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A novel esterase from Bacillus subtilis (BsubE) was cloned, functionally expressed in Escherichia coli and biochemically characterized. BsubE shows high homology (74% identity, >95% homology) to an esterase from the thermophilic B. stearothermophilus (BsteE). Both enzymes were efficiently expressed in E. coli, using a L-rhamnose-expression system [11,500 units/l (BsteE), 3,400 units/l (BsubE)] and were purified by Ni-nitrilotriacetic acid chromatography, yielding specific activities of 70 units/mg (BsteE) and 40 units/mg (BsubE), as determined by the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate. Despite the high homology, both esterases revealed remarkable differences in their properties. As expected, the esterase from the thermophilic organism showed significantly higher temperature stability. Whereas BsteE showed highest activity at 65-70 degrees C, BsubE was almost inactivated at 50 degrees C. Moreover, both enzymes showed quite different substrate patterns in the hydrolysis of various esters. Whilst the B. subtilis esterase accepted esters with a branched alcohol moiety well, the B. stearothermophilus esterase was more useful in the hydrolysis of substrates with a sterically demanding carboxylic acid group. BsteE showed excellent enantioselectivity ( E>100) in the kinetic resolution of menthyl acetate and even accepted the bulky menthyl benzoate as substrate ( E=19). In contrast, BsubE converted 1-phenethylacetate with higher selectivity ( E>150 vs E=8).  相似文献   

Prediction of membrane protein types and subcellular locations.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
K C Chou  D W Elrod 《Proteins》1999,34(1):137-153
Membrane proteins are classified according to two different schemes. In scheme 1, they are discriminated among the following five types: (1) type I single-pass transmembrane, (2) type II single-pass transmembrane, (3) multipass transmembrane, (4) lipid chain-anchored membrane, and (5) GPI-anchored membrane proteins. In scheme 2, they are discriminated among the following nine locations: (1) chloroplast, (2) endoplasmic reticulum, (3) Golgi apparatus, (4) lysosome, (5) mitochondria, (6) nucleus, (7) peroxisome, (8) plasma, and (9) vacuole. An algorithm is formulated for predicting the type or location of a given membrane protein based on its amino acid composition. The overall rates of correct prediction thus obtained by both self-consistency and jackknife tests, as well as by an independent dataset test, were around 76-81% for the classification of five types, and 66-70% for the classification of nine cellular locations. Furthermore, classification and prediction were also conducted between inner and outer membrane proteins; the corresponding rates thus obtained were 88-91%. These results imply that the types of membrane proteins, as well as their cellular locations and other attributes, are closely correlated with their amino acid composition. It is anticipated that the classification schemes and prediction algorithm can expedite the functionality determination of new proteins. The concept and method can be also useful in the prioritization of genes and proteins identified by genomics efforts as potential molecular targets for drug design.  相似文献   

Rhizobium bacteroids in nodule cells are surrounded by the peribacteroid membrane (pbm), which is derived from the host plasma membrane during infection. The pbm was purified from R. japonicum 61A76-induced soybean nodules and analyzed by comparing it with the host cell plasma membrane for the presence of nodulins, nodule-specific plant proteins. Nodulins were found in pbm by reacting Western blots with a nodule-specific antiserum raised against the pbm. Peribacteroid fluid (the fluid enclosed in the pbm) was also found to contain several nodulins. The pbm nodulins were confirmed to be of plant origin by in vitro translation of poly(A)+ nodule mRNA followed by immunoprecipitation by the nodule-specific antiserum. Antibodies raised against a synthetic peptide corresponding to a repeated domain in nodulin-24, a pbm nodulin, and the nodule-specific pbm antiserum reacted exclusively with the pbm. The absence of pbm-nodulins in the plasma membrane suggests that the infected cells direct the intracellular transport of the pbm nodulins exclusively to this de novo synthesized subcellular compartment essential for symbiotic nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

