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Four nests of the rare and endemic Bernier's Vanga, Oriolia bernieri, were discovered; one in 1997, one in 1998, and two in 1999 on the Masoala Peninsula, northeastern Madagascar. At the 1998 nest, the female made 189 visits with 186 deliveries of nesting material during 34.6 h of observation. The female spent 9.2% (194.2 min) of the observation time building the nest while an immature male delivered nest material six times and spent 3.2 min at the nest placing the material. Nesting material included: 67.2% (125) decomposed root material, 24.7% (46) palm fibres, 6.5% (12) dry leaves, 1.1% (2) moss, and 0.5% (1) white plant dawn. In 41.0 h of observation during the incubation period the female incubated for 53% (21.7 h) of the time, the adult male for 32.3% (13.2 h), the immature male for 4.3% (1.8 h), and the nest was unattended for 10.4% (4.3 h). This breeding attempt foiled on day 13 of incubation when a Madagascar Harrier-Hawk, Polyboroides radiatus, ate the egg(s). At one of the 1999 nests, the incubation and nestling periods were 17 days each. Three young fledged during the middle of November. Of the 82 identified prey items recorded during the nestling period, 91% were invertebrates and 9% vertebrates. Spiders, crickets, cockroaches, and geckos represented the most numerous prey taken, totaling 77% of the identified prey.  相似文献   

Intraspecific nest parasitism in two colonies of Spotless Starling Sturnus unicolor breeding in nestboxes was studied in central Spain from 1991 to 1994. Nests were monitored regularly and three criteria were used to detect nest parasitism: the appearance of more than one egg per day during the laying period of the host; the appearance of an egg after the start of incubation; eggs with unusual shape or pigmentation. The proportion of parasitized nests in first clutches (37%) was twice that of intermediate (19%) or second (20%) clutches in colony B, whereas parasitism occurred in first (35%) and intermediate (12%) but not in second clutches in colony A. Most clutches (52–70%) were parasitized during the host's laying period and received one parasitic egg. In 10% of the parasitized clutches in colony B, one of the host's eggs disappeared on the day the parasitic egg was added, suggesting that the parasitic female removed this egg. Although parasitism increased clutch size significantly, it led to a decrease in host breeding success, mainly through the removal of eggs and the loss of host nestlings and the survival of parasitic chicks. Observations suggested that parasitic females were young individuals without their own nests and/or those whose breeding attempt had been disrupted while laying in their own nest.  相似文献   

We assessed the nutritional importance of mate provisioning to females during egg production and its effects on clutch parameters (egg size, length of the laying period) in Common Terns Sterna hirundo: (1) we estimated the costs of egg production by modeling the daily protein, lipid, and energy requirements of laying females, and (2) compared these costs to both the amount, and the timing, of the male's contribution via mate provisioning. Net lipid, net protein, and gross energy requirements for a three‐egg clutch were estimated to be 5.4 g, 8.6 g, and 569 kJ respectively. Peak protein and lipid requirements occurred one (day ?1) and two (day ?2) days before laying, respectively. Peak energy requirement occurred on day ?1; a cost of 127% to 157% above maintenance. Variation in male provisioning effort (in terms of energy and nutrients delivered) paralleled variation in predicted female requirements for egg production at the level of individual pairs. Males delivered protein in excess of the female's requirements on all days investigated. Male lipid delivery accounted for 45% of female net requirement on the day when demand was greatest (day ?2), but exceeded requirements on all other days. However, the proportion of the female's total energy budget (egg production, maintenance, and activity costs) that was supplied by her mate rose from an average of 29% on day ?2 to 76% during the interval between second and third eggs. Paradoxically, females that were fed at higher rates during the interval between first and second eggs produced clutches with lower total volumes, smaller last‐laid eggs, and clutches with a greater egg‐size hierarchy than conspecifics receiving less food from their mates. Also, females fed at higher rates during the interval between second and third eggs took longer to produce their clutch. These negative relationships between mate provisioning and clutch parameters contrast with previous studies in this and other species.  相似文献   

C. J. Brown 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2):24-32
Brown, C. J. 1990. Breeding biolo of the Bearded Vulture in southern Africa, Part I: The pre-laying and incubation periods. Ostrich 61: 24–32.

