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Movement patterns and habitat utilization by black bream Acanthopagrus butcheri (Sparidae), an estuarine resident species, were investigated using acoustic telemetry in a small estuary on the east coast of Tasmania, Australia. Thirty‐four adult A. butcheri were tracked for periods of up to 187 days between August 2005 and January 2006. Although able to tolerate a wide range of salinities, the fish spent most of the time within the upper and middle regions of the estuary, where brackish conditions dominated. The species exhibited extensive movements linked to tidal cycles, with small‐scale upstream movements during incoming tides and downstream movements during out going tides. The extent of these movements was positively correlated with the tidal height difference between consecutive tidal peaks and troughs. Freshwater inflows and resultant changes in salinity also significantly influenced distribution and movement patterns. Fish moved downstream during the periods of heavy inflows, returning upstream as salinities increased to c. >10. During the peak of spawning period (November to December) fish moved into the upper region of the estuary, where they aggregated to spawn. Periodic increases in freshwater discharge, however, resulted in fish leaving the spawning grounds and moving downstream. Towards the end of the spawning season (January), the fish became more dispersed throughout the entire estuarine system.  相似文献   

Growth and survival of Cyprinodon variegatus, Fundulus heteroclitus, Menidia beryllina , and Lucania parva , held in combination with an omnivorous grass shrimp– Palaemonetes pugio , and a predatory diving beetle Tropisternus lateralis , were measured at 12–60% in outdoor static microcosms that simulate salt marsh ponds. We predicted that the low species richness of this abiotically harsh but highly productive habitat would lead to a high degree of interaction among species. The presence of the beetle had no effect on the fish or the shrimp. Removal of the shrimp similarly had no detectable effect on the fish. There was a trend in proportions of survival among three fish: C. variegatus>F. heteroclitus>M. beryllina . Survival of M. beryllina was greater when it was alone at low densities of its own species (333 v. 667 fish m −3), and less when it was paired with F. heteroclitus . Interactions with other species diminished the growth of M. beryllina . Survival of F. heteroclitus was greater when it was alone at low density (333 m −3), than when the same number were placed together with Menidia and Cyprinodon at a total fish density of 999 m −3. There were no effects of removal of other species on survival or growth of C. variegatus at either 12'5 or 24%. This study showed that a complex array of interactions occurred among six common members of a salt marsh food web, but the degree of interaction Was less than We predicted.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of seven common species (Gobius paganellus, Gobius bucchichi, Gobius cobitis, Parablennius sanguinolentus, Salaria pavo, Tripterygion tartessicum and Symphodus roissali) on rocky shores in the Gulf of Cadiz and their relationship with the sea surface temperature (SST) is analysed. Partial data on Scorpaena porcus are also given. Fecundity of these short lifespan species shows a positive linear correlation between the number of oocytes and an increase in female size. Spawnings are concentrated in the first 7 months of the year. An analysis of reproductive growth with respect to SST shows that water temperature in the winter months affects the timing of the onset of reproduction in most species. Recruitment is takes place throughout the year, but a temporal segregation within different families occurs in their spawning as well as recruitment.  相似文献   

Estuaries are particularly susceptible to climate change and drought resulting in atypical changes to freshwater flows. How such changes in flow impact on the ecology of estuarine fishes may depend on how a species moves in response to changing flow conditions. Acoustic telemetry was used to interpret fine-scale movements of two co-inhabiting estuarine fish species, black bream, Acanthopagrus butcheri and estuary perch, Macquaria colonorum in relation to freshwater flows, season and moon phase. We found black bream to be highly mobile, regularly travelling the length of the estuary and into the neighbouring estuaries. In contrast, estuary perch had particular home ranges and made occasional, upstream or downstream movements. Possibly influenced by freshwater flows, estuary perch moved at greater rates in the Tambo compared to fish in the Mitchell. Black bream resided in the upper estuary during winter and spring and the lower estuary during summer and autumn, whereas estuary perch remained in the upper estuary throughout the year, with occasional downstream movements in winter and spring. This study revealed 1) significantly large increases in freshwater flows result in mass downstream movements in both species, 2) fish moved upstream during full moons and 3) there are contrasting spatio-temporal patterns in movement between species. The results from this study highlight that estuarine fishes are likely to show differential sensitivity to the impacts of drought and climate change and illustrate how acoustic telemetry methods can be used to determine the environmental needs of fishes and help efforts to conserve and manage estuaries worldwide.  相似文献   

