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TOM WALKER 《Bioethics》2013,27(7):388-394
There is widespread agreement that it would be both morally and legally wrong to treat a competent patient, or to carry out research with a competent participant, without the voluntary consent of that patient or research participant. Furthermore, in medical ethics it is generally taken that that consent must be informed. The most widely given reason for this has been that informed consent is needed to respect the patient's or research participant's autonomy. In this article I set out to challenge this claim by considering in detail each of the three most prominent ways in which ‘autonomy’ has been conceptualized in the medical ethics literature. I will argue that whilst these accounts support the claim that consent is needed if the treatment of competent patients, or research on competent individuals, is to respect their autonomy, they do not support the claim that informed consent is needed for this purpose.  相似文献   

A Silversides 《CMAJ》1998,158(11):1518-1519
Testing of pregnant women for antibodies to HIV remains a thorny medical and ethical issue. On the one side are children who stand to benefit if their mothers'' HIV status is determined. On the other is women''s right to determine what tests they will receive. A majority of provinces now have counselling programs in place to encourage women to undergo testing. However, testing remains voluntary and informed consent is required before a test is done--policies that have CMA support.  相似文献   

William Simkulet 《Bioethics》2019,33(1):169-184
In order to avoid patient abuse, under normal situations before performing a medical intervention on a patient, a physician must obtain informed consent from that patient, where to give genuine informed consent a patient must be competent, understand her condition, her options and their expected risks and benefits, and must expressly consent to one of those options. However, many patients refrain from the option that their physician believes to be best, and many physicians worry that their patients make irrational healthcare decisions, hindering their ability to provide efficient healthcare for their patients. Some philosophers have proposed a solution to this problem: they advocate that physicians nudge their patients to steer them towards their physician's preferred option. A nudge is any influence designed to predictably alter a person's behavior without limiting their options or giving them reasons to act. Proponents of nudging contend that nudges are consistent with obtaining informed consent. Here I argue that nudging is incompatible with genuine informed consent, as it violates a physician's obligation to tell their patients the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth during adequate disclosure.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine the factors influencing quality of informed consent. DESIGN--Prospective study comprising interviews with patients and patients'' completing standard questionnaires. SETTING--Academic surgical unit of large teaching hospital. PATIENTS--265 patients undergoing intrathoracic, intraperitoneal, and vascular surgical procedures. Of these patients, 192 have been followed up for six months. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Patients'' recall of information at various points in the study; this score was compared by age, provision of written information, cognitive function, intelligence quotient (IQ), mood state and personality traits, and health locus of control. RESULTS--The patients were best informed immediately after signing the consent form and from then on recall of information deteriorated. A total of 172/250 (69%) patients admitted to not reading the consent form before signing it. Old age adversely affected recall of information at all assessment points. Impaired cognitive function reduced information recall only during the stay in hospital. Patients with above average IQs handled information better than those with a lower IQ except immediately after the signing of consent forms. Patients with an internal locus of health control (that is, those who believed their health to be in their own control) were better informed than those with an external locus of health control. Operation information cards improved recall only on the day of discharge. CONCLUSION--Elderly patients and patients with below average IQ, impaired cognitive functions, and an external locus of control have poor information recall. Written information may be more useful if given before admission to hospital.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess how informed the consent of patients is to the release of confidential information to insurance companies. Questionnaires were sent to 226 consecutive patients from four practices whose general practitioners had received requests to complete a personal medical attendant''s report for an insurance company. In total 195 patients returned the questionnaire, whose six questions required only a yes or no answer. More than half of the patients (102 (52%] could not recall having given their consent and 79 (40%) had one or more objections to the questions commonly asked by insurance companies. Questions about sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS led to the greatest proportion of objections (85% (67/79) and 80% (63/79) respectively). Over half (111 (57%) of the 195 respondents expected their doctor to withhold sensitive information. Of the 93 patients who gave their informed consent, 63 (68%) did not expect that their doctor would be asked to answer one or more of the common questions. In most cases the consent of patients to the release of confidential information to insurance companies is neither knowingly given nor informed.  相似文献   

S M Chafe 《CMAJ》1991,144(6):681-685
Obtaining a patient''s consent is a routine daily process for physicians, although many are unaware of the scope of this legal obligation. In 1980 the Supreme Court of Canada changed the law relating to informed consent; promotion of patient autonomy shifted the focus from a standard of professional disclosure to one of a "reasonable patient." Physicians have a legal obligation to disclose to patients specific information, the scope of which is determined by a court on the basis of a reasonable patient''s expectation and the circumstances of the case. This gives rise to many controversies in the practice of clinical medicine. It is difficult for physicians to know which treatment risks require disclosure, since this is decided by a court in a retrospective analysis of the evidence. Will the court recognize exceptions to the duty of disclosing information? If several health care professionals are involved in a patient''s care who has the duty to disclose information? Can this duty be delegated? This paper provides physicians with guidelines that are consistent with the promotion of patient autonomy and comply with the doctrine of informed consent. In addition, it suggests ways of improving awareness of the doctrine and procedures to ease its application.  相似文献   

