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IDO IZHAKI  ASAF MAITAV 《Ibis》1998,140(2):223-233
Migrating Blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla were mist netted at the desert edge in northern Israel and in Elat (southern Israel) during spring and autumn migrations between 1970 and 1991. Birds in spring in northern Israel were representative of birds that had completed the crossing of the Sahara, while those in Elat still had to cross the 150 km of the Negev Desert, which separates Elat and northern Israel. In autumn, birds captured in northern Israel were representative of those about to cross the Sahara Desert, while those in Elat had already started to cross the desert. The data allowed analysis of seasonal and location differences in the physiological state of Blackcaps before and after crossing the Sahara. Data analysed included body mass, visible fat score and calculated fat content. Autumn migrants were in better physiological condition than spring migrants at both locations, probably as a consequence of their migration route through fertile areas in autumn compared with the crossing of the Sahara in spring. Body mass was less variable after the Sahara crossing in spring than before the crossing in autumn. In spring, 71% and 67% of the birds were fat depleted (fat scores 0 and 1) at Elat and in northern Israel, respectively, while in autumn 34% and 42% were fat depleted. Blackcaps at Elat were 1.6 g lighter than those in northern Israel in autumn and 1.9 g lighter in spring. Potential flight ranges were estimated on the basis of meteorological conditions and flight altitude of passerines above the Negev in Israel (northern Sahara edge) during migration and on a simulation model that considered both energy and water as potential limiting factors for flight duration and distance. The simulation model predicted that half of the Blackcaps that stopped over in Elat and the majority of those that stopped over in northern Israel could not make a nonstop flight over the Sahara Desert in autumn without the assistance of at least an 8 m per s tailwind. Such a wind would still not be sufficient for 34% of the birds in Elat and 42% in northern Israel, and clearly they had insufficient fat reserves to cross the Sahara in a single flight. Although the fattest Blackcaps had accumulated sufficient fat to enable them to traverse the Sahara in a single flight, they probably faced dehydration by at least 12% of their initial body mass when they reached the southern Sahara edge. These birds should use intermittent migration with stopovers at sites with drinking and feeding potential. Their decision to stop over during the day in the desert at sites with shade but without food and water would be beneficial if the meteorological conditions during daytime migration imposed greater risks of dehydration than at night. Spring migrants could not reach their breeding areas in Europe without feeding, but those examined in Elat could cross the remainder of the desert in a single flight.  相似文献   

Migratory birds wintering in Africa face the challenge of passing the Sahara desert with few opportunities to forage. During spring migration birds thus arrive in the Mediterranean area with very low energy reserves after crossing the desert. Since early arrival to the breeding grounds often is of importance to maximize reproductive success, finding stopover sites with good refuelling possibilities after the Saharan passage is of utmost importance. Here we report on extensive fuelling in the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus on the south coast of Crete in spring, the first land that they encounter after crossing the Sahara desert and the Mediterranean Sea in this area. Birds were studied at a river mouth and due to an exceptional high recapture rate (45 and 51% in two successive years), we were able to get information about stopover behaviour in 56 individual great reed warblers during two spring seasons. The large proportion of trapped great reed warbler compared to other species and the large number of recaptures suggest that great reed warblers actively choose this area for stopover. They stayed on average 3–4 d, increased on average about 3.5 g in body mass and the average rate of body mass increase was 4.8% of lean body mass d–1. Wing length affected the rate of increase and indicated that females have a slower increase than males. The results found show that great reed warblers at this site regularly deposit larger fuel loads than needed for one continued flight stage. The low body mass found in great reed warblers (also in birds with high fat scores) is a strong indication that birds staging at Anapodaris still had not been able to rebuild their structural tissue after the strenuous Sahara crossing, suggesting that rebuilding structural tissue may take longer time than previously thought.  相似文献   