Wan R J  Zhou F  Shan X J  Sun S 《农业工程》2010,30(3):155-165
During June, August and October 2006, there were three multi-disciplinary surveys carried out in the Changjiang River estuary and its adjacent waters (122°00′–125°00′E, 27°50′–34°00′N) by R/V Beidou to study the species composition and abundance of ichthyoplankton (including fish eggs, larvae and juveniles), the spatial distribution of fish spawning ground and their relationship with habitat factors. There were 29, 29 and 25 grid stations sampled in the three cruises, respectively. The ichthyoplankton samples were collected by horizontally towing with a macro-plankton net (mouth diameter 80 cm, length 270 cm, mesh size 0.50 mm) at the sea surface, and the towing speed was 3.0 n mile/h at each sampling station. The towing lasted for 10 min. After hauling for each station, habitat factors including temperature and salinity were measured by Sea Bird-25 CTD. Samples were preserved in 5% formaldehyde solution immediately after sampling for analysis in laboratory. Since the trawl speed could not be accurately evaluated due to the effects of ocean currents and wind-induced wave, the amount of ichthyoplankton was evaluated by actual number of the sampling haul in each station. Ichthyoplankton collected were divided into three categories: dominant species, important species and main species by the index of relative importance (IRI). There are 71 species (including 1200 fish eggs and 2575 fish larvae and juveniles) collected during 3 cruises and 59 species have been correctly identified to species level, which belongs to 50 genera, 37 families and 9 orders; while 5 species can only be identified to genera level, 1 species only identified to family level and 6 species identified to order level. These 59 species identified to species level and 5 species identified to genera level are divided into three ecological patterns, i.e., brackish water species, neritic water species and coastal water species. Warm water species have 34 species in those 59 species identified to species level, accounting for 57.63%, warm temperature species have 25 species, accounting for 42.37%. According to the analysis of IRI, the dominant species are Engraulis japonicus (in June and August, that is important species in October), Scomber japonicus (in August), and Johnius grypotus (in October) during the survey; important species are Cynoglossus joyneri (in June and August), Trichiurus lepturus (in June, August and October), Gonorhynchus abbreviatus (in August), Stolephorus commersonii (in October), Saurida undosquamis (in October) and Saurida elongate (in October), and main species have 12 species in June, 9 species in August and 10 species in October, respectively. The amount of fish eggs and larvae of the dominant species, important species and main species (28 species) are 97.50% and 97.13% of the total amount of fish eggs and larvae, respectively, which are the important composition of fish eggs and larvae in the Changjiang River estuary and its adjacent waters.
In June and August of 2006, if compared with that in corresponding months in 1986, there are great changes in the habitat factors especially for temperature and salinity in the investigating areas: high salinity water from off-shelf is much closer to the coastal areas which results in the dramatic increase of sea surface salinity during all three surveys. Sea surface temperature, on the other hand, decreases distinctively in June, but significantly increases in August. The run-off of the Changjiang River greatly reduced due to the long-term drought in summer 2006, which is responsible for the great changes of habitat factors in the Changjiang River estuary and its adjacent waters. The habitat of the Changjiang River estuary is greatly changed, which consequently has significant influences on the spawning, breeding and the spatial distribution of spawning ground of neritic water species, such as Sardinella zunasi, Thryssa kammalensis, Thryssa mystax, Setipinna taty and S. commersonii ect, and coastal water species, such as Ilisha elongate and Konosirus punctatus ect.  相似文献   