D W Molloy  G H Guyatt  D B Wilson  R Duke  L Rees  J Singer 《CMAJ》1991,144(1):29-34
OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of tetrahydroaminoacridine (THA) in Alzheimer''s disease. DESIGN: Randomized, double-blind, multiple crossover trial with three treatment periods, each consisting of 3 weeks of active drug therapy and 3 weeks of placebo administration. SETTING: Referral-based geriatric practice in a community hospital. PATIENTS: Thirty-four patients with moderate to severe Alzheimer''s disease. Subjects were included if they had stage 3 to 6 disease (as determined by the Reisberg scale) and had not been taking psychotropic drugs for at least 1 month and if informed consent had been obtained from the patients and their next of kin. INTERVENTIONS: Fifty to 100 mg of THA daily and matched placebo. RESULTS: Of the initial 34 patients 14 experienced liver toxicity and 3 gastrointestinal side effects during the study; however, all 22 who completed the study were able to tolerate at least the minimum dose. For the 22 patients there was no clinically or statistically significant effect of THA on cognition, functional status or behaviour. The results for individual patients showed no subgroup of THA-responsive patients. CONCLUSION: THA has no clinically important benefits in Alzheimer''s disease and is associated with appreciable toxic effects.  相似文献   

A dilemma exists when a doctor is faced with a child or young person who refuses medically indicated treatment. The Gillick case has been interpreted by many to mean that a child of sufficient age and intelligence could validly consent or refuse consent to treatment. Recent decisions of the Court of Appeal on a child''s refusal of medical treatment have clouded the issue and undermined the spirit of the Gillick decision and the Children Act 1989. It is now the case that a child patient whose competence is in doubt will be found rational if he or she accepts the proposal to treat but may be found incompetent if he or she disagrees. Practitioners are alerted to the anomalies now exhibited by the law on the issue of children''s consent and refusal. The impact of the decisions from the perspectives of medicine, ethics, and the law are examined. Practitioners should review each case of child care carefully and in cases of doubt seek legal advice.  相似文献   

Ariella Binik 《Bioethics》2018,32(1):27-35
The inclusion of children in research gives rise to a difficult ethical question: What justifies children's research participation and exposure to research risks when they cannot provide informed consent? This question arises out of the tension between the moral requirement to obtain a subject's informed consent for research participation, on the one hand, and the limited capacity of most children to provide informed consent, on the other. Most agree that children's participation in clinical research can be justified. But the ethical justification for exposing children to research risks in the absence of consent remains unclear. One prevalent group of arguments aims to justify children's risk exposure by appealing to the concept of benefit. I call these ‘benefit arguments’. Prominent versions of this argument defend the idea that broadening our understanding of the notion of benefit to include non‐medical benefits (such as the benefit of a moral education) helps to justify children's research participation. I argue that existing benefit arguments are not persuasive and raise problems with the strategy of appealing to broader notions of benefit to justify children's exposure to research risk.  相似文献   

The ‘family consent’ process has been placed at the centre of Chinese clinical practice. Although there has been critical analysis of how the process functions in relation to the autonomy and rights of patients, there has been little examination of the perceptions and attitude of patients and their families and the medical professionals, in relation to moral dilemmas that arise in real cases in the bioethical discourse. When faced with a consent form in an emergency situation, the family member's capacity to act is reduced, as he/she becomes enmeshed in the hospital structure of tacit, socially‐imposed rules. In a questionnaires based on a real death case in 2008, 70.9% of the surveyed medical professionals (n = 3,665) disagreed with performing surgery without the consent of the family even if the patient's life was in danger, while 36.6% of the surveyed patients (n = 1,198) hold the same position. This work demonstrates the weakness of the family consent process as a safeguard of patient's autonomy. Finally, I argue that saving the patient's life should be the overriding obligation rather than the respect for the surrogate's autonomous choice at such a decisive moment.  相似文献   

J. Carsley  P. Robillard  E. Roy 《CMAJ》1997,156(11):1589-1590
Growing demand has led some Canadian hospitals to offer alternative therapies to patients, even though many physicians still question their efficacy. Anita Elash visited Toronto''s Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, where staff physicians have been debating the issue. One physician said hospitals have no choice but to offer the treatments. "If you believe in the primacy of patients making their own decisions and you believe in the fundamental of informed consent, you cannot deny them access to this treatment."  相似文献   

