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H. D. Jackson 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):263-276
Jackson H. D. 1985. Aspects of the breeding biology of the Fierynecked Nightjar. Ostrich 56: 263–276.

A marked population of nightjars in Zimbabwe was studied intensively for four breeding seasons. This paper covers certain aspects of the breeding biology of the Fierynecked Nightjar Caprimulgus pectoralis. The male shows strong site fidelity during the breeding season (September to December), singing, feeding and breeding within an area of about 5,8 ha. There is some evidence of site defence by the male. The female shows strong mate fidelity, resulting in a pair bond for life. Egg laying starts with full moon in September and is further stimulated by the next two full moon periods. The eggs are laid directly on dense leaf litter at a site overhung by foliage. The normal clutch is two eggs (12S % are one egg) laid on successive days during the afternoon. Incubation starts with the first egg and is by the male at night and the female by day. The incubation period is 18 days. The birds respond to undue disturbance by deserting the eggs and laying a replacement clutch. The chicks usually hatch on successive afternoons; they are mobile on the first day and will move to a parent if called. Both parents feed and brood the young during twilight and moonlight; the male broods them on dark nights and the female does so by day. The species is double-brooded when time permits, the female laying again once the first brood has reached independence; she may even lay a third clutch if the second one comes to grief. There is no evidence of adults transporting eggs or young.  相似文献   

Time-dependent reproductive decisions in the blue tit   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Jan-Åke Nilsson 《Oikos》2000,88(2):351-361
Many breeding attempts in birds do not result in any fledged young due to predation on eggs or young. Consequently, the influence of time constraints on reproductive decisions are integrated parts of the reproductive behaviour of birds breeding within short, seasonal climate zones. In this study, I mimicked nest predation by removing blue tit (Parus caeruleus) clutches shortly after completion. Around 75% of the removed clutches were followed by a repeat clutch. Females producing their first clutch early in the season and females with an early onset of incubation in the laying sequence (an indication of high parental or territory quality) were most likely to initiate a repeat clutch. A trade‐off between the benefits of a repeat clutch and survival likely stopped late females in bad condition from investing more in the current reproductive season. Females producing a repeat clutch laid fewer eggs, had an earlier onset of incubation in the laying sequence and produced larger eggs than they did when producing their original first clutch. Eggs produced after the onset of incubation were especially large in the repeat clutches. Since food availability was presumably higher when the female produced her repeat clutch compared with her first clutch, females made a strategical decision when reducing clutch size, whereas onset of incubation and egg size may have been energetically constrained when producing the first clutch. Females that produced a relatively large clutch, had a relatively early onset of incubation, and laid relatively large eggs in their first clutch also did so when producing a repeat clutch, indicating that some of the variation in breeding parameters are due to differences in parental or territory quality. Differences between years in the temperature‐dependent development rate of caterpillars seem to affect the time constraints on breeding. A year with a predicted early seasonal decline in caterpillars resulted in short intervals between removal and relaying, small clutches and an early onset of incubation.  相似文献   

A. J. Williams 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):226-229
Williams, A. J. 1981. The laying interval and incubation period of Rockhopper and Macaroni Penguins. Ostrich 52: 226–229.

The laying interval and incubation period of Rockhopper Penguins Eudyptes chrysocome and Macaroni Penguins E. chrysolophus were studied at Marion Island in 1974–75 and 1976–77. On average, the laying interval was 4,4 and 4,5 days, the incubation period of second-laid eggs was 34,2 and 35,9 days and that of first-laid eggs was 39,1 and 38,0 days in Rock-hopper and Macaroni Penguins respectively. The laying interval in this genus is longer than that in other penguins. The incubation period is similar to that of most other penguins but the second-laid egg normally hatches before the first-laid egg. The long laying interval and the hatching sequence of the eggs both have important affects upon the mortality of eggs in the genus Eudyptes.  相似文献   

We studied the breeding biology of the Redwing Francolin, Francolinus levaillantii, in the highland grasslands of Mpumalanga Province, South Africa, from 1995–1996. The breeding season is from August to March. Clutches were incubated by hens only and all nests were located in rank grass close to surface water. Mean clutch size was 4.3 eggs (S.D. = 0.78, n = 10) and mean egg dimensions were 40.1 × 32.3 mm (S.D. = 1.07 and 0.81, n = 44). Hatching success was 83.7% and clutch survival rate to 22 days of incubation was 82.8%. A mean of 3 chicks was produced per clutch; observed mean production (counts of hens with chicks) was 2.6 chicks per brood (n = 24 clutches; 62 chicks). The hunting season for Redwing Francolin in Mpumalanga should be from 15 April to 15 July.  相似文献   

