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Responses of 92 neurons of the reticular (R) and 105 neurons of the ventral anterior (VA) thalamic nuclei to stimulation of the ventrobasal complex (VB) and the lateral (GL) and medial (GM) geniculate bodies were investigated in cats immobilized with D-tobocurarine. Altogether 72.2% of R neurons and 76.2% of VA neurons responded to stimulation of VB whereas only 15.0% of R neurons and 27.1% of VA neurons responded to stimulation of GM and 10.2% of R neurons and 19.6% of VA neurons responded to stimulation of GL. The response of the R and VA neurons to stimulation of the relay nuclei as a rule was expressed as excitation. A primary inhibitory response was observed for only two R and three VA neurons. Two types of excitable neurons were distinguished: The first respond to afferent stimulation by a discharge consisting of 5–15 spikes with a frequency of 250–300/sec; the second respond by single action potentials. Neurons of the first type closely resemble inhibitory interneurons in the character of the response. Antidromic responses were recorded from 2.2% of R neurons and 7.8% of VA neurons during stimulation of the relay nuclei. Among the R and VA neurons there are some which respond to stimulation not only of one, but of two or even three relay nuclei. If stimulation of one relay nucleus is accompanied by a response of a R or VA neuron, preceding stimulation of another nucleus leads to inhibition of the response to the testing stimulus if the interval between conditioning and testing stimuli is less than 30–50 msec.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 597–605, November–December, 1976. 相似文献
Unit and focal responses arising in the parietal associative region (anterior part of the middle suprasylvian gyrus) to various forms of peripheral stimulation were investigated in acute experiments on cats anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of chloralose (40 mg/kg) and pentobarbital (20 mg/kg). Under these conditions focal potentials of the associative response (AR) type appear. They consist of three components: negative, positive, and negative. The positive and second negative components have their polarity changed as the recording electrode is inserted to a depth of 1200–1500 µ. Two types of unit responses related to the development of the positive and negative phases are distinguished. This applies to responses of both monosensory and polysensory neurons, and even the same neuron may give responses of both first and second types because of their unstable latent period. In the case of intracellular or "partial intracellular" recording, excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs and IPSPs) corresponding to the first and second types of responses were observed, so that the total unit response had the form of an EPSP-IPSP-EPSP-IPSP sequence. With most neurons whose activity was recorded in this way the first EPSP and IPSP were not observed.State Medical Institute, Kemerovo. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol.4, No.4, pp. 358–367, July–August, 1972. 相似文献
A microelectrode investigation was made of responses of 72 physiologically identified neurons of the ventral posterior (VP) and 116 neurons of the ventral lateral (VL) thalamic nuclei to electrical stimulation of the reticular (R) thalamic nucleus. Mainly those neurons of VP and VL (73.7 and 86.2% respectively) which responded to stimulation of the first motor area and nucleus interpositus of the cerebellum responded to stimulation of R; 19.8% of VL neurons tested responded to stimulation of R by an antidromic action potential with latent period of 0.5–2.0 msec and 46.6% of neurons responded by orthodromic excitation; 23% of orthodromic responses had a latent period of 0.9–3.5 msec and 77% a latent period of 4.0–21.0 msec; 19.8% of VL neurons tested were inhibited. Among IPSPs recorded only one was monosynaptic (1.0 msec) and the rest polysynaptic. It is postulated that both R neurons are excitatory and that the inhibition which develops in VL neurons during stimulation of R are connected mainly with activation of inhibitory interneurons outside the reticular nucleus.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 477–485, September–October, 1977. 相似文献
M. Ya. Voloshin 《Neurophysiology》1972,4(4):290-295
