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Spearpoint, J. A., Every, B. & Underhill, L. G. 1988. Waders (Charadrii) and other shorebirds at Cape Recife, Algoa Bay, South Africa: seasonality, trends, conservation, and reliability of surveys. Ostrich 59: 166–177.

A total of 126 surveys of waders (Charadrii) and other shorebirds were made along 4 km of shore northwest of Cape Recife. The surveys were conducted bv two observers who counted independently of each other. The variability between observers was least for conspicuous species such as Whitefronted Plover, Blacksmith Plover, African Black Oystercatcher, Whimbrel and Grey Plover, but greatest for cryptic species such as Ringed Plover and for species which formed a minority in mixed flocks such as Curlew Sandpiper and Little Stint. Variability of surveys within years and between years is also considered. Turnstones and Sanderlings were the most abundant waders in summer. Of the Palaearctic waders, Turnstones, Grey Plovers, Sanderlings, Greenshanks and Whimbrels overwintered. In contrast, Ringed Plovers, Curlew Sandpipers, and Little Stints rarely overwintered. Little Egrets, Threebanded Plovers and Water Dikkops occurred mainly in winter. It is recommended that surveys to estimate numbers of Palaearctic waders in summer and winter should be conducted in December, January or February and June or July, respectively. Because of three-year cycles in breeding productivity of certain waders, surveys should be extended over at least three years. There was evidence that waders associated with rocky shores increased in numbers during the study period: this coincided with the erosion of sandy beaches near Cape Recife. Density, biomass and daily field metabolic rates, expressed on an area basis, were similar to those in eastern Scotland. Nine species of tern utilized Cape Recife. It is recommended that the bait-collecting regulations be enforced, that vehicles be prohibited on the beach, and that the tern roost and breeding site be fenced off to create a sanctuary.  相似文献   

Colonization of islands by long-distance dispersers has great impact on genetic diversification among populations and may spearhead speciation events. We investigated intra- and interspecific divergence in Charadrius plovers with populations on mainland Africa, Madagascar and St Helena. We analysed microsatellite loci and sequence data from four nuclear and two mitochondrial gene regions. Charadrius plovers are shorebirds with high dispersal and mobility. Our results confirmed genetic differentiation between Madagascar and mainland populations of three plover species (White-fronted Plover Charadrius marginatus, Kittlitz's Plover Charadrius pecuarius and, based on sequence data only, Three-banded Plover Charadrius tricollaris) but highlight substantial variation in levels of intraspecific divergence among the three species. Namely, the Kittlitz's Plover, a dispersive habitat generalist with a polygamous mating system, exhibited lower island–mainland differentiation (0.05% COI sequence divergence) compared with the two monogamous species, the White-fronted Plover (0.6% COI divergence) and Three-banded Plover (1.6% COI divergence). In addition, past colonization of the islands of St Helena and Madagascar by ancestors of today's Kittlitz's Plover has led to the evolution of two endemic island species, the Madagascar Plover Charadrius thoracicus and the more closely-related St Helena Plover Charadrius sanctaehelenae. We discuss the factors driving species differences in island–mainland divergence and highlight the importance of conserving genetically unique island populations and island habitats to safeguard future evolutionary potential.  相似文献   

Capsule: The 2007 national survey of the UK breeding population of Little Ringed Plovers shows a further spread into Scotland and Wales since the previous survey in 1984. In contrast, there has been a significant decrease in the Ringed Plover breeding population.

Aims: To provide new breeding population estimates in the UK and Great Britain for Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius and Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula in 2007 and investigate changes in breeding distribution and habitat use since 1984.

Methods: Breeding population estimates were made by combining counts of pairs from ‘key sites’ (2?×?2?km tetrads known to be occupied in/since 1984) and estimates of the numbers of pairs away from these sites based on stratified sampling. Survey periods for Little Ringed Plover: 15 April to 15 July, three visits; Ringed Plover: 15 April to 30 June, two visits.

Results: Population estimates, for 2007, of 1239 (95% confidence intervals: 1175–1311) pairs of Little Ringed Plover and 5291 (5106–5478) pairs of Ringed Plovers were calculated for Great Britain, with 5438 (5257–5622) pairs of Ringed Plover estimated in the UK. Counts of Ringed Plover at inland and coastal sites, covered in both 1984 and 2007, decreased by 83% and 53%, respectively. The Little Ringed Plover population has expanded in range northward and westward since 1984. Main habitats used in 2007 by Little Ringed Plover were inland gravel and sand (25.9%) and river shingle (17.8%); and, for Ringed Plover, coastal shingle and sand (38.5% and 13.7%, respectively) and machair plus associated habitats (23.8%) in the Outer Hebrides.

