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It is shown that the stimulation of eukaryotic polypeptide synthesis by spermidine is due to the stimulation at the level of initiation by following reasons. The incorporation of formylmethionine into polypeptides was stimulated by spermidine at the same degree to the incorporation of leucine into polypeptides. Fluorography of the polypeptides formed showed that the number of chains of individual protein synthesized was larger when spermidine was added. The formation of the complex of Met-tRNAf, globin mRNA and 40-S ribosomal subunits was stimulated by spermidine.  相似文献   

The mechanism of inhibition of polypeptide synthesis by the addition of a tRNA fraction in a rat liver cell-free system was studied. The inhibition was found to occur at the step of aminoacyl-tRNA binding to ribosomes, in which aminoacyl-tRNA's were mainly responsible for the inhibition. The addition of EF-1 decreased the inhibition by the tRNA fraction. The tRNA fraction inhibited polypeptide synthesis in a polysome-S100 system under conditions in which poly U- and poly A-dependent polypeptide syntheses were not inhibited. The possibility that the aminoacyl-tRNA inhibitory activity functions through improper binding to the ribosomes in the polysome-S100 system is discussed.  相似文献   

Thermostable low molecular weight translational inhibitor was found in wheat germ cell-free extract. The inhibitor was formed during preincubation of wheat S-23 fraction with components of the energy-supplying system (ATP, GTP, phosphoenolpyruvate) in the absence of exogenous mRNA. The inhibitor effectively and irreversibly blocks protein synthesis in both wheat germ and rabbit reticulocyte systems. Our results seem to suggest that the inhibitor can activate wheat endogenous mRNA, which under the standard conditions does not reveal template activity but, once activated, can effectively compete with exogenous mRNA.  相似文献   

The Mg2+ precipitation method has been adapted for isolation of ribosomes from roots of wheat. The ribosomes prepared by this procedure show A260/A280 = 1.6 and A260/A235 = 1.3 and contain 44d% RNA and 56% ribosomal proteins. There are no detectable differences in the ribosomal protein complement and accessibility of the ribosomal proteins to phosphorylation between ribosomes isolated by this procedure and those prepared by classical ultracentrifugation methods. The ribosomes are active in a poly-U directed cell-free system for protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The mechanism of spermidine-induced increase of fidelity of polypeptide synthesis in a wheat germ cell-free system has been studied. It was found that the increase of fidelity in the presence of spermidine occurred mainly at the level of binding of aminoacyl-tRNA to ribosomes, that reduction of misreading was more marked at the 5'-base than at the 3'-base of the codon and that misreading caused by paromomycin and kanamycin C was not significantly decreased by spermidine. It was deduced from these results that spermidine inhibited low-frequency misreading more strongly than high-frequency misreading. In addition, spermidine was found to stimulate the rejection of non-cognate aminoacyl-tRNA mainly at an initial discrimination step during the binding of amino-acyl-tRNA to ribosomes, and slightly at a subsequent GTP-dependent discrimination step, the so-called proofreading step. In yeast, rabbit reticulocyte, and Artemia salina cell-free systems, spermidine was found to increase the fidelity of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

We have compared the urea stability of the human aromatic amino acid hydroxylases (AAAHs), key enzymes involved in neurotransmitter biosynthesis and amino acid homeostasis. Tyrosine-, tryptophan- and phenylalanine hydroxylase (TH, TPH and PAH, respectively) were transiently activated at low urea concentrations and rapidly inactivated in >3 M urea. The denaturation of TH occurred through two cooperative transitions, with denaturation midpoints of 1.41+/-0.06 and 5.13+/-0.05 M urea, respectively. Partially denatured human TH (hTH) retained more of its secondary structure than human PAH (hPAH), and was found to exist as tetramers, whereas hPAH dissociated into dimers. Furthermore, the urea-induced aggregation of hPAH was 100-fold higher than for hTH. These results suggest that the denatured state properties of the AAAHs contribute significantly to the stability of these enzymes and their tolerance towards missense mutations.  相似文献   

Thionins are polypeptide toxins of about 5000 molecular weight, present in the endosperms of many Gramineae, which modify membrane permeability and inhibit macromolecular synthesis in cultured mammalian cells. Evidence is presented that they inhibit in vitro protein synthesis at micromolar concentrations in cell-free systems derived from wheat germ or from rabbit reticulocytes. Inhibition seems to occur by direct binding of mRNA by the toxin, as judged by the ability of thionins to mediate retention of RNA in nitrocellulose filters and by the dependence of inhibitory concentrations on the amount of exogenous RNA added to the wheat-germ translation system. Commercial preparations of wheat-germ have been found to include some endosperm contamination (up to 15%), which may result in at least partially inhibitory concentrations of the toxin in the cell-free extracts.  相似文献   

