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Although habitat selection has been studied in a variety of snake taxa, little is known about habitat selection in aquatic snake species. Additionally, due to their small size and secretive nature, juvenile snakes are seldom included in habitat selection studies. The Eastern cottonmouth Agkistrodon piscivorus is a semi-aquatic pit viper known to use ambush, sit-and-wait foraging strategies. Ambush hunters are likely to select habitats that increase opportunity for successful prey capture while minimizing predation risk and maintaining appropriate thermal and hydric conditions. We characterized the foraging strategy and microhabitat use of cottonmouths at Ellenton Bay, an isolated Carolina bay freshwater wetland on the Savannah River Site in SC, USA. We measured habitat characteristics of 55 ambush sites used by 51 individual cottonmouths located during nighttime visual surveys, as well as 225 randomly selected sites within our search area. Cottonmouths exhibited an ontogenetic shift in foraging strategy with juveniles using predominately ambush foraging around the edge of the wetland while adults were most often encountered actively moving within the wetland. Principal components analysis revealed that juveniles selected foraging microhabitats that were different from random and consisted of mud substrate with sparse vegetation, whereas adults occupied a greater variety of microhabitats that did not differ from random. Concomitantly, free-ranging cottonmouths exhibited ontogenetic shifts in diet: juveniles consumed mostly salamanders, while adults ate a greater variety of prey including other snakes and birds. Our results highlight the importance of understanding how ontogenetic changes in coloration, diet and predation risk influence foraging strategy and microhabitat selection in snakes.  相似文献   

The flux of materials across ecosystem boundaries has significant effects on recipient systems. Because of edge effects, seasonal wetlands in upland forest are good systems to explore these linkages. The purpose of this study was to examine flux of coarse particulate organic matter as litter fall into seasonal wetlands in Minnesota, and the relationship of this flux to development of mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti). We hypothesized that litter flux into seasonal wetlands was dominated by upland plant litter that was lower quality and slower to breakdown than wetland litter, and that development rate of mosquitoes reared on upland litter was less than those reared on wetland litter. Of total litter fall into the wetlands, 71% originated in upland forest. Carbon to nitrogen ratios differed between upland litter (mostly sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) leaves) and wetland litter (mostly black ash (Fraxinus nirgra) leaves), averaging 63.9 and 47.7, respectively over two years. Breakdown rate of black ash leaves was faster than upland leaves (k (day−1) = 0.00329 and 0.00156, respectively), based on the average between wetland margins and centers. Development of mosquito larvae fed black ash leaves was faster than larvae fed upland leaves. Our results demonstrate linkages between upland forests and seasonal wetlands through litter fall. The abundance of upland litter in the wetlands may influence litter breakdown and carbon assimilation by invertebrates. Wetlands receiving high amounts of upland versus wetland litter may be lower quality habitats for invertebrates that depend on detrital pools for their development.  相似文献   

Wetlands provide numerous ecosystem services, and ericaceous plants are important components of these habitats. However, the ecology of fungi associated with ericaceous roots in these habitats is poorly known. To investigate fungi associated with ericaceous roots in wetlands, ericoid mycorrhizal colonization was quantified, and fungal communities were characterized on the roots of Gaultheria hispidula and Kalmia angustifolia along two upland – forested wetland transects in spring and fall. Ericoid mycorrhizal colonization was significantly higher in the wetlands for both plant species. Both upland and wetland habitats supported distinct assemblages of ericaceous root associated fungi including habitat specific members of the genus Serendipita. Habitat was a stronger driver of ericoid mycorrhizal colonization and ericaceous root associated community composition than host or sampling season, with differences related to soil water content, soil nutrient content, or both. Our results indicate that ericaceous plant roots in forested wetlands are heavily colonized by habitat specific symbionts.  相似文献   

