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D. Blaker 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):150-155
Slotow, R. H., Mendelsohn, J. M. &; Perrin, M. R. 1987. The diet of adult and nestling Blackshouldered Kites, and breeding success. Ostrich 59:150-154.

Blackshouldered Kite diet was examined at Settlers, Transvaal, by pellet analysis. Rodents made up 98% by number of the adult diet, comprising 51% Otomys angoniensis, 31% Praomys natalensis, and 16% Rhabdomys pumilio. There was no apparent selection for either prey species or age groups. As the breeding cycle progressed the chances of success increased. We found no evidence that nestling survival was related to the quality of their diet.  相似文献   

The buffalo (Syncerus coffer (Sparrman)) in the Ruwenzori National Park, Uganda were censused by means of aerial survey. Details of earlier censuses of buffalo from the air are given. Herds were located by flying along flight lines 1–6 km apart at a height of 300 m above ground. Buffalo in small herds and in bachelor groups containing less than thirty animals were counted individually but most herds were photographed and the number of buffalo counted from the prints. Two full photographic counts were made in November 1968 and December 1969 and subsequently, counts of herds only were made four times a year during each wet and dry season. The total numbers of buffalo were estimated from the herd counts on the basis of the mean herd size and percentage of bachelors recorded earlier. A total of 17 835 buffalo, comprising 16 749 in 165 herds and 1086 bachelor bulls, was recorded in 1968 and 18 040 buffalo made up of 17 141 in 162 herds and 899 bachelors were counted in 1969. The mean herd size was 101-5 in 1968 and 105-8 in 1969 with bachelors representing 6-1% and 5-0% of the totals in 1968 and 1969 respectively. The mean size of the bachelor groups was 4–7 and 3-3 in 1968 and 1969 respectively. The density of the buffalo was the same each year at twelve animals per sq. km. If only the preferred habitat is considered, the density becomes thirty-eight buffalo per sq. km. The mean areas occupied by a single herd were 9-4 and 9-6 sq. km in 1968 and 1969 respectively. The mean area of preferred habitat used by one herd was 2–9 sq. km each year. It is concluded that herd counts are not a satisfactory method for assessing the total buffalo population although they have value as indices, provided the same observer is used. However, they do suggest in the present work that there is a slight but definite seasonal movement of buffalo into forested areas or towards permanent water during the dry season.  相似文献   

In this study, we used genetic-based approaches to estimate population size and structure of Eurasian otter along the Drava River in Hungary, and compared these results to traditional survey-based methods. The relative spraint density of otter was estimated based on the number of fresh (Df) and total number (Dt) of spraints collected on standard routes over a 2-year period. Nine microsatellite loci were screened, generating 17 individual otter genotypes composed of 45 different alleles. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.53 to 0.89 and observed heterozygosity from 0.25 to 0.92. The mean density (Dg) estimated over six different sites was 0.17 individuals per km of shoreline. A close correlation was found between the number of genotypes and spraint counts along a standard route (fresh spraints: rP=0.85, P<0.01; total spraints rP=0.76, P<0.05). All genotypes found within the 50 km-long study area were closely related (Dm ranged between 0.08 and 0.21).  相似文献   

Comparative surveys of bird species richness and abundance showed that a total of 69 bird species was recorded on 1 km transects (n = 996) through shrubland, with a total estimated density of birds of 32.7 ± 32.8 (S.D.) birds/km2, of which resident birds made up 24.4 ± 21.0 birds/km2, nomads made up 1.9 ± 11.7 birds/km2 and local nomads made up 6.3 ± 20.1 birds/km2. There was no correlation in general between total bird numbers or total bird biomass and rain, but numbers and biomass of nomads showed the strongest correlations with rainfall two months previously. A total of 86 species was recorded on 276 surveys along a 1 km stretch of drainage line woodland. Species richness varied from an average of about nine species to 24 species each month, and only showed a marked change during the 'dry' period of 1990 to early 1991. Density of birds in this woodland was 59.2 ± 20.8 birds/km. Biomass of birds was relatively constant throughout the study period, with marked increases in certain months when large species were present.  相似文献   

