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流式细胞术在细菌快速检测中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
流式细胞仪(Flow cytometer)是集应用流体学、光学、电子学、生物学、免疫学等多门学科和技术于一体的新型高科技仪器。它的核心技术是流式细胞术(Flow cytometry,FCM),该技术是利用流式细胞仪,使单个细胞或其他微小生物粒子处于快速直线流动状态,且逐个通过光束,从而对单个细胞或微粒进行多参数(数量、大小、核酸含量、细胞活性、特定菌群或物种等)定量分析和分选的检测技术,具有快速、灵敏、精确以及便于操作等突出优点。本文简要介绍流式细胞仪的原理,并论述流式细胞技术在实验室研究、工业生产、临床诊断、环境评估等领域的细菌快速检测应用。  相似文献   

Pan G  Zhou Y  Fowke LC  Wang H 《Plant cell reports》2004,23(4):196-202
A simple and reliable method was developed for isolating pollen nuclei from Brassica napus and Triticum aestivum for DNA analysis using flow cytometry. The nuclei were released from pollen by ultrasonic treatment. The isolated nuclei following filtration through nylon mesh and a purification procedure were suitable for flow cytometric analysis as well as for isolating genomic DNA. Ultrasonic treatment time was optimized for B. napus pollen at different developmental stages. The method is effective and suitable for the preparation of many samples. We analyzed the nuclear DNA levels in pollen of B. napus at three major developmental stages as well as in mature wheat pollen. Only a single 1C peak representing the haploid DNA level was detected in the nuclei isolated from Brassica uninucleate microspores as well as in mature Triticum pollen. Interestingly, diploid nuclei were detected in both binucleate and mature pollen of B. napus. The possible origins of the diploid nuclei are discussed.Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole - NIB Nuclear isolation buffer  相似文献   

New method to characterize microbial diversity using flow cytometry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The majority of microorganisms have yet to be cultivated and represent a vast uncharacterized and untapped resource. Here, we report the utilization of a combination of flow cytometry, cultivation, and molecular genetics to develop new methodologies to access and characterize biodiversity in microbial samples. We demonstrate that fluorescent dyes and combinations of dyes can selectively stain portions of bacterial populations that can be isolated as sub-populations using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Microbial sub-populations obtained by FACS differ substantially from the original microbial population, as demonstrated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and determination of 16S rRNA gene sequences. These sub-populations can subsequently be used to inoculate microbial growth media, allowing the isolation of different microbial species from those that can be readily cultivated from the original sample using the same microbial growth media. When this technique was applied to the analysis of activated-sludge and Yellowstone Lake hydrothermal vent samples, comparative analysis of 16S rDNA sequences revealed that FACS allowed the detection of numerous bacterial species, including previously unknown species, not readily detectable in the original sample due to low relative abundance. This approach may result in a convenient methodology to more thoroughly characterize microbial biodiversity.  相似文献   

目的探讨用流式细胞术进行细菌计数。方法检测被链球菌α-34抑止而死亡的化脓性链球菌32309-2数量。结果实验管MFI值明显比对照管强,实验管本身的MFI强度随着时间的增加而增强,而对照管则基本上变化不是很大;到24h后,对照管MFI已达1.01,而对照管还是维持在0.4左右,两者T检验P〈0.01。结论用PI染色,可用流式细胞术检测死亡细菌。结果可靠,用时短,极大地简化了实验步骤。  相似文献   

The ability to rapidly distinguish viable sub-populations of cells within populations of macroalgal protoplast isolations was demonstrated using flow cytometry. Viable protoplasts from Ulva sp. and Porphyra perforata J. Ag. were distinguished from non-viable protoplasts based on differential fluorescein accumulation. The identities of cortical and epidermal protoplasts from Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Ag. were inferred based on light-scattering and chlorophyll a autofluorescence. Three cell types could be distinguished among protoplasts released from thalli of P. perforata based on chlorophyll a and phycoerythrin autofluorescence. Mixed protoplast populations of Ulva sp. and P. perforata were also discernable based on relative chlorophyll a and phycoerythrin autofluorescence. The ability to screen heterogenous protoplast populations rapidly, combined with the cell sorting capabilities of many flow cytometers, should prove valuable for seaweed biotechnology.  相似文献   

研究应用流式细胞技术(flow cytometry method,FCM)进行快速微生物检测的方法。与传统微生物检测方法相比,FCM法更快速和准确。经Pearson相关系数分析表明,在一定浓度范围内,FCM检测法与标准平板检测法(SPC)具有极强线性相关性。经Q检验法分析,FCM检测法具有良好的重复性。由此可见,FCM法可成为一种替代传统微生物检测法的自动化仪器检测新技术。  相似文献   