During June, August and October 2006, there were three multi-disciplinary surveys carried out in the Changjiang River estuary and its adjacent waters (122°00′–125°00′E, 27°50′–34°00′N) by R/V Beidou to study the species composition and abundance of ichthyoplankton (including fish eggs, larvae and juveniles), the spatial distribution of fish spawning ground and their relationship with habitat factors. There were 29, 29 and 25 grid stations sampled in the three cruises, respectively. The ichthyoplankton samples were collected by horizontally towing with a macro-plankton net (mouth diameter 80 cm, length 270 cm, mesh size 0.50 mm) at the sea surface, and the towing speed was 3.0 n mile/h at each sampling station. The towing lasted for 10 min. After hauling for each station, habitat factors including temperature and salinity were measured by Sea Bird-25 CTD. Samples were preserved in 5% formaldehyde solution immediately after sampling for analysis in laboratory. Since the trawl speed could not be accurately evaluated due to the effects of ocean currents and wind-induced wave, the amount of ichthyoplankton was evaluated by actual number of the sampling haul in each station. Ichthyoplankton collected were divided into three categories: dominant species, important species and main species by the index of relative importance (IRI). There are 71 species (including 1200 fish eggs and 2575 fish larvae and juveniles) collected during 3 cruises and 59 species have been correctly identified to species level, which belongs to 50 genera, 37 families and 9 orders; while 5 species can only be identified to genera level, 1 species only identified to family level and 6 species identified to order level. These 59 species identified to species level and 5 species identified to genera level are divided into three ecological patterns, i.e., brackish water species, neritic water species and coastal water species. Warm water species have 34 species in those 59 species identified to species level, accounting for 57.63%, warm temperature species have 25 species, accounting for 42.37%. According to the analysis of IRI, the dominant species are Engraulis japonicus (in June and August, that is important species in October), Scomber japonicus (in August), and Johnius grypotus (in October) during the survey; important species are Cynoglossus joyneri (in June and August), Trichiurus lepturus (in June, August and October), Gonorhynchus abbreviatus (in August), Stolephorus commersonii (in October), Saurida undosquamis (in October) and Saurida elongate (in October), and main species have 12 species in June, 9 species in August and 10 species in October, respectively. The amount of fish eggs and larvae of the dominant species, important species and main species (28 species) are 97.50% and 97.13% of the total amount of fish eggs and larvae, respectively, which are the important composition of fish eggs and larvae in the Changjiang River estuary and its adjacent waters.
In June and August of 2006, if compared with that in corresponding months in 1986, there are great changes in the habitat factors especially for temperature and salinity in the investigating areas: high salinity water from off-shelf is much closer to the coastal areas which results in the dramatic increase of sea surface salinity during all three surveys. Sea surface temperature, on the other hand, decreases distinctively in June, but significantly increases in August. The run-off of the Changjiang River greatly reduced due to the long-term drought in summer 2006, which is responsible for the great changes of habitat factors in the Changjiang River estuary and its adjacent waters. The habitat of the Changjiang River estuary is greatly changed, which consequently has significant influences on the spawning, breeding and the spatial distribution of spawning ground of neritic water species, such as Sardinella zunasi, Thryssa kammalensis, Thryssa mystax, Setipinna taty and S. commersonii ect, and coastal water species, such as Ilisha elongate and Konosirus punctatus ect.  相似文献   


The reproductive cycle and growth of the pen shell, Atrina maura, which was cultured in the Ensenada Pabellones lagoon system, Gulf of California, from March 2008 to March 2009, is described in this article. Histological techniques and the condition index were used to determine its reproductive condition. The sex ratio was 0.57 females:1.72 males within the population studied. There were no differences (χ2, p < 0.05) in shell length (SL) between males and females. The mean length of the sampled specimens ranged between 50.99 ± 4.86 mm and 218.16 ± 8.87 mm. The histological results confirmed that A. maura is a gonochoristic organism that presents synchronic development of the gonads. The maturity and spawning phases were observed throughout the study period, with the exception of March and May 2008. The frequency of the gonad development stages obtained per month suggests that this species reproduced two times annually, with one important reproductive period from June to September, a minor reproductive period from November to February, and two resting periods as follows: July to August and January to February 2009.  相似文献   

