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Vertebrate CtIP, and its fission yeast (Ctp1), budding yeast (Sae2) and plant (Com1) orthologs have emerged as key regulatory molecules in cellular responses to DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). By modulating the nucleolytic 5′-3′ resection activity of the Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 (MRN) DSB repair processing and signaling complex, CtIP/Ctp1/Sae2/Com1 is integral to the channeling of DNA double strand breaks through DSB repair by homologous recombination (HR). Nearly two decades since its discovery, emerging new data are defining the molecular underpinnings for CtIP DSB repair regulatory activities. CtIP homologs are largely intrinsically unstructured proteins comprised of expanded regions of low complexity sequence, rather than defined folded domains typical of DNA damage metabolizing enzymes and nucleases. A compact structurally conserved N-terminus forms a functionally critical tetrameric helical dimer of dimers (THDD) region that bridges CtIP oligomers, and is flexibly appended to a conserved C-terminal Sae2-homology DNA binding and DSB repair pathway choice regulatory hub which influences nucleolytic activities of the MRN core nuclease complex. The emerging evidence from structural, biophysical, and biological studies converges on CtIP having functional roles in DSB repair that include: 1) dynamic DNA strand coordination through direct DNA binding and DNA bridging activities, 2) MRN nuclease complex cofactor functions that direct MRN endonucleolytic cleavage of protein-blocked DSB ends and 3) acting as a protein binding hub targeted by the cell cycle regulatory apparatus, which influences CtIP expression and activity via layers of post-translational modifications, protein–protein interactions and DNA binding.  相似文献   

The multifunctional Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) protein complex recruits ATM/Tel1 checkpoint kinase and CtIP/Ctp1 homologous recombination (HR) repair factor to double-strand breaks (DSBs). HR repair commences with the 5'-to-3' resection of DNA ends, generating 3' single-strand DNA (ssDNA) overhangs that bind Replication Protein A (RPA) complex, followed by Rad51 recombinase. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 (MRX) complex is critical for DSB resection, although the enigmatic ssDNA endonuclease activity of Mre11 and the DNA-end processing factor Sae2 (CtIP/Ctp1 ortholog) are largely unnecessary unless the resection activities of Exo1 and Sgs1-Dna2 are also eliminated. Mre11 nuclease activity and Ctp1/CtIP are essential for DSB repair in Schizosaccharomyces pombe and mammals. To investigate DNA end resection in Schizo. pombe, we adapted an assay that directly measures ssDNA formation at a defined DSB. We found that Mre11 and Ctp1 are essential for the efficient initiation of resection, consistent with their equally crucial roles in DSB repair. Exo1 is largely responsible for extended resection up to 3.1 kb from a DSB, with an activity dependent on Rqh1 (Sgs1) DNA helicase having a minor role. Despite its critical function in DSB repair, Mre11 nuclease activity is not required for resection in fission yeast. However, Mre11 nuclease and Ctp1 are required to disassociate the MRN complex and the Ku70-Ku80 nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) complex from DSBs, which is required for efficient RPA localization. Eliminating Ku makes Mre11 nuclease activity dispensable for MRN disassociation and RPA localization, while improving repair of a one-ended DSB formed by replication fork collapse. From these data we propose that release of the MRN complex and Ku from DNA ends by Mre11 nuclease activity and Ctp1 is a critical step required to expose ssDNA for RPA localization and ensuing HR repair.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination dominates as the major form of DNA repair in Trypanosoma brucei, and is especially important for recombination of the subtelomeric variant surface glycoprotein during antigenic variation. RAD50, a component of the MRN complex (MRE11, RAD50, NBS1), is central to homologous recombination through facilitating resection and governing the DNA damage response. The function of RAD50 in trypanosomes is untested. Here we report that RAD50 and MRE11 are required for RAD51-dependent homologous recombination and phosphorylation of histone H2A following a DNA double strand break (DSB), but neither MRE11 nor RAD50 substantially influence DSB resection at a chromosome-internal locus. In addition, we reveal intrinsic separation-of-function between T. brucei RAD50 and MRE11, with only RAD50 suppressing DSB repair using donors with short stretches of homology at a subtelomeric locus, and only MRE11 directing DSB resection at the same locus. Finally, we show that loss of either MRE11 or RAD50 causes a greater diversity of expressed VSG variants following DSB repair. We conclude that MRN promotes stringent homologous recombination at subtelomeric loci and restrains antigenic variation.  相似文献   

