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Nitrous oxide (N2O) emission estimates from forest ecosystems are based currently on emission measurements using soil enclosures. Such enclosures exclude emissions via tall plants and trees and may therefore underestimate the whole-ecosystem N2O emissions. Here, we measured plant-mediated N2O emissions from the leaves of potted beech (Fagus sylvatica) seedlings after fertilizing the soil with 15N-labelled ammonium nitrate (15NH4(15)NO3), and after exposing the roots to elevated concentrations of N2O. Ammonium nitrate fertilization induced N2O + 15N2O emissions from beech leaves. Likewise, the foliage emitted N2O after beech roots were exposed to elevated concentrations of N2O. The average N2O emissions from the fertilization and the root exposure experiments were 0.4 and 2.0 microg N m(-2) leaf area h(-1), respectively. Higher than ambient atmospheric concentrations of N2O in the leaves of the forest trees indicate a potential for canopy N2O emissions in the forest. Our experiments demonstrate the existence of a previously overlooked pathway of N2O to the atmosphere in forest ecosystems, and bring about a need to investigate the magnitude of this phenomenon at larger scales.  相似文献   

Future liquid fuel demand from renewable sources may, in part, be met by converting the seasonally wet portions of the landscape currently managed for soil and water conservation to perennial energy crops. However, this shift may increase nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, thus limiting the carbon (C) benefits of energy crops. Particularly high emissions may occur during the transition period when the soil is disturbed, plants are establishing, and nitrate and water accumulation may favor emissions. We measured N2O emissions and associated environmental drivers during the transition of perennial grassland in a Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) to switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) and Miscanthus x giganteus in the bottom 3‐ha of a watershed in the Ridge and Valley ecoregion of the northeastern United States. Replicated treatments of CRP (unconverted), unfertilized switchgrass (switchgrass), nitrogen (N) fertilized switchgrass (switchgrass‐N), and Miscanthus were randomized in four blocks. Each plot was divided into shoulder, backslope, and footslope positions based on the slope and moisture gradient. Soil N2O flux, soil moisture, and soil mineral nitrogen availability were monitored during the growing season of 2013, the year after the land conversion. Growing season N2O flux showed a significant vegetation‐by‐landscape position interaction (P < 0.009). Switchgrass‐N and Miscanthus treatments had 3 and 6‐times higher cumulative flux respectively than the CRP in the footslope, but at other landscape positions fluxes were similar among land uses. A peak N2O emission event, contributing 26% of the cumulative flux, occurred after a 10.8‐cm of rain during early June. Prolonged subsoil saturation coinciding with high mineral N concentration fueled N2O emission hot spots in the footslopes under energy crops. Our results suggest that mitigating N2O emissions during the transition of CRP to energy crops would mostly require a site‐specific management of the footslopes.  相似文献   

This paper reviews reports of nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO) emissions from soils of the Amazon and Cerrado regions of Brazil. N2O is a stable greenhouse gas in the troposphere and participates in ozone-destroying reactions in the stratosphere, whereas NO participates in tropospheric photochemical reactions that produce ozone. Tropical forests and savannas are important sources of atmospheric N2O and NO, but rapid land use change could be affecting these soil emissions of N oxide gases. The five published estimates for annual emissions of N2O from soils of mature Amazonian forests are remarkably consistent, ranging from 1.4 to 2.4 kg N ha(-1) year(-1), with a mean of 2.0 kg N ha(-1) year(-1). Estimates of annual emissions of NO from Amazonian forests are also remarkably similar, ranging from 1.4 to 1.7 kg N ha(-1) year(-1), with a mean of 1.5 kg N ha(-1) year(-1). Although a doubling or tripling of N2O has been observed in some young (< or = 2 years) cattle pastures relative to mature forests, most Amazonian pastures have lower emissions than the forests that they replace, indicating that forest-to-pasture conversion has, on balance, probably reduced regional emissions slightly (<10%). Secondary forests also have lower soil emissions than mature forests. The same patterns apply for NO emissions in Amazonia. At the only site in Cerrado where vegetation measurements have been made N2O emissions were below detection limits and NO emissions were modest (approximately 0.4 kg N ha(-1) year(-1)). Emissions of NO doubled after fire and increased by a factor of ten after wetting dry soil, but these pulses lasted only a few hours to days. As in Amazonian pastures, NO emissions appear to decline with pasture age. Detectable emissions of N2O have been measured in soybean and corn fields in the Cerrado region, but they are modest relative to fluxes measured in more humid tropical agricultural regions. No measurements of NO from agricultural soils in the Cerrado region have been made, but we speculate that they could be more important than N2O emissions in this relatively dry climate. While a consistent pattern is emerging from these studies in the Amazon region, far too few data exist for the Cerrado region to assess the impact of land use changes on N oxide emissions.  相似文献   

Emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) from the soil following simulated nitrogen (N) deposition in a disturbed (pine), a rehabilitated (pine and broadleaf mixed) and a mature (monsoon evergreen broadleaf) tropical forest in southern China were studied. The following hypotheses were tested: (1) addition of N will increase soil N2O emission in tropical forests; and (2) any observed increase will be more pronounced in the mature forest than in the disturbed or rehabilitated forest due to the relatively high initial soil N concentration in the mature forest. The experiment was designed with four N treatment levels (three replicates; 0, 50, 100, 150 kg N ha−1 year−1 for C (Control), LN (Low-N), MN (Medium-N), and HN (High-N) treatment, respectively) in the mature forest, but only three levels in the disturbed and rehabilitated forests (C, LN and MN). Between October 2005 to September 2006, soil N2O flux was measured using static chamber and gas chromatography methodology. Nitrogen had been applied previously to the plots since July 2003 and continued during soil N2O flux measurement period. The annual mean rates of soil N2O emission in the C plots were 24.1 ± 1.5, 26.2 ± 1.4, and 29.3 ± 1.6 μg N2O–N m−2 h−1 in the disturbed, rehabilitated and mature forest, respectively. There was a significant increase in soil N2O emission following N additions in the mature forest (38%, 41%, and 58% when compared to the C plots for the LN, MN, and HN plots, respectively). In the disturbed forest a significant increase (35%) was observed in the MN plots, but not in the LN plots. The rehabilitated forest showed no significant response to N additions. Increases in soil N2O emission occurred primarily in the cool-dry season (November, December and January). Our results suggest that the response of soil N2O emission to N deposition in tropical forests in southern China may vary depending on the soil N status and land-use history of the forest.  相似文献   

Hurricane-induced nitrous oxide fluxes from a wet tropical forest   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hurricane activity is predicted to increase over the mid-Atlantic as global temperatures rise. Nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas with a substantial source from tropical soils, may increase after hurricanes yet this effect has been insufficiently documented. On September 21, 1998, Hurricane Georges crossed Puerto Rico causing extensive defoliation. We used a before–after design to assess the effect of Georges on N2O emissions, and factors likely influencing N2O fluxes including soil inorganic nitrogen pools and soil water content in a humid tropical forest at El Verde, Puerto Rico. Emissions of N2O up to 7 months post-Georges ranged from 5.92 to 4.26 ng cm−2 h−1 and averaged five times greater than fluxes previously measured at the site. N2O emissions 27 months after the hurricane remained over two times greater than previously measured fluxes. Soil ammonium pools decreased after Georges and remained low. The first year after the hurricane, nitrate pools increased, but not significantly when compared against a single measurement made before the hurricane. Soil moisture and temperature did not differ significantly in the two sampling periods. These results suggest that hurricanes increase N2O fluxes in these forests by altering soil N transformations and the relative availabilities of inorganic nitrogen.  相似文献   

In the Darmstadt long-term fertilization trial, the application of composted cattle farmyard manure without (CM) and with (CMBD) biodynamic preparations was compared to mineral fertilization with straw return (MIN). The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of spatial variability, especially of soil pH in these three treatments, on soil organic matter and soil microbial biomass (C, N, P, S), activity (basal CO2 production and O2 consumption), and fungal colonization (ergosterol). Soil pH was significantly lower in the MIN treatments than in the organic fertilizer treatments. In the MIN treatments, the contents of soil organic C and total N were also significantly lower (13% and 16%, respectively) than those of the organic fertilizer treatments. In addition, the total S content increased significantly in the order MIN < CM < CMBD. The microbial biomass C content was significantly lower (9%) in the MIN treatments than in the organic fertilizer treatments. Microbial biomass N and biomass P followed microbial biomass C, with a mean C/N ratio of 7.9 and a mean C/P ratio of 23. Neither the microbial biomass C to soil organic C ratio, the metabolic quotient qCO2, nor the respiratory quotient (mol CO2/mol O2) revealed any clear differences between the MIN and organic fertilizer treatments. The mean microbial biomass S content was 50% and the mean ergosterol content was 40% higher in the MIN treatments compared to the organic fertilizer treatments. The increased presence of saprotrophic fungi in the MIN treatments was indicated by significantly increased ratios of ergosterol-to-microbial biomass C and the microbial biomass C/S ratio. Our results showed that complex interactions between the effects of fertilizer treatments and natural heterogeneity of soil pH existed for the majority of microbial biomass and activity indices.  相似文献   