Climate warming is pronounced in the Arctic and migratory birds are expected to be among the most affected species. We examined the effects of local and regional climatic variations on the breeding phenology and reproductive success of greater snow geese ( Chen caerulescens atlantica ), a migratory species nesting in the Canadian Arctic. We used a long-term dataset based on the monitoring of 5447 nests and the measurements of 19 234 goslings over 16 years (1989–2004) on Bylot Island. About 50% of variation in the reproductive phenology of individuals was explained by spring climatic factors. High mean temperatures and, to a lesser extent, low snow cover in spring were associated with an increase in nest density and early egg-laying and hatching dates. High temperature in spring and high early summer rainfall were positively related to nesting success. These effects may result from a reduction in egg predation rate when the density of nesting geese is high and when increased water availability allows females to stay close to their nest during incubation recesses. Summer brood loss and production of young at the end of the summer increased when values of the summer Arctic Oscillation (AO) index were either very positive (low temperatures) or very negative (high temperatures), indicating that these components of the breeding success were most influenced by the regional summer climate. Gosling mass and size near fledging were reduced in years with high spring temperatures. This effect is likely due to a reduced availability of high quality food in years with early spring, either due to food depletion resulting from high brood density or a mismatch between hatching date of goslings and the timing of the peak of plant quality. Our analysis suggests that climate warming should advance the reproductive phenology of geese, but that high spring temperatures and extreme values of the summer AO index may decrease their reproductive success up to fledging.  相似文献   

The daily otolith increment growth of individuals in a cohort of fish larvae was simulated by a simple individual-based model over 30 days. The daily otolith growth of an individual larva was dependent on past growth, within fixed limits common to all larvae. The survival of a larva at the end of each day was either a linear function of larval growth or a random outcome, simulating growth-dependent and growth-independent mortality, respectively, The combined effect of the external environment on growth was also studied. Eleven environmental scenarios, favouring or hindering growth at different stages, were tested and compared to runs with no environmental effect on growth. Growth-dependent mortality induced an increase in the average otolith daily increment width amongst surviving larvae. Such an outcome, however, could be negated by an unfavourable environment. The increase in mean growth rate of the population generated by growth-dependent mortality was directly related to the inherent variability in daily otolith growth. With increased variability, the influence of the environment became relatively less important. The effect of the environment on growth was more critical during the early stages of development. A comparison of results generated by the model with patterns observed in data from a field survey of larval herring was consistent with the occurrence of growth-dependent mortality in the sea. The simulation model provided a useful insight into the way in which various processes controlling larval growth interact.  相似文献   

Spatio‐temporal recruitment patterns, growth and survival of the Swan River goby Pseudogobius olorum and western hardyhead Leptatherina wallacei are described from two small, coastal lagoons on the south coast of Western Australia. In these lagoons, estuarine salinity dynamics were relatively stable over much of the autumn–spring period when freshwater inputs from rivers were reduced and there was no oceanic connection. Preflexion and flexion stages of both fish species contributed strongly to population size structure in downstream reaches, whereas upstream reaches were dominated by postflexion larvae and juvenile stages. Spawning of both species was protracted and largely asynchronous, although the episodic presence of stronger preflexion and flexion cohorts suggested some synchronized spawning had occurred. Comparison with estuarine conditions over this period provided evidence that synchronized spawning may be related to temperature and salinity variations from a combination of freshwater inputs and periods of marine exchange. Uninterrupted growth and the progression of cohorts through to juvenile stages were consistent with the generally stable estuarine conditions. Larval and juvenile stages of both species were also tolerant of abrupt changes in salinity and temperature, which occurred due to a non‐seasonal oceanic connection. These findings were consistent with the euryhaline nature of adults of both species.  相似文献   

