in this way until the punctuated equilibrium model was proposed. A null hypothesis that all morphological patterns in the fossil record are unbiased random walks can be rejected because it predicts far more apparent trends than exist. Current best estimates suggest that trends occur in at most 5% of characters. When an organism dies either it becomes fossilized or it doesn't. To be confident a species has not been preserved the probability against preservation must be significantly larger than the total number of individuals of that species that ever existed. For skeletized species preservation was the norm not the exception. Nevertheless, fossils must then avoid subsequent destruction and be discovered to be useful.  相似文献   

When plotted along a gradient of population density, the mean group size in populations of several primate species has a unimodal distribution, i.e., mean group size is greater at intermediate population densities than at higher or lower population densities. In this study I present a mathematical model to clarify the cause of this relationship. Population density is assumed to affect group size by enhancing between- or within-group competition and by changing the number of neighboring groups around each group. The mean group size is predicted to decline as population density increases above a critical value, owing to the increasing number of neighboring groups.  相似文献   

The total number of insect species in the world is an important if elusive figure. We use a fresh approach to estimate global insect species richness, based on biogeographic patterns of diversity of well or better documented taxa. Estimates generated by various calculations, all variations on a theme, largely serve to substantiate suggestions that insect species are likely to number around 10 million or less.  相似文献   

D.W. Cameron   《HOMO》2003,54(1):1-28
Over the last half-decade or so, there has been an explosion in the recognition of hominin genera and species. We now have the late Miocene genera Orrorin and Sahelanthropus, the mid Pliocene genus Kenyanthropus, three new Pliocene species of Australopithecus (A. anamensis, A. garhi and A. bahrelghazali) and a sub species of Ardipithecus (Ar. r. kadabba) to contend with. Excepting also the more traditional species allocated to Paranthropus, Australopithecus and early Homo we are approaching around 15 species over 5 million years (excluding hominin evolution over the last one million years). Can such a large number of hominin species be justified? An examination of extant hominid (Gorilla gorilla, Pan troglodytes, and Pan paniscus) anatomical variability indicates that the range of fossil hominin variability supports the recognition of this large number of fossil species. It is also shown that not all hominins are directly related to the emergence of early Homo and as such have become extinct. Indeed the traditional australopithecine species 'A'. anamensis, 'A'. afarensis and 'A'. garhi are considered here to belong to a distinct genus Praeanthropus. They are also argued not be hominins, but rather an as yet undefined hominid group from which the more derived hominins evolved. The first hominin is represented by A. africanus or a hominin very much like it. The Paranthropus clade is defined by a derived heterochronic condition of peramorphosis, associated with sequential progenesis (contraction of successive growth stages) in brain and dental development, but a mixture of peramorphic and paedomorphic features in its craniofacial anatomy. Conversely, Kenyanthropus and Homo both share a pattern of peramorphosis, associated with sequential hypermorphosis (prolongation of successive growth stages) in brain development, and paedomorphosis processes in cranial, facial and dental development. This suggests, that these two clades share an important synapomorphy not recognised in the parsimony analyses, suggesting that they may form a sister group relationship to the exclusion of Paranthropus. This highlights the need to re-interpret phylogenetic results in terms of function and development. The rapid speciation and extinction as argued here is in keeping with other fossil groups in Africa at the Plio/Pleistocene transition. This emphasises that we must approach the pre-australopithecines and hominins as part of the endemic African fauna, and not in isolation to the evolutionary and climatic processes that were operating all around them.  相似文献   

AnneChao  P.C. Li  S.Agatha  W.Foissner 《Oikos》2006,114(3):479-493
A total of 359 soil samples collected from five continents (Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and South America) were investigated for the presence/absence of soil ciliate species. Merging records by species identity, we have compiled a master data list (species by sample matrix). In the list, a total of 964 soil ciliate species (644 described and 320 undescribed) are recorded. The species distributions within the 359 samples and across the five continents are examined. The frequency distribution of the species over samples is used for global diversity estimation. A statistical ACE (abundance‐based coverage estimation) model which links observed data to unseen species is applied to assess regional and global soil ciliate species richness. The model, whose reliability was tested by its power to predict the number of new species in additional samples from Africa, may resolve the controversial issue on global species diversity of soil ciliates. Although an accurate point estimate is not feasible due to severe undersampling, the statistical model enables us to obtain a minimum regional diversity and global species diversity. A consistent finding over all five continents is that at least half of the species diversity is still undiscovered. Our model also yields a global soil ciliate diversity of at least 1900 species, that is, doubles the number of currently known species, and thus diversity is relatively high. This is consistent with the finding of Foissner, who used a probability‐based method. Soil ciliate distributions between continent pairs are analyzed by adjusted abundance‐based similarity/overlap indices. These new indices account for the effect of unseen species and also reduce the bias generated by undersampling. The adjusted abundance‐based Jaccard (or Sørensen) index shows that there is about 30% (18% for Sørensen) dis‐similarity between any two continents, supporting the moderate endemicity model. The results are discussed with respect to protist species distribution, that is, whether they are cosmopolitan or of restricted distribution.  相似文献   

