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The fibre type ratio and the cross sectional areas of fibres were studied in triceps brachial muscle after rupture of tendon of the biceps brachial muscle in man. On the healthy and injured sides of the m. triceps brachii, the mean value of type 1 fibres was 51.9% and 52.4%, respectively. The mean cross sectional area of fibre on the two sides of the triceps muscle varied considerably among individuals without any significant correlation to injury of the biceps tendon.  相似文献   

Torque steadiness and low-frequency fatigue (LFF) were examined in the human triceps brachii after concentric or eccentric fatigue protocols. Healthy young males (n = 17) performed either concentric or eccentric elbow extensor contractions until the eccentric maximal voluntary torque decreased to 75% of pre-fatigue for both (concentric and eccentric) protocols. The number of concentric contractions was greater than the number of eccentric contractions needed to induce the same 25% decrease in eccentric MVC torque (52.2 ± 2.9 vs. 41.5 ± 2.1 for the concentric and eccentric protocols, respectively, p < .01). The extent of peripheral fatigue was ~12% greater after the concentric compared to the eccentric protocol (twitch amplitude), whereas LFF (increase in double pulse torque/single pulse torque), was similar across protocols. Steadiness, or the ability for a subject to hold a submaximal isometric contraction, was ~20 % more impaired during the Ecc protocol (p = .052). Similarly, the EMG activity required to hold the torque steady was nearly 20% greater after the eccentric compared to concentric protocol. These findings support that task dependent eccentric contractions preferentially alter CNS control during a precision based steadiness task.  相似文献   

The bicipital arteries (Rami bicipitales) were classified according to the part of the muscle they supply, to the artery from which they originate and to their relative position to the median, musculocutaneous and ulnar nerves. The maximal density of bicipital arteries can be found in the middle of the upper arm and slightly distal to the greater tubercle.  相似文献   

Myosin heavy chain composition of muscle spindles in human biceps brachii.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data on the myosin heavy chain (MyHC) composition of human muscle spindles are scarce in spite of the well-known correlation between MyHC composition and functional properties of skeletal muscle fibers. The MyHC composition of intrafusal fibers from 36 spindles of human biceps brachii muscle was studied in detail by immunocytochemistry with a large battery of antibodies. The MyHC content of isolated muscle spindles was assessed with SDS-PAGE and immunoblots. Four major MyHC isoforms (MyHCI, IIa, embryonic, and intrafusal) were detected with SDS-PAGE. Immunocytochemistry revealed very complex staining patterns for each intrafusal fiber type. The bag(1) fibers contained slow tonic MyHC along their entire fiber length and MyHCI, alpha-cardiac, embryonic, and fetal isoforms along a variable part of their length. The bag(2) fibers contained MyHC slow tonic, I, alpha-cardiac, embryonic, and fetal isoforms with regional variations. Chain fibers contained MyHCIIa, embryonic, and fetal isoforms throughout the fiber, and MyHCIIx at least in the juxtaequatorial region. Virtually each muscle spindle had a different allotment of numbers of bag(1), bag(2) and chain fibers. Taken together, the complexity in intrafusal fiber content and MyHC composition observed indicate that each muscle spindle in the human biceps has a unique identity.  相似文献   

