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During gastrulation, convergent extension (CE) cell movements are regulated through the non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway. Wnt signaling results in downstream activation of Rho GTPases that in turn regulate actin cytoskeleton rearrangements essential for co-ordinated CE cell movement. Rho GTPases are bi-molecular switches that are inactive in their GDP-bound stage but can be activated to bind GTP through guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs). Here we show that def6, a novel GEF, regulates CE cell movement during zebrafish gastrulation. Def6 morphants exhibit broadened and shortened body axis with normal cell fate specification, reminiscent of the zebrafish mutants silberblick and pipetail that lack Wnt11 or Wnt5b, respectively. Indeed, def6 morphants phenocopy Wnt5b mutants and ectopic overexpression of def6 essentially rescues Wnt5b morphants, indicating a novel role for def6 as a central GEF downstream of Wnt5b signaling. In addition, by knocking down both def6 and Wnt11, we show that def6 synergises with the Wnt11 signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The dorsal ectoderm of vertebrate gastrula is first specified into anterior fate by an activation signal and posteriorized by a graded transforming signal, leading to the formation of forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain and spinal cord along the anteroposterior (A-P) axis. Transplanted non-axial mesoderm rather than axial mesoderm has an ability to transform prospective anterior neural tissue into more posterior fates in zebrafish. Wnt8 is a secreted factor that is expressed in non-axial mesoderm. To investigate whether Wnt8 is the neural posteriorizing factor that acts upon neuroectoderm, we first assigned Frizzled 8c and Frizzled 9 to be functional receptors for Wnt8. We then, transplanted non-axial mesoderm into the embryos in which Wnt8 signaling is cell-autonomously blocked by the dominant-negative form of Wnt8 receptors. Non-axial mesodermal transplants in embryos in which Wnt8 signaling is cell-autonomously blocked induced the posterior neural markers as efficiently as in wild-type embryos, suggesting that Wnt8 signaling is not required in neuroectoderm for posteriorization by non-axial mesoderm. Furthermore, Wnt8 signaling, detected by nuclear localization of beta-catenin, was not activated in the posterior neuroectoderm but confined in marginal non-axial mesoderm. Finally, ubiquitous over-expression of Wnt8 does not expand neural ectoderm of posterior character in the absence of mesoderm or Nodal-dependent co-factors. We thus conclude that other factors from non-axial mesoderm may be required for patterning neuroectoderm along the A-P axis.  相似文献   

Wnt genes play important roles in regulating patterning and morphogenesis during vertebrate gastrulation. In zebrafish, slb/wnt11 is required for convergence and extension movements, but not cell fate specification during gastrulation. To determine if other Wnt genes functionally interact with slb/wnt11, we analysed the role of ppt/wnt5 during zebrafish gastrulation. ppt/wnt5 is maternally provided and zygotically expressed at all stages during gastrulation. The analysis of ppt mutant embryos reveals that Ppt/Wnt5 regulates cell elongation and convergent extension movements in posterior regions of the gastrula, while its function in more anterior regions is largely redundant to that of Slb/Wnt11. Frizzled-2 functions downstream of ppt/wnt5, indicating that it might act as a receptor for Ppt/Wnt5 in this process. The characterisation of the role of Ppt/Wnt5 provides insight into the functional diversity of Wnt genes in regulating vertebrate gastrulation movements.  相似文献   

The neuroectoderm of the vertebrate gastrula was proposed by Nieuwkoop to be regionalized into forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain and spinal cord by a two-step process. In the activation step, the Spemann gastrula organizer induces neuroectoderm with anterior character, followed by posteriorization by a transforming signal. Recently, simultaneous inhibition of BMP and Wnt signaling was shown to induce head formation in frog embryos. However, how the inhibition of BMP and Wnt signaling pathways specify a properly patterned head, and how they are regulated in vivo, is not understood. Here we demonstrate that the loss of anterior neural fates observed in zebrafish bozozok (boz) mutants occurs during gastrulation due to a reduction and subsequent posteriorization of neuroectoderm. The neural induction defect was correlated with decreased chordino expression and consequent increases in bmp2b/4 expression, and was suppressed by overexpression of BMP antagonists. Whereas expression of anterior neural markers was restored by ectopic BMP inhibition in early boz gastrulae, it was not maintained during later gastrulation. The posteriorization of neuroectoderm in boz was correlated with ectopic dorsal wnt8 expression. Overexpression of a Wnt antagonist rescued formation of the organizer and anterior neural fates in boz mutants. We propose that boz specifies formation of anterior neuroectoderm by regulating BMP and Wnt pathways in a fashion consistent with Nieuwkoop's two-step neural patterning model. boz promotes neural induction by positively regulating organizer-derived chordino and limiting the antineuralizing activity of BMP2b/4 morphogens. In addition, by negative regulation of Wnt signaling, boz promotes organizer formation and limits posteriorization of neuroectoderm in the late gastrula.  相似文献   

