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Mononucleosomes derived from brief digestion of uninduced Friend cell nuclei with micrococcal nuclease contain a set of non-histone chromosomal proteins which are partly or altogether missing in the oligomeric nucleosomes. On the other hand, the latter contain a protein of Mr 190,000 not seen in the mononucleosomes. Longer digestion removes most of these non-histone proteins, excepting the Mr 190,000 protein. Brief digestion of nuclei from Friend cells induced by DMSO or by n-butyrate removes most of the non-histone proteins from the nucleosomes, as did the prolonged digestion of uninduced nuclei. The Mr 190,000 protein remains, while a protein of Mr 27,000 is increased. The rate of phosphorylation of histone H1 associated with mononucleosomes was 3 to 4-fold greater in cells induced with DMSO. The major phosphoprotein and most of the other phosphorylated non-histones were modified at the same rate in control and induced cells. However, a Mr 95,000 protein was less phosphorylated in the induced cells.  相似文献   

Surface changes in differentiating Friend erythroleukemic cells in culture.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The sensitivity to agglutination by several plant lectins has been studied during the induced erythroid differentiation of Friend erythroleukemic cells in culture. In addition, the number of lectin receptors on the cell has been measured. It is shown that early during the differentiation, there is an increase in agglutinability while the receptor density remains constant. In the later phase of the differentiation process, the cells lose their sensitivity to agglutination while the receptor number and density increases. These changes were not observed on nonerythroid mastocytoma culture cells. Two nondifferentiating variants of the FL cells were shown to have altered sensitivities to agglutination by ConA.  相似文献   

Lipophilic proteins can be extracted from Friend mouse erythroleukemia cells (MELC) with acidic chloroform-methanol. The acidic extract contains at least 4 polypeptides of apparent M. W. 5, 9.5, 14 and 17 kdaltons as determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Delipidation of the extract with ether causes the formation of polymers of an apparent molecular weight ranging from 25 to 85 kdaltons, and strong binding of aminoacids, sugars and phospholipids, in particular phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylethanolamine, to the polypeptides. Though the majority of the lipophilic proteins are of cellular origin, part of the polypeptides of M.W. 14 and 17 kdaltons may be viral components.  相似文献   

The ability of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites to penetrate erythroid-differentiating Friend erythroleukemia cells (FL cells) was examined in vitro. The parasites were incubated for 4 hr with FL cells which had been induced to synthesize spectrin, a major erythrocyte membrane protein, or hemoglobin by culturing the cells in the presence of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) or sodium butyrate. The penetration rate, in terms of both the average number of T. gondii per cell and the percentage of cells containing parasities, observed in the DMSO-treated FL cells was depressed as compared with that found in untreated cells. However, this depression was not related to the presence of spectrin or hemoglobin. This conclusion was based on the fact that the penetration rate in the butyrate-treated cells was the same as that in untreated cells. These results suggest that it is not the presence of spectrin and hemoglobin that inhibits penetration by T. gondii. The failure of T. gondii to enter mammalian erythrocytes is discussed in relation to surface changes in FL cells undergoing erythroid differentiation.  相似文献   

The interdivisional times of Friend murine erythroleukaemia cells which are growing continuously, or during terminal erythroid differentiation after exposure to dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), were determined by time lapse video photography. The median interdivisional times were found to increase from 11.75 hr before exposure to DMSO, to 24.0 hr at 72 hr after exposure. This increase in median interdivisional time was accompanied by an increase in heterogeneity of interdivisional times (%CV = 8.5----40.8), by an increase in the similarity of sister interdivisional times (ryy = 0.622----0.925), and by a decrease in the fraction of cells observed to divide (F = 1.0----0.807). Cells exposed to DMSO for 72 hr can be induced to divide at least once with nearly normal interdivisional times, if they are resuspended at a tenfold higher cell concentration. Computer simulations of cell cycle regulation, based on the opposing reactions model of Murphy, generate interdivisional time distributions which resemble the experimental data better than the single transition probability model of Smith and Martin.  相似文献   

Primary cultures and tissue samples of chicken embryonic muscle were immunologically probed for the expression of muscle-specific proteins, such as myosin heavy chain and the tropomyosins, as well as for the nuclear lamina protein, lamin A. As determined by quantitative immunoblotting, the expression of lamin A and the muscle-specific proteins were at low levels or absent in predifferentiation myoblasts both in vitro and in ovo. During differentiation, an increase of lamin A expression preceded the induction to high levels of expression of muscle-specific proteins. Immunofluorescence staining of chicken embryonic muscle cells in culture also indicates an accumulation of lamin A before the induction of muscle-specific proteins expression. Furthermore, the accumulation of lamin A reached a plateau before the muscle-specific proteins during muscle development. In two dimensional NEPHGE gel analysis of immunoprecipitated lamin A, no detectable change in the ratio of the acidic/basic isoelectric variants of lamin A was observed during myogenesis. A potential role for lamin A in the mechanisms which underlie the differential and coordinate expression of muscle-specific genes is proposed.  相似文献   

