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Gervas Clay 《Ostrich》2013,84(2):76-97
Dean, W. R. J. 1978. Moult seasons of some Anatidae in the western Transvaal. Ostrich 49:76-84.

Spurwinged Geese Plectropterus gambensis, Egyptian Geese Alopochen aegyptiacus, Yellow-billed Ducks Anas undulata, Redbilled Teal A. erythrorhyncha and Southern Pochard Netta erythrophthalma have a flightless moult mainly during the dry season, from April to August, in the western Transvaal. South African Shelduck Tadorna cana moult during October to February after breeding during July and August. The Cape Shoveller Anas smithii has two main flightless periods, April-May and October-January. Cape Teal A. capensis have been recorded in flightless moult in October, December and January.

The duration of the flightless period correlates with wing length; larger and longer winged Anatidae require proportionally more time for wing moult than do smaller and shorter winged Anatidae.

Geese and shelducks moult on large open lakes with an open shore. Ducks have been recorded flightless on lakes and dams, with or without emergent vegetation.  相似文献   

Schmitt. M. B. 1976: Observations on the Cape Rail in the Southern Transvaal. Ostrich 47: 16–26.

For five years a population of Cape Rails Rallus caerulescens has been studied on a vlei in the southern Transvaal. Morphological differences between male and female are discussed, the breeding season is indicated and the development of chicks is described. In autumn a migration possibly of birds from drier areas invades the study area. The breeding population appears to be resident. The Cape Rail moults all flight feathers simultaneously during its breeding season.  相似文献   

A. Clark 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):251-253
Clark, A. 1974. Plumage changes in the male Maccoa Duck. Ostrich 45: 251–254.

Maccoa Duck Oxyura mi ccoo counts made at various waters in the Transvaal and Orange Free State, South Africa, in which the numbers are separated according to plumage, are presented and discussed in the light of the work done by Siegfried (1968, 1970) on this species. Males invariably outnumber females and the indications are that Transvaal birds move out of the area during winter when most males are in non-breeding plumage. There is little difference in the pattern of plumage changes between Transvaal and Cape birds.  相似文献   

Elliot, C: C. H., Waltner, M., Underhill. L. G., Pringle, J. S. & Dick, W. J. A. 1976. The migration system of the Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea in Africa. Ostrich 47:191-213. Data on ringing and recoveries of Curlew Sandpiper, mainly from the Cape, South Africa are presented. Possible migration routes to the breeding grounds are considered in the light of these and other recoveries from the rest of Africa. Retraps show that the species exhibits ortstreue and some evidence is presented which suggests that some birds may travel together and stay in the south in the same flock during one and subsequent migrations. Sex ratio statistics show an excess of females. Adults complete a full primary moult in the Cape between September and February, taking about 140 days but there is a lot of individual variation. Data from Mauritania show primary moult starting faster, a month earlier than in the Cape, and arrested moult in a few adults. The difference may be because Mauritanian birds move on further south while the Cape is the end point of the migration. Kenyan moult records from the Rift Valley follow the Cape pattern except that some birds arrest moult and finish later. Juvenile moult is shown to be different from that of adults, involving only a moult of the outer primaries and taking place during the overwintering period, April to August. All juveniles in the Cape are thought to overwinter and the modified moult to be an adaptation to this behaviour. The weight of adults but not juveniles increases markedly in the six weeks before migration. Fat and protein analyses suggest that the increase is entirely due to deposition of migratory fat. Kenyan birds have lower mean weights and deposit fat about two weeks later than those at the Cape. The nearer the non-breeding quarters are to the breeding grounds, the earlier moult starts and the later fat deposition takes place.  相似文献   

Underhill, L.G., Underhill, G.D. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 1999. Primary moult and body-mass of the Cape Turtle Dove Streptopelia capicola, and its abundance relative to the Laughing Dove S. senegalensis, in the Western Cape. Ostrich 70 (3&4): 196–199.

The duration of primary moult of adult Cape Turtle Doves Streptopelia capicola was estimated to be 192 days. 23 November was the estimated mean starting date, with 95% of birds starting within 88 days of this date. The mean body-mass of adults was 148 g and of first-year birds was 130 g. In residential areas, Cape Turtle Doves were trapped less frequently than Laughing Doves S. senegalensis; at most rural sites, Cape Turtle Doves comprised about two-thirds of the catch. On a dairy farm, where doves were attracted to cattle feed, 1 % of doves were Cape Turtle Doves. The emerging pattern is that Laughing Doves predominate at sites where food is provided on a long-term basis.  相似文献   

Underhill, L.G. & Underhill, G.D. 1997. Primary moult, mass and movements of the Rock Pigeon Columba guinea in the Western Cape, South Africa. Ostrich 68 (24): 86–89.

