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Abstract We have recently demonstrated that the calmodulin antagonist trifluoperazine has antitubercular activity in vitro against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv susceptible and resistant to isoniazid. It is shown that trifluoperazine at a concentration of 50 μ g ml−1 when added to the cells along with the labelled precursors inhibited the incorporation of [14C]acetate into lipids (63%) and uptake of [14C]glycine (74%) and [3H]thymidine (52%) bu whole cells of M. tuberculosis H37Rv by 6 h of exposure. After 48 h, the inhibition was 87%, 97% and 74%, respectively. However, when the drug was added to cells taking up and metabolizing the labelled precursors at a later point (3 h for [14C]acetate and [3H]thymidine and 12 h for [14C]glycine) it inhibited completely the uptake of all the precursors, at least up to 24 h. The onset of inhibitory action was very rapid, i.e. 3 h. It is suggested that trifluoperazine has multiple sites of action and acts probably by affecting the synthesis of lipids, proteins and DNA.  相似文献   

Mechanisms regulating masculinization of the zebra finch song system are unclear; both estradiol and sex‐specific genes may be important. This study was designed to investigate relationships between estrogen and ribosomal proteins (RPL17 and RPL37; sex‐linked genes) that exhibit greater expression in song control nuclei in juvenile males than females. Four studies on zebra finches were conducted using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) injections on posthatching days 6–10 with immunohistochemistry for the ribosomal proteins and the neuronal marker HuC/D at day 25. Volumes of brain regions were also assessed in Nissl‐stained tissue. Most BrdU+ cells expressed RPL17 and RPL37. The density and percentage of cells co‐expressing BrdU and HuC/D was greatest in Area X. The density of BrdU+ cells in Area X (or its equivalent) and the percentage of these cells that were neurons were greater in males than females. In RA and HVC, total BrdU+ cells were increased in males. A variety of effects of estradiol were also detected, including inducing an Area X in females with a masculine total number of BrdU+ cells, and increasing the volume and percentage of new neurons in the HVC of females. The same manipulation in males decreased the density of BrdU+ cells in Area X, total number of BrdU+ cells in RA, and density of new neurons in HVC and RA. These data are consistent with the idea that RPL17, RPL37, and estradiol might all influence sexual differentiation, perhaps with the hormone and proteins interacting, such that an appropriate balance is required for normal development. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 2009  相似文献   

Experiments on the rat liver homogenates and slices show that formate stimulates carbon incorporation from [1-14C] lysine and [2-14C] acetate into proteins and from [2-14C] acetate into lipids. The stimulating effect depends on both the formate concentration and nature of the labelled precursor. The in vitro experiments demonstrate the highest stimulating effect on the metabolism of both proteins and lipids under administration of 2 microM formate per 100 g of animal mass. Determination of the label incorporation rate at different time after formate administration showed that the latter evokes an intensified synthesis of protein with rate of its decay remaining the same.  相似文献   

The renewal of labeled proteins in neuronal and glial cells was investigated by means of quantitative light microscope radioautography. Adult and young mice were sacrificed at long intervals after one tritiated leucine injection. Results shpwed the persistance of an increased quantity of label in the young glial cells. For both adult and young, the relative rate of labeled protein breakdown was higher in oligodendrocytes than in astrocytes.  相似文献   

Seven different tissue culture cells have been cultured with and without mycoplasma (M. hyorhinis) in the presence of various precursors of RNA. Total cellular RNA was isolated and analysed by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels. The results obtained with mycoplasma-infected cells can be summarized as follows:
1. 1. When cells are labelled with [8-3H]guanosine or [5-3H]uridine there is some incorporation into host cell 28S and 18S rRNA, but it is less than into mycoplasma 23S and 16S rRNA. [8-3H]guanosine or [5-3H]uridine are also incorporated into host cell and mycoplasma tRNA and mycoplasma 4.7S RNA, but the incorporation into host cell 5S rRNA and low molecular weight RNA components (LMW RNA) is reduced.
2. 2. [5-3H]uracil is not incorporated into host cell RNA but into mycoplasma tRNA, 4.7S RNA, a mycoplasma low molecular weight RNA component M1 and 23S and 16S rRNA.
3. 3. [3H]methyl groups are incorporated into mycoplasma tRNA, 23S and 16S rRNA, but not into host cell 28S, 18S, 5S rRNA nor into mycoplasma 4.7S RNA.
4. 4. With [32P]orthophosphate or [3H]adenosine as precursors, the labelling is primarily in the host RNA.
Mycoplasma infection influences the labelling of RNA primarily by an effect on the utilization of the exogenously added radioactive RNA precursors, since the generation time of mycoplasma infected cells is about the same as that of uninfected cells. Mycoplasma infection may completely prevent the identification of LMW RNA components.  相似文献   

