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The binary‐state speciation and extinction (BiSSE) model has been used in many instances to identify state‐dependent diversification and reconstruct ancestral states. However, recent studies have shown that the standard procedure of comparing the fit of the BiSSE model to constant‐rate birth–death models often inappropriately favours the BiSSE model when diversification rates vary in a state‐independent fashion. The newly developed HiSSE model enables researchers to identify state‐dependent diversification rates while accounting for state‐independent diversification at the same time. The HiSSE model also allows researchers to test state‐dependent models against appropriate state‐independent null models that have the same number of parameters as the state‐dependent models being tested. We reanalyse two data sets that originally used BiSSE to reconstruct ancestral states within squamate reptiles and reached surprising conclusions regarding the evolution of toepads within Gekkota and viviparity across Squamata. We used this new method to demonstrate that there are many shifts in diversification rates across squamates. We then fit various HiSSE submodels and null models to the state and phylogenetic data and reconstructed states under these models. We found that there is no single, consistent signal for state‐dependent diversification associated with toepads in gekkotans or viviparity across all squamates. Our reconstructions show limited support for the recently proposed hypotheses that toepads evolved multiple times independently in Gekkota and that transitions from viviparity to oviparity are common in Squamata. Our results highlight the importance of considering an adequate pool of models and null models when estimating diversification rate parameters and reconstructing ancestral states.  相似文献   

Digit loss is a common theme in tetrapod evolution that may involve changes in several developmental processes. The skink genus Hemiergis provides an ideal model to study these processes in closely related taxa: within three Western Australian Hemiergis species, digit quantity ranges between two and five. For three consecutive reproductive seasons, gravid females of Hemiergis were collected in the field and their embryos prepared for histological analysis of limb skeletal development (chondrogenesis and osteogenesis). Comparative studies of skeletal developmental morphology demonstrate that limbs with fewer than five digits do not result from a simple truncation of a putative ancestral (five-digit) developmental program. The developmental and adult morphologies in two-, three-, and four-digit Hemiergis are neither predicted nor explained by a simple model of heterochrony involving either chondrogenesis or osteogenesis. In postnatal Hemiergis, digit number and relative limb length do not correlate in a simple linear fashion. Instead, limb size and digit reduction may correlate with substrate conditions and burrowing behavior.  相似文献   

Distinct differences in epithelial response between oviparous and viviparous species of skinks led us to investigate morphological differences in the uterus of a species that exhibits bi-modal reproduction and that may indicate specialities for the different requirements of viviparity and oviparity. The uteri of females from oviparous and viviparous populations of the Australian scincid lizard, Lerista bougainvillii, are described in detail to determine whether the occurrence of uterodomes and the plasma membrane transformation, found in other viviparous species but not oviparous species, are indeed features characteristic of viviparity. Oviductal tissue was dissected at three different stages of reproduction from lizards from both populations: 1) vitellogenic, 2) gravid or pregnant, and 3) non-reproductive or quiescent. Tissue was observed using both scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Lerista bougainvillii has a simple placental morphology with simple squamous epithelium. In contrast to mammals and other viviparous skinks, L. bougainvillii does not undergo a plasma membrane transformation, but early signs of placentation in viviparous individuals are indicated by changes in the uterine surface that occur largely after embryonic stage 30. There are no obvious cellular differences between the uteri of oviparous and viviparous L. bougainvillii at the non-reproductive and vitellogenic phase of the reproductive cycle but throughout gestation/gravidity, the cellular differences that could be related to the changing functional requirements with the retention of the viviparous embryo, became apparent. A plasma membrane transformation with ensuing uterodome formation does not occur, which suggests that these more sophisticated changes are a feature of advanced placental development in reptiles.  相似文献   

Skinks are the largest family of lizards and are found worldwide in a diversity of habitats. One of the larger and more poorly studied groups of skinks includes members of the subfamily Scincinae distributed in sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan African scincines are one of the many groups of lizards that show limb reduction and loss, and the genus Scelotes offers an excellent opportunity to look at limb loss in a phylogenetic context. Phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed for a total of 52 taxa representing all subfamilies of skinks as well as other Autarchoglossan families using sequence from six gene regions including; 12S, 16S, and cytochrome b (mitochondrial), as well as alpha-Enolase, 18S, and C-mos (nuclear). The family Scincidae is recovered as monophyletic and is the sister taxon to a (Cordylidae+Xantusiidae) clade. Within skinks the subfamily Acontinae is monophyletic and sister group to all remaining skinks. There is no support for the monophyly of the subfamilies Lygosominae and Scincinae, but sub-Saharan African scincines+Feylinia form a well supported monophyletic group. The monophyly of Scelotes is confirmed, and support is found for two geographic groups within the genus. Reconstructions of ancestral states for limb and digital characters show limited support for the reversal or gain of both digits and limbs, but conservative interpretation of the results suggest that limb loss is common, occurring multiple times throughout evolutionary history, and is most likely not reversible.  相似文献   

