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小果青钱柳的分类地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐炳声  冯雪舟  徐连根   《广西植物》1988,(4):319-323
<正> 钟补求教授于1936年根据采自安徽黄山的模式标本而发表小果青钱柳Pterocarya mi-cropaliurus Tsoong新种时指出,该种与青钱柳的主要区别在于:(1)果实(包括果翅)较小,直径不超过2.5匣米,而在青钱柳则为3—7匣米;(2)果序较短,长约为青钱柳之半;(3)小叶数目较多,通常9—11枚,且较青钱柳为狭小;(4)小叶的锯齿较密较尖,最大的小叶通常每边有60个以上的锯齿,而在青钱柳则通常不到40个。但根据《中国植物志》第二十一卷(以下简称《植物志》),小果青钱柳应为青钱柳Cyclocarya paliurus(Batal.)Iljinsk.的异名。该《植物志》写道:“本种的小叶大小及数目、果翅的形状及大小变异极大,某些极端类型看来好象可以划分成各别的种,但都存在有中间类型,并且也无一定的地理分布限定,因此它必然是一个自然的种”。为此,我们对有关的腊叶材料进行了  相似文献   

中国柳莺属分类现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
柳莺属Phylloscopus一直是中国鸟类分类学中问题最多,研究最不完善的类群。在上世纪末的10年中,新增加了12种柳莺,包括新发现的3种和亚种被提升到种地位的9种。本文回顾和介绍了我国柳莺属分类研究概况,包括四川柳莺P.sichuanensis,海南柳莺P.hainanus和峨眉柳莺P.emeiensis3个新发现种。黄腰柳莺青藏亚种P.proregulus chloronotus和甘肃亚种P.p.kansuensis,黄腹柳莺P.affinis subaffinis亚种。黄腰柳莺青藏亚种P.proregulus chloronotus和甘肃亚种和P.c.sindianus亚种,黄眉柳莺P.inormatus humei亚种等的分类地位已由亚种升为种,但黑眉柳莺P.ricketti goodsoni亚种分类地位仍存在着争议,最后提出了目前我国柳莺属分类上尚存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

白腰雪雀分类地位的商榷   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自腰雪雀Onychostruthus taczanowskii(Przewalski)的分类地位比较混乱.在早期的分类系统中,它被归属于雪雀属Montifringilla下.后期由于生态习性与行为特征的不同,被划分至地雀属Pyrgilauda下;又有将它划分为独立属--高原雀属Onychostruthus的观点.本文结合身体量衡度数值特征、外部形态特征以及遗传差异上的研究,综合探讨白腰雪雀的分类地位.对量衡度特征的因子分析发现:白腰雪雀与地雀属种类在体长、体重、翅长、尾长、嘴长与跗蹠长上明显不同,其体形明显偏大.形态特征的聚类分析显示:白腰雪雀与地雀属种类的平均特征差异为0.3902~0.5122,而这些种类间平均特征差异为0.1281~0.2195.比较属间差异发现:石雀Petronia petronia与地雀属种类为0.4878~0.5385,树麻雀Passer montanus与地雀属种类为0.4872~0.5610.麻雀属与石雀属为0.3415,这些结果显示自腰雪雀与地雀属种类的差异已经达到石雀属、麻雀属与地雀属属间的差异.通过比较白腰雪雀与石雀的遗传差异(0.2578),地雀属种类与石雀的遗传差异(0.2386~0.3193),发现白腰雪雀与地雀属种类具有较大的遗传差异(0.2267~0.3143),几近于地雀属与石雀属间的差异.综合量衡度、形态以及遗传等特征的分析结果,作者认为白腰雪雀与地雀属种类有较大的差异,两者间的差异已经达到了它们与近缘属石雀属和麻雀属间的差异,以及近缘属之间的差异,因此,建议白腰雪雀应作为一个独立的属,高原雀属Onychostruthus.  相似文献   