Neil C. Manson 《Bioethics》2019,33(5):540-549
The biobank consent debate is one with deeply held convictions on both the ‘broad’ and ‘specific’ side with little sign of resolution. Recently, Thomas Ploug and Soren Holm have developed an alternative to both specific and broad consent: a meta‐consent framework. The aim here is to consider whether meta‐consent provides a ‘solution’ to the biobank consent debate. We clarify what ‘meta‐consent’ actually is (arguing that the label is a misnomer and ‘consent à la carte’ is more accurate). We identify problems with Ploug and Holm's arguments, and some challenges for meta‐consent. We focus on whether there is any ethical obligation to provide consent à la carte. There may seem to be so, especially if we draw upon an unclear appeal to the ethical significance of ‘respect for autonomy’. Similarly, there might seem to be an intuitive inference from the fact that ethically legitimate research requires informed consent to the conclusion that it thereby requires consent à la carte. It is shown that this line of inference is mistaken.  相似文献   

Methods of obtaining informed consent have evolved differently in Western countries without substantive information on the impact of these different practices on the patients. A randomised study was performed to compare two commonly adopted methods of seeking consent to randomised treatment: an individual approach at the discretion of each doctor and a uniform policy of total disclosure of all relevant information. The impact of both consent procedures on the patient''s understanding and anxiety levels and on the doctor-patient relationship was assessed by means of a questionnaire given soon after the consent interview. Fifty seven patients were assigned at random to two groups: to 29 patients an individual approach to seeking consent was adopted and to 28 patients all relevant information was given. Seven patients refused consent to randomised treatment, with slightly more refusals by patients in the total disclosure group (5 v 2, p = 0.25). The main effects of total disclosure of all information compared with an individual approach to seeking consent were: a better understanding of treatment and side effects and of research aspects of the treatments; less willingness to agree to randomised treatment; and increased anxiety. No significant differences were found in patients'' perceptions of the doctor-patient relationship. A repeat questionnaire given three to four weeks later no longer showed significant differences between the two groups.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To investigate the rate of recruitment to early breast cancer trials and elucidate the reasons for ineligibility and refusal to participate among patients otherwise suitable for these trials. DESIGN--Prospective study of one year''s cohort of patients referred to a breast unit with special reference to the subgroup suitable for conservation management and to the proportion eligible for and (after informed consent) ultimately randomised within the Scottish early breast cancer trials. SETTING--The breast unit, Longmore Hospital, Edinburgh, during 1988. PATIENTS--All 3054 patients referred to the breast unit during the year. 324 Found to have invasive breast cancer and 147 initially thought suitable for conservation management. RESULTS--63 Patients were treated by mastectomy, 19 of whom requested mastectomy rather than conservation management. 84 Patients were excluded from trials, and of the 63 eligible patients, 40 gave informed consent. Most of the 23 patients who refused the trials requested a specific adjuvant treatment after discussion of their management and the trials. CONCLUSIONS--Recruitment to prospective trials in which informed consent is required before randomisation may be slower than predicted because of a high proportion of exclusions and also refusal by patients. Trials may therefore take longer to complete and give distorted results by virtue of the unpredictable nature of the selection of patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To monitor the conduct of medical research projects that have already been approved by the local medical research ethics committee. DESIGN: Follow up study of ethically approved studies (randomly selected from all the studies approved in the previous year) by examination of patients'' case notes, consent forms, and research records and by interview of the researchers at their workplace. SETTING: Tayside, Scotland (mixed rural and urban population). SUBJECTS: 30 research projects approved by Tayside local medical research ethics committee. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Adherence to the agreed protocol, particularly for recruitment (obtaining and recording informed consent) and for specific requirements of the ethics committee, including notification of changes to the protocol and of adverse events. RESULTS: In one project only oral consent had been obtained, and in a quarter of the studies one or more consent forms were incorrectly completed. Inadequate filing of case notes in five studies and of consent forms in six made them unavailable for scrutiny. Adverse events were reported, but there was a general failure to report the abandoning or non-starting of projects in two studies the investigators failed to notify a change in the responsible researcher. CONCLUSIONS: Monitoring of medical research by local medical research ethics committees promotes and preserves ethical standards, protects subjects and researchers, discourages fraud, and has the support of investigators. We recommend that 10% of projects should undergo on-site review, with all others monitored by questionnaire. This would require about six person hours of time and a salary bill of 120 pounds per study monitored.  相似文献   