Phospholipase C (PLC) β isoforms are implicated in various physiological processes and pathologies. However, mechanistic insight into the localization and activation of each of the isoforms is limited. Therefore, it is crucial to gain more in-depth knowledge as to the regulation of the different isoforms. Here we describe the subcellular location of full-length PLCβ isozymes and their C-terminal (CT) domains. Strikingly, we found isoforms PLCβ1 and PLCβ4 to be enriched at the plasma membrane, contrary to isoforms PLCβ2 and PLCβ3. We determined that the CT domain is an inhibitor of Gq-mediated increases in intracellular calcium, the potency of its effect being dependent upon the CT domain isoform used. Furthermore, ratiometric fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) imaging was used to study the kinetics of the Gαq–CTβx interactions. By the use of recently developed tools, which enable the on-demand activation of Gαq, we could show that the interaction between constitutively active Gαq and PLCβ3 prolongs the residence time of PLCβ3 at the plasma membrane. These findings suggest that under physiological circumstances, PLCβ3 and Gαq interact in a kiss-and-run fashion, likely due to the GTPase-activating activity of PLCβ towards Gαq.  相似文献   

The calcium-dependent homophilic cell adhesion molecule E-cadherin typically connects epithelial cells. The extracellular portion of the mature transmembrane protein consists of five homologous domains. The four sequences linking these domains contain the structural amino acid motif DXXD that is thought to be involved in direct calcium binding. In gastric cancer patients mutations affecting this motif between the second and third domain are frequently seen. In order to determine the functional significance of similar sequence alterations with regard to their location, we analyzed single amino acid substitutions changing the DXXD motif to DXXA in each linker region according to a mutation found in gastric cancer (D370A). The cDNA sequences coding for DQND, DVLD and DVND were changed (D257A, D479A, D590A, respectively) and stably expressed in E-cadherin negative MDA-MB-435S mammary carcinoma cells. We found that the D257A and D370A mutations result in abnormal protein localization, changes in the actin cytoskeleton, markedly reduced homophilic cell adhesion, and altered cell morphology. Unexpectedly, the tumor-associated D370A mutation but not the D257A mutation induced increased cell motility. The D479A mutation only had slight functional consequences whereas cells expressing the D590A mutant did not differ from cells expressing the wild-type molecule. Although the putative calcium binding motif DXXD is located at repetitive positions in the extracellular portion of E-cadherin, our results indicate that it has different functions depending on the location. Remarkably, tumor cells select for mutations in the most critical domains resulting both in loss of function (decreased cell adhesion) and in gain of function (increased cell motility). Since multiple DXXD motifs are typically seen in other cadherins, our structure-function study is relevant for this gene family in general.  相似文献   

alpha-Lactalbumin is a small, globular protein that is stabilized by four disulfide bonds and contains two structural domains. One of these domains is rich in alpha-helix (the alpha-domain) and has Cys 6-Cys 120 and Cys 28-Cys 111 disulfide bonds. The other domain is rich in beta-sheet (the beta-domain), has Cys 61-Cys 77 and Cys 73-Cys 91 disulfide bonds, and includes one calcium binding site. To investigate the interaction between domains, we studied derivatives of bovine alpha-lactalbumin differing in the number of disulfide bonds, using calorimetry and CD at different temperatures and solvent conditions. The three-disulfide form, having a reduced Cys 6-Cys 120 disulfide bond with carboxymethylated cysteines, is similar to intact alpha-lactalbumin in secondary and tertiary structure as judged by its ellipticity in the near and far UV. the two-disulfide form of alpha-lactalbumin, having reduced Cys 6-Cys 120 and Cys 28-Cys 111 disulfide bonds with carboxymethylated cysteines, retains about half the secondary and tertiary structure of the intact alpha-lactalbumin. The remaining structure is able to bind calcium and unfolds cooperatively upon heating, although at lower temperature and with significantly lower enthalpy and entropy. We conclude that, in the two disulfide form, alpha-lactalbumin retains its calcium-binding beta-domain, whereas the alpha-domain is unfolded. It appears that the beta-domain does not require alpha-domain to fold, but its structure is stabilized significantly by the presence of the adjacent folded alpha-domain.  相似文献   