The persistence of species taxa within fragmented habitats is dependent on the source–sink metapopulation processes, and forest patch size and isolation are key factors. Unveiling species–patch area and/or species–patch isolation relationships may help provide crucial information for species and landscape management. In this study, relationship between forest patch size and isolation with abundance and occupancy probability of forest-dependent birds was investigated. This study was based within a coastal landscape that faces deleterious human activities such as clearing for agriculture. The study aimed to answer the question of whether the size and extent of isolation of forest patches influence abundance and/or occupancy probability of forest-specialist and generalist birds. Two bird species, namely Tiny Greenbul Phyllastrephus debilis subsp. rabai and Yellow-bellied Greenbul Chlorocichla flaviventris, were used as models. Birds were surveyed using distance sampling methods, and spatial metrics were measured from satellite imagery. Focal forest size and distance between forest patches were the most influential metrics whereby abundance and occupancy probabilities increased with increasing patch size, but were negatively influenced by increasing gaps between patches. These findings provide evidence of the existence of patch size/ isolation–occupancy relationships characterised by higher occupancy rate of large patches and distance-dependent dispersal, which decreased with increasing gaps between patches. Controlling deleterious human activities that reduce forest size should be a priority for the long-term conservation of forest-dependent birds.  相似文献   

小蠹亚科的分类地位(鞘翅目,象虫科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许多学者将小蠹作为象虫总科Curculionoidea中一个独立的科Scolytidae,而目前国际上普遍认为小蠹为象虫科Curculionidae中的一个亚科,即小蠹亚科Scolytinae。Erichson在1842年即提出了小蠹为象虫科的一个亚科,20世纪以R.A.Crowson为代表的学者对此观点表示支持并进行了较为严谨的科学论证,而以S.L.Wood为代表的另外一些学者则坚持小蠹的科级地位,我国学者蔡邦华、殷惠芬等一直沿用该分类系统。近20年来,国际上许多学者通过对小蠹类昆虫的成虫和幼虫外部特征的深入研究,以及支序系统学和分子生物学等一些最新结果,普遍认为小蠹类昆虫应为象虫科的一个亚科,这一观点已被国际上广泛接受。本文全面介绍了小蠹分类研究的历史及新的研究进展,并提出和建议采用"小蠹亚科"这一分类地位,与象虫亚科并列,均隶属于象虫科。  相似文献   

许多学者将小蠹作为象虫总科Curculionoidea中一个独立的科Scolytidae,而目前国际上普遍认为小蠹为象虫科Curculionidae中的一个亚科,即小蠹亚科Scolytinae.Erichson在1842年即提出了小蠹为象虫科的一个亚科,20世纪以R.A.Crowson为代表的学者对此观点表示支持并进行了较为严谨的科学论证,而以S.L.Wood为代表的另外一些学者则坚持小蠹的科级地位,我国学者蔡邦华、殷惠芬等一直沿用该分类系统.近20年来,国际上许多学者通过对小蠹类昆虫的成虫和幼虫外部特征的深入研究,以及支序系统学和分子生物学等一些最新结果,普遍认为小蠹类昆虫应为象虫科的一个业科,这一观点已被国际上广泛接受.本文全面介绍了小蠹分类研究的历史及新的研究进展,并提出和建议采用“小蠹亚科”这一分类地位,与象虫亚科并列,均隶属于象虫科.  相似文献   

试谈我国鹅膏菌的分类研究*   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨祝良 《菌物学报》2000,19(3):435-440
在过去的一百余年中,国内外菌物学家对我国鹅膏菌属(Amanita)真菌进行了大量采集和分类研究。迄今为止,在菌物学文献中已为我国记载了近100种(含亚种、变种和变型)鹅膏菌,然而,其中许多是原描述于欧洲或北美的种类,它们在我国是否确有分布尚需开展深入研究。近几年来,作者对采自我国的部分鹅膏菌标本与欧美相似种的标本进行了比较研究,发现两者虽在外貌上有相似之处,但在内部结构上却有较大差别,在分子生物学方面也同样存在差异。若把它们作为同一分类单元处理似不恰当。我国幅员辽阔,森林、植被类型多样,众多与鹅膏菌形成外生菌根的树种为我国、东亚或东南亚的特有种,在它们长期的协同进化中,可能形成了不少特殊或亚洲的特有鹅膏菌。为能如实反映我国鹅膏菌的生物多样性,首先必须加强野外调查,在野外对子实体的形态及各部位的颜色进行仔细而准确的描述、拍照和绘图;其次对干燥良好的标本进行可靠的形态学、解剖学研究;此外,比较研究欧美相似种的标本也是十分必要的。本文所讨论的问题,在我国蘑菇目(Agaricales)其它类群的分类研究中可能也是值得注意的。  相似文献   