Responses of 189 neurons of the somatosensory cortex to stimulation of the nonspecific reticular (R) and anteroventral (AV) nuclei of the thalamus were studied in cats anesthetized with thiopental and immobilized with tubocurarine. In the series of experiments with stimulation of R and, for comparison, of the specific ventral posterolateral nucleus (VPL), 132 neurons were recorded, of which 22 (16.7%) did not respond to stimulation of these nuclei, 77 (58.3%) responded only to stimulation of VPL, and 33 (25%) responded to stimulation of both VPL and R. In the series of experiments in which AV was stimulated, 57 neurons were recorded. Eight (14.8%) responded to neither stimulus and 25 (43.1%) responded only to stimulation of VPL; 24 responded to stimulation of AV (42.1%), and of these, 10 also responded to stimulation of VPL. A characteristic feature of unit responses in the somatosensory cortex to stimulation of the nonspecific nuclei was the irregularity of the responses and their longer latent period. Only five cells responded sooner to stimulation of the nonspecific nuclei than to stimulation of VPL. Responses of the nonspecific nuclei to stimulation appeared clearly only if the stimulation was repetitive. Preliminary stimulation of R blocks the response to stimulation of VPL during the subsequent 40–60 msec.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol.4, No.4, pp. 384–390, July–August, 1972. 相似文献
M. Ya. Voloshin 《Neurophysiology》1973,5(4):259-264
Responses of 124 neurons in the anterior division of the middle suprasylvian gyrus to stimulation of the reticular (R) and anteroventral (VA) nuclei and the pulvinar (Pulv.) of the thalamus were studied in acute experiments on unanesthetized cats immobilized with D-tubocurarine. Responses of 70 neurons to stimulation of R and Pulv. were investigated. Altogether 51.5% of the cells of this group responded to stimulation of R while 38.6% of neurons responded to stimulation both of R and of Pulv., indicating convergence of afferents from nonspecific and associative nuclei of the thalamus on these neurons. Responses of 54 cells to stimulation of VA and Pulv. were investigated. The tests showed that 72.2% of neurons responded to stimulation of VA and convergence of afferents from VA and Pulv. was found in 29.6% of neurons. As a rule neurons were excited in response to stimulation of R and VA. Inhibition was observed in only one neuron in response to stimulation of R and in six neurons in response to stimulation of VA. The latent period of responses to stimulation of R varied between 2.2 and 37.0 msec, of VA from 6.0 to 35.5 msec, and of Pulv. from 2.1 to 35.0 msec. The length of the latent periods to stimulation of nonspecific and associative nuclei were compared for groups of neurons for which convergence of afferent influences from R and Pulv. or from VA and Pulv. was found. The question of connections of R and VA with the parietal association cortex is discussed.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 339–347, July–August, 1973. 相似文献
Responses of 98 neurons of the reticular (R) and 72 neurons of the ventral anterior (VA) thalamic nuclei to stimulation of various zones of the orbitofrontal cortex were investigated in acute experiments on cats immobilized with D-tubocurarine. Not all zones of this cortex were found to be connected equally closely with R and VA. Most of the R (82.7%) and VA (66.7%) neurons responded to stimulation of the proreal gyrus, and fewest (37.3 and 48.9%, respectively) to stimulation of the posterior orbital gyrus. Among the responding neurons, 85.2–86.3% of R cells and 78.2–81.2% of VA cells were excited by cortical stimulation and the rest were inhibited. Excitation was expressed as the appearance of a single spike or of discharges of varied duration in response to each stimulus. The latent period of the spike responses varied from 0.5 to 55.0 msec and the minimal latent period of the discharges was 0.8 msec and its maximal value over 500 msec. The spike frequency in the discharge was 120–250/sec. Unit responses consisting of spikes with a latent period of under 1.3 msec and, it is assumed, some of the responses with a latent period of under 4.0 msec were antidromic. The axons of some R and VA neurons were shown to form branches terminating in different zones of the orbitofrontal cortex. 相似文献
In acute experiments on cats anesthetized with pentobarbital and chloralose, single-unit and focal responses of the medial group of thalamic nuclei (mediodorsal, central lateral, paracentral, central medianum, parafascicular) were studied to stimulation of the frontobasal regions of the cortex (proreal, posterior orbital, basal temporal regions). Depending on the number of neurons responding to cortical stimulation and on the length of the latent period of the responses three functionally heterogeneous subdividions of the medial nuclei were distinguished; the parvocellular and magnocellular portions of the mediodorsal nucleus and the intralaminar nuclei with the parafascicular complex. On the basis of responses of neurons activated antidromically by stimulation of the same cortical region and synaptically by stimulation of another region, the concept of the integrative function of nuclei of the medial group, integrating the frontobasal zones of the neocortex with the aid of neuron circuits in which the medial nuclei are included, is argued.M. Gor'kii Donetsk Medical Institute. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 11–18, January–February, 1977. 相似文献