Muscle pain has widespread effects on motor performance, but the effect of pain on voluntary activation, which is the level of neural drive to contracting muscle, is not known. To determine whether induced muscle pain reduces voluntary activation during maximal voluntary contractions, voluntary activation of elbow flexors was assessed with both motor-point stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation over the motor cortex. In addition, we performed a psychophysical experiment to investigate the effect of induced muscle pain across a wide range of submaximal efforts (5-75% maximum). In all studies, elbow flexion torque was recorded before, during, and after experimental muscle pain by injection of 1 ml of 5% hypertonic saline into biceps. Injection of hypertonic saline evoked deep pain in the muscle (pain rating ~5 on a scale from 0 to 10). Experimental muscle pain caused a small (~5%) but significant reduction of maximal voluntary torque in the motor-point and motor cortical studies (P < 0.001 and P = 0.045, respectively; n = 7). By contrast, experimental muscle pain had no significant effect on voluntary activation when assessed with motor-point and motor cortical stimulation although voluntary activation tested with motor-point stimulation was reduced by ~2% in contractions after pain had resolved (P = 0.003). Furthermore, induced muscle pain had no significant effect on torque output during submaximal efforts (P > 0.05; n = 6), which suggests that muscle pain did not alter the relationship between the sense of effort and production of voluntary torque. Hence, the present study suggests that transient experimental muscle pain in biceps brachii has a limited effect on central motor pathways.  相似文献   

Histological examination of the skeletal muscle of the slow loris, which displays slow movement and locomotion among the prosimians, revealed a muscle fiber composition which differed from the general condition in mammals. Three types of muscle fiber cells were therefore analyzed quantitatively in order to elucidate their specificity. The skeletal muscle of the limbs of the slow loris was predominantly composed of red muscle fibers (type I) showing persistent tonic contraction.  相似文献   

Motor unit (MU) synchronization is the simultaneous or near-simultaneous firing of two MUs which occurs more often than would be expected by chance. The present study sought to investigate the effects of exercise training, muscle group, and force level, by comparing the magnitude of synchronization in the biceps brachii (BB) and first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscles of untrained and strength-trained college-aged males at two force levels, 30% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and 80% MVC. MU action potentials were recorded directly via an intramuscular needle electrode. The magnitude of synchronization was assessed using previously-reported synchronization indices: k′, E, and CIS. Synchronization was significantly higher in the FDI than in the BB. Greater synchronization was observed in the strength-trained group with CIS, but not with E or k′. Also, synchronization was significantly greater at 80% MVC than at 30% MVC with E, but only moderately greater with CIS and there was no force difference with k′. Synchronization prevalence was found to be greater in the BB (80.1%) than in the FDI (71.5%). Thus, although the evidence is a bit equivocal, it appears that MU synchronization is greater at higher forces, and greater in strength-trained individuals than in untrained subjects.  相似文献   

The short and long latency reflex responses of human triceps brachii muscle were recorded in 14 healthy volunteers. An electromechanical hammer was used to stretch the muscle and recordings were made from a surface electromyogram. The monosynaptic tendon reflex occurred at a mean latency of 12.5 ms (SE 0.7 ms). Later responses were observed in activated conditions (weak force production, preparatory period) at a mean latency of 62.8 ms (SE 3.5 ms). The amplitude of the short latency reflex increased during weak tension, the long latency reflex amplitude seemed to increase during the preparatory period testing. The amplitude increases can be attributed to increased lower motoneuron excitability even during weak voluntary activity. The tendency towards an increased amplitude during the preparatory period may be connected with the higher regulation of the long latency reflex.  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of muscle innervation zone (IZ) and muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) were examined in nine healthy young male participants. High-density surface electromyography (EMG) was collected from the biceps brachii muscle when subjects performed isometric elbow flexions at 20% to 80% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). A total of 9498 samples of IZs were identified and CVs were calculated using the Radon transform. The center and width of IZ sample distribution were compared within four different force levels and six medial to lateral electrode column positions using repeated measures ANOVA and multiple comparison tests. Significant shifts of IZ center were observed in the medial columns (Columns 5, 6, and 7) compared with the lateral columns (Columns 3 and 4) (p < 0.05). Similarly, significant differences in the IZ width were found in Column 7 and 8 compared to Column 3 (p < 0.05). In contrast, muscle CV was unaffected by column position. Instead, muscle CV was faster at 40% and 80% MVC compared to 20% MVC (p < 0.05). The findings of this study add further insights into the physiological properties of the biceps brachii muscle.  相似文献   

