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Bovine dilated cardiomyopathy (BDCMP) is a severe and terminal disease of the heart muscle observed in Holstein-Friesian cattle over the last 30 years. There is strong evidence for an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance for BDCMP. The objective of this study was to genetically map BDCMP, with the ultimate goal of identifying the causative mutation. A whole-genome scan using 199 microsatellite markers and one SNP revealed an assignment of BDCMP to BTA18. Fine-mapping on BTA18 refined the candidate region to the MSBDCMP06-BMS2785 interval. The interval containing the BDCMP locus was confirmed by multipoint linkage analysis using the software loki. The interval is about 6.7 Mb on the bovine genome sequence (Btau 3.1). The corresponding region of HSA19 is very gene-rich and contains roughly 200 genes. Although telomeric of the marker interval, TNNI3 is a possible positional and a functional candidate for BDCMP given its involvement in a human form of dilated cardiomyopathy. Sequence analysis of TNNI3 in cattle revealed no mutation in the coding sequence, but there was a G-to-A transition in intron 6 (AJ842179:c.378+315G>A). The analysis of this SNP using the study's BDCMP pedigree did not conclusively exclude TNNI3 as a candidate gene for BDCMP. Considering the high density of genes on the homologous region of HSA19, further refinement of the interval on BTA18 containing the BDCMP locus is needed.  相似文献   

The ability to maintain normal temperatures during heat stress is an important attribute for cattle in the subtropics and tropics. Previous studies have shown that Senepol cattle and their crosses with Holstein, Charolais and Angus animals are as heat tolerant as Brahman cattle. This has been attributed to the slick hair coat of Senepol cattle, which is thought to be controlled by a single dominant gene. In this study, a genome scan using a DNA-pooling strategy indicated that the slick locus is most likely on bovine chromosome 20 (BTA20). Interval mapping confirmed the BTA20 assignment and refined the location of the locus. In total, 14 microsatellite markers were individually genotyped in two pedigrees consisting of slick and normal-haired cattle (n = 36), representing both dairy and beef breeds. The maximum LOD score was 9.4 for a 4.4-cM support interval between markers DIK2416 and BM4107. By using additional microsatellite markers in this region, and genotyping in six more pedigrees (n = 86), the slick locus was further localized to the DIK4835 - DIK2930 interval.  相似文献   

Arachnomelia syndrome is a lethal inherited malformation mainly of the limbs, vertebral column and skull in cattle, which poses a severe impairment to farmers and breeders. Recently, a number of cases of arachnomelia syndrome have occurred in the Simmental breed and some sires with excellent breeding values had been shown to be carriers of the disease. We herein report the genetic mapping of the mutation underlying arachnomelia in cattle. The disease was mapped using a two-stage genome scan. A first round autosomal genome-wide screening using a limited number of cases identified three chromosomal regions with lod-scores > 1. The position of the arachnomelia syndrome locus was identified to be on BTA 23 by genotyping an additional, independent set of animals with markers that provided positive lod-scores in the course of the initial genome-wide screen. Using a denser set of regional microsatellites, the locus could be mapped to a region about 9 cM in length. The most significant linkage signal with arachnomelia syndrome was obtained with marker NRKM-17 (lod-score > 20) using a recessive model. Interestingly, different genes seem to be responsible for the disease in Brown Swiss and Simmental breeds, as arachnomelia syndrome was mapped to a different location in Brown Swiss. The results provide sufficient information for the development of a genetic test system and also allow the identification of positional candidate genes.  相似文献   

Chediak-Higashi syndrome in Japanese black cattle is a hereditary disease with prolonged bleeding time and partial albinism. In the present study, we mapped the locus responsible for the disease (CHS) by linkage analysis using microsatellite genotypes of paternal half-sib pedigrees obtained from commercial herds. Analysis revealed significant linkage between the CHS locus and marker loci on the proximal end of bovine chromosome 28. The CHS locus was mapped on the region incorporating the microsatellite markers BMC6020, BM2892, and RM016 with recombination fraction 0 and lod score 4.9-11.2. We also assigned the bovine CHS1/LYST, the homologue of the gene responsible for human Chediak-Higashi syndrome, to bovine chromosome 28 using a bovine/murine somatic cell hybrid panel. These findings suggest that a mutation in the CHS1/LYST gene is likely to be responsible for Chediak-Higashi syndrome in Japanese black cattle.  相似文献   