Identification of a new protein synthesis initiation factor from wheat germ   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A previously unidentified factor has been isolated from wheat germ that stimulates globin mRNA-directed polypeptide synthesis in vitro. This factor is separated from eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)-4B by chromatography on m7GTP-Sepharose. eIF-4B binds to m7GTP-Sepharose, whereas the stimulatory factor does not. Further purification of the factor yields a preparation that contains one major polypeptide with a molecular weight of approximately 59,000, This factor enhances the binding of globin mRNA to 40 S ribosomal subunits in the presence of eIF-2, eIF-3, eIF-4A, and either eIF-4B or eIF-4F and has been designated eIF-4G.  相似文献   

We have developed a highly productive cell-free protein synthesis system from wheat germ, which is expected to become an important tool for postgenomic research. However, this system has not been optimized for the synthesis of disulfide-containing proteins. Thus, we searched here for translation conditions under which a model protein, a single-chain antibody variable fragment (scFv), could be synthesized into its active form. Before the start of translation, the reducing agent dithiothreitol, which normally is added to the wheat germ extract but which inhibits disulfide formation during translation, was removed by gel filtration. When the scFv mRNA was incubated with this dithiothreitol-deficient extract, more than half of the synthesized polypeptide was recovered in the soluble fraction. By addition of protein disulfide isomerase in the translation solution, the solubility of the product was further improved, and nearly half of the soluble polypeptides strongly bound to the antigen immobilized on an agarose support. This strong binding component had a high affinity as shown by surface-plasmon resonance analysis. These results show that the wheat germ cell-free system can produce a functional scFv with a simple change of the reaction ingredients. We also discuss protein folding in this system and suggest that the disulfide bridges are formed cotranslationally. Finally, we show that biotinylated scFv could be synthesized in similar fashion and immobilized on a solid surface to which streptavidin is bound. SPR measurements for detection of antigens were also possible with the use of this immobilized surface.  相似文献   

In the presence of polyamines, the fidelity of protein synthesis in a wheat germ cell-free system was increased significantly, while it was increased slightly in an E. coli cell-free system. The effective concentration of polyamines for the increase in fidelity of protein synthesis was nearly equal to that for the stimulation of protein synthesis in a wheat germ cell-free system.  相似文献   

An unfractionated wheat germ cell-free system will efficiently translate immunoglobulin messenger RNAs from four murine myelomas. The system responds as well to immunoglobulin mRNA as to globin mRNA and translates mRNAs for both heavy and light immunoglobulin chains. The mRNAs for both kappa and lambda chains are translated into polypeptides 1700–2000 daltons larger than the authentic light chains. Chain completion is poor with most mRNAs, but improves when the reactions are done at KCl concentrations considerably higher than the optimum for maximal incorporation of radioactivity. Mammalian transfer RNA stimulates translation of all mRNAs tested.  相似文献   

Polyribosomes isolated from the cotyledons of developing soybean seeds were translated in a wheat germ cell-free system. When the radioactive translation products synthesized in the cell-free system were fractionated by centrifugation on sucrose density gradient, a radioactive peak which overlapped an authentic glycinin was detected. This radioactive co-sedimentable material was judged to be also a glycinin by its behavior toward polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoprecipitation.  相似文献   

Calmodulin-depleted isotonic erythrocyte ghosts contain 200 ng residual calmodulin/mg protein which is not removed by extensive washings at pCa2+ > 7. Specific activity and Ca2+-affinity of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)ATPase increase at increasing calmodulin, with K0.5 Ca of 0.38 μM at calmodulin concentrations corresponding to that in erythrocytes. High Ca2+ concentrations inhibit the enzyme. Specific activity and Ca2+-affinity of the enzyme decrease at increasing Mg2+ concentrations. The Ca2+ ? Mg2+ antagonism is likewise observed at inhibitory Ca2+ concentrations.  相似文献   

The synthetic insect growth regulator, ZR-512 (2), causes precocious metamorphosis of the cyprid larva of the ãcorn barnacle, Balanus galeatus. Juvenile hormone (JH) (1) was also found to be effective in this assay at a threshold? concentration of 103 ppb, three orders of magnitude less active than ZR-512. Pretreatment of cyprids with certain subthreshold concentrations of JH partially inhibited the expected metamorphic activity of subsequently added ZR-512, suggesting that the two compounds interact with the same receptor.  相似文献   