Anger  Klaus  Riesebeck  Kim  P&#;schel  Cornelia 《Hydrobiologia》2000,426(1):161-168
The neotropical crab Armases miersii (Rathbun, 1897) breeds in supratidal rock pools, where great salinity variations occur. In laboratory experiments, all larval stages and the first juveniles were reared at six different salinities (5–55 PSU, intervals of 10 PSU). In five series of experiments, exposure to these conditions began either from hatching (Zoea I) or from the onset of successively later stages (Zoea II, III, Megalopa, Crab I). Growth was measured in terms of dry weight, carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen content. At osmotically extreme conditions (5 and 55 PSU, resp.), all stages showed minimum biomass accumulation; this was consistent with maximum mortality and longest duration of development (data presented in a separate paper). Successively later exposure to these salinities tended to reduce these effects. Lowest mortality and shortest time of development occurred generally at 15–25 PSU, indicating an optimum at moderately reduced salinities. This response pattern, however, was not congruent with that observed in growth. Biomass accumulation was initially maximum within a wide range of salinities (15–45 PSU), but in the Zoea II and III stages, this range tended to narrow and to shift towards higher salinities (35–45 PSU). These trends reversed in the Megalopa and Crab I, where maximum growth occurred again in a wider range and at lower salinities (15–35 PSU). The reduction of zoeal growth in moderately dilute media (15–25 PSU), which were optimal for survival and development, is interpreted as an energetic cost of hyper-osmoregulation, which begins already at hatching. Five PSU caused hypo-osmotic stress, exceeding in the long term the larval capacity for hyper-regulation. Poor zoeal survival and growth at 55 PSU are interpreted as effects of hyper-osmotic stress. In the Megalopa and Crab I, reduced growth at salinities 35 PSU may reflect the energetic costs of hypo-osmoreguation beginning in these stages. Our data suggest that the physiological adaptations of larval and early juvenile A. miersii allowing for survival and development in a physically harsh and unpredictable habitat imply a trade-off with reduced growth, due to energetic costs of osmoregulation.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of O2 tension, temperature, salt concentration and organic matter concentration on the growth and nitrifying activity of Nitrosomonas N3 isolated from Tay Estuary sediments have been investigated. Chemostat-grown cultures were able to grow and nitrify at dissolved O2 concentrations as low as 0.1 mg O2· 1−1 (cell population densities were 15% of those obtained in fully aerated cultures). This bacterium was sensitive to reduced temperatures as chemostat-grown cultures washed out at growth temperatures below 15°C, at dilution rates > 0.025 · h−1. Batch-grown cultures of Nitrosomonas N3 were used to study the effects of NaCl and complex organic matter concentration on nitrifying activity. Maximum rates of NH+4 oxidation were recorded at NaCl concentrations of 1% w/v, whilst tryptone soya broth (TSB), nutrient broth (NB), yeast extract broth (YEB) and peptone were inhibitory at concentrations > 10 mg · 1−1.  相似文献   

The effects of early life events on average daily weight gain from birth to day 21 (ADG) of suckling pigs kept at different room temperatures (15°C, 20°C and 25°C) from birth to weaning were investigated. Data were collected from litters born by 61 sows in a loose housing system. The ADG for piglets with low birth weight (estimated for birth weights below the 10% percentile) was estimated to be 20 to 30 g higher per day at room temperature 20°C to 25°C compared with 15°C. In contrast, the ADG during the lactation period decreased for larger piglets (estimated for birth weights above the 10% percentile) by 28 g/day at room temperature 25°C compared with 15°C. Thus, high ambient temperatures (20°C to 25°C) are favourable for the growth in smaller piglets during lactation. Neither latency to first suckle nor birth-induced hypoxia, measured as concentration of umbilical cord lactate, affected the growth rate of the piglets. Lowest rectal temperature during the first 24 h after birth had a long-term negative effect on ADG (P<0.05), so that piglets with a lowest rectal temperature of 32.8°C (10% percentile) had an ADG which was on average 19 g lower per day than piglets with a rectal temperature of 37.3°C (90% percentile). Our results showed that hypothermia at birth, low birth weight and high number of suckling piglets lead to reduced ADG during the suckling period. The results suggest that keeping the room temperature at 20°C during lactation to some extent could compensate for the otherwise negative effects of low birth weight on ADG in piglets without decreasing the ADG of high birth weight piglets. However, to avoid hypothermia in the smallest piglets it may be beneficial to increase the room temperature above 20°C during the farrowing period of loose housed sows.  相似文献   

