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Axillary osmidrosis is a benign disorder that causes functional and emotional problems in Asian patients. Recently, ApoD has been identified as an axillary odorant binding protein. The present study was designed to compare the expression of ApoD in normal and osmidrosis subjects. Compared with the normal subjects, osmidrosis subjects had a higher expression of AR and ApoD in the apocrine samples, both at mRNA and protein level. Further study showed that, consistent with the increased ApoD and AR, phosphorylated JNK1 was higher in apocrine samples from axillary osmidrosis subjects, while with no obvious differences of the total expression of JNK1. In the cultured apocrine epithelial cells from normal subjects, 5α-dihydrotestosterone (5α-DHT) increased the expression of ApoD in a dose dependent manner, which can be inhibited by the JNK1 inhibitor. In contrast, in the cultured apocrine epithelial cells from axillary osmidrosis subjects, inhibition of JNK1 significantly reduced the expression of ApoD. Taken together, our study here revealed that increased JNK1 activation in the apocrine cells from axillary osmidrosis contributes to the increased ApoD expression, which in turn involved in the process of axillary osmidrosis.  相似文献   

Summary The submandibular organ (a sort of apocrine sweat glands) of the rabbit was observed with the electron microscope. The cell structure of glandular tubules varies depending upon the secretory activity; there are three functional stages. The secretory cells at the resting stage are characterized by low height, absence of secretory substance, and presence of small and slender mitochondria.In the synthesizing stage, enlargement and peculiar deformation of mitochondria are observed. Secretory substance always occurs near the deformed mitochondria. The part of a mitochondrion closely abutting on the secretion mass is extremely thin, and contains longitudinally oriented cristae. Sometimes a direct continuity is observed between the thinned portion of the deformed mitochondria and the mass of secretory substance. It is presumed that the secretion is initially produced in the mitochondria and then discharged from them. The Golgi apparatus and the rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum may be involved indirectly. Smooth surfaced vesicles, probably related to the transport of raw material, are extremely abundant in the cells of this stage.The development of a generally homogeneous projection into the gland lumen is characteristic of the stage of secretion discharge. The mitochondria are again small and slender, and the secretion is liquefied. At the base of the full-grown projection, cytoplasm is condensed to form a demarcation zone from which the projection may become detached. This mechanism of release of secretory product is quite the same as the so-called apocrine secretory process long postulated by light microscopists.  相似文献   

Although it has been suggested that epithelial cells of the male reproductive system are involved in apocrine secretion, this method of secretion is not fully understood. In the present study, apocrine secretion was investigated in epithelial principal cells lining the epididymis and vas deferens (VD) of adult mice. The tissues were fixed by cardiac vascular perfusion with glutaraldehyde for routine electron microscope (EM) analysis and Bouin's fixative for light microscope (LM) immunocytochemistry to access functional roles. In the epididymis and VD, the apex of principal cells revealed protrusions of cytoplasm referred to as apical blebs (ABs). The latter contained solely numerous free ribosomes, 20 nm vesicles and few ER cisternae, suggesting segregation of their contents. While some ABs displayed wide areas of contact with the apical principal cell cytoplasm, others showed thin stalk-like attachment points as well as fissures at the junction of the two areas. Together with images of ABs and their contents deep in the lumen, it is suggested that ABs detach from principal cells whereupon they breakdown to release their contents therein. As ABs of the epididymis were immunoreactive for glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs) and ubiquitin, it is proposed that these proteins are synthesized on free ribosomes in ABs and that apocrine secretion represents the manner whereby they enter the lumen to effectively protect sperm from free radical injury and ubiquitinate proteins for degradation, respectively. ABs of the VD were immunoreactive for 3beta-HSD, suggesting that they are also capable of synthesis of steroids with their release via apocrine secretion. Taken together the data provide evidence for apocrine secretion in the adult mouse epididymis and VD that could play important roles in relation to sperm maturation, protection and viability.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, the final steps in both the regulated and constitutive secretory pathways can be divided into four distinct stages: (i) the 'approach' of secretory vesicles/granules to the PM (plasma membrane), (ii) the 'docking' of these vesicles/granules at the membrane itself, (iii) the 'priming' of the secretory vesicles/granules for the fusion process, and, finally, (iv) the 'fusion' of vesicular/granular membranes with the PM to permit content release from the cell. Recent work indicates that non-muscle myosin II and the unconventional myosin motor proteins in classes 1c/1e, Va and VI are specifically involved in these final stages of secretion. In the present review, we examine the roles of these myosins in these stages of the secretory pathway and the implications of their roles for an enhanced understanding of secretion in general.  相似文献   