Rock Pigeons Columba guinea in the Western Cape, South Africa, take an estimated 7.2 months to complete primary moult. The mean starting and completion dates are 26 December and 2 August, with 95% of birds starting and completing within two months of these dates. The overall mean mass was 344 g, but birds were heaviest in winter (356 g) and lightest in spring and summer (334 g). Twenty-four of 48 recoveries of Rock Pigeons ringed in the Western Cape were more than 2 km from the ringing site. These recoveries demonstrate movements of Rock Pigeons between the mountains of the Cape Peninsula and the wheat-growing areas to the northeast.  相似文献   

Benson, P. C., Tarboton, W. R., Allan, D. G. & Dobbs, J. C. 1990. The breeding status of the Cape Vulture in the Transvaal during 1980–1985. Ostrich 61: 134–142.

Ten of the 11 extant Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres colonies in the Transvaal were censused using aerial and/or ground census techniques in the 1980–1985 breeding seasons. Minimum counts were obtained and best estimates of total numbers of “active nests” were determined using correction factors to compensate for incomplete photocoverage in the aerial technique and nest failures prior to the census dates. In 1985, the year when the most complete data were available, a minimum of 2741 and a best estimate of 2987 active nests were determined to be present in the Transvaal. At the large colonies, which were intensively monitored, breeding numbers did not fluctuate greatly from year to year, and it is thus estimated that about 3000 pairs of birds bred yearly in the Transvaal during the study period. Although the data indicate that the total numbers are greater than previously thought this is due to improved census techniques, rather than an increase in the population. Ninety-eight percent of breeding occurred at six colonies and 82% at three (Kransberg, Blouberg and Manutsa). The large colonies are associated with communal grazing (homelands) Private cattle and game farming and nature conservation areas, where the use of poison for predator control is minimal. The vulnerable status afforded the Cape Vulture in the South African Red Data Book—Birds (Brooke 1984) is justified because of the bird's disappearance from some breeding colonies, reduction in numbers at others and its vulnerability to poisoning.  相似文献   

We compared a data set from the Western Cape, South Africa (GDU, n = 170 Olive Thrushes (Turdus olivaceus), n = 475 Cape Robins (Cossypha caffra)) with our captures in the Eastern Cape, South Africa (n = 197 Olive Thrushes, n = 203 Cape Robins). In both regions Olive Thrushes began moult in December-January, while wing-moult lasted for 89 days in the Western Cape compared to 53 days in the Eastern Cape. Cape Robins began moult in early November in the Western Cape, early January in the Eastern Cape and again the duration of wing-moult was longer in the Western Cape (64 days) than in the Eastern Cape (50 days). For both species the start of moult coincided with the end of the breeding season. Cape Robins were heavier and longer-winged in the Western Cape than in the Eastern Cape. There was no significant difference in mean mass or mean wing length of the Olive Thrush between the two provinces. Both ringing and atlas data suggest that Cape Robins are relatively more common than Olive Thrushes in the Western Cape, but not in the Eastern Cape. In the Eastern Cape we observed colour-ringed robins (n = 2) and thrushes (n = 2) on their breeding territory in all months of the year, suggesting that some individuals of both species are strongly resident.  相似文献   

Von Maltitz, F., Schmitt, M. B., &; Biggs, H. C. 1984. Measurements, moult and abundance of the Lizard Buzzard in the Transvaal. Ostrich 55: 177–181.

During a 12-year study 51 Lizard Buzzards Kaupifalco monogrammicus were captured in the Transvaal. South Africa. They occurred sporadically, with peaks in the years 1972, 1975, 1979 and 1983 and were significantly more common in winter. Moult was completed between January and June. Mass is given and recaptures documented.  相似文献   

Schmitt, M. B. 1975. Observations on the Black Crake in the Southern Transvaal. Ostrich 46:129-138.