中国两性生殖卤虫同工酶基因的表达及分类地位   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
侯林  邹向阳 《动物学报》1997,43(2):184-191
采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直板电泳法,对中国11个不同地理吕系两性生殖卤虫的10种同工酶的基因表达情况和各品系卤虫的分类地位进行了研究。分析了编码10种同工酶的21个座位,46个等位基因。实验和分析结果表明中两性生殖卤虫各品系均属于A.sinica,而不属于A;urmiana。  相似文献   

原羚属分类地位研究兼论中国羚羊的分类   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国羚羊类动物在世界羚羊类动物中有着特殊的地位,其中普氏原羚、藏原羚和藏羚是中国特有的珍稀物种,普氏原羚是极度濒危动物.开展中国羚羊类动物的分类和进化研究是当务之急.本研究利用形态特征、头骨测量及线粒体DNA的12S rRNA(440 bp)和16S rRNA(590 bp)对原羚属的分类地位及中国其他几种羚羊分类地位进行了探讨,发现对质量性状和数量性状数据的聚类分析的结果差异大,而且质量性状的聚类结果比较符合传统的分类系统.分子分类也得到相似结果,但在属下的分析存在较大差异.7种牛科动物的12S rRNA和16S rRNA序列差异分别为0.2%~7.1%和0.3%~8.4%.系统进化分析表明原羚属3种羚羊形成单系群,且蒙古瞪羚与普氏原羚的关系较藏原羚与普氏原羚的关系近.赛加羚应归宿于羚羊亚科,而不是与羊亚科的藏羚形成独立的赛加羚亚科.原羚属的进化可能与青藏高原的隆起有关.  相似文献   

柱孢绿僵菌和绿色野村菌分类地位的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过测定柱孢绿僵菌 Metarhizium cylindrospora、绿色野村菌 Nomuraea viridula及莱氏野村菌N. rileyi的ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA区域序列,为柱孢绿僵菌和绿色野村菌正确归属提供了新的分子依据。依据形态学和分子生物学的证据将绿色野村菌组合到绿僵菌属中,并对野村菌属的存在提出疑议。  相似文献   

The Little Bustard has undergone a steep reduction of its Western Palaearctic range over the last century. In the west of France, breeding populations declined by 96% from 1978 to 2008 in cultivated areas where grasslands have been converted into intensively managed annual crops. Little Bustard abundance and nest productivity have been monitored since 1995 in a 450‐km2 site in western France. We assessed the proximate causes of the decline of Little Bustards in French farming landscapes and quantified the effectiveness of conservation measures that aimed to reverse the decline. The decline of Little Bustard, from about 65 males in 1995 to just six males in 2003, could be related to a near absence of recruitment over this period. Since 2004, the establishment of more than 1300 ha of specifically targeted agri‐environment schemes (AES) in the study site has led to a sharp increase in female productivity, mainly associated with nesting in AES fields. By imposing constraints on mowing dates, AES have prevented nest destruction and female mortality during mowing and, by increasing plant species diversity, provided chicks with a higher abundance of grasshoppers. This has contributed to reversing the trend, and increasing the population to around 30 males in 2009. Conservation strategies involving specifically targeted AES based on the identification of limiting factors can help to reverse the decline of threatened species.  相似文献   

藏马鸡分类地位和马鸡属系统进化问题的探讨   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
藏马鸡的分类地位问题以及马鸡属内各物种的系统进化关系,一直存在着较大的争议。本文以线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因的部分序列作为遗传标记,对藏马鸡的分类地位和马鸡属的系统进化问题做了进一步探讨。结果表明:藏马鸡更适合作为白马鸡的一个亚种;蓝马鸡与褐马鸡亲缘关系相对较近,而与白马鸡较远;白马鸡是马鸡属内较为原始的类型。  相似文献   