The influence of female age on male mating preference and reproductive success has been studied using a promiscuous cabbage beetle, Colaphellus bowringi Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). In a simultaneous choice test, middle-aged females had significantly greater mating success than young and old females. In single pair trials, when paired with middle-aged virgin males, middle-aged females mated faster, copulated longer, and had greater fecundity and fertility than young or old females, while the longevity of males was not significantly affected by female age. This study on C. bowringi suggests that middle-aged females are more receptive to mating, which can result in the highest male reproductive success.  相似文献   

In this study we used pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides) in field experiments to examine linkages between intertidal saltmarsh and adjacent subtidal habitats. Pinfish are more than twice as abundant in intertidal marshes adjacent to seagrass beds than in those adjacent to the unvegetated subtidal bottom. Movement of pinfish between the marsh edge and the adjacent subtidal habitat was greater for fish captured in areas with both intertidal and subtidal vegetation than in those with intertidal vegetation and adjacent unvegetated mudflats. This movement provides an important link between habitats, allowing transfer of marsh-derived secondary production to subtidal seagrass beds and vice versa. Pinfish held in enclosures with both intertidal and subtidal vegetation were, on average, approximately 90% heavier than fish held in enclosures with intertidal vegetation and unvegetated subtidal bottom. Because saltmarshes and seagrass beds contribute to the production of living marine resources, active measures are being taken to preserve and restore these habitats. The results from this study have direct application to decisions concerning site selection and optimal spatial proximity of saltmarsh and seagrass habitats in the planning of restoration and mitigation projects. To maximize secondary production and utilization of intertidal marshes, managers may opt to restore and/or preserve marshes adjacent to subtidal seagrass beds. Received: 31 May 1996 / Accepted: 23 October 1996  相似文献   


This study aimed to investigate the existence of day-night differences in the time for anesthesia and recovery in tambaqui exposed to the anesthetic eugenol and the influence of feeding time. Thus, we evaluated: (1) swimming activity; (2) food anticipatory activity (FAA) as a synchronizer of swimming activity and change to susceptibility to anesthetic; and (3) the effects of diurnal/nocturnal anesthesia exposure of fish feeding in the mid-light phase: 12:00 h (ML) and fish feeding in the mid-dark phase: 00:00 h (MD). Our findings revealed strictly nocturnal activity for tambaqui (94.2%), known as diurnal fish to date. Moreover, FAA was observed in tambaqui fed at MD, which showed a sustained increase in activity that began 2 h before feeding time and lasted until feeding. In contrast, no FAA was observed in fish fed at ML. Regarding anesthesia by day or night, the tambaqui treated with eugenol exhibited no difference in induction time. However, differences were observed in recovery times, with fish anesthetized at day recovering in 1–2 min and fish anesthetized at night recovering in 5–7 min. In short, our findings revealed for the first time the nocturnal behavior of tambaqui. These results indicated that recovery by day/night by eugenol in tambaqui has a strong dependence of behavioral patterns and the time of day.  相似文献   

