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A proton nuclear magnetic resonance technique is demonstrated for ascertaining the real-time contribution of the hexose monophosphate shunt to glucose metabolism in the intact incubated rabbit lens. This measurement requires incubation of the tissue in medium supplemented with [1-13C]glucose, and depends on the presence of the 13C label in the methyl position of lactate which creates satellite resonances by way of 13C - 1H spin-spin scalar coupling. The assumptions required to make the measurement are presented. For lenses maintained under control conditions, a basal level corresponding to 5% hexose monophosphate shunt activity was determined. An eight-fold increase in activity was observed under conditions known to stimulate the shunt.  相似文献   

Membrane dynamics is an essential part of many cellular mechanisms such as intracellular trafficking, membrane fusion/fission and mitotic organelle reconstitution. The dynamics of membranes is dependent primarily on their phospholipid and cholesterol composition and how these molecules are ordered in relation to one another. To determine the physical status of membranes in whole cells or purified membranes of subcellular compartments we have developed a novel application exploiting solid-state 2H-NMR spectroscopy. We utilise this method to probe the dynamics of intact sperm and nuclear envelope precursor membranes. We show, using mass spectrometry, that either multilamellar or small unilamellar vesicles of deuterium-labelled palmitoyl-oleoylphosphatidylcholine can be used to probe the dynamics of sperm cells or nuclear envelope precursor membrane vesicles, respectively. Using 2H-NMR we determine the order parameters of sperm cells and nuclear envelope precursor membrane vesicles. We demonstrate that whole sperm membranes are more dynamic than nuclear envelope precursor membranes due to the higher cholesterol levels of the latter. Our new application can be exploited as a generic method for monitoring membrane dynamics in whole cells, various subcellular membrane compartments and membrane domains in subcellular compartments.  相似文献   

Membrane dynamics is an essential part of many cellular mechanisms such as intracellular trafficking, membrane fusion/fission and mitotic organelle reconstitution. The dynamics of membranes is dependent primarily on their phospholipid and cholesterol composition and how these molecules are ordered in relation to one another. To determine the physical status of membranes in whole cells or purified membranes of subcellular compartments we have developed a novel application exploiting solid-state (2)H-NMR spectroscopy. We utilise this method to probe the dynamics of intact sperm and nuclear envelope precursor membranes. We show, using mass spectrometry, that either multilamellar or small unilamellar vesicles of deuterium-labelled palmitoyl-oleoylphosphatidylcholine can be used to probe the dynamics of sperm cells or nuclear envelope precursor membrane vesicles, respectively. Using (2)H-NMR we determine the order parameters of sperm cells and nuclear envelope precursor membrane vesicles. We demonstrate that whole sperm membranes are more dynamic than nuclear envelope precursor membranes due to the higher cholesterol levels of the latter. Our new application can be exploited as a generic method for monitoring membrane dynamics in whole cells, various subcellular membrane compartments and membrane domains in subcellular compartments.  相似文献   

Preliminary studies on the potential of in vivo deuterium NMR spectroscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natural abundance deuterium NMR spectroscopy can be used to characterise in vivo 2H signals arising from water and fat in mice, with acquisition times of less than two minutes. Administration of D(2)0 (10% V/V) in the drinking water enhances these signals so that excellent spectra can be obtained with one scan. Using these procedures the in vivo turnover of 2H in water and fat in mice has been determined. This procedure may be of particular importance in studies of fat turnover in obesity.  相似文献   

The presence of reversed hexagonal phase, HII, favoring lipids in membranes has been proposed to be significant in various biological processes. Therefore an understanding of the HII phase and the transition from the lamellar to hexagonal phase is of importance. We have applied deuterium NMR spectroscopy to study the bilayer and reversed hexagonal phases of 1-perdeuteriopalmitoyl-2-linoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamin e. The difference in packing between the HII and L alpha phases leads to smaller segmental order parameters in the former case. Since the order profiles are sensitive to the geometry of the aggregates, they can be used to extract structural information about the phases. We present a new means of calculating the radius of curvature, R1, for the HII phase from 2H NMR data. This method gives a value of R1 = 18.1 A, which is in agreement with current understanding of the structure of the HII phase and with x-ray diffraction data.  相似文献   

Deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to study the partitioning behaviour of 1-hexanol specifically deuterated in the alpha-position into model lipid bilayers. In all systems studied, the observed deuterium NMR lineshapes were time-dependent. Initially, 1-hexanol-d2 gave rise to an isotropic deuterium resonance with a different chemical shift from that of aqueous 1-hexanol-d2. After equilibration over a period of days, a broader spectral component characteristic of a spherically-averaged powder-pattern was observed. The quadrupole anisotropy of the 1-hexanol-d2 giving rise to the broad spectrum depended upon the cholesterol content of the membrane. From quantitation of the anisotropic to isotropic deuterium NMR spectra, the partition coefficients of 1-hexanol-d2 in a number of bilayer systems (asolectin and phosphatidylcholine bilayers (the latter with and without cholesterol] were determined. The partitioning of 1-hexanol-d2 into red blood cell membranes, and a suspension of lipids extracted from red blood cell membranes, was also examined. It is suggested that 1-hexanol, and probably other lipophiles, can partition to either the bilayer surface or the bilayer interior in a time-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The 2H-NMR spectra of selectively deuterated cholesterol, intercalated in egg phosphatidyl-choline, were examined. The orientation of the axis of motional averaging was calculated using the observed quadrupole splittings and the atomic coordinates. With the known orientation of the rotation axis, quadrupole splittings observed for deuterium labels on cholesterol can be related to the molecular order parameter of the sterol. In addition, knowledge of the axis orientation allows prediction of the magnitudes of quadrupole splittings for deuterium at other positions, which is useful in the choice of labelling for particular applications. Finally, preliminary relaxation time measurements yield information on the rates of anisotropic motion of cholesterol in bilayer membranes.  相似文献   

Biological membranes contain domains having distinct physical properties. We study defined mixtures of phosphoglycerolipids and sphingolipids to ascertain the fundamental interactions governing these lipids in the absence of other cell membrane components. By using (2)H-NMR we have determined the temperature and composition dependencies of membrane structure and phase behavior for aqueous dispersions of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) and the ceramide (Cer) N-palmitoyl-sphingosine. It is found that gel and liquid-crystalline phases coexist over a wide range of temperature and composition. Domains of different composition and phase state are present in POPC/Cer membranes at physiological temperature for Cer concentrations exceeding 15 mol %. The acyl chains of liquid crystalline phase POPC are ordered by the presence of Cer. Moreover, Cer's chain ordering is greater than that of POPC in the liquid crystalline phase. However, there is no evidence of liquid-liquid phase separation in the liquid crystalline region of the POPC/Cer phase diagram.  相似文献   

A method is described for determining the intracellular pH of intact erythrocytes by 1H NMR. The determination is based on the pH dependence of the chemical shifts of resonances for carbon-bonded protons of an indicator molecule (imidazole) in intact cells. The imidazole is introduced into the erythrocytes by incubation in an isotonic saline solution of the indicator. The pH dependence of the chemical shifts of the imidazole resonances is calibrated from 1H NMR spectra of the imidazole-containing red cell lysates whose pH is varied by the addition of acid or base and measured directly with a pH electrode. To reduce in intensity or eliminate the much more intense envelope of resonances from the hemoglobin, the 1H NMR measurements are made by either the spin-echo Fourier transform technique or by the transfer-of-saturation by cross-relaxation method.  相似文献   

Deuterium NMR of 3α,12α-dihydroxy-7,7-dideutero-5β-cholanoic acid was studied. Molecular sizes obtained from deuterium spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) data of 3α,12α-dihydroxy-7,7-dideutero-5β-cholanoic acid in methanol and in water are in accordance with monomeric and tetrameric structures in the two media, respectively. The deuterium T1 and intensity of 3α,12α-dihydroxy-7,7-dideutero-5β-cholanoic acid in aqueous solution at pH 8.0–8.8 were studied as functions of NaCl and lecithin concentrations. The results indicated that tetramers are in equilibrium with larger aggregates when secondary micelles are formed in the precense of NaCl, and that 3α, 12α-dihydroxy-7,7-dideutero-5β-cholanoic acid forms mixed micelles with lecithin with a molecular ratio of 2 : 3.  相似文献   

T M Alam  G Drobny 《Biochemistry》1990,29(14):3421-3430
Solid-state 2H NMR spectroscopy was used to investigate dynamics in the [methyl-2H]thymidine-labeled oligonucleotide [d(CGCGAAT*T*CGCG)]2. Quadrupole echo line shapes, spin-lattice relaxation, and quadrupolar echo decay rates were investigated as a function of hydration W (moles of water/moles of nucleotide) between 0 and approximately 30. The amplitude of the base motion, modeled as a fast four-site libration, or diffusion in a cone, increased slightly with higher levels of hydration. A slower component of motion about the helix axis appears at W approximately 10 and increases in rate and amplitude, leading to the intermediate rate line shape observed at W approximately 21.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional 1H NMR spectroscopy of bovine eye lens alpha-crystallin and its isolated alpha A and alpha B subunits reveals that these aggregates have short and very flexible C-terminal extensions of eight (alpha A) and ten (alpha B) amino acids which adopt little preferred conformation in solution. Total alpha-crystallin forms a tighter aggregate than the isolated alpha A and alpha B subunit aggregates. Our results are consistent with a micelle model for alpha-crystallin quaternary structure. The presence of terminal extensions is a general feature of those crystallins, alpha and beta, which form aggregates.  相似文献   