相似性比对预测蛋白质亚细胞区间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王雄飞  张梁  薛卫  赵南  徐焕良 《微生物学通报》2016,43(10):2298-2305
【目的】对蛋白质所属的亚细胞区间进行预测,为进一步研究蛋白质的生物学功能提供基础。【方法】以蛋白质序列的氨基酸组成、二肽、伪氨基酸组成作为序列特征,用BLAST比对改进K最近邻分类算法(K-nearest neighbor,KNN)实现蛋白序列所属亚细胞区间预测。【结果】在Jackknife检验下,数据集CH317三种特征的成功率分别为91.5%、91.5%和89.3%,数据集ZD98成功率分别为93.9%、92.9%和89.8%。【结论】BLAST比对改进KNN算法是预测蛋白质亚细胞区间的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

Many species of Gram-negative bacteria are pathogenic bacteria that can cause disease in a host organism. This pathogenic capability is usually associated with certain components in Gram-negative cells. Therefore, developing an automated method for fast and reliable prediction of Gram-negative protein subcellular location will allow us to not only timely annotate gene products, but also screen candidates for drug discovery. However, protein subcellular location prediction is a very difficult problem, particularly when more location sites need to be involved and when unknown query proteins do not have significant homology to proteins of known subcellular locations. PSORT-B, a recently updated version of PSORT, widely used for predicting Gram-negative protein subcellular location, only covers five location sites. Also, the data set used to train PSORT-B contains many proteins with high degrees of sequence identity in a same location group and, hence, may bear a strong homology bias. To overcome these problems, a new predictor, called "Gneg-PLoc", is developed. Featured by fusing many basic classifiers each being trained with a stringent data set containing proteins with strictly less than 25% sequence identity to one another in a same location group, the new predictor can cover eight subcellular locations; that is, cytoplasm, extracellular space, fimbrium, flagellum, inner membrane, nucleoid, outer membrane, and periplasm. In comparison with PSORT-B, the new predictor not only covers more subcellular locations, but also yields remarkably higher success rates. Gneg-PLoc is available as a Web server at To support the demand of people working in the relevant areas, a downloadable file is provided at the same Web site to list the results identified by Gneg-PLoc for 49 907 Gram-negative protein entries in the Swiss-Prot database that have no subcellular location annotations or are annotated with uncertain terms. The large-scale results will be updated twice a year to cover the new entries of Gram-negative bacterial proteins and reflect the new development of Gneg-PLoc.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: TargetDB is a relational database designed to represent data on protein targeting sequences, mutant signals, subcellular targets and source organisms. AVAILABILITY: TargetDB is accessible at http://molbio.nmsu.edu:81. The web interface supports both direct data authoring and database query functions. CONTACT: moconnel@nmsu. edu, tao_wei@hms.harvard.edu  相似文献   

Stress factors may severely constrain the range of plant physiological responses in harsh environments. Convergence of traits is expected in coastal dunes because of environmental filtering imposed by severe abiotic factors. However, the wide range of morphological and phenological traits exhibited by coexisting dune species suggests considerable variation in functional traits. We hypothesized that the constraints imposed by structural traits ought to translate into physiological differences. Five dominant species with different morphological traits, but coexisting in a homogeneous dune area in Northwest Spain, were selected for study. Soil characteristics and leaf functional traits were measured in April, June and November 2008. Integrated water-use efficiency (assessed by C isotope discrimination) and N acquisition and use strategies (estimated by N isotope composition) varied significantly among species and the differences changed over time. Species differences in specific leaf area, relative water content, leaf N and C:N ratio, also varied over time. The species differed in stomatal density but not in soil characteristics, with the exception of pH. Species differences in functional traits related to the use of resources suggest species niche segregation. Species-specific temporal effects on the use of these resources support temporal niche differentiation. Somewhat in contrast to the findings of previous studies on harsh environments, this study revealed a considerable level of functional diversity and complexity, suggesting that dune plant species have evolved species-specific strategies to survive by partitioning growth-limiting resources.  相似文献   