The prevalence of major habitat shifts in tropical fishes between juvenile and adult stages (ontogenetic shifts) in one of the northernmost coral reefs in the world (Kudaka Island, Japan) is given. The comparative analysis of spatial distribution of juveniles v . adults highlighted four ontogenetic patterns: no change in habitat use between juveniles and adults (five species), a decrease in the number of habitats used by adults compared to juveniles (three species), an increase in the number of habitats used during the adult stage (four species) and use of nursery areas by juveniles followed by extensive movements to different adult habitats (three species). The comparative analysis of fish distribution over time ( i.e. during three consecutive settlement months) showed that 84% of species had temporal consistency in ontogenetic patterns of habitat use.  相似文献   

To fully comprehend chytridiomycosis, the amphibian disease caused by the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), it is essential to understand how Bd affects amphibians throughout their remarkable range of life histories. Crawfish Frogs (Lithobates areolatus) are a typical North American pond-breeding species that forms explosive spring breeding aggregations in seasonal and semipermanent wetlands. But unlike most species, when not breeding Crawfish Frogs usually live singly--in nearly total isolation from conspecifics--and obligately in burrows dug by crayfish. Crayfish burrows penetrate the water table, and therefore offer Crawfish Frogs a second, permanent aquatic habitat when not breeding. Over the course of two years we sampled for the presence of Bd in Crawfish Frog adults. Sampling was conducted seasonally, as animals moved from post-winter emergence through breeding migrations, then back into upland burrow habitats. During our study, 53% of Crawfish Frog breeding adults tested positive for Bd in at least one sample; 27% entered breeding wetlands Bd positive; 46% exited wetlands Bd positive. Five emigrating Crawfish Frogs (12%) developed chytridiomycosis and died. In contrast, all 25 adult frogs sampled while occupying upland crayfish burrows during the summer tested Bd negative. One percent of postmetamorphic juveniles sampled were Bd positive. Zoospore equivalents/swab ranged from 0.8 to 24,436; five out of eight frogs with zoospore equivalents near or >10,000 are known to have died. In summary, Bd infection rates in Crawfish Frog populations ratchet up from near zero during the summer to over 25% following overwintering; rates then nearly double again during and just after breeding--when mortality occurs--before the infection wanes during the summer. Bd-negative postmetamorphic juveniles may not be exposed again to this pathogen until they take up residence in crayfish burrows, or until their first breeding, some years later.  相似文献   

Numbers of successfully metamorphosing juvenile amphibians were tabulated at three wetlands in South Carolina, U.S.A. using terrestrial drift fences with pitfall traps. A relatively undisturbed Carolina bay was studied for eight years, a partially drained Carolina bay for four years, and a man-made borrow pit for three years. Annual production of juveniles at the undisturbed Carolina bay ranged from zero to 75,644 individuals of 15 species. Fewer individuals of fewer species typically metamorphosed at the borrow pit than at the undisturbed bay, with the least numbers at the partially drained Carolina bay. Both total number and species diversity of metamorphosing juveniles at each site each year showed a strong positive correlation with hydroperiod, i.e., the number of days a site contained standing water that year. Data for one common anuran species and the most common salamander species were analyzed separately by multiple regression, in addition to the community analyses. For the mole salamander, Ambystoma talpoideum, hydroperiod was a significant predictor of the number of metamorphosing juveniles, but the number of breeding females was not. For the ornate chorus frog, Pseudacris ornata, the number of breeding females was a significant predictor of the number of metamorphosing juveniles, but hydroperiod was not. Variation in the dates of wetland filling and drying interacts with other factors to determine amphibian community structure and diversity. Either increasing or decreasing the number of days a wetland holds water could increase or decrease the number and species diversity of amphibians in and around a wetland.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic shifts in habitat use are widespread, especially in ectothermic taxa in which juveniles may be an order of magnitude smaller than large adult conspecifics. The factors that generate such habitat shifts are generally obscure, but we studied an unusual system that allowed us to compare consequences of habitat selection between adults and juveniles. Pit‐vipers (Gloydius shedaoensis) on a small island in north‐eastern China feed almost entirely on seasonally migrating birds. During the spring bird‐migration period, individual snakes consistently re‐used either arboreal or terrestrial ambush sites. Snakes in trees were smaller (and more philopatric) than snakes on the ground. This ontogenetic shift in habitat use may reflect the difficulty of capturing birds on the ground, especially by small snakes. In laboratory trials, large (adult) pit‐vipers struck faster, further and more accurately than did small (juvenile) snakes. In experiments with free‐ranging snakes, the proportion of strikes hitting the bird was lower for juveniles than for adults, and lower for terrestrial snakes than for arboreal snakes. Additionally, adult snakes generally seized the bird by the head whereas juveniles frequently struck the body or wings (and thus, obtained a less secure grip). Arboreal ambush sites may facilitate prey capture not only because they give access to smaller birds but also because they render the bird's location more predictable and, hence, enable the snake to position itself optimally prior to the prey's arrival. Because juvenile pit‐vipers are less capable strikers, and are small relative to available prey items, they may benefit from the greater ease of prey capture from branches. Thus, the ontogenetic shift in habitat selection within this species may be because of ontogenetic shifts in the vipers’ ability to capture and ingest large, mobile prey.  相似文献   