The occurrence of distinct (2'-5')(A)n-synthetase activities has recently been documented in cytoplasmic and nuclear extracts of several interferon (IFN)-treated cell lines. Since a role has been proposed for (2'-5')(A)n synthetase in the control of cell growth and differentiation, we examined the subcellular distribution of (2'-5')(A)n-synthetase activity both in IFN-treated undifferentiated Friend leukemia cells (FLCs) and during dimethyl-sulfoxide (DMSO)-induced erythroid differentiation of FLCs. Both the nuclear and cytoplasmic (2'-5')(A)n activities were modulated to the same extent by IFNs and DMSO. No evidence for a causal relationship between enzyme activation and FLC differentiation was found.  相似文献   

By using affinity-purified antibodies to H10 and to H1AB the localization of these histones was studied by indirect immunofluorescence in the nuclei of proliferating (EAT and uninduced Friend cells) and of differentiating (induced Friend cells) cell populations. While with H1AB antibodies a bright fluorescence all over the chromatin was obtained, the localization of H10 varied depending on the state of the cell population. In the proliferating EAT cells it was localized strictly in the nucleoli. The Friend cell population revealed a heterogeneous picture with two types of H10 localization-nucleolar predominating in uninduced cell populations and peripheral predominating in induced cells. A comparison with literature data suggests that H10 seems to be associated with chromatin regions containing active genes.  相似文献   

We have earlier reported changes in the GTP binding of several membrane proteins including Gs alpha and Gi alpha during thymic differentiation of T cells. Using an [alpha-32P]GTP-photoaffinity labeling technique we have studied the pattern of GTP binding proteins in activated and resting T lymphocytes and in T cells induced to differentiate by TPA. The GTP binding proteins in mitogen-activated T cells resembled those seen in leukemia T cell lines. Treatment of Jurkat, but not of CCRF-CEM, T cells with TPA caused increased GTP-labeling of a 34 kDa protein and Gi alpha. The GTP labeling pattern in TPA-treated Jurkat cells resembled that in resting T lymphocytes. TPA induced de novo expression of functional TCR/CD3 on CCRF-CEM and downregulation of TCR/CD3 on Jurkat cells but these changes did not correlate with the altered GTP-labeling patterns.  相似文献   

In mouse erythroleukemia cells (MELC) a lipophilic protein of apparent M. W. 9.5 kdaltons increases during differentiation. This increase is due either to an increase of biosynthesis or to a structural alteration impairing the capacity of the protein to form polymers of apparent high M.W. or favoring its extractability. The increase is related to differentiation and precedes hemoglobin synthesis by at least 1 day. It is not related cells (TFA-11) in which dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) causes an increase in virus production. As it occurs in cells treated with 4 different inducers, and as the increase is less marked when antagonists of the inducers are also present, it is unlikely that the increase of the 9.5 Kdalton protein is due to an effect of the inducers unrelated to differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary Data from cytological and biochemical analyses are presented on the behaviour of nuclear DNA during the differentiation ofVicia faba root cells. From the terminal 10.5 mm of the root, three segments were dissected by cutting transversely the root at 0.5 (segments I, meristematic cells), 4.5 (segment II, both meristematic and differentiating cells) and 10.5 mm (segment III, differentiating and/or differentiated cells) from the tip. Cytophotometric determinations of Feulgen absorptions in cell nuclei of the three root segments, carried out in preparations subjected to hydrolysis curve, revealed a lesser amount of nuclear DNA in differentiating cells when compared to the meristematic ones. Analyses of the reassociation kinetics of the DNAs extracted separately from the three root segments showed differences in the frequency of highly repeated sequences, which amount to 11.0, 8.6, and 7.5% of the total DNA in segments I, II, and III, respectively. Density gradient centrifugations in CsCl revealed a lighter satellite in the DNAs from segments I and II (ca. 5.4 and 3.8% of the total DNA, respectively) and no satellite in the DNA from segment III. It is suggested that underrepresentation of repeated DNA sequences occurs in differentiating cells and is a determining factor of the discharge of a cell from the mitotic activity.  相似文献   