V. M. Shaban 《Neurophysiology》1972,4(4):277-282
Unit responses in the anterior zone of the suprasylvian gyrus to visual, electrodermal, and acoustic stimulation were investigated in experiments on unanesthetized cats immobilized with tubocurarine. Electrical activity was recorded from 131 units, 121 of which were spontaneously active. In 65.5% of cells responses consisted of a short or long increase or a decrease in intensity of spike activity. Most cells (58.2%) were monosensory. Responses to visual stimulation were given by 72% of neurons, to electrodermal by 61.6%, and to acoustic by 9.3%. The corresponding latent periods were 20–40, 20–30, and 15–20 msec. Responses of the same neurons to different peripheral stimuli were uniform or they differed in their dynamics. Intracellular recording gave responses in the form of EPSPs (amplitude 4–5 mV, duration 60–80 msec) or, rarely, IPSPs (amplitude 2–3 mV, duration 160–200 msec). The functional organization of the associative cortex and mechanisms of analysis of incoming afferent information are discussed.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 368–374, July–August, 1972. 相似文献
Neuronal responses of the parietal associative cortex (PAC) field 7 to the electrical stimulation of laterodorsal (LD) and posterolateral (PL) thalamic nuclei were studied in calypsol-narcotized cats. A correlation between depth, duration of the background activity inhibition and latent periods was determined for distribution of neurons responding to stimulation of associative nuclei by impulses. It is shown that there are functional relations between LD and field 7 of PAC. Common and specific peculiarities of neuronal responses of the associative cortex were found when a volley of impulses came from LD- and PA-nuclei of the thalamus. 相似文献
Responses of caudate neurons to stimulation of the anterior sigmoid and various parts of the suprasylvian gyrus were studied in acute experiments on cats. The experiments consisted of two series: on animals with an intact thalamus and on animals after preliminary destruction of the nonspecific thalamic nuclei. Stimulation of all cortical areas tested in intact animals evoked complex multicomponent responses in caudate neurons with (or without) initial excitation, followed by a phase of inhibition and late activation. The latent periods of the initial responses to stimulation of all parts of the cortex were long and averaged 14.5–25.5 msec. Quantitative and qualitative differences were established in responses of the caudate neurons to stimulation of different parts of the cortex. Considerable convergence of cortical influences on neurons of the caudate nucleus was found. After destruction of the nonspecific thalamic nuclei all components of the complex response of the caudate neurons to cortical stimulation were preserved, and only the time course of late activation was modified.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 464–471, September–October, 1980. 相似文献
The character and particular features of interaction between visual, auditory, and electrodermal afferent impulses on neurons of the pulvinar, posterolateral, and mediodorsal thalamic nuclei were studied in acute experiments on cats anesthetized with a mixture of pentobarbital and chloralose. Interaction discovered on cells of both groups of structures was of two types. In the first (the one most frequently found) only inhibition was observed or inhibition followed by facilitation of the response to testing stimulation; in the second type only facilitation or facilitation followed by inhibition of unit activity was found. Overall ability for interaction to take place on neurons of the mediodorsal nucleus was weaker than on cells of the pulvinar-posterolateral complex (P<0.05). Interaction was strongest on trisensory cells; it was also observed on monosensory cells or on cells which did not respond to isolated stimulation.Donetsk Medical Institute. Kemerovo Medical Institute. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 478–485, September–October, 1978. 相似文献
V. V. Garkavenko 《Neurophysiology》1976,8(4):267-272
