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A. Berruti 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2):8-12
Berruti, A. 1991. Comparison of the diet of breeding and nonbreeding Cape Gannets Morus capensis. Ostrich 62:8-12.

The effects of breeding status on the diet composition of Cape Gannets Morus capensis were tested at two colonies in the western Cape, South Africa. At both colonies, there were no significant differences in the species composition of the diet, but the mean energy content of regurgitations of breeders was significantly greater. Although the regurgitations of breeders were heavier and contained more fish at both colonies, only the number of fish per regurgitation from breeders at one colony was significantly greater. Birds feeding chicks at Malgas Island took significantly shorter fish than nonbreeders. The small effect of breeding status on prey species composition shows that temporal and geographical variation in prey availability is more important than breeding status in affecting diet cornposition of the Cape Gannet.  相似文献   

草兔的年龄鉴定和种群结构分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据1991年2-10月猎自晋东南的212只和1990-1992年狩猎季节猎自山西和陕西省各地的1510只草兔眼晶体重的分布规律并参照繁殖资料,确定225毫克为区别1年以下及其以上个体的临界重量。秋-冬季种群中,当年兔占86.3(72.2-93.5)%;随着繁殖季节的推移,当年兔的比例逐渐增加。在4011只标本中,雌性占52.3%;其中1226只幼体和195只成体中分别有雌性52.4%和54.4%。在2-9月所获的91只当年兔有雌性50.5%,而成体中雌性则有58.2%。  相似文献   

Batchelor, A. L. & Ross, G. J. B. 1984. The diet and implications of dietary change of Cape Gannets on Bird Island, Algoa Bay. Ostrich 55:45-63.

The diet of the Cape Gannet Sula capensis breeding on Bird Island, Algoa Bay, South Africa, was investigated. Approximately 2000 regurgitations representing 13300 prey items were examined. Twenty-three teleost and two cephalopod species were recorded in the diet. More than 90 % of the numerical composition consisted of the three species Pilchard Sardinops ocellata, Anchovy Engraulis capensis and Saury Scomberesox saurus. The proportions of these three species in the diet changed during the sampling periods. These changes were not related to the implied migration patterns of these species. Chick growth rates were investigated in conjunction with the dietary study. These results indicated that Cape Gannet chicks on a diet of Pilchard and/or Anchovy were more likely to fledge successfully than those on a diet of Stockfish Merluccius capensis or Saury. These observations were based on differences in growth rate, and peak and fledgling mass, The data suggest that Pilchard is a preferred prey species and its presence or absence in regurgitationsMayreflect a similar situation on the feeding grounds. The observed increase in the Bird Island gannet populationMaybe related to the availability of high-quality food and consequent reduced pre-breeding mortality. In the absence of historical dietary data, further detailed population dynamics studies are required to support this supposition.  相似文献   

我国草兔的分类研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
草兔(即好望角兔)(Lepus capensis Linnaeus,1758)是我国野兔中的优势种,数量多,分布广,亚种分化多,但长期以来,定名混乱,须重新校定。本篇报导专题讨论了我国草兔的分类学问题,并用电子计算机进行模糊聚类(Fuzzy aggregation),探讨了我国草兔亚种分化的中心。  相似文献   

卢欣 《兽类学报》2001,21(3):231-233
Body condition is one of the indicators of wildlife population status. Kidney fat index[1] and weight-length index (body weight against cube body length)[2] are two common indicators for species of lagomorph. The latter is more convenient to measure in game management practice. This paper analyzed relative fatness (RF) of the cape hare( Lepus capensis) one of the most important game animals in China.  相似文献   

草兔繁殖生物学的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卢欣 《兽类学报》1995,15(2):122-127
本文分析了1991年1-10月获自山西省东南部丘陵山区以及1990-1993年10月至翌年1月获自该省各地草兔的有关繁殖特征。草兔的繁殖季节为1-9月,雄性进入性活动的时间早于雌性。生殖腺测度有明显的季节变化,其峰值在4月和5月。当年兔3-4月龄时性可成熟,但达到性成熟月龄的当年兔只有51.7%在7、8月参加繁殖。怀孕个体见于2-9月,3月怀孕率最高,此后逐渐下降。胎仔数1-7只,5月最多,年均值3.6只,每只雌兔年产幼兔12.9只。  相似文献   

Bodyconditionisoneoftheindicatorsofwildlifepopulationstatus.Kidneyfatindex[1 ] andweight lengthindex (bodyweightagainstcubebodylength) [2 ] aretwocommonindicatorsforspeciesoflagomorph .Thelatterismoreconvenienttomeasureingamemanagementpractice.Thispaperanalyz…  相似文献   

Tomkovich, P.S. & Soloviev, M.Yu. 1994. Site fidelity in High Arctic breeding waders. Ostrich 65:174-180.