Conclusions: Between 1984 and 2007, the Little Ringed Plover breeding population in the UK increased considerably, expanding northward and westward, with increased use of river shingle habitats. During the same period Ringed Plover breeding numbers in the UK declined considerably in both coast and inland habitats, likely to be due to human disturbance and habitat change, respectively.  相似文献   

Tomkovich, P.S. & Soloviev, M.Yu. 1994. Site fidelity in High Arctic breeding waders. Ostrich 65:174-180.

The return rate and fluctuations in density between years were determined for colour-marked populations of Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola. Little Stint Calidris minuta, Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea, Sanderling C. alba and Knot C. canutus in a study in the Knipovich Bay area, northern Taimyr, Central Siberia (76°05'N. 98°32'E) during three breeding seasons, June 1990 to August 1992. No birds marked as chick were recorded as returning to the study area. Females of all species exhibited low site fidelity. The return rate of males varied between species. No marked male Curlew Sandpiper or Little Stint were recorded in the season following the marking, which is compatible with the nomadic behaviour of these two species. In contrast, males of Grey Plover and Knot were site faithful and had return rates of 78% and 8% respectively (though the latter value may have been underestimated). Site fidelity of Sanderling males lay between these extremes (the return rate was 20%). The variability of bud breeding density in the stud area was negatively correlated with return rate and reached the largest value in Little Stint (a factor 07 18.0 between the lowest and highest densities) and Curlew Sandpiper (factors of 4,4 for males and 5,7 for females), being intermediate in Sanderling (2,5) and the smallest in males of Grey Plover (1,Z) and Knot(1,4).

In the late and cold season of 1992, bird densities were smallest in all ses and the largest proportion of site faithful, but unmated, males of Grey Plover and Knot were recorded. Species with highly opportunistic and comparatively conservative territorial connections can be recognise among Siberian High Arctic waders. All species appear to show some degree of opportunism, which is probably dictated by a number of factors of which climate is the most important.  相似文献   

W. R. Siegfried 《Ostrich》2013,84(3):173-178
Many small plovers Charadrius spp. have sexually monomorphic plumage and cryptic sexual size dimorphism. The objective of our study was to assess the variation in body sizes between male and female plovers breeding in Madagascar. We collected blood samples and data on adult body sizes of four small plovers (Madagascar Plover Charadrius thoracicus, Kittlitz's Plover C. pecuarius, White-fronted Plover C. marginatus and Three-banded Plover C. tricollaris), and used molecular genetic markers to sex the adults. We found significant differences in body size among the four species, and between sexes. Furthermore, individuals from the southern ecoregion tended to be larger than in the western ecoregion. The Madagascar Plover's body size was significantly more dimorphic than the Kittlitz's and White-fronted Plovers. Breeding Malagasy plovers' show significant sexual size dimorphism (SSD): Madagascar Plover females were heavier and had longer wings than males, whereas the males had longer tarsi; in White-fronted Plover only wing length was different between the sexes. Taken together, our work reports SSD in small African plovers that exhibit monomorphic plumage, and we propose that SSD may be more common than currently acknowledged; we term this 'cryptic sexual size dimorphism'. Our results also suggest sexual selection and/or natural selection exert different pressures on body size in different Malagasy plover species.  相似文献   

Birds’ responses to human disturbance are interesting due to their similarities to anti‐predator behaviour, and understanding this behaviour has practical applications for conservation management by informing measures such as buffer zones to protect priority species. To understand better the costs of disturbance and whether it will impact on population size, studies should quantify time‐related responses as well as the more commonly reported flight initiation distance (FID). Using waders wintering on an estuarine area, we experimentally disturbed foraging birds on the Wash Embayment, UK, by walking towards them and recording their responses (FID, alert time, time spent in flight, time taken to resume feeding, and total feeding time lost). We present data for 10 species of conservation concern: Curlew Numenius arquata, Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus, Bar‐tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica, Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola, Redshank Tringa totanus, Knot Calidris canutus, Turnstone Arenaria interpres, Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula, Sanderling Calidris alba and Dunlin Calidris alpina. Larger species responded more strongly, response magnitude was greater under milder environmental conditions, and responses varied over both small and large spatial scales. The energetic costs of individual responses, however, were low relative to daily requirements and disturbance events were unlikely to be frequent enough to seriously limit foraging time. We suggest, therefore, that wintering wader populations on the Wash are not currently significantly negatively impacted by human disturbance during the intertidal foraging period. This is also likely to be the case at other estuarine sites with comparable access levels, visitor patterns, invertebrate food availability and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of males and females to incubation, and the diel schedules by which incubation is shared, are important breeding system traits. We used infra-red sensitive cameras to record incubation patterns at 13 nests of the Two-banded Plover Charadrius falklandicus in the Falkland Islands during both day and night. Because predation risk can affect incubation behaviour, we also recorded the diel pattern of nest predation in the wider study population. We found high nest attendance, female-biased incubation, and strong diel sex-roles, with females incubating during the day and males at night. We also found that incubation intermissions tended to be short but frequent, and were correlated strongly with the diel pattern of nest predations which occurred exclusively in the daylight hours (probably due to the absence of terrestrial mammals from the study site). Our results suggest that sex-roles are unusually strict in the Two-banded Plover, and that these strict sex-roles lead to inequality in incubation sharing and the level of exposure to sources of energetic cost such as disturbance by nest predators.  相似文献   