Low-pH- and calcium-induced aggregation of regulated secretory proteins has been proposed to play a role in their retention and storage in secretory granules. However, this has not been tested for secretory proteins that are stored in the exocrine parotid secretory granules. Parotid granule matrix proteins were analyzed for aggregation in the presence or absence of calcium and in the pH range of 5.5 to 7.5. Amylase did not aggregate under these conditions, although <10% of parotid secretory protein (PSP) aggregated below pH 6.0. To test aggregation directly in isolated granules, rat parotid secretory granules were permeabilized with 0.1% saponin in the presence or absence of calcium and in the pH range of 5.0 to 8.4. In contrast to the low-pH-dependent retention of amylase in exocrine pancreatic granules, amylase was quantitatively released and most PSP was released from parotid granules under all conditions. Both proteins were completely released upon granule membrane solubilization. Thus neither amylase nor PSP show low-pH- or calcium-induced aggregation under physiological conditions in the exocrine parotid secretory granules.  相似文献   

Synthesis and glycosylation of larval salivary gland secretory proteins of Chironomus thummi were analyzed with respect to cell specific differences in the Balbiani ring (BR) pattern and glycoprotein composition of secretion formerly detected by histochemical staining procedures. In the secretion of a special cell type in salivary glands, which is characterized by the appearance of an additional BR, an additional polypeptide with a relative molecular weight (Mr) of 160 kD was found differing in its antigenic properties and tryptic fingerprint pattern from main cell secretion proteins. This so-called ssp-160 component is preferentially synthesized and glycosylated in the special cells. In the same cells, both the synthesis and glycosylation of all other major secretory proteins was found to be diminished or even repressed. In contrast to the conspicuous cell-specific differences at the level of protein synthesis, RNA analyses show the prominent synthesis of 75 S RNA in both main and special cells and gave no clear indication of the synthesis of a smaller RNA fraction as expected from the size of ssp-160 component. — These and further data on synthesis and properties of secretory proteins as well as expression of BR DNA are discussed with regard to the assumption that at least some of the eight major secretory polypeptides are coded for by BR DNA. The BR gene(s) might have originated by manifold duplications and modifications of short repetitive prototype DNA sequences, which are coordinatively expressed.On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of his birth-day we wish to dedicate this paper to Professor Wolfgang Beermann who was the first to detect, by the discovery of cell specific expression of BR 4 of Chironomus pallidivittatus salivary gland chromosomes and the concomitant occurrence of cell specific secretion granules, a causual relationship between the activity of a Balbiani ring and the appearance of a secretion component (Beermann, 1961)addressee for reprint requests  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gene transfer to salivary glands for use in treating both systemic and upper gastrointestinal tract diseases shows considerable potential. Numerous studies in rodents demonstrate that salivary glands can secrete transgenic secretory proteins either into saliva, primarily via the regulated secretory pathway (RSP), or into the bloodstream, primarily by the constitutive secretory pathway (CSP). The purpose of the present study was to assess the sorting characteristics of human growth hormone (hGH), a RSP protein, and human erythropoietin (hEpo), a CSP protein, in a large animal model of salivary gland gene transfer, the miniature pig. METHODS: Recombinant serotype 5 adenoviral (Ad5; 10(11) particles/gland) vectors encoding either hGH (AdCMVhGH) or hEpo (AdCMVhEpo) were administered to both parotid glands of male miniature pigs by intraductal cannulation. The secretion of hGH or hEpo was measured in both saliva and serum on days 3, 7 and 14 following administration. Detailed serum chemistry and hematological analyses were performed, and the presence of serum antibodies to hGH and hEpo was measured. For AdCMVhEpo-treated minipigs vector distribution in multiple tissues was determined by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR). RESULTS: The RSP protein hGH was secreted entirely into saliva, while the CSP protein hEpo was secreted into both saliva and serum. Most hEpo was found in saliva, but serum hEpo levels were sufficient to significantly increase hematocrit levels in treated animals by approximately 10%. Expression of both transgenes was maximal on day 3 and declined to near background by day 14. The amount of vector found in the targeted glands was 100 x more than in other tissues. CONCLUSIONS: Secretion of transgenic hGH from minipig parotid glands occurred principally into saliva via the RSP, as seen in rodents, while hEpo was secreted into both saliva and serum, the latter presumably via the CSP. Even though hEpo secretion into the bloodstream was not to the extent previously observed in rodents, serum hEpo levels were considerable and the hEpo was biologically active. Ad5 vector distribution was highly restricted to the parotid glands with little vector detected elsewhere. While the results in this large animal model support the established notion that salivary gland gene transfer can be used for treating systemic single protein deficiency disorders, they also highlight differences in transgenic CSP protein sorting between rodents and miniature pigs.  相似文献   