A conventional Clark-type O2 probe was used to determine N2O concentrations in suspensions. At a polarizing voltage of–0.95 V versus the reference Ag/AgCl electrode, the probe is almost half as sensitive for N2O as for O2, and the detection limit is less than 1 M N2O. The probe can also be used to determine NO for which the suitable polarizing voltage is–0.7 V. The method was successfully applied for continuously recording dissimilatory formation or utilization of N2O by intactAzospirillum brasilense Sp 7, NO production by extracts from this bacterium, and N2O reduction catalyzed by nitrogenase in intactKlebsiella pneumoniae. It is concluded that the probe is useful for measuring N2O or NO contents in bacterial suspensions when the O2 level is zero or kept constant during the assays.  相似文献   

Sea level rise will change inundation regimes in salt marshes, altering redox dynamics that control nitrification – a potential source of the potent greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide (N2O) – and denitrification, a major nitrogen (N) loss pathway in coastal ecosystems and both a source and sink of N2O. Measurements of net N2O fluxes alone yield little insight into the different effects of redox conditions on N2O production and consumption. We used in situ measurements of gross N2O fluxes across a salt marsh elevation gradient to determine how soil N2O emissions in coastal ecosystems may respond to future sea level rise. Soil redox declined as marsh elevation decreased, with lower soil nitrate and higher ferrous iron in the low marsh compared to the mid and high marshes (P < 0.001 for both). In addition, soil oxygen concentrations were lower in the low and mid‐marshes relative to the high marsh (P < 0.001). Net N2O fluxes differed significantly among marsh zones (P = 0.009), averaging 9.8 ± 5.4 μg N m?2 h?1, ?2.2 ± 0.9 μg N m?2 h?1, and 0.67 ± 0.57 μg N m?2 h?1 in the low, mid, and high marshes, respectively. Both net N2O release and uptake were observed in the low and high marshes, but the mid‐marsh was consistently a net N2O sink. Gross N2O production was highest in the low marsh and lowest in the mid‐marsh (P = 0.02), whereas gross N2O consumption did not differ among marsh zones. Thus, variability in gross N2O production rates drove the differences in net N2O flux among marsh zones. Our results suggest that future studies should focus on elucidating controls on the processes producing, rather than consuming, N2O in salt marshes to improve our predictions of changes in net N2O fluxes caused by future sea level rise.  相似文献   

李冀  朱莹  张晓君 《微生物学通报》2017,44(7):1714-1719
氧化亚氮(N_2O)是一种强力温室气体,能够破坏臭氧层。微生物含有的nosZ基因能够编码氧化亚氮还原酶,该酶可还原N_2O成为无害的N_2,因而对环境中nosZ基因的研究成为气候变化研究的一个热点。最近研究者对全基因组序列分析的结果揭示了一类新型nosZ基因(非典型nosZ Ⅱ基因)存在于更为广泛和多样的氮代谢微生物当中,这类nosZ编码的蛋白能够起到氧化亚氮还原酶的作用,并且广泛存在于多样的自然环境中。然而,针对含有非典型nosZ Ⅱ基因的微生物的相关研究还很不全面,这类微生物发挥作用的环境条件以及在N_2O还原过程中的特性仍然未知。本文主要综述了非典型nosZ Ⅱ基因与典型nosZ Ⅰ的主要差异、在环境中的分布情况以及未来研究方向的展望等。  相似文献   

Laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to examine the N2O emission during the denitrification process. For each of the 6 runs carried out, synthetic effluent was fed in a 10 l batch mixed liquor to investigate the effect of nitrite on N2O emission and Helium was continuously bubbled through the reactor at constant rate (0.12 l/min) to favour N2O transfer and detection. An increasing COD/NO3-N influent ratio from 3 to 7 was firstly applied (runs 1–3). Secondly, NO2 pulse additions were performed during run 4 and 5 (10 and 20 mg N/l, respectively). Finally, the reactor was fed with influent containing both NO2 and NO3. We showed that N2O emission was detected shortly after NO2 accumulation, few minutes after the substrate feeding. The highest emission occurred at the lower COD/NO3-N ratio (=3) and at the higher NO2 addition (20 mg N/l). In addition, the higher nitrogen conversion to N2O gas (14.4%) was obtained with an influent containing initially both NO2 and NO3. Our results suggest a direct effect of the NO2 concentration on the N2O emission. We have also confirmed the inhibitory effect of NO2 concentration on N2O reduction.  相似文献   

Estimates of global riverine nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions contain great uncertainty. We conducted a meta‐analysis incorporating 169 observations from published literature to estimate global riverine N2O emission rates and emission factors. Riverine N2O flux was significantly correlated with NH4, NO3 and DIN (NH4 + NO3) concentrations, loads and yields. The emission factors EF(a) (i.e., the ratio of N2O emission rate and DIN load) and EF(b) (i.e., the ratio of N2O and DIN concentrations) values were comparable and showed negative correlations with nitrogen concentration, load and yield and water discharge, but positive correlations with the dissolved organic carbon : DIN ratio. After individually evaluating 82 potential regression models based on EF(a) or EF(b) for global, temperate zone and subtropical zone datasets, a power function of DIN yield multiplied by watershed area was determined to provide the best fit between modeled and observed riverine N2O emission rates (EF(a): R2 = 0.92 for both global and climatic zone models, n = 70; EF(b): R2 = 0.91 for global model and R2 = 0.90 for climatic zone models, n = 70). Using recent estimates of DIN loads for 6400 rivers, models estimated global riverine N2O emission rates of 29.6–35.3 (mean = 32.2) Gg N2O–N yr−1 and emission factors of 0.16–0.19% (mean = 0.17%). Global riverine N2O emission rates are forecasted to increase by 35%, 25%, 18% and 3% in 2050 compared to the 2000s under the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment's Global Orchestration, Order from Strength, Technogarden, and Adapting Mosaic scenarios, respectively. Previous studies may overestimate global riverine N2O emission rates (300–2100 Gg N2O–N yr−1) because they ignore declining emission factor values with increasing nitrogen levels and channel size, as well as neglect differences in emission factors corresponding to different nitrogen forms. Riverine N2O emission estimates will be further enhanced through refining emission factor estimates, extending measurements longitudinally along entire river networks and improving estimates of global riverine nitrogen loads.  相似文献   

We use transient time distributions calculated from tracer data together with in situ measurements of nitrous oxide (N(2)O) to estimate the concentration of biologically produced N(2)O and N(2)O production rates in the ocean on a global scale. Our approach to estimate the N(2)O production rates integrates the effects of potentially varying production and decomposition mechanisms along the transport path of a water mass. We estimate that the oceanic N(2)O production is dominated by nitrification with a contribution of only approximately 7 per cent by denitrification. This indicates that previously used approaches have overestimated the contribution by denitrification. Shelf areas may account for only a negligible fraction of the global production; however, estuarine sources and coastal upwelling of N(2)O are not taken into account in our study. The largest amount of subsurface N(2)O is produced in the upper 500 m of the water column. The estimated global annual subsurface N(2)O production ranges from 3.1 ± 0.9 to 3.4 ± 0.9 Tg N yr(-1). This is in agreement with estimates of the global N(2)O emissions to the atmosphere and indicates that a N(2)O source in the mixed layer is unlikely. The potential future development of the oceanic N(2)O source in view of the ongoing changes of the ocean environment (deoxygenation, warming, eutrophication and acidification) is discussed.  相似文献   