Hedgehogs (Erinaceous europaeus), rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) were 93.4% of 1390 mammal carcasses counted during 92 trips along a 63.2?km route, 2009–2014, through peri-urban and farmland habitats. Pukeko (Porphyrio melanotus) and swamp harriers (Circus approximans) constituted 29% of the 466 bird road-kill. Comparisons indicate the recovery of hedgehog and rabbit populations from declines to 2005 and 2009, respectively, and the increased suppression of possum populations, consistent with disease and pest control trajectories. Road-kill density was spatially and temporally aggregated. Seasonal peaks reflected species-specific periodicity in breeding and dispersal. Carcass densities varied positively with traffic volume and did not asymptote with increasing traffic up to 25,000 vehicles per day. Kill rates per vehicle were maintained at the highest traffic volumes. Busier roads were not avoided by wildlife and could be substantial demographic sinks and barriers to their spread. We discuss the implications for wildlife management and conservation.  相似文献   

The blue korhaan (Eupodotis caerulescens) is a poorly known bird endemic to the grasslands of southern Africa. It lives in permanently held territories defended by groups of individuals. During 2001 and 2002, 61 transects were carried out along 544 km of roads in Mpumalanga province (South Africa) to collect data on territory density and group size and composition in this species. Habitat, altitude and topography variables were measured to evaluate their influence on population density. Average territory density was 1.56 ± 0.19 (SE) territories per 5 km and maximum densities attained 5.6 territories per 5 km. Within its area of occurrence, higher densities occurred along transects with larger proportion of short grassland (either burned or grazed) and flatter topography. Mean group size was 3.03 ± 0.11 birds (n = 119), with 87.4% of the groups having one to four birds. Most common group composition was one male and one female‐like (34.5%), followed by two male and one female‐like (17.2%) and two male and two female‐like (13.8%). Single individuals were always males, and the male/female‐like ratio peaked at a group size of three and decreased thereafter. Mean group size increased with territory density (rs = 0.42, P = 0.007, n = 41). There were no differences in group size across habitat types. The occurrence of habitat saturation and cooperative breeding in this species could explain the observed results.  相似文献   

Predation of cocooned larvae of codling moth Cydia pomonella by silvereyes Zosterops lateralis was studied in an apple orchard in Nelson, New Zealand. Apple logs with known larval densities were made available to the birds for known periods of time, either in cages or exposed in the apple orchard. The numbers of silvereyes and the natural predation of codling moth were recorded in the same orchard. Predation was density dependent. On caged logs with an initial high density of 32 larvae, 1.1 larvae were consumed per bird‐hour; in contrast, one larva was consumed per 34.5 bird‐hours at three larvae per log. A curvilinear relationship was demonstrated between larval density and the bird‐hours required for predation; this relationship was consistent with the known density dependence of silvereye predation of codling moth. A regression of the total annual winter bird predation of larvae in the orchard on bird numbers was significant. However, the density dependence of predation resulted in declining rates of predation over the winter as larval density declined; the first birds to arrive in the orchard benefitted from particularly high predation rates. As a consequence, fluctuations in bird numbers during the winter had only a secondary influence on predation rates. The numbers of silvereyes in the orchard showed no relationship to the density of the codling moth population present. This study confirmed the importance of silvereyes in the predation of codling moth and a functional, not numerical, rseponse of these birds to codling moth density.  相似文献   


