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Tarboton, W. R. 1978. Breeding of the Little Banded Goshawk. Ostrich 49:132-143.

The behaviour and vocalizations of a pair of Little Banded Goshawks Accipiter badius during part of their breeding cycle is described. Both sexes built the nest. Two eggs were laid three days apart. The first egg was incubated for 52% of the day, but this increased to 90% when the clutch was complete, of which the female's share was 86% and the male's 4%. The second egg hatched after 29 days, 18 h. The female did not hunt during the incubation or early nestling period and was fed by the male who brought her, on average, 7,0 food objects per day. Lizards formed 73% of the 91 identified prey objects, and small birds, 24%. The female and chick, when 16 days old, were killed by a predator on the nest at night.  相似文献   

J. S. Watt 《Ostrich》2013,84(2):77-78
Concerns have been expressed over the impact of flipper banding on the survival and reproductive performance of penguins. This study compared the breeding success of banded and unbanded African Penguins Spheniscus demersus at Boulders Beach, South Africa, in 2006. It was based on 100 nests; 50 had at least one banded adult and 50 had no banded adults. Besides flipper banding, other variables considered were extent of vegetation cover, proximity to tourist path, burrow depth, and either sand or clay substratum. There were no significant differences in breeding success between the different nest types or between banded and unbanded penguins, suggesting that once an individual reaches the level of fitness required to breed, banding does not affect the outcome of breeding by African Penguins.  相似文献   

J. B. Nelson 《Ibis》1966,108(4):584-626
The Bass colony is increasing—in 1962 there were 5,350–5,700 breeding pairs; 1,340–1,430 pairs of non-breeders with nests or sites (mainly pairs in their season before first breeding) and 2,000–2,500 “club” birds without nest or site. 15% of nests were occupied by both birds of a pair at the time of the count. Oldest males return to the colony in January, followed by experienced females, considerably later by young adult-plumaged birds, immature birds later still, and the few one year-olds that return usually not until May and June. Mid-cliff sites are the first to be re-colonized each year. Gannets usually breed in their fifth year and there is some evidence that females breed earlier than males. The characteristics of Gannet nests and sites are described. Nests function in raising the egg and young above the morass of the breeding colony, and reach a density of about 2.3 per square metre. Nests are demolished and their positions changed more often than might be suspected. The extremely strong social tendency which causes Gannets to establish their sites amongst or very close to existing breeders probably is the factor ensuring high density and this contributes to synchronization of laying. Egg laying is analysed. Experienced pairs forming an isolated group of 20 nests began laying later and showed less synchronization than two other groups of the same size but from the middle of a dense mass, probably due to the greater social stimulation experienced by the non-isolated groups. The date for first and median eggs was also earlier in larger than smaller groups in the same year. The effect of density as distinct from group size is also discussed. Early eggs are mainly laid on cliff or cliff-edge sites and in large nests. Different groups within the colony produced the median egg within 2–3 days of the end of April each year. In the fullest documented group the mean date was also constant from year to year and closely approached the median, implying a considerable degree of synchronization within the gannetry as a whole. Laying in the observation colony became progressively earlier in successive years, probably due to recovery from previous disturbance. Nevertheless, individual females tended to lay in a fixed position each year with relation to the mean for the group. Increasing age of the female causes earlier egg laying and heavier eggs for up to at least five years. It is suggested that the survival value of seasonally synchronized laying in the Gannet is maximum utilization of a seasonally dependable and abundant food supply for the production of young with the optimal chance of post-fledging survival. The spread of laying acts as an insurance against possible adverse conditions. There is a considerable reserve of unutilized breeding capability within the colony (adult non-breeders, a pre-maturity period longer than physiologically necessary for egg production, and a one-egg clutch when in fact two young can easily be reared). The mean of 393 Gannet eggs was 104.5 gm. (range 81–130). Eggs constitute about 3.4% of adult female weight and lose 9–13% in weight during incubation. Replacement laying of the invariable one-egg clutch takes 6–32 days. The mean incubation period was 43.6 days. Male incubation spells averaged 35.6 hours; female's 32.0 hours. Copulation ceases immediately after egg laying. During three seasons, 82% of eggs laid in the observation colony hatched. Inexperienced pairs hatched 62.6% of eggs laid; experienced pairs hatched 86%. Some of the processes of incubation and chick rearing depend on the maturation of innate abilities and not on experience Inexperienced breeders do not seem inferior to experienced ones in finding enough food for their young. Parental care of the new chick is described; the pterylosis of the chick is figured. A summarized account of plumage development is given. Food fish and chick feeding are described. The average frequency of feeds throughout a continuous two-day watch was 2.7 feeding bouts per chick per day. Adult fishing trips usually took 7–13 hours and the estimated fishing range is over 100 miles, and possibly up to 400 miles, from the breeding colony. Despite this, 15% of daylight hours are spent by the pair together at the nest in addition to the constant guarding of the chick by one or other. Gannet young have a very compressed growth period compared with boobies and fledge at 3,100–4,100 gm., after a steady growth uninterrupted by periods of starvation or arrested development after an average 90 days. 92.3% of all eggs which hatched in 500 nests in the observation colony during three years of the study gave fledged young. Excluding inexperienced birds, there was no difference in the fledging success of eggs laid at different dates in the breeding season, in accordance with the proved abund- ance of food. However, post-fledging survival is probably higher among young fledging at the peak period (first half of September) than later and the few relevant ringing returns tend to support this. Breeding success at the small colony at Bempton was less compared with groups from the Bass for the years 1961–3. Causes of chick loss before and during fledging are discussed. They are unimportant compared with the great mortality in the first year of life after fledging. The adaptive significance of black plumage in the juvenile Gannet probably lies in reduced attack-releasing qualities of such plumage on the male parent. The Gannet alone in the Sulidae produces young which leave the nest with large fat deposits, and which are not fed at all by the parents after fledging. This is possibly another result of adaptation to using a seasonally abundant food supply to the maximum. The present Gannet population increase is discussed in relation to cessation of human predation, the possible impetus given by a temporary but large increase in pelagic fish during the war, but also the overall steady downward trend in fishing returns since the early part of this century. One cannot explain the steady and considerable rise in Gannet numbers only in terms of increased food supply. The fact that, at a time of population expansion and obviously favourable conditions, Gannets are still far from utilizing their full recruiting powers, needs investigating further. It may be partly due to the relative slowness of evolutionary change in a long-lived species with slow population turn-over, if the Gannet has evolved its characteristics in response to an environment different from the present one.  相似文献   

