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Colorimetric determination of catechol siderophores in microbial cultures   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A highly sensitive spectrophotometric method for the selective detection of catechol compounds such as catechol siderophores (e.g., enterobactin) is described. The basis of the method involves the ability of the vicinal aromatic hydroxyl groups under acidic conditions to bring about a reduction of Fe3+ (from ferric ammonium citrate) to Fe2+. Detection of Fe2+ in the presence of Fe3+ is made with 1,10-phenanthroline under previously established conditions. The assay mixture is heated at 60 degrees C for 1 h to accelerate the development of color which is subsequently measured at 510 nm. The Beer-Lambert law is obeyed over the range of 0.16 to 60 microM 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid. Compared to the Arnow nitration method, the assay is more responsive, is approximately seven times more sensitive, and is effective with catechols substituted at positions 3 and 4. The method gives positive results with catechols such as DL-DOPA, L-dopamine, (+/-)-epinephrine, and DL-norepinephrine. Very rapid color development is obtained with ascorbic acid and p-diols, while m-diols are poorly detected. Low degrees of reactivity are shown by hydroxylamino and hydroxamate compounds. Phenolic, sulfydryl, indolyl, and quinonyl derivatives do not interfere with the reaction. The method has been adapted to determine catechol compounds in the culture medium of bacterial cells grown at different iron concentrations.  相似文献   

The treatment of frog skins (in vitro) and frogs (in vivo) with melanotropins that have been heated briefly in aqueous alkali resulted in prolonged skin darkening. It has been postulated that this increase in melanotropic activity is related to the partial racemization of amino acid residues of the melanotropins. Quantitative determination of the extent of racemization of eight amino acids (Val, Pro, Met, Phe, Glu, Asp, Nle, Ser) present in α-melanotropin (α-MSH), [4-norleucine]-α-MSH, βporcine-melanotropin (βp-MSH), and [7-norleucine]-βp-MSH after brief heat-alkali treatment, was accomplished using a high-resolution gas chromatographic technique. Phenylalanine-7 in α-MSH and [4-norleucine]-α-MSH and phenylalanine-10 in βp-MSH and [7-norleucine]-βp-MSH were found to be partially racemized to a greater extent than expected. Other amino acid residues were also racemized to unexpected degrees. The subsequent synthesis of an α-MSH analog containing d-phenylalanine-7, [4-norleucine, 7-d-phenylalanine]-α-MSH, resulted in a highly potent melanotropin with ultralong biological activity, as determined by frog skin bioassay, stimulation of mouse melanoma cell tyrosinase activity, and activation of mouse melanoma adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

Microsomal NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase has been purified from bovine liver by an improved procedure which employs affinity chromatography on ADP-agarose in combination with anion exchange chromatography. The reductase was extracted from a 105,000 × g microsomal pellet with Triton X-100. The overall purification from isolated microsomes was 98-fold and the yield was 10%. The preparation was nearly homogeneous on SDS-PAGE. This procedure requires less time and effort than previously described procedures. Partially purified cytochrome b5 is also obtained.  相似文献   

Incubation of [14C]-ring labeled hexamethylmelamine and pentamethylmelamine with rat and mouse liver microsomal preparations results in metabolic activation of both drugs as measured by covalent binding of radiolabel to acid-precipitable microsomal macromolecules. Covalent binding is dependent on viable microsomes, NADPH, and molecular oxygen. Binding of HMM (280 pmol/mg protein/15 min) was approximately 5 times greater than that observed for PMM (60 pmol/mg protein/15 min), and represents 0.22% of incubated material. Similar results were found with [14C]-methyl labeled substrates. Pretreatment with phenobarbital increased covalent binding while addition of SKF 525-A, addition of glutathione, or incubation in an 80% carbon monoxide atmosphere reduced covalent binding.  相似文献   