The return rate and fluctuations in density between years were determined for colour-marked populations of Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola. Little Stint Calidris minuta, Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea, Sanderling C. alba and Knot C. canutus in a study in the Knipovich Bay area, northern Taimyr, Central Siberia (76°05'N. 98°32'E) during three breeding seasons, June 1990 to August 1992. No birds marked as chick were recorded as returning to the study area. Females of all species exhibited low site fidelity. The return rate of males varied between species. No marked male Curlew Sandpiper or Little Stint were recorded in the season following the marking, which is compatible with the nomadic behaviour of these two species. In contrast, males of Grey Plover and Knot were site faithful and had return rates of 78% and 8% respectively (though the latter value may have been underestimated). Site fidelity of Sanderling males lay between these extremes (the return rate was 20%). The variability of bud breeding density in the stud area was negatively correlated with return rate and reached the largest value in Little Stint (a factor 07 18.0 between the lowest and highest densities) and Curlew Sandpiper (factors of 4,4 for males and 5,7 for females), being intermediate in Sanderling (2,5) and the smallest in males of Grey Plover (1,Z) and Knot(1,4).

In the late and cold season of 1992, bird densities were smallest in all ses and the largest proportion of site faithful, but unmated, males of Grey Plover and Knot were recorded. Species with highly opportunistic and comparatively conservative territorial connections can be recognise among Siberian High Arctic waders. All species appear to show some degree of opportunism, which is probably dictated by a number of factors of which climate is the most important.  相似文献   

W. K. Steele  P. A.R. Hockey 《Ostrich》2013,84(3-4):97-106
Steele, W.K. & Hockey, P.A.R. 1990. Population size, distribution and dispersal of Kelp Gulls in the southwestern Cape, South Africa. Ostrich 61:97-106.

There are indications that the Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus population of the southwestern Cape Province, South Africa, is increasing. It is proposed that decreased post-fledging mortality due to supplementary food from man's activities, at sites such as fishing harbours and refuse dumps, is likely to be the main cause of this population increase. Kelp Gulls aggregate, and juveniles (first-year birds) are disproportionately abundant, at sites where supplementary food is available. Juvenile dispersal from the two largest breeding colonies, 38 km apart, is in opposite directions.  相似文献   

我国草兔的聚类研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
裘聿皇 《兽类学报》1989,9(3):168-172
本文用新的聚类方法, 对中国草兔进行系统聚类。  相似文献   

Over the past 24 yr, 8,596 Steller sea lion ( Eumetopias jubatus ) pups were branded on their natal rookeries throughout Alaska with the objectives of determining survival rates, recruitment, movements, and site fidelity. Our objectives here were to examine the extent of dispersal of Steller sea lions away from their natal rookeries, movements between stocks, and degree of natal rookery fidelity. Pups (<1 yr old) usually remained within 500 km of their natal rookery. Branded juveniles dispersed widely and were resighted at distances up to 1,785 km from their natal rookeries. Adults generally remained within 500 km of their natal rookeries. No interchange of breeding animals between the ES (eastern stock) and WS (western stock) was observed. Although natal rookery fidelity was prevalent, 33% of the 12 observations of females branded in the WS during 1987–1988 and 19% of the 29 observations of females branded in the ES during 1994–1995 were observed with newly born pups at sites other than their natal rookeries. Steller sea lions generally conformed to the metapopulation concept as depicted by Hanski and Simberloff (1997), with local breeding populations (rookeries) and movements among these local populations having the potential of affecting local dynamics.  相似文献   

Dr. W. R. Siegfried 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2):122-135
Gichuki, CM. 2000. Community participation in the protection of Kenya's wetlands. Ostrich 71 (1 &; 2): 122–125.

In Africa today, many natural ecosystems are threatened with destruction, primarily because of unsustainable exploitation and negative impacts of development activities. Wetlands are prime targets of exploitation because they contain the basic resources, such as water, land, plants and animals, which are commonly used to fuel economic development. In Kenya wetlands support rural economy and up to seven million people depend on them for their livelihood. In addition there is considerable inter-institutional competition for wetland resources, particularly water. While a wetland policy is being developed by the government, widespread damage to wetland ecosystems continues at village level. Community participation in the protection of their own environment and in the conservation of wetland resources has therefore become a crucial strategy for stemming the loss of biological diversity and minimizing damage to the environment.

This paper describes wetland conservation initiatives of several community groups in Kenya during the period 1990 to 1996. The paper outlines some of the projects which the community groups have been undertaking in order to generate income, create job opportunities for the youth and to protect their own environment. The wetland conservation activities and the author's experience while working with these community groups can serve as a suitable model for application in many African countries south of the Sahara.  相似文献   

Although the Ziphiidae are the second-most speciose family of cetaceans, information on beaked whale species and populations has been limited by the difficulties in finding and approaching free-ranging individuals. Site fidelity, patterns of association, and movements of two species, Cuvier's ( Ziphius cavirostris ) and Blainville's ( Mesoplodon densirostris ) beaked whales, were assessed using a 21-yr photographic data set from the west coast of the island of Hawai i. Resightings of individuals of both species spanned 15 yr, suggesting long-term site fidelity to the area. Long-term resightings were documented primarily from adult females of both species. Group sizes for both species were small and most groups had only a single adult male present. For Blainville's beaked whales, repeated associations between adult females and adult males were documented for all resightings of adult males over periods from 1 to 154 d. Among adult females, although repeated associations occurred up to 9 yr apart, individuals were seen separately in intervening years. Individuals of both species seen on multiple occasions were typically documented in multiple months/seasons, suggesting they may use the study area throughout the year. Such long-term site fidelity has implications both for potential population structure and for susceptibility of beaked whale populations to anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   

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