Managing oxidative stress is an important physiological function for all aerobic organisms, particularly during periods of prolonged high metabolic activity, such as long‐distance migration across ecological barriers. However, no previous study has investigated the oxidative status of birds at different stages of migration and whether that oxidative status depends on the condition of the birds. In this study, we compared (1) energy stores and circulating oxidative status measures in (a) two species of Neotropical migrants with differing migration strategies that were sampled at an autumn stopover site before an ecological barrier; and (b) a species of trans‐Saharan migrant sampled at a spring stopover site after crossing an ecological barrier; and (2) circulating oxidative measures and indicators of fat metabolism in a trans‐Saharan migrant after stopovers of varying duration (0–8 nights), based on recapture records. We found fat stores to be positively correlated with circulating antioxidant capacity in Blackpoll Warblers and Red‐eyed Vireos preparing for fall migration on Block Island, USA, but uncorrelated in Garden Warblers on the island of Ponza, Italy, after a spring crossing of the Sahara Desert and Mediterranean Sea. In all circumstances, fat stores were positively correlated with circulating lipid oxidation levels. Among Garden Warblers on the island of Ponza, fat anabolism increased with stopover duration while oxidative damage levels decreased. Our study provides evidence that birds build antioxidant capacity as they build fat stores at stopover sites before long flights, but does not support the idea that antioxidant stores remain elevated in birds with high fuel levels after an ecological barrier. Our results further suggest that lipid oxidation may be an inescapable hazard of using fats as the primary fuel for flight. Yet, we also show that birds on stopover are capable of recovering from the oxidative damage they have accrued during migration, as lipid oxidation levels decrease with time on stopover. Thus, the physiological strategy of migrating songbirds may be to build prophylactic antioxidant capacity in concert with fuel stores at stopover sites before a long‐distance flight, and then repair oxidative damage while refueling at stopover sites after long‐distance flight.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to understand the migratory strategies of the Dunlins (Calidris alpina) caught in Eilat, Israel, before and after they accomplish the crossing of the combined ecological barrier of the Sinai, Sahara and Sahel deserts. Between 1999–2001, a total of 410 adults and 342 juveniles were banded. The significant difference in mean wing length between birds caught in autumn and spring reflects the degree of abrasion of the outer primaries during over-wintering in Africa. Dunlins caught in Eilat in autumn and early winter had a mean wing length 1.4–1.9mm longer than in the spring. The rate of body mass increase was comparatively high and the mean body mass of the heaviest 10% of Dunlin at Eilat was 56.2g (SE ± 0.6, N = 80). The heaviest birds from Eilat carried on average about 10g of fat with a lipid index (fat mass as a percentage of total body mass) of 18%. These reserves allow a flight of approximately 1 000km, which is probably sufficient for continued migration to more southerly wintering grounds.  相似文献   

An important issue in migration research is how small‐bodied passerines pass over vast geographical barriers; in European–African avian migration, these are represented by the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert. Eastern (passing eastern Mediterranean), central (passing Apennine Peninsula) and western (via western Mediterranean) major migration flyways are distinguished for European migratory birds. The autumn and spring migration routes may differ (loop migration) and there could be a certain level of individual flexibility in how individuals navigate themselves during a single migration cycle. We used light‐level loggers to map migration routes of barn swallows Hirundo rustica breeding in the centre of a wide putative contact zone between the northeastern and southernwestern European populations that differ in migration flyways utilised and wintering grounds. Our data documented high variation in migration patterns and wintering sites of tracked birds (n = 19 individuals) from a single breeding colony, with evidence for loop migration in all but one of the tracked swallows. In general, two migratory strategies were distinguished. In the first, birds wintering in a belt stretching from southcentral to southern Africa that used an eastern route for both the spring and autumn migration, then shifted their spring migration eastwards (anti‐clockwise loops, n = 12). In the second, birds used an eastern or central route to their wintering grounds in central Africa, shifting the spring migration route westward (clockwise loops, n = 7). In addition, we observed an extremely wide clockwise loop migration encompassing the entire Mediterranean, with one individual utilising both the eastern (autumn) and western (spring) migratory flyway during a single annual migration cycle. Further investigation is needed to ascertain whether clockwise migratory loops encircling the entire Mediterranean also occur other small long‐distance passerine species.  相似文献   