Flow cytometric studies of human sperm from fertile men display a constant and characteristic bimodal nonartifactual DNA pattern confirming the existence of two distinct populations. The main population is represented by a peak followed by a shoulder (“marginal population”). The appearance of this marginal population fluctuates with either freezing and thawing or with Percoll gradient centrifugation. We have analyzed both the main and marginal sperm populations by flow cytometry after cell sorting, laser scanning cytometry, light microscopic evaluation, and their sensitivity to DNase digestion. We have observed that the marginal population detected in fertile men represents a sperm group altered in the nuclear condensation, yielding unstable chromatin which appears more stainable with propidium iodide. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Astaxanthin possesses higher antioxidant activity than other carotenoids and, for this and other reasons, has great commercial potential for use in the aquaculture, pharmaceutical, and food industries. The basidiomycetous yeast Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous is one of the best natural producers of astaxanthin, but wild-type cells accumulate only a small amount of astaxanthin. In this study, we developed an efficient flow cytometry method to screen for astaxanthin-overproducing mutants of X. dendrorhous. We first examined the relationship between cellular astaxanthin content and the intensity of fluorescence emitted from the cell. Although the fluorescence emission maximum of astaxanthin dissolved in acetone occurred at 570 nm, intracellular astaxanthin content correlated better with emission at around 675 nm in different X. dendrorhous strains. Using this emission wavelength, we screened cells mutagenized with ethyl methanesulfonate and successfully isolated mutants that produced 1.5-3.8-fold more astaxanthin than parent cells. This method enabled us to obtain overproducers five times more efficient than conventional screening from plate culture.  相似文献   

Abstract The effectiveness of immunofluorescence flow cytometry and cell sorting to detect, quantify and separate indigenous bacterial populations present in low concentrations in sewage outflow was investigated. Preparatory experiments for targeted recovery revealed indigenous, immunoglobulin-G-binding particles present at low levels in sewage outflow samples taken from Coniston Water. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting of this population was employed to enrich for these particles, which were confirmed as bacterial cells. This cell population comprised approximately 23% of the total plate count on MacConkey agar before cell sorting, rising to approximately 95% after sorting. These results corresponded to cell densities of less than 5% of the total plate count on R2A agar. Taxonomic tests suggested the bacterium to be Ochrobactrum anthropi .  相似文献   