Unit responses of the first (SI) somatosensory area of the cortex to stimulation of the second somatosensory area (SII), the ventral posterior thalamic nucleus, and the contralateral forelimb, and also unit responses in SII evoked by stimulation of SI, the ventral posterior thalamic nucleus, and the contralateral forelimb were investigated in experiments on cats immobilized with D-tubocurarine or Myo-Relaxin (succinylcholine). The results showed a substantially higher percentage of neurons in SII than in SI which responded to an afferent stimulus by excitation brought about through two or more synaptic relays in the cortex. In response to cortical stimulation antidromic and orthodromic responses appeared in SI and SII neurons, confirming the presence of two-way cortico-cortical connections. In both SI and SII intracellular recording revealed in most cases PSPs of similar character and intensity, evoked by stimulation of the cortex and nucleus in the same neuron. Latent periods of orthodromic spike responses to stimulation of nucleus and cortex in 50.5% of SI neurons and 37.1% of SII neurons differed by less than 1.0 msec. In 19.6% of SI and 41.4% of SII neurons the latent period of response to cortical stimulation was 1.6–4.7 msec shorter than the latent period of the response evoked in the same neuron by stimulation of the nucleus. It is concluded from these results that impulses from SI play an important role in the afferent activation of SII neurons.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 351–357, July–August, 1976. 相似文献
Although spontaneous activity occurs throughout the neocortex, its relation to the activity produced by external or sensory inputs remains unclear. To address this, we used calcium imaging of mouse thalamocortical slices to reconstruct, with single-cell resolution, the spatiotemporal dynamics of activity of layer 4 in the presence or absence of thalamic stimulation. We found spontaneous neuronal coactivations corresponded to intracellular UP states. Thalamic stimulation of sufficient frequency (>10 Hz) triggered cortical activity, and UP states, indistinguishable from those arising spontaneously. Moreover, neurons were activated in identical and precise spatiotemporal patterns in thalamically triggered and spontaneous events. The similarities between cortical activations indicate that intracortical connectivity plays the dominant role in the cortical response to thalamic inputs. Our data demonstrate that precise spatiotemporal activity patterns can be triggered by thalamic inputs and indicate that the thalamus serves to release intrinsic cortical dynamics. 相似文献
V. N. Kazakov 《Neurophysiology》1971,3(4):260-266
The reactions of 288 neurons of the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) to stimulation of the posteroventral (VP), ventral anterior (VA), and reticular (R) nuclei, as well as the median center (CM) of the thalamus, were investigated in acute experiments on cats. OFC neurons can be divided into four groups by their reactions to stimulation of thalamic nuclei: 1) those which respond with an increase in the frequency of the discharges to single and serial stimuli with a frequency of up to 20/sec; 2) those which respond doubtfully to single stimuli with a frequency of 4–12/sec; 3) those which respond with inhibition of the background impulses; 4) those which do not respond to stimulation of the nuclei. Stimulation of the thalamic nuclei evoked responses of OFC neurons with a large scatter of the latent period duration. The responses of neurons to stimulation of the VP (mean latent period 19.1±6.1 msec) had the shortest latent period (sometimes less than 3–4 msec). Reactions with a longer latent period developed upon stimulation of the VA (23.8±7.4 msec) and CM (42.8±12.8 msec). The uniqueness of the links of the OFC with the various optic thalamic nuclei is shown in an analysis of the material obtained and possible methods of the activation of the neurons of this region from thalamic structures are discussed.State Medical Institute, Kemerovo. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 350–358, July–August, 1971. 相似文献
Anterodorsal thalamic nuclei (ADTN) exert an inhibitory influence on hypophyso-adrenal system (HAS) in rats. With the purpose of evaluating if ADTN are also involved in the control of medullo adrenal activity, experiments were conducted on female rats with bilateral lesion of these nuclei. Thirty days after lesion, plasma epinephrine (E) concentration in lesioned rats was higher than that in sham-lesioned control group (P < 0.02). Meanwhile, adrenal E content was significantly lower in lesioned animals than that found in the control group (P < 0.005). Plasma norepinephrine (NE) values in lesioned rats were not significantly different from those in the control ones, however, there was a significant decrease in adrenal NE when compared to the control one (P < 0.02). Basal values of plasma ACTH and plasma and adrenal corticosterone (C) were signicantly higher than those in sham lesioned rats (P < 0.05; P < 0. 001; P < 0.001 respectively). These findings demonstrate that the ADTN in rats are involved in the regulation of both cortico and medullo adrenal activity. 相似文献