We compare the number of medium‐sized animals (between rat and dog‐size) killed on repeated counts along the same 1660 km of North Island highways in 1984, 1994 and 2005 with other counts going back to 1949. Elevenmammal and 14 bird species were recorded, but Australian possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) and rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) predominated, and pukekos (Porphyrio porphyrio), mynas (Acridotheres tristis), and Australian magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen) were the most common birds. Counts of possums, hedgehogs and rabbits ranged between 0.7 and 89 corpses/100 km, and changed dramatically over six decades. The possum count rose 80% between 1984 and 1994, but declined 60% by 2005. A possible irruption of hedgehogs is reported in 1988–89, followed by an 82% decline in their numbers between 1994 and 2005. Although rabbit hemorrhagic disease was introduced to New Zealand in 1997, rabbit road‐kill increased 59% between 1994 and 2005. The relationship between road‐kill and traffic volume indicates that roads carrying more than 3000 vehicles per day act as barriers to larger mammals, while vehicles on less busy roads are more dangerous for crossing animals. We suggest that regular counts taken at annual intervals over the same roads is a useful method for gathering information about the changing distribution and relative abundance of certain animals on a provincial or national scale and over long periods of time. Regular counts at seasonal, monthly or weekly intervals are also a rich source of information.  相似文献   

Reintroductions are commonly used to mitigate biodiversity loss. One prominent example is that of the Red Kite Milvus milvus, a charismatic raptor of conservation concern. This species has been reintroduced across the UK over the last 25 years following its near extinction after centuries of persecution. The species was not expected to recolonize urban areas; its historical association with human settlements is attributed to scavenging on human waste and refuse, a resource now greatly reduced on the streets of modern European cities. However, the species has become a common daytime visitor to a large conurbation centred on the town of Reading, southern England, approximately 20 km from the first English reintroduction site. Given a near‐absence of breeding and roost sites, we investigated foraging opportunities and habitat associations that might explain use by Red Kites of this urban area. Surveys of discarded human foods and road‐kill suggested that these could support at most 13–29 Kites per day. Face‐to‐face surveys of a cross‐section of residents revealed that 4.5% (equivalent to 4349 households) provided supplementary food for Red Kites in their gardens. Using estimates of per‐household resource provision from another study, we calculated that this is potentially sufficient to feed 142–320 Kites, a substantial proportion of the total estimated to visit the conurbation each day (between 140 and 440). Road transects found positive associations between Red Kites and residential areas. We suggest that the decision made by thousands of householders to provide supplementary food for Red Kites in their gardens is the primary factor explaining their daytime abundance in this urban area.  相似文献   

Ntiamoa-Baidu, Y., Asamoah, S.A., Owusu, E.H. & Owusu-Boateng, K. 2000. Avifauna of two upland evergreen forest reserves, the Atewa Range and Tan0 Offin, in Ghana. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 277–281.

Data are presented on the avifauna of two Upland Evergreen forest reserves in Ghana: Atewa Range Forest Reserve and the Tano Offin Forest Reserve. The data obtained for the two reserves using three survey techniques: transect counts, timed species counts and mist-netting are compared. A total of 105 species were recorded for the Atewa Range Forest Reserve while the Tano-Offin Forest Reserve yielded 110 species. Mean species encounter rate in the transect counts at Atewa was 24.2 per km while individual bird encounter rate was 52.6 per km; encounter rates at Tano Offin were 31.2 per km. and 98.2 per km for species and individual birds respectively. The most common species encountered in Atewa was the Yellow-whiskered Greenbul Andropadus latimstris (7.1% of observations in transect counts and 6.7% in spot counts), while the Green-crested Touraco (6.6% of transect counts) and Green Hylia (5.7% of spot counts) were the most abundant at Tan0 Offin. The records for Atewa included four globally threatened species while Tano yielded three threatened species. Two species of birds, the Equatorial Akalat Sheppardia aequatorialis and the yellow-bellied Greenbul Phyllastrepus flavostn'atus were recorded for the first time in Ghana from the two reserves. The bird community at Tan0 Ofin was significantly more diverse than that at Atewa. In both reserves, spot counts yielded more species (67.6% and 74.5% of total recorded at Atewa and Tan0 respectively), than transect counts and mist nets. 31 species recorded in both spot counts and transect counts at Atewa were not captured in mist nets, while nine species caught in mist nets were not recorded by the two methods. The figures for the Tano Offin reserve were 43 and six respectively. We conclude that of the three survey techniques, the timed species counts offer the most comprehensive results for rapid assessment of forest avifauna, but a combination of all three methods is necessary for complete coverage. The need for management of the two reserves to maintain their unique biodiversity in the face-of threats from mining and logging is discussed.  相似文献   