We describe seasonal variations of the histology of the seminiferous tubules and efferent ducts of the tropical, viviparous skink, Mabuya brachypoda, throughout the year. The specimens were collected monthly, in Nacajuca, Tabasco state, Mexico. The results revealed strong annual variations in testicular volume, stages of the germ cells, and diameter and height of the epithelia of seminiferous tubules and efferent ducts. Recrudescence was detected from November to December, when initial mitotic activity of spermatogonia in the seminiferous tubules were observed, coinciding with the decrease of temperature, photoperiod and rainy season. From January to February, early spermatogenesis continued and early primary and secondary spermatocytes were developing within the seminiferous epithelium. From March through April, numerous spermatids in metamorphosis were observed. Spermiogenesis was completed from May through July, which coincided with an increase in temperature, photoperiod, and rainfall. Regression occurred from August through September when testicular volume and spermatogenic activity decreased. During this time, the seminiferous epithelium decreased in thickness, and germ cell recruitment ceased, only Sertoli cells and spermatogonia were present in the epithelium. Throughout testicular regression spermatocytes and spermatids disappeared and the presence of cellular debris, and scattered spermatozoa were observed in the lumen. The regressed testes presented the total suspension of spermatogenesis. During October, the seminiferous tubules contained only spermatogonia and Sertoli cells, and the size of the lumen was reduced, giving the appearance that it was occluded. In concert with testis development, the efferent ducts were packed with spermatozoa from May through August. The epididymis was devoid of spermatozoa by September. M. brachypoda exhibited a prenuptial pattern, in which spermatogenesis preceded the mating season. The seasonal cycle variations of spermatogenesis in M. brachypoda are the result of a single extended spermiation event, which is characteristic of reptilian species. J. Morphol. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Ovarian structure and folliculogenesis of females at different reproductive stages are described for the viviparous placentotrophic lizard Mabuya mabouya. The small ovaries have a thin wall formed by the ovarian epithelium and a thin tunica albuginea. One to two germinal beds that contain numerous oogonia and developing primordial follicles are derived from the ovarian epithelium and are next to the ovarian hilum. The ovarian cortex contains follicles at different stages of development, corpora lutea, and atretic follicles. The yolk nucleus and Balbiani complex were not evident in the ooplasm of previtellogenic follicles. The follicular epithelium of these follicles is polymorphic, as in other species of Squamata, but the larger cells are spherical and monolayered rather than pyriform. The zona radiata of the preovulatory follicles is less developed than in lecithotrophic species. These features suggest a decrease in metabolic and absorptive processes during follicular growth. In preovulatory follicles (1.5-1.8 mm diameter), primordial yolk vacuoles and small cortical granules are deposited in the ooplasm instead of fatty yolk platelets, so that only one stage of vitellogenesis is observed. Polyovular atretic follicles occur in some females. Follicular atresia is minimal for preovulatory follicles, but is more frequent in follicles with polymorphic epithelia. In the corpus luteum, the luteal tissue is formed from granulosa cells and luteolysis occurs during the late gastrula -- late neurula embryonic stages. Thus, the maintenance of gestation from the pharyngula to preparturition stages seems to be related to secretion of extraluteal progesterone, possibly of placental origin. These observed ovarian features are related to the high degree of placental complexity of this species and show that the evolution of advanced placentotrophy in species of this lineage has been accompanied by concomitant changes in ovarian function.  相似文献   