The synthesis, accumulation, and cellular distribution of cathepsins E and D during the dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)-induced differentiation of Friend erythroleukemia cells were investigated. The cellular levels of cathepsins E and D rapidly increased within 1 day of DMSO induction and then sharply decreased over the next 7 days. Since the cells during 1 day of differentiation were morphologically the same as uninduced cells, the results suggest the importance of these enzymes in more cellular proteolysis for the following committed differentiation. While cathepsin D was present mostly in the sedimentable fraction of cells throughout the differentiation period, the distribution of cathepsin E varied to the stage of differentiation. The ratio of the soluble/sedimentable cathepsin E content was 1.1, 1.4, 0.9, and 0.7 in cells after 0, 1, 4, and 7 days of DMSO treatment, respectively. The maturation of reticulocytes to erythrocytes was accompanied by complete loss of the soluble cathepsin E and of all of the cellular cathepsin D. Immunoblotting analyses revealed that both uninduced and induced cells contained two forms of cathepsin E; a high molecular weight form (82 kDa) which was mainly associated with the sedimentable fraction and a low molecular weight form (74 kDa) which was found largely in the soluble fraction. The distribution of these two forms was not significantly changed throughout the differentiation period, but the 74-kDa protein was completely eliminated with maturation of reticulocytes to erythrocytes. Cathepsin D also appeared in two forms in both uninduced and induced cells; a minor (46 kDa) and a major (42 kDa) form which appear to have a precursor-product relationship.  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of cyclic AMP elicit only minor reductions in growth rate and saturation density in undifferentiated Friend erythroleukemic cells. During the course of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)-induced differentiation, Friend cells convert from a cyclic AMP-tolerant state to a phenotype characterized by a high degree of sensitivity to cyclic AMP-mediated growth arrest. Conversion to cyclic AMP sensitivity is detectable after 30 hours growth in medium containing 2% DMSO, and either 0.5 mM 8-Br-cyclic AMP or 5 nM cholera toxin. Cultures of differentiating Friend cells achieved a stationary phase density that was approximately 8-fold higher than the cell density observed in parallel, differentiating cultures treated with 0.5 mM 8-Br-cyclic AMP. Temporally, the appearance of cyclic AMP-sensitivity corresponds to the early expression of in vitro erythroid differentiation (Ross et al., '74), but growth arrest does not alter the subsequent accumulation of hemoglobin in non-dividing DMSO-induced cells. Since growth arrest is preceded by a round of cell division, these observations are consistent with the concept that DMSO must be present during DNA replication for the subsequent expression of hemoglobin synthesis (McClintock and Papaconstantinou, '74; Levy et al., '75; Harrison, '76).  相似文献   

Human Ishikawa endometrial cells form domes when confluent monolayers are stimulated with fresh fetal bovine serum. Extensive structural and biochemical changes have been detected during the approximately 30 h differentiation period. The earliest detectable change involves the formation of multinucleated structures and the appearance of “granules” that stain for biotin within those structures. Nuclei become associated with each other and are ultimately enclosed within a biotin-containing membrane. Aggregated membrane-sheathed nuclei and the cells containing them begin to elevate from the dish as biotin staining becomes apparent in apical membranes. The elevated structures are called predomes and consist of one or more very large cells containing the sheathed nuclei. Apical membranes of these unusual cells extend far out into the medium in structures that resemble endometrial pinopods. A lumen under the elevated cells fills with transcytosed fluid. As differentiation proceeds, highly concentrated chromatin material that was flattened against apical and lateral membranes of the predome cells begins to disperse. Small mononuclear cells evolve from larger predome cells. Apical membranes of predome and dome cells continue to stain for biotin. Gel electrophoresis of SDS-solubilized biotin-containing membranes, followed by Western blot analysis using avidin-linked peroxidase, resulted in three stained bands with molecular weights similar to those of the mitochondrial carboxylases: propionyl carboxylase, methylmalonyl carboxylase, and pyruvate carboxylase. J. Cell. Biochem. 71:400–415, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

When Friend virus-induced leukemic cell lines were injected into irradiated hosts after the second radiation dose, the colony-forming unit (CFU) in the recipient spleens per 104 cells was found to be 7-fold higher than the CFU obtained when the second radiation dose had been given shortly after the inoculation of the cells. Serial passage of the cells from the spleen colonies to irradiated hosts resulted in a marked increase of the CFU value, indicating that this cell population was capable of both self-replication and erythroid differentiation. The “f” fraction, which indicates the percentage of the inoculated cells that reach the spleen in the irradiated recipients, was found to be approximately 15%. If the highest CFU value obtained from serial colony-to-colony passages is corrected by this factor, a final cloning efficiency of about 18% is demonstrated. Neither induced plethora nor the administration of erythropoietin (1 u/mouse/for 2 days) appeared to affect the spleen colony-forming ability of the leukemic cells. Erythroid differentiation is not detectable in the transplantable subcutaneous tumors which were used to initiate the tissue culture lines and which also are capable of inducing erythroid spleen clones in irradiated recipients. This lends support to the theory of the influence of “microenvironmental factors” on the fate of stem cells with potential for differentiation.  相似文献   

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