Congenital multiple ocular defects (MOD) of Japanese black cattle is a hereditary ocular disorder with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance showing developmental defects of the lens, retina and iris, persistent embryonic eye vascularization and microphthalmia. The MOD locus has been mapped by linkage analysis to a 6.6-cM interval on the proximal end of bovine chromosome 18, which corresponds to human chromosome 16q and mouse chromosome 8. To refine the MOD region in cattle, we constructed an integrated radiation hybrid (RH) map of the proximal region of bovine chromosome 18, which consisted of 17 genes and 10 microsatellite markers, using the SUNbRH7000 panel. Strong conservation of gene order was found among the corresponding chromosomal regions in cattle, human and mouse. The MOD-critical region was fine mapped to a 59.5-cR region that corresponds to a 6.3-Mb segment of human chromosome 16 and a 4.8-Mb segment of mouse chromosome 8. Several positional candidate genes, including FOXC2 and USP10, were identified in this region.  相似文献   

Cardiomyopathies are myocardial diseases that lead to cardiac dysfunction, heart failure, arrhythmia, and sudden death. In human medicine, cardiomyopathies frequently warrant heart transplantation in children and adults. Bovine dilated cardiomyopathy (BDCMP) is a heart muscle disorder that has been observed during the last 30 years in cattle of Holstein-Friesian origin. In Switzerland BDCMP affects Swiss Fleckvieh and Red Holstein breeds. BDCMP is characterized by a cardiac enlargement with ventricular remodeling and chamber dilatation. The common symptoms in affected animals are subacute subcutaneous edema, congestion of the jugular veins, and tachycardia with gallop rhythm. A cardiomegaly with dilatation and hypertrophy of all heart chambers, myocardial degeneration, and fibrosis are typical postmortem findings. It was shown that all BDCMP cases reported worldwide traced back to a red factor-carrying Holstein-Friesian bull, ABC Reflection Sovereign. An autosomal recessive mode of inheritance was proposed for BDCMP. Recently, the disease locus was mapped to a 6.7-Mb interval MSBDCMP06-BMS2785 on bovine Chr 18 (BTA18). In the present study the BDCMP locus was fine mapped by using a combined strategy of homozygosity mapping and association study. A BAC contig of 2.9 Mb encompassing the crucial interval was constructed to establish the correct marker order on BTA18. We show that the disease locus is located in a gene-rich interval of 1.0 Mb and is flanked by the microsatellite markers DIK3006 and MSBDCMP51. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Forelimb-girdle muscular anomaly is an autosomal recessive disorder of Japanese black cattle characterized by tremor, astasia and abnormal shape of the shoulders. Pathological examination of affected animals reveals hypoplasia of forelimb-girdle muscles with reduced diameter of muscle fibres. To identify the gene responsible for this disorder, we performed linkage mapping of the disorder locus using an inbred pedigree including a great-grand sire, a grand sire, a sire and 26 affected calves obtained from a herd of Japanese black cattle. Two hundred and fifty-eight microsatellite markers distributed across the genome were genotyped across the pedigree. Four markers on the middle region of bovine chromosome 26 showed significant linkage with the disorder locus. Haplotype analysis using additional markers in this region refined the critical region of the disorder locus to a 3.5-Mb interval on BTA26 between BM4505 and MOK2602 . Comparative mapping data revealed several potential candidate genes for the disorder, including NRAP , PDZD8 and HSPA12A , which are associated with muscular function.  相似文献   