Topoisomerases class II (topoII) cleave and re-ligate the DNA double helix to allow the passage of an intact DNA strand through it. Chemotherapeutic drugs such as etoposide target topoII, interfere with the normal enzymatic cleavage/re-ligation reaction and create a DNA double-strand break (DSB) with the enzyme covalently bound to the 5'-end of the DNA. Such DSBs are repaired by one of the two major DSB repair pathways, non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) or homologous recombination. However, prior to repair, the covalently bound topoII needs to be removed from the DNA end, a process requiring the MRX complex and ctp1 in fission yeast. CtIP, the mammalian ortholog of ctp1, is known to promote homologous recombination by resecting DSB ends. Here, we show that human cells arrested in G0/G1 repair etoposide-induced DSBs by NHEJ and, surprisingly, require the MRN complex (the ortholog of MRX) and CtIP. CtIP's function for repairing etoposide-induced DSBs by NHEJ in G0/G1 requires the Thr-847 but not the Ser-327 phosphorylation site, both of which are needed for resection during HR. This finding establishes that CtIP promotes NHEJ of etoposide-induced DSBs during G0/G1 phase with an end-processing function that is distinct to its resection function.  相似文献   

Rationale: In multiple myeloma (MM), the activities of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination repair (HR) are increased compared with healthy controls. Whether and how IKZF1 as an enhancer of MM participates in the DNA repair pathway of tumor cells remains elusive.Methods: We used an endonuclease AsiSI-based system and quantitative chromatin immunoprecipitation assay (qChIP) analysis to test whether IKZF1 is involved in DNA repair. Immunopurification and mass spectrometric (MS) analysis were performed in MM1.S cells to elucidate the molecular mechanism that IKZF1 promotes DNA damage repair. The combination effect of lenalidomide or USP7 inhibitor with PARP inhibitor on cell proliferation was evaluated using MM cells in vitro and in vivo.Results: We demonstrate that IKZF1 specifically promotes homologous recombination DNA damage repair in MM cells, which is regulated by its interaction with CtIP and USP7. In this process, USP7 could regulate the stability of IKZF1 through its deubiquitinating activity. The N-terminal zinc finger domains of IKZF1 and the ubiquitin-like domain of USP7 are necessary for their interaction. Furthermore, targeted inhibition IKZF1 or USP7 could sensitize MM cells to PARP inhibitor treatment in vitro and in vivo.Conclusions: Our findings identify USP7 as a deubiquitinating enzyme for IKZF1 and uncover a new function of IKZF1 in DNA damage repair. In translational perspective, the combination inhibition of IKZF1 or USP7 with PARP inhibitor deserves further evaluation in clinical trials for the treatment of MM.  相似文献   