Poisoning by pesticides is considered one of the primary threats to the Red Kite Milvus milvus. We studied the diet of this raptor in an area of eastern France where the rodenticide bromadiolone is widely used to control Water Vole Arvicola terrestris outbreaks. A high degree of specialization for Water Voles was noted, as their remains were identified in all 119 pellets collected in autumn 2008, whereas other small rodent species and insects occurred in 27 and 9% of pellets, respectively. We estimated that Water Voles constituted 94% of the total biomass ingested by Red Kites under these conditions. Based on these data, the risk of secondary poisoning due to feeding on poisoned voles was assessed. Acute exposure on a single day was not considered a risk for Kites, but exposure to poisoned voles over 1 week represented the maximal risk for the Red Kite; the calculated dose of bromadiolone ingested by a Red Kite was 137 times higher than the toxicological benchmark for birds. A field survey in the studied area detected four dead Red Kites and one moribund bird in autumn 2008 but did not confirm that the cause of death was bromadiolone poisoning. We suggest that professional monitoring is needed to assess the impact of rodenticides on Red Kites in areas where voles are controlled.  相似文献   

A. Clark 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):251-253
Clark, A. 1974. Plumage changes in the male Maccoa Duck. Ostrich 45: 251–254.

Maccoa Duck Oxyura mi ccoo counts made at various waters in the Transvaal and Orange Free State, South Africa, in which the numbers are separated according to plumage, are presented and discussed in the light of the work done by Siegfried (1968, 1970) on this species. Males invariably outnumber females and the indications are that Transvaal birds move out of the area during winter when most males are in non-breeding plumage. There is little difference in the pattern of plumage changes between Transvaal and Cape birds.  相似文献   

刘天天  邓文洪 《生态学报》2015,35(8):2622-2627
2007年4月至7月,2007年12月至2008年1月,分别在北京市门头沟区小龙门森林公园、百花山自然保护区以及延庆县松山自然保护区,对同域分布的普通(Sitta europaea)和黑头(Sitta villosa)两种同域分布的类种群密度进行了调查。普通在小龙门森林公园、百花山自然保护区和松山自然保护区的种群密度分别是40.92、96.67只/km2和16.67只/km2。而黑头在上述3个调查区域的种群密度分别是2.03、16.67只/km2和23.33只/km2。普通的总体平均密度(51.4只/km2)高于黑头(20.68只/km2)。两种类分布的海拔和林型存在着差异。普通在海拔高度1070—1350 m的分布比较多。在海拔段1070—1250 m区间,普通的数量随海拔高度的增加呈递增的趋势。而黑头在海拔600—800 m分布较多,随着海拔高度的增加,种群数量呈递减趋势。普通主要分布在阔叶林和针阔混交林中,而黑头主要分布在针叶林中。  相似文献   

Herremans, M. &; Herremans-Tonnoeyr, D. 1994. Seasonal patterns in abundance of Lilacbreasted Rollers Coracias caudata and Purple Rollers Coracias naevia inferred from roadside counts in eastern and northern Botswana. Ostrich 65:66-73