The ability of parents to respond to changes in food supply within a season will have a large effect on fitness through the number and quality of chicks fledged. Great tits, Parus major, attempt to synchronise their production of chicks with a seasonal food peak, but when food supply fails, hatching asynchrony of chicks provides a mechanism by which some young can be fledged because more developed chicks outcompete their less developed siblings for the reduced parental food supply. We tested whether female great tits can potentially control the degree of hatching asynchrony by using incubation before clutch completion, so that early laid eggs develop faster and hatch sooner. The temperature of an artificial egg placed in 29 nests during the laying period was measured with data loggers, and nocturnal incubation of eggs similar to incubation post clutch completion was recorded in all nests. We then demonstrated that eggs removed from the nest for 72 hour periods prior to clutch completion hatched later than eggs remaining in the nest for the entirety of the laying period. Our results show that variable pre clutch completion incubation (which was mostly nocturnal) can lead to faster embryo development and earlier hatching, so potentially providing a mechanism for adaptive female control of degree of hatching asynchrony.  相似文献   

CapsuleFood independently affects both laying date and clutch size, suggesting that seasonal decline in clutch size is related to a decrease in food availability.

Aim To test the effect of food abundance on laying date and clutch size of the White Stork and identify the cause of seasonal decline in the number of eggs laid.

Methods During 1991 and 1996 we recorded clutch size and laying date of pairs breeding next to rubbish dumps (food abundant and constant throughout the breeding season) and birds breeding far from rubbish dumps (using natural food sources).

Results In 1991 there was no difference in mean laying date between pairs nesting at rubbish dumps and control pairs. Clutch size was significantly larger at rubbish dump nests. In contrast, mean laying date was earlier in control pairs in 1996 and there was no significant differences in clutch sizes, even when controlling for laying date effect.

Conclusion The results support the hypothesis that food availability independently affects both laying date and clutch size. The seasonal decline in clutch size close to rubbish dumps was negligible (1991) or much smaller than in the control zone (1996) suggesting that a progressive deterioration of natural food sources is the most probable reason for a decline in clutch size as the season advances.  相似文献   

We present data from a 17-year study of the population biology of a growing population of Spanish imperial eagles Aquila adalberti across most of its breeding range. The objective of this study was to analyse the effects of age, supplemental feeding and rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) on several breeding parameters of this population of eagles. Average clutch size was 2.2 eggs per clutch, and the average incubation time was 41.7 days per clutch. Fledging occurred an average of 76.8 days after hatching, the length of the fledgling period was not correlated to clutch size. The annual average percentage of pairs laying eggs was 88%. A significant reduction in the percentage of pairs laying eggs in the period 1992–1994 (from 91 to 81%) coincided with most of the eagles’ territories being affected by the rabbit epizootic disease, RHD, which reduced their food supply significantly. Average productivity was 1.23 chicks per monitored territory, average breeding success was 1.40 chicks in a clutch per territory and the average fledging rate was 1.69 chicks per territory with hatching success. The main known causes of breeding failure during incubation were nest collapse and human disturbance. During chick-rearing, total or partial chick losses were mainly caused by siblicide, disease, malnutrition or nest collapse. In 26.2% of the 1372 monitored breeding attempts, at least one of the breeding birds was a subadult (the male in 56.1% of the cases, the female in 15.5% and both sexes in 28.4% of cases). In cases of mixed-aged pairs (n = 205), 70.7% were the result of a substitution, and 29.3% were the result of the forming of a new pair. Egg laying took place significantly earlier and breeding success was higher in territories occupied by adults than in those occupied by subadults. Breeding parameters were higher in high-quality (rabbit-rich) territories than in low-quality (rabbit-poor) territories, but only for those territories occupied by adults. The values obtained in the territories occupied by adults were only significantly higher than in those of the subadults in high-quality territories. Age and territory quality thus simultaneously affected reproductive output.  相似文献   

C. B. Frith 《Ostrich》2013,84(3):251-257
Frith, C. B. 1975. Field observations on Centropus toulou insularis on Aldabra Atoll. Ostrich 46:251-257.