Very rapid, small amplitude, ramp-and-hold rotations were imposed on the braced forearms of three normal adult male subjects who were isometrically contracting their elbow extensors. By carefully accounting for inertial and viscoelastic coupling effects in the experimental system it was possible to compute the time course of the muscle-moment evoked by these mechanical perturbations. The muscle-moment responses, and their dependence on rotation amplitude and direction, as well as tonic contraction level, are described. These responses are also compared to the predictions of a simple muscle model which we have proposed previously on the basis of frequency-response tests. The results indicate that: at a given tonic contraction level, triceps may be stiffer in an isometric state than in an oscillatory steady state, and high frequency fluctuations in the myoelectric activity are very ineffective in generating corresponding muscle-force fluctuations.  相似文献   

The relative occurrence of slow-twitch (ST) and fast-twitch (FTa and FTb) fibers, fiber size, and capillary supply in internal (INT) and external intercostal muscles (EXT), the costal diaphragm (DIA), and vastus lateralis muscle (VAS) was examined post-mortem in eight healthy males. The relative occurrence of ST fibers in INT [64 +/- 3% (SE)] and EXT (62 +/- 3%) was similar but higher than in DIA (49 +/- 3%) and VAS (40 +/- 6%; P less than 0.05). The occurrence of FTa fibers in expiratory INT (35 +/- 3%) was higher than in inspiratory INT and EXT (17 +/- 1%; P less than 0.05) but similar to DIA (28 +/- 6%) and VAS (32 +/- 2%). Accordingly, expiratory INT had fewer FTb fibers (1 +/- 1%) than the others (P less than 0.05). Expiratory INT had a 60% larger fiber area than inspiratory INT and EXT and DIA (P less than 0.05), but the area was similar to that of VAS. The number of capillaries per fiber was higher in expiratory INT (2.3 +/- 0.1) than in inspiratory INT and EXT (1.6 +/- 0.1), DIA (1.9 +/- 0.1), and VAS (1.8 +/- 0.2; P less than 0.05). The results suggest that the occurrence of many large capillary-rich FTa fibers in expiratory INT is bound to function (expiratory vs. inspiratory) rather than to anatomy (INT vs. EXT).  相似文献   

The present study investigated potential age-related changes in human muscle spindles with respect to the intrafusal fiber-type content and myosin heavy chain (MyHC) composition in biceps brachii muscle. The total number of intrafusal fibers per spindle decreased significantly with aging, due to a significant reduction in the number of nuclear chain fibers. Nuclear chain fibers in old spindles were short and some showed novel expression of MyHC alpha-cardiac. The expression of MyHC alpha-cardiac in bag1 and bag2 fibers was greatly decreased in the A region. The expression of slow MyHC was increased in nuclear bag1 fibers and that of fetal MyHC decreased in bag2 fibers whereas the patterns of distribution of the remaining MyHC isoforms were generally not affected by aging. We conclude that aging appears to have an important impact on muscle spindle composition. These changes in muscle spindle phenotype may reflect an age-related deterioration in sensory and motor innervation and are likely to have an impact in motor control in the elderly.  相似文献   

The neural adaptations that mediate the increase in strength in the early phase of a strength training program are not well understood; however, changes in neural drive and corticospinal excitability have been hypothesized. To determine the neural adaptations to strength training, we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to compare the effect of strength training of the right elbow flexor muscles on the functional properties of the corticospinal pathway. Motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from the right biceps brachii (BB) muscle from 23 individuals (training group; n = 13 and control group; n = 10) before and after 4 weeks of progressive overload strength training at 80% of 1-repetition maximum (1RM). The TMS was delivered at 10% of the root mean square electromyographic signal (rmsEMG) obtained from a maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) at intensities of 5% of stimulator output below active motor threshold (AMT) until saturation of the MEP (MEPmax). Strength training resulted in a 28% (p = 0.0001) increase in 1RM strength, and this was accompanied by a 53% increase (p = 0.05) in the amplitude of the MEP at AMT, 33% (p = 0.05) increase in MEP at 20% above AMT, and a 38% increase at MEPmax (p = 0.04). There were no significant differences in the estimated slope (p = 0.47) or peak slope of the stimulus-response curve for the left primary motor cortex (M1) after strength training (p = 0.61). These results demonstrate that heavy-load isotonic strength training alters neural transmission via the corticospinal pathway projecting to the motoneurons controlling BB and in part underpin the strength changes observed in this study.  相似文献   