During a four-year study period, several pairs of Black Crakes Porzana flavirostris and their progeny have been studied on a vlei in the southern Transvaal. Morphological differences between male and female are discussed, a double-brooded breeding season is indicated, the development of chicks is described, and the moult cycle is indicated. The Black Crake moults all flight feathers simultaneously and during its breeding season.  相似文献   

Phenotypic flexibility of organs in migratory birds has been documented for a variety of species of different genera during the migratory period. However, very little is known about phenotypic mass changes of organs with respect to other events within the annual cycle. This seems particularly interesting when birds face different physiological challenges in quick succession. We investigated mass changes of 13 organs from garden warblers (Sylvia borin) during the transition from moult to migration. These long-distance migratory birds perform a complete moult within their wintering area just shortly before the onset of spring migration. Birds were sampled in three successive stages according to their moult status: group I consisted of birds with growing primary or secondary wing feathers, group II consisted of birds with completed wing moult but with still moulting body feathers, and group III consisted of birds that had completed wing moult and body moult. Size-corrected flight muscle, kidney mass, and pancreas mass differed significantly among the three groups. Flight muscle was heaviest in birds that were about to leave their wintering area (group III) compared with birds still in body moult (group II). Kidney and pancreas showed a pattern similar to each other, with the heaviest mass occurring in birds with moulting wing feathers (group I) and significantly reduced mass in birds that had completed wing moult (group II) or both wing and body moult (group III). Mass reductions of kidney and pancreas during the transition from moult to migration are considered to be related to the demands of moult, while increased flight muscle may be due to moult, migration, or both. Phenotypic mass changes of organs in birds occur during their migration, but they also occur during the transition between other phases of the annual cycle such as moult and migration and are not restricted to the flight muscle.  相似文献   

A comparative study of migratory blackcaps from Central Europe (S. Germany) and resident conspecifics from the Cape Verde Islands revealed marked differences in annual periodicity. European blackcaps, with one breeding season per year, have a single-peaked annual gonadal cycle whereas the African birds with two breeding seasons per annum have a two-peaked gonadal cycle. The European birds go through a post-juvenile moult (partial moult in first-year birds) or postnuptial moult (complete moult in adults) and, in addition, through a partial winter moult (all age classes) before the next gonadal cycle and breeding season. Their African conspecifics, on the other hand, have only one moult between two gonadal cycles, the summer moult also being the complete one. Here, we demonstrate that the additional winter moult of European blackcaps is heritable and can be transmitted into interpopulational hybrids. When blackcaps from S. Germany and the Cape Verdes were cross-bred, 16 out of 21 hybrids displayed the partial winter moult of their German parents. The fact that not all but only 76% of the F1 hybrids passed through this moult favours the idea that its incidence is controlled by a polygenic rather than a single locus system. Most likely winter moult in European blackcaps represents a threshold character as several migratory features do.  相似文献   

R. Hallack 《Ostrich》2013,84(3):180-181
Brown, C. R. 1986. Feather growth, mass loss and duration of moult in Macaroni and Rockhopper Penguins. Ostrich 57:180-184.

The development of new feathers, loss of body mass and the duration of moult were investigated in Macaroni Penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus and Rockhopper Penguins E. chrysocome at Marion Island, southern Indian Ocean. New feathers began developing under the skin before the birds returned ashore to moult, and only began protruding through the skin about five days later when they were already over half their final length. Feather synthesis was complete by 21 days after the birds returned ashore. Loss of body mass was similar to previous observations for the species, but previous reports on the duration of moult do not take into account that moult begins while the birds are still at sea.  相似文献   

R. C. Bolster 《Ostrich》2013,84(2):107-108
Stutterheim, C. J. 1980. Moult cycle of the Redbilled Oxpecker in the Kruger National Park. Ostrich 51:107-112.

This paper describes the pattern and rate of the complete moult cycle in the Redbilled Oxpecker Buphagus er ythrorhynchus. The average duration of primary moult in adult birds was 340 days and the mean time to replace a primary feather was calculated as 34 days. The moult of the secondaries is initiated at two points, at the first secondary and at the innermost secondary. Secondary moult takes seven months. The differentiated inner secondaries moult in the normal middle/inner/outer passeriform fashion. The rectrices moulted only once annually. The two body moult cycles correspond with the moult of the differentiated inner secondaries. First-year birds undergo a partial postjuvenile feather replacement at three months of age.  相似文献   

Linear densities of Steppe Buzzards, Buteo buteo, were studied along roads at the southernmost edge of the nonbreeding range in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. Adults arrived before first-year birds; peak populations of the former occurred from December to February, and of the latter from January onwards. Except during periods with rapidly changing numbers during arrival and departure, the proportion of first-year birds in three different areas was negatively related to the density of adults. This may be the result of competitive exclusion by adults, or of age-related differences in habitat preference. Adults dominated first-year birds at hunting perches. First-year birds were most frequently found in more closed habitat, where they attempted to kleptoparasitize adults in 18% of all observed instances of prey mantling.  相似文献   

Mrs D. B. Hanmer 《Ostrich》2013,84(3):116-131

Hanmer, D. B., 1978. Measurements and moult of five species of bulbul from Moçambique and Mala?i. Ostrich 49:116-131.

