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王全喜  何群 《植物研究》1993,13(2):129-131
本文报道采自哈尔滨的扁裸藻属我国新记录3种2变种,它们是Phacus balatonicus var.boglariensis Hortob.,Ph.elegans Pochm.,Ph.glaber(Defl.)Pochm.,Ph.suecicus var.invermis Nyg.,Ph.war-szewiczii Drez.  相似文献   

6个生境比较特殊而有趣的绿球藻目物种首次在我国发现,它们分别是生于土壤的香喇网绿藻(Dictyochloris fragrans Vischer ex Start),寄生于眼子菜叶片的浮萍绿点藻(Chlorchytrium lemmae Cohn.),气生种类—生长在樟树皮上的分层胶囊藻(Gloeocystis polydermatica(Kutz.) Hindak),与真菌共生形成地衣的土著共球藻(Trebouxia aboricola de Puymaly)和团集共球藻(Trebouscia glomerata(Waren) Ahmadjian),还有附生于一种刚毛藻(Cladophora sp.)细胞表面的伊乐外生藻(Ectogeron elodeae Dangeard)。除胶囊藻属(Gloeocystis)外,其它属均为中国新记录属。  相似文献   

中国顶丝藻科新记录6种。密集旋体藻Audouinelledensa,亮管旋体藻A.hyalosiphoniae,小旋体藻A.parvula,羽状旋体藻A.plumosa,顶生旋体藻A.terminalis,图氏旋体藻A.thuretii。  相似文献   

近几年来,山东省一些林场的赤松毛虫自然发生流行性病毒病,当地进行人工喷洒病毒防治松毛虫大面积试验获得良好效果。继后我们又发现山东省其它一些林果业害虫也有类似的自然死亡现象,现将采集到的几种昆虫病毒进行研究鉴定,简报如下。 1.赤松毛虫(Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler)细胞质型多角体病毒(CPV)及颗粒体病毒(GV) 1973年以来,山东省沂南县东风林场的赤松毛虫经常发生流行病而大量死亡;经调查此病分为萎  相似文献   

Reay Smithers 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):168-170
Austin, G. T. 1979. Pattern and timing of moult in penduline tits (Anthoscopus). Ostrich 49:168-173.

Moult was examined in species of Anthoscopus. Second and subsequent prebasic moults were complete. Primary and rectrix moult was typical of passerines, but secondary moult was some what irregular. Moult was largely non-overlapping with breeding, although some body moult was noted during the breeding season. In southern Africa there was some regional variation in timing of moult. First year birds moulted after adults had largely completed feather replacement. This first prebasic moult was incomplete.  相似文献   

A number of genera and lower taxonomic categories have recently been added to the Eritrean list. Distributional and field-notes are given on these and on other birds rarely recorded in Eritrea. The observations on Comatibis eremita are noteworthy.  相似文献   

Eric L.  Mills 《Ibis》1967,109(4):534-538
Observations are given for 25 species of birds seen in southwestern Ecuador or just offshore near the mouth of the Gulf of Guayaquil to supplement the records of Marchant (1958) and Lévêque (1964). Of the 25 species listed, 19 are sea-birds and a number are species not commonly reported from the area. Two records of the Antarctic Fulmar Fulmarus glacbloides are given, one of which may be the first for Ecuador. The presence of Sooty Terns Sterna fuscata and possibly a few Brown Boobies Sula leucogaster just north of the Santa Elena Peninsula is unusual and was probably the result of an incursion of warm water from the west or north. In May 1966 450 + boobies, 10 Sooty Terns and 350 Brown Pelicans were counted on Isla Pelado (El Viejo) in Bahia de Santa Elena.  相似文献   

我国几种新记录的硅藻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨积高 《植物研究》1995,15(3):335-337
本文报道了采自安徽的我国分布新记录的硅藻有3种及3变种。  相似文献   

为配合《中国藻类志》的编写,1982—1987年,作者先后到过安徽的36个县(市)和地区,共采集藻类标本约1000号,已鉴定出属于绿球藻目的植物150余种。本文报告的11种及1变种,均为我国首次记录,它们分别隶属于纤维藻属(Ankistrodesmus),小椿藻属(Characium),胶网藻属(Dictyosphaerium),霍氏藻属(Hofmania),  相似文献   

陈秀香   《广西植物》1987,(4):301-302
几年来,我所在中草药资源调查工作中,发现一些我国及广西未曾记录过的植物,现整理成文,以供有关部门参考。本文引用的标本均收藏在广西中医药研究所植物标本室(GXMI)。 山椒子水番挑(博白)番落技科Annonaceae Uvar花a grandiflora Roxb.in FI.Ind.2:665.1524;李秉滔,植物分类学报14(1):98.2976,蒋英,李秉滔,中国植物志30(2):26,图版10. 1979。 广西东南部:博白县,浪平公社,水库边1971年5月9日,王鉴均2247外北流县,隆盛公社,天堂,坡地疏林中,1977年9月26日北流调查队8一44口7。 分布:广东南部,广西东南部;印度、缅甸、泰国、越南、马来…  相似文献   

海南岛兰科植物增补   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁慎言 《植物研究》1991,11(3):23-25
本文发表海南岛兰科植物新记录属4个,新记录种10个。  相似文献   

继续报道中国顶丝藻科新记录4个种;豪氏旋体藻Audouinella howei;矮生旋体藻A.humilis;斑点旋体藻A.macula;细枝旋体藻A.tenuissima。  相似文献   

陈秀香  丘华兴   《广西植物》1995,15(2):114-115
广西种子植物资料陈秀香,丘华兴(广西民族医药研究所,南宁530001)(中国科学院华南植物研究所,广州510650)关键词圆叶青藤;膜叶白桐树;牛膝菊;齿叶猫尾树NEWRECORDSOFSPERMATOPHYTEFROMGUANGXI¥ChenXiu...  相似文献   

丘华兴   《广西植物》1988,(1):61-63
<正> 广西生长的大戟科植物,国内、外学者曾予研究;作者编写中国植物志过程,查阅广西植物研究所植物标本室(IGB)和广西中医药研究所植物标本室(GXMI)收藏的近年在广西石灰岩地区采集的一批标本,其中一些种类,对广西植物区系的探讨,具有一定意义。现报道广西石灰岩山地生长的3个我国新纪录种。  相似文献   

M. A. Ogilvie  R. J. F. Taylor 《Ibis》1967,109(3):299-309
An expedition studying geese spent six weeks in the summer of 1964 on the west coast of West-Spitsbergen, Svalbard. The topography of the area is described. Observations were made on 28 species of birds and details of numbers and distribution are given for each. Counts were made over a period of a week of the numbers of Common Eider Somateria mollissima which began nesting in a small colony as the snow cleared from the ground. Weights and measurements were taken of Purple Sandpipers Calidris maritima and Glaucous Gulls Larus hyperboreus. One species new to Svalbard was seen, a Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus. Previously unrecorded breeding sites of Pink-footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus, and Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis were found, and it is concluded that the further spread of the Barnacle Goose is probable. New sea-bird colonies were also located.  相似文献   

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