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Photic signals affect circadian activity rhythms by both phasic and tonic mechanisms that modulate pacemaker phase and period. In mammals, the effects of light on circadian activity are mediated by the retina, which communicates with the suprahiasmatic nucleus (SCN) by two different anatomical routes: the retino-hypothalamic tract (RHT), originating in the retina, and the geniculo-hypothalamic tract (GHT), arising from a retino-recipient nucleus, the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL). We assessed the roles of these two afferent systems in mediating phasic and tonic effects of light on circadian activity in IGL-lesioned animals. Destruction of the IGL significantly affected phase shifts produced by brief light pulses (phasic effect) and modified the change in period (tau) of the free-running activity rhythm produced by changing the level of constant light (LL) (tonic effect). Phase advances produced by brief light pulses were decreased in amplitude while phase delays were increased in IGL-lesioned animals as compared to controls. The free-running period in constant dark (tau DD) of IGL-lesioned animals was greater than tau DD of controls, and the lengthening of tau normally produced by LL was not observed or was greatly reduced in IGL-lesioned animals. Entrainment to light-dark cycles was unaffected by the lesions, as were other aspects of the circadian activity rhythm that normally change in response to LL (e.g., activity-rest ratio, total activity, splitting). Our data support the interpretation that the IGL plays a significant role in relaying information regarding illumination intensity to the SCN.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of destruction of the geniculo-hypothalamic tract (GHT) on the circadian system of golden hamsters. In the first experiment, intact hamsters were housed in constant darkness, and phase shifts in running-wheel activity rhythms were assessed following 15-min light pulses administered at circadian time (CT) 12 (defined as the beginning of activity), CT 14, CT 18, and CT 20. Responses to light pulses at the same CTs were then reassessed after GHT lesions. Hamsters with complete lesions showed decreases in phase advances caused by light pulses at CT 18 and CT 20. Phase delays elicited by light at CT 12 and CT 14 were not altered. In a second study, intact and GHT-ablated hamsters housed in constant light received 6-hr dark pulses at various CTs. Hamsters with complete GHT ablation showed smaller advances than controls to dark pulses centered on CT 8-10. After 110 days in constant light, 7 of 10 intact hamsters showed splitting of their activity rhythms into two components, while only 1 of the 8 similarly treated ablated hamsters displayed dissociated activity components. Ablated hamsters had significantly shorter free-running periods during the first 35 days of exposure to constant light than did the intact hamsters. These results demonstrate that destruction of the GHT in the hamster alters phase shifting in response to periods of light or dark, and they indicate a role for the GHT in mediating several photic effects on the circadian system.  相似文献   

Siberian hamsters exhibit seasonal, photoperiod influenced cycles of reproductive activity, body size, pelage characteristics, and thermoregulatory behavior. Laboratory populations generally exhibit inter-individual variability in expression of photoperiod responsiveness, with a subset of individuals that fail to show the species typical responses to short photoperiod. This variability is partly explained by a genetic component, as it has been possible to increase the number of short-day nonresponders by artificial selection. Responsiveness to short photoperiod is also substantially influenced by photoperiod history in this species; hamsters that have been raised under long (16L) or very long (18L) day lengths are less likely to exhibit winter-type responses to short days as compared to hamsters raised under an intermediate (14L) day length. In the present experiment, we examined effects of age and early photoperiod history in a strain of Siberian hamsters that had been selected for short-day nonresponsiveness. Hamsters transferred into short photoperiod on the day of birth were uniform in exhibiting winter-type responses. However, hamsters raised until 25 days of age in either continuous illumination or in 16L exhibited variation in responsiveness when subsequently moved into short photoperiod. We conclude that virtually all hamsters of the short-day nonresponsive strain are born responsive to short days. Subsequent development of resistance to potential short day effects is dependent on age and/or photoperiod history.  相似文献   