Gargett, V. 1982. Synchronous hatching and the Cain and Abel struggle in the Black Eagle. Ostrich 53:147-150.

An experiment was conducted to cause two Black Eagle Aquila verrreauxii chicks to hatch synchronously. There was ample food on the nest and the female offered it to both chicks, but the smaller chick, from the smaller second-laid egg, died. The greater reach of the chick from the first-laid egg enabled it to obtain more of the food offered, so that it gained weight. Its greater mass then enabled it to prevent its sibling from taking food. Both chicks showed aggression, but that of the heavier chick was more effective.  相似文献   

J. D. Macdonald 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):195-196
This study investigates the possibility of hybridisation between introduced domestic Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris, derived from the West African subspecies N. m. galeata, and South African guineafowl, N. m. coronata. There is putative morphological evidence of such hybridisation in wild populations and it is known that domestic guineafowl do not survive well in the wild. Molecular analysis of the control region of mtDNA confirmed the occurrence of the domestic guineafowl haplotype in individuals present in wild populations from KwaZulu-Natal, but not in birds from populations from the Free State. Thus, despite the absence of the availability of bi-parentally inherited nuclear DNA marker, the presence of the domestic haplotype in individuals of both wild and intermediate phenotype (between wild and domestic birds) suggests that there is hybridisation in the wild between domestic and wild guineafowl. To avoid potential negative affects associated with outbreeding depression, we argue for careful control of releases of domestic guineafowl into the wild. This study investigates the possibility of hybridisation between introduced domestic Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris, derived from the West African subspecies N. m. galeata, and South African guineafowl, N. m. coronata. There is putative morphological evidence of such hybridisation in wild populations and it is known that domestic guineafowl do not survive well in the wild. Molecular analysis of the control region of mtDNA confirmed the occurrence of the domestic guineafowl haplotype in individuals present in wild populations from KwaZulu-Natal, but not in birds from populations from the Free State. Thus, despite the absence of the availability of bi-parentally inherited nuclear DNA marker, the presence of the domestic haplotype in individuals of both wild and intermediate phenotype (between wild and domestic birds) suggests that there is hybridisation in the wild between domestic and wild guineafowl. To avoid potential negative affects associated with outbreeding depression, we argue for careful control of releases of domestic guineafowl into the wild.  相似文献   

J. M. Winterbottom 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):156-158
Hofshi, H., Gersani, M. &; Katzir, G. 1987. Urban nesting of Tristram's Grackles Onychognathus tristramii in Israel. Ostrich 58: 156–159.

Urban nesting of Tristram's Grackles Onychognathus tristramii is described. Nesting in the town of Arad, Israel, was first observed in the summer of 1983. Breeding behaviour was recorded during two seasons, in six nests. The behaviour of Tristram's Grackles resembled that of related Onychognathus species. The birds were monogamous. Breeding was from March to the end of June, and nests were built in holes and crevices in unoccupied buildings, 6–20 m above the ground. The nest was deep, cup shaped and built predominantly of green Tamarix branches. Three to four eggs were laid. Only the female incubated, while the male guarded. Both parents fed the young on insects fruit and human food remains. The nestlings remained in the nest for approximately 30 days. Parents continued to feed the fledglings for a week after they had left the nest. The fledglings formed juvenile flocks, two weeks after they had left the nest. The adults might then raise a second brood. The process of urbanization of the grackles is discussed.  相似文献   