The relative abundance of rollers (Coraciidae) in 45933 km of roadside counts made in eastern and northern Botswana between May 1991 and April 1994 was assessed by season and biome. Lilacbreasted Rollers appeared to move from breeding grounds in the northern Botswana woodlands into the northern Kalahari, and north-westward from breeding grounds in the Transvaal into the Limpopo drainage system and adjacent eastern Kalahari, during winter. Purple Rollers showed an influx during autumn and winter over most of eastern Botswana, but birds did not remain during the drought winter of 1992. The pattern indicated a large scale west-east or southwest-northeast migratory movement, from breeding grounds in the drier parts of the Kalahari to wintering grounds in the more humid periphery of the Kalahari.  相似文献   

Although it is clear that the farmlands neighbouring fragmented forests are utilized by some forest birds, it is not clear how birds in general respond to farmland habitat mosaic. An effort was made to determine how bird density and foraging assemblages were influenced by farm structural characteristics and distance from forest edge. Thirty farms up to a distance of 12 km around Kakamega forest in western Kenya were studied. Farm structure entailed size, hedge volume, habitat heterogeneity, woody plant density, plant diversity and crop cover. Birds were surveyed using line transects and DISTANCE analyses and classified into six feeding guilds and three habitat associations. Size of farms increased away from the forest, as woody plant density, plant diversity, indigenous trees and subsistence crop cover declined. The most important farm structure variable was hedge volume, which enhanced bird species richness, richness of shrub‐land bird species and insectivorous bird density (R = 0.58, P < 0.01). Bird density increased with tree density while indigenous trees were suitable for insectivores and nectarivores. There were very few forest bird encounters. Agricultural practices incorporating maintenance of hedges and sound selection of agroforestry trees can enhance conservation of birds on farmland, though, not significantly for forest species.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of habitat mosaics on butterfly assemblage on multiple spatial scales: landscape, landscape element, local habitat, and microhabitat, based on the transect counts conducted along a 3.84 km route. The transect route, including 21 local habitats, passed through two distinct areas: 1.65 km of a secondary deciduous Quercus forest and the grove of a shrine in Hiraoka, and 2.19 km of a mosaic of secondary deciduous Quercus forest, grassland, and farmland in Narukawa. The diversity of the landscape elements and species richness were higher in Narukawa than in Hiraoka; the landscape mosaic enhanced the species richness in Narukawa. However, the diversity indices and specialist species (univoltine tree feeder) were decreased in this mosaic landscape. The species richness at local habitats was also increased by the mosaic of microhabitats, such as the herbaceous layer, glade, and mantle in the local habitats, whereas it was decreased by an abundant shrub layer. The ratios of species richness to abundance in the local habitats were lower than expected based on random sampling from the total of Hiraoka and Narukawa. This means that local assemblages were non-random samples from an assemblage on the landscape or regional scale, and were made up by the process of habitat selection of butterfly species in the assemblages on the landscape or regional scale. For conservation of butterfly assemblages, we recommend that woodlands should be kept without fragmentation, but with glades or small grasslands, and with clearance of the shrub layer along the path.  相似文献   

Summary The early spring distribution of seabirds, pinnipeds and cetaceans was quantitatively determined in the northern Weddell Sea during the EPOS 1 cruise of the icebreaking RV Polarstern. Two hundred and ninety-one half hour counts were made in the Antarctic region between October 18 and November 16, 1988 (+94 counts in sub-antarctic and sub-tropical water). The bird populations were dominated by the Adélie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae, which represented 90% of the birds counted in the closed pack ice (CPI), with a mean density of 31 penguins per km2. Crabeater seal Lobodon carcinophagus, the most common pinniped, had a mean density of 1.2/km2 in the CPI with local concentrations reaching 14/km2. Expressed as biomass, mean values of about 90 kg/km2 were found in the whole Antarctic zone for seabirds, 50 for seals, and 35 for baleen cetaceans. Densities were higher in the CPI: 140, 180 and 115 kg/km2 respectively, were found for birds, pinnipeds and baleen whales, and lowest in open water (8 kg/km2 for the birds, 0.2 for the pinnipeds and no whales). A minimum value of food intake by seabirds and marine mammals was estimated to be 2.7 mg C/m2/day for the Antarctic zone (4.1 in the CPI). Taking into account that pinnipeds density and cetacean food uptake are underestimated, and that Antarctic seabirds consume much more fish than generally suspected, a minimum krill production of 16 mg C/m2/day is proposed for the Antarctic zone: 22.5 in the CPI, 3 in open water, and intermediate values in the marginal ice zones.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