The flexibility for migrant land birds to be able to travel long distances rapidly without stopovers, and thus to cross wide inhospitable areas such as deserts and oceans, is likely to be a major determinant of their survival during migration. We measured variation in flight distance, speed and duration of major stopovers (more than 2 days), using geolocator tracks of 35 Whinchats Saxicola rubetra that migrated successfully from central Nigeria to Eastern Europe in spring, and examined how these measures changed, or depended on age, when crossing the barriers of the Sahara or the Mediterranean Sea. In all, 31% of Whinchats crossed at least the Sahara and the Mediterranean before a major stopover and 17% travelled over 4751 km on average without any major stopovers. Flight distance and speed during, and duration of major stopovers after, crossing the Mediterranean Sea were indistinguishable from migration over Continental Europe. Speed during a migration leg was lowest crossing Continental Europe and fastest, with longer duration major stopovers afterwards, when crossing the Sahara, but there was much individual variation, and start date of migration was also a good predictor of stopover duration. As the distance travelled during a leg increased, so major stopover duration afterwards increased (1 day for every 1000 km), but the speed of travel during the leg had no effect. There were no differences in any migration characteristics with age, other than an earlier start date for adult birds. The results suggest that adaptive shortening or even dropping of daily stopovers may occur often, allowing rapid, long‐distance migration at the cost of major stopovers afterwards, but such behaviour is not restricted to or always found when crossing barriers, even for birds on their first spring migration. The results may highlight the importance of stopover sites rather than barrier width as the likely key component to successful migration. Individual variation in spring migration may indicate that small passerine migrants like Whinchats may be resilient to future changes in the extent of barriers they encounter, although this may not be true of first autumn migrations or if stopover sites are lost.  相似文献   

U. Safriel 《Ibis》1968,110(3):283-320
Several years' observations at the head of the Gulf of Aqaba are summarized. Migrants occur the whole year round, but most numerously in March-April and September. Only a few of the 185 species recorded pass the winter at Elat. About 25 species are recorded more in autumn, whereas about 50 species are commoner in spring. The causes of these disparities are discussed. Thousands of soaring raptors pass through, mainly in spring. In spring only, thousands of Lesser Black-backed Gulls stream through Elat, and many rest there for a short period. Mass migration of storks occurs too, more conspicuously in spring than autumn. An attempt is made to construct the routes of these birds between Eurasia and Africa, by analysing published sight records of raptors and storks and ringing recoveries of gulls. It is suggested that many of these birds move in autumn on a wide front, which may include Arabia, but that the core of the spring passage is shifted westward and part of it is channelled through the Rift Valley north of the northern end of the Red Sea and in the areas between the rift and the Mediterranean (Fig. 4). Supporting evidence is still needed from Arabia and the coasts of the Red Sea, especially from its southern end, where birds may be concentrated at the straits of Bab-el-Mandeb, as they are over the Bosphorus. Pelicans and a few other species perform very late southerly movements. These movements involve small numbers of birds, which may belong to late-breeding populations. About 45 other species of water and shore birds have been recorded, many of which occur in winter. With the expansion of areas of artificial water, some of them have become very common. About 75 passerines, near-passerines and other migrants pass through. The numbers involved suggest that the movement is on a broad front. Out of about 50 species whose passage is adequately recorded for seasonal comparison, 30 are more common in spring. Most of these are also commoner in other eastern Mediterranean countries and in Iraq in spring, md are presumed to perform a continuous overhead flight in autumn. Cases of “loop-migration” among these species are rare.  相似文献   

Radar observations of the diurnal timing of bird migration in the Sahara Desert are presented for autumn migration. Study sites were on a transect along the north-south migratory direction. Three groups of birds migrating either during day, evening or night in the northern part of the Western desert in Egypt were identified. The maximum of day and night groups occurred later the further south the study sites were. Based on the distance between sites and the timing of peak migration, birds were flying at an estimated ground speed of about 20 m/s. The maximum of the evening group was at about 21:00 h at all sites. The three groups were classified according to three different strategies of migration across the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert: (1) the day group of birds performed a non-stop flight across the sea and at least the northern part of the desert; [2] the night group performed an intermittent migratory strategy with stopover at the coast of Egypt to continue migration the next evening; (3) the evening group birds were also intermittent migratory fliers, but they stopped somewhere in the desert after a continuous flight across the sea and part of the desert. About 20% of all migrants are involved in non-stop migration and 80% in intermittent migration with stopover at the coast (70%) or with stopover in the desert (10%). It is argued that any species of small passerine has the option to use any of the three strategies.  相似文献   

