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ATrichoderma sp. isolate, hereafter called T6, produces a 46-kDa endochitinase (CHIT 46) which had been shown to drastically affectin vitro the cell walls of the phytopathogensSclerotium rolfsii andRhizoctonia solani. We attempted to gain insight into its properties. The CHIT 46 N-terminal amino acid sequence shares a very high homology with other fungal chitinases. Western blot analysis using polyclonal antibodies anti-CHIT 46 revealed that this enzyme is immunologically distinct from other proteins produced by the sameTrichoderma isolate T6, but is immunologically identical with proteins having equivalent molar mass, probably chitinases, produced by otherTrichoderma spp. isolates. In addition, the antibodies revealed also that a substantial amount of this enzyme is secreted into the culture medium 2 d after theTrichoderma isolate T6 comes into contact with chitin.  相似文献   

Safranine is an azo dye commonly used for plant microscopy, especially as a stain for lignified tissues such as xylem. Safranine fluorescently labels the wood cell wall, producing green/yellow fluorescence in the secondary cell wall and red/orange fluorescence in the middle lamella (ML) region. We examined the fluorescence behavior of safranine under blue light excitation using a variety of wood- and fiber-based samples of known composition to interpret the observed color differentiation of different cell wall types. We also examined the basis for the differences in fluorescence emission using spectral confocal microscopy to examine lignin-rich and cellulose-rich cell walls including reaction wood and decayed wood compared to normal wood. Our results indicate that lignin-rich cell walls, such as the ML of tracheids, the secondary wall of compression wood tracheids, and wood decayed by brown rot, tend to fluoresce red or orange, while cellulose-rich cell walls such as resin canals, wood decayed by white rot, cotton fibers and the G-layer of tension wood fibers, tend to fluoresce green/yellow. This variation in fluorescence emission seems to be due to factors including an emission shift toward red wavelengths combined with dye quenching at shorter wavelengths in regions with high lignin content. Safranine fluorescence provides a useful way to differentiate lignin-rich and cellulose-rich cell walls without counterstaining as required for bright field microscopy.  相似文献   

Anamorsin (AM) (also called CIAPIN-1) is a cell-death-defying factor. AM deficient mice die during late gestation; AM deficient embryos are anemic and very small compared to wild type (WT) embryos. It is thought that AM plays crucial roles in hematopoiesis and embryogenesis. To clarify the mechanisms of AM functions, we performed the yeast-two-hybrid assay to identify AM-interacting molecules; we found that PICOT (PKCθ interacting cousin of thioredoxin) preferentially bound to AM. We also showed that the N-terminal regions of both AM and PICOT were essential for their bindings and the inhibition of interaction of both molecules might lead to the cell growth retardation. Both PICOT and the yeast homolog of AM are known to be iron–sulfur proteins. The phenotype of PICOT deficient mice is very similar to that of anamorsin deficient mice; both mice are embryonic lethal. These data suggest that AM and PICOT might play cooperatively essential roles in embryogenesis as iron–sulfur cluster proteins.  相似文献   

Based on the previous finding that erythrocytes from patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia stain with the fluorescent dye merocyanine 540, erythrocytes from patients with other myeloproliferative disorders were examined for their ability to bind the membrane probe. As assessed by both fluorescence staining and a quantitative dye removal assay, all samples of erythrocytes from patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia, polycythemia vera, myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia and essential thrombocythemia bound more dye than did erythrocytes from normal, healthy individuals. Erythrocytes from three of six patients with acute myelogenous leukemia also showed increased affinity for the dye. In contrast, erythrocytes from three patients with acute lymphocytic leukemia and one with unclassifiable leukemia bound only normal amounts of dye. The procedures described may be useful as a supplemental aid to diagnosis of myeloproliferative disorders or for investigation of hematological diseases where multilineage involvement is suspected.  相似文献   

Ensign, J. C. (University of Wisconsin, Madison), and R. S. Wolfe. Characterization of a small proteolytic enzyme which lyses bacterial cell walls. J. Bacteriol. 91:524-534. 1966.-An enzyme isolated from a myxobacter possesses both cell-wall lytic and proteolytic activity. The enzyme has been purified over 600-fold and is electrophoretically homogeneous upon cellulose acetate at several pH values and upon polyacrylamide gel columns. A single peak was obtained upon ultracentrifugation and density gradient centrifugation. Based upon Sephadex gel filtration, a molecular weight of 8,700 was determined for the enzyme. Albumin and casein were extensively degraded by the enzyme, with approximately one-third of the peptide bonds present in these proteins being hydrolyzed. The enzyme lyses cell walls by hydrolyzing peptide bonds in the glycosaminopeptide.  相似文献   