Legionella species are the causative agents of human legionellosis, and bathing facilities have been identified as the sources of infection in several outbreaks in Japan. Researchers in Japan have recently reported evidence of significant associations between bacterial counts and the occurrence of Legionella in bathing facilities and in a hot tub model. A convenient and quantitative bacterial enumeration method is therefore required as an indicator of Legionella contamination or disinfection to replace existing methods such as time-consuming Legionella culture and expensive Legionella-DNA amplification. In this study, we developed a rapid detection method (RDM) to monitor the risk of Legionella using an automated microbial analyzing device based on flow cytometry techniques to measure the total number of bacteria in water samples within two minutes, by detecting typical patterns of scattered light and fluorescence. We first compared the results of our RDM with plate counting results for five filtered hot spring water samples spiked with three species of bacteria, including Legionella. Inactivation of these samples by chlorine was also assessed by the RDM, a live/dead bacterial fluorescence assay and plate counting. Using the RDM, the lower limit of quantitative bacterial counts in the spiked samples was determined as 3.0 × 103 (3.48 log) counts mL− 1. We then used a laboratory model of a hot tub and found that the RDM could monitor the growth curve of naturally occurring heterotrophic bacteria with 1 and 2 days' delayed growth of amoeba and Legionella, respectively, and could also determine the killing curve of these bacteria by chlorination. Finally, samples with ≥ 3.48 or < 3.48 log total bacterial counts mL− 1 were tested using the RDM from 149 different hot tubs, and were found to be significantly associated with the positive or negative detection of Legionella with 95% sensitivity and 84% specificity. These findings indicated that the RDM can be used for Legionella control at bathing facilities, especially those where the effectiveness of chlorine is reduced by the presence of Fe2+, Mn2+, NH4+, skin debris, and/or biofilms in the water.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25, a plant growth promoting bacterium, has been widely studied due to its potential as an inoculum for improving crop yields. Environmental inoculants are usually applied on seeds or directly to soil and to effectively promote plant growth they need to be viable and active. However, it is difficult to study the physiological status of specific microorganisms in complex environments, such as soil. In this study, our aim was to use molecular tools to specifically monitor the physiological status of P. fluorescens SBW25 in soil and in pure cultures incubated under different nutritional conditions. The cells were previously tagged with marker genes (encoding green fluorescent protein and bacterial luciferase) to specifically track the cells in environmental samples. The physiological status of the cells was determined using the viability stains 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl-tetrazolium chloride (CTC) and propidium iodide (PI), which stain active and dead cells, respectively. Luciferase activity was used to monitor the metabolic activity of the population. Most of the cells died after incubation for nine days in nutrient rich medium. By contrast when incubated under starvation conditions, most of the population was not stained with CTC or PI (i.e. intact but inactive cells), indicating that most of the cells were presumably dormant. In soil, a large fraction of the SBW25 cell population became inactive and died, as determined by a decline in luciferase activity and CTC-stained cells, an increase in PI-stained cells, and an inability of the cells to be cultured on agar medium. However, approximately 60% of the population was unstained, presumably indicating that the cells entered a state of dormancy in soil similar to that observed under starvation conditions in pure cultures. These results demonstrate the applicability of this approach for monitoring the physiological status of specific cells under stress conditions, such as those experienced by environmental inoculants in soil.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid and reliable method has been developed for assessing the number and viability of cells, as well as cell size, in suspension culture by the use of flow cytometry. Propidium iodide exclusion is used for viability determination and fluorescent beads serve as an internal standard for cell enumeration. The main advantages of this method are its ability to handle a large number of samples with a high degree of precision and its specificity in detecting viable cells quantitatively in a heterogeneous culture of living and dead cells and debris. The method shows only a fraction of the variation found in the haemacytometer/trypan blue counting method due to its very low operator dependence. CHO - Chinese hamster ovary; FCS - Foetal calf serum; FS - Forward scatter light; MTT - 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide; NCS - newborn calf serum; PBS - Phosphate buffered saline; PI - Propidium iodide; SS - Side scatter light. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A reliable and rapid test to detect cytotoxic chemicals which affect cell membranes is described. Fluorescein diacetate freely penetrates intact cells where it is hydrolyzed to its fluorochrome, fluorescein, which is retained in the cell due to its polarity. On the other hand, ethidium bromide is known to be excluded from the intact cell, staining only nucleic acids of membrane-damaged cells. The combination of both fluorochromes results in counter-staining: intact cells fluoresce green (cytoplasm) and membrane-damaged cells fluoresce red (nucleus and RNA). Rat thymocytes freshly isolated without enzyme treatment were incubated simultaneously with test substance and dye solution fluorescein diacetate and ethidium bromide. A two-parameter analysis was performed on a flow cytometer with an on-line computer. Concentration-dependent effects of various detergents and solvents were quantified by measuring the amount of dye retention, i.e., the decrease or increase in fluorescein—fluorescence (peak shift), and the decrease in dye exclusion (increase in ethidium bromide-staining) relative to the untreated control. The assay can be used for rapid monitoring of chemical insults to cell membranes which precede the decrease of the viability measured by pure dye exclusion techniques.Abbreviations DMA dimethyl sulfate - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - EB ethidium bromide - F fluorescein - FDA fluorescein diacetate - FS25 concentration of test substance resulting in a F-peak left-shift of 25% from control - PBS phosphate buffered saline - SCT forward light scatter - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Flow cytometry has been used to measure nuclear DNA content in pollen, mostly to understand pollen development and detect unreduced gametes. Published data have not always met the high-quality standards required for some applications, in part due to difficulties inherent in the extraction of nuclei. Here we describe a simple and relatively novel method for extracting pollen nuclei, involving the bursting of pollen through a nylon mesh, compare it with other methods and demonstrate its broad applicability and utility.


The method was tested across 80 species, 64 genera and 33 families, and the data were evaluated using established criteria for estimating genome size and analysing cell cycle. Filter bursting was directly compared with chopping in five species, yields were compared with published values for sonicated samples, and the method was applied by comparing genome size estimates for leaf and pollen nuclei in six species.

Key Results

Data quality met generally applied standards for estimating genome size in 81 % of species and the higher best practice standards for cell cycle analysis in 51 %. In 41 % of species we met the most stringent criterion of screening 10 000 pollen grains per sample. In direct comparison with two chopping techniques, our method produced better quality histograms with consistently higher nuclei yields, and yields were higher than previously published results for sonication. In three binucleate and three trinucleate species we found that pollen-based genome size estimates differed from leaf tissue estimates by 1·5 % or less when 1C pollen nuclei were used, while estimates from 2C generative nuclei differed from leaf estimates by up to 2·5 %.