Sex‐related variation in survival is common in birds and, as it influences effective population size and population growth, is important for conservation and species management. Here we assessed incubation behaviour and sex‐related survival in a threatened sexually monomorphic shorebird, the St Helena Plover Charadrius sanctaehelenae. Males incubated at night, the period of highest activity of cats, which are likely to be predators of breeding birds. In spite of behavioural differences between the sexes, adult survival was not significantly different between males and females, suggesting that sex‐biased behaviour need not lead to sex‐related survival, and thus behavioural differences may not impact upon the adult sex ratio.  相似文献   

Between-site variation in the diet and foraging behaviour of a fixed-method forager, the Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola , and a versatile forager, the Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus , was examined and compared at nine tropical and south temperate sites. Grey Plover always foraged in a run-stop-search manner but changed the emphasis of components of this behaviour in response to prey type. Whimbrel foraged tactilely or visually and readily changed foraging speed and habitat. Both species ate a variety of prey species depending on their availability. The diet of Grey Plover was dominated by small prey, polychaetes and crabs, and Whimbrel ate mostly crabs, with Whimbrel being the more specialized in prey choice. The broader diversity of prey types consumed by Grey Plover was attributed to limitations imposed by obligate visual foraging, whereas the flexible foraging behaviour of Whimbrel allowed the latter to concentrate their efforts on the most profitable prey. Grey Plover appeared to have a density upper limit, determined by their stereotyped foraging behaviour. Whimbrel densities varied greatly in response to prey type and foraging method. Foraging effort could not be predicted from measurements of instantaneous daytime energy intake rates, and reasons for the lack of this relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

Eggleton, P. &; Siegfried, W. R. 1979. Displays of the Jackass Penguin. Ostrich 50:139-167.

The paper describes the displays of the Jackass Penguin Spheniscus demersus. It also covers aspects of the species' comfort behaviour. Observations were made at several islands off the South African west coast from 1973 to 1976, although most were made on 130 individually-marked adults at Bird Island (Lambert's Bay) in 1975.

The Jackass Penguin has an extensive repertoire of aggressive displays including Point, Gape, Alternate Stare, Sideways Stare, Peck and Beak Slapping. Other displays are Vibratory Head Shaking (VHS), Ecstatic Display, Mutual Ecstatic Display, several bowing displays and displays associated with copulation. The functions of the displays are discussed and comparison is made with displays in other penguins as documented in the literature. In general the displays of the Jackass Penguin resemble those of other penguins, excluding the genus Aptenodytes. There are, however, variations commensurate with the environment and habits of S. demersus.  相似文献   

Capsule Negative forest edge effects were detected for Willow Ptarmigan (Red Grouse) Lagopus lagopus and Dunlin Calidris alpina.

Aims To investigate the effects of distance to forest on the abundance and changes in abundance of four key peatland breeding bird species, and to measure changes in predatory bird numbers, in the peatlands of northern Scotland.

Methods Bird surveys were carried out in 2000 at 34 plots, covering 197 km2 of peatland, and 80 forestry point‐count sites, first surveyed in 1988. Habitat data were also collected in 2000. We used multi‐model inference to investigate the associations between forest distance and other habitat variables, and the abundance, and changes in abundance, of four bird species of economic or conservation importance: Red Grouse, European Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria, Dunlin and Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia.

Results There was strong evidence that distance to forest was negatively associated with Dunlin abundance and changes in Red Grouse abundance, but only weak evidence for negative associations with Golden Plover abundance and changes in Dunlin abundance. There was no evidence of a forest distance effect on Greenshank. Among predatory birds, there were no significant increases either on peatland plots or in new forestry plantations.