R. E. Moreau  R. M. Dolp 《Ibis》1970,112(2):209-228
Data are presented for the fat and water contents of 410 specimens of 11 species of trans-Saharan migrants collected on the northwest coast of Egypt in autumn. Mean fat contents vary from 37% of lean dry weight in Hirundo rustica to 110% in Sylvia communis. There is also much variation in the range of fat contents within individual species, Muscicapa striata and Lanius collurio being exceptionally closely grouped and P. phoenicurus widely dispersed. The results for each species are discussed in relation to their migratory circumstances. On the basis that the birds concerned would have started to cross the eastern Mediterranean with at least 11/2 times as much fat as they contained on landing in Egypt, comparisons are made with data for spring migrants in western Africa and with American trans-Gulf migrants. Water contents, discussed as % of lean dry weight, show considerable variation within each species:the coefficient correlating this percentage with % fat is around 0.50 except in Lanius (0.98) and Oriolus (0.92). On investigating the relationship between wing-length and lean dry weight, we did not find a strong correlation in any of the species and caution in accepting conclusions to the contrary is indicated.  相似文献   

Migrating animals should optimise time and energy use when migrating, travelling directly to their destination. Detours from the most direct route may arise however because of barriers and weather conditions. Identifying how such situations arise from variable weather conditions is crucial to understand population response in the light of increased anthropogenic climate change. Here we used light-level geolocators to follow Cyprus wheatears for their full annual cycle in two separate years migrating between Cyprus, over the Mediterranean and the Sahara to winter in north–east sub-Saharan Africa. We predicted that any route detours would be related to wind conditions experienced during migration. We found that spring migration for all birds included an eastern detour, whilst autumn migrations were direct across the Sahara. The direct autumn migration was likely a consequence of consistent tail-winds, whilst the eastern detour in spring is likely to be more efficient given the wind conditions which are against a direct route. Such variable migration routes shaped by coincidence with prevailing winds are probably common suggesting that some birds may be able to adapt to future changes in wind conditions.  相似文献   

Six adult and three juvenile honey buzzards Pernis apivorus were radio-tracked by satellite during autumn migration from southwestern Sweden. All adults crossed the Mediterranean Sea at the Strait of Gibraltar and continued across the Sahara desert to winter in West Africa, from Sierra Leone to Cameroon. Analysing three main steps of the migration, (1) from the breeding site to the southern Mediterranean region, (2) across the Sahara and (3) from the southern Sahara to the wintering sites, the adults changed direction significantly between these steps, and migrated along a distinct large-scale detour. In contrast, the juveniles travelled in more southerly directions, crossed the Mediterranean Sea at various places, but still ended up in the same wintering areas as the adults. Average speeds maintained on travelling days were similar for the two age groups, about 170 km/day in Europe, 270 km/day across Sahara and 125 km/day in Africa south of Sahara. However, as the adults used fewer stopover days en route, they maintained higher mean overall speeds and completed migration in a shorter time (42 days) than the juveniles (64 days). Although the juveniles set out on more direct courses towards the wintering grounds, they did not cover significantly shorter distances than the adults, as they tended to show a larger directional scatter between shorter flight segments. The results corroborate previous suggestions that adult and juvenile honey buzzards follow different routes during autumn migration, and that the birds change migration strategy during their lifetime. While juveniles may use individual vector orientation, social influences and learning may be of great importance for the detour migration of adults. The remarkable and distinct age-dependent shift in migratory route and orientation of the honey buzzard provides a challenging evolutionary problem.  相似文献   