The biceps brachii of horses is a complex muscle subdivided into two heads which may subserve distinct functions. The lateral head contains a large percentage of type I myofibers. This region is largely composed of short fibers (5-7 mm long) arranged in a pinnate fashion and heavily invested with connective tissue. The medial head contains fewer type I fibers and is composed of relatively longer myofibers (15-20 mm long), also arranged in a pinnate fashion but less heavily invested with connective tissue. It is hypothesized that the lateral muscle head of biceps brachii contributes to the postural role of the muscle in the forelimb passive stay apparatus. The medial head, with its longer fibers and generally fast fiber population may be most important during dynamic activity such as walking, trotting and running.  相似文献   

The mechanomyography (MMG) signal reflects mechanical properties of limb muscles that undergo complex phenomena in different functional states. We undertook the study of the chaotic nature of MMG signals by referring to recent developments in the field of nonlinear dynamics. MMG signals were measured from the biceps brachii muscle of 5 subjects during fatigue of isometric contraction at 80% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) level. Deterministic chaotic character was detected in all data by using the Volterra–Wiener–Korenberg model and noise titration approach. The noise limit, a power indicator of the chaos of fatigue MMG signals, was 22.20±8.73. Furthermore, we studied the nonlinear dynamic features of MMG signals by computing their correlation dimension D2, which was 3.35±0.36 across subjects. These results indicate that MMG is a high-dimensional chaotic signal and support the use of the theory of nonlinear dynamics for analysis and modeling of fatigue MMG signals.  相似文献   

This study analyses the spatial distribution of individual motor unit potentials (MUPs) over the skin surface and the influence of motor unit depth and recording configuration on this distribution. Multichannel surface (13 × 5 electrode grid) and intramuscular (wire electrodes inserted with needles of lengths 15 and 25 mm) electromyographic (EMG) signals were concurrently recorded with monopolar derivations from the biceps brachii muscle of 10 healthy subjects during 60-s isometric contractions at 20% of the maximum torque. Multichannel monopolar MUPs of the target motor unit were obtained by spike-triggered averaging of the surface EMG. Amplitude and frequency characteristics of monopolar and bipolar MUPs were calculated for locations along the fibers’ direction (longitudinal), and along the direction perpendicular (transverse) to the fibers. In the longitudinal direction, monopolar and bipolar MUPs exhibited marked amplitude changes that extended for 16–32 mm and 16–24 mm over the innervation and tendon zones, respectively. The variation of monopolar and bipolar MUP characteristics was not symmetrical about the innervation zone. Motor unit depth had a considerable influence on the relative longitudinal variation of amplitude for monopolar MUPs, but not for bipolar MUPs. The transverse extension of bipolar MUPs ranged between 24 and 32 mm, whereas that of monopolar MUPs ranged between 72 and 96 mm. The mean power spectral frequency of surface MUPs was highly dependent on the transverse electrode location but not on depth. This study provides a basis for the interpretation of the contribution of individual motor units to the interference surface EMG signal.  相似文献   