The incubation of [5,6-3H]prostaglandin E1 ([3H]PGE1) with guinea pig kidney cortex microsomes in the presence of NADPH in an atmosphere of air, resulted in chromatographically polar metabolites. The incubation products were treated with base which converted PGE1 derivatives into PGB1 derivatives, with a λmax = 278 nm and the products were analyzed by TLC and high pressure-liquid chromatography (HPLC). Based on UV absorption, mobility on TLC and retention time in HPLC, as compared with authentic compounds, it was concluded that the two polar UV-absorbing peaks in HPLC represented 19-hydroxy-PGB1 (19-OH-PGB1) and 20-hydroxy-PGB1 (20-OH-PGB1). Further identification of the metabolites was obtained by derivatizing the incubation products as methyl esters and t-butyldimethylsilyl ethers, followed by co-injection with similarly derivatized authentic compounds in HPLC and gas chromatography. Finally, the derivatized metabolites were identified by comparing their mass fragmentation with that of similarly derivatized authentic compounds. There was an absolute requirement for NADPH, and NADH did not significantly support the hydroxylation of PGE1. Inhibitors of microsomal monooxygenase (SKF 525A, metyrapone, and cytochrome c) inhibited the hydroxylation of PGE1 by kidney cortex microsomes. By contrast, carbon monoxide at a CO:O2 ratio of 5:1 did not inhibit the hydroxylation of PGE1, pointing to a low or lack of CO sensitivity of the hydroxylation of PGE1. The addition of PGE1 or laurate to guinea pig kidney cortex microsomes elicited Type I spectral changes. The spectral dissociation constant (Ks) for PGE1 was 2.4 × 10?4m. The kinetic constants for 19- and 20-hydroxylations of PGE1 were determined. The KM values for the 19- and 20-hydroxylation pathways were found to be identical, being 3.3 × 10?4m, suggesting that the same enzyme is involved in both hydroxylations; however, the Vmax values for 19-hydroxylation and 20-hydroxylation of PGE1 were 50 nmol/hr and 20.8 nmol/hr respectively. These results demonstrate that PGE1 is a substrate for the kidney cortex microsomal monooxygenase. The similarities and differences of the kidney monooxygenase in the guinea pig with that in the rat are discussed.  相似文献   

The reaction of excess p-mercurybenzoate with human hemoglobin produces five electrophoretic species on polyacrylamide gel. Only two of these bands have been previously observed when starch gel was employed. The chemical and electrophoretic studies presented in this paper illustrate that the appearance of an “extra” band in the β zone is due to the ability of PAGE to separate the βb2PMB ? βPMB equilibrium to its discrete components. The remaining bands are accounted for by the superior resolution of PAGE over starch gel electrophoresis which allowed the detection of two (αβ)PMB dimer species.  相似文献   

Cyclophosphamide (CP) metabolites, acrolein and 4-hydroxy-CP, were found to denature rat liver microsomal cytochrome P-450, whereas another metabolite, phosphoramide mustard, CP perse or its analog Ifosfamide had no effect. The denaturation produced by CP metabolites could be blocked by cysteine, suggesting an interaction between CP metabolite(s) and sulfhydryl groups in cysteine and probably in cytochrome P-450. These studies might explain the biochemical basis of the specific depression of various microsomal mixed function oxygenase activities produced by high doses of CP.  相似文献   

The determination of purine levels in human and mouse plasma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Variable levels of acetic anhydride have been recommended for addition to one of two reagents used in the glyoxylic acid method for the determination of tryptophan. For use of this reagent immediately after preparation it was shown that a minimum of 16% (v/v) of acetic anhydride should be included in the formulation to obtain near-maximum sensitivity. It was further demonstrated that reagent formulations with and without acetic anhydride changed with exposure to light. The observed changes are manifest as changes in the relative sensitivities of the assay. Several modifications are recommended to improve the sensitivity and stability of the acetic anhydride-containing reagent in this assay.  相似文献   

A new method for the simple analysis of methylated amino acids based on autoradiography is introduced. With this technique a survey of protein methylation in a prokaryote, Escherichia coli, and a eukaryote, fibroblasts in culture, was carried out in an attempt to identify, quantitate, and determine the subcellular localization of all the methylated amino acids found in the proteins of these organisms.In mammalian cells using an established mouse fibroblast line (3T3), we have found that nuclei-free and mitochondria-free cytoplasm contain readily detectable amounts of four identifiable methylated amino acids: N?,N?-dimethyllysine, N?,N?,N?-trimethyllysine, NG,NG-dimethylarginine (or NG-methylarginine), and NG,N′G-dimethylarginine. The crude nuclear pellet also contains these methylated amino acids, but in addition contains N?-methyllysine and a new as yet unidentified methylated compound. Histones purified from these nuclei contain essentially the same array of methylated compounds.The ribosomal subunits of the mammalian cells contained only small amounts of the methylated amino acids; the 40S subunit contained a substantial amount of just one, NG,NG-dimethylarginine (or NG-methylarginine), and smaller amounts of NG,N′G-dimethylarginine, and an as yet unidentified methylated compound. The 60S subunit contained even smaller amounts of methylated amino acids, 50% of which was N?,N?,N?-trimethyllysine and smaller amounts of N?-methyllysine, N?,N?-dimethyllysine, and NG,NG-dimethylarginine. These subunits also contained an as yet unidentified methylated compoundThese results were in marked contrast to those that we obtained with the prokaryote, Escherichia coli. Only the proteins of the 50S ribosomal subunit of the bacteria contained methylated amino acids. Of those present 50% was N?,N?,N?-trimethyllysine, with the remainder distributed about equally between N?-methyllysine and three unknowns, one of which is apparently the same as that found in the 60S subunit of the mouse fibroblasts. All of the N?-methyllysine was apparently in the small acidic proteins, L7 and L12.  相似文献   