Climatic conditions, diapause and migration in a troglophile caddisfly   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Factors explaining the end of diapause include environmental conditions such as daily photoperiod, temperature and humidity. However, because all these factors are almost constant inside deep caves, they would hardly affect diapause termination in many animal taxa that use such habitats in which to aestivate or hibernate (such as bats and some insects, snakes or frogs).
2. An innate biological signal, based on body reserves (mass), could determine the end of diapause in cave-dwelling animals. Another possibility is that the diapausing animals may use as a stimulus convective air circulation, produced by a fall in temperature outside the cave to a value below that inside (i.e. temperature inversions). Here, we explored these two non-exclusive hypotheses explaining the end of diapause and the start of migration in the caddis Mesophylax aspersus . This species aestivates as an adult in caves, as a physiological adaptation to seasonal drought and stream drying.
3. The variation in body mass of individuals entering and leaving the cave was similar, suggesting no role for the 'reserve level' hypothesis in breaking diapause. However, the onset of a temperature inversion in autumn coincided with the breaking of diapause followed after a few days by the migration of the caddisflies.
4. We conclude that the seasonal air currents, produced by thermal inversions, could be the migration stimulus for caddisflies and many other animals that spend a period of diapause in caves.  相似文献   

Though often overlooked, small wetlands in an upland matrix can support diverse plant communities that increase both local and regional species richness. Here we characterize the full range of wetland vegetation within an upland forest landscape and compare the diversity and composition of different wetland plant communities. In an old-growth forest reserve in southern Quebec, Canada, we sampled wet habitats including lakeshores, permanent and seasonal ponds, swamps, glades, and streamsides. We used clustering, indicator species analysis, and nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination to identify and compare vegetation types. The wetlands contained 280 species of vascular plants, 45% of the reserve's flora, in only 1.1% of its area. Local diversity averaged 24 ± 0.7 species per 7 m(2), much higher than in the surrounding upland forests. Plant communities sorted into five types, whose strongest indicator species were Osmunda regalis, Glyceria striata, O. cinnamomea, Deparia acrostichoides, and Matteuccia struthiopteris, respectively. Both local species richness and compositional variation among sites differed among the vegetation types. By combining species representative of the region's major wetlands with species from the upland forest matrix, the plant assemblages of these wetlands make disproportionately important contributions to landscape-level diversity.  相似文献   