Carbohydrates in various forms play a vital role in numerous critical biological processes. The detection of such saccharides can give insight into the progression of such diseases such as cancer. Boronic acids react with 1,2 and 1,3 diols of saccharides in non-aqueous or basic aqueous media. Herein, we describe the design, synthesis and evaluation of three bisboronic acid fluorescent probes, each having about ten linear steps in its synthesis. Among these compounds that were evaluated, 9b was shown to selectively label HepG2, liver carcinoma cell line within a concentration range of 0.5-10 μM in comparison to COS-7, a normal fibroblast cell line.  相似文献   

Summary l-2-amino-3-(6,7-dimethoxy-4-coumaryl)-propionic acid (l-Adp), as a non-proteinogenic fluorescent amino acid has been synthesized by a highly stereoselective routine (>99.5%). This fluorescent amino acid, as fluorophorequencher pair, may be used to study peptide assays. For enantiomeric excess determination, the racemicdl-Adp (dl-2-amino-3-(6,7-dimethoxy-4-coumaryl)-propionic acid) has also been synthesized.  相似文献   

L-2-amino-3-(6,7-dimethoxy-4-coumaryl)-propionic acid (L-Adp), as a non-proteinogenic fluorescent amino acid has been synthesized by a highly stereoselective routine (>99.5%). This fluorescent amino acid, as fluorophore-quencher pair, may be used to study peptide assays. For enantiomeric excess determination, the racemic D-Adp (D-2-amino-3-(6,7-dimethoxy-4-coumaryl)-propionic acid) has also been synthesized.  相似文献   

Summary We report that culture bovine calf aorta and human adult iliac artery smooth muscle cells release a soluble factor which causes spreading and separation of cells in normally tight, cohesive epithelial colonies, similar to the morphologic changes induced by the fibroblast-derived scatter factor (SF). Smooth muscle-derived SF was heat sensitive, trypsin labile, and nondialyzable, consistent with a protein (or proteins). Its effects on epithelium were not mimicked by a variety of proteolytic enzymes, growth factors, or hormones, and were not blocked by antiproteases or by antibodies to fibronectin and basic fibroblast growth factor. Epithelial cell proliferation was unaffected or only mildly stimulated by partially purified SF at concentrations that produced cell scattering. Both smooth muscle-and MRC5 human embryo fibroblast-derived SFs could be partially purified with similar elution patterns on a number of different chromatographic columns, including DEAE-agarose, heparin-sepharose, Bio-Rex 70, concanavalin A-sepharose, and MonoQ. SF from both sources bound tightly to heparin-sepharose, requiring 1.3 to 1.4M NaCl for elution. The morphologically obvious cell scattering effect was markedly inhibited by soluble heparin at concentrations down to 5 μg/ml, and this inhibition was prevented by protamine. These data suggest that vascular smooth muscle cells produce an epithelial cell scattering factor with properties similar to the fibroblast-produced factor, including a high affinity for heparin. Such factors are potentially important because they may represent a new class of proteins that primarily regulate cell mobility rather than growth and differentiation. Supported by American Cancer Society grant ACS IN-31-28-5, an Argail L. and Anna G. Hull Cancer Research Award, and grants-in-aid from the American Heart Association (#880981) and the American Lung Association of Connecticut. Dr. Goldberg was supported by the LIJ-Harvard Research Consortium and the Finkelstein Foundation.  相似文献   

Boronic acid derivatives of tyropeptin were synthesized with TP-110 as the lead compound. Due to the lability of the aminoboronic acid moiety, careful design of the deprotection and coupling sequence was required. Liquid–liquid partition chromatography was found to be a powerful tool for purification of compounds of this class. The obtained derivatives showed potent inhibitory activities against the human 20S proteasome in vitro.  相似文献   