Departure and stopover decisions are crucial for a successful migration. Such decisions are modulated by a complex interplay between endogenous (physiological state) and external factors, such as weather (e.g. wind) and geography (ecological barriers). In this study of the black redstart Phoenicurus ochruros, a short‐distance migrant passerine, we investigate the effect of weather, as gauged by tailwind and crosswind conditions, rainfall, temperature, and barometric pressure, on departures from a stopover site in the central Mediterranean Sea, off the western coast of Italy (Ventotene island), during both spring and autumn migration. We found that stopover duration was longer in birds arriving with lower fat stores, and that birds departed with generally favourable weather conditions (favourable tailwinds, weak or no crosswinds, low rainfall, high temperatures, and high pressure). However, the effects of weather on departure decisions were stronger in autumn: this could be related to 1) a seasonal difference in selection pressures for early arrival at the goal areas, that are expected to be stronger in spring than in autumn or 2) a difference in the residual extent of sea crossing since, in autumn, birds are confronted with a much longer non‐stop sea crossing (at least 300 km) than in spring (~50 km). In spring we also found males to leave the study site under less favourable tailwinds than females, and adults to leave with more favourable tailwinds than young. Our findings indicate that departure decisions are flexible and differently affected by weather in different seasons, either because of seasonal effects or because of different distances to be covered before reaching the next stopover site. Moreover, our study suggests that sex‐specific weather selectivity should be regarded among the proximate factors affecting differential spring migration of either sex.  相似文献   

By using morphometric data and geolocator tracking we investigated fuel loads and spatio‐temporal patterns of migration and non‐breeding in Temminck's stints Calidris temminckii. Body masses in stints captured at autumn stopover sites from Scandinavia to northern Africa were generally not much higher than during breeding and did not vary geographically. Thus, we expected migrating stints to make several stopovers and either circumventing the Sahara desert with low fuel loads or fuelling at north African stopover sites before desert crossing. Geolocation revealed that birds (n = 6) departed their Norwegian breeding site in the last part of July and all but one migrated south‐west over continental western Europe. A single bird headed south‐east to the Balkan Peninsula where the geolocator died. As predicted, southbound migration proceeded in a typical skipping manner with 1–4 relatively short stopovers (median 4 d) during 10–27 d of migration before reaching north‐west Africa. Here birds spent 11–20 d before crossing the Sahara. The non‐breeding sites were located at or near the Niger River in Mali and were occupied continuously for more than 215 d with no indications of itinerancy. Spring migration commenced in late April/early May when birds crossed the desert and used stopover sites in the western Mediterranean basin in a similar manner as during autumn. The lowest body masses were recorded in spring at islands in the central Mediterranean basin, indicating that crossing the Sahara and Mediterranean barriers is exhausting to these birds. Hence, the skipping‐type pattern of migration revealed by geolocators is likely to be natural in this species and not an effect of instrumentation.  相似文献   

A wide variety of the barrier crossing strategies exist among migrating songbirds, ranging from strict nocturnal flights to non‐stop flights over a few days. We evaluate barrier crossing strategies in a nocturnally migrating songbird crossing the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert, the great reed warbler, exploring variation between the sexes and within individuals. We used data from 31 year‐round light‐level geolocators tracks from 26 individuals (13 males and 13 females), with four individuals tracked for 2–3.5 consecutive years. Almost all individuals (25 of 26) prolonged their flights into the day at least on one occasion. The mean duration of these prolonged flights was 19.9 h and did not differ between sexes or seasons. Fifteen birds performed non‐stop flights during more than one full day and night (≥ 24 h; mean = 31.9 h; max = 55 h) in autumn and/or spring, but these flights were generally too short to cross an entire barrier (such as the Sahara Desert) in one non‐stop flight. Patterns of prolonged flights showed considerable within‐individual variation in females between seasons (autumn versus spring) and in both males and females between years, suggesting high individual flexibility in migration strategy. Significantly more males than females performed prolonged flights during autumn migration, but not spring, possibly reflecting sex‐specific carry‐over effects. We conclude that great reed warblers have the ability to conduct prolonged continuous flights for up to several nights and days, which potentially would allow them to cross the Sahara Desert in one non‐stop flight. However, they typically use a mixed strategy of several nocturnal flights with intermittent stopovers in combination with 1–3 prolonged flights. Prolonged flights covered less than half (44%) of the total flight time across the barriers, and the diurnal parts of the flights covered only 18% of this time.  相似文献   

