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Oatley, T. B. 1983. Twenty-third ringing report for southern Africa. Ostrich. 54:141-149.

Bird ringing activities in southern Africa are summarized for a two-year period from July 1979 to June 1981. A total of 42 374 birds were ringed. Much ringing effort was devoted to marine buds. Palaearctic migrants comprised nearly 12% of the birds ringed, with waders, swallows and warblers being the most frequently ringed families. There were 747 recoveries or recaptures reported during the reviey period, of which 73 were foreign-ringed birds. The remainder involved 103 species of birds, only nine of which contributed 10 or more recoveries to the total. Five of the nine are marine birds and collectively account for 55% of all recoveries and recaptures. A selected list of recoveries and recaptures of southern African-ringed birds is given.  相似文献   

人工饲养下白暨豚行为的观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在豢养条件下,白鱀豚的游泳除背向上正常姿态外,尚有侧游、仰游、滚游、跳跃、直立、浮卧和滑行多种型式。呼吸间隔时间不均匀,最短5秒,最长243秒,呼吸率为109—143次/小时。它的昼夜活动表现出明显的“激烈活动”和“平缓活动”两种状态,后者可能是一种休息方式。  相似文献   

M. P. Kahl 《Ibis》1967,109(1):25-32
Hamerkops were studied in Uganda, mainly in the vicinity of Kampala, during January-August 1964. Behavioural observations were made of nest-building pairs, as well as of non-breeding birds.
Locomotion and feeding behaviour are described. Diving take-offs and landings, essential for entering or leaving a completed nest, are sometimes seen in other situations as well. Birds sometimes forage while on the wing, in addition to the more usual method while wading.
The most frequently seen comfort movements and maintenance activities are described. Hamerkops do not excrete onto their legs when over-heated as do the storks. The resting posture of sitting completely down on horizontal branches, which is common among Hamerkops, apparently is not known in any of the herons or storks.
Primarily hostile (Upright and Forward Threat) and primarily sexual ("Yip-purr", Nodding and False Mounting) social displays are described. During False Mounting, birds mount their partners repeatedly without making any attempt at copulation; reverse mountings, in which the other partner assumes the top position, are frequent.
The large, hollow nest and its construction are briefly described. During the 6–7 week building period at one nest, at least 8000 loads of material were added to the structure. Both members have an equal role in nest-building, and generally work independently of each other. They showed no stick-exchange displays as do herons and storks.
When all known aspects of the Hamerkop's behaviour are considered, there appears to be little similarity with either the herons or the storks. In fact, present behavioural evidence does not seem to indicate a particularly close relationship with any other birds so far studied.  相似文献   

Peter Steyn  J. H. Grobler 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-3):151-156
Steyn, P. & Grobler, J. H. 1985. Supplementary observations on the breeding biology of the Booted Eagle in Southern Africa. Ostrich 56:151-156

Further observations on the biology of the Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus in southern Africa are presented. Several nest sites in trees are described, and details of behaviour during the incubation and early nestling period are given. The down colour of nestlings is discussed. One juvenile returned to its natal area the following breeding season. In ninepair-years the replacement rate was 1,0 young/pair/year. Prey records confirm that birds predominate. The implications of the recent discovery of breeding in mid-winter in Namibia are discussed; there may be three Booted Eagle populations in southern Africa.  相似文献   

西双版纳茶林及橡胶林区鸟类调查   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
1983年5—7月,作者对云南省西双版纳的勐海、勐养和勐腊三个地区的茶林和橡胶林区的鸟类区系组成情况进行了调查,其结果若与开发前(郑作新、郑宝赉,1961,1962;A.И.伊万诺夫,1961)的记录对照,在季节时间上有所不同,但该地区的热带雨林和季雨林被开垦种植为茶林、橡胶林及其它经济作物之后,反映出各林区现在的繁殖鸟种类减少很多,鸟类区系组成情况有显著的变化。  相似文献   


The distribution of four species of Chaoboras over selected parts of Zimbabwe is given. The effect of temperature on the duration of the larval life cycle is discussed in relation to the generation time and the lunar periodicity of the adult emergence period. There were apparently two generations of larvae present in the habitat at any one time, although these generations were not distinct due to the variations in the time taken by the larvae to complete development at any temperature. The emergence was synchronized to the lunar cycle, but the actual moon phase at which emergence occurred was variable, as the two populations under observation both changed from new moon emergences to full moon emergences during the study. Some observations on the behaviour of adult Chaoboras edulis are given.  相似文献   

蚕豆染色体周边RNP形成过程的电镜研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用Bernhard染色方法研究了蚕豆根端分生组织细胞中染色体周边RNP的超微结构以及这种周边RNP在有丝分裂前期到中期的形成过程。我们观察到,在前期核仁解体过程中,来自核仁的RNP物质结合于染色体表面,形成染色体周边RNP。前期末时,大量核仁RNP颗粒向周围扩散并进一步结合于染色体表面,使染色体周边RNP有所增加。中期染色体的周边RNP明显多于前期,由直径15-20 nm的RNP颗粒构成。RNP物质在染色体周边的分布是不均匀的。姊妹染色单体之间往往有较多的RNP物质存在。本文观察结果表明染色体周边RNP来源于核仁RNP。  相似文献   

褐马鸡的幽门区宽约4毫米。电镜下,幽门腺上皮内可见大量内分泌细胞。根据内分泌颗粒的结构特征,内分泌细胞可分为四型(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ型),每型内分泌细胞的超徽结构又可有某些差异。抗体-胶体金法显示出了G细胞和D细胞,分别与透射电镜方法分类的Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型内分泌细胞相对应。  相似文献   

姚建民  姚明亭 《生态学报》1991,11(2):176-181
本文提出了双向平衡原理的系统调控方法,同时对半干旱区的山西省临猗县的作物布局结构调整进行了实例研究,取得了较好效果,对建立良好的农作物生产生态体系、增强商品粮棉生产基地县内部活力、加快商品粮棉生产和农村经济发展速度都可起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

陕北黄土高原植物区系分区界线初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

仰鼻猴属(RHINOPITHECUS)的系统分类地位   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
自Milne-Edwards(1868-1974)将四川宝兴标本另立新属--仰鼻猴属(Rhinopithecus,1872=Semnopithecus,1870)以来,其属名一直被分类学家、形态学家和灵长类学家等所承认和采用(Elliot,1913; Hill,1936; Allen,1938;Simpson、1945;Buettner-Janusch,1963;Napier等,1967,等)。  相似文献   


Data from some large man-made lakes in Rhodesia suggest that the populations of Clarias gariepinus have declined in these lakes. The reasons for this are not clear although commercial fishing does not appear to be responsible.  相似文献   

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