Details are presented of the nesting of a pair of Malagasy Coucals on Aldabra, with incidental observations of other pairs and nests. Courtship and copulation behaviour is very similar to that of the black Coucal Centropus grillii of Africa. Both sexes net build and incubate the eggs but these activities are performed very predominately by the male. Eggs are white and average 27,5 x 23.5 mm and 8,3 g. Two complete clutches of two and one of thee egg; were found and a doubtful early record of a four egg clutch is considered unlikely. There was an interval of at least 9 days between the laying of the two egg;, which hatched 7–8 days apart, incubation commencing with the first egg. The incubation of the second egg was 14 days, and the fledging period of both young about 19 days. Nestlings in the chamber produce a snake-like hissing noise, excrete a foul-smelling sticky fluid when handled and burst through the rear chamber wall as means of avoiding predation.

Both members of the pair were in the brown plumage generally considered to be the non-breeding plumage. It is suggested that the plumages of the Aldabran population of Centropus toulou are possibly more complex than previously considered or that the population may be dimorphic.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the breeding season, gonadal development, egg laying period, clutch size and other biological aspects of spotted flapshell turtle, Lissemys punctata, of Bangladesh between January 1997 and December 2001. The egg laying period of L. punctata, was found between August and March. The nesting sites were elevated fallow lands in secluded areas. The female turtle laid all the mature eggs at a time for each clutch at night. A gravid female turtle laid three clutches of eggs in each year and the mean clutch size was 13.0 ± 1.9 eggs and mean weight of each egg was 10.3 ± 1.3 g. The eggs are spherical in shape and whitish in color. The mean incubation period was 173 ± 34 days (range 119–225 days). The incubation period of first clutch was the longest than the second and third clutches. Hatching success was found 41%. Maximum hatching was observed in June. The present investigation was made to explore the possibility to raise turtle farming in captive condition. The findings would, hopefully, help to rear the species and to assess the commercial potentiality of turtle farming in captive condition, that is, in the eco-climatic condition of Bangladesh.  相似文献   

J. D. Macdonald 《Ostrich》2013,84(3):160-161
Williams, A. J. 1980. Aspects of the breeding biology of the Subantarctic Skua at Marion Island. Ostrich 51:160-167.

The breeding biology of the Subantarctic Skua Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi was studied in two austral summers at Marion Island. Eggs were laid between 23 October and 19 December. The clutch size was one (6%) or two (94%) eggs. The laying interval was two (20%) or three (80%) days and the incubation period was 29 days. Chicks could fly at 50–65 days after hatching. Chicks from first and second hatched eggs in the same brood had similar growth rates. Chicks in one- and two-chick broods had similar growth rates until 50 days after hatching when chicks reared singly were heavier. Egg mortality was 15,8%, chick mortality was 34,8% and the overall breeding success was 50,9%. The results are discussed in comparison with previous studies of Subantarctic and South Polar C. maccormicki Skuas.  相似文献   

Incubation prior to clutch completion may be adaptive if it maintains egg viability by inhibiting eggshell microbial growth, thus reducing the likelihood that the embryo becomes infected. To test this hypothesis, we examined the effect of partial incubation during egg laying on eggshell microbial loads in eastern bluebirds Sialia sialis breeding at a temperate‐zone site. We sampled eggshell microbes prior to and following four days of exposure to either partial incubation during the laying period or ambient environmental conditions without incubation (experimental eggs). Microbial colony counts declined significantly for eggs left in the nest during the laying period but did not vary significantly for eggs exposed to ambient conditions. Initial microbial loads were more similar to those previously reported from tropical than temperate environments, and microbes from potentially pathogenic groups were detected on 88% of first‐laid eggs on the day of laying. Egg viability was maintained when eggs were held indoors for four days without incubation but declined sharply thereafter. Our results suggest that partial incubation during egg laying may enhance egg viability in eastern bluebirds by reducing eggshell microbial loads; these effects appear stronger than those usually reported from the temperate zone.  相似文献   

D.W. Snow 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):115-129
Incubated clutches of the Mandarin Duck were larger earlier in the breeding season. At all nests there were days on which a single egg, and days on which no egg was added to a clutch; days on which more than one egg was added to a clutch were less frequent. Larger clutches had proportionately more days on which two or more eggs were added; the proportion of days on which no eggs were added was unrelated to clutch size. Larger clutches had a relatively shorter laying period than expected, but a longer incubation period than smaller clutches. Unhatched eggs resulted mainly from embryonic mortality, which was concentrated in the period just prior to pipping. Similar proportions of unhatched eggs resulted from eggs laid into clutches before and after the start of incubation. Larger clutches did not have proportionately more unhatched eggs. As all clutches had at least one day on which no eggs were laid, it is proposed that the proportion of nests parasitized was greater than that estimated from nests with more than one egg laid on any one day.  相似文献   