In southern Africa the Bearded Vulture Gpaetus barbatus lays its eggs in mid-winter. between the second half of May and the first week of July. Pairs became more active in their nesting areas about six weeks before laying and usually roosted there at night. Courtship flights were less frequent and demonstrative than in Eurasian birds and took place mainly in the late afternoons. During the pre-laying period most nest visits (77%) were to bring nesting material, 92% by the male. All nesting material was arranged by the female. Copulation was always preceded by allopreening, and occurred most frequently in the mornings. No copulation or courtship display took place after the first egg had been laid. Of 18 clutches, 16 (89%) contained two eggs and the remainder one egg. The laying interval was usually 3–5 days (range 2–9 days). Incubation started with the first egg and was evenly shared by both parents during the day, but only the female incubated at night, individual pairs maintained distinctive nest attendance and foraging period timetables, which allowed sufficient time for self-foraging by both parentes. No food was brought into the nest during the pre-laying and incubation periods, but in some pairs food was cached in nearby potholes in cliffs. The incubation period was 56–57 days.  相似文献   

Adjakpa, J.B. 2000. The breeding biology of Abdim's Stork Ciconia abdimii in the far north of Benin. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 61–63.

Little is known about the biology of Abdim's Stork Ciconia abdimii, in Benin. I studied the nesting of this intra- African migrant in the wet season of 1996. Breeding pairs arrived at the end of March 1996. Seven nest sites were found, involving 92 pairs; the largest colony was of 51 pairs. The storks used five different large tree species for nesting. Egg-laying began in early April and lasted until 2 July. Most clutches were of 3–4 eggs. Incubation lasted 28–29 days. A total of 196 young storks fledged (all of which were ringed), representing a success rate of 76.5% per egg laid and 86.0% per egg hatched. The last storks left the colonies on 9 September 1996, 164 days after the first ones arrived on 30 March. The species is threatened in Benin by human persecution and by widespread pesticide use: it urgently requires official protected status.  相似文献   

M. G. BROOKER  L. C. BROOKER 《Ibis》1989,131(4):528-547
The breeding behaviour of two similarly sized sympatric cuckoos, Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalts and the Shining Bronze-Cuckoo C. lucidus, was studied over four breeding seasons at Gooseberry Hill, Western Australia. Both cuckoos usually began laying in late August; Shining Bronze-Cuckoos laid for up to 13 weeks and Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoos for up to 15 weeks. Four host species were parasitized and major hosts were parasitized throughout most of their laying periods. The frequency of parasitism varied between hosts and between years, but Splendid Fairy-wrens Malurus splendens and Yellow-rumped Thornbills Acanthiza chrysorrhoa (major hosts) were always parasitized more heavily than Western Thornbills A. inornata and Scarlet Robins Petroica multicolor. Western Thornbills were parasitized by both cuckoos. Horsfield's and Shining Bronze-Cuckoos laid monomorphic eggs; those of Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoos were highly mimetic whereas those of Shining Bronze-Cuckoos were non-mimetic and dark in colour. Both cuckoos laid one egg per host nest, deposited eggs directly into the nest, laid very quickly in the early morning, removed at least one host egg at laying, laid eggs small for the size of the birds, hatched after 12 days and evicted nest companions shortly after hatching. Laying was well synchronized with the start of incubation by hosts. Field observations and experiments with egg models indicated that neither of the major hosts, nor the secondary host in common, discriminate against foreign eggs. The nestling period for Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo was 17 days, and for the Shining Bronze-Cuckoo 20 days. There was a corresponding difference in nestling growth rate between the cuckoo species. About 50% of cuckoo eggs produced fledglings. Reproductive success for both cuckoos was highest in nests of the secondary host in common, the Western Thornbill. Young cuckoos reached independence 5–6 weeks after hatching. The adaptive significance of competition between cuckoos as a selective agent for cuckoo egg morphology and host specificity is discussed.  相似文献   