We have evaluated techniques of estimating animal density through direct counts using line transects during 1988–92 in the tropical deciduous forests of Mudumalui Sanctuary in southern India for four species of large herbivorous mammals, namely, chital (Axis axis). sambar (Cervus unicolor). Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and gaur (Bos gaurus) Density estimates derived from the Fourier Series and the Half-Normal models consistently had the lowest coefficient of variation. These two models also generated similar mean density estimates. For the Fourier Series estimator, appropriate cut-off widths for analyzing line transect data for the four species are suggested. Grouping data into various distance classes did not produce any appreciable differences in estimates of mean density or their variances, although model fit is generally better when data arc placed in fewer groups. The sampling effort needed to achieve a desired precision (coefficient of variation) in the density estimate is derived. A sampling effort of 800 km of transects returned a 10% coefficient of variation on estimate for ehital; for the other species a higher effort was needed to achieve this level of precision. There was no statistically significant relationship between detectability of a group and the size of the group for any species. Density estimates along roads were generally significantly different from those in the interior of the forest, indicating that road-side counts many not be appropriate for most species.  相似文献   

张掖国家湿地公园优势鸟类种群生态位研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
张晶  赵成章  任悦  李雪萍  雷蕾 《生态学报》2018,38(6):2213-2220
鸟类时空格局影响下鸟类种群生态位的变化是认识鸟类环境适应机制的理论基础。在张掖国家湿地公园保育区,采用样带法研究了冬春季节5种优势鸟类种群生态位宽度和生态位重叠的时间异质性。结果表明:随着月份的更替,5种优势鸟类种群的生态位宽度呈现出先增大后减小的变化趋势,赤麻鸭(Tadornaferruginea)、绿头鸭(Anasplatyrhynchos)、麻雀(Passer montanus)、白骨顶鸡(Fulicaatra)的最高值出现在1月分别为1.601、1.415、1.627、1.771,大白鹭(Ardea alba)的最高值出现在3月为0.556;不同月份间鸟类优势种群生态位重叠存在差异,3月、11月生态位的重叠值最大,1月份最小;优势鸟类种群的生态位宽度和重叠在时间尺度上表现出"此消彼长"的关系。湿地公园时间尺度上的鸟类生态位宽度和重叠的差异与湿地食物资源及隐蔽条件、鸟类群体迁徙规律、鸟类种间的竞争密切相关,反应了湿地鸟类适应生境变化的可塑性机制。  相似文献   

Monitoring abundance of threatened species is important for conservation planning. Lilian’s Lovebird Agapornis lilianae is a near-threatened small parrot found in mopane Colophospermum mopane woodland. Its population has not been investigated in any part of its range. We investigated the abundance and density of the Lilian’s Lovebird in Liwonde National Park, Malawi. Both distance sampling (line and point transects) methods and total counts (waterhole and flyway counts) were applied. The point count method gave very low numbers and was discontinued after the first year. Line transects conducted during the wet season had the highest density estimates of 17 ± 4.8 lovebirds km?2 of mopane woodland. However, number of observations per transect in each year were low. Waterhole counts had the lowest density estimates (10 ± 3.5 lovebirds km?2). Flyway counts gave an intermediate estimate (13 ± 3.0 lovebirds km?2). The total population of Lilian’s Lovebirds in Liwonde National Park is therefore estimated to be about 4 000 individuals. The use of line transect counts at the end of the rainy season is recommended for continued monitoring of Lilian’s Lovebirds abundance in Liwonde National Park.  相似文献   

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