Topological and histological analyses of Mabuya mabouya embryos at different developmental stages showed an extraembryonic membrane sequence as follows: a bilaminar omphalopleure and progressive mesodermal expansion around the whole yolk sac at gastrula stages; mesodermal split and formation of an exocoelom in the entire embryonic chamber at neurula stages; beginning of the expansion of the allantois into the exocoelom to form a chorioallantoic membrane at pharyngula stages; complete extension of the allantois into the exocoelom between limb-bud to preparturition stages. Thus, a placental sequence could be enumerated: bilaminar yolk sac placenta; chorioplacenta; allantoplacenta. All placentas are highly specialized for nutrient absorption from early developmental stages. The bistratified extraembryonic ectoderm possesses an external layer with cuboidal cells and a microvillar surface around the whole yolk sac, which absorbs uterine secretions during development of the bilaminar yolk sac placenta and chorioplacenta. During gastrulation, with mesodermal expansion a dorsal absorptive plaque forms above the embryo and several smaller absorptive plaques develop antimesometrially. Both structures are similar histologically and are active in histotrophic transfer from gastrula stages until the end of development. The dorsal absorptive plaque will constitute the placentome and paraplacentome during allantoplacental development. At late gastrula-early neurula stages some absorptive plaques form chorionic concavities or chorionic bags that are penetrated by a long uterine fold and seem to have a specialized histotrophic and/or metabolic role. The extraembryonic mesoderm does not ingress into the yolk sac and neither an isolated yolk mass nor a yolk cleft are formed. This derived pattern of development may be related to the drastic reduction of the egg size and obligatory placentotrophy from early developmental stages. Our results show new specialized placentotrophic structures and a novel arrangement of extraembryonic membrane morphogenesis for Squamata.  相似文献   

Ancestral state reconstructions of morphological or ecological traits on molecular phylogenies are becoming increasingly frequent. They rely on constancy of character state change rates over trees, a correlation between neutral genetic change and phenotypic change, as well as on adequate likelihood models and (for Bayesian methods) prior distributions. This investigation explored the outcomes of a variety of methods for reconstructing discrete ancestral state in the ascus apex of the Lecanorales, a group containing the majority of lichen-forming ascomycetes. Evolution of this character complex has been highly controversial in lichen systematics for more than two decades. The phylogeny was estimated using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo inference on DNA sequence alignments of three genes (small subunit of the mitochondrial rDNA, large subunit of the nuclear rDNA, and largest subunit of RNA polymerase II). We designed a novel method for assessing the suitable number of discrete gamma categories, which relies on the effect on phylogeny estimates rather than on likelihoods. Ancestral state reconstructions were performed using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood on a posterior tree sample as well as two fully Bayesian methods. Resulting reconstructions were often strikingly different depending on the method used; different methods often assign high confidence to different states at a given node. The two fully Bayesian methods disagree about the most probable reconstruction in about half of the nodes, even when similar likelihood models and similar priors are used. We suggest that similar studies should use several methods, awaiting an improved understanding of the statistical properties of the methods. A Lecanora-type ascus may have been ancestral in the Lecanorales. State transformations counts, obtained using stochastic mapping, indicate that the number of state changes is 12 to 24, which is considerably greater than the minimum three changes needed to explain the four observed ascus apex types. Apparently, the ascus in the Lecanorales is far more apt to change than has been recognized. Phylogeny corresponds well with morphology, although it partly contradicts currently used delimitations of the Crocyniaceae, Haematommataceae, Lecanoraceae, Megalariaceae, Mycoblastaceae, Pilocarpaceae, Psoraceae, Ramalinaceae, Scoliciosporaceae, and Squamarinaceae.  相似文献   