Conclusions This study provides evidence that, for a given habitat quality, Dunlin densities are lower, and Red Grouse declines more likely, near to forest edges, but weak evidence only that Dunlin declines are more likely, and Golden Plover abundance lower, near to forests. These results suggest that for at least two key peatland breeding birds, forest removal is likely to benefit birds breeding on adjacent unafforested peatland.  相似文献   

Jumping spiders in the genus Habronattus use complex multimodal signals during courtship displays. In the present study, we describe multimodal displays from the Habronattus coecatus clade, comprising a diverse group of 23 described species. Habronattus coecatus group displays are made up of sex‐specific ornamentation and temporally coordinated combinations of motion displays and vibratory songs. Vibratory songs are complex, consisting of up to 20 elements organized in functional groupings (motifs) that change as courtship progresses. This temporal structuring of displays is analogous to a musical composition. Vibratory elements are associated with movement displays involving coloured and patterned ornaments on the male body. We describe general patterns of multimodal displays for 11 species including one, Habronattus borealis, which appears to have lost complex display behaviour. Habronattus coecatus group courtship is one of the most complex communication systems yet described in arthropods and this group may reveal important factors driving the evolution of complex signals. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 522–547.  相似文献   

Capsule The best estimate of breeding success was a mean of 0.57 fledglings per pair, which when combined with adult survival rates, successfully explained the observed population trend.

Aims To quantify Golden Plover breeding success on a moor managed for shooting Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus.

Methods An intensive study recorded the fate of individual Golden Plover nests and, using radiotelemetry, chicks. The factors associated with mortality were examined, allowing the construction of a model of breeding success. Adult survival was estimated from return rates of colour-ringed birds.

Results Estimated rates of daily nest survival during laying (0.8636) were significantly lower than during incubation (0.9913). The daily survival rate of chicks less than nine days (0.8868) was significantly lower than for older chicks (0.9792). A population model based on these parameters overestimated the rate of nest losses, but accurately described brood survival and fledging success. Although predation rates were low, poor survival of young chicks through starvation or exposure suggest other factors were limiting breeding success at the study site.

Conclusions Predation rates of Golden Plover nests and chicks can be low on moorlands managed for shooting Red Grouse. However, in the absence of predation, other factors may still reduce chick survival and limit breeding success.  相似文献   

The Chestnut‐banded Plover Charadrius pallidus is a Near‐Threatened shorebird species endemic to mainland Africa. We examined levels of genetic differentiation between its two morphologically and geographically distinct subspecies, C. p. pallidus in southern Africa (population size 11 000–16 000) and C. p. venustus in eastern Africa (population size 6500). In contrast to other plover species that maintain genetic connectivity over thousands of kilometres across continental Africa, we found profound genetic differences between remote sampling sites. Phylogenetic network analysis based on four nuclear and two mitochondrial gene regions, and population genetic structure analyses based on 11 microsatellite loci, indicated strong genetic divergence, with 2.36% mitochondrial sequence divergence between individuals sampled in Namibia (southern Africa) and those of Kenya and Tanzania (eastern Africa). This distinction between southern and eastern African populations was also supported by highly distinct genetic clusters based on microsatellite markers (global FST = 0.309,  = 0.510, D = 0.182). Behavioural factors that may promote genetic differentiation in this species include habitat specialization, monogamous mating behaviour and sedentariness. Reliance on an extremely small number of saline lakes for breeding and limited dispersal between populations are likely to promote reproductive and genetic isolation between eastern and southern Africa. We suggest that the two Chestnut‐banded Plover subspecies may warrant elevation to full species status. To assess this distinction fully, additional sample collection will be needed, with analysis of genetic and phenotypic traits from across the species’ entire breeding range.  相似文献   


On the migration of the Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola, in Bulgaria: 137 Bulgarian records (1891 – 1989) were compiled from published and unpublished sources and reviewed. Distribution, phenology, ecology and ethology are described and discussed in comparison with other countries of the Black Sea region.  相似文献   

Short, L.L. &; Horne, J. F. M. 1980, Vocal and other behaviour of the Green Barbet in Kenya. Ostrich 51:219–229.