The effect of post-tetanic potentiation (PTP) induced in the pectoralis and triceps brachii muscles by high-frequency submaximal percutaneous electrical stimulation (PES) on average and maximal power attained in bench press throwing was measured in 12 healthy men. Three PES regimens were used: (a) a 7-second and (b) a 10-second trial at 100 Hz, and (c) an intermittent trial with 8 1-second tetanic trains at 100 Hz with rest periods of 20 seconds. Only nonsignificant (p > 0.05) increase was observed in average power at 8 minutes and in maximal power at 5, 8, and 11 minutes after tetanus after 7-second trial, and in maximal power at 5 and 8 minutes after tetanus after an intermittent trial. These data indicate that PES application was a noneffective stimulus for increased bench press performance. A great interindividual variability response was observed and, therefore, PTP induction for improving upper-body muscle performance needs further experiments.  相似文献   

TheM. biceps brachii ofMacaca fascicularis was examined, noting the total number of muscle fibers, the number of muscle fibers per square millimeter, the cross sectional area of Venter musculi and the thickness of individual fibers in the cross sectional area of the right brachial biceps specimens of 10 adult crab-eating macaques, five males and five females. The results of this investigation are compared with a previous study of a similar type made on the brachial biceps of the adult human. Comparative analysis shows that the mean ventral cross sectional area of the macaque biceps muscle is 1/7 to 1/3 that of the cross sectional area in the human muscle. Macaque brachial biceps muscle shows approximately one half the total number of muscle fibers of the human specimens, though the number of fibers per square millimeter is one to two times greater than in human specimens. The macaque muscle fibers were 1/2 to 5/6 as thick as those in the human specimens. The relations between the ventral cross sectional area and thickness of individual muscle fibers is discussed. Comparisons are made between the macaque and human specimens. It is suggested that such factors as age, sex, and the nutritional history of the specimen donors may have influenced the myofibrous organization in both human and macaque specimens. It is suggested also, that differences in myofibrous organization may be related to more continuous or sustained muscular activity in the macaque and more forceful muscular contraction in humans.  相似文献   

The long head of the triceps brachii as a free functioning muscle transfer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This anatomic study investigates the possibility of using the long head of the triceps brachii muscle as a free functioning muscle transfer for the upper limb. It has been reported that the long head is not difficult to harvest and that its loss does not create significant donor-site morbidity. The muscle was studied in 23 fresh frozen upper limbs. The long head in all 23 specimens had a constant and proximal vascular pedicle from the profunda brachii artery and vein. The mean pedicle was long (4 cm) and had large-caliber vessels (diameter, 3-mm artery and 4-mm vein). Angiograms were carried out in five specimens and dye perfusion studies in six specimens. A single branch from the radial nerve of at least 7 cm in length innervated the muscle. Muscle architecture was studied in 12 specimens and revealed that the long head of the triceps is better suited for forearm reconstruction than either the gracilis or the latissimus dorsi muscles. The mean physiologic cross-sectional area (8.36 cm(2)) and fiber length (10.8 cm on the superficial surface and 8.2 cm on the deep surface) of the long head match more closely those of the flexor digitorum profundus and the extensor digitorum communis, the muscles most commonly replaced.  相似文献   

De Serres, Sophie J., and Roger M. Enoka. Older adultscan maximally activate the biceps brachii muscle by voluntary command.J. Appl. Physiol. 84(1): 284-291, 1998.Because some of the decline in strength with age may beexplained by an impairment of muscle activation, the purpose of thisstudy was to determine the activation level achieved in biceps brachiiby older adults during a maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Thiscapability was assessed with two superimposition techniques: onecalculated the activation level that was achieved during an MVC, andthe other provided an estimate of the expected MVC force based on extrapolation with submaximal forces. The activation level in bicepsbrachii was incomplete (<100%) for the young(n = 16) and elderly(n = 16) subjects, with the elderlysubjects exhibiting the greater deficit. In contrast, there was nodifference between the measured and expected MVC forces for eithergroup of subjects, whether the extrapolation involved a third-orderpolynomial or linearization of the data. Because of the lowersignal-to-noise ratio associated with the measurement of activationlevel and the greater number of measurements that contributed to theestimate of the expected MVC force, we conclude that the older adultswere able to achieve complete activation of the biceps brachii muscle during an MVC.


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