Signatories of the Kyoto Protocol are obliged to submit annual accounts of their anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, which include nitrous oxide (N(2)O). Emissions from the sectors industry (3.8 Gg), energy (14.4 Gg), agriculture (86.8 Gg), wastewater (4.4 Gg), land use, land-use change and forestry (2.1 Gg) can be calculated by multiplying activity data (i.e. amount of fertilizer applied, animal numbers) with simple emission factors (Tier 1 approach), which are generally applied across wide geographical regions. The agricultural sector is the largest anthropogenic source of N(2)O in many countries and responsible for 75 per cent of UK N(2)O emissions. Microbial N(2)O production in nitrogen-fertilized soils (27.6 Gg), nitrogen-enriched waters (24.2 Gg) and manure storage systems (6.4 Gg) dominate agricultural emission budgets. For the agricultural sector, the Tier 1 emission factor approach is too simplistic to reflect local variations in climate, ecosystems and management, and is unable to take into account some of the mitigation strategies applied. This paper reviews deviations of observed emissions from those calculated using the simple emission factor approach for all anthropogenic sectors, briefly discusses the need to adopt specific emission factors that reflect regional variability in climate, soil type and management, and explains how bottom-up emission inventories can be verified by top-down modelling.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide reductase from the denitrifying bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans has been purified very nearly to homogeneity by an anaerobic procedure that results in a product with high specific activity. The enzyme is a dimer of about Mr 144,000 composed of two subunits of apparently equal Mr and contains 4 mol of Cu per mol of subunit. The isoelectric point is 4.3; specific activity at 25 degrees C, pH 7.1, is 122 mumol X min-1 X mg of protein-1; and Km is about 7 microM N2O under the same conditions. The N2O- and O2-oxidized forms of the enzyme had principal absorption bands at 550 and 820 nm; the dithionite-reduced form, at 650 nm. The extinction coefficient at 550 nm for the oxidized enzyme is about 5300 (M subunit)-1 X cm-1. Ferricyanide-oxidized enzyme and enzyme exposed to O2 for a couple of days at 4 degrees C exhibited additional bands at 480, 620, and 780 nm and had very low specific activities. Cu-EPR signals were observed with oxidized and reduced forms of the enzyme with g perpendicular values at 2.042 and 2.055, respectively. The O2-oxidized enzyme had g parallel and A parallel values of about 2.244 and 35 gauss, respectively, based on the observation of four hyperfine lines in the g parallel region. The enzyme may therefore contain at least one Cu atom approximating the "Type 1" class. Spin counts against Cu-EDTA standards suggest that 20-30% of the enzyme-bound Cu is EPR detectable in the O2-oxidized enzyme and 7-15% in the enzyme as prepared and in the reduced enzyme. Much of the Cu thus appears to be EPR silent. Nitrous oxide reductase was observed to undergo turnover-dependent inactivation, and nitrite and fluoride among other anions were found to accelerate this process. In a number of characteristics, the enzyme resembles nitrous oxide reductase recently purified from Pseudomonas perfectomarina and Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, particularly the former. Some differences appear related to whether or not purification is carried out entirely under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Nitrogen loss from grassland on peat soils through nitrous oxide production   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Koops  J.G.  van Beusichem  M.L.  Oenema  O. 《Plant and Soil》1997,188(1):119-130
Nitrous oxide (N2O) in soils is produced through nitrification and denitrification. The N2O produced is considered as a nitrogen (N) loss because it will most likely escape from the soil to the atmosphere as N2O or N2. Aim of the study was to quantify N2O production in grassland on peat soils in relation to N input and to determine the relative contribution of nitrification and denitrification to N2O production. Measurements were carried out on a weekly basis in 2 grasslands on peat soil (Peat I and Peat II) for 2 years (1993 and 1994) using intact soil core incubations. In additional experiments distinction between N2O from nitrification and denitrification was made by use of the gaseous nitrification inhibitor methyl fluoride (CH3F).Nitrous oxide production over the 2 year period was on average 34 kg N ha-1 yr-1 for mown treatments that received no N fertiliser and 44 kg N ha-1 yr-1 for mown and N fertilised treatments. Grazing by dairy cattle on Peat I caused additional N2O production to reach 81 kg N ha-1 yr-1. The sub soil (20–40 cm) contributed 25 to 40% of the total N2O production in the 0–40 cm layer. The N2O production:denitrification ratio was on average about 1 in the top soil and 2 in the sub soil indicating that N2O production through nitrification was important. Experiments showed that when ratios were larger than l, nitrification was the major source of N2O. In conclusion, N2O production is a significant N loss mechanism in grassland on peat soil with nitrification as an important N2O producing process.  相似文献   

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