Testicular size, plasma testosterone levels, copulatory behavior, and daily locomotor activity are reduced in male hamsters after 10 weeks of exposure to short days. The role of testosterone in the short day-induced decline in locomotor activity was investigated, determining whether or not photoperiod could alter the effect of testosterone on activity. Castrated adult hamsters were allowed to acclimate to running wheels (wired to digital counters) and then were kept on either long (L:D 14:10) or short (L:D 6:18) days for 60 days. On Day 60, half of the animals on each light cycle were implanted with 12-mm-long testosterone-filled Silastic capsules; half received empty capsules. Digital counting of wheel-running activity continued for another 140 days. Blood samples taken on Day 200 confirmed L:D 14:10 and L:D 6:18 testosterone-treated hamsters had equivalent plasma testosterone levels. After an initial decline in activity, L:D 14:10 animals exhibited a progressive rise in mean running activity (from ~2000 to ~5000 wheel revolutions per day) through 100 days after the initiation of testosterone treatment. In contrast, activity levels in testosterone-treated L:D 6:18 animals remained uniform (~2000 wheel revolutions per day) during this time, indicating exposure to short days rendered the hamsters less sensitive to the stimulatory effect of testosterone on activity. Of further interest was a marked increase in activity after 160–200 short days in animals treated with either testosterone-filled or empty capsules. It appears the total amount of daily locomotor activity in the hamster is modulated by circulating testosterone levels in a manner which is dependent upon the environmental photoperiod.  相似文献   

Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) exhibit a naturally occurring, reversible seasonal obesity with body fat peaking in long "summerlike" days (LDs) and reaching a nadir in short "winterlike" days (SDs). These SD-induced decreases in adiposity are mediated largely via sympathetic nervous system (SNS) innervation of white adipose tissue (WAT), as indicated by increased WAT norepinephrine (NE) turnover. We examined whether SDs also increase sensitivity to NE-stimulated lipolysis. This was accomplished by measuring NE- and beta3-adrenoceptor (beta3-AR) agonist (BRL-37344)-induced lipolysis (glycerol release) as well as NE-induced cAMP accumulation by inguinal, epididymal, and retroperitoneal WAT (IWAT, EWAT, and RWAT) in isolated adipocytes of LD- and SD-housed hamsters. SDs increased potency/efficacy of NE-triggered lipolysis in a temporally and fat pad-specific manner. Thus when WAT pad mass decreased most rapidly (5 wk of SDs), potency (sensitivity/EC50) and efficacy (maximal response asymptote) of NE-stimulated lipolysis were increased for all WAT pads and also at 10 wk for IWAT compared with their LD counterparts. SD enhancement of lipolysis was similar for NE and BRL-37344 in IWAT adipocytes. These results, coupled with our previous demonstration that SDs upregulate WAT beta3-AR mRNA expression, suggest that increased beta3-ARs mediated the SD-induced increased NE sensitivity. NE-stimulated adipocyte accumulation of cAMP was greater after 5 wk of SDs for IWAT and EWAT and after 10 wk of SDs for IWAT compared with LDs, with no photoperiod effect for RWAT. Therefore, the SD-induced increase in SNS drive to WAT and increased sensitivity to this drive may work together to increase lipolysis in SDs.  相似文献   

Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) exhibit changes in reproductive and immune function in response to seasonal variations in day length. Exposure to short days induces gonadal regression and inhibits testosterone secretion. In parallel, short days enhance immune function: increasing leukocyte numbers and attenuating cytokine and behavioral responses to infection. We examined whether photoperiodic changes in leukocyte phenotypes and sickness behaviors are dependent on concurrent photoperiodic changes in gonadal function. Male hamsters were gonadectomized or sham-gonadectomized and either exposed to short days (9 h light/day; SD) or kept in their natal long-day (15 h light/day; LD) photoperiod for 10-13 wk. Blood samples were obtained for leukocyte enumeration, and hamsters were challenged with bacterial LPS, which induced behavioral (anorexia, reductions in nest building) and somatic (weight loss) sickness responses. Among gonad-intact hamsters, exposure to SD increased total and CD62L+ lymphocytes and CD3+ T lymphocytes in blood and significantly attenuated LPS-induced sickness responses. Independent of photoperiod, castration alone increased total and CD62L+ lymphocyte and CD3+ T lymphocyte numbers and attenuated somatic and anorexic sickness responses. Among castrated hamsters, SD exposure increased lymphocyte numbers and suppressed sickness behaviors. In castrated hamsters, the magnitude of most immunological effects of SD were diminished relative to those evident in gonad-intact hamsters. The SD phenotype in several measures of immunity can be instated via elimination of gonadal hormones alone; however, photoperiodic effects on immune function persist even in castrated hamsters. Thus, photoperiod affects the immune system and neural-immune interactions underlying sickness behaviors via gonadal hormone-dependent and -independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Individuals of many nontropical rodent species display reproductive, immunological, and somatic responses to day length. In general, short day (SD) lengths inhibit reproduction and enhance immune function in the laboratory when all other conditions are held constant. Most studies to date have focused on seasonal variation in immune function in adulthood. However, perinatal photoperiods also communicate critical day length information and serve to establish a developmental trajectory appropriate for the time of year. Nontropical rodents born early in the breeding season undergo rapid reproductive development, presumably to promote mating success during their first reproductive season. Rodents born late in the breeding season suspend somatic growth and puberty until the following vernal breeding season. We tested the hypothesis that perinatal day lengths have similar enduring effects on the immune system of rodents. Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) were maintained prenatally and until weaning (21 days) in either SDs (8 h light:16 h dark) or long days (LD) (16 h light:8 h dark), then they were weaned into either the opposite photoperiod or maintained in their natal photoperiod, forming four groups (LD-LD, LD-SD, SD-LD, and SD-SD). After 8-wk in these conditions, cell-mediated immune activity was compared among groups. SD-SD hamsters of both sexes enhanced immune function relative to all other groups. The reproductive effects of perinatal photoperiod were not evident by the end of the experiment; circulating testosterone and cortisol sampled at the end of the experiment reflected the postweaning, but not the perinatal photoperiod. This experiment demonstrates long-lasting organizational effects of perinatal photoperiod on the rodent immune system and indicates that photoperiod-induced changes in the immune system are dissociable from changes in the reproductive system.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated a variety of effects of intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) lesions on circadian rhythm regulation. Recent studies have suggested the possibility that certain rhythm functions attributed to the IGL are actually controlled by retinorecipient midbrain nuclei or other brain areas connected to the IGL. The present investigations evaluated whether midbrain lesions previously shown to block the phasic actions of benzodiazepine would also reduce or eliminate the period-lengthening effect of constant light (LL), a function that has been attributed to the IGL. Experiment 1 established that the circadian period of controls lengthened by about 0.57 h when the animals were transferred from constant dark (DD) to LL, but the magnitude of change was attenuated by about 50% in animals with IGL lesions caused by the neurotoxin N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). In experiment 2, controls were compared to groups receiving either NMDA lesions of the pretectum or tectum or knife cuts designed to sever connections between the IGL and more medial retinorecipient nuclei. As in experiment 1, there were no differences between groups with respect to circadian period in DD. However, unlike experiment 1, all groups lengthened period equally in LL (overall mean increase = 0.57 h). Thus, the effect of LL on circadian period appears to be a joint result of photic information arriving at the circadian clock directly from the retinohypothalamic tract and indirectly through the IGL via the geniculohypothalamic tract, without involvement of visual midbrain. The results may have implications for the anatomical basis of Aschoff's rule.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of prolonged acclimation to 12 hr of light and photo-schedule reversal during the time of photosensitivity in golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). Before the experiments, animals were housed under natural photoperiod and then transferred to 12L:12D (light 12 hr:dark 12 hr) in autumn for 12 weeks. After 4 weeks of acclimation, photo-schedule was reversed (12D:12L). First experiments were done after 4 weeks of acclimation to an ambient temperature (T(a)) of 23 degrees C and a 12L:12D photo-schedule. We examined the daily variations in brown adipose tissue (BAT) capacity for nonshivering thermogenesis (NST). Noradrenaline (NA) injections were given every 4 hr while BAT temperature (T(BAT)) and preferred ambient temperature (PT(a)) were monitored continuously and simultaneously in a thermal gradient system. Then, we investigated the effect of light-dark cycle reversal on a daily rhythm of NST. The hamsters were acclimated to the photo-schedule reversed by 12 hr and the same T(a). After 4 and 8 weeks of acclimation to a reversed photo-schedule, the experiments were repeated. We found that the daily rhythm of the response to NA was entrained to the new light-dark cycle after 4 weeks of acclimation to a reversed photo-schedule. Maximum effect of NA was always recorded during the light phase and in the latter part of the dark phase of the day. NA-induced increase in T(BAT) was correlated with the decrease in PT(a), and was also inversely correlated with pre-injection T(BAT). These data imply that the daily rhythm of the capacity for NST opposes the daily rhythm of body temperature (T(b)). After 8 weeks of acclimation to the reversed photo-schedule, the rhythmicity of the response to NA disappeared, and the daily fluctuations in T(BAT) were the smallest. This lack of rhythm may be a physiological adaptation to winter conditions when the daily amplitude of T(b) rhythm is markedly reduced and, as a consequence, NST capacity does not vary within the day. Moreover, after 8 weeks of acclimation to reversed photo-schedule, NST capacity decreased while response to saline increased. During the experiments, hamsters were photosensitive and were changing to their winter status. However, because of the lack of cold during acclimation, the capacity for NST did not increase. Increased responsiveness to saline, indicating an increase in stress-induced thermogenesis, might be advantageous for "fight or flight" reaction.  相似文献   

Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) exhibit reproductive and immunological responses to photoperiod. Short (<10-h light/day) days induce gonadal atrophy, increase leukocyte concentrations, and attenuate thermoregulatory and behavioral responses to infection. Whereas hamster reproductive responses to photoperiod are dependent on pineal melatonin secretion, the role of the pineal in short-day induced changes in immune function is not fully understood. To examine this, adult hamsters were pinealectomized (PINx) or sham-PINx, and transferred to short days (9-h light/day; SD) or kept in their natal long-day (15-h light/day; LD) photoperiod. Intact and PINx hamsters housed in LD maintained large testes over the next 12 weeks; sham-PINx hamsters exhibited gonadal regression in SD, and PINx abolished this effect. Among pineal-intact hamsters, blood samples revealed increases in leukocyte, lymphocyte, CD62L+ lymphocyte, and T cell counts in SD relative to LD; PINx did not affect leukocyte numbers in LD hamsters, but abolished the SD increase in these measures. Hamsters were then treated with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which induced thermoregulatory (fever), behavioral (anorexia, reductions in nest building), and somatic (weight loss) sickness responses in all groups. Among pineal-intact hamsters, febrile and behavioral responses to LPS were attenuated in SD relative to LD. PINx did not affect sickness responses to LPS in LD hamsters, but abolished the ameliorating effects of SD on behavioral responses to LPS. Surprisingly, PINx failed to abolish the effect of SD on fever. In common with the reproductive system, PINx induces the LD phenotype in most aspects of the immune system. The pineal gland is required for photoperiodic regulation of circulating leukocytes and neural-immune interactions that mediate select aspects of sickness behaviors.  相似文献   

Several weeks of short day photoperiod (SD) exposure promote a dramatic decrease of white adipose tissue (WAT) mass in Siberian hamsters(Phodopus sungorus sungorus). This slimming effect is accompanied by changes in the adipocyte responsiveness to adrenergic stimulation that are still under debate. We investigated whether possible changes in the antilipolytic responses, and/or lipogenic activities could be involved in such lipid deposition/mobilisation imbalance. Male Siberian hamsters were exposed for 11 weeks to SD or long day photoperiod and basal or stimulated lipolytic and lipogenic activities were measured on white adipocytes. As expected, the body mass of SD-animals was decreased. Besides a slight reduction in the basal lipolysis and in the maximal response to dibutyryl-cAMP, the responses to adrenergic and non-adrenergic lipolytic agents (forskolin, adenosine deaminase) were similar in both groups. Fat mass loss was likely not resulting from changes in the lipolytic responses of adipocytes to biogenic amines (e.g. octopamine), which were unaltered, or to a direct lipolytic stimulation by melatonin or histamine, which were inactive. Antilipolytic responses to insulin or tyramine were slightly decreased in SD-adipocytes. Basal or insulin-stimulated lipid accumulation in WAT, measured by glucose incorporation into lipids, did not change after SD-exposure. However, a significant decrease in the lipoprotein lipase activity was observed in the WAT of SDanimals. Despite the observed changes, the weight loss of SD-exposed Siberian hamsters was likely not resulting only from impaired antilipolytic orde novo lipogenic activities in white adipocytes, but either from other dramatic changes occurring during seasonal photoperiod-sensitive body weight regulation.  相似文献   

