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Age, growth and mortality were analysed for brown comber, Serranus hepatus, collected in the eastern Adriatic from May 2002 to June 2003. Fish aged 2–7 years were present in the samples. Growth in length including both sexes was expressed using the von Bertalanffy equation, L = 14.82, K = 0.217 and t0 = −1.672. Age class 2, ranging in length from 5.8 to 9.0 cm TL, dominated the sample (29.3%). Total and natural mortality were Z = 1.73 year−1 and M = 0.63 year−1, respectively. The exploitation rate, E = 0.64, revealed a high fishing pressure on the stock in the studied area.  相似文献   

A DNA methodology based on PCR and sequencing analysis of the mtDNA 16S rRNA gene was developed for the discrimination of picarel Spicara flexuosa and blotched picarel Spicara maena (Pisces: Centracanthidae). The molecular results indicated that there is a clear discrimination between the two species, as all the individuals of S. flexuosa revealed the same 16S rDNA haplotype while the S. maena haplotype differs in 15 distinct nucleotides.  相似文献   

Age, growth and mortality were analysed for red bandfish, Cepola macrophthalma, collected in the eastern Adriatic from May 2002 to June 2003. The oldest male was estimated to be age 4, the oldest female age 3. Parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation are: L = 55.0 cm (SE = 0.1), K = 0.445 (SE = 0.074) and t0 = ?0.1 (SE = 0.001) for males, and L = 48.9 cm (SE = 0.167), K = 0.395 (SE = 0.062) and t0 = ?0.009 (SE = 0.02) for females. The overall sex ratio was 1.42 : 1 in favour of males. Total mortality, corresponding to the slope of the descending limb of the catch curve, was Z = 1.20 per year for females and Z = 1.23 per year for males. Exploitation ratios were E = 0.479 for females and E = 0.433 for males.  相似文献   

Age, growth and mortality were analysed for the common two‐banded seabream, Diplodus vulgaris, collected in the eastern Adriatic (Croatian coast) from commercial fishery catches by ‘tramata’ fishing (2005–2006) to obtain growth estimation. The oldest female was estimated to be age 11, the oldest male age 10 years. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated by reading scales were: L = 48.60 cm (SE = 1.101), K = 0.112 (SE = 0.005) and t0 = ?2.366 (SE = 0.060) for all specimens; L = 51.96 cm (SE = 2.153), K = 0.095 (SE = 0.007) and t0 = ?2.837 (SE = 0.120) for females and L = 56.25 cm (SE = 2.662), K = 0.084 (SE = 0.067) and t0 = ?2.920 (SE = 0.117) for males. The overall sex ratio was 1.22 : 1 in favour of males. Total mortality, corresponding to the slope of the descending limb of the catch curve, was Z = 0.81 per year for females and Z = 0.85 per year for males. Exploitation ratios were E = 0.68 for females and E = 0.73 for males.  相似文献   

Data on the length–weight relationship, age, growth, sex ratio and mortality were analysed for the Mediterranean sand smelt, Atherina (Atherina) hepsetus L. (total = 2805; males = 1258; females = 1547) collected in the eastern middle Adriatic island area during the reproductive period (February to April) in 2002. The total length of sampled specimens ranged from 3.8 to 14.5 cm and the weight from 0.28 to 22.39 g. The overall sex ratio was 1.23 : 1 in favour of females, significantly different from the expected 1 : 1 ratio (χ2 = 29.76; P < 0.05). All individuals >13.4 cm were females. The oldest collected male and female specimens were 5 years old. The von Bertalanffy growth formula was estimated for females (L = 15.79 (1−e−0.43(t+0.049)) and males (L = 15.25 (1−e−0.43(t+0.018)). The power values (b) of the length–weight relationship were very similar for both sexes (b = 3.14) and indicated a slightly allometric growth. The instantaneous rates of mortality for all collected fish were Z = 1.44 year−1; M = 0.94 year−1 and F = 0.50 year−1. The exploitation ratio was E = F/Z = 0.35. The value for M is highly uncertain, however, as well as those values for F and E.  相似文献   