Rawat  J.S.  Banerjee  S.P. 《Plant and Soil》1998,205(2):163-169
The influence of NaCl salinity on growth, dry-matter production and leaf photosynthesis of seedlings of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. and Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. was studied by imposing 4 levels (40, 80, 120 and 160 mM) of NaCl in pot culture. Salinity up to 160 mM did not affect plant survival, but did affect plant growth and dry-matter production depending upon the species and salt concentration. NaCl reduced leaf number and dry-weight of all the plant components, but increased stem dry-weight, especially in E. camaldulensis. Salinization also stimulated total dry-matter production at all the salinity levels in E. camaldulensis but only at 40 mM in D. sissoo. The two species varied in protein and chlorophyll concentration and in leaf photosynthetic rate. Protein and chlorophyll concentration of the plants fell at all the levels of NaCl, except at 40 mM, where stimulation in the photosynthetic carbon assimilation of the plants occurred. However, no distinct relationship between leaf photosynthetic rate and dry-matter production was found. The study indicated that low salt concentrations generally stimulated growth, biomass production and rate of photosynthesis in both the species, and E. camaldulensis appeared more NaCl salt-tolerant than D. sissoo.  相似文献   

During the spawning season of the estuarine prawn Metapenaeus bennettae (Racek & Dall), laboratory and field experiments were conducted to examine the combined effects of temperature and salinity on hatching success of eggs and the survival, growth and development of larvae. Response surface analysis showed that optimal levels of temperature and salinity for maximum hatching success varied depending on conditions during spawning. Similarly, temperature and salinity conditions that produced maximum survival and growth of larvae depended on conditions during rearing prior to experimental temperature/salinity treatments. At the onset of feeding, larvae showed the lowest tolerance to changes in temperature and salinity. Supplementary feeding experiments in the laboratory, and survival rates in field experiments indicated that starvation was a more potent factor than the effects of temperature and salinity in determining survival through the protozoeal larval stages. Late larval stages were relatively indifferent to the effects of temperature and salinity. It is suggested that, during early development, adaptive response to the prevailing physical conditions enhances survival in an estuarine environment.  相似文献   

The increasing levels of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation reaching the earth's surface caused by ozone destruction have prompted many studies of UV-B effects on plants. Most of these studies have focused on physiological and growth responses of plants to increased UV-B, but these measures may not be closely related to future survival of plant populations. We examined the effects of two different levels of increased UV-B on total female fitness, including seed number and quality, in rapid-cycling strains of Brassica nigra and B. rapa (Brassicaceae). We also measured the effects of UV-B on fitness components, particularly those related to pollination success. Two separate experiments, examining two different levels of UV-B, were performed. Sixty plants of each species were grown under control and enhanced levels of UV-B for a total of 480 plants (60 plantsx2 speciesx2 UV-B levelsx2 experiments). Increased UV-B was generally detrimental to growth and flowering in both species; however, total seed production was actually greater at higher UV-B doses in three of four dose/plant species combinations examined. UV-B had little effect on pollination success or offspring quality in either species. Therefore, in spite of the detrimental effects of UV-B on growth and flowering that we found, there is little evidence that fitness of these plant species would suffer with increasing UV-B, and we caution against using solely physiological or growth measurements to infer effects of UV-B on plant population fitness.  相似文献   

The carbon‐sink strength of temperate and boreal forests at midlatitudes of the northern hemisphere is decreased by ozone pollution, but knowledge on subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests is missing. Taking the dataset from Chinese studies covering temperate and subtropical regions, effects of elevated ozone concentration ([O3]) on growth, biomass, and functional leaf traits of different types of woody plants were quantitatively evaluated by meta‐analysis. Elevated mean [O3] of 116 ppb reduced total biomass of woody plants by 14% compared with control (mean [O3] of 21 ppb). Temperate species from China were more sensitive to O3 than those from Europe and North America in terms of photosynthesis and transpiration. Significant reductions in chlorophyll content, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, and ascorbate peroxidase induced significant injury to photosynthesis and growth (height and diameter). Importantly, subtropical species were significantly less sensitive to O3 than temperate ones, whereas deciduous broadleaf species were significantly more sensitive than evergreen broadleaf and needle‐leaf species. These findings suggest that carbon‐sink strength of Chinese forests is reduced by present and future [O3] relative to control (20–40 ppb). Given that (sub)‐tropical evergreen broadleaved species dominate in Chinese forests, estimation of the global carbon‐sink constraints due to [O3] should be re‐evaluated.  相似文献   

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