Brief field studies of the Green Barbet Stactolaema olivacea in coastal Kenya, with emphasis on vocalizations, document its social behaviour, including communal roosting of four birds in a cavity. Green Barbets are aggressive, interacting strongly with a number of species. Erecting of the crown feathers, cocking of the tail, and woodpeckerlike swinging movements characterize displays. Wing Flutters and audible Bill Wiping are visual-auditory displays. Vocalizations include the Grating Call, Kek Call, Chuk Call and Chowp Call. These are agonistic and agonistic-reproductive in function. The Chowp Call comprises the song, used in simultaneous singing and duetting.  相似文献   


The display and predatory behaviour of Tauala lepidus Wanless, an abundant salticid in north Queensland rainforests, was investigated in the laboratory and, to a lesser extent, in nature. T. lepidus leapt and walked into alien webs to catch spiders and insects, and was captured and fed on by other spiders. Females ate each other’s eggs. During intraspecific interactions, a complex repertoire of displays was used. Courtship versatility occurred, each individual male having a conditional strategy of different behaviours depending on whether the female is at or away from her nest, and whether she is adult or subadult. Yet other combinations of displays occurred during male-male and female-female interactions. Apparently, pheromones on nests and draglines of females released male courtship. Abdomen twitching, a behaviour common to the display repertoires of many salticids, was an especially complex and pervasive behaviour of T. lepidus. T. lepidus also twitched its abdomen when it contacted alien webs and preyed on other species of spiders. The behaviour of T. lepidus is compared to that of Jacksonoides queenslandica Wanless, a species from the same group (Astieae).  相似文献   

Evaluating the possible effects of intensive research on species being studied and on the results of studies is important for both ethical and scientific reasons. We captured, banded, recaptured, and measured prefledged Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) chicks during the 2010 breeding season at Lewis and Clark Lake on the Missouri River in South Dakota. We evaluated the potential for increased mortality related to frequent handling of chicks with an experiment that compared the survival of chicks handled a single time for banding (N = 48) to chicks handled repeatedly from hatch to fledge (N = 50). Estimates of daily survival rate (?) for chicks in the two treatments did not differ (?single‐capture = 0.984 ± 0.006, ?multiple‐capture = 0.985 ± 0.006). Similar to previous studies, we found little evidence of increased prefledge mortality associated with frequent handling of Piping Plover chicks. However, because the effects of frequent handling of shorebird chicks may vary among species and other factors such as habitat quality (e.g., food availability), we suggest that, where possible, researchers include experiments similar to ours to evaluate possible research impacts, especially when studying threatened and endangered species.  相似文献   


Portia is a behaviourally complex and aberrant salticid genus. The genus is of unusual importance because it is morphologically primitive. Five species were studied in nature (Australia, Kenya, Malaysia, Sri Lanka) and in the laboratory in an effort to clarify the origins of the salticids and of their unique, complex eyes. All the species of Portia studied were both web builders and cursorial. Portia was also an araneophagic web invader, and it was a highly effective predator on diverse types of alien webs. Portia was an aggressive mimic, using a complex repertoire of vibratory behaviour to deceive the host spiders on which it fed. The venom of Portia was unusually potent to other spiders; its easily autotomised legs may have helped Portia escape if attacked by its frequently dangerous prey. Portia was also kleptoparasitic and oophagic when occupying alien webs. P. fimbriata from Queensland, where cursorial salticids were superabundant, used a unique manner of stalking and capturing other salticids. The display repertoires used during intraspecific interactions were complex and varied between species. Both visual (typical of other salticids) and vibratory (typical of other web spiders) displays were used. Portia copulated both on and away from webs and frequently with the female hanging from a dragline. Males cohabited with subadult females on webs, mating after the female matured. Adult and subadult females sometimes used specialised predatory attacks against courting or mating males. Sperm induction in Portia was similar to that in other cursorial spiders. Portia mimicked detritus in shape and colour, and its slow, mechanical locomotion preserved concealment. Portia occasionally used a special defensive behaviour (wild leaping) if disturbed by a potential predator. Two types of webs were spun by all species (Type 1, small resting platforms; Type 2, large prey-capture webs). Two types of egg sacs were made, both of which were highly aberrant for a salticid. Responses of different species and both sexes of Portia were quantitatively compared for different types of prey. Many of the trends in behaviour within the genus, including quantitative differences in predatory behaviour, seemed to be related to differences in the effectiveness of the cryptic morphology of Portia in concealing the spider in its natural habitat (‘effective crypsis’). The results of the study supported, in general, Jackson & Blest’s (1982a) hypothesis of salticid evolution which, in part, proposes that salticid ancestors were web builders with poorly developed vision and that acute vision evolved in conjunction with the ancestral spiders becoming proficient as araneophagic invaders of diverse types of webs.  相似文献   

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