A. J. Williams 《Ostrich》2013,84(3-4):93-96
A.J. Williams. 1990. Hartlaub's Gull: eggs and incubation. Ostrich 61:93-96.

At Marcus Island, South Africa in 1979 Hartlaub's Gulls Larus hartlaubii laid eggs between 31 January and 28 February. Clutches were of one to three eggs; and 49% consisted of two eggs. Egg composition, and intra-clutch variation in egg size and weight, are reported. The laying interval was two days, the incubation period 25 days, and the hatching interval 0,8 days.  相似文献   

C. J. Skead 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):213-221
Williams, A. J. &; Cooper, J. 1983. The Crowned Cormorant: breeding biology, diet, and offspring reduction strategy. Ostrich 54:213-219.

Crowned Cormorants Phalacrocorax coronatus were studied at Dassen and Marcus Islands. The most frequent clutch was three eggs. Egg size varied within clutches with first-laid eggs being largest and heaviest and subsequent eggs progressively smaller and lighter, The mean laying interval was 2,2 days, the mean laying-to-hatching interval was 23,0 days, and the hatching interval was one day. The normal incubation period was 22.4 days. The weight of hatchings was related to the position of the originating egg in the laying sequence. Chicks were fed within 24 h of hatching. Chick development is described over the first 35 days. One chick could fly at 35 days. Hatching success was 48,2%. Hatching success was greatest in second-laid eggs, least in last-laid eggs. The mean number of chicks hatched at a nest was two. Mean diving time was 23,5 s. Most food was fish, particularly klipfish Clinidae and pipefish Syngnathus, 60–160 mm long. The number of offspring produced can be related to food availability by interaction of difference in egg size, hatching asynchrony, and the preferential feeding by adults of the strongest-begging chick. There is a trend towards producing two chicks, normally those from the first two eggs to be laid.  相似文献   

VALERIE GARGETT 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2):17-27
Gargett, V. 1977. A 13-year population study of the Black Eagles in the Matopos, Rhodesia, 1964–1976. Ostrich 48:17-27.

The resident black Eagle Aquila verreauxi population in approximately 620 km2 of the Matopos, Rhodesia, underwent changes from 1971 and appeared less stable than in the first five years. Six new territories were established in the National Park; two territories in Tribal Trust Land were abandoned; one territory in the National Park vacant for five years and one in Tribal Land vacant for at least 11 years were reoccupied. breeding data covering 13 years confirm the five-year findings. In 652 pair-years 442 breeding attempts were made with 339 young eagles f edging: a reproductive success rate of 0,52 young per pair per year. On average 68 % of the population bred every year, each pair attempted breeding in two years out of three, and one attempt in four was unsuccessful. Annual and individual variations in breeding performance were considerable, from 46% to 89% of the population breeding, and from two successes in six attempts for one pair to 12 successes in 12 attempts for two pairs. Over 13 years the percentage of the population breeding annually followed the form of a sine curve with a ten year period.

Fourteen factors that might affect annual and/or individual performance are considered. Below average rainfall years were followed by above average breeding; and generally fewer clutches were laid early after heavy rainfall in the three months preceding laying. Clutches laid late were less successful than those laid early. Breeding was affected by the proximity and intervisibility of nests, the previous year's performance and intraspecific disturbance. Appropriation of nests by other species prevented breeding and no new pair bred while establishing or re-establishing its territory. Building a new nest was followed by laying in the same season only if the nest was completed by mid-May, the peak laying period, building or partly building two nests in one season did not prevent breeding in the following year. At least 76% of clutches were c/2. The causes of two eaglets' deaths were ascertained and the remains of two adults were found. Pairs with territories in Tribal Trust Land had a significantly lower breeding performance than pairs in the protected National Park. Only traces of pesticide residues were found in four eggs. Observers' visits did not affect reproductive success.  相似文献   

R. W. Summers  J. Cooper 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2):28-40
Summers, R. W. & Cooper, J. 1977. The population, ecology and conservation of the Black Oystercatcher Haematopus moquini. Ostrich 48:28-40.