The inhibition of locomotion by light (masking) was investigated in Syrian hamsters. When 1-h pulses of light were presented in the early night, activity was strongly suppressed by irradiances of about 1 lx or greater. Ultradian light-dark cycles were used as another way to study masking. Hamsters were unable to entrain to 3.5:3.5-h light-dark cycles, thus permitting the masking and the entraining effects of light to be distinguished. Light had greater suppressive effects on activity in home cages than on activity in novel running wheels. Moreover, in home cages activity remained very low for about 30 min after lights were turned off. Post-pulse suppression of activity was not simply a consequence of reduced running, as shown by experiments in which running was temporarily prevented by locking the wheels. A phase response curve for masking was obtained by placing hamsters in novel wheels for 3-h periods at various times throughout their circadian cycles, and then superimposing a 30-min light pulse. The suppressive effect of light was maximal around the onset of activity, which normally coincides with dusk in hamsters. This may have adaptive value in limiting foraging to the hours of darkness. Accepted: 8 February 1999  相似文献   

Photoperiodic information is transferred from female Siberian hamsters to their fetuses during gestation. Although maternal melatonin is known to be essential for the transfer of prenatal photoperiodic information, its specific role is not well defined. The duration of the daily melatonin signal, expressed as an elevation of serum melatonin levels in the maternal circulation, has been hypothesized to convey day length information to the fetus. If this hypothesis is valid, it predicts that identical maternal melatonin signals should affect the fetuses identically, regardless of the prenatal photoperiod. To test this hypothesis, adult females received melatonin in beeswax or beeswax alone. They were paired with males and housed in photoperiods of 12L:12D or 16L:8D. On the day of parturition, mother and young were transferred to constant light (LL). Young males were killed on Day 28 of life, and weights of testes were determined. Prenatal treatment with beeswax alone did not affect the nature of the signal transferred from mother to fetus; young gestated in 12L:12D and reared in LL developed small testes, while those gestated in 16L:8D had large testes. On the other hand, the effect of the prenatal melatonin treatment on postnatal testicular development in LL was inversely dependent on the prenatal photoperiod: testicular growth was stimulated in young gestated in 12L:12D, but inhibited in young gestated in 16L:8D. To verify that the melatonin pellets produced equivalent serum melatonin levels in adult females in 12L:12D and 16L:8D, unmated adult females were killed 6-10 wk after receiving melatonin pellets. Serum levels were elevated in both groups throughout the day and night.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Siberian hamsters as young as 16 and 28 d displayed torpor in response to treatment with 2,500 mg/kg 2-deoxy-D-glucose and reduced food availability, respectively. In addition, most food-restricted hamsters displayed increased locomotor activity and elevated body temperatures in the 3 h immediately preceding daily food delivery. This anticipatory activity disappeared within a few days of reimposition of ad lib. feeding. Torpor first appeared spontaneously at approximately 13 wk of age in hamsters fed ad lib. and maintained in short day lengths. The onset of this "spontaneous" torpor was unaffected by the hamsters' history of food restriction before age 2 mo. Siberian hamsters born late in the breeding season can conserve energy by undergoing torpor immediately after weaning when they contend with food shortages and concurrent energetic challenges imposed by growth requirements and low ambient temperatures.  相似文献   