Fumana is a diverse genus of the Cistaceae family, consisting of 21 currently accepted species. In this study, nuclear (ITS) and plastid (matK, trnT‐L) molecular markers were used to reconstruct the phylogeny and to estimate divergence times, including 19 species of Fumana. Phylogenetic analyses (Bayesian Inference, Maximum Parsimony and Maximum Likelihood) confirmed the monophyly of Fumana and did not support the infrageneric divisions previously established. The results support four main clades that group species that differ in vegetative and reproductive characters. Given the impossibility to define morphological characters common to all species within the clades, our proposal is to reject infrageneric divisions. Molecular dating and ancestral area analyses provide evidence for a Miocene diversification of the genus in the north‐western Mediterranean. Ancestral state reconstructions revealed ancestral character states for some traits related to xeric and arid habitats, suggesting a preadaptation to the Mediterranean climate.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken as a prerequisite to investigations on tooth differentiation in a squamate, the Canarian scincid Chalcides. Our main goal was to determine whether the pattern of tooth replacement, known to be regular in lizards, could be helpful to predict accurately any stage of tooth development. A growth series of 20 laboratory-reared specimens, aged from 0.5 month after birth to about 6 years, was used. The dentition (functional and replacement teeth) was studied from radiographs of jaw quadrants. The number of tooth positions, the tooth number in relation to age and to seasons, and the size of the replacement teeth were recorded. In Chalcides, a single row of pleurodont functional teeth lies at the labial margin of the dentary, premaxillary, and maxillary. Whatever the age of the specimens, 16 tooth positions were recorded, on average, in each quadrant, suggesting that positions are maintained throughout life. Replacement teeth were numerous whatever the age and season, while the number of functional teeth was subject to variation. Symmetry of tooth development was evaluated by comparing teeth two by two from the opposite side in the four jaw quadrants of several specimens. Although the relative size of some replacement teeth fitted perfectly, the symmetry criterion was not reliable to predict the developmental stage of the opposite tooth, whether the pair of teeth compared was left-right or upper-lower. The best fit was found when comparing the size of successive replacement teeth from the front to the back of the jaw. Every replacement tooth that is 40-80% of its definitive size is followed, in the next position on the arcade, by a tooth that is, on average, 20% less developed. Considering teeth in alternate positions (even and odd series), each replacement tooth was a little more developed than the previous, more anterior, one (0.5-20% when the teeth are from 10-40% of their final size). The latter pattern showed that tooth replacement occurred in alternate positions from back to front, forming more or less regular rows (i.e., "Zahnreihen"). In Chalcides, the developmental stage of a replacement tooth in a position p can be accurately predicted provided the developmental stage of the replacement tooth in position p-1 or, to a lesser degree, in position p-2 is known. This finding will be particularly helpful when starting our structural and ultrastructural studies of tooth differentiation in this lizard.  相似文献   

Miralles, A., Vasconcelos, R., Perera, A., Harris, D. J. & Carranza, S. (2010). An integrative taxonomic revision of the Cape Verdean skinks (Squamata, Scincidae). —Zoologica Scripta, 40, 16–44. A comprehensive taxonomic revision of the Cape Verdean skinks is proposed based on an integrative approach combining (i) a phylogenetic study pooling all the previously published molecular data, (ii) new population genetic analyses using mitochondrial and nuclear data resulting from additional sampling, together with (iii) a morphological study based on an extensive examination of the scalation and colour patterns of 516 live and museum specimens, including most of the types. All Cape Verdean species of skinks presently recognised, formerly regarded as members of the genera Mabuya Fitzinger, 1826 and Macroscincus Bocage, 1873 are considered as members of the Cape Verdean endemic genus Chioninia Gray, 1845. The new phylogeny and networks obtained are congruent with the previously published phylogenetic studies, although suggesting older colonization events (between 11.6 and 0.8 Myr old), and indicate the need for taxonomic changes. Intraspecific diversity has been analysed and points to a very recent expansion of Chioninia delalandii on the southern islands and its introduction on Maio, to a close connection between Chioninia stangeri island populations due to Pleistocene sea‐level falls and to a generally low haplotypic diversity due to the ecological and geological characteristics of the archipelago. Three new consistent morphological synapomorphies supporting two of the four main clades of the genus have been identified. The complex taxonomic status of Euprepes fogoensis O’Shaughnessy, 1874 has been resolved and a lectotype has been designated for this species; Chioninia fogoensis nicolauensis (Schleich, 1987) is elevated to species rank, whereas Chioninia fogoensis antaoensis (Schleich, 1987) is now regarded as a junior subjective synonym of C. fogoensis. Additionally, one new subspecies of Chioninia vaillanti and two of Chioninia spinalis are described (Chioninia vaillanti xanthotis ssp. n., Chioninia spinalis santiagoensis ssp. n. and Chioninia spinalis boavistensis ssp. n.) and a lectotype has been designated for Mabuia spinalis Boulenger, 1906. Finally, an identification key for the Chioninia species is presented.  相似文献   