Farmland birds are of conservation concerns around the world. In China, conservation management has focused primarily on natural habitats, whereas little attention has been given to agricultural landscapes. Although agricultural land use is intensive in China, environmental heterogeneity can be highly variable in some regions due to variations in crop and noncrop elements within a landscape. We examined how noncrop heterogeneity, crop heterogeneity, and noncrop features (noncrop vegetation and water body such as open water) influenced species richness and abundance of all birds as well as three functional groups (woodland species, agricultural land species, and agricultural wetland species) in the paddy‐dominated landscapes of Erhai water basin situated in northwest Yunnan, China. Birds, crop, and noncrop vegetation surveys in twenty 1 km × 1 km landscape plots were conducted during the winter season (from 2014 to 2015). The results revealed that bird community compositions were best explained by amounts of noncrop vegetation and compositional heterogeneity of noncrop habitat (Shannon–Wiener index). Both variables also had a positive effect on richness and abundance of woodland species. Richness of agricultural wetland species increased with increasing areas of water bodies within the landscape plot. Richness of total species was also greater in the landscapes characterized by larger areas of water bodies, high proportion of noncrop vegetation, high compositional heterogeneity of noncrop habitat, or small field patches (high crop configurational heterogeneity). Crop compositional heterogeneity did not show significant effects neither on the whole community (all birds) nor on any of the three functional groups considered. These findings suggest that total bird diversity and some functional groups, especially woodland species, would benefit from increases in the proportion of noncrop features such as woody vegetation and water bodies as well as compositional heterogeneity of noncrop features within landscape.  相似文献   

The biodiversity of Akagera National Park (ANP), Rwanda, has reportedly been declining since 1990 due to conflict and war in the country between 1990 and 1994. In this paper, we describe bird diversity in the post-war recovery period. We used systematic plots, point counts and presence–absence surveys to estimate bird species richness and diversity in acacia savanna habitats of the park between 2009 and 2011. We recorded a total number of 301 species, of which 75% were resident and 22% migrant, including a large number of Palearctic visitors and Afrotropical migrants. Particularly notable were four endemic species of the Lake Victoria region, four globally threatened and nine near-threatened species as well as species that had not previously been recorded in the park and those overlooked by past records. Estimated species richness and diversity at the landscape level were 346 and 0.98, respectively, mean estimates per plot were 42 and 0.86 for species richness and diversity, respectively. Our results highlight regional and international importance of ANP in protecting important bird diversity. We also emphasise that ANP is the only savanna habitat in Rwanda where typical savanna birds occur. Our findings provide new insights for further strengthening of efforts to conserve the park's biodiversity.  相似文献   

Estimating the abundance and breeding success of territorial songbirds is challenging. Various types of surveys and analyses are available, but all receive some criticism in the literature, and most methods are rarely compared with results obtained using intensive monitoring efforts. We assessed the efficacy of transect and point-count surveys to estimate the abundance of male Bobolinks (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) and detect evidence of nesting and fledging by comparing the results of those surveys to results from more intensive monitoring (i.e., spot mapping and nest monitoring). We monitored 36 fields (254 ha) of late-harvest hay, restored grassland, and fallow fields in the Luther Marsh Wildlife Management Area and on four farms in southern Ontario, Canada, in 2018. Compared to the number of territories identified based on spot mapping (197), distance sampling analysis of transect survey data provided a more accurate estimate of the abundance of male Bobolinks (230, 95% CI: 187, 282) than N-mixture models of transect (668, 95% CI: 332, 1342) and point-count (337, 95% CI: 203, 559) data. Three visits to survey transects and five to point counts did not effectively detect evidence of Bobolink breeding (i.e., nesting or fledging) in fields compared to spot mapping and nest monitoring. Distance sampling analysis of transect data appears promising for estimating the number of Bobolink territories in an area, e.g., those impacted by conservation programs. If estimates of the number of nesting Bobolinks and frequency of fledging are of interest, spot mapping and nest monitoring could be implemented at a subset of sampled fields. Our results suggest that additional studies to evaluate model-based estimates of abundance with the best available information (e.g., from spot mapping of marked or unmarked populations and nest monitoring) would be useful to ensure that robust estimates are provided to support population estimates and conservation actions.  相似文献   

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