A procedure for detecting structural domains in proteins.   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A procedure is described for detecting domains in proteins of known structure. The method is based on the intuitively simple idea that each domain should contain an identifiable hydrophobic core. By applying the algorithm described in the companion paper (Swindells MB, 1995, Protein Sci 4:93-102) to identify distinct cores in multi-domain proteins, one can use this information to determine both the number and the location of the constituent domains. Tests have shown the procedure to be effective on a number of examples, even when the domains are discontinuous along the sequence. However, deficiencies also occur when hydrophobic cores from different domains continue through the interface region and join one another.  相似文献   

The structure of ankyrin, a major linking protein between spectrin and the erythrocyte membrane, was analyzed after restricted proteolytic digestion at 0 degree C. By the use of two-dimensional peptide mapping, we found that tryptic digestion of ankyrin (1 h, 0 degree C) resulted in the production of two nonoverlapping peptides of molecular weights 82,000 and 55,000. The 82,000-dalton peptide had a basic isoelectric point (7.9) and was remarkably sensitive to further proteolytic digestion; after 24 h at 0 degree C, trypsin completely digested this peptide into fragments too small to detect by gel electrophoresis. The 55,000-dalton peptide was neutral (isoelectric point = 6.9-7.2) and more resistant to further proteolytic cleavage. After a 24-h digestion with trypsin at 0 degrees C, the 55,000-dalton peptide was cleaved into two complementary fragments of molecular weight 32,000 and 15,000. Analysis of phosphorylated ankyrin indicated that the phosphates were exclusively found in these two complementary peptides. By comparison with larger fragments, we were able to align the constituent peptides of ankyrin and propose a low resolution model. Ankyrin appears to be a bipolar molecule containing a basic domain of 82,000 daltons and a neutral phosphorylated domain of 55,000 daltons.  相似文献   

Two proteins, D-alanine:D-alanine ligase and cAMP-dependent protein kinase, share a remarkable degree of structural convergence despite having different three-dimensional folds and different enzymatic functions. Here we report that as many as 103 residues from 10 segments form two identical super-secondary structures between which the cofactor ATP is bound. The cofactor, two bound metal cations, and several water molecules form a large network of electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions common to both enzymes, and these are mediated by the similar placement of equivalent amino acids within the common supersecondary structures.  相似文献   

Correlation of exons with structural domains in alcohol dehydrogenase.   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
The intron/exon arrangement in the gene sequence of maize alcohol dehydrogenase has been compared to the three dimensional structure of liver alcohol dehydrogenase. The co-enzyme binding domain is separated from the catalytic domain by introns four and nine. Intron seven separates the co-enzyme binding domain into two structurally similar mononucleotide binding units. The first of these units is divided by introns five and six into three structurally similar alpha beta modules. Implications of these results for protein evolution is discussed. All splice junctions map close to or at the surface of the domains, and several of these cannot be identified by distance maps.  相似文献   

集成改进KNN算法预测蛋白质亚细胞定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Adaboost算法对多个相似性比对K最近邻(K-nearest neighbor,KNN)分类器集成实现蛋白质的亚细胞定位预测。相似性比对KNN算法分别以氨基酸组成、二肽、伪氨基酸组成为蛋白序列特征,在KNN的决策阶段使用Blast比对决定蛋白质的亚细胞定位。在Jackknife检验下,Adaboost集成分类算法提取3种蛋白序列特征,3种特征在数据集CH317和Gram1253的最高预测成功率分别为92.4%和93.1%。结果表明Adaboost集成改进KNN分类预测方法是一种有效的蛋白质亚细胞定位预测方法。  相似文献   

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