The population dynamics parameters of Diplodus annularis from the eastern middle Adriatic Sea were studied. Total lengths of 1704 specimens ranging from 3.3 to 23.0 cm were obtained from commercial and fishery‐independent catches (2000–2002). The species spawns from April through the end of August, with a peak in May. Overall male to female ratio was 1.00 : 1.05. The species is a rudimentary hermaphrodite in the Adriatic Sea. Total lengths (TL) at 50% maturity were 9.0 cm for males and 10.0 cm for females. These estimated sizes were smaller than the minimum legal landing size (MLS = 15 cm) and greater than the actual minimum landing size (Lc = 7.1 cm) for the bottom trawl net. All specimens sampled were fully mature above 13 cm TL. The oldest individual was 13 years old. Length–weight relationship showed close to isometric growth (b = 3.073). Parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation were: L = 23.95 cm; K = 0.126 per year; t0 = −1.664 year; r2 = 0.896. The low value of total mortality (Z = 0.72) was a consequence of the relatively low rate of natural mortality (M = 0.39) and fishing mortality (F = 0.33). The exploitation ratio was E = 0.46. Estimated parameters and the relative yield‐per‐recruit analysis did not indicate any overexploitation of the species in the study area. However, the estimates include uncertainties and require further confirmation, especially of the natural mortality.  相似文献   


The present study analyses the climatic patterns of that part of the eastern Adriatic coast belonging to the Republic of Croatia and the narrow zone of the inlands. This area comprises a part of the Mediterranean phytogeographic region characterised by the Mediterranean climate type, and the transitional area towards the Eurosiberian phytogeographic region influenced by the continental climate type. The analysis was performed using multivariate numerical methods, cluster analysis following by the inertia analysis, and Principal Components Analysis with partitioning, considering the principal local climatic gradients in the data set. Six main climate classes were obtained. The results are biologically more interpretable than those obtained by using either numerical indices or the Walter climate diagram system. This suggests that multivariate numerical methods could be more efficient tools for detecting biologically significant climatic patterns on a small spatial scale.  相似文献   

The population dynamics parameters of scaldfish, Arnoglossus laterna, from the Adriatic Sea were studied. Specimens ranging from 4.5 to 17.1 cm in total length were collected from commercial bottom‐trawl catches (2000–2006). Spawning from April through the end of August with a peak in May, A. laterna is one of the non‐target species usually present in mixed bottom trawl catches. The overall male to female ratio was 1.00 : 0.61. The oldest individual was 6 years of age. Length–weight relationships showed positive allometric growth (b = 3.36 for males and b = 3.39 for females). Parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation were: L= 17.3 cm; K = 0.258 per year; t0 = ?1.0026 year; R2 = 0.925. The relatively low value of total mortality (Z = 0.90) and relatively high value of constant rate of natural mortality (M = 0.64) was estimated. Presumed calculated fishing mortality (F = 0.26) and the consequently estimated exploitation ratio (E = 0.29) indicated no danger of an over‐exploitation of this species in the study area at the current level of fishing pressure. The low T max and correspondingly high M suggest that this small benthic predator plays an important role in the Adriatic ecosystem as a prey species for large benthic predators. However, the estimates include uncertainties and require further confirmation, especially with regard to natural mortality.  相似文献   

Salema Sarpa salpa (Linnaeus, 1758), were caught in the middle-eastern Adriatic Sea from August to November 2004. Length range of the samples was between 10.3 and 43.9 cm, with mean values of 25.5 cm in males, 32.6 cm in females, and 11.4 and 20.2cm in immature and hermaphrodite specimens, respectively. Sex ratio (males : females) was 3.1 : 1. Males were observed up to 37 cm length. Hermaphrodites showed lengths between 18 and 21 cm. The species was characterized by protandric hermaphroditism. Size at sexual maturity was 20.6 cm (2 years old) for males. Total length-total weight relationship for the entire population is described by the parameters a  = 0.00893, and b  = 3.1055. Otolith age readings showed that the population consisted of 15 age groups (1–15 years), including a very high proportion of individuals 1–7 years old. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters were L  = 33.11cm, k  = 0.514, and t 0 = −0.392 years for males and L  = 40.85cm, k  = 0.179, and t 0 = −2.606 years for females. Survival rate of females ( S  = 0.870) was much greater than for males ( S  = 0.769).  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to classify and describe all plant communities with Quercus coccifera covering the entire eastern Adriatic coast and islands from north Croatia to south Albania, and to relate their species composition, chorotypes and life forms to environmental factors using Pignatti ecological indicator values. From total 70 phytosociological relevés, we identified and described four floristically and ecologically distinctive vegetation communities (two new proposed subassociations, one association and stand each) using TWINSPAN and the Braun-Blanquet classification scheme. In Croatia and Montenegro, Q. coccifera is forming macchia within the Fraxino orni–Quercetum cocciferae pistacietosum lentisci. Quercus coccifera occurs only sparsely in south Croatia as a shrubland within Fraxino orni–Quercetum cocciferae nerietosum oleandri subassociation or macchia within the Erico arboreae–Arbutetum unedonis association. Despite the difference in biogeographic position and bioclimates, low shrubby Albanian Q. coccifera stands are more closely related to the Q. coccifera communities from the western Mediterranean. Eastern Adriatic communities appear exclusively within the Querceta ilicis vegetation zone and spread within the meso-Mediterranean belt. They nevertheless are an important part of the region's natural heritage and management plans must ensure that all forms of land are used in a sustainable way.  相似文献   