The major membrane polar lipid components in Halobacterium cutirubrum are the diphytanyl ether analogues of phosphatidylglycerol phosphate, glycolipid sulfate, phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerol sulfate. Dispersions of total polar lipids in water formed large birefringent liposomes showing concentric lipid bilayers in the elctron microscope; they behaved as ideal osmometers in KCl or NaCl solutions in the concentration range 0.005–0.2 M. At concentrations above 0.2 M KCl the liposomes shrank to spherical particles which were much less birefringent, showed no distinct bilayer structures by electron microscopy, and no longer behaved as ideal osmometers. Dispersions of phosphatidylglycerol phosphate, phosphatidylglycerol or phosphatidylglycerol sulfate alone did not behave as osmometers at any concentration of KCl or NaCl, but glycolipid sulfate alone or mixed with phosphatidylglycerol phosphate or phosphatidylglycerol phosphate + phosphatidylglycerol sulfate showed ideal osmometer behavior in 0.005–0.2 M KCl or NaCl. The highly negatively charged total polar lipids of H. cutirubrum thus can form stable lipid bilayers only at low ionic concentrations (0.005–0.2 M), much lower than the salt concentration (4 M) of the growth medium, and the presence of glycolipid sulfate is essential. Stability of the membrane in 4 M salt appears to require direct participation of the protein components.  相似文献   

A rapid, reliable sedimentation centrifugation technique has been developed to measure the molecular weights of rather large glyoxalated RNAs. A distinctive feature of this method is that the glyoxalated RNAs can be analyzed in sucrose gradients containing no denaturant. This feature allowed us to compute the sedimentation coefficients of glyoxalated RNAs by a comparison with those of native, untreated RNA markers. These values then were used to obtain accurate molecular weight estimates by applying the linear log-log relation between the molecular weight of an RNA and its sedimentation coefficient.  相似文献   

Lowry determination of protein in the presence of Triton X-100.   总被引:66,自引:0,他引:66  
The Lowry procedure has been modified for use in the presence of Triton X-100 (TX-100) by the addition of 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate. The method is applicable to samples containing 40–120 μg protein.  相似文献   

Myoglobin is extracted from muscle and separated from blood hemoglobin by subunit-exchange chromatography on a column of Sepharose 4B to which hemoglobin α-β subunits are linked covalently. Hemoglobin is retained on the column. Myoglobin in the effluent is determined spectrophotometrically as ferrous myoglobin or as carbon monoxide ferrous myoglobin. The method is applicable to cardiac, smooth, or skeletal muscle from mammals, reptiles, birds, and teleost fish, but failed with the one amphibian and the one shark tested.  相似文献   

Four subunits of the acetylcholine receptor molecule, obtained from the electric organ of Torpedo ocellata, have been isolated using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and assayed by titration with a fluorescent lanthanide, terbium, and by affinity-labeling with p-(N-maleimido)benzyl [trimethyl-3H] ammonium iodide. The site with which the activator-analogue affinity label reacts, as well as the terbium-binding sites, are mainly associated with the smallest of the subunits of an apparent molecular weight of 40,000. Calcium competes with terbium for these binding sites. The affinity for terbium is the same in the intact molecule as in the subunit (KTb ? 19 ± 1 μM), but the affinity for calcium decreases by a factor of 4 (KCa ? 4 mM) in the subunit. Hydrolysis of the receptor, catalyzed by trypsin and chymotrypsin, to peptides with an apparent molecular weight of 8000 or less, does not affect the terbium-binding sites. These experiments indicate that the binding sites for neural activators and for calcium are associated with the same subunit, and that the terbium- and calcium-binding sites reflect structural properties of the polypeptide chain rather than the three-dimensional structure of the protein.  相似文献   