广东沿岸海域鱼类群落排序   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
邱永松 《生态学报》1996,16(6):576-583
根据广东沿岸海域春秋两季底拖网鱼类采样数据,运用多维尺度转换分别对两季的鱼类样品进行排序。排序揭示出的鱼类群落格局及其季度差异与环境变异性密切相关。同处混合水区域的站位鱼类组成较为相似;分布在珠江冲淡水和外海高盐水区域的站位,鱼类组成则与多数沿岸站位有明显差异。春季沿岸海域鱼类组成有一东北-西南向的变化趋势,这一群落格局是由于该海域东北部受低温东海沿岸流影响所致;秋季珠江河口区受冲淡水的影响,而调  相似文献   

In the Palaearctic-African migration system, birds face several trade-offs on their first autumn migration. The shortest route, minimising travelling time, would lead them directly south across the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert, involving long stretches of no refuelling possibilities. This route is risky because of flight range constraints. Besides taking longer, a detour along the Iberian peninsula may require a more complex orientation mechanism. We simulated migrants with stopover and orientation behaviour and investigated the effect of flight costs and behavioural rules (e.g. crossing or flying along coast lines, a shift in migratory direction) on the resulting flight path and especially on the evolution of endogenous directions. The simulation of autumn migration from southern Scandinavia to south of the Sahara showed that it would be possible to reach the winter quarters by vector summation with a constant endogenous direction, but then either orientation must be very accurate or flight costs must be small. For small passerines both requirements are so far not corroborated by empirical studies. Alternatively, flying along coast lines or shifting direction in northern Africa from south-westerly to southerly, resulted in similar survival rates as with a constant south-westerly endogenous direction, but with a larger range of feasible values. Although weather factors were not included, our results suggest that the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara desert had a dominating influence on the evolution of endogenous directions. This influence is probably acting through flight range constraints.  相似文献   

Dunlin migration in northeast Italy is described. An attempt to identify the main routes and staging areas used by birds wintering in the central Mediterranean is presented. The results of monthly counts from 1990–1995 revealed that the bulk of the population occupied the wintering area in October and left for the breeding grounds in April and May. The analysis of 342 Italian recoveries of foreign ringed birds showed that 65% were ringed during post-breeding migration through the Baltic Sea, whereas just a few birds had been ringed in western Europe. First-year birds arrived in autumn with a single migratory wave, peaking in October. Two categories of adults were identified during post-breeding migration: birds which directly reached Italian wintering sites and birds which arrived after they had suspended their migration for moulting: the Azov/Black Sea wetlands are suggested as possible moulting areas. Out of 2444 adults and 1627 first-years ringed between 1989 and 1996 at our study area, we obtained a total of 42 recoveries abroad and evidence of direct links between Azov/Black Sea and N Adriatic wetlands, both during autumn and spring migrations. Primary moult was observed only in adults arriving early, the second migratory wave being composed of moulted birds. Locally moulting adults adopted a moult strategy characterized by high raggedness scores, typical of resident moulters. Body mass was not affected by primary moult stage or intensity, winter mass values being reached two weeks after the average date of primary moult completion.  相似文献   