The POLL locus has been mapped to the centromeric region of bovine chromosome 1 (BTA1) in both taurine breeds and taurine–indicine crosses in an interval of approximately 1 Mb. It has not yet been mapped in pure‐bred zebu cattle. Despite several efforts, neither causative mutations in candidate genes nor a singular diagnostic DNA marker has been identified. In this study, we genotyped a total of 68 Brahman cattle and 20 Hereford cattle informative for the POLL locus for 33 DNA microsatellites, 16 of which we identified de novo from the bovine genome sequence, mapping the POLL locus to the region of the genes IFNAR2 and SYNJ1. The 303‐bp allele of the new microsatellite, CSAFG29, showed strong association with the POLL allele. We then genotyped 855 Brahman cattle for CSAFG29 and confirmed the association between the 303‐bp allele and POLL. To determine whether the same association was found in taurine breeds, we genotyped 334 animals of the Angus, Hereford and Limousin breeds and 376 animals of the Brangus, Droughtmaster and Santa Gertrudis composite taurine–zebu breeds. The association between the 303‐bp allele and POLL was confirmed in these breeds; however, an additional allele (305 bp) was also associated but not fully predictive of POLL. Across the data, CSAFG29 was in sufficient linkage disequilibrium to the POLL allele in Australian Brahman cattle that it could potentially be used as a diagnostic marker in that breed, but this may not be the case in other breeds. Further, we provide confirmatory evidence that the scur phenotype generally occurs in animals that are heterozygous for the POLL allele.  相似文献   

As part of a whole genome scan undertaken to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting milk yield and composition, we have genotyped a granddaughter design comprising 1152 sons for six microsatellite markers spanning bovine chromosome 20. An analysis performed across families provided strong evidence (experiment-wise P -values < 0·01) for the presence of a QTL affecting primarily protein percentage towards the telomeric end of the chromosome. A founder sire, shown in a previous study to segregate for a similar QTL in the corresponding chromosome region, was characterized by 29 and 57 sons and maternal grandsons, respectively, in the present design. Sorting corresponding sons and grandsons by paternal or grandpaternal allele provided significant evidence for the segregation of a QTL on chromosome 20. Altogether these results confirm the location of a QTL affecting milk production on bovine chromosome 20.  相似文献   

The sequence of a cDNA clone encoding porcine transthyretin (prealbumin) was used to develop polymorphic markers for the TTR locus. The single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) detected is caused by a silent AIT mutation in the penultimate coding codon and can also be revealed as a SacI restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The TTR locus was mapped to chromosome 6q by segregation and linkage analysis with these polymorphisms. This assignment confirms the predictions of homology between human chromosome 18 and pig chromosome 6q2.5-2.6.  相似文献   

The Tabby markings of the domestic cat are unique coat patterns for which no causative candidate gene has been inferred from other mammals. In this study, a genome scan was performed on a large pedigree of cats that segregated for Tabby coat markings, specifically for the Abyssinian (Ta-) and blotched (tbtb) phenotypes. There was linkage between the Tabby locus and eight markers on cat chromosome B1. The most significant linkage was between marker FCA700 and Tabby (Z = 7.56, theta = 0.03). Two additional markers in the region supported linkage, although not with significant LOD scores. Pairwise analysis of the markers supported the published genetic map of the cat, although additional meioses are required to refine the region. The linked markers cover a 17-cM region and flank an evolutionary breakpoint, suggesting that the Tabby gene has a homologue on either human chromosome 4 or 8. Alternatively, Tabby could be a unique locus in cats.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) is one of the four distinct membrane-spanning tyrosine kinase receptors for fibroblast growth factors. The FGFR3 is a negative regulator of endochondral ossification and mutations in the FGFR3 gene have been found in patients of human hereditary diseases with chondrodysplastic phenotypes. Recently, we mapped the locus responsible for hereditary chondrodysplastic dwarfism in Japanese brown cattle to the distal region of bovine chromosome 6 close to the FGFR3 gene, suggesting that FGFR3 was a positional candidate gene for this disorder. In the present study, we isolated complementary DNA (cDNA) clones containing the entire coding region of the bovine FGFR3 gene. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence between affected and normal animals revealed no disease-specific differences in the deduced amino acid sequences. We further refined the localization of FGFR3 by radiation hybrid mapping, which is distinct from that of the disease locus. Therefore we conclude that bovine chondrodysplastic dwarfism in Japanese brown cattle is not caused by mutation in the FGFR3 gene.  相似文献   

The homeobox 2 (HOX2) and homeobox 3 (HOX3) clusters have been chromosomally assigned in cattle by in situ hybridization. The probes employed were a murine probe for the mapping of HOX2 to 19q17-qter and human probes for the mapping of HOX3 to 5q14-q23. These assignments confirm the chromosomal assignment of two syntenic groups, consisting of loci located on human chromosome 12 (bovine chromosome 5) and the long arm of human chromosome 17 (bovine chromosome 19).  相似文献   