Sleep is regulated by independent yet interacting circadian and homeostatic processes. The present study used a novel approach to study sleep homeostasis in the absence of circadian influences by exposing Siberian hamsters to a simple phase delay of the photocycle to make them arrhythmic. Because these hamsters lacked any circadian organization, their sleep homeostasis could be studied in the absence of circadian interactions. Control animals retained circadian rhythmicity after the phase shift and re-entrained to the phase-shifted photocycle. These animals displayed robust daily sleep-wake rhythms with consolidated sleep during the light phase beginning about 1 h after light onset. This marked sleep-wake pattern was circadian in that it persisted in constant darkness. The distribution of sleep in the arrhythmic hamsters over 24 h was similar to that in the light phase of rhythmic animals. Therefore, daily sleep amounts were higher in arrhythmic animals compared with rhythmic ones. During 2- and 6-h sleep deprivations (SD), it was more difficult to keep arrhythmic hamsters awake than it was for rhythmic hamsters. Because the arrhythmic animals obtained more non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREMS) during the SD, they showed a diminished compensatory response in NREMS EEG slow-wave activity during recovery sleep. When amounts of sleep during the SD were taken into account, there were no differences in sleep homeostasis between experimental and control hamsters. Thus loss of circadian control did not alter the homeostatic response to SD. This supports the view that circadian and homeostatic influences on sleep regulation are independent processes.  相似文献   

Short day (SD) lengths delay puberty, suppress ovulation, inhibit sexual behavior, and decelerate reproductive aging in female Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). To date, the modulation of the age-associated decline in reproductive outcomes has only been demonstrated in female hamsters experiencing different day lengths during development. To determine if developmental delay is necessary for photo-inhibition to decelerate reproductive aging, hamsters raised in LD were transferred to SD as young adults and remained there for 6 months. Females that demonstrated the most immediate and sustained photo-inhibition were found to have greater numbers of ovarian primordial follicles at advanced ages (9 and 12 months) than did females held in LD, nonresponders to SD, and females with a marginal SD-response. Similarly, for females raised in SD from conception to 6 months of age, prolonged developmental delay was associated with greater numbers of primordial follicles at later ages as compared to hamsters that became refractory to SD. A robust response to SD in juvenile and adult hamsters is associated with decelerated reproductive aging, which may result in greater reproductive success in older females as compared to age-matched individuals demonstrating a more modest response to SD.  相似文献   

Syrian hamsters are photoperiodic and become sexually quiescent when exposed to short "winter-like" photoperiods. In short photoperiods, male hamsters display significantly higher levels of aggression than males housed in long photoperiods. Arginine-vasopressin (AVP) within the anterior hypothalamus (AH) has been reported to modulate aggression in hamsters housed in long photoperiods. Previous studies have shown that AVP can facilitate aggression and its effects appear to be mediated by AVP V(1a) receptors (V(1a)R). In the present study, we investigated whether the increased levels of aggression observed after exposure to short photoperiod were the result of an increased responsiveness to AVP within the AH. Injections of AVP into the AH significantly increased aggression in hamsters housed in a long photoperiod, but had no effect in hamsters housed in a short photoperiod. In addition, injection of a V(1a)R antagonist into the AH significantly inhibited aggression in hamsters housed in long photoperiod, but had no effect in hamsters housed in a short photoperiod. These findings indicate that AVP within the AH increases aggression in hamsters housed in long photoperiods, but not in hamsters housed in short photoperiods.  相似文献   