Mabuya species are highly matrotrophic viviparous lizards with Type IV epitheliochorial allantoplacenta. The allantoplacenta of an Andean population of this genus, currently assigned to Mabuya sp., possesses specializations related to histotrophic nutrition at the embryonic hemisphere (placentome, paraplacentome, and chorionic areolas), while at the abembryonic hemisphere it has a mixed function: histotrophic transfer (absorptive plaques) and hemotrophic nutrition (gas exchange in respiratory segments). These placental specializations were studied using high-resolution light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, and were compared with those found in other squamate reptiles and eutherian mammals. Cytological features of the placentome suggest that this is an important region for nutritional provision; the paraplacentome also shows characteristics for nutrient transfer, especially lipids. Chorionic areolas allow the absorption of glandular products, as well as uterine and chorionic cellular debris produced by lysis of some cells of both epithelia during areola formation. In the absorptive plaques both uterine and chorionic epithelia are firmly attached and their cellular apices exhibit electron-dense granules that could be related to autocrine and paracrine functions. The short interhemal distance found in the respiratory segments confirms their role in gas exchange. A common feature of all regional specializations in the Mabuya sp. allantoplacenta is the presence of lipids in the interacting chorionic and uterine epithelia, suggesting that lipids are transferred throughout the entire embryonic chamber; placental transfer of lipids may be the principal fetal energy and lipid source in this species. In spite of this feature, each one of the specialized areas of the allantoplacenta has different features suggesting particular functions in the transfer of nutrients (as ions, lipids, proteins, amino acids, sugar, water, and gases), and in the possible synthesis of hormones and proteins. The placental complexity observed in this species of Mabuya is greater than in any other reptile, and resembles that of eutherian mammals: Each one of these specializations of the placental membranes in Mabuya sp. is similar to those found among different eutherian mammals, indicating a very impressive evolutionary convergence at the histological and cytological levels between both clades. However, no eutherian mammal species simultaneously displays all of these specializations in the embryonic chamber as does Mabuya sp.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships in an endemic group of Malagasy 'assassin spiders' (Araneae, Archaeidae: Eriauchenius) called the gracilicollis group, are inferred from mitochondrial 12S, 16S and COI DNA sequence data. Archaeid spiders of Madagascar have evolved varying degrees of elongation in the cephalic area. These molecular data support the monophyly of the gracilicollis group. The evolution of the cephalic area is examined by performing an ancestral character reconstruction on this character, which reveals that the cephalic area is elongating independently. The biogeography of the gracilicollis group reveals an east-west split of the clade on Madagascar.  相似文献   

Mature squamates possess hypertrophied regions of the distal urinary ducts, the renal sexual segment (RSS). The RSS is believed to provide seminal fluid that mixes with sperm and is released into the female cloaca during coitus. This study is the first to describe ultrastructure of the RSS in a lizard collected throughout the active season. The species examined, Scincella laterale, represents the largest family (Scincidae: 1,200 species) of lizards. Although sperm are present in the posterior ductus deferens of male S. laterale throughout the year, an annual spermatogenic cycle occurs that results in spermiation in spring, coinciding with maximum development of the RSS. Female S. laterale may possess stored sperm in vaginal crypts from March-May and large oviductal eggs April-June. Thus, the correlation between mating and RSS activity observed in other squamates is also found in S. laterale. Cytologically, the active RSS consists of columnar cells with numerous apical, electron-dense secretory vacuoles which are released by an apocrine process. The granules stain positively for proteins with bromphenol blue and react with PAS for neutral carbohydrates. After the mating season the RSS undergoes recrudescence and the electron-dense granules are replaced by a mucoid secretion that characterizes more proximal portions of the nephric tubules throughout the year. Little variation in ultrastructure of the RSS occurs between S. laterale and Cnemidophorus lemniscatus (Teiidae), the only other lizard in which seasonal variation of the RSS has been studied using similar methods. Females exhibit differentiation similar to that of males in the distal urinary tubules, but to a lesser degree. This is only the second such report for female squamates, and the differentiation of the region in females is proposed to result from adrenal androgens.  相似文献   

Scincine lizards in Madagascar form an endemic clade of about 60 species exhibiting a variety of ecomorphological adaptations. Several subclades have adapted to burrowing and convergently regressed their limbs and eyes, resulting in a variety of partial and completely limbless morphologies among extant taxa. However, patterns of limb regression in these taxa have not been studied in detail. Here we fill this gap in knowledge by providing a phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences of three mitochondrial and four nuclear gene fragments in an extended sampling of Malagasy skinks, and microtomographic analyses of osteology of various burrowing taxa adapted to sand substrate. Based on our data we propose to (i) consider Sirenoscincus Sakata & Hikida, 2003, as junior synonym of Voeltzkowia Boettger, 1893; (ii) resurrect the genus name Grandidierina Mocquard, 1894, for four species previously included in Voeltzkowia; and (iii) consider Androngo Brygoo, 1982, as junior synonym of Pygomeles Grandidier, 1867. By supporting the clade consisting of the limbless Voeltzkowia mira and the forelimb-only taxa V. mobydick and V. yamagishii, our data indicate that full regression of limbs and eyes occurred in parallel twice in the genus Voeltzkowia (as hitherto defined) that we consider as a sand-swimming ecomorph: in the Voeltzkowia clade sensu stricto the regression first affected the hindlimbs and subsequently the forelimbs, whereas the Grandidierina clade first regressed the forelimbs and subsequently the hindlimbs following the pattern prevalent in squamates. Timetree reconstructions for the Malagasy Scincidae contain a substantial amount of uncertainty due to the absence of suitable primary fossil calibrations. However, our preliminary reconstructions suggest rapid limb regression in Malagasy scincids with an estimated maximal duration of 6 MYr for a complete regression in Paracontias, and 4 and 8 MYr respectively for complete regression of forelimbs in Grandidierina and hindlimbs in Voeltzkowia.  相似文献   