We evaluate the influences of elevation and climate on the spatio-temporal distribution of wetland and dryland biomes during the Pennsylvanian and early Permian in tropical Pangea. The longstanding “upland model” places drought-tolerant vegetation in elevated habitats, where slope and drainage created moisture-limited substrates under a humid climate that simultaneously promoted peat accumulation in contemporaneous lowlands. Upland plants were periodically transported to, and buried in, lowlands. Rare preservation of dryland vegetation thus reflects its general absence in basins, and taphonomic vagaries of long-distance transport. The alternative “climate model” proposes that drought-tolerant plants dominated tropical habitats when climate was seasonally dry, with wetland vegetation reduced to scattered refugia. Environmental changes attending glacial-interglacial cycles caused alternating wetter-drier conditions, and the relative abundance of wetland versus dryland biomes in basinal lowlands thus varied with climatic oscillations. The paucity of drought-tolerant plants reflects a preservational megabias against habitats with seasonal moisture deficits.The environmental signal of “mixed” plant-fossil assemblages, comprising taxa characteristic of both wetland and dryland biomes, may help resolve these debates. We review key Pennsylvanian and lower Permian mixed assemblages from tropical Euramerican Pangea, and interpret their original habitats and climatic contexts based on multidisciplinary lines of evidence, including sedimentology, taphonomy, physiology, and paleoecology. Evaluations also consider patterns of vegetational distribution and taphonomy in modern tropical environments. We suggest that even a cursory view of current tropical plant distribution exposes flaws in the upland model. Where tropical climate is sufficiently humid to support peat swamps, slopes and elevated habitats do not host drought-tolerant vegetation, but are occupied by plants similar to those in lowland settings. This occurs because equable, high precipitation strongly dampens water-table variation across entire landscapes. Furthermore, taphonomic studies indicate that most plant-fossil assemblages record vegetation living near the burial site. Fossil floras thus reflect environmental conditions near their growth site, excluding an upland origin for most occurrences of drought-tolerant taxa. Conversely, the climate model is consistent with modern tropical vegetational distribution and soundly explains late Paleozoic floristic patterns. When Pangean tropical lowlands experienced seasonally dry conditions, plants tolerant of moisture deficits dominated most habitats, whereas wetland vegetation was restricted to wetter sites with greater preservation potential. This occurred because topographic variations are magnified under seasonal precipitation regimes, creating a complex habitat mosaic with wetland patches in a landscape subject to seasonal drought. Accordingly, we propose that a macrofloral assemblage with even rare drought-tolerant taxa indicates seasonality in the broader landscape.At larger spatio-temporal scales, disagreement also persists about whether tectonic uplift or long-term climatic drying was the primary driver of changes in late Paleozoic floristic patterns and areal extent of tropical peat swamps. We argue that tectonic activity alone cannot explain the drastic reduction in peat swamps or coincident changes in dominance-diversity of wetland vegetation. Rates of plant dispersal and evolution far outpace that of mountain building, and peat-forming wetlands persisted in elevated habitats well into the Late Pennsylvanian. Therefore, progressive late Paleozoic aridification was the most probable driver of changing floral patterns and the distribution of wetland and dryland biomes in tropical Pangea.  相似文献   

In Oregon’s Willamette Valley, remaining wetlands are at high risk to loss and degradation from agricultural activity and urbanization. With an increased need for fine temporal-scale monitoring of sensitive wetlands, we used annual Landsat MSS and TM/ETM+ images from 1972 to 2012 to manually interpret loss, gain, and type conversion of wetland area in the floodplain of the Willamette River. By creating Tasseled Cap Brightness, Greenness, and Wetness indices for MSS data that visually match TM/ETM+ Tasseled Cap images, we were able to construct a complete and consistent, annual time series and utilize the entire Landsat archive. With an extended time series we were also able to compare annual trends of net change in wetland area before and after the no-net-loss policy established under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act in 1990 using a Theil-Sen Slope estimate analysis. Vegetated wetlands experienced a 314 ha net loss of wetland area and non-vegetated wetlands experienced a 393 ha net gain, indicating higher functioning wetlands were replaced in area by non-vegetated wetland habitats such as agricultural and quarry ponds. The majority of both gain and loss in the study area was attributed to gains and losses of agricultural land. After 1990 policy implementations, the rate of wetland area lost slowed for some wetland categories and reversed into trends of gain in wetland area for others, perhaps representative of the success of increased regulations. Overall accuracy of land use classification through manual interpretation was at 80 %. This accuracy increased to 91.1 % when land use classes were aggregated to either wetland or upland categories, indicating that our methodology was more accurate at distinguishing between general upland and wetland than finer categorical classes.  相似文献   