The eggs of some obligate brood parasites are more spherical than the eggs of their non‐parasitic relatives and hosts, which contributes to the increased strength of their shells. We examined whether egg shape, including the more spherical shape of brown‐headed cowbird eggs (Molothrus ater), influenced egg discrimination in American robins (Turdus migratorius) and gray catbirds (Dumetella carolinensis). We added a series of artificial objects to robin and catbird nests that varied in shape from a control host egg, a rounded, cowbird‐like egg, to odd‐shaped objects. Real cowbird eggs were significantly more spherical than catbird and robin eggs, which confirmed a potential cue for egg recognition. Object shape significantly influenced the probability of rejection and time to rejection in both robins and catbirds. However, rounded eggs and spheres were rejected infrequently and at frequencies similar to control eggs. Therefore, the shape of a brood parasite's egg does not appear to influence egg discrimination in these two rejecters. Robins and catbirds rejected significantly more odd‐shaped objects than egg‐shaped objects and odd‐shaped objects were rejected significantly sooner than egg‐shaped objects. The rejection of odd‐shaped objects likely represents an expression of nest‐sanitation behaviour where debris is removed from the nest. By comparison with other studies of accepters of cowbird eggs, robins and catbirds appear to reject higher proportions of odd‐shaped objects, which suggests they may have more refined abilities to discriminate against foreign objects in their nests.  相似文献   

J. R. Beck  D. W. Brown 《Ibis》1971,113(1):73-90
The breeding cycie and habits of the Black-bellied Storm-petrel are described from observations made over three seasons at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. The species is strictly nocturnal on land and nests in stable scree slopes. With an estimated population of 100–200 pairs, Fregetta tropica is the rarest petrel breeding on the island. In general, the breeding cycle of F. tropica resembles that of Oceanites oceanicus. Birds usually arrive from mid-November onward and return to the same nest and mate in successive seasons. The female is absent from the nest for a week or more before the egg is laid, during which time the male continues to visit the site. From ten laying dates, egg laying appears normally to begin during the last week in December, but evidence is given that, in 1966-67, laying was delayed by heavy winter snow build-up coupled with a late melt. The egg comprises 26 % of the body weight of the female. Incubation is by both sexes in alternate spells of three days, the whole period lasting 38–44 days. The chick is left alone in the nest by the parents almost immediately after hatching. Chick growth is described briefly and the effects of drift snow on development are discussed. The fledging periods of two chicks were 65 and 71 days, departure from the nest taking place in mid-April. Measurements of 36 Signy Island birds show considerable variability but are similar to those from other breeding localities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The value of egg coloration as crypsis, once accepted as a general principle, has recently been questioned because most experiments have failed to show that egg coloration deters predation. The nest‐crypsis hypothesis postulates that, among species that build conspicuous nests, selection for egg crypsis is relaxed or absent because visually searching predators detect nests prior to eggs. I tested the nest‐crypsis hypothesis using the large, relatively conspicuous nests of American Robins (Turdus migratorius), and eggs that differed markedly in color that were collected from the nests of Red‐winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus), Brewer's Blackbirds (Euphagus cyanocephalus), and Yellow‐headed Blackbirds (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus). Each nest (N= 22) received a clutch of each species during three sequential predation trials that were 16 d in duration. The order of clutch presentation was randomized for each nest. Survival trends for Brewer's and Yellow‐headed Blackbirds were similar, and higher than those for clutches of Red‐winged Blackbirds. By the end of trials, overall survival of the three clutch types was roughly equivalent. However, clutches of Red‐winged Blackbird eggs, the most conspicuous egg type to the human eye, were discovered sooner by predators. Because the experimental design controlled for effects of nest crypsis, nest location, and nest size, this difference in egg survival can be attributed to differences in egg pigmentation. Thus, my results support a role for egg coloration as camouflage in conspicuous nests.  相似文献   