We report on the rediscovery of two limbless scincid species, Paracontias rothschildi Mocquard, 1905 and Paracontias minimus (Mocquard, 1906), after more than a century. The two species were found in syntopy in sandy soils of Forêt d’Orangea, Antsiranana Province, northern Madagascar, which probably constitutes the respective type locality and confirms the species’ Malagasy origin. Both taxa are redescribed based on newly collected material, and compared to other Malagasy species. In addition, Paracontias fasika n. sp. is described from the same locality and habitat. We discuss the taxonomy and origin of all three species and provide preliminary data on their natural history. Molecular relationships among seven Paracontias species are compared to external morphological characters formerly used in skink systematics. Our results indicate that morphology in fossorial skinks is well suited to distinguish species, but is of rather limited value to elucidate phylogenetic relationships. Similarities between these skinks in external characters apparently are the result of convergent evolution due to parallel selective pressures.  相似文献   

Structural and functional changes to the uterus associated with maintenance of pregnancy are controlled primarily by steroid hormones such as progesterone. We tested the hypothesis that progesterone regulates uterine structural changes during pregnancy in the viviparous skink, Pseudemoia entrecasteauxii, by treating pregnant females with the progesterone receptor antagonist mifepristone at different stages of pregnancy. Expression and distribution of progesterone receptor was determined using Western blot and immunohistochemistry. During early pregnancy, mifepristone treatment resulted in altered uterine epithelial cell surface morphology and high embryo mortality, but did not affect females at mid and late stages of pregnancy. Females treated with mifepristone in early pregnancy exhibited abnormal uterine epithelial cell morphology such as lateral blebbing and presence of wide gaps between cells indicating loss of intercellular attachment. Chorioallantoic membranes of the embryo were not affected by mifepristone treatment. Two isoforms (55 kDa and 100 kDa) of progesterone receptor were identified using immunoblots and both isoforms were localized to the nucleus of uterine epithelial cells. The 55 kDa isoform was expressed throughout pregnancy, whereas the 100 kDa isoform was expressed during mid and especially late pregnancy. In P. entrecasteauxii, mifepristone may prevent successful embryo attachment in early pregnancy through its effects on uterine epithelial cells but may have little effect on pregnancy once the maternal-embryo structural relationship is established.  相似文献   

In the scincid lizard Chalcides chalcides, females ovulate small ova and supply most of the nutrients for development by placental means. The yolk is enveloped precocially by extraembryonic ectoderm and endoderm during the gastrula stage, establishing a simple bilaminar yolk sac placenta. The shell membrane begins to degenerate at this time, resulting in apposition of extraembryonic and maternal tissues. A true chorioplacenta has developed by the early pharyngula stage, as has a choriovitelline placenta and the first stages of an omphaloplacenta. Although the choriovitelline membrane disappears rapidly, the omphaloplacenta spreads to occupy the entire abembryonic pole. The yolk cleft is not confluent with the exocoelom, and no omphalallantoic placenta develops. By the limb-bud stage, an allantoplacenta has been established, with a mesometrial placentome composed of interdigitating ridges of chorioallantois and uterine mucosa. The discovery of five distinct placental arrangements in this species, three of which are transitory and two of which have not previously been recorded in reptiles, emphasizes the need for accounts that specify ontogenetic stages and the precise identity and composition of squamate placental membranes. Contrary to previous interpretations, the pattern of extraembryonic membrane development in C. chalcides is evolutionarily conservative, despite the presence of a reduced yolk mass and cytological specializations for nutrient transfer. Our observations indicate that substantial placentotrophy can evolve in squamates without major modifications of morphogenetic patterns. J Morphol 232:35–55, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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