We studied biochemical features of the lipid and phospholipid composition and patter of fatty acid spectra in lenses of one and two year old salmons bearing cataracts. The lipid complex of lenses of diseased fish underwent significant changes. Cataractogenesis was accompanied by enhanced free radical oxidation and accumulation of malone dialdehyde in lenses of salmons of various age. The intensification of oxidative processes was synchronized with the decreased level of antioxidant protection (reduced glutathione, vitamins A and E). The activity of Ca(2+)-dependent proteolytic enzymes in lenses was determined and its decrease in the case of cataract was shown.  相似文献   

Quadrupolar echo deuterium magnetic resonance spectroscopy is used to study the hydrocarbon chain disorder in a 70% potassium palmitate-30% water mixture. The C-D bond order parameters are measured as a function of temperature and position along the chain. In the liquid crystalline, Lα, phase the C-D bond order parameters of the methylene segments near the polar head group are found to increase with increasing temperature to a maximum at about 100°C and then decrease on further increasing the temperature. The order parameters for the remaining methylenes and the methyl group decrease monotonically with increasing temperature. The C–D bond order parameter for the α position undergoes a discontinuous change at ~55°C and, in fact, for a 10°C range two resolvable splittings are observed for the α posittion. The low temperature, coagel, phase gives a well resolved spectrum where all methylenes are equivalent yielding a value of 168 kHz for e2qQ/h, the quadrupole coupling constant.  相似文献   

The content and localization of fibronectin, an extracellular glycoprotein, in the serial sections of lenses of normal human donors and cataractous patients of different ages were determined by the indirect immunoperoxidase staining technique. This was followed by the evaluation with quantitative morphometric analysis. It was shown that fibronectin was present in the area of cell contacts as single deposits of faint orange-brown stained material in the lens samples of young donors. The fibronectin level was raised in lens sections from aged donors. Its accumulation was detected mostly within the spaces of the lens fiber cells. At different stages of cataractogenesis a dramatic decrease of the fibronectin content was detected in the lens sections obtained from patients of different ages. A new linear spectrophotometric technique was developed for evaluation of the lens transparency, to correlate the lens opacity with corresponding histological data obtained from the immunostaining technique. Morphological studies performed further suggested that the lens fiber cell plasma membrane structures were deteriorated. This was observed as changes of fibronectin staining in the lens sections at different periods of human ageing and cataract development. It is concluded that a decrease of fibronectin staining in the human lens is an indication for the structural damage of the lens fiber cell plasma membranes during ageing and cataractogenesis.  相似文献   

Synthetic studies to prepare ribonucleosides deuterated at C2' and the application of the developed procedures for the synthesis of 2H5-ribonucleosides from 1,2-O-isopropylidene-3-O-benzyl-ribofuranose-3,4,5,5'-2H4 have been reported.  相似文献   

The properties of cholesterol in bilayers of egg phosphatidylcholine (PC) were investigated directly by means of 2H-NMR of specifically-deuterated species (C3, C7, C26, C27). Quadrupole splittings were a measure of molecular ordering, and relaxation times T1 and T2e were indicators of rates of motion. The importance of the use of echoes for spectral acquisition is emphasised, particularly to obtain accurate values of the quadrupole splitting. In the case of overlapping powder patterns from two labelled positions, the use of the absolute value mode of spectral presentation is shown to yield reasonable estimates of the individual quadrupole splittings. Spectral properties were monitored as a function of cholesterol concentration and temperature. Increasing cholesterol concentration led to a high degree of ordering for the rigid ring system of cholesterol, approaching a molecular order parameter of 0.8 at 50 mol% cholesterol. The isopropyl methyl groups were in all cases less ordered anmore mobile than the ring system, but responded in a similar fashion to variable cholesterol concentration and temperature. The observation of a minimum in the temperature dependence of T1 for cholesterol-7,7-d2 led to a direct estimate of its correlation time for molecular motion, 3.5 × 10?9 s rad?1. This indicates that the overall rate of motion of cholesterol is considerably slower than that of the lipids in which it is located. The short T2e values suggest that the motional spectrum of cholesterol is rich in low frequencies. The parallel temperature and cholesterol dependences of quadrupole splittings for different positions on the rigid ring system of cholesterol indicate that the position of the axis of motional averaging of the molecule is not changing, and is the same as that determined in an earlier study. It is emphasised that the steep temperature dependence and small quadrupole splittings for the chain isopropyl methyl groups of cholesterol do not necessarily indicate a high degree of disorder, but may be due to their axes of motional averaging lying at angles close to 54° with respect to the director of the ordered lipids.  相似文献   

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