The wing length, weight and moult of five species of bulbul, Blackeyed Pycnonotus barbatus, Sombre Andropadus importunus, Yellowbellied A. flaviventris, Terrestrial Phyllas-trephus terrestris and Yellowspotted Nicator Nicator gularis, are given for two localities in tropical lowland (Mopcia, Moçambique and Nchalo, Mala?i). The characters identifying immatures and the length of time these are retained, are given with reference to skull pneumatization, retrapped birds and the breeding season, for Pycnonotus barbatus, Andropadus intportunus and Phyllastrephus terrestris. Weights are compared with some published for other parts of Africa. The months during which moult occurred are given. Duration and timing of primary moult and its relation to the breeding season, are given for Pycnonotus barbatus, Andropadus importunus and Phyllastrephus terrestris. The age at which immatures moult is given for these three species. Instances of interrupted moult are mentioned.  相似文献   

Organisms that reproduce at high latitudes are assumed to have evolved several adaptations to the short summer. For birds, and especially for long-distance migrants, there is a time constraint because both reproduction and moult must be completed before autumn migration. It has therefore been assumed that birds at northern latitudes must initiate their moult during reproduction more often than birds at low latitudes. To investigate how passerine birds breeding at different latitudes allocate their time between reproduction and moult, we compared timing of these activities during three consecutive breeding seasons in three widely separated populations of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. Our results show that the frequency of individuals with moult-breeding overlap, and moult initiation in relation to breeding stage, varied considerably among populations and years. In all three populations, female moult initiation was restricted to the late nestling period. The males had a more pronounced moult-breeding overlap than the females, but its duration was similar in all three study areas. Thus, there was no evidence for a more pronounced moult-breeding overlap at high compared with low latitudes. These results suggest that pied flycatchers sometimes accept a moult-breeding overlap, but that the time gained by having too extensive an overlap between reproduction and moult does not outweigh the associated costs. Long-distance migrants breeding at northern latitudes apparently experience a trade-off between reproduction and somatic investment during moult. We therefore suggest that a pronounced moult-breeding overlap is not a typical strategy used by long-distance migrants to adjust to the short breeding season at northern latitudes. Received: 7 May 1998 / Accepted: 24 August 1998  相似文献   

W. R. J. Dean 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):234-239
Dean, W. R. J. 1979. Population, diet and the annual cycle of the Laughing Dove at Barbers-pan, Part 3: The annual cycle. Ostrich 50:234-239.

Laughing Doves Streptopelia senegalensis were collected each month from July 1976 to June 1977. In each sample some males and females were breeding. Breeding and primary moult overlapped, and some birds began to moult after starting to breed, and began to breed after starting moult. Adult Laughing Doves require about 120 days to complete primary moult, and juveniles require about 90 days. Weights of moulting birds were not significantly different from those of non-moulting birds, and there were no seasonal trends in the weights of either group. The mean weight of 79 males was 101,6 g and of 39 females was 100,2 g.  相似文献   


It is well established that the nutrient and energy requirements of birds increase substantially during moult, but it is not known if these increased demands affect their aerobic capacity. We quantified the absolute aerobic scope of house and Spanish sparrows, Passer domesticus and P. hispaniolensis, respectively, before and during sequential stages of their moult period. The absolute aerobic scope (AAS) is the difference between maximum metabolic rate (MMR) during peak locomotor activities and minimum resting metabolic rate (RMRmin), thus representing the amount of aerobic power above that committed to maintenance needs available for other activities. As expected, RMRmin increased over the moult period by up to 40 and 63% in house and Spanish sparrows, respectively. Surprisingly, the maximum metabolic rates also decreased during moult in both species, declining as much as 25 and 38% compared with pre-moult values of house and Spanish sparrows, respectively. The concurrent changes in RMRmin and MMR during moult resulted in significant decreases in AAS, being up to 32 and 47% lower than pre-moult levels of house and Spanish sparrows, respectively, during moult stages having substantial feather replacement. We argue that the combination of reduced flight efficiency due to loss of wing feathers and reduced aerobic capacity places moulting birds at greater risk of predation. Such performance constraints likely contribute to most birds temporally separating moult from annual events requiring peak physiological capacity such as breeding and migration.


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