The mh gene causing double-muscling in cattle maps to bovine Chromosome 2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While the hereditary nature of the double-muscling phenotype (a generalized muscular hypertrophy documented in several cattle breeds) is well established, its precise segregation mode has remained controversial. Both monogenic models (autosomal dominant or recessive) and oligogenic models have been proposed. Using a panel of 213 bovine microsatellite markers, and an experimental pedigree obtained by backcrossing double-muscled (Belgian Blue)xconventional (Friesian) F1 dams to double-muscled sire, we have mapped a locus on bovine Chromosome (Chr) 2 that accounts for all the phenotypic variance in the backcross generation. This locus, referred to as mh (muscular hypertrophy), has been positioned with respect to a map composed of seven Chr 2-specific microsatellites, at 2 cM from the closest marker. This result confirms the validity in the Belgian Blue population of the monogenic model involving an autosomal mh locus, characterized by a wild-type + and a recessive mh allele, causing the double-muscling phenotype in the homozygous condition. The linkage relationship between the mh locus and the Chr 2 markers was confirmed in three informative pedigrees collected from the general Belgian Blue Cattle population, reinforcing the notion of genetic homogeneity of the double-muscling trait in this breed. This work paves the way towards marker-assisted selection for or against the double-muscling trait, and towards positional cloning of the corresponding gene.  相似文献   

Variation in the XK, Kell blood group complex subunit–related family, member 4 (XKR4) gene on BTA14 was associated with rump fat thickness in a recent genome‐wide association study. This region is also of interest because it is known to show evidence of a signature of population genetic selection. In this study, additional variation in this gene was genotyped in a sample of a total of 1283 animals of the Belmont Red (BEL) and Santa Gertrudis (SGT) breeds. The SNP rs41724387 was significantly (P < 0.001) associated with rump fat thickness and explained 5.9% of the genetic variance for the trait in this sample. Using the 4466 genotypes for the SNP rs42646708 from several data sets to estimate effects in seven breeds, this relatively large quantitative trait locus effect appears to be a result of the variation in indicine and taurine–indicine composite cattle. However, the only DNA variant found in Brahman cattle that altered the predicted amino acid sequence of XKR4 was not associated with rump fat thickness. This suggests that causative mutations lie outside the coding sequence of this gene.  相似文献   

To locate quantitative trait loci (QTL) for intramuscular fat deposition (marbling) in a local population of Japanese Black cattle, we performed a genome scan using a paternal half-sib family of Bull A. A marbling QTL was mapped in the region flanked by DIK0079 (20.7 cM) and TGLA303 (39.3 cM) on bovine chromosome (BTA) 7, affecting 5.0% of the total family variance. Haplotype analysis of the QTL region revealed that the marbling-increasing Q allele was transmitted from the dam. On the other hand, Bull B, a maternal half-sib of Bull A, did not receive the Q allele from its dam, based on the following findings: (i) a marbling QTL on BTA7 was not detected in the Bull B paternal half-sib family; (ii) recombination between DIK0079 (20.7 cM) and RM006 (25.4 cM) in the QTL region was observed in the maternal chromosome of Bull B; and (iii) the Q -harbouring steers from Bull A exhibited significantly higher marbling than the steers from Bull B and the remaining steers from Bull A. To precisely compare the maternal chromosomes of both bulls, we constructed a bacterial artificial chromosome contig covering the region between DIK0079 and RM006 and developed DNA markers. The recombination occurred between DIK8042 and DIK8044 , indicating that the marbling QTL was in a 2.9-cM region flanked by DIK0079 and DIK8044 .  相似文献   