Charles van Riper  III 《Ibis》1980,122(4):462-475
The behavioural ecology and breeding biology of the endangered Palila Psittirostra bailleui was studied from 1971 to 1975. The most intensive breeding occurred from June to August, and coincided with peak production of mamane Sophora chrysophylla seeds, the bir?s major food source. The Palila was able to make adjustments in its breeding to compensate for yearly differentiation in the timing and abundance of this food supply. Sexual chasing and courtship feeding were the most frequently encountered pre-nesting behaviours. Territory was a mate-defended area, which later in the nesting sequence was confined to the nest site. A total of 26 nests was found; most were placed on larger branches of mamane trees. Nest construction occurred primarily in the morning hours and lasted up to 20 days. Both sexes took part in nest construction, albeit the male role was minimal. Unless the nest was placed in the terminal fork of a tree, it usually contained a large stick base. The modal clutch size was two; eggs were laid early in the morning and in all cases one per day. Incubation sometimes began with the first egg and lasted 15–16 days. Only the female incubated, and she covered the eggs for about 75% of the daylight hours and throughout the night. Egg hatching was asynchronous, with the first young emerging early in the morning and the second not until later that same day. Only the female brooded, and the rate declined until day 15 when essentially it stopped. Both parents fed the young by regurgitation, and the number of feedings per hour decreased slightly over the nestling period. It is thought that insects and finely masticated plant material formed the bulk of the nestling diet until about day 5 when mamane seeds became important. Helpers were found at one nest. Young developed slowly and did not leave the nest until 21–27 days old. It is believed that these prolonged nestling periods were able to evolve because of the (former) absence of ground predators. After fledging, young remained with their parents for at least 30 days. Productivity was regulated by small clutch size, low population numbers and by the length of an individual nesting sequence (in that a pair could potentially raise only one brood each year). The primary reason for the endangered status of this bird appears to be the effect of habitat alteration upon a specialist, coupled with the fact that the small effective breeding population and low dis-persability of the species may have resulted in decreased genetic fitness.  相似文献   

Barbara K.  Snow 《Ibis》1972,114(2):139-162
The Calf bird Perissocephalus tricolor was studied in the Kanuku Mountains of southern Guyana for three months (January-April 1970), during which time almost daily visits were paid to a lek of four adult males. The adult males owned perches about 30 ft up in understorey trees, where they displayed and called throughout much of the day. Four immature males also visited the lek, particularly in the morning and evening. The immatures also wandered, feeding and occasionally calling together, over an area of forest of approximately 3 miles by half a mile. There was a hierarchy among the adult and immature males, the dominant males owning the most coveted perches at the lek. The male's most far-reaching call, the “moo call”, is a co-operative advertising call, in that birds calling together adjust the timing of their calls so as to follow each other and not overlap. The adult males perform a number of silent agonistic displays on their lek perches. Periodically, adult and immature males and sometimes a female invade the vicinity of a lek perch, usually that of the dominant male. Once a female was briefly mounted by the dominant male on his lek perch during an invasion. On other occasions females visited the lek but no mating occurred. The food of the males attending the lek was recorded by the daily collection of a total of 2,500 regurgitated fruit seeds (mostly drupes) from below the perches. Males also regularly take insects, but in smaller quantities. Three nests were found. The nest is an extremely light structure built entirely of fine twigs. A single egg was laid in each nest. All the nests (and two old ones) were within half a mile of the lek. Two of the nests were only 5 yards apart and the eggs were laid in them within 10 days of each other. The incubation period at one nest was 26–27 days and the fledging period approximately 27 days. The chick on hatching was covered in bright orange-chestnut down. It was fed mostly on insects (predominantly Orthoptera) brought by the female in her beak. There was no evidence of a male attending the nest. The Calfbird's nesting and lek behaviour is compared with that of other species of Cotingidae.  相似文献   

G. A. Benn  A. C. Kemp 《Ostrich》2013,84(2-3):81-91

BENN, G.A. &; KEMP, A.C. 1995. Diet, home range, hunting and reproductive behaviour of a pair of Dickinson's Kestrel Falco dickinsoni in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Ostrich 66: 81–91.