Identifying migration routes and fall stopover sites of Cinnamon Teal (Spatula cyanoptera septentrionalium) can provide a spatial guide to management and conservation efforts, and address vulnerabilities in wetland networks that support migratory waterbirds. Using high spatiotemporal resolution GPS‐GSM transmitters, we analyzed 61 fall migration tracks across western North America during our three‐year study (2017–2019). We marked Cinnamon Teal primarily during spring/summer in important breeding and molting regions across seven states (California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, and Nevada). We assessed fall migration routes and timing, detected 186 fall stopover sites, and identified specific North American ecoregions where sites were located. We classified underlying land cover for each stopover site and measured habitat selection for 12 land cover types within each ecoregion. Cinnamon Teal selected a variety of flooded habitats including natural, riparian, tidal, and managed wetlands; wet agriculture (including irrigation ditches, flooded fields, and stock ponds); wastewater sites; and golf and urban ponds. Wet agriculture was the most used habitat type (29.8% of stopover locations), and over 72% of stopover locations were on private land. Relatively scarce habitats such as wastewater ponds, tidal marsh, and golf and urban ponds were highly selected in specific ecoregions. In contrast, dry non‐habitat across all ecoregions, and dry agriculture in the Cold Deserts and Mediterranean California ecoregions, was consistently avoided. Resources used by Cinnamon Teal often reflected wetland availability across the west and emphasize their adaptability to dynamic resource conditions in arid landscapes. Our results provide much needed information on spatial and temporal resource use by Cinnamon Teal during migration and indicate important wetland habitats for migrating waterfowl in the western United States.  相似文献   

Widely distributed species often vary geographically in their ecology. Thus, results of studies done in one part of their range cannot necessarily be extrapolated readily to populations elsewhere. This problem is particularly important for threatened species whose ecology has been studied in a few disconnected locations. The Canadian toad Bufo ( Anaxyrus ) hemiophrys occupies a large geographic range in western North America, but most studies of its ecology have been done in the prairies, where the species is considered to be closely associated with aquatic habitats. However, B. hemiophrys also occurs in boreal forest, where it faces threats from logging activities, especially if it uses upland habitats far from ponds and lakes. We radio-tracked 29 toads in the boreal forest of northern Alberta, Canada to determine their patterns of movement and habitat use. Most movements between fixes were <50 m, but toads sometimes made longer movements exceeding 100 m. Over time, however, these short-term movements combined into large-scale directional movements that were highly variable among toads in both tortuosity and timing, but which generally took toads into upland forested habitats. Putative hibernacula also were located in upland sites. However, despite this terrestriality, toads still were associated with wetlands, using them significantly more often than would be expected based on their proportionate areal contribution to the landscape. Nonetheless, use of upland sites and long-distance terrestrial movements differentiate this population of B. hemiophrys from those studied in prairie environments. Conservation plans based on what we know about the species elsewhere therefore would be inappropriate in this region. Management often requires site-specific information, which can be obtained only from natural-history studies of the populations in question.  相似文献   

Restoration of an abandoned 16-ha Nike missile base site located on a former wetland in the lower Detroit River (Michigan, U.S.A.) was investigated with an emphasis on wetland restoration. The site included a 2.7-ha abandoned missile base, a 1.3-ha lake, 10.4 ha of emergent and submersed wetlands, and 1.8 ha of uplands. Aquatic beds in the shallow bay connected to the river supported floating leaved and submersed aquatics including Nymphaea tiiberosa, Vallisneria antericana, Elodea canadensis, and Heteranthera dubia, with mats of green, filamentous algae. A 10-ha diked wetland adjacent to the site was dominated by Typha spp., Salix spp., Nymphaea tuberosa, Myriophyllum spicatum, Elodea canadensis, Chara sp., and Juncus effusus. Restoration objectives included a nature preserve, an outdoor recreation area, an experimental wetland complex, and an environmental education center. Ten alternative designs were suggested, including four with wetlands open to the bay, three with diked wetlands, and the rest involving island construction, a reconstructed upland site, or a wetland research facility. Alternatives were evaluated for their contribution to local ecology, research, education and wildlife, ease of maintenance, and probability of success. Construction of a wetland resembling conditions before construction of the base was recommended for its low maintenance and opportunity for research on non diked wetland design and construction in protected bays in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Recreational and educational opportunities were also recommended as part of the site restoration.  相似文献   