The age and growth of an Asturian population of the bib Trisopterus luscus L. were studied based on 990 bibs from monthly catches from October 1986 until October 1988.Using the estimates of age taken from otolith readings, it was possible to construct a growth curve for the whole range of ages and demonstrate that most growth takes place during the first two years of life. The maximum age was found to be 5 years. The largest fish caught during the investigation measured 430 mm in standard length.The different growth rates of males and females show that in most cases the mean standard length of females was equal to or greater than that of the males.  相似文献   

Stable oxygen isotope analyses of U-shaped spines removed at intervals along profiles of the outer shell surface of Pinna nobilis (L) were used to reconstruct sea surface temperature (SST) and validate the periodicity of adductor muscle scar rings on the inner shell surface. Elemental ratios (Mg:Ca and Sr:Ca) of spines, determined using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES), were compared with the SST estimated from the stable oxygen isotopic composition of the shell deposited at the same time. The elemental ratios and the stable oxygen isotopic composition recorded in the shell were significantly correlated: Mg:Ca ratio=0.0002 (seawater temperature)+0.0095 (r2=0.445), Sr:Ca ratio=0.00005 (seawater temperature)+0.0014 (r2=0.887). The ratios in the spines were highest when the SST was warmest during July and August and were lowest between January and February when the SST was minimal.The positions of the first and second adductor muscle scar rings, unlike the later rings, are often difficult to discern, and in large shells they are obscured by nacre. Seasonal patterns in the elemental ratios were used to characterise the age in regions of the outer shell surface corresponding to the first two years of shell growth. A combination of both elemental ratios and muscle scar rings were used to estimate the age and hence the growth rate of P. nobilis from three locations in the Croatian Adriatic. Annual cycles of shell growth, inferred from the seasonal pattern in the element ratios, were used to determine the season of recruitment of fan mussels at several localities along the Croatian coastline. Pinnids generally settled during late autumn and winter although one shell from Mali Ston Bay settled during the summer. P. nobilis from Mali Ston Bay exhibited the fastest growth reaching a length of ∼60 cm and an age of 9 years, whereas those from Malo jezero grew the slowest attaining a length of ∼50 cm at 12 years of age.  相似文献   

The age, growth and mortality of the Mediterranean amberjack Seriola dumerili (Risso 1810) were determined in 298 specimens collected in the south-eastern Adriatic Sea (Donji Molunat Bay) from 17 May to 26 June 1997. The total length ranged from 32.0 to 160.0 cm and weight from 0.5 to 46.5 kg. Ten age classes, ranging from 1° to 10° years were defined by scale readings. Mean total length and weight-at-age data were used to estimate the growth parameters of the von Bertalanffy equation: L =174.6 cm, K =0.190, t 0=–0.314; W =79.01 kg, K =0.139 and t 0=–0.746. The length–weight relationship was estimated at: W =0.000123 ×  L 2.847. The overall sex ratio was 1 : 1.06 in favour of males. Total ( Z ) and natural ( M ) mortality were found to be 0.41 years−1 and 0.30 years–1, respectively. The exploitation ratio ( E =0.27) indicates that the fishing pressure on the Mediterranean amberjack was low in the investigated region.  相似文献   

Data on the juvenile recruitment, growth and size at maturation of Lipophrys pholis in Portuguese waters are compared with the information available on the biology of this species at higher latitudes. In Portugal, recruitment extends for a much longer period, young fish grow faster and sexual maturation is earlier than at higher latitudes. There is a delay of 2–3 months between the appearance of the first eggs on the shore and the recruitment of the first juveniles to the pools.  相似文献   

Striped seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus L. (n=731) caught off the Canary Islands from January 1999 to June 2000 were studied. Fish ranged in size from 113 to 372 mm total length, weighing from 21.1 to 748.2 g total weight. Weight increased allometrically with size (b=2.9071). Fish age was 0–10-years-old. Growth was relatively slow (k=0.88 years−1), with females growing at a slightly faster rate than males. The species displayed protandric hermaphroditism. Male : female ratio was unbalanced in favour of males (1 : 0.85). Males predominated in smaller sizes, females in larger sizes, and intersexual individuals were in intermediate sizes. The reproductive season extended from June to December, with a peak in spawning activity in August–September. Males reached maturity at 207 mm (2 years) and females at 246 mm (3 years). The real value of instantaneous rate of natural mortality was between 0.30 and 0.45 years−1.  相似文献   