During July-December 1992, the diet, home range, hunting and reproductive behaviour of a pair of Dickinson's Kestrel Falco dickinsoni was recorded in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Numerically, for both sexes combined, invertebrates formed the majority (56%) of the diet, while separately the female caught 75% and the male 49% invertebrate prey. During courtship and incubation the male supplied the female with primarily vertebrate prey and both provisioned mainly vertebrates to the nestlings (male = 80%; female = 57%). The non-breeding home range of the female was 27.8 km2, and the breeding home range of the male was 26.3 km2. Both utilised their home ranges differentially, the area within a 2 km radius of the nest (12.6 km2) being used proportionally more than the remaining area. The home range of the female was compared to that of other Falco spp. and was larger than would be expected based on body weight. Perch-hunting was the only technique utilised by both sexes, with 79–80% of observed strike attempts from dead trees. During the day, the 9.emale spent 87% and the male 77% of the time perch-hunting, with respective hunting success rates of 69% and 58%. During courtship, the female spent much of her time (94%) close to the nest, where the male supplied her with prey. During incubation, the male spent 95% of his time within 2 km of the nest tree, where he hunted to supply the female with prey at a rate of 0.3 items.hr?1 and assisted in nest defence. On occasion the male entered the nest to relieve the female, and remained in the cavity on average for 134 min (n = 5). As the young got older, the female spent less time at the nest and provisioned more items to the nestlings. Overall, there was an increase in the rate of prey provisioning to the nestlings from 0.45 items.hr?1 (10 days old) to 0.85 items.hr?1 (21 days old). The male initially passed prey to the female but provisioned directly to older nestlings.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The physiological condition of female birds during the egg‐laying and incubation periods is of considerable interest and yet is relatively understudied in wild birds, primarily due to the difficulty of catching birds during this period without causing nest desertion. We therefore developed a box‐net to capture cavity‐nesting birds using sections of a mist‐net placed around a metal cubic frame. We captured female Great Tits (Parus major) as they left nest boxes during the egg‐laying and incubation periods and measured desertion rates. Using box‐nets, we captured 108 of 119 (90%) females during egg laying and 10 of 12 (83%) during incubation. Our recapture rate over two consecutive days during incubation was 50% (5 of 10). Females not captured left nest boxes before we attempted to capture them, escaped through a hole in the mist‐net, or remained in nest boxes for more than 2 h, after which we ended capture attempts. Overall, 22% of egg‐laying females deserted, with desertion rates highest early in the egg‐laying period. Desertion rates of females captured using box‐nets did not differ from those of undisturbed females. One of 10 females captured in a box‐net deserted during the incubation period. Box‐nets are portable, can be set up and taken down quickly and easily, and could potentially be used with nest boxes or natural cavities at any height. Box‐nets are easy to construct and adaptable for use with an array of cavity‐nesting birds, and can be an important tool for studying female physiology during egg laying and incubation.  相似文献   

D. N. S. Tomlinson 《Ostrich》2013,84(2):157-165
Tomlinson, D. N. S. 1975. Studies of the Purple Heron, Part 3: Egg and chick development. Ostrich 46:157-165. (Part 1, Ostrich 45:175-181; Part 2, Ostrich 45:209-223.)

The average clutch size of Ardea purpurea was found to be three eggs, with a mean incubation period of 26 days. Incubation begins immediately the first egg is laid with the result that there is a marked difference in chick size in individual nests. The optimum clutch size in terms of fledgling success, is four to a nest, although growth data from nests indicate that the fourth chick in a nest with four is not fed adequately, and the fifth chick in a nest with five dies of starvation.

In agreement with Junor's (1971) results on other herons, food expressed as a percentage of body weight per day was found to level off at 16% which was 225 g of food per bird (adult weight) per day.  相似文献   

Peter Steyn 《Ostrich》2013,84(3-4):173-178
Steyn, P. 1999. The breeding biology of the Scimitarbilled Woodhoopoe. Ostrich 70 (3&4): 173–178.