A family of abundant rat submandibular gland secretory proteins has been identified in glandular extracts and characterized. By amino acid analysis these proteins contain approximately 35% glutamic acid and glutamine plus 14% proline. They have therefore been named "Glx-rich proteins" (GRP). Plasmids containing cDNAs for a GRP have been isolated from a cDNA library prepared from rat submandibular gland poly(A)+RNA. The nucleotide sequence of these cDNAs have been determined. Approximately half of the protein coding sequence is composed of a 23-residue tandem repeat which is repeated five times. The first four repeats are highly conserved at both the nucleotide and amino acid level and consist of the prototype sequence: Asn-Gln-Glu-Pro-Pro-Ala-Thr-Ser-Gly-Ser-Glu-Glu-Glu-Gln-Gln-Gln-Gln-Glu- Pro-Thr-Gln-Ala-Glu. The expression of GRP appears to be specific to the submandibular gland. In vitro assays demonstrate that the GRP have a marked affinity for hydroxyapatite. This suggests that GRP may play a role in the formation of the protective acquired pellicle at the saliva-tooth interface.  相似文献   

The salivary proteins of Chironomus thummi larvae were separated by SDS gel electrophoresis and characterized by immunological techniques. As a result, five protein fractions (sp-220, sp-180, sp-35, sp-18, and sp-16) with molecular weights Mr=220000, 180000, 35000, 18000 and 16000 were identified in 6%–20% polyacrylamide gradient gels. In addition, three giant proteins fractions (molecular weights exceeding Mr=800000) were detected in composite polyacrylamide-agarose gels. Crossed immunoelectrophoresis allowed us to identify five immunochemically dissimilar organ-specific antigen fractions in the salivary gland secretion. Data were obtained indicating that the protein fractions, sp-220, sp-180, sp-35, sp-18, and sp-16, are immunochemically and structurally similar. The giant secretory proteins and the secretory fractions with low molecular weights were found to be immunochemically unrelated.  相似文献   

The secretory proteins of Chironomus tentans larvae form insoluble fibers that are spun into threads used to construct underwater feeding and pupation tubes. We began in vitro studies of the mechanism of assembly into fibers, the structure of the assembled proteins, and the contribution of individual proteins to the assembled structure. From measurements of turbidity and electron micrographs, we observed that the secretory proteins were isolated as complexes. These complexes are most likely at initial stages of assembly; further assembly into insoluble fibers must occur in vivo. Denaturation and reduction disrupted the complexes, and removal of the denaturing and reducing agents resulted in reassembly of the complexes. The circular dichroic spectrum of the complexes indicated that the assembled proteins had the tertiary structure alpha + beta. The largest secretory proteins were purified and shown to have both similar morphology, using electron microscopy, and a similar dichroic spectrum to that of the native complexes. We concluded that the large secretory proteins form the fibrous backbone of the complexes that we observe.  相似文献   

The apocrine axillary glands, regarded as pheromone-producing scent glands, do not begin to function until puberty. Accordingly, sex hormones should have an impact on their activity, and the present study was designed to investigate the localization of androgen receptor (AR) and estrogen receptors (ER and ER) in those glands. Strong nuclear immunoreactivity for AR and ER was found in the secretory epithelium. In AR especially, staining intensity was correlated with the height of the epithelium with more intense immunoreactivity in tall segments. Since the lower epithelium has been considered inactive or resting, our results suggest a correlation between steroid-receptor expression and secretory activity. Androgens are known to upregulate the cholesterol biosynthesis, and cholesterol may be used as precursor for pheromones. Accordingly, the results of this study establish a possible link between steroid hormone action and induction of pheromone production in the apocrine axillary glands.  相似文献   