Age, growth and reproduction of the black scorpionfish, Scorpaena porcus were studied in specimens from the coast of the Sinop Peninsula (Black Sea) between March 2002 and April 2003 in order to characterize these population parameters in comparison to specimens from populations of nearby regions. A total of 1086 specimens was captured by beam trawl at the depths between 0 and 30 m. The total number of females (510) was significantly higher than that of males (373). Total length of males and females ranged between 5.7 and 23.6 cm, and 4.9 and 31.7 cm, respectively. The length–weight relationship showed a positive allometric growth. Females grew faster and reached a larger size at age than males ( L  = 111.9 cm, K  = 0.035 year−1, φ' = 2.64 for females, and L  = 74.6 cm, K  = 0.054 year−1, φ' = 2.49 for males). The age range estimated was up to 8 years for females and 5 years for males. Reproduction likely occurs between June and September. Sex ratio varied greatly with season, perhaps indicating different seasonal migratory patterns in adults of different sex. An inverse correlation between gonadosomatic index (GSI) and hepatosomatic index (HSI) was evident during the reproduction seasons. The mean size at first sexual maturity was 17.5 cm TL for females, and 16.7 cm TL for males.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to investigate boxlip mullet, Oedalechilus labeo (Cuvier, 1829), a species that lives in open, oligotrophic and stenohaline waters, exhibits slower growth rates and has a longer life span than other mugilids. A total of 1662 specimens ranging from 2.2 to 24.4 cm TL were obtained by beach seine in the eastern Adriatic Sea. The overall sex ratio was unbalanced in favour of females (1.0 : 1.3) and differed statistically from the expected 1 : 1. The reproductive season extended through summer and autumn. All specimens above 15 cm TL were sexually mature. Length‐weight relationship for males was TW (g) = 0.010 × TL (cm)2.975 and TW (g) = 0.009 × TL (cm)3.014 for females. The age study comprised 150 (38.5%) males, 192 (49.4%) females, and 47 (12.1%) immature O. labeo, for a total of 389 individuals. Age of the fish was determined by scale readings, with the maximum age of 10+ observed for both sexes. A predominance of age classes 1+ and 2+ (71.0%) in the total catch was noted. Parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation for combined samples were: L = 25.93 cm, k = 0.192 year?1 and t0 = ?1.427 year. The growth parameters showed that males grew at a slightly lower rate than females. The size and age frequency distributions of both sexes were not significantly different. When compared to other mugilids, O. labeo reaches the lowest maximum body length and has a relatively slower growth and a longer life span.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the age, growth, mortality and morphometry of the sand smelt, Atherina boyeri, in the Mala Neretva River estuary (mid‐eastern Adriatic Sea). The study of scale annuli showed that the population is up to 4 years of age. However, most sand smelt are in their first and second year; the numbers of older individuals are very low because they migrate upstream and are heavily fished. The von Bertalanffy parameters for the total sample of sand smelt were found to be L = 13.5 cm, K = 0.37 year?1 and t0 = ?0.97. Overall total mortality was estimated at 1.81 year?1, natural mortality was 0.90 year?1 and fishing mortality was 0.91 year?1.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of 1482 specimens of painted comber, Serranus scriba (Linnaeus, 1758), caught in the Trogir Bay area (eastern mid‐Adriatic) from June 2001 to May 2002 were studied to provide information on age, growth, length–weight relationship, mortality and exploitation rate of the species’ stock. Annuli on otholiths indicated the presence of seven age‐classes. Obtained von Bertalanffy growth parameters were: L = 30.36 cm, K = 0.192 year?1 and t0 = ?0.366.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of calanoid copepod belonging to the family of Ridgewayiidae is described from an anchialine cave on the small island of Badija, Croatia. In the new species Badijella jalzici, body length varies from 720-870 µm in both sexes. The prosome is 6-segmented, the female urosome is 4-segmented and 5-segmented in the male. The antennules are symmetrical and 26-segmented in the female, and 23-segmented on right side in the male, with two areas of geniculation. The caudal rami are symmetrical and longer than wide. The mouthparts and swimming legs 1-4 are identical in both sexes. The female fifth leg is biramous and symmetrical; the male fifth legs are strongly developed, asymmetrical, biramous on both sides, endopods 2-segmented and exopods 2-segmented and complex in structure.  相似文献   

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