The high success rate, ease of use and wide applicability of the filter bursting method show that this method can facilitate the use of pollen for estimating genome size and dramatically improve unreduced pollen production estimation with flow cytometry.  相似文献   

【目的】建立一种基于单克隆抗体的多元弧菌流式细胞仪检测技术。【方法】以副溶血弧菌表面蛋白r-OmpW的单克隆抗体(mAb)为基础,以细胞染色率为指标优化流式细胞仪检测副溶血弧菌时所需mAb的反应浓度和反应时间。通过菌落数对比评价在优化条件下流式细胞术方法的准确度、检出限和精密度。根据所建立的流式细胞术平台分析鉴定单抗对其它5种多元弧菌的特异性。【结果】流式细胞仪检测副溶血弧菌时所需r-OmpW单克隆抗体的优化反应浓度为20 mg/L,反应时间为60 min。当菌浓在104 107cells/mL范围时,检测值可信度较高,可特异性识别5种病原弧菌。对含不同菌体浓度的样品进行重复检测,变异系数均在7%以内。【结论】所建立的这种基于单克隆抗体的多元弧菌流式细胞仪检测技术可快速准确地检测多种病原弧菌。  相似文献   

The objectives were to standardize some methodological and analytical aspects of a direct technique to detect sperm-bound antisperm antibodies (ASAs) in bovine semen using flow cytometry, including the effects of prefixation of sperm membranes with formalin buffer solution and inclusion of dead cells in the analysis. Fourteen Angus bulls, including ASA-positive (experimentally induced ASAs) and 10 reproductively normal ASA-negative bulls, were used. Fixation of sperm membranes had no significant effect on the percentage of IgG- or IgA-bound spermatozoa detected by flow cytometry. However, including dead cells in the analysis increased the percentage of IgG-bound spermatozoa in fixed (live and dead 18.6 ± 9.7% and live 1.3 ± 0.5%; median ± SEM) and nonfixed samples (live and dead 18.8 ± 9.2%, live 1.5 ± 0.6%; P = 0.0029), as well as IgA-bound spermatozoa in fixed (live and dead 16.3 ± 6.4%, live 0.3 ± 0.5%) and nonfixed samples (live and dead 21.4 ± 4.6%, live 1.0 ± 0.5%; P = 0.0041) in semen from ASA-negative bulls. Intrasample, intra-assay, and interassay coefficients of variation (CV) were 0.8%, 4.6%, and 5.3%, respectively, for determination of sperm-bound IgG, and were 2.8%, 8.4%, and 40.3% for determination of sperm-bound IgA. Despite the high interassay CV for IgA determination, all ASA-positive bulls consistently had high percentages of IgA-bound spermatozoa. Flow cytometry correctly identified ASA-positive bulls. Confocal laser microscopy confirmed binding of ASAs to sperm heads and cytoplasmic droplets, and less frequently to midpieces and principal piece. In conclusion, although fixation was not necessary, dead cells should be excluded from the analysis, because ejaculates with a large proportion of dead cells can yield false-positive results. Flow cytometry was accurate and reliable for detection of sperm-bound IgG and IgA and discrimination between ASA-positive and ASA-negative bulls.  相似文献   

We have established a rapid, simple and sensitive flow cytometric system for the detection of Plasmodium falciparum that involves lysing erythrocytes and staining parasites at the same time using a newly developed hemolysing and staining solution containing dodecyl methyl ammonium chloride and acridine orange. In this system, freed parasites of P. falciparum could be plotted separately from erythrocyte ghosts, white blood cells and platelets on the two-dimensional scattergram of forward-angle light scatter and green fluorescence by flow cytometry with an argon laser. It took only 2–3 min per sample to obtain the scattergram and analyze the data, including the time of sample preparation for flow cytometric analysis. Sample preparation with this method does not require any difficult handling procedures. The threshold of parasite detection was almost equal to that of microscopic examination for cultured P. falciparum. The results of drug-susceptibility assays using this system were also almost identical to those obtained using microscopic examination. In this system, parasites at different erythrocytic stages could be easily distinguished. This system must prove useful and practical for basic laboratory studies of P. falciparum including those requiring the differential measurement of parasites at specific erythrocytic stages.  相似文献   

Using four human tumor cell lines, MCF-7 and T47-D from breast tumors, MOLT-4 and K-562 from leukemia, flow cytometric DNA analysis of pure and mixed cell population was performed using monoclonal antibodies to cytokeratin to distinguish cytokeratin-containing carcinoma cells from leukemia cells which do not contain cytokeratins. Surprisingly, on pure or mixed K-562 cells, we found positive labeling with KL1, CK8, and CK18 antibodies (results confirmed by immunocytology). This preliminary study has allowed a DNA analysis on epithelial cells of human breast tumors.  相似文献   

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