We measured oxygen consumption (Vo(2)) to estimate standard metabolic rates (SMR) in cottonmouth snakes (Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti) from Seahorse Key and the adjacent peninsula of northern Florida. The island population is unusual because adult snakes feed on fish that are dropped by colonial nesting birds, and food resources are temporally limited relative to that of mainland populations. We found no differences in SMR between island and mainland snakes at any of four experimental temperatures (15 degrees -30 degrees C), suggesting that any adjustments to energy limitations involve other aspects of physiology or behavior. As with other viperid species, the SMR of cottonmouths is about one-half of that expected from interspecific allometric regressions previously reported for snakes generally. Allometric mass exponents of SMR averaged 0.76 and were not affected by temperature. We found that Vo(2) increased with temperature (Q(10) = 2.4-2.8) and was elevated 29% during scotophase compared with photophase. Neonates exhibited elevated Vo(2)compared with older juveniles of similar size, apparently due to assimilation of yolk that is present in the neonatal gut. In adult snakes, specific dynamic action (SDA) following feeding resulted in four- to eightfold increases in Vo(2), with magnitude and duration related positively to relative meal size. The total energy devoted to SDA increased with meal size and averaged 32.8%+/-4.4% of total ingested energy. We estimate that a nonreproductive 500-g adult cottonmouth at Seahorse Key uses 3,656 kJ of assimilated energy annually for maintenance and activity, which requires ingestion of approximately 1 kg of fish.  相似文献   

Abstract: Staging areas and migratory stopovers of wetland birds have the potential to function as geographic bottlenecks; entire populations within a flyway may be affected by the quality and quantity of available wetland habitat at stopover sites. Although approximately 90% of playa wetlands in the Rainwater Basin (RWB) region of south-central Nebraska, USA, have been destroyed, the area still provides essential stopover habitat for >10 million waterfowl each spring. We evaluated community patterns and species associations to assess importance of assembly rules in structuring wetland bird communities during migration and to better facilitate multispecies conservation and management strategies. We surveyed 36–40 playas twice weekly in the RWB and observed approximately 2.6 million individual migratory wetland birds representing 72 species during 3 spring migrations 2002–2004. We evaluated spatial and temporal species co-occurrence patterns of geese, dabbling ducks, diving ducks, and shorebirds using null model analysis. Goose species co-occurrence scores did not differ from random in any year of the study, suggesting that goose species frequently use the same habitats during migration. Co-occurrence patterns among dabbling ducks were not different than expected by chance in any year; however, when we evaluated co-occurrence at a weekly scale, dabbling ducks co-occurred less often than expected during weeks of peak migration (high abundance), indicating that dabbling duck species spatially segregated at high densities. Diving duck co-occurrence patterns did not differ from random in any year, suggesting that diving duck species used the same habitats during migration. Shorebird species co-occurred less often than expected in 2002 and 2004, and during weeks of high shorebird abundance, indicating that shorebird communities were distinctly structured during those times. Most association values among lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens) and dabbling duck species were positive, indicating dabbling ducks did not avoid wetlands with snow geese, a concern for waterfowl managers. However, we frequently observed snow geese and dabbling ducks using different microhabitats within a wetland, which indicate species associations and co-occurrence patterns may have occurred at a finer spatial scale than we measured. This approach of co-occurrence analysis will allow wildlife managers charged with multispecies management at migration stopover sites to make informed conservation and management decisions based on community structure rather than historic single-species approaches.  相似文献   