Epitheliogenesis imperfecta (EI) is a hereditary junctional mechanobullous disease that occurs in newborn American Saddlebred foals. The pathological signs of epitheliogenesis imperfecta closely match a similar disease in humans known as Herlitz junctional epidermolysis bullosa, which is caused by a mutation in one of the genes (LAMA3, LAMB3 and LAMC2) coding for the subunits of the laminin 5 protein (laminin alpha3, laminin beta3 and laminin gamma2). The LAMA3 gene has been assigned to equine chromosome 8 and LAMB3 and LAMC2 have been mapped to equine chromosome 5. Linkage disequilibrium between microsatellite markers that mapped to equine chromosome 5 and equine chromosome 8 and the EI disease locus was tested in American Saddlebred horses. The allele frequencies of microsatellite alleles at 11 loci were determined for both epitheliogenesis imperfecta affected and unaffected populations of American Saddlebred horses by genotyping and direct counting of alleles. These were used to determine fit to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for control and EI populations using Chi square analysis. Two microsatellite loci located on equine chromosome 8q, ASB14 and AHT3, were not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in affected American Saddlebred horses. In comparison, all of the microsatellite markers located on equine chromosome 5 were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in affected American Saddlebred horses. This suggested that the EI disease locus was located on equine chromosome 8q, where LAMA3 is also located.  相似文献   

Days open (DO), which is the interval from calving to conception, is an important trait related to reproductive performance in cattle. To identify quantitative trait loci for DO in Japanese Black cattle, we conducted a genome‐wide association study with 33 303 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using 459 animals with extreme DO values selected from a larger group of 15 488 animals. We identified a SNP on bovine chromosome 2 (BTA2) that was associated with DO. After imputation using phased haplotype data inferred from 586 812 SNPs of 1041 Japanese Black cattle, six SNPs associated with DO were located in an 8.5‐kb region of high linkage disequilibrium on BTA2. These SNPs were located on the telomeric side at a distance of 177 kb from the parathyroid hormone 2 receptor (PTH2R) gene. The association was replicated in a sample of 1778 animals. In the replicated population, the frequency of the reduced‐DO allele (Q) was 0.63, and it accounted for 1.72% of the total genetic variance. The effect of a Q‐to‐q allele substitution on DO was a decrease of 3.74 days. The results suggest that the Q allele could serve as a marker in Japanese Black cattle to select animals with superior DO performance.  相似文献   

A bovine bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was screened for the presence of eight type I anchor loci previously used within hybrid somatic cells and an interspecies hybrid backcross to construct a genome map of bovine chromosome 19 (BTA19). Six out of eight loci were identified in the BAC library ( NF1, CRYB1, CHRNB1, TP53, GH1 and P4HB ). The BACs were then used in single-colour fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to assign these genes to BTA19 band locations. Gene order was determined by single-colour FISH, and was confirmed by dual-colour FISH to mitotic and meiotic chromosomes. The order, centromere- NF1-CRYB1-CHRNB1-TP53-GH1-P4HB , was in agreement with the order determined by linkage analyses. In addition, the order of CHRNB1 and TP53 , previously unresolved by linkage analyses, was established. These data provide high-resolution cytogenetic anchorage of the BTA19 genome map from chromosome bands 14–22.  相似文献   

According to classical genetic studies, piebaldism in cattle is largely influenced by the allelic series at the spotting locus (S), which includes the SH (Hereford pattern), S+ (non‐spotted) and s (spotted) alleles. The S locus was mapped on bovine chromosome 6 in the region containing the KIT gene. We investigated the KIT gene, analysing its variability and haplotype distribution in cattle of three breeds (Angus, Hereford and Holstein) with different putative alleles (S+, SH and s respectively) at the S locus. Resequencing of a whole of 0.485 Mb revealed 111 polymorphisms. The global nucleotide diversity was 0.087%. Tajima’s D‐values were negative for all breeds, indicating putative directional selection. Of the 28 inferred haplotypes, only five were observed in the Hereford breed, in which one was the most frequent. Coalescent simulation showed that it is highly unlikely (P < 10E‐6) to obtain this low number of haplotypes conditionally on the observed number of segregating SNPs. Therefore, the neutral model could be rejected for the Hereford breed, suggesting that a selection sweep occurred at the KIT locus. Twelve haplotypes were inferred in Holstein and Angus. For these two breeds, the neutral model could not be rejected. High heterogeneity of the KIT gene was confirmed from a phylogenetic analysis. Our results suggest a role of the KIT gene in determining the SH allele(s) in the Hereford, but no evidence of selective sweep was obtained in Holstein, suggesting that complex mechanisms (or other genes) might be the cause of the spotted phenotype in this breed.  相似文献   

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