Improved resolution of complex brain ganglioside mixtures was achieved by high-performance thin-layer chromatography. The percentage distribution of individual gangliosides was then determined by direct densitometric seanning, employing a transmittance mode, of the resorcinol-positive spots on the plate. As little as 90 pmol (29 ng) of lipid-bound sialic acid could be detected with a good signal-to-noise ratio. A linear detector response was observed up to 3.0 μg of lipid-bound sialic acid. The brain white matter ganglioside patterns of eight animal species, including human, chimpanzee, monkey, chicken, bovine, sheep, and pig, were examined in detail. In addition, human brain gray matter, rat cerebral, rat brain gray matter, and rat cerebellar ganglioside patterns were also studied. Ganglioside GM4 (G7) was found to be one of the major components in primate and chicken brain white matter, but it represented only a minor ganglioside in other species. Other major gangliosides in all brain samples studied were GM1, GD1a, GD1b, and GT1b. GM1 was more abundant in white matter than in gray matter. GT1a, a recently discovered ganglioside species, was found in all species examined, but was most abundant in the rat cerebellum. The latter source also contained high proportions of GT1b and GQ1b.  相似文献   

The interaction of spermine with salmon sperm DNA was studied by X-ray diffraction methods. In the fibers of the complex, DNA was in the B-configuration with ten nucleotide pairs per turn (34 Å) of the helix at 92% or higher relative humidity, while, at 75% and lower relative humidity, it was at least partly in the A-configuration, which was not observed in a similar experiment by Suwalsky et al. (1969) with calf thymus DNA. The A to B transition of the complex fibers was reversible.  相似文献   

A rapid and sensitive high-pressure liquid chromatographic method for determination of methotrexate and its metabolites 7-hydroxymethotrexate and 2,4-diamino-N10-methylpteroic acid has been developed. The assay is based on isocratic reversed-phase chromatography with siliceous microparticulate Spherisorb (5 μm, ODS, 15 × 0.4 cm i.d.) as stationary phase and a ternary solvent mixture of citrate-phosphate (0.05 m, pH 3.2)/methanol/tetrahydrofurane (80:16:4, v/v) as eluant. A precolumn of Perisorb (RP2, 30–40 μm, 3 × 0.4 cm i.d.) reasonably protects the analytical column against deterioration by the components of plasma or other biological fluids. Since the samples of plasma, urine, or cerebrospinal fluid are directly injected into the chromatographic system, the method is very rapid. Within 8 min as little as 50 ng of methotrexate and its metabolites per milliliter (10?7m) can be measured with a precision better than 7%. Structural analogs of methotrexate do not interfere with the determination. There is a good correlation with the results of other methods, e.g., enzyme immunoassay or radioimmunoassay. The applicability for clinical monitoring in patient's plasma and urine is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The specific and irreversible reaction of a snake neurotoxin, α-bungarotoxin, with the acetylcholine receptor of electroplax membrane preparations from Electrophorus electricus proceeds by an initial fast phase followed by a slower one. The fraction of the reaction in the fast phase increases with increasing initial toxin concentrations, while the fraction going slowly decreases correspondingly. Both phases are affected by compounds which initiate or inhibit nerve impulse transmissions. The time course of the reaction can be fitted to the sum of two exponentials. The dependence on initial toxin concentration of the two exponentials, and of the fraction of reaction governed by the exponentials, can be fitted to a minimum reaction mechanism which involves at least two types of toxin binding sites with different dissociation constants and ligand-induced conversion of one type of site into the other. The mechanism is consistent with our previous data which showed that activators and inhibitors of membrane electrical potential changes occupy separate sites, only half of which interact. This type of mechanism has been seen in a number of allosteric regulatory enzymes.  相似文献   

A simple model for ferrous cytochrome P-450 has been investigated by proton and carbon-13 Fourier transform NMR. In the proton spectrum of the β-phenethyl mercaptan-protoheme-CO complex, the protons α and β to mercaptide sulfur are observed 2.62 and 0.62 ppm upfield of tetramethylsilane. The 13CO spectra show characteristic shifts at 204.7 and 197.0 δ for neutral and deprotonated mercaptan complexes, respectively.  相似文献   

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