BRCA1 plays an important role in the homologous recombination (HR)-mediated DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair, but the mechanism is not clear. Here we describe that BRCA1 forms a complex with CtIP and MRN (Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1) in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Significantly, the complex formation, especially the ionizing radiation-enhanced association of BRCA1 with MRN, requires cyclin-dependent kinase activity. CtIP directly interacts with Nbs1. The in vivo association of BRCA1 with MRN is largely dependent on the association of CtIP with the BRCT domains at the C terminus of BRCA1, whereas the N terminus of BRCA1 also contributes to its association with MRN. CtIP, as well as the interaction of BRCA1 with CtIP and MRN, is critical for IR-induced single-stranded DNA formation and cellular resistance to radiation. Consistently, CtIP itself is required for efficient HR-mediated DSB repair, like BRCA1 and MRN. These studies suggest that the complex formation of BRCA1.CtIP.MRN is important for facilitating DSB resection to generate single-stranded DNA that is needed for HR-mediated DSB repair. Because cyclin-dependent kinase is important for establishing IR-enhanced interaction of MRN with BRCA1, we propose that the cell cycle-dependent complex formation of BRCA1, CtIP, and MRN contributes to the activation of HR-mediated DSB repair in the S and G(2) phases of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Protein ubiquitination plays a key role in the regulation of a variety of DNA repair mechanisms. Protein ubiquitination is controlled by the coordinate activity of ubiquitin ligases and deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs). The deubiquitinating enzyme USP1 regulates DNA repair and the Fanconi anemia pathway through its association with its WD40 binding partner, UAF1, and through its deubiquitination of two critical DNA repair proteins, FANCD2-Ub and PCNA-Ub. To investigate the function of USP1 and UAF1, we generated USP1−/−, UAF1−/−/−, and USP1−/− UAF1−/−/− chicken DT40 cell clones. These three clones showed similar sensitivities to chemical cross-linking agents, to a topoisomerase poison, camptothecin, and to an inhibitor of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), indicating that the USP1/UAF1 complex is a regulator of the cellular response to DNA damage. The hypersensitivity to both camptothecin and a PARP inhibitor suggests that the USP1/UAF1 complex promotes homologous recombination (HR)-mediated double-strand break (DSB) repair. To gain insight into the mechanism of the USP1/UAF1 complex in HR, we inactivated the nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway in UAF1-deficient cells. Disruption of NHEJ in UAF1-deficient cells restored cellular resistance to camptothecin and the PARP inhibitor. Our results indicate that the USP1/UAF1 complex promotes HR, at least in part by suppressing NHEJ.  相似文献   

Microcephalin/MCPH1 is one of the causative genes responsible for the autosomal recessive disorder primary microcephaly. Patients with this disease present with mental retardation and dramatic reduction in head size, and cells derived from these patients contain abnormally condensed chromosomes. MCPH1 contains an N-terminal BRCT and tandem C-terminal BRCT domains. More recently, MCPH1 has been implicated in the cellular response to DNA damage; however, the exact mechanism remains unclear. Here, we report the identification Condensin II as a major MCPH1-interacting protein. MCPH1 and Condensin II interact in vivo, mediated by the CAPG2 subunit of Condensin II binding to a middle domain (residues 376-485) of MCPH1. Interestingly, while Condensin II is not required for the IR-induced G2/M checkpoint, Condensin II-depleted cells have a defect in HR repair, which is also present in MCPH1(-/-)MEFs. Moreover, the Condensin II binding region of MCPH1 is also required for HR function. Collectively, we have identified a novel function of MCPH1 to modulate HR repair through Condensin II, and thereby maintain genome integrity.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) induced by genotoxic agents can cause cell death or contribute to chromosomal instability, a major driving force of cancer. By contrast, Spo11-dependent DSBs formed during meiosis are aimed at generating genetic diversity. In eukaryotes, CtIP and the Mre11 nuclease complex are essential for accurate processing and repair of both unscheduled and programmed DSBs by homologous recombination (HR). Here, we applied bioinformatics and genetic analysis to identify Paramecium tetraurelia CtIP (PtCtIP), the smallest known Sae2/Ctp1/CtIP ortholog, as a key factor for the completion of meiosis and the recovery of viable sexual progeny. Using in vitro assays, we find that purified recombinant PtCtIP preferentially binds to double-stranded DNA substrates but does not contain intrinsic nuclease activity. Moreover, mutation of the evolutionarily conserved C-terminal 'RHR' motif abrogates DNA binding of PtCtIP but not its ability to functionally interact with Mre11. Translating our findings into mammalian cells, we provide evidence that disruption of the 'RHR' motif abrogates accumulation of human CtIP at sites of DSBs. Consequently, cells expressing the DNA binding mutant CtIPR837A/R839A are defective in DSB resection and HR. Collectively, our work highlights minimal structural requirements for CtIP protein family members to facilitate the processing of DSBs, thereby maintaining genome stability as well as enabling sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Meiotic programmed DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair is essential for crossing-over and viable gamete formation and requires removal of Spo11-oligonucleotide complexes from 5′ ends (clipping) and their resection to generate invasive 3′-end single-stranded DNA (resection). Ctp1 (Com1, Sae2, CtIP homolog) acting with the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) complex is required in both steps. We isolated multiple S. pombe ctp1 mutants deficient in clipping but proficient in resection during meiosis. Remarkably, all of the mutations clustered in or near the conserved CxxC or RHR motif in the C-terminal portion. The mutants tested, like ctp1Δ, were clipping-deficient by both genetic and physical assays­. But, unlike ctp1Δ, these mutants were recombination-proficient for Rec12 (Spo11 homolog)-independent break-repair and resection-proficient by physical assay. We conclude that the intracellular Ctp1 C-terminal portion is essential for clipping, while the N-terminal portion is sufficient for DSB end-resection. This conclusion agrees with purified human CtIP resection and endonuclease activities being independent. Our mutants provide intracellular evidence for separable functions of Ctp1. Some mutations truncate Ctp1 in the same region as one of the CtIP mutations linked to the Seckel and Jawad severe developmental syndromes, suggesting that these syndromes are caused by a lack of clipping at DSB ends that require repair.  相似文献   