Aim(1) To understand geographic patterns of species discovery by examining the effect of growth form, range size, and geographic distribution on discovery probability of vascular plant species in China; (2) to find out which taxa harbor the largest number of undiscovered species and where those species locate; and (3) to find out the determinants of province‐level mean discovery time and inventory completeness.LocationChina.MethodsWe compiled the discovery time and province‐level geographic distributions of ~31,000 vascular plant species described between 1753 and 2013 from Flora of China. We used a Cox proportional hazard model to determine the biological and geographic correlates of discovery probability. Accumulation curves of species discoveries were fitted by a logistic discovery model to estimate inventory completeness of different growth forms and of different provinces. We then used linear regression to identify the determinants of mean discovery time and beta regression to identify the determinants of inventory completeness.ResultsWe found that species with larger range size and distributed in northeastern part of China have a higher discovery probability. Coastal species were discovered earlier than inland species. Trees and shrubs of seed plants have the highest discovery probability while ferns have the lowest discovery probability. Herbs have the largest number of undiscovered species in China. Most undiscovered species will be found in southwest China, where three global biodiversity hot spots locate. Spatial patterns of mean discovery time and inventory completeness are mainly driven by the total number of species, human population density in an area, and latitude and longitude of a province.Main ConclusionsSocioeconomic factors primarily determine the discovery patterns of vascular plants in China. Undiscovered species are most likely to be narrow‐ranged, inconspicuous endemic species such as herbs and ferns, which are prone to extinctions and locate in biodiversity hot spots in southwestern China.  相似文献   

记述了中国新纪录科条顿螨科Teutoniidae Koenike.1910条顿螨属Teutonia亚条顿螨亚属Subteutonia及其1新种多毛条顿螨Teutonia(Subteutonia)piloseta sp.nov.。新种须肢羽状栓毛及栓毛数量以及呈半包围状态的EpⅣ可以将之与其他亚条顿螨亚属种类区别。文中对其腺毛和眼毛的体位特征做了详细描述。  相似文献   

The members of the smut genus Microbotryum are pathogens of a wide range of host plant species from nine dicotyledonous families. Within the genus, the species sporulating in anthers of Caryophyllaceae form a monophyletic group that in recent years attracted much interest in various biological studies. The phylogenetic framework developed for species delimitation within Microbotryum revealed that high level host-specificity is a major feature of most caryophyllaceous anther smuts. However, the great number of anther smut specimens on diverse host plant species reported worldwide has still not been included in phylogenetic analyses due to the inaccessibility of recently collected specimens, and thus many species remain still undiscovered. In this study, anther smut specimens on Heliosperma pusillum originating from all main mountain ranges of the European Alpine System were examined using partial rDNA sequence and/or morphological analyses. The investigation revealed that all specimens are morphologically uniform and phylogenetically represent a monophyletic lineage, sister to Microbotryum lagerheimii complex on Atocion rupestre/Silene lacera/Silene vulgaris/Viscaria vulgaris. This lineage cannot be attributed to any of the previously described species, and therefore the smut in anthers of H. pusillum is described and illustrated here as a new species, Microbotryum heliospermae. The species is known from subalpine zone of the Alps, the Carpathians, the Dinaric Alps, and the Pyrenees, inhabiting host plants growing in open spring communities or semihumid mountain meadows.  相似文献   

The entire Australian marine jurisdictional area, including offshore and sub-Antarctic islands, is considered in this paper. Most records, however, come from the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) around the continent of Australia itself. The counts of species have been obtained from four primary databases (the Australian Faunal Directory, Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota, Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums, and the Australian node of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System), but even these are an underestimate of described species. In addition, some partially completed databases for particular taxonomic groups, and specialized databases (for introduced and threatened species) have been used. Experts also provided estimates of the number of known species not yet in the major databases. For only some groups could we obtain an (expert opinion) estimate of undiscovered species. The databases provide patchy information about endemism, levels of threat, and introductions. We conclude that there are about 33,000 marine species (mainly animals) in the major databases, of which 130 are introduced, 58 listed as threatened and an unknown percentage endemic. An estimated 17,000 more named species are either known from the Australian EEZ but not in the present databases, or potentially occur there. It is crudely estimated that there may be as many as 250,000 species (known and yet to be discovered) in the Australian EEZ. For 17 higher taxa, there is sufficient detail for subdivision by Large Marine Domains, for comparison with other National and Regional Implementation Committees of the Census of Marine Life. Taxonomic expertise in Australia is unevenly distributed across taxa, and declining. Comments are given briefly on biodiversity management measures in Australia, including but not limited to marine protected areas.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the number of biological records submitted by members of the public have increased dramatically. However, this may result in reduced record quality, depending on how species are promoted in the media. Here we examined the two main promotional approaches for citizen science recording schemes: flagship-species, using one charismatic species as an umbrella for the entire group (here, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) for Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), and general-group, where the group is promoted as a whole and no particular prominence is given to any one species (here, bumblebees, genus Bombus (Hymenoptera: Apidae)). Of the two approaches, the general-group approach produced data that was not biased towards any one species, but far fewer records per year overall. In contrast, the flagship-species approach generated a much larger annual dataset, but heavily biased towards the flagship itself. Therefore, we recommend that the approach for species promotion is fitted to the result desired.  相似文献   

On the analysis of accumulation curves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Christen JA  Nakamura M 《Biometrics》2000,56(3):748-754

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