Bird migration requires high energy expenditure, and long-distance migrants accumulate fat for use as fuel during stopovers throughout their journey. Recent studies have shown that long-distance migratory birds, besides accumulating fat for use as fuel, also show adaptive phenotypic flexibility in several organs during migration. The migratory routes of many songbirds include stretches of sea and desert where fuelling is not possible. Large fuel loads increase flight costs and predation risk, therefore extensive fuelling should occur only immediately prior to crossing inhospitable zones. However, despite their crucial importance for the survival of migratory birds, both strategic refuelling decisions and variation in phenotypic flexibility during migration are not well understood. First-year thrush nightingales (Luscinia luscinia) caught in the early phase of the onset of autumn migration in southeast Sweden and exposed to a magnetic treatment simulating a migratory flight to northern Egypt increased more in fuel load than control birds. By contrast, birds trapped during the late phase of the onset of autumn migration accumulated a high fuel load irrespective of magnetic treatment. Furthermore, early birds increased less in flight-muscle size than birds trapped later in autumn. We suggest that the relative importance of endogenous and environmental factors in individual birds is affected by the time of season and by geographical area. When approaching a barrier, environmental cues may act irrespective of the endogenous time programme.  相似文献   

The role of wind in passerine autumn migration between Europe and Africa   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Large ecological barriers such as oceans and deserts have considerablyshaped the migratory strategies of birds. The ecological barriersposed by the Alps, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Sahara seemto prevent most long-distance migrants from flying on a directsouthward course from Europe to Africa. Migratory routes towardsouthwest and southeast prevail. These two flyways differ withrespect to topography, refueling possibilities, and wind conditions.Aiming at a better understanding of the evolution of both flywaysin spite of differing conditions, we studied potential survivalof passerine birds on their first autumn migration from northernEurope to tropical Africa by means of a computer simulation.Considering real wind conditions at 850 mb (approximately 1500m above sea level), the survival rates of birds with southeasterly(SE) migratory directions were much higher than those of birdswith southwesterly (SW) directions. With the possibility tochoose the altitude (from four levels) with the most favorablewind, both SE and SW migrants had similar high survival, butonly with refueling opportunities in northwest (NW) Africa forSW migrants. Our results suggest that the southwestern flywaydepends on the selection of days, but especially altitudes,with favorable wind conditions and on refueling opportunitiesin NW Africa. The SE flyway is privileged by the frequent favorablewind conditions for crossing the eastern Mediterranean Sea andthe Egyptian desert, where refueling sites are almost absent.Both autumn migration routes would be unlikely without windassistance.  相似文献   

C. De  Lucca 《Ibis》1969,111(3):322-337
The present paper is based on data obtained during several years' observations and three recent surveys. Little has previously been published on migration through the Maltese Islands. The geographical, vegetational and climatic factors of the islands are discussed in so far as they affect the migrants. Visible migration is seen with anticyclonic weather and westerly winds. Birds are found grounded after night migration in cyclonic weather with southwesterly or easterly winds, much larger numbers and variety being seen with the latter. When there is a deterioration in the weather during the night, a large influx of birds is seen on the following morning, and in addition large flocks of migrating Turtle Doves are seen. Several trans-Saharan migrants may pass in smaller numbers during autumn than spring, but the difference may be more apparent than real because in early autumn the birds may depart after only a very short stay, and a few conspicuous species are absent or scarce. By contrast several species which winter north of the Sahara pass only or in much larger numbers during autumn, and these more than make up for those which are absent or rare. There is no evidence from bird ringing that in spring Malta regularly gets birds from Tunisia, at any rate from that part covered by the ringing stations (Cap Bon, Enfidaville, Gabes). The migrants which pass through Malta probably originate from an area in North Africa around Tripoli and some way westwards of it. During autumn the bulk of recoveries is from eastern European countries with a smaller percentage from northern and central Europe. Several species or groups of species are dealt with individually. In the discussion stress is laid on the very close relationship between migration and weather, especially the wind component. The comparatively small numbers of birds seen at Malta probably form part of a larger movement travelling on a broad front. It is argued that the large “falls” of migrants in bad weather result from drift acting on a mass passing mainly to one side or the other of the islands. Since much larger densities are seen with easterly than with westerly winds, it follows, if the hypothesis of drift be correct, that the numbers of birds travelling to the east of Malta are larger than those to the west of it. Moreover, since day migrants are seen with westerly winds and the bulk of night migrants with easterly ones, it is inferred that day migrants normally pass to the west, and the bulk of night migrants to the east, of the Maltese Islands. A parallel is drawn between the autumn migration and the performance of racing pigeons which are flown from the north and NE at this season.  相似文献   

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