Erythromycin (a 14-membered macrolide) and virginiamycin S (a type B synergimycin) block protein biosynthesis in bacteria, but are virtually inactive on poly(U)-directed poly(Phe) synthesis. We have recently shown, however, that these antibiotics inhibit the in vitro polypeptide synthesis directed by synthetic copolymers: this effect is analyzed further in the present work. We were unable to find any consistent alteration produced by these antibiotics on coupled and uncoupled EF-G- and EF-Tu-dependent GTPases, on the EF-Tu-directed binding of aminoacyl-tRNA to ribosomes, and on the EF-G- and GTP-mediated translocation of peptidyl-tRNA bound to poly(U,C).ribosome complexes. With these complexes, the peptidyl transfer reaction, as measured by peptidylpuromycin synthesis, was 10-30% inhibited by virginiamycin S and erythromycin. A direct relationship between the virginiamycin S- and erythromycin-promoted inhibition of poly(A,C)-directed polypeptide synthesis, on the one hand, and the EF-G concentration and the rate of the polymerization reaction, on the other hand, was observed, in agreement with a postulated reversible inhibitor action of these antibiotics. The increased inhibitory activity, which was observed during the first 4-6 rounds of elongation, in the presence of virginiamycin S or erythromycin, was suggestive of a specific action of these antibiotics on the correct positioning of peptidyl-tRNA at the P site. The marked stimulation of premature release of peptidyl-tRNA from poly(A,C).ribosome complexes can be referred to an altered interaction of the C-terminal aminoacyl residue of the growing peptidyl chain with the ribosome. We conclude that the action of virginiamycin S and erythromycin entails a template-dependent alteration of the interaction of peptidyl-tRNA with the donor site of peptidyltransferase, which may lead to a transient functional block of the ribosome and in some instances to a premature release of peptidyl-tRNA and termination of the elongation process.  相似文献   

Turnip Yellow Mosaic Virus RNA directs the synthesis in vitro of its coat protein in a wheat germ cell-free extract. Optimum conditions for synthesis have been defined, and the effect of spermine on specifically enhancing coat protein formation has been examined. Identity between the in vitro synthesized coat protein and authentic coat protein of Turnip Yellow Mosaic Virus was established by analysis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, peptide mapping, and immunoprecipitation.  相似文献   

Total polysomes from human term placenta were incubated in a wheat germ cell-free system during 1 hr at 25° C. Human placental lactogen hormone was identified among the proteins synthesized in vitro by immune precipitation and subsequent sodium dodecylsulphate electrophoresis of the immunoprecipitate. The zone containing the radioactivity from the immunoprecipitate [3H]-labelled lactogen hormone comigrated exactly with the radioactivity zone from added [14C]-labelled marker hormone. This result indicates that the molecular weight of the synthesized product must be equal or very similar to that of the native protein hormone.  相似文献   

The influence of extracellular Ca2+ and Mg2+ on the transport of 2-deoxy-[3H]glucose into human polymorphonuclear neutrophils was studied. Omission of these cations from the cell suspensions had little effect on resting hexose uptake. Furthermore, the addition of the bivalent cation chelator, EDTA, depressed uptake only slightly. Similarly, neither cation was essential for the enhanced 2-deoxy-D-[3H]glucose uptake stimulated by two chemotactic factors (C5a and N-formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine) and arachidonic acid: enhanced uptake was only partially depressed by the omission of Ca2+ and Mg2+ from the suspensions and was still prominent in the presence of EDTA. Two other neutrophil stimulants, the ionophores, A23187 and ionomycin, also enhanced hexose uptake but their actions were heavily dependent upon extracellular bivalent cations and were totally abrogated by EDTA. In all instances, extracellular Ca2+, but not Mg2+, supported optimal enhanced hexose transport induced by stimuli.Activation of 2-deoxy-D-[3H]glucose uptake by each of the five stimuli was totally blocked by cytochalasin B (a blocker of carrier-mediated hexose transport) and D-glucose but not by L-glucose. The data indicate, therefore, that a variety of neutrophil stimulants activate carrier-mediated hexose transport. Although this transport can be triggered by the movement of extracellular Ca2+ into the cell (as exemplified by the action of the two ionophores), such Ca2+ movement is not required for the actions of chemotactic factors or arachidonic acid. Other mechanisms, such as a rearrangement of intracellular Ca2+, may be involved in mediating the activation of hexose transport induced by the latter stimuli.  相似文献   

The Ca++ and Mg++ contents of embryonic chick heart were studied by atomic absorption spectrophotometry during a period from 48 h of foetal development until 2-3 days post-hatching. The hearts were isolated and incubated for 40 min at 22°C in three different media aerated with 95% 02-5% C02. The media included: normal Ringer's; Ca+-free Ringer's with 3 mM EGTA; and Ca++-free Ringer's with 3 mM EDTA. At 48 h, the tubular myocardium contained 7-3 mM Ca++ per wet weight which decreased rapidly to 1-2 mM by 10 days of development and remained between 0-9 and 1-1 mM until hatching. The Ca++ content paralleled the changes in Na+ content reported earlier. Treatment with excess chelators, EGTA or EDTA, resulted in removal of 65-75% of the Ca++ content throughout development until the time of hatching, when 50% of the Ca++ became firmly bound. In contrast to the results with Ca++, myocardial Mg++ content rose rapidly from an initial value of 3.2 mM at 48 h to 6.7 mM by the 5th day of development, and then gradually declined throughout the remaining foetal development to 4.8 mM 2-3 days post-hatching. The Mg++ contents closely paralleled changes in K+ content during development, which were reported earlier. Treatment with EGTA and EDTA removed 13-22% and 19-28% of the myocardial Mg++, respectively, during development until just prior to hatching, when only 10-12% could be removed by chelation.  相似文献   

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