Siberian hamsters adapt to seasonal changes by reducing their reproductive function during short days (SD). SD exposure reduces uterine mass and reproductive capacity, but underlying cellular mechanisms remain unknown. Because matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs) are important in uterine development, parturition, and postpartum remodeling, their expression in uterine tissue from Siberian hamsters undergoing photoperiod-mediated reproductive regression and recrudescence was investigated. Female hamsters were exposed to long day (LD, 16L:8D, controls) or SD (8L:16D) for 3-12 weeks (regression); a second group was exposed to SD or LD for 14 weeks and then transferred to LD for 0-8 weeks (recrudescence). Hamsters were euthanized, uteri collected, and homogenates analyzed by gelatin zymography or Western blotting for MMP and TIMP protein levels. Uterine weight decreased (67-75%) at SD weeks 12-14 and increased post-LD transfer (PT) reaching LD values by PT week 2. MMP-2, but not MMP-9 activity was reduced by SD week 12 or 14 but increased to LD levels at PT week 2. MMP-3 expression increased at SD week 9 compared to other SD and LD groups. MMP-14 and -13 protein levels decreased at SD week 3 but returned to LD levels by SD week 6. During recrudescence, MMP-3 (PT weeks 0-2), MMP-13 (PT week 4), and MMP-14 (PT weeks 2, 4) protein levels were higher than LD. TIMP-1 and 2 were present at low levels. Significant and differential variations in uterine MMP activity/expression during photoperiod-induced regression and recrudescence were observed. These changes likely reflect increases in tissue remodeling during both the adaptation to SD and the restoration of reproductive function.  相似文献   

The brain’s biological clock, located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), is synchronised with the cyclic environment by photic and non-photic cues. Photic information to the SCN is mediated by pituitary adenylate-cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP)-containing retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), whereas non-photic input originates primarily from neuropeptide Y (NPY) cells in the ipsilateral thalamic intergeniculate leaflet (IGL). RGCs also seem to project to the IGL, indicating a role for this structure in the integration of photic and non-photic inputs related to the resetting of the biological clock. In the present study, we have used anterograde tracing from both eyes, bilateral eye enucleation, double-immunofluorescence histochemistry, high-resolution confocal laser scanning microscopy and three-dimensional computer analysis to show that (1) PACAP-containing RGCs project to the IGL and are the only source for the PACAP-immunoreactive fibres in the IGL; (2) a few NPY-containing neurons in the IGL are innervated by PACAP-containing retinal nerve fibres and the contacts are both axodendritic and axosomatic; (3) most enkephalin-immunoreactive neurons in the IGL are innervated by PACAP-containing retinal afferents and the contacts are mainly axodendritic; (4) light stimulation at various time points activates (as evidenced by c-Fos induction) enkephalin-positive neurons but not NPY-immunoreactive neurons. The findings suggest that PACAP-immunoreactive retinal afferents in the IGL primarily innervate enkephalin-immunoactive neurons and that the enkephalin-containing neurons, which project locally and to the contralateral IGL, are activated by light independent of diurnal time. This study was supported by the Danish Biotechnology Centre for Cellular Communication and The Danish Medical Research Council (no. 22-04-0667).  相似文献   

Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorous sungorous) decrease their food intake when exposed to short (“winter-like”) photoperiods. The cause of this naturally-occurring hypophagia is unknown, but it may be due to a heightened sensitivity to the factors that normally terminate food intake in long photoperiods, such as the putative satiety peptides. The purpose of the present investigation was to test whether there would be an enhanced sensitivity to the inhibitory effects of some of these peptides on food intake in short relative to long days. Ad lib-fed, adult female Siberian hamsters were housed in a long photoperiod (LD 14:10) and injected with bombesin, glucagon, cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8) and calcitonin (CT). Food intake was monitored 1, 2, 4, 6, and 24 hr post-injection. Bombesin and glucagon had no effect on food intake in long day-housed hamsters. CCK-8 and CT inhibited food intake; however, CCK-8 did so without any apparent behavioral disruption, while CT produced a marked and prolonged depression of behavior. After 10 weeks of exposure to a short photoperiod (LD 8:16) the hamsters were tested again. The previously ineffective dose of bombesin greatly inhibited food intake following short photoperiod exposure. In addition, an increased inhibition of food intake by CCK-8 was also found. In contrast, glucagon did not decrease food intake and CT still produced its non-specific, behaviorally disruptive effects. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that the effectiveness of a putative satiety peptide can be dependent upon a change in the photoperiod. This heightened responsiveness of short photoperiod-exposed Siberian hamsters to the inhibitory effects of bombesin and cholecystokinin may account for the reduction in food intake that accompanies short day exposure in this species.  相似文献   

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