The breeding biology of the Scimitarbilled Woodhoopoe Rhinopomastus cyanomelas was studied at two sites in Zimbabwe over a 13-year period from 1964–1977. The pairs were resident, remained together throughout the year, and inspected their nest sites occasionally during the non-breeding season. The breeding season extended from August to December with a marked September/October peak. Eggs were laid at daily intervals. Clutch size averaged 2.9 (range 2–4). Incubation began either with the penultimate or last laid egg. During the 13–14 day incubation period the female left the nest only occasionally each day and was reliant on the male for food. This pattern continued for four days after the chicks hatch. Thereafter she started to forage and gradually increased her contribution to chick provisioning until she overtook that of the male. With one exception, he never fed the chicks directly and delivered the food to the female. The nestlings were brooded overnight for the first two weeks. The anti-predator response of the young included a malodorous brown exudation from the preen gland and unpleasant liquid excreta. The nestling period was 21–24 days and the young left the vicinity of the nest with their parents and did not return to roost in it. Twelve breeding cycles were monitored and 76% of eggs laid (n=37) produced fledged young. Second broods were raised in the same nest on two occasions after successful rearing of the first, presumably by the same pair, but the birds were not individually marked. There was no evidence of helpers at the nest.  相似文献   


Daily nest checks were used to determine the yellow-eyed penguin’s pattern of nest relief during incubation, and to examine the inter-pair variability in incubation period. Nests at two breeding areas on the Otago Peninsula were visited between September and December in 1985 and 1986. At each visit, status of the nest and the identity and behaviour of the sitting bird was recorded. Incubation is shared between the sexes, with males tending to sit longer than females. Incubation spells ranged from 1–7 days with a mode of 1–2 days. Records of lone incubation following mate death show the yelloweyed penguin to be capable of 15 day unrelieved spells at the nest The incubation period of the yellow-eyed penguin ranges from 39–51 days and is the most variable of all penguins. This variability is because of the failure of some individuals to adequately cover the clutch until up to 5 days after the laying of the second egg.  相似文献   

Parental care provides substantial benefits to offspring but exacts a high cost to parents, necessitating the evolution of offspring recognition systems when the risk of misdirected care is high. In species that nest, parents can use cues associated with the offspring (direct offspring recognition) or the nest (indirect offspring recognition) to reduce the risk of misdirected care. Pythons have complex parental care, but a low risk of misdirected care. Thus, we hypothesized that female Children's pythons (Antaresia childreni) use indirect cues to induce and maintain brooding behavior. To test this, we used a series of five clutch manipulations to test the importance of various external brooding cues. Contrary to our hypothesis, we found that female A. childreni are heavily internally motivated to brood, needing only minimal external cues to induce and maintain egg‐brooding behavior. Females were no more likely to brood their own clutch in the original nest as they were to brood a clutch from a conspecific, a pseudoclutch made from only the shells of a conspecific, or their clutch in a novel nest. The only scenario where brooding was reduced, but even then not eliminated, was when the natural clutch was replaced with similarly sized stones. These results suggest that egg recognition in pythons is similar to that of solitary‐nesting birds, which have similar nesting dynamics.  相似文献   

Abstract: Nest success is an important parameter affecting population fluctuations of wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo). Factors influencing mammalian predation on turkey nests are complicated and not well understood. Therefore, we assessed nest hazard risk by testing competing hypotheses of Merriam's turkey (M. g. merriami) nest survival in a ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) ecosystem during 2001–2003. We collected nesting information on 83 female Merriam's turkeys; annual nest success averaged 50% for adult females (range = 45–59%) and 83% for yearling females (range = 75–100%). Proportional hazard modeling indicated that precipitation increased the hazard of nest mortality. However, estimated hazard of nest predation was lowered when incubating females had greater shrub cover and visual obstruction around nests. Coyotes (Canis latrans) were the primary predator on turkey nests. We hypothesize that precipitation is the best predictor of nest survival for first nests because coyotes use olfaction effectively to find nesting females during wet periods. Temporally, as the nesting season progressed, precipitation declined and vegetation cover increased and coyotes may have more difficulty detecting nests under these conditions later in the nesting period. The interaction of concealment cover with precipitation indicated that nest hazard risk from daily precipitation was reduced with greater shrub cover. Management activities that promote greater shrub cover may partially offset the negative effects of greater precipitation events.  相似文献   

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