Informed consent is a legal obligation due from a physician to his patient, an obligation which may not be met by the physician''s skillful treatment of his patient. It may only be met by the treating physician obtaining from his patient knowing authorization for carrying out the intended medical procedure. The physician is required to disclose whatever would be material to his patient''s decision, including the nature and purpose of the procedure, and the risks and alternatives. The disclosures should be made by the physician to his patient, and not through use of consent forms which are not particular to individual patients. To minimize any subsequent claim by the patient that there was a lack of adequate disclosures, the physician should record in the patient''s chart the circumstances of the patient''s consent, and should not rely on the patient''s unreliable ability to recall those circumstances.  相似文献   

Analysis of shortlisting of applicants for interview at St Mary''s Hospital Medical School showed that factor analysis could reduce the selection criteria to three independent scales--"academic ability," "interests," and "community service"--all of which contributed to the interview decision. Early applicants scored more highly on all three factors but were still at a greater advantage in selection for interview than would have been predicted. The dean''s judgment of priority for interview from the UCCA form was found to predict a candidate''s chance of acceptance at other medical schools besides St Mary''s. Analysis of interviewing showed high correlations among interviewers in their assessments, although there was evidence of influence by the chairmen. Factor analysis showed three major factors--academic suitability, non-academic suitability, and health--of which non academic suitability was the major determinant of interview success. Non academic suitability was related to personality (high extraversion and low psychoticism) and to the choices made on the UCCA form. The system of admission interviews enabled greater emphasis to be put on broader interests and achievements than if selection had been on the basis of UCCA application form alone.  相似文献   



Patients with dementia may have limited capacity to give informed consent to participate in clinical research. One possible way to safeguard the patients'' interests in research is the involvement of a proxy in the recruitment process. In Italy, the system of proxy is determined by the courts. In this study we evaluate the timing for appointment of a legal proxy in Italy and identify predictive variables of appointment.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Subjects were recruited among the outpatients seeking medical advice for cognitive complaints at the Centre for Research and Treatment of Cognitive Dysfunctions, University of Milan, “Luigi Sacco” Hospital.The Centre was participating to the AdCare Study, a no-profit randomised clinical trial coordinated by the Italian National Institute of Health. The requirement that informed consent be given by a legal representative dramatically slowed down the recruitment process in AdCare, which was prematurely interrupted. The Centre for Research and Treatment of Cognitive Dysfunctions collected data on the timing required to appoint the legal representatives. Patients diagnosed with dementia and their caregivers were provided information on the Italian law on legal agency (law 6/2004). At each scheduled check-up the caregiver was asked whether she/he had applied to appoint a legal proxy for the patient and the time interval between the presentation of the law, the registration of the application at the law court chancellery and the sentence of appointment was registered. The study involved 169 demented patients. Seventy-eight patients (46.2%) applied to appoint a legal proxy. These subjects were usually younger, had been suffering from dementia for a longer time, had less than two children and made more use of memantine. The mean interval time between the presentation of the law and the patients'' application to the law court chancellery was two months. The mean interval time between the patient''s application to the law court chancellery and the sentence of appointment was four months.


In Italy the requirement that legal representatives be appointed by the courts slows down subjects'' participation in research. Other procedures for legal agency of the incapacitated patients may be adopted, taking as examples other EU countries'' systems.  相似文献   

AIDS in children     
The application of medical quality assurance principles to ambulatory patient care using the traditional methods of medical chart audit, process review, and physician education has yielded generally disappointing results in improving patient care and physician performance. Newer methods assist physicians by providing patient and medical reference data at the time of a patient''s visit. Techniques for tracking treatment outcomes and patients'' test results and for providing instructions to patients may improve both care and patients'' and physicians'' satisfaction.This feature appears regularly in THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE. It is intended to cover recent developments in a broad range of issues that will have an impact—either directly or indirectly—on clinical practice. Occasionally the seminars may include informed speculation about likely future developments.  相似文献   

E Etchells  G Sharpe  M M Burgess  P A Singer 《CMAJ》1996,155(4):387-391
In the context of patient consent, "disclosure" refers to the provision of relevant information by the clinician and its comprehension by the patient. Both elements are necessary for valid consent. Disclosure should inform the patient adequately about the treatment and its expected effects, relevant alternative options and their benefits and risks, and the consequences of declining or delaying treatment. The clinician''s goal is to disclose information that a reasonable person in the patient''s position would need in order to make an informed decision. Therefore, clinicians may need to consider how the proposed treatment (and other options) might affect the patient''s employment, finances, family life and other personal concerns. Clinicians may also need to be sensitive to cultural and religious beliefs that can affect disclosure.  相似文献   

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