Bcl-xL regulates apoptosis by maintaining the integrity of the mitochondrial outer membrane by adopting both soluble and membrane-associated forms. The membrane-associated conformation does not require a conserved, C-terminal transmembrane domain and appears to be inserted into the bilayer of synthetic membranes as assessed by membrane permeabilization and critical surface pressure measurements. Membrane association is reversible and is regulated by the cooperative binding of approximately two protons to the protein. Two acidic residues, Glu153 and Asp156, that lie in a conserved hairpin of Bcl-xLDeltaTM appear to be important in this process on the basis of a 16% increase in the level of membrane association of the double mutant E153Q/D156N. Contrary to that for the wild type, membrane permeabilization for the mutant is not correlated with membrane association. Monolayer surface pressure measurements suggest that this effect is primarily due to less membrane penetration. These results suggest that E153 and D156 are important for the Bcl-xLDeltaTM conformational change and that membrane binding can be distinct from membrane permeabilization. Taken together, these studies support a model in which Bcl-xL activity is controlled by reversible insertion of its N-terminal domain into the mitochondrial outer membrane. Future studies with Bcl-xL mutants such as E153Q/D156N should allow determination of the relative contributions of membrane binding, insertion, and permeabilization to the regulation of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Isolated wheat (Triticum aestivum var. Potam) aleurone layers have a high capacity to acidify their environment, and secrete hydrolytic enzymes (endoxylanase, glucanase, α-amylase, proteases, etc.) under the control of GA3. Acidic pH and xylanases are found to be essential for cell wall relaxation in growing tissues, but aleurone is a non-growing, non-dividing tissue. In this tissue, we studied the effect of these loosening factors on aleurone cell walls.Exposure to pH 3.0 caused the release of carbohydrates and calcium ions from the pericarp, and a small amount of carbohydrates, mainly polysaccharides, from aleurone layers from which pericarp tissue had been removed. 50 percnt; of the total sugars released into the incubation medium by these isolated aleurone tissue was arabinose, but no xylose, calcium ions, or phenolic compounds were found. Acid preincubation decreased by 30 percnt; the susceptibility of aleurone cell walls to degradation by exogenously-applied endoxylanase, and also modified the architecture of cell wall as observed by autofluorescence of phenolic groups. These findings suggest that acid treatment and endoxylanase action, rather than having a loosening effect on aleurone cell wall, can have an opposite effect, increasing the resistance of aleurone cell walls to loosening.  相似文献   

Summary A method for the production and preparation of an enzyme which degrades yeast cell walls from a species of aRhizoctonia (tentatively identified asR. solani) was established on a commercial scale. The production of crude enzyme powder, having a lytic activity of 100 units/mg, in batches of 80 kg is feasible.The enzyme preparation was evaluated for industrial use. When yeast cells were treated with this enzyme, the digestibility of feed yeast was improved 1.4–2 fold in vitro; the efficiency of a mechanical disintegrator in extracting cellular substances was increased 35–50%; the release of soluble glucans having widely varying degrees of polymerization was induced; the extraction of cellular protein by alkali was facilitated 2–3 fold; an 80% release of cell-bound invertase was induced and 2–3 times more yeast extract could be prepared.Studies on Fungal Enzymes Active in Hydrolysing Yeast Cell Wall (VII)  相似文献   

Production of a truncated human c-myc protein which binds to DNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two kinds of truncated human c-myc proteins were produced in Escherichia coli. The human c-myc gene is composed of three exons, exons 2 and 3 having coding capacity for a protein of 439 amino acids. 252 N-terminal amino acids are encoded by exon 2, the C-terminal 187 amino acids being encoded by exon 3. One of the proteins (p42) produced in E. coli corresponds to 342 amino acids from the 98th Gln to the C-terminus, plus 21 amino acids derived from the H-ras gene at the N-terminus. The other (p23) corresponds to 155 amino acids from the 98th Gln to the 252nd Ser, plus five amino acids (Gly-Gly-Thr-Arg-Arg) at the C-terminus, plus 21 amino acids from the H-ras gene at the N-terminus. The p23 protein was produced by using cDNA in which a frame shift occurred at the boundary between exons 2 and 3. We investigated the DNA-binding activity in p42 and p23 proteins. DNA-cellulose column chromatography showed that p42 binds to DNA, whereas p23 does not. This DNA-binding activity of p42 was inhibited by antiserum prepared against p42 but not by antiserum against p23. This indicates that the DNA-binding activity of c-myc protein is localized in the portion encoded by exon 3.  相似文献   