We tested the effectof H-89, a protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor, on the intracellulartransit of the regulated secretory proteins in rat lacrimal glands. Weshow that H-89, by itself, induces the secretion of newly synthesizedproteins trafficking in its presence but not of proteins already storedin the mature secretory granules. This secretion does not depend on thepresence of extracellular Ca2+. The proteins released areidentical to those secreted after cholinergic stimulation or under theaction of the ionophore A-23187, but the secretion level is ~40%lower. The effect of H-89 seems to be due to PKA inhibition becauseother protein kinase inhibitors (calphostin C, chelerythrine, H-85) donot induce secretion. We further show that H-89 does not modify therate of glycoprotein galactosylation but induces the secretion of newlygalactosylated glycoproteins. Finally, we used a "20°C block"procedure to show that H-89 affects a trans-Golgi network (TGN)or post-TGN step of the secretory pathway. Our results demonstratethat, in lacrimal cells, H-89 affects the intracellular trafficking ofsecretory proteins, suggesting a role for PKA in this process.


Human oesophageal submucosal glands may be regularly demonstrated by first exposing the oesophageal lumen to toluidine blue which reveals the duct ostia. Four types of cell were identified in the glands - mucous, subsidiary or serous, myoepithelial and oncocytes. The mucous cell contained neutral, sialated and sulphated mucins. The subsidiary cells held smaller amounts of neutral and sialated mucin, plus fucosyl residues. No lipids were detectable histochemically. ATP-ase and alkaline phosphatase were shown in the capillary endothelium. The duct epithelium showed some nonspecific esterase activity not sensitive to E 600. By immunoperoxidase techniques, the duct epithelium was shown to be rich in cytokeratin. The subsidiary cells contained lysozyme, CEA and pepsinogen. B lymphocytes composed most of the periductular lymphoid aggregates, although some T cells were found there and also intraepithelial and subepithelial in relation to the stratified squamous epithelium lining the oesophagus. Langerhans' cells were also demonstrated as intraepithelial by several techniques.  相似文献   

We have identified two endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated Arabidopsis proteins, KMS1 and KMS2, which are conserved among most species. Fluorescent protein fusions of KMS1 localised to the ER in plant cells, and over-expression induced the formation of a membrane structure, identified as ER whorls by electron microscopy. Hydrophobicity analysis suggested that KMS1 and KMS2 are integral membrane proteins bearing six transmembrane domains. Membrane protein topology was assessed by a redox-based topology assay (ReTA) with redox-sensitive GFP and confirmed by a protease protection assay. A major loop domain between transmembrane domains 2 and 3, plus the N- and C-termini were found on the cytosolic side of the ER. A C-terminal di(tri)-lysine motif is involved in retrieval of KMS1 and deletion led to a reduction of the GFP-KMS1 signal in the ER. Over-expression of KMS1/KMS2 truncations perturbed ER and Golgi morphology and similar effects were also seen when KMS1/KMS2 were knocked-down by RNA interference. Microscopy and biochemical experiments suggested that expression of KMS1/KMS2 truncations inhibited ER to Golgi protein transport.  相似文献   

The SecD protein is one of the components that has been suggested from genetic studies to be involved in the protein secretion across the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli. We examined the effect of anti-SecD IgG on protein secretion using spheroplasts. Inhibition of the secretion of OmpA and maltose-binding protein (MBP) by this IgG was observed with concomitant accumulation of their precursor and mature forms in spheroplasts. This effect was specific to anti-SecD IgG. Anti-SecE and anti-SecY IgGs, of which the epitopes are located at the periplasmic domains of SecE and SecY, respectively, did not interfere with the secretion. Time-course experiments investigating the processing of proMBP and the release of MBP from spheroplasts revealed that anti-SecD IgG interfered with the release of the translocated mature MBP. The mature form of MBP thus accumulated was sensitive to trypsin, which was externally added to spheroplasts, whereas MBP released into the medium was resistant to trypsin as the native MBP is. The precursor form of MBP accumulated in spheroplasts was also trypsin resistant. We conclude that SecD is directly involved in protein secretion and important for the release of proteins that have been translocated across the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

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