Mangrove wetland restoration and creation efforts are increasingly proposed as mechanisms to compensate for mangrove wetland losses. However, ecosystem development and functional equivalence in restored and created mangrove wetlands are poorly understood. We compared a 20-year chronosequence of created tidal wetland sites in Tampa Bay, Florida (USA) to natural reference mangrove wetlands. Across the chronosequence, our sites represent the succession from salt marsh to mangrove forest communities. Our results identify important soil and plant structural differences between the created and natural reference wetland sites; however, they also depict a positive developmental trajectory for the created wetland sites that reflects tightly coupled plant-soil development. Because upland soils and/or dredge spoils were used to create the new mangrove habitats, the soils at younger created sites and at lower depths (10–30?cm) had higher bulk densities, higher sand content, lower soil organic matter (SOM), lower total carbon (TC), and lower total nitrogen (TN) than did natural reference wetland soils. However, in the upper soil layer (0–10?cm), SOM, TC, and TN increased with created wetland site age simultaneously with mangrove forest growth. The rate of created wetland soil C accumulation was comparable to literature values for natural mangrove wetlands. Notably, the time to equivalence for the upper soil layer of created mangrove wetlands appears to be faster than for many other wetland ecosystem types. Collectively, our findings characterize the rate and trajectory of above- and below-ground changes associated with ecosystem development in created mangrove wetlands; this is valuable information for environmental managers planning to sustain existing mangrove wetlands or mitigate for mangrove wetland losses.  相似文献   

Land-use practices surrounding a wetland may be as important for maintaining wildlife populations as the wetland itself. Although imperiled species may appear to be more impacted than ubiquitous species from changes in the landscape surrounding wetlands, studies of common wetland species are useful for conservation because they provide insight into why some species persist despite landscape changes. We therefore investigated the relationship between connectivity, measured as the wetland distance to other wetlands; connectivity quality, implied by wetland distance to roads and forest area within 30, 125, 250, 500 and 1000 m buffer zones around the wetland; and patch size as indicated by wetland size with northern watersnake Nerodia sipedon sipedon abundance. Our results suggest that both upland and wetland characteristics influence the abundance of N. s. sipedon , as wetland size and wetland connectivity to other wetlands were significantly associated with abundance. Abundance was positively correlated with increasing wetland size and wetland connectivity. We were not able to find a significant relationship between abundance and connectivity quality, and wetland distance to road or forest area within 30, 125, 250, 500 and 1000 m buffer zones. We conclude that wetland conservation should focus on wetland complexes as well as individual wetlands. In addition, common wetland species such as the northern watersnake do not appear to be negatively impacted by modifications to nearby terrestrial habitats, such as deforestation and roads, and may benefit from the creation of larger, permanent wetlands.  相似文献   

In many Palaearctic wader species there is a clear separation in the timing of adult and juvenile southward migration. This phenomenon is traditionally explained by the selection on adults to depart early from breeding grounds and necessity of juveniles to prepare longer for migration. In this study we hypothesize that late departure from natal grounds may also be adaptive for juveniles, as it allows them to avoid intensified interference competition at stopover sites with adult, usually more dominant conspecifics. To test this hypothesis we analysed long-term data on stopover behaviour of juvenile wood sandpipers (Tringa glareola) staying at a central Polish stopover site under varying levels of competition from adult birds. The results clearly indicated that juveniles were highly disadvantaged by the simultaneous presence of adults at the same staging site, as under intense competition from older conspecifics they refuelled more slowly and attained lower fat reserves. It was also found that juveniles which were forced to compete with adults left the site quickly and possibly searched for more favourable staging places. All these imply that delayed departure from natal grounds may be adaptive for juvenile waders, allowing them to mismatch the timing of their first migration with the peak of adult passage and, thus, reduce the negative consequences of intraspecific competition during migration.  相似文献   

Yellow anacondas (Eunectes notaeus) are large, semiaquatic boid snakes found in wetland systems in South America. These snakes are commercially harvested under a sustainable management plan in Argentina, so information regarding population structuring can be helpful for determination of management units. We evaluated genetic structure and migration using partial sequences from the mitochondrial control region and mitochondrial genes cyt-b and ND4 for 183 samples collected within northern Argentina. A group of landscape features and environmental variables including several treatments of temperature and precipitation were explored as potential drivers of observed genetic patterns. We found significant population structure between most putative population comparisons and bidirectional but asymmetric migration in several cases. The configuration of rivers and wetlands was found to be significantly associated with yellow anaconda population structure (IBD), and important for gene flow, although genetic distances were not significantly correlated with the environmental variables used here. More in-depth analyses of environmental data may be needed to fully understand the importance of environmental conditions on population structure and migration. These analyses indicate that our putative populations are demographically distinct and should be treated as such in Argentina's management plan for the harvesting of yellow anacondas.  相似文献   

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