M. J. F. Jarvis 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):211-216

Randall, R. M., Randall, B. M., Cooper, J. &; Frost, P. G. H. 1986: A new census method for penguins tested on Jackass Penguins Spheniscus demersus. Ostrich 57: 211–215

A census method for Jackass Penguins based on their moulting cycle is described. Population estimates were substantially higher with this method than with total counts, but were not dissimilar to maximum estimates obtained from strip counts. The moult method estimates the size of the entire population and is independent of the breeding cycle and breeding status of both individuals and population. It is not plagued by the problem of absenteeism encountered during most phases of the penguin annual cycle and is independent on their diel activity. The drawbacks to the method are that it is laborious and protracted, that it does not differentiate between the breeding population and the whole population, and is unsuited to some species and some habitats.  相似文献   

R. K. Schmidt 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):155-158
Earlé R. A. &; Herholdt, J. J. 1988. Breeding and moult of the Anteating Chat Myrmecocichla formicivora. Ostrich 59: 155–161.

The general breeding biology and moult of the Anteating Chat Myrmecocichla formicivora was studied in open grassveld over a two-year period. During the winter (July), groups were significantly smaller than during summer (December) (1,81 ± 0,50 versus 2,85 ± 1,35 birds per group). There was a large turnover of individuals in the study area but the total population stayed the same. The breeding season in the study area lasted from September to February but analysis of nest record cards from a larger area gave a breeding season of August-April. Two types of nests were used: 90,6% were burrows in sand banks or other excavations, but 9,4%were in the mud pellet nests of Greater Striped Swallows Hirundo cucullata (n = 53). Consecutive breeding attempts were never made in the same burrow. Clutches consisted of three, four or five eggs ([Xbar] = 3,73 ± 0,67). Incubation lasted 14–14,5-15 days. The nestling period lasted 15–18 days. Fledgling/egg breeding success was 41,8% with 48,2% of all eggs not reaching the hatching stage. Juveniles showed an unequal sex ratio of 0,57 ♂ ♂: 1,0 ♀ ♀ but adults had a nearly equal ratio (0,9 ♂ ♂: 1,0 ♀ ♀). There was a significant positive correlation between the primary moult score and the week of the seven months in which moult was recorded. Juveniles underwent a complete body moult and partial primary moult 3–4 months after fledging.  相似文献   

A. S. Robertson 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-3):58-66
Robertson, A. S. 1985. Observations on the post-fledging dependence period of Cape Vultures. Ostrich 56: 58–66.

Cape Vultures were observed during their post-fledging dependence period at a colony in the Cape Province, South Africa. Information is presented on the length of the period, behaviour of juveniles and of parents at the nest, survival of juveniles, aggressive interactions between parents and juveniles and retention of the nest site following breeding. At the colony, juveniles initiate contact with their parents, which supply food to their own offspring at the natal site only. Parental aggression was observed over an average period of five months after juveniles had left the nest (range 32–218 days); at two nest sites, the period overlapped with the next season's incubation period, although no transfer of food was observed during this period-of overlap.  相似文献   

A. S. Robertson 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):196-206
Robertson, A. S. 1984. Aspects of the population dynamics of Cape Vultures in the Cape Province. Ostrich 55: 196–206.

Information gathered in 1981 and 1982 and collated from previous records on the numbers, spatial distribution, proportion of age classes, age and frequency of breeding, breeding success and causes of breeding failure, and the survival of immature and adult Cape Vultures Gyps coprotheres in the southern and southwestern areas of the Cape Province, South Africa, is presented. This sub-population of about 75 birds is apparently isolated from conspecifics in the rest of southern Africa; the implications of this are discussed. At the Potberg colony in both years an average of 85% of birds 5 years and older were involved in breeding attempts. The age of first breeding was 4–6 years. Nest sites were active for about two in every three years. Between 1975 and 1982, 0,51-0,67 nestlings were reared per active nest site (n=165). Four (possible maximum six) of 21 immatures were resighted one year after they had flown. Of 123 birds that had been ringed at Potberg to 1980, 14 (11%) were sighted in 1981; only four of 48(8%) colour-ringed birds 5 years old and older were breeding in 1981.  相似文献   

草兔繁殖生物学的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卢欣 《兽类学报》1995,15(2):122-127
本文分析了1991年1-10月获自山西省东南部丘陵山区以及1990-1993年10月至翌年1月获自该省各地草兔的有关繁殖特征。草兔的繁殖季节为1-9月,雄性进入性活动的时间早于雌性。生殖腺测度有明显的季节变化,其峰值在4月和5月。当年兔3-4月龄时性可成熟,但达到性成熟月龄的当年兔只有51.7%在7、8月参加繁殖。怀孕个体见于2-9月,3月怀孕率最高,此后逐渐下降。胎仔数1-7只,5月最多,年均值3.6只,每只雌兔年产幼兔12.9只。  相似文献   

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