The class III histone deacetylase (HDAC) SIRT1 plays a role in the metabolism, aging, and carcinogenesis of organisms and regulates senescence and apoptosis in cells. Recent reports revealed that SIRT1 also deacetylates several DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair proteins. However, its exact functions in DNA repair remained elusive. Using nuclear foci analysis and fluorescence-based, chromosomal DSB repair reporter, we find that SIRT1 activity promotes homologous recombination (HR) in human cells. Importantly, this effect is unrelated to functions of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1), another NAD(+)-catabolic protein, and does not correlate with cell cycle changes or apoptosis. Interestingly, we demonstrate that inactivation of Rad51 does not eliminate the effect of SIRT1 on HR. By epistasis-like analysis through knockdown and use of mutant cells of distinct SIRT1 target proteins, we show that the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) factor Ku70 as well as the Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome protein (nibrin) are not needed for this SIRT1-mediated effect, even though a partial contribution of nibrin cannot be excluded. Strikingly however, the Werner helicase (WRN), which in its mutated form causes premature aging and cancer and which was linked to the Rad51-independent single-strand annealing (SSA) DSB repair pathway, is required for SIRT1-mediated HR. These results provide first evidence that links SIRT1's functions to HR with possible implications for genomic stability during aging and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Potts PR  Porteus MH  Yu H 《The EMBO journal》2006,25(14):3377-3388
The structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) family of proteins has been implicated in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by homologous recombination (HR). The SMC1/3 cohesin complex is thought to promote HR by maintaining the close proximity of sister chromatids at DSBs. The SMC5/6 complex is also required for DNA repair, but the mechanism by which it accomplishes this is unclear. Here, we show that RNAi-mediated knockdown of the SMC5/6 complex components in human cells increases the efficiency of gene targeting due to a specific requirement for hSMC5/6 in sister chromatid HR. Knockdown of the hSMC5/6 complex decreases sister chromatid HR, but does not reduce nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) or intra-chromatid, homologue, or extrachromosomal HR. The hSMC5/6 complex is itself recruited to nuclease-induced DSBs and is required for the recruitment of cohesin to DSBs. Our results establish a mechanism by which the hSMC5/6 complex promotes DNA repair and suggest a novel strategy to improve the efficiency of gene targeting in mammalian somatic cells.  相似文献   

The Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) complex has many biological functions: processing of double-strand breaks in meiosis, homologous recombination, telomere maintenance, S-phase checkpoint, and genome stability during replication. In the S-phase DNA damage checkpoint, MRN acts both in activation of checkpoint signaling and downstream of the checkpoint kinases to slow DNA replication. Mechanistically, MRN, along with its cofactor Ctp1, is involved in 5′ resection to create single-stranded DNA that is required for both signaling and homologous recombination. However, it is unclear whether resection is essential for all of the cellular functions of MRN. To dissect the various roles of MRN, we performed a structure–function analysis of nuclease dead alleles and potential separation-of-function alleles analogous to those found in the human disease ataxia telangiectasia-like disorder, which is caused by mutations in Mre11. We find that several alleles of rad32 (the fission yeast homologue of mre11), along with ctp1Δ, are defective in double-strand break repair and most other functions of the complex, but they maintain an intact S phase DNA damage checkpoint. Thus, the MRN S-phase checkpoint role is separate from its Ctp1- and resection-dependent role in double-strand break repair. This observation leads us to conclude that other functions of MRN, possibly its role in replication fork metabolism, are required for S-phase DNA damage checkpoint function.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination (HR) is an essential meiotic process that contributes to the genetic variation of offspring and ensures accurate chromosome segregation. Recombination is facilitated by the formation and repair of programmed DNA double-strand breaks. These DNA breaks are repaired via recombination between maternal and paternal homologous chromosomes and a subset result in the formation of crossovers. HR and crossover formation is facilitated by synapsis of homologous chromosomes by a proteinaceous scaffold structure known as the synaptonemal complex (SC). Recent studies in yeast and worms have indicated that polo-like kinases (PLKs) regulate several events during meiosis, including DNA recombination and SC dynamics. Mammals express four active PLKs (PLK1–4), and our previous work assessing localization and kinase function in mouse spermatocytes suggested that PLK1 coordinates nuclear events during meiotic prophase. Therefore, we conditionally mutated Plk1 in early prophase spermatocytes and assessed stages of HR, crossover formation, and SC processes. Plk1 mutation resulted in increased RPA foci and reduced RAD51/DMC1 foci during zygonema, and an increase of both class I and class II crossover events. Furthermore, the disassembly of SC lateral elements was aberrant. Our results highlight the importance of PLK1 in regulating HR and SC disassembly during spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Budding yeast Mms22 is required for homologous recombination (HR)-mediated repair of stalled or broken DNA replication forks. Here we identify a human Mms22-like protein (MMS22L) and an MMS22L-interacting protein, NFκBIL2/TONSL. Depletion of MMS22L or TONSL from human cells causes a high level of double-strand breaks (DSBs) during DNA replication. Both proteins accumulate at stressed replication forks, and depletion of MMS22L or TONSL from cells causes hypersensitivity to agents that cause S phase-associated DSBs, such as topoisomerase (TOP) inhibitors. In this light, MMS22L and TONSL are required for the HR-mediated repair of replication fork-associated DSBs. In cells depleted of either protein, DSBs induced by the TOP1 inhibitor camptothecin are resected normally, but the loading of the RAD51 recombinase is defective. Therefore, MMS22L and TONSL are required for the maintenance of genome stability when unscheduled DSBs occur in the vicinity of DNA replication forks.  相似文献   

Genome stability relies on faithful DNA repair both in mitosis and in meiosis. Here, we report on a Caenorhabditis elegans protein that we found to be homologous to the mammalian repair-related protein CtIP and to the budding yeast Com1/Sae2 recombination protein. A com-1 mutant displays normal meiotic chromosome pairing but forms irregular chromatin aggregates instead of diakinesis bivalents. While meiotic DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are formed, they appear to persist or undergo improper repair. Despite the presence of DSBs, the recombination protein RAD-51, which is known to associate with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) flanking DSBs, does not localize to meiotic chromosomes in the com-1 mutant. Exposure of the mutant to gamma-radiation, however, induces RAD-51 foci, which suggests that the failure of RAD-51 to load is specific to meiotic (SPO-11-generated) DSBs. These results suggest that C. elegans COM-1 plays a role in the generation of ssDNA tails that can load RAD-51, invade homologous DNA tracts and thereby initiate recombination. Extrapolating from the worm homolog, we expect similar phenotypes for mutations in the mammalian tumor suppressor CtIP.  相似文献   

Nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) eliminates DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in bacteria and eukaryotes. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, there are pairwise physical interactions among the core complexes of the NHEJ pathway, namely Yku70-Yku80 (Ku), Dnl4-Lif1 and Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 (MRX). However, MRX also has a key role in the repair of DSBs by homologous recombination (HR). Here we have examined the assembly of NHEJ complexes at DSBs biochemically and by chromatin immunoprecipitation. Ku first binds to the DNA end and then recruits Dnl4-Lif1. Notably, Dnl4-Lif1 stabilizes the binding of Ku to in vivo DSBs. Ku and Dnl4-Lif1 not only initiate formation of the nucleoprotein NHEJ complex but also attenuate HR by inhibiting DNA end resection. Therefore, Dnl4-Lif1 plays an important part in determining repair pathway choice by participating at an early stage of DSB engagement in addition to providing the DNA ligase activity that completes NHEJ.  相似文献   

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