RNA interference is a conserved gene regulatory mechanism employed by most eukaryotes as a key component of their innate immune response to viruses and retrotransposons. During viral infection, the RNase-III-type endonuclease Dicer cleaves viral double-stranded RNA into small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) 21-24 nucleotides in length and helps load them into the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) to guide the cleavage of complementary viral RNA. As a countermeasure, many viruses have evolved viral RNA silencing suppressors (RSS) that tightly, and presumably quantitatively, bind siRNAs to thwart RNA-interference-mediated degradation. Viral RSS proteins also act across kingdoms as potential immunosuppressors in gene therapeutic applications. Here we report fluorescence quenching and electrophoretic mobility shift assays that probe siRNA binding by the dimeric RSS p19 from Carnation Italian Ringspot Virus, as well as by human Dicer and RISC assembly complexes. We find that the siRNA:p19 interaction is readily reversible, characterized by rapid binding [(1.69 ± 0.07) × 108 M 1 s− 1] and marked dissociation (koff = 0.062 ± 0.002 s− 1). We also observe that p19 efficiently competes with recombinant Dicer and inhibits the formation of RISC-related assembly complexes found in human cell extract. Computational modeling based on these results provides evidence for the transient formation of a ternary complex between siRNA, human Dicer, and p19. An expanded model of RNA silencing indicates that multiple turnover by reversible binding of siRNAs potentiates the efficiency of the suppressor protein. Our predictive model is expected to be applicable to the dosing of p19 as a silencing suppressor in viral gene therapy.  相似文献   

Synthesis and biological evaluation of a fluorescent analogue of folic acid   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A fluorescein derivative of the lysine analogue of folic acid, N alpha-pteroyl-N epilson-(4'-fluoresceinthiocarbamoyl)-L-lysine (PLF), was synthesized as a probe for dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) and a membrane folate binding protein (m-FBP). Excitation of PLF at 282 nm and at 497 nm gave a fluorescence emission maximum at 518 nm. Binding of PLF to human DHFR or human placental m-FBP results in approximately a 20-fold enhancement in the magnitude of the fluorescence emission, suggesting that the ligand interacts with a hydrophobic region on these proteins. Additional evidence suggests that an energy transfer may occur between the pteridine and the fluorescein moieties. PLF binds to the active site of human DHFR since methotrexate (MTX) competes stoichiometrically and the denatured enzyme in the presence of PLF did not exhibit fluorescent enhancement. The dissociation constant for the fluorescein derivative with respect to human DHFR is 115 nM as compared to 111 nM for folic acid. The Ki value for the competitive inhibition of human DHFR by the fluorescent analogue of folic acid is 2.0 microM compared to 0.48 microM for folic acid. PLF was reduced to N alpha-(7,8-dihydropteroyl)-N epilson-(4'-fluoresceinthiocarbamoyl)-L-lysine (H2PLF) and assayed by the enzymatic conversion to the tetrahydro derivative. The Km value for human DHFR for the dihydrofolate analogue is 2.0 microM. The KD value for H2PLF to human DHFR is 47 nM as compared to 44 nM for dihydrofolate. The KD values for both H2PLF and PLF indicate that the fluorescein moiety does not significantly affect folate binding in enzyme binary complexes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Uronic acid constituents of oat-coleoptile cell walls   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文

Smith BG  Harris PJ 《Phytochemistry》2001,56(5):513-519
The ester-linkage of ferulic acid (mainly E) to polysaccharides in primary cell walls of pineapple fruit (Ananas comosus) (Bromeliaceae) was investigated by treating a cell-wall preparation with 'Driselase' which contains a mixture of endo- and exo-glycanases, but no hydroxycinnamoyl esterase activity. The most abundant feruloyl oligosaccharide released was O-[5-O-(E-feruloyl)-alpha-L-arabinofuranosyl](1-->3)-O-beta-D-xylopyranosyl-(1-->4)-D-xylopyranose (FAXX). This indicated that the ferulic acid is ester-linked to glucuronoarabinoxylans in the same way as in the primary walls of grasses and cereals (Poaceae). Glucuronoarabinoxylans are the major non-cellulosic polysaccharides in the pineapple cell walls.  相似文献   

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