H G Preuss  H Goldin 《Life sciences》1979,25(6):497-505
We used the incorporation of 14C-uridine into RNA of incubating kidney fragments from normal control rats to evaluate RNA metabolism. Sera from unilaterally nephrectomized rats (uni) obtained 20 hrs post-operatively stimulate 14C-uridine incorporation into RNA significantly more than sera from sham-operated rats (sham). Differently, sera from uni and sham rats have little influence on specific activities of endogenous uridine nucleotide pool in renal fragments. Renal extracts were obtained by homogenizing kidneys in saline. Extracts from kidneys of uni and sham rats 20 hrs post operation depress incorporation markedly, and each depresses to a similar extent, but kidney extracts dilute the specific activities of uridine pools. Correcting for the latter dilution demonstrates that kidney extracts alone have little effect on 14C-uridine incorporation into RNA. We then followed the results when these sera and extracts were combined. Compared to fragments incubating in sham sera and sham extracts, substitution of uni extracts or both uni extracts and uni sera enhances 14C-uridine into renal RNA, whether or not results are corrected for changes in the specific activities of the uridine pools. We conclude that after uninephrectomy there is a concurrent elevation in circulating renotropin and a tissue activating factor in the remaining kidney. The tissue factor can only form an excitor to 14C-uridine incorporation into RNA when serum is present. The rat renotropic system that enhances incorporation of 3H-thymidine into DNA also can stimulate 14C-uridine incorporation into renal RNA.  相似文献   

High mobility group (HMG) proteins in human kidney T1 and murine L 929 cells have been investigated after exposure to heat shock at 41 degrees C and their influence on the organizational change of chromatin under heat shock condition has been examined. Results reveal that the two cell lines show differential response of the HMG proteins 1 & 2 and 14 & 17 to heat shock. Neither T1 nor L 929 cells show significant differences in response to heat shock with respect to the binding affinities of HMG proteins 1 & 2 or 14 & 17 to DNA, as revealed by DNase I sensitivity and chromatin reconstitution assays. Furthermore, the HMG proteins of both the non-heat shocked and the heat shocked T1 and L 929 cells can recover their chromatin activity following reconstitution. These findings suggest that although the HMG proteins might undergo some change in response to heat shock, their inherent potential of reassociation with DNA is still retained.  相似文献   

Standard cryopreservation protocols recommend the use of dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) at moderate temperatures only (room temperature, 4 degrees C) due to its toxicity which appears to be potentiated by warm temperatures. In the present study, we asked whether a transient increase in temperature during membrane sealing of cryovials affects the cell viability. We show here that the cell viability of hybridoma cells and Schwann cells was not reduced following membrane sealing of cryotubes. On the contrary, incubation of cells at 37 degrees C in Me2SO-containing medium prior to freezing significantly stimulated the viability of cryopreserved hybridoma cells, whereas the viability of Schwann cells remained unaltered. We conclude that the exposure of cells to Me2SO at elevated temperatures does not necessarily reduce cell viability and that contrary to this, cell type-specific, beneficial effects of Me2SO could be observed.  相似文献   

The kinetics of thermal adaptation at the nonlethal temperature of 40 degrees C was studied in CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) cells in vitro. Thermal resistance, demonstrated as an increase in mean 45 degrees C killing time or as an increase in the shoulder of the 45 degrees C survival curve, was fully developed by 2 h. Control cells in early logarithmic phase were more heat sensitive than those in stationary phase. Corresponding 45 degrees C killing time frequency distributions were unimodal with an increase in mean killing time from early logarithmic to stationary phase. Cells which were thermally adapted at 40 degrees C for 6 h had biphasic 45 degrees C killing time frequency distributions, and as cells progressed from early logarithmic to stationary phase the heat-sensitive subpopulation progressively declined. Exposure to 40 degrees C produced a 30% increase in total protein synthesis. Proteins with molecular weights 72, 89, and 109 kDa which correspond to those induced by lethal heat shock were synthesized at 40 degrees C, but there was no close temporal correlation between the development of heat resistance at 40 degrees C and synthesis of the heat shock proteins. Cycloheximide (100 micrograms/ml) reduced the mean 45 degrees C killing time but did not totally prevent the development of heat resistance at 40 degrees C.  相似文献   

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