The population of Black Oystercatchers Haematopus moquini in the southwestern Cape, South Africa, was estimated to be 2 942 birds. Birds occurred most abundantly on coastal islands and were also abundant on mixed (sandy and rocky) shores of the mainland. Sandy shores and coastal wetlands supported few birds. Black Oystercatchers bred mainly from December to February with the number of clutches present reaching a peak in the first half of January. The most frequent clutch size was two eggs, the mean clutch size was 1,81. No significant differences were found in either linear dimensions or mass between the first and second eggs. The mean proportion of juveniles in groups of birds in July was 3,6 % suggesting a low recruitment to the adult population. The breeding population at Marcus Island is apparently sedentary throughout the year. The primary moult season for adults extends from March to October (eight months). Introduced mammalian predators should be controlled on islands and important mainland breeding sites should be protected by the creation of nature reserves and restricting human access during the breeding season.  相似文献   

A. J. Van Zyl 《Ostrich》2013,84(3-4):291-296
Van Zyl, A.J. 1994. The influence of the environment on the breeding success of a suburban population of Crested Barbets Trachyphonus vaillantii. Ostrich 65: 291–296.

I studied the breeding biology of the Crested Barbet Trachyphonus vaillantii in Colbyn, a suburb east of Pretoria, South Africa, for nine breeding seasons from 1981 to 1989 to examine patterns in annual breeding success, breeding attempt success in multiple broods, and rainfall. The modal incubation period was 14 days and the nestling period ranged from 28 to 31 days. Average clutch size for all the years was 3,3 eggs/clutch and there was no significant difference in clutch size or number of young fledged/nest between years. On average, Crested Barbet pairs made 2,4 breeding attempts/season. There was no difference in clutch size or breeding success between the breeding attempts. Crested Barbets nesting in natural nests laid on average larger clutches than those in artificial nestboxes, but had non-signficantly lower breeding success. Failure to raise Crested Barbet chicks was attributed to parasitism by Lesser Honeyguides Indicator minor, bee swarms occupying nestboxes, and flooding of natural nests. Breeding performance was not correlated with rainfall or adult body size. The suburban environment may be less variable than a natural environment, resulting in a stable breeding Crested Barbet population.  相似文献   

Reviews of hatching asynchrony in birds recommended more studies on intraspecific variation in the extent of hatching asynchrony. We examined intraspecific variation in clutch size, laying chronology, onset of incubation, incubation period, and hatching asynchrony in burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) in the Imperial Valley of California. Mean clutch size was 7.4 eggs and owls averaged 0.5 eggs laid per day. Females varied considerably in laying interval and onset of incubation (range?=?1st to 9th egg in the clutch). The mean incubation period was 21.9?days. Hatching interval also varied greatly among females ( $ \overline{x} $ ?=?0.8, range 0.1–2.0?days between successively hatched eggs). Past burrowing owl studies have largely overlooked the substantial intraspecific variation in these traits or have reported estimates that differ from ours. Future studies designed to identify the environmental factors that explain the large intraspecific variation in these traits will likely provide insights into the constraints on local abundance.  相似文献   

Elliott, C. C. H. & Cooper, J. 1980. The breeding biology of an urban population of Rock Pigeons Columba guinea. Ostrich 51:198-203.

The breeding biology of the Rock Pigeon Columba guinea was studied for three seasons from 1972 to 1975 at the University of Cape Town, southwestern Cape, South Africa. Nests were visited at approximately weekly intervals. The breeding season (September to February) coincided with the end of the winter rainy season and the presence of cereal crops. Clutch size was two eggs in 99% of cases. Mean incubation period was 14,8 days. Incubation was shared as two continuous shifts per day. Growth rate was similar to that in other studies. The mean nestling period was 23,6 days. Second broods after the successful departure of chicks were frequent, the interval between nest departure and re-laying being as little as five days. Hatching success was 66%, chick rearing success 83% and overall breeding success 49%, similar to other Columba pigeons. It is suggested that the production of pigeon's milk is the limiting factor controlling the invariable clutch size.  相似文献   

Stutterheim, C. J. 1982. Breeding biology of the Redbilled Oxpecker in the Kruger National Park. Ostrich 53:99-90.

The nest of the Redbilled Oxpecker Buphagus erythrorhynchus in the Kruger National Park is a natural hole in a tree where no excavation is required. No evidence of a territorial system WBS observed and only the nesting tree is defended. Mammal hair, dung, grass and rootlets are used for nesting material. The average clutch size was 2.8 eggs with a mean incubation period of 12,6 days. The average nestling period was 30 days. The Redbilled Oxpecker can raise three broods in a season of 176 days such as in the 1973/74 breeding season. The activity area of one breeding group was 7,0 km2. The breeding unit consists of two to five birds with helpers of both sexes. All the birds in a group help to select a nest site, build the nest and feed the young. Only one male and one female participate in incubation. Post-hatching development was studied in 13 chicks.  相似文献   

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