Key to invasiveness is the ability of tumor cells to modify the extracellular matrix, become motile, and engage in directed migration towards the vasculature. One significant protein associated with metastatic progression is membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP/MMP14). How MMP14 activity is coordinated with other signaling pathways to regulate cell migration in vivo is largely unknown. Here we have used zebrafish embryogenesis as a model to understand the potential relationship between MMP14-dependent pericellular proteolysis, cell polarity, and motility. Knockdown of zebrafish Mmp14 function disrupted gastrulation convergence and extension cell movements and craniofacial morphogenesis. Using time-lapse imaging and morphometric analyses, we show that Mmp14 is required for proper cell polarity underlying the directed migration of mesodermal cells during gastrulation. We have identified a genetic interaction between mmp14 and non-canonical Wnt signaling, a pathway that also regulates cell polarity in embryonic tissues and is increasingly being linked with tumor cell migration. Finally, we demonstrate that Van Gogh-like 2, a key regulator of the non-canonical Wnt pathway, co-localizes with MMP14 and becomes redistributed towards the leading edge of polarized human cancer cells. Together, our results support the notion that pathways regulating pericellular proteolysis and cell polarity converge to promote efficient cell migration.  相似文献   

Smad2 and Smad3, two essential nuclear effectors of transforming growth factor (Tgf)-β signals, have been found to be implicated in mesoderm and endoderm development in vertebrate embryos. However, their roles in the induction and patterning of the neuroectoderm are not well established. In this study, we show that interference with Smad2/3 activities in zebrafish embryos, by injecting dnsmad3b mRNA encoding a dominant negative Smad3b mutant, inhibits the expression of the early neural markers sox2 and sox3 at the onset of gastrulation and results in reduction of the anterior neuroectodermal marker otx2 as well as the posterior neuroectodermal marker hoxb1b during late gastrulation, suggesting a role of Smad2/3 activities in neural induction. Conversely, excess Smad2/3 activities, caused by injecting smad3b mRNA, lead to an enhancement of sox2 and sox3 expression in the ventral domains but an inhibition of their expression in the dorsalmost region at early stages. Overexpression of smad3b also causes ventral expansion of the otx2 and hoxb1b expression domains accompanied with rostral shift of the hoxb1b domain at late gastrulation stages. Collectively, these data indicate that Smad2/3 activities are required for neural induction and neuroectodermal posteriorization in zebrafish. Knockdown of chordin partially inhibits effect of smad3b overexpression on neural induction, implying that Smad2/3 exert their effect on neural induction in part by regulating the expression of Bmp antagonists. Furthermore, down-regulation or up-regulation of Smad2/3 activities in MZoep mutant embryos, which lack the organizer and mesendodermal tissues due to deficiency of Nodal signaling, still affects induction and patterning of the neuroectoderm, suggesting that Smad2/3 activities are implicated in neural development in the absence of the organizer and mesendodermal tissues. We additionally demonstrate that Smad2/3 activities cooperate with Wnt and Fgf signals in neural development. Thus, Smad2/3 activities play important roles not only in mesendodermal development but also in neural development during early vertebrate embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Cells at the anterior boundary of the neural plate (ANB) can induce telencephalic gene expression when transplanted to more posterior regions. Here, we identify a secreted Frizzled-related Wnt antagonist, Tlc, that is expressed in ANB cells and can cell nonautonomously promote telencephalic gene expression in a concentration-dependent manner. Moreover, abrogation of Tlc function compromises telencephalic development. We also identify Wnt8b as a locally acting modulator of regional fate in the anterior neural plate and a likely target for antagonism by Tlc. Finally, we show that tlc expression is regulated by signals that establish early antero-posterior and dorso-ventral ectodermal pattern. From these studies, we propose that local antagonism of Wnt activity within the anterior ectoderm is required to establish the telencephalon.  相似文献   

Fgf and Wnt signalling have been shown to be required for formation of the otic placode in vertebrates. Whereas several Fgfs including Fgf3, Fgf8 and Fgf10 have been shown to participate during early placode induction, Wnt signalling is required for specification and maintenance of the otic placode, and dorsal patterning of the otic vesicle. However, the requirement for specific members of the Wnt gene family for otic placode and vesicle formation and their potential interaction with Fgf signalling has been poorly defined. Due to its spatiotemporal expression during placode formation in the hindbrain Wnt8a has been postulated as a potential candidate for its specification. Here we have examined the role of Wnt8a during formation of the otic placode and vesicle in mouse embryos. Wnt8a expression depends on the presence of Fgf3 indicating a serial regulation between Fgf and Wnt signalling during otic placode induction and specification. Wnt8a by itself however is neither essential for placode specification nor redundantly required together with Fgfs for otic placode and vesicle formation. Interestingly however, Wnt8a and Fgf3 are redundantly required for expression of Fgf15 in the hindbrain indicating additional reciprocal interactions between Fgf and Wnt signalling. Further reduction of Wnt signalling by the inactivation of Wnt1 in a Wnt8a mutant background revealed a redundant requirement for both genes during morphogenesis of the dorsal portion of the otic vesicle.  相似文献   

Stress‐induced Sapk/Jnk signaling is involved in cell survival and apoptosis. Recent studies have increased our understanding of the physiological roles of Jnk signaling in embryonic development. However, still unclear is the precise function of Jnk signaling during gastrulation, a critical step in the establishment of the vertebrate body plan. Here we use morpholino‐mediated knockdown of the zebrafish orthologs of the Jnk activators Mkk4 and Mkk7 to examine the effect of Jnk signaling abrogation on early vertebrate embryogenesis. Depletion of zebrafish Mkk4b led to abnormal convergent extension (CE) during gastrulation, whereas Mkk7 morphants exhibited defective somitogenesis. Surprisingly, Mkk4b morphants displayed marked upregulation of wnt11, which is the triggering ligand of CE and stimulates Jnk activation via the non‐canonical Wnt pathway. Conversely, ectopic activation of Jnk signaling by overexpression of an active form of Mkk4b led to wnt11 downregulation. Mosaic lineage tracing studies revealed that Mkk4b‐Jnk signaling suppressed wnt11 expression in a non‐cell‐autonomous manner. These findings provide the first evidence that wnt11 itself is a downstream target of the Jnk cascade in the non‐canonical Wnt pathway. Our work demonstrates that Jnk activation is indispensable for multiple steps during vertebrate body plan formation. Furthermore, non‐canonical Wnt signaling may coordinate vertebrate CE movements by triggering Jnk activation that represses the expression of the CE‐triggering ligand wnt11. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 1022–1037, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Signaling by bone morphogenetic proteins (Bmps) plays a pivotal role in developmental and pathological processes, and is regulated by a complex interplay with secreted Bmp binding factors, including Crossveinless 2 (Cvl2). Although structurally related to the Bmp antagonist Chordin, Crossveinless 2 has been described to be both a Bmp agonist and antagonist. Here, we present the first loss-of-function study of a vertebrate cvl2 homologue, showing that zebrafish cvl2 is required in a positive feedback loop to promote Bmp signaling during embryonic dorsoventral patterning. In vivo, Cvl2 protein undergoes proteolytic cleavage and this cleavage converts Cvl2 from an anti- to a pro-Bmp factor. Embryonic epistasis analyses and protein interaction assays indicate that the pro-Bmp function of Cvl2 is partly accomplished by competing with Chordin for binding to Bmps. Studies in cell culture and embryos further suggest that the anti-Bmp effect of uncleaved Cvl2 is due to its association with the extracellular matrix, which is not found for cleaved Cvl2. Our data identify Cvl2 as an essential pro-Bmp factor during zebrafish embryogenesis, emphasizing the functional diversity of Bmp binding CR-domain proteins. Differential proteolytic processing as a mode of regulation might account for anti-Bmp effects in other contexts.  相似文献   

Wnt/beta-catenin signaling regulates many aspects of early vertebrate development, including patterning of the mesoderm and neurectoderm during gastrulation. In zebrafish, Wnt signaling overcomes basal repression in the prospective caudal neurectoderm by Tcf homologs that act as inhibitors of Wnt target genes. The vertebrate homolog of Drosophila nemo, nemo-like kinase (Nlk), can phosphorylate Tcf/Lef proteins and inhibit the DNA-binding ability of beta-catenin/Tcf complexes, thereby blocking activation of Wnt targets. By contrast, mutations in a C. elegans homolog show that Nlk is required to activate Wnt targets that are constitutively repressed by Tcf. We show that overexpressed zebrafish nlk, in concert with wnt8, can downregulate two tcf3 homologs, tcf3a and tcf3b, that repress Wnt targets during neurectodermal patterning. Inhibition of nlk using morpholino oligos reveals essential roles in regulating ventrolateral mesoderm formation in conjunction with wnt8, and in patterning of the midbrain, possibly functioning with wnt8b. In both instances, nlk appears to function as a positive regulator of Wnt signaling. Additionally, nlk strongly enhances convergent/extension phenotypes associated with wnt11/silberblick, suggesting a role in modulating cell movements as well as cell fate.  相似文献   

The zyxin-related LPP protein is localized at focal adhesions and cell–cell contacts and is involved in the regulation of smooth muscle cell migration. A known interaction partner of LPP in human is the tumor suppressor protein SCRIB. Knocking down scrib expression during zebrafish embryonic development results in defects of convergence and extension (C&E) movements, which occur during gastrulation and mediate elongation of the anterior–posterior body axis. Mediolateral cell polarization underlying C&E is regulated by a noncanonical Wnt signaling pathway constituting the vertebrate planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. Here, we investigated the role of Lpp during early zebrafish development. We show that morpholino knockdown of lpp results in defects of C&E, phenocopying noncanonical Wnt signaling mutants. Time-lapse analysis associates the defective dorsal convergence movements with a reduced ability to migrate along straight paths. In addition, expression of Lpp is significantly reduced in Wnt11 morphants and in embryos overexpressing Wnt11 or a dominant-negative form of Rho kinase 2, which is a downstream effector of Wnt11, suggesting that Lpp expression is dependent on noncanonical Wnt signaling. Finally, we demonstrate that Lpp interacts with the PCP protein Scrib in zebrafish, and that